Let's learn about Remote Teams via these 181 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Welcome to working from home! The place where the hours you work are entirely made up and your pants don't matter.
1. Remote Work in the Time of Coronavirus [feat. My Grandma]
I have two questions for you - Do you like good books? Of course, you do. One of these extraordinary good books served as an inspiration for this article's title. Yes, I'm obviously referring to Gabriel García Márquez and his heartbreaking novel - Love in the Time of Cholera.
2. 9 Productivity Tools Every Dev Should Look Into
Here is a short list of some great tools I've discovered over the past year.
3. AI and Remote Workers: Top Apps To Boost Your Productivity
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced life to shift online,modern tech was a saving grace. Team collaboration software allowed newlydistributed workforces to organize themselves, VPN provided access to workplace
networks, and Zoom calls covered everything from sales meetings to Yoga
4. Software Has Taken Away The Human Element: Let’s Get It Back
When you’re collaborating with your team, you don’t care about files. You care about the people. So why do companies put so much effort into developing tools and systems when they should be designing for interactions and relationships?
5. "You Can Build a Strong Team That’s Remote From the Beginning" Carolyn Mooney, CEO, Nextmv
Nextmv is a Philadelphia startup of the year nominee, and their CEO and cofounder, Carolyn Mooney shares with us their origin story and remote culture secrets.
6. 10 Ways to Cope with Remote Work to Make Working From Home Enjoyable
In this post, you’ll find 10 tech tips and hacks to make remote working productive and fun.
7. Is this New macOS Dock the Answer to Virtual Collaboration?
Charley Ho is Co-Founder and CTO of Remotion, a virtual office that puts your hybrid or remote team on your desktop.
8. The Remote Worker's Bill of Rights
You've surely heard of Jeff Atwood. If not, he's the co-founder of StackOverflow, StackExchange, Discourse and runs a super popular blog by the name 'Coding Horror'. Long story short, he's well-known in the programming world.
9. There’s more to Standups than meets the eye (especially for remote teams)
A common debate in the Agile community is how important or not Standups are, and what their structure should be.
10. 5 Reasons Why Remote Work is Not Going Away
Is remote work just a fad caused by COVID-19 or is it here to stay? Here are some data-backed reasons why remote work is not going away any time soon.
11. How Remote Work Saved My Mental Health
Remote work means finding a balance between your job, passions, and yourself. People can still be productive without working from nine to six.
12. 10 Reasons To Keep Working From Home Long After Your Town Reopens
The coronavirus pandemic has been taking a toll on the world for many months now, and normal life continues to be disrupted. As people are settling into working from home, many teams that were already working remotely have needed to make adjustments to how they work. For years though, many have been making the most of the many advantages remote work offers.
13. The Future of Remote Work with Web 3
If 2021 was the buzz of Web3, in 2022 we will understand more about the huge impact of emerging technologies on decentralized economy & remote workforce.
14. 5 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Remote Team Productivity
No matter if you started working remotely during the pandemic or you've been part of the gig economy long before - you’ll often wonder how to increase your team productivity while working remotely.
15. 4 Tips For Keeping Remote Dev Teams Motivated
Every month, dozens of software development companies come up with hundreds of ways for distributed teams to cooperate efficiently, as if they were working side by side in an open-plan office—online collaboration tools, audio and video conferencing solutions, project management systems, time tracking applications, etc.
16. Remote Work: Anti-Patterns For Everyday Use 🚫
As an engineer, I was fascinated when I was first introduced to design patterns but I was even more intrigued when I read about anti-patterns. Put simply, design patterns are good practices to solve common problems while anti-patterns are the exact opposite and undesirable.
For example, it is good practice to break classes and functions into smaller units with clearly-defined and singular responsibility. As opposed to this is the anti-pattern where a single class has lots of dependencies, responsibilities and grows beyond all logic to become the class that does everything - God Class.
Anti-patterns provide a healthy dose of self-criticism and help detect unproductive behaviour or processes. This got me thinking about a similar approach for remote work - finding patterns that are counter-productive.
Today's discussion is about 10 such remote work anti-patterns. Do you think I missed some obvious pattern? Join in the discussion here and add your thoughts!
- Remote is your standard work-life on video
The biggest mistake would be to assume that working remotely is going to be the same as in-office except for the cameras. It is important to understand that it requires conscious efforts on rethinking communication & documentation, building trust & social interaction among other things when building a distributed team.
2. The shift to remote is a 0 to 1 switch
Buffer came up with 'The Remote Working Scale' which categorises the way a company could approach remote working. So, the shift to remote is ideally not a 0 to 1 switch and has many intermediate levels that could be implemented.
The important point, however, is to build a truly remote-first culture rather than just being remote-friendly even at the intermediate levels. We have detailed the difference between being remote-first and remote-friendly in our guide.
17. Without a Stick and a Carrot: Three Life Hacks for Managing a Team
It's becoming increasingly important to keep your team motivated without using a "carrot and stick" approach.
18. How Slack's Huddles Gave Us The Boost We Needed To Launch
Remote working makes it hard to have the spontaneity that offices can bring. Slack Huddles managed to bring that to one team's successful bid for ProductHunt
19. The Innovation First-aid Kit for Burnt-out Teams
Remote workers will be drained very soon — both cognitively & emotionally, if not helped by innovative approaches to collaboration.
20. 6 Effective Work Collaboration Tools For Remote Communication
Here are 6 Effective Work Collaboration Tools to help you organize your work and keep track of tasks & individual responsibilities.
21. Remote Work: GitLab CTO Eric Johnson Shares 10 Tips to Make the Most of the New Normal
Eric Johnson, the CTO of GitLab (a FULLY REMOTE company with 1500 employees) shares his tips on how to manage a fully remote team async across timezones.
22. Lessons Learned from Working Remotely for 2+ Years
I've been working remotely for +2 years now and I've learned a lot about it. Here are 4 lessons I've learned working remotely so far.
23. Good Managers Vs. Great Managers
One of the most important aspects of building great product organisations is to design a system where builders thrive. A group of well-organized, ambitious yet humble, smart folks is an unstoppable force.
24. Secrets of Effective Collaboration With a Remote Team
Alexey Kataev, Head of Development at Skyeng, talks about running an efficient remote development team.
25. Startup Interview with Bryan Schuldt, Tability Co-founder
Tability is a focus and accoun'tability' tool for businesses, looking to align on business goals, stay focused, and measure impact in a more meaning way.
26. Prepare for 2022 With These Developer Tools
The demand for innovation and collaboration improvements for remote teams (and dev teams in particular) is probably one of the strongest trends to bet on.
27. The 3 Core Components of a Home Office Network to Support Long-Term WFH
First is the matter of security. Having a segregated home office network makes it less likely that a compromised consumer device can pose a security risk.
28. Guess Who? Access Management Struggles in the Age of Remote Work
In the age of remote work, access management has become one of the most important- and difficult- tasks for IT professionals.
29. 10 Team Building Activities to Boost the Morale of Your Remote Teams
Use these virtual team-building activities and icebreakers to connect with your team better and conduct effective remote meetings.
30. The 5 Best Cybersecurity Strategies and Tools for Your Remote Team
In the midst of the chaos caused by the corona pandemic, more people are working remotely than ever before. With the abrupt shift to a distributed workforce, many an IT department scrambled to put infrastructure in place to enable the operation of remote teams.
31. A Guide to Managing Your Agile Engineering Team
Tips to succeed at software Engineering Team Management
32. Why I Decided To Build a Community for Remote Work
I am the co-founder of Flexiple and Remote Tools. In this post, I describe why we are building an exclusive remote-focused community - The Remote Clan.
33. Why I Will Be Opening an Office in 2021
I used to be the biggest proponent of working remotely.
34. Corporations Goes with Remote Devs: Skype, Slack, GitHub, MySQL cases
Full-fledged remote work has become a global trend. The trend of a remote team (virtual team) has become popular with top world companies such as Skype, Slack, Github, MySQL, Opera, Groove, and others. In the world, there are quite a lot of large companies operating completely remotely. Businesses that implement remote work policies see increased efficiency, productivity, and fulfillment from their employees. So why do companies choose remote or distributed teams for software development?
35. Babysitter Managers Are in Trouble and They Know It
The motivations to return to work might have less to do with worker productivity and more to do with middle managers trying to justify their existence.
36. Why Immersive Engagement is the Future of Events
Hybrid events are predicted to dominate 2022.
37. Hacking the Remote Work Economy [Infographic]
Thanks to the rapid spread of COVID-19 people have started working remotely out of necessity, as more states order shelter-in-place protocols to fight the spread. A growing list of 20 states, including most of New England and the West Coast, have closed all bars and restaurants to the public, to curb the spread of the deadly virus. With over 4 million people working from home, the internet has allowed many of us to continue business as usual, with a few modifications.
38. How to Create and Maintain Team Culture in the Remote Era
Remote work has become the norm. Developing a remote team culture is vital for organizations. This article tells us how to build and foster remote team culture.
39. Imagine Working for Michael Scott Remotely in 2020 - Outside "The Office"
Picture Michael Scott in a Virtual Remote Culture
40. Does The "New Normal" Mean It's Time To Invest in Offshore Working?
In 2020, only 16% of people worked remotely. Now, 90% of workers are hybrid workers. This article breaks down the challenges and benefits of offshore working.
41. 8 Things to Avoid as a Newly Remote Business
The next few months will be the most uncertain period business owners have faced. The coronavirus will change the economy and how we work. But I’ve been preparing for this time for more than a decade.
42. 3 Tools For Startups To Thrive As A Remote Company During COVID-19
Here are three tools your startup needs to become a remote company and successfully transition your employees to work from home.
43. Why Asynchronous Communication is Important in Remote Work
In this article, You will learn the benefits of asynchronous communication for remote workers.
44. A Remote Work Starter Pack for Effective Free-Range Communication
One of their biggest concerns for employers considering adding remote work benefits is that employees won't communicate as well with each other when they literally don't see eye to eye.
45. Hiring Remote Tech Talent: Overcoming the Challenges, Maximizing the Benefits
Levin shares his views on hiring remote tech talent, the benefits and challenges of remote hiring, and strategies for finding and retaining remote talent.
46. Decentralizing the Office Space: Distributed Workplace is a New Norm
In recent years, remote working has become less of a concept and more of a reality. In lieu of traditional office space, full-time employees and freelancers alike are occupying home-offices, WeWork hot desks, and tables at their local life-source outlets (read: cafés selling coffee). Many progressive thinkers at the forefront of business forecasting, like Naval Ravikant, are professing that a digitally-facilitated, remote working environment is the next logical step for contemporary businesses looking to up their productivity output. However, is this just optimistic theorizing, or is there an actual basis for the distributed workplace to, well, work in the long-term?
47. How Cloud Industry Platforms Improve Remote Teams
Cloud Industry Platforms are front helpers in the advancement of remote work and this article explains how
48. How to Optimize Your Remote Workforce Using Big Data Analytics
Optimizing your remote workforce can easily be done using the help of big data analytics, as it can easily point towards time management issues and overwork.
49. What Is the Difference Between Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop?
Learn what remote assistance and remote desktop are and how they differ in the process of aiding users in this article aligned with a few recommended tools.
50. Remote Usability Testing Tools, Here's What to Look For
In this blog, you come to realize remote working usability checking out is a notable manner to check your product earlier than and after launch!
51. Series A Startup Guide to Outstaffing Software Engineers in 2022
Best practices of outsourcing software and outstaffing engineers in 2022
52. How to Hire and Build A Successful Remote Startup Team
Hiring a remote team can help you create a more diverse workplace, which can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table.
53. Busting 5 Common Myths About Remote Working
In this article, we will tell you the top five myths related to remote working you should know. Let’s dive in.
54. Working from Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Challenges and Tips To Help
Remote work and the associated social distancing is one of the ways to halt the outbreak of coronavirus - an enormous challenge facing the entire world in 2020. While more and more companies urge their employees to shift to working from home, and people eagerly accept the change to avoid public spaces, there are a wealth of concerns regarding what it will all be like:
55. A Guide to the Best Security Practices and Strategies for Remote IT teams
Today, the demand for remote IT teams is growing at a breakneck pace, and considering the recent COVID-19 outbreak that has led businesses into extreme work challenges reflecting the rise of engineering requirements.
56. Handling Remote Team Personality Clashes: Think Like a Shrink
To handle a remote team, you have to understand different personalities.
57. Virtual Team Building Activities For Remote Teams In 2022
Establishing a bond between remote employees in the virtual office culture is quite challenging. To ease it, we have Virtual Team building activities.
58. How to Manage a Remote Team if You’ve Never Done It Before
Vita Baryshnikova is a Head of HR at Skyeng where 90% of employees and contractors work remotely. Vita shares her experience of creating effective processes for remote teams. These simple tips can help you prevent burnout and add transparency to your work.
59. Tips For Conducting A Remote Presentation
Like many others, my workplace has been conducting business remotely most of the year.
60. Remote Developers in 2021: Where to Hire Them From
Remote development teams help expand existing teams without increasing operational costs, and so they’ve become a new trend in leading industries.
61. Has Zoom Made Us "Embrace the Dark Side" of Humanity?
It turns out that “mortal-virtual-sins” include “joining a call late, having a bad Internet connection, accidentally sharing sensitive information" and more.
62. Remote Work Playbook: Best Practices To Follow
Although WFH is now the new normal because of COVID, managing a remote startup presents unique challenges. As first-time founders of a fully-distributed team, this is the advice and playbook we wish we read when we started out on this journey.
63. 5 Tips to Help You Find a Coworking Space in 2022
So, what features should your first or next coworking space have? Learn how to find the perfect spot.
64. Pros and Cons of Dedicated Teams
Let’s talk about outsourcing. It’s been quite a controversial topic for a long time. Although a great number of businesses have been benefiting from it for years, optimizing production processes, reducing costs and increasing revenues, other companies seem to be denying it and constantly refusing to even explore the benefits it has to offer.
65. From Hiring to Managing: How to Build a Solid Remote Tech Team
If you’re hiring for a remote position or managing a remote team, here’s how to build a remote tech team and maintain motivation.
66. How Profitable can Coworking be in 2022?
How coworking can still be profitable in 2022 and how to boost your revenue as a coworking operator
67. 8 Basic Steps to Keep Your Remote Development Teams Secure
There is no doubt that the world's workforce is becoming more remote, particularly in tech as developers can now work from any location in the world. But there are a large number of new obstacles that come with this. The most pressing is security.
68. 3 Key Challenges to Effective Team Collaboration and How to Face Them
A collaborative work environment leads to a more engaged and high-performing workforce. According to a study, collaborative teams are five times higher performing than their non-collaborative counterparts as they feel more motivated to reach common team goals.
69. How to Stop Micromanaging Remote Workers
With the adoption of remote work by a greater percentage of the workforce post-pandemic, most companies face issues that were not necessarily present before now
70. To Remote Work or Not to Remote Work: That is the Question
COVID-19 made sure that even the staunchest opposition to remote working saw flames this year. It was a question of: Either you offer your team a chance to work from home or say goodbye to your small and medium enterprise.
71. How to Make Remote Work Easier Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing many companies to ask their employees to work from home. Apple, Twitter, and Facebook are some high-profile names that have closed their offices in an effort to protect their workers and curb the spread of the deadly disease.
72. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
73. Use Naming to Make People Laugh in Our Post-Apocalyptic Zoom World
Seeing the funny side of team names and why they may be more beneficial, at the risk of appearing less professional.
74. Why You Should Implement Zero Trust Security for Your Remote Workforce
The recent mass shift to remote work will likely have lasting effects on how businesses run. Companies will sustain a work-from-home model, at least partially, so security professionals must adapt to this new workflow. One of the best ways to ensure remote team security is with a zero-trust model.
75. The Best JetBrains Plugins For Remote Working
Let’s take a look at the best JetBrains plugins that can seriously improve your remote working routine.
76. From Travel to Virtual: How We Pivoted in The Pandemic Era
We never could have predicted the events of 2020 that would shape our world and change the global corporate workforce as we know it. For a corporate culture agency specializing in corporate retreats and travel, the closing of borders and grounding of flights was daunting, to say the least. However, we chose to rise to the challenge and pivoted from connecting people through travel, to doing so in the virtual world when that became the only option.
77. 5 Tips for Business Leaders To Manage Their Remote Sales Teams Effectively
Here are 5 tips for managing the remote sales teams more effectively to increase their productivity.
78. How Confidence Became the New Happiness
I know its conventional to open a new blog with some kind of declarative statement or thesis, but I want to start with a question. If you were to measure just one thing about your team, one metric that best captures “the human element” what would it be?
79. Why Hiring Globally Diverse Talent Will Make You More Likely to Succeed
A 2018 study by BCG found that companies with diverse management teams generate 19% more revenue through innovation than management teams with below-average diversity scores.
80. Choosing the Right Communication Method for Remote Engineering Discussions
TV news tells us that working from home is the new normal. Or, at least, as normal as life gets right now. Zoom is a household name and ancient jokes about wearing pajamas under the desk are doing the rounds on social media.
81. Slaying the Hydra of Remote Work Woes - One Head at a Time.
Okay – I know thats an excessively dramatic title, but I wanted to emphasize a simple but important concept. I believe that normalizing remote work isn’t a single problem to be solved, but rather a number of distinct issues that need to be tackled separately.
82. How to Manage a Remote Team Without Going Postal
For most managers, it is possible to have weekly meetings to bang out issues and team-building exercises to create harmony, but as a remote manager, this is not possible, and the lack thereof can be über-frustrating at times.
83. How Shared State can Help Glue your Happy Brains Together
It's really hard to get people on the same page! The concepts of serialization and state will level up your ability to keep humans in sync smooth discussion.
84. How Virtual Socializing Saved My Mental Health
It's March 2020. I'm 5 months into a new role as Director of Sales at Preciate when the pandemic hits and sends us all home. I had really valued joining a startup with a physical office presence and face-to-face interaction, especially after having worked remotely for 3.5 years at my last startup.
85. 5 Reasons Why Going Remote Will Benefit Your Software Business
Who would know the best way to obtain efficiency with employees is to offer them as much flexibility as possible? Especially recently, working remotely has become the standard practice across industries. As the pioneers of this trend, technology companies are hiring more remote workers every day, realizing the remote work benefits. The reason for this is that remote work has many favorable effects on employee morale, and thus work efficiency, which tech businesses can benefit from.
86. How GitLab, Stanwood, Latchel and Canny Execute their Daily Standups with Remote Teams
If you're planning to join a remote team in a tech role, wouldn't it be fun to imagine how your future life would look like?
87. 5 Strategies for Pre-Boarding Candidates Working Remotely
The global pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in companies' ability to operate under conditions that require specific circumstances—specifically, the need for a plan to allow employees to operate and work remotely.
88. Protecting Your Mental Health While WFH
The past six weeks have been challenging. As someone who thrives off social interaction and throwing ideas around in a room of people, working from home has been a huge shift for me both mentally and professionally.
89. Staying Productive in a Pandemic
Some of the things that have helped our engineering teams to stay productive.
90. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
91. 5 Fun Ways to Celebrate New Years with a Remote Team
Start the new year on a positive note, encourage team bonding, and use up any remaining end of year budget.
92. 5 Remote Working Best Practices and Tips in the Era of Coronavirus Pandemics
Due to COVID-19, companies have found themselves in the middle of the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. Many hail remote work as a blessing, allowing employees to continue working while practicing social distancing during this uncertain time.
93. How to stay sane and motivated when working remote
A Product Manager’s guide to surviving in a COVID-19 world
94. Legal Wins for Remote Teams: Expectation vs. Implementation
Do you need the law to tell you when is appropriate to text your remote team members?
95. Time Off Isn't An Issue: The Key Practices Helping Me Lead Remotely Right Now
I’ll not deny it. I love being in a physical office with coworkers. I love being around people with the same objectives and challenges. It gives me strength and motivation.
96. Building Remote Teams: Lessons From The Gitlab Remote Playbook
DevOps giant GitLab are one of the leading fully remote tech companies. They have produced a ‘Remote Playbook’ to guide companies looking to adopt remote workin
97. End The "Not Another Meeting" Discussions: There's A Better Way To Hold Efficient Meetings
It turns out there is a way to hold better meetings. If you want them to be more efficient and productive, there are a few simple things your meetings need to b
98. How to Answer the Challenges of Remote Project Management in 2021
Work from home is the new normal in 2021, which is a bad news for first-time project managers. The good news is anyone can master the art of remote management.
99. Shadow Mode: The Dark Side of Outsourcing That Nobody Tells You About
Note: Although there are many articles about the pros and cons of outsourcing, I found nothing useful to inform the product owners about fraud prevention. It's about time to fix this. Imagine the situation: you find a suitable developer, work with them for a few weeks, then you end up seeing their code quality become poor. What is that? Lack of motivation? Dark times personally which reflect in their work? The stars aligned wrong? Or is it shadow mode?
100. Codeless Product Demos is the Key to Closing Deals for the Sales Team in 2021
This article talks about product demo and why codeless product demo creation is critical for sales teams to get leads.
101. Don’t Drop Your Work Meetings – Rather, Build a System for Them
Don't think that working meetings are a waste of time. Organize the system of working with them effectively following these simple rules.
102. How SurveySparrow Moved To Remote Team Management During the COVID OutBreak
From an epidemic, it was advancing towards becoming a pandemic. We heard a 10, then 20 and before we knew, it had already hit 1000!
103. How Developers Can Stay Productive and Healthy during the COVID-19 Outbreak
The coronavirus or COVID-19 disrupted our way of life and brought the whole world to a standstill. In an effort to keep the economy going while containing the rapid spread of the virus, companies have taken a sensible approach by adopting remote working models.
104. 18 Best Productivity Apps For Remote Workers
Working remotely means managing a lot of work, and all you want to do is manage your time efficiently.
105. Types And Differences of Remote Workers
It’s been more than two decades since the term ‘digital nomad’ came to be. In the time since, people have shown they have a lot of imagination when it comes to their remote work-enabled lifestyles. Some stay in one place and lead an otherwise normal life while others use the flexibility of remote work to travel continuously, or at least regularly. As a result, the world of remote work has become a diverse ecosystem where people have varying degrees of commitment and availability, as well as a broad array of purposes for working remotely.
106. 10 Virtual Happy Hour Ideas, Games, and Activities for Your Next Online Event
Virtual happy hour sessions give your participants an opportunity to interact and get to know each other better in an informal setting.
107. The 15 Common Tips About Managing Newly Remote Teams
Remote work has become the most transformative labor trend of our lifetime. Long before ‘social distancing’ became a household term, businesses chose to operate with remote teams because of its benefits.
108. How to Harness Diversity & Distance: 5 Tips for Strong Remote Dev Teams
This article outlines the five factors most critical to the success of remote, diverse development teams. Each factor is both a challenge and an opportunity for developers and leaders.
109. Improve Employee Engagement and Mental Well-being In 2021
In this article, you'll find some amazing techniques to improve employee engagement and mental wellness.
110. 12 Ways in Which Slack can Enhance Your Team’s Remote Work Culture
In this article, you’ll find 12 amazing Slack tips for remote teams.
111. Dealing With Remote Loneliness
Remote work has many positives, but a there is a drawback that can creep in, the feeling of loneliness. This is a shared experience, you are not alone.
112. Why Are Bosses Against Remote Work?
72% of managers prefer their subordinates to be in the office. Why are bosses so against remote work? Find out what our readers think might be the issues here.
113. The Series A Startup Guide to Outstaffing Software Developers
This is a quick guide on how to select remote development teams for startups at the Series A stage that may need to add remote engineers to their teams.
114. Using Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Increase Information's Half-Life: Remote Weekly #26 📝
Today, I want to talk to you about the life of information and how that fundamentally impacts remote working.
115. How To Transition to Remote Work
Companies transitioning to the work-from-home model became the recurring theme of the last month. I've spent more than half of the previous decade working in remote teams and have seen quite a few transitioning from the office to full-remote processes. Actively advocating remote work to everyone I know, I feel having to put a few cents into the tip jar.
116. How to Create a Dream Team as a Lead Engineer Through Delegation, Automation and Motivation
I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m actually convinced I managed to create a dream team, the best one in my whole company. Read on to do it too.
117. Team Retreats are Becoming Essential for Remote Tech Companies
Why team retreats are becoming essential when working remotely:
TeamOut founder Thomas Mazimann
118. How To Make Your Remote Sales Team More Productive
2020 commenced with a hopeful note. Sadly, as the months passed, it turned into the worst nightmare that many didn’t see coming.
119. 4 Ways to Celebrate Company Successes and Milestones — Virtually
If you’re looking for ideas for being more creative or intentional about celebrating successes and milestones with remote teams, here are four tips.
120. 5 Virtual Team Building Activities for Tech Teams
How are we going to work on team spirit in this remote world? While most typical team-building activities don’t work over Zoom, these do.
121. Managing Projects on Microsoft 365? Here's How to Supercharge Your Team's Dynamics
Are you managing your projects and teams using Microsoft 365? Read on to find out how you can boost your team dynamics and achieve improved productivity!
122. Don’t Tell Your Remote Employees when to Work
“Core hours” defeat the purpose of working — but what about ensuring that work is done?
123. Top Productivity Tools for Tech Remote Employees
Remote working is becoming a more and more popular way for employees to work.
124. How to Lead Distributed Teams
4 tips on what to do when your team is suddenly split across two or more locations
125. Why Launching a New Project with a Remote Team Is a Good Idea
Having a remote team in the project will lower expenses and make hiring easier. It will lead to many operational challenges too. Let's see how to address them.
126. Freud Trilogy Final Chapter: The Talking Cure and Lively Virtual Team Meetings
Happiness is critical. I’ve tried a number of strategies, but once again, I’ve got to call on Sigmund Freud for some extra help.
127. How to Improve Video Conferences at Your Nonprofit
Getting used to video conferences can take a while. However, here are some ways to improve video conferences at your nonprofit.
128. HackerNoon and the Time We Took the 16 Personalities Test
A simple test can help you learn so much about your team...and yourself.
129. Important Skills For Project Managers
Project management is a complex field in software development. Sometimes you, as a project manager, feel like they are responsible for everything. Since your performance directly affects the success rate of the entire project. Project managers not only manage tasks but, most importantly, thoroughly guide the team toward the project goals. Being a great project manager requires interdisciplinary approaches and the ability to master both hard and soft skills. Let’s have a closer look at three essential competencies for the project manager to be successful.
130. The Fintech CTO's Guide To Remote Team Tools and Reviews
Remote culture has never been so in demand before. The pandemic has changed the way we thought the world was likely to evolve in the nearest future. However, changes always go hand in hand with opportunities.
131. Reflecting on Five Years of Remote Work at NoDesk
This past July, NoDesk turned five. As part of this milestone, I want to reflect on how and why NoDesk came to be, what’s changed over the years, and talk about what’s next as we all look towards the future of work.
132. How to Save Toilet Paper for Your Employer
As a person that used to track finances and company expenses in their previous life, I know that toilet paper is a huge expense. Everybody does it. Everybody needs it.
133. How to Make Brainstorming as a Remote Team Work
Organizing a brainstorming session doesn’t have to be a complete disconcerting event in your agenda.
134. Your Favorite Investor's Update: Flipside March 2020
VC1: “Didn’t get a chance to say so last week, but this is the best update I’ve read since the start of COVID.”
135. Is the Friendshoring Zone Safe for the Global Economy and Supply Chains?
Friendshoring advocates are outsourcing to allied nations. But is the friendshoring zone a boon or bane to the global economy & supply chains? Let's find out.
136. 5 Tips to Effectively Manage a Hybrid Meeting
Many teams are preparing to return to office at least part time. This means more face-to-face collaboration and communication. But with some teammates still distant or geographically scattered, hybrid in-person/remote meetings are becoming more common, potentially for longer periods.
137. Startup’s Secrets: How to Run Remote Sprint Planning
Every battle is won before it is fought.
~ Sun Tzu
138. 8 Lessons Learned Managing Remote QA Teams in Times of Lockdown
Managing remote teams during the pandemic is never easy. Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your global engineering teams.
139. Hiring Remote Developers with Outsourced Vendors: Do’s and Don'ts
Considering hiring remote developers? Learn how to work with tech talent vendors, the companies that connect remote developers to employers.
140. How Leaders Inspire and Lead Remote Teams
Leading and motivating remote teams will be crucial to being a successful leader in this new hybrid world. Let’s explore how to be a good leader today.
141. HackerNoon and the Time We Talked About Pints?
HackerNoon is trying to settle a debate: do the international (non-UK) folks order a “pint” of beer, or just generally connect a “pint” with drinking?
142. How To Protect Your Data While Working Remotely
As the Coronavirus is disrupting the day-to-day lives of billions of people around the world, businesses are in the middle of what Time Magazine describes as the “world’s largest work-from-home experiment.”
143. How Your Career Will Change by 2030
Remote Work Paving the Way to Multi-Job Careers and Global Hiring
144. One Company’s Best Practices for Building and Managing an Effective Remote Development Team
We hope that this article will become your guide to best practices that will help you build, grow, and manage a team that is fully remote and spread around the world.
145. Ten Years of WFH Lessons
Suddenly become a home worker? Then you might be wondering how to do it right. At Heroku, more than half our team works remotely from home offices, cafes, and co-working spaces. Many of the questions you have right now are ones that we’ve been thinking about for years.
146. What is Hybrid Work and Why is it the New Norm?
The hybrid work model is appearing more and more often in companies' return-to-office plan. What is it and how do you prepare your team for this new norm?
147. 5 Ways Your Home Setup Could be Hurting Your WFH Productivity
WFH productivity can be influenced by a series of outside factors. Optimize your workspace to optimize your productivity.
148. 14 Tips for Successful Remote Team Management
Managing a remote team can be difficult, but if you do it correctly, your team can have an enjoyable and productive work-from-home life. My team is scattered all over the world. Sometimes I can be discussing a bug with a QA engineer who is 6,034 miles away from me, in the US, while I’m here in Siberia. But in just 20 minutes, we’ll find a solution and in a week, the bug will be fixed.
149. Ultimate Guide To Effective Team Collaboration
If you struggle with team collaboration, then this article will show you how to use 8 powerful team collaboration strategies to put your team on the same page.
150. 4 Lessons For Ensuring That Your Remote Teams Devices Are Secure And Get Updated On Time
Working remotely is now standard practice at offices around the globe.
151. How Killing Zombies in Games Helped Inspire Better Remote Meetings
Are you “Zoomed Out” and looking for a new way to engage with your remote teams in this age of COVID? Sure, I’m grateful that Zoom, Slack, Skype, and other resources have made it possible to meet with people remotely.
152. Work From Home Accountable For Massive Twitter Hack
The takeover of high profile Twitter profiles last month on July 15 made headlines when public figures like former President Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk began announcing that they wanted to “give back” to the community.
153. 4 Ways to Manage Remote Teams
It's a challenging time for teams and organizations that have suddenly jolted to working remotely. For startups and larger organizations, helping their teams with a generous dose of empathy, to enable productivity, is key.
154. 4 Motivation Theories to Help Improve The Health and Efficiency of Your Team
What motivates employees? 4 psychological theories of motivation show why intrinsic motivators such as leadership development are surpassing traditional perks.
155. Team Productivity Doesn’t Have to Suffer When You Go Remote
So what to do when your remote team struggles with getting things done?
156. Five Tips For Hiring Software Developers Internationally
There are many benefits to hiring software developers abroad. Read our article to learn the top 5 tips for hiring software developers internationally.
157. Some Tips On Holding a Productive Virtual Offsite
Offsites are a big part of remote teams. They allow everyone to socialize, connect more deeply with coworkers, and help build shared experiences and empathy. Even if video calls are a great tool to share information, they can be tiring. It's too easy to miss non-verbal cues. Chance encounters over coffee never happen, and we don’t always experience the same personal connections that come from small-talk. That’s the downside of remote work, and that's why meeting a few times a year is a great way to fill the gap!
158. Team Building Activities In The Workplace Help To Establish Trust
Let’s take a look at some benefits of team building activities and games at the workplace.
159. How and When to Find Your Dream Team
How and When To Find Your Dream Team
160. How to Work From Home Efficiently: 7 Tools For Distributed Dev Teams
We live in a world where change is the only constant. Right from the dawn of time, sustainable approaches have rendered the traditional ones obsolete and this, of course, is evident in diverse sectors especially the workforce. Why do something the hard way when you can get better results doing it the easy way, marketers usually ask.
161. How to Master Your Work From Home Routine
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily routines around the world, and many find themselves working from home for the unforeseeable future.
162. 9 Ways to Master Remote Team Communication Skills
When you work remotely, your colleagues can only hear you on calls and talk to you over Slack or e-mail. There’s no physical interaction. They can’t see you working at your desk, in the conference room for the meeting, and they especially can’t do a casual chat on their way to the coffee machine.
163. The blockchain missing link in remote project management.
Disclaimer: the author has no vested interest in the brands mentioned here.
164. Everyone Is Doing Remote Work but Not Everyone Is Doing It Well with Michael Brooks
On this episode of the HackerNoon podcast, Amy Tom and Michael Brooks get into everything freelance. They dive into https://golance.com, Michael’s freelance marketplace company. How it came about and Michael’s insights on running it. They talk about wild experiences like getting kicked out of Belarus and taking a shot of Brandy first thing every morning before work in Serbia. It’s a wild ride and you definitely should tune in! Brandy or coffee in hand, your choice ;) 🍻
165. 3 Dev Leaders Open Up About Remote Software Development
I’m writing this from my new “office” which is a small desk in a large closet located under the stairs of my house. Harry Potter style. We have our first baby on the way so I got kicked out of our 2nd bedroom and I’m embracing the office-under-the-stairs life.
166. 5 Simple Strategies To Build Trust in Remote Teams
Before we attempt to answer the challenge of how to build trust over Zoom, Loom, Slack. Let’s try to analyze what built trust
167. All the Tools You Need to Emulate the Experience of Being in a Physical Office
On managing remote teams and creating an atmosphere similar to your office: Recently, I did a webinar with TIE and fellow women founders on Managing remote teams. A lot of you asked for the extensive list of tools that I mentioned in the webinar. So, here it is!
168. How to Remotely Brainstorm and Whiteboard 😎
If you are anything like me, you would jump at every possible chance to the whiteboard and scribble. If there's a brainstorming or discussion happening, I need a whiteboard - doesn't matter if I am listening or talking.
169. 20 Best Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Teams
Looking for some effective team-building activities to bring your remote team together?
170. Agile And Distributed Teams [An Overview]
We observe an increasing share of distributed teams and the growing popularity of remote work. And there seems to be some contradiction, as at the first glance Agile and distributed teams do not merge well. The Agile methodology is laid down in the famous Agile Manifesto and is based on the twelve principles derived from it.
171. The WFH Slump: 10 Ways To Be More Productive While Working From Home
With 56% of workers only working remotely for the last year, working from home is still something most of us are adjusting to.
172. How Project Managers Can Build the Most Productive Remote Teams
Just five years ago, remote work was considered to be the way of the future, but only the distant future. Most specialized web publications predicted a rise in the popularity of telecommuting, but only in ten years’ time. However, this future arrived much earlier.
173. Can You Work for 6 Months in an Office that Exists only as Virtual Reality
This absolutely, unbelievable story began at the moment our team leader, from another one of my startups, got tired of managing a motley team of “remote workers” and decided to resign. He said that being a manager of remote workers was much more difficult than doing the same thing in a traditional office.
174. Remote Development Teams: Adapting To Working From Home
2020 has proven to be a trying time for developer teams, including ours, due to the pandemic. Quickly, our team became one of WFH Engineering
Teams worldwide caused by the lockdowns. We are now a fully remote dev team without plans of an immediate return to an office, face-to-face environment.
175. 50 Remote Teams Share Their Best Practices For #WorkingFromHome 🏡 [Part 1]
Since the Coronavirus breakdown, millions of people are stuck at home; and for those who are still in the job market — are working from home too. The so-called “social distancing” measures have increased the Internet usage all around the world by 50–70%. Streaming has also jumped by at least 12%, according to Forbes.
176. 23 Time-Tested Apps to Manage Your Remote Software Development Team
The demand for software developers is ever-increasing, with many industries turning to IT for help concerning marketing, automation processes, etc. It's estimated that by the end of 2019, the total number of software developers will count over 26 million. Scattered around the globe, managing them online could prove to be a difficult job for managers.
177. 6 Effective Ways For Managers to Stay in Touch With Remote Staff
When the team is organized remotely, "chemistry" between employees and managers should be encouraged intentionally. Learn 6 effective formats to keep in touch !
178. 16 Apps and Technologies that Make our Remote Working Lives Easier
In this Slogging thread, the HN team dives into the apps and tools we use on a daily basis.
179. Consider Your Distributed IT Team As a Product: Interview with Philippe Peron, CDO
Philippe Peron is a Chief Delivery Officer of a Leicester-based software house Evolve. He has almost a decade’s experience with building and managing Agile development teams from both the customer and service provider perspectives.
180. What Is the Future of Remote Work?
We're talking about remote work This Week On Planet Internet because HackerNoon is a fully remote company and WE'VE GOT THINGS TO SAY about working remotely 😤
181. 78 Experts Share Their Remote Working Tips
Productivity is a concern for modern management. As offices have seen productivity benefits of traditional, standardized and documented practices, these companies have also imposed key performance indicators to better gauge employee production and productivity. At the same time, the people themselves, from the employees up to the owners realize that they need to work better, as well as improve their working environment.
Thank you for checking out the 181 most read stories about Remote Teams on HackerNoon.
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