Let's learn about Remote Working via these 194 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Welcome to working from home! The place where the hours you work are entirely made up and your pants don't matter.
1. Thinking of Moving to Germany? Here's What to Expect Working as a Software Developer in Germany
Germany offers ample opportunities for developers to find fulfilling & well-paid jobs. Most developer jobs in Germany require Java, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.
2. 6 Work from Home Positions in AI Data Collection and Data Annotation
For digital nomads, college students, stay-at-home parents or anyone looking for remote work positions, this article introduces online/remote work positions that are available today in the fields of AI Data Collection and Data Annotation.
3. How to Stop Your Office Chair from Constantly Sinking, Much Like This Year
Have you been pondering lately, "Why does my desk chair keep sinking?" whenever you use it for sitting? What is going on with the chair, and why is it happening? It's not only you who is thinking about it. This can happen to your chair after a few years of regular use, like many others. The piston that lets air in and out controls the valve of your seat height level.
4. 5 Most Impactful Reasons Why Remote Teams Fall Apart
Why does remote work succeed in some teams yet fails in others? We will attempt to answer this question by examining why remote teams fail to begin with.
5. 5 Virtual Team Building Activities for Tech Teams
How are we going to work on team spirit in this remote world? While most typical team-building activities don’t work over Zoom, these do.
6. From Travel to Virtual: How We Pivoted in The Pandemic Era
We never could have predicted the events of 2020 that would shape our world and change the global corporate workforce as we know it. For a corporate culture agency specializing in corporate retreats and travel, the closing of borders and grounding of flights was daunting, to say the least. However, we chose to rise to the challenge and pivoted from connecting people through travel, to doing so in the virtual world when that became the only option.
7. How To Work From Home
I’ve been working from home for twenty years.
8. How has HR Handled the Dev Retention Rate in 2021?
This article explains how have HRs handled the issue of keeping software developers on board in 2021 and suggests useful tips worth taking into account.
9. Why You Should Implement Zero Trust Security for Your Remote Workforce
The recent mass shift to remote work will likely have lasting effects on how businesses run. Companies will sustain a work-from-home model, at least partially, so security professionals must adapt to this new workflow. One of the best ways to ensure remote team security is with a zero-trust model.
10. Work From Home: What Works and What Doesn't
I read many articles and studies on remote work, tried them on myself, and now decided to share what I found most valuable for myself.
11. Going Remote: Minimum Viable Workspace
Throughout 2020 and 2021 the mode of working changed for many people. There was less office time, moving away from big cities, and more time spent working in an unconventional spot, like on your couch or a closet so you could get someplace quite for a few minutes. As a long-time work from home employee my work changed as well, which lead me to question exactly what I needed from my work setup.
12. 9 Productivity Tools Every Dev Should Look Into
Here is a short list of some great tools I've discovered over the past year.
13. Remote Development Teams: Adapting To Working From Home
2020 has proven to be a trying time for developer teams, including ours, due to the pandemic. Quickly, our team became one of WFH Engineering
Teams worldwide caused by the lockdowns. We are now a fully remote dev team without plans of an immediate return to an office, face-to-face environment.
14. 5 Remote Working Best Practices and Tips in the Era of Coronavirus Pandemics
Due to COVID-19, companies have found themselves in the middle of the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. Many hail remote work as a blessing, allowing employees to continue working while practicing social distancing during this uncertain time.
15. COVID-19 Is Accelerating Digitization — Are You Ready?
Last year, if someone would have told you that 2020 would bring record-breaking unemployment levels, millions of forced business closures, and a global disease outbreak that would claim the lives of millions of people worldwide (and counting), you would have thought they were crazy. Yet, here we are.
16. 5 Tips to Successfully Transit to Remote Working during Coronavirus-and Beyond
It has been four months since Coronavirus originated in China's
Wuhan and the outbreak continues to be on the headlines. On one hand, many employers are getting ready for the possible disruptions that Coronavirus would bring to their business in the long run, such as transportation issues, labor shortages, reduced working hours and low consumer traffic.
17. Remote Working Is Transforming The Cyber Security Landscape in 2020
As the world grapples into the arms of COVID-19, companies are suffering a major setback from the remote work culture. Because, let’s be honest, nobody thought that a PANDEMIC would hit us so hard that we’d be facing unemployment, poverty, illness, failed vaccines, and mass deaths.
18. Looking for a Tech Internship? Try This List of Online Resources
I’ve been managing interns for more than a year now. This is my personal collection of resources for students seeking internships in 2019.
19. Why I Decided To Build a Community for Remote Work
I am the co-founder of Flexiple and Remote Tools. In this post, I describe why we are building an exclusive remote-focused community - The Remote Clan.
20. Engineer Onboarding: The Ugly Truth About Ramp-Up Time
Though people often think about the time it takes for a new engineer to start delivering value, they rarely ask themselves how long it takes for them to be fully ramped-up.
21. 5 Tested Techniques To Grow a 7- Figure Online Business From Home
With huge technological advances and multiple remote work opportunities, it is now possible to build an empire from your spare bedroom.
22. Future of Work Post-Pandemic: What Will Our Days Look Like?
The predictions of post-COVID future paint all sorts of wild images, from empty and sterile offices to work-from-home utopias. Without any in-depth analysis, it’s clear none of those extremes will come true. However, what’s also clear is that there will be an impact. In fact, some changes are already in motion, so a good way to be prepared for them is to recognize the ones that matter.
23. The Free-Range Lifestyle: How to Not Live and Die in a Cage
We Evolved for Free-Range Living
24. How to Remotely Brainstorm and Whiteboard 😎
If you are anything like me, you would jump at every possible chance to the whiteboard and scribble. If there's a brainstorming or discussion happening, I need a whiteboard - doesn't matter if I am listening or talking.
25. Are Developers Salaries a Bubble? If Yes, Then How Bad Could it Burst
The Covid-19 pandemic completely changed the working environment. Companies switched to remote employment, implementing pay localization as part of the plan.
26. The Great Resignation From a Different Angle: Motivation vs. Compensation
The Great Resignation vs. The "Passion Economy": Millions of people AREN'T GETTING FIRED, they quit.
27. Is Giving Up Your Office the Right Thing to Do During COVID-19?
The novel coronavirus. COVID-19. Remote working is the new norm, get used to it. Digitalization is the only way to keep the lights on. Looming economic recession. — Yeah, you might be familiar with these phrases already. We all are. But the big question that’s on every digital business owner’s mind right now is, “Should I vacate my office and save on the lease now that my employees are working remotely?” The short answer to this question is, “It depends.” Here’s why.
28. 8 Lessons Learned Managing Remote QA Teams in Times of Lockdown
Managing remote teams during the pandemic is never easy. Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your global engineering teams.
29. Pandemic Remote Work != Remote Work
Have you switched to remote work in the past couple of weeks/days? Well, chances are high you have, or you will. I want to share my words of caution and tips to make pandemic remote work better.
30. 5 Upwork Alternative Websites for Freelancers
This article introduces 5 Upwork alternative websites for freelancers looking for work in niche fields or people looking for entry-level micro work. With struggling economies in many countries, more and more people are turning to online freelancing as an additional source of income. Upwork is one of the most popular websites for freelancers. However, if you aren’t really getting many leads from that site, there are tons of upwork alternative sites you can try.
31. How To Make a Living Freelancing and Working Remotely
Working remotely has become familiar with fewer people working in offices and more from their own homes. Freelancers generally set their own work hours.
32. Why WFH Could Spell The End of Motoring as We Know it
Covid-19 has thrown us into an era of great uncertainty. Every industry has been impacted by the devastating pandemic in some way or another, and there’s no sign of a return to normal life in the pipeline any time soon.
33. Remote Work in the Time of Coronavirus [feat. My Grandma]
I have two questions for you - Do you like good books? Of course, you do. One of these extraordinary good books served as an inspiration for this article's title. Yes, I'm obviously referring to Gabriel García Márquez and his heartbreaking novel - Love in the Time of Cholera.
34. Can You Work for 6 Months in an Office that Exists only as Virtual Reality
This absolutely, unbelievable story began at the moment our team leader, from another one of my startups, got tired of managing a motley team of “remote workers” and decided to resign. He said that being a manager of remote workers was much more difficult than doing the same thing in a traditional office.
35. Upwork vs. Nebojsa Todorovic
As this year's nominee for the Most Controversial Writer of the Year Hacker Noon Award, I couldn't possibly wish for better circumstances and time to write this story.
36. Hey, Be Careful! Remote Work and Freelance Can Mess Up Your Life
Remote work and freelance can mess up your life. Here's why and what you should do.
37. Omnipresent Requests That All Employees Return to the Office: The Best April Fools Prank Ever?
What would you do if your employer suddenly announced that everyone needed to work from the office? Just kidding, it's just a really good joke.
38. Coping With Loneliness While Working From Home
Here are 6 ways to battle the feeling of isolation and loneliness while working from home.
39. Can Blockchain Fix Enterprise Cloud Computing?
As cloud waste increases, businesses are looking for a silver lining.
40. 3 Dev Leaders Open Up About Remote Software Development
I’m writing this from my new “office” which is a small desk in a large closet located under the stairs of my house. Harry Potter style. We have our first baby on the way so I got kicked out of our 2nd bedroom and I’m embracing the office-under-the-stairs life.
41. How To Keep the Spirit of Teamwork During the #Coronavirus Outbreak
The shock-wave caused by a coronavirus has already rolled around the globe several times. Today's businesses feel the growing anxiety and concerns about how it will impact all the processes.
42. Can Music Improve Your Productivity While Working at Home
If you're looking for ways to get more done and stay productive at home, music can help you achieve this goal.
43. How to Stop Micromanaging Remote Workers
With the adoption of remote work by a greater percentage of the workforce post-pandemic, most companies face issues that were not necessarily present before now
44. What Does the Future Hold for Nonprofit Workspaces?
How will nonprofit workspaces be like in the future?
45. How To Set Up A Home Office
The rise of flexible job roles, digital tech careers and more freelance opportunities around the world has led more people into working from the comfort of their home, especially during this Covid19 pandemic. However, in order to get the best and ensure quality service deliveries, remote workers need the right tools to assist their craft.
46. 20 Free Job Sites for Freelance Developers and Coders
Freelancing comes with its pros and cons. The advantages of doing freelance work are known by many but the disadvantages are discussed very rarely. One of the main concerns of freelancers is that sometimes work is not steady or they do not know where to look for work. To help you out, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 20 free job sites for remote jobs where you can browse opportunities related to web development and coding.
47. How to Onboard Software Engineers Remotely in 2022 to Help You Go to the Moon
A practical guide on the remote hiring process in 2022. Hire the right software engineers.
48. 20+ Extraordinary Apps For Remote Teams
I am sure that you already have Zoom, Slack and Asana on your computer. But daily office life is more than written tasks and planned meetings. There are lunches with your team, spontaneous talks near the water cooler, common tasks and goals you want to acheive. It’s your comfortable workplace and it by itself motivates you to be productive. Just look at the bunch of stickers on the wall — big things are waiting for you!
49. The Crowdsourced Guide to Remote Working in the Age of Coronavirus
General Introductions to Remote Working (... you can contribute here).
50. How to Stay Healthy As a Programmer: Common Issues, and Tools to Help You Avoid Them
Programmers spend most of their time in front of the computer screen, mostly sitting. While their brain is actively working, their body does not. Even worse, IT emergencies happen quite often, and engineers usually have to monitor systems or code instant fixes far outside regular working hours. All these factors may cause any number of health issues, all of which every IT professional should be aware of.
51. Remote Developers in 2021: Where to Hire Them From
Remote development teams help expand existing teams without increasing operational costs, and so they’ve become a new trend in leading industries.
52. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
53. 8 Ways to Ensure Secure Remote Work Across Your Company
As the world of work rapidly becomes “remote-first”, and our reliance on virtual tools grows daily, cybersecurity has emerged as an urgent priority for almost every employer.
54. Why I Started Using Trello, and What The Result Was
You ever just have so much on your mind that you just can’t sit still? Or have so much to do that you can’t get started on anything? That’s how I was feeling when I finally broke down and started a Trello account.
55. Handling Remote Team Personality Clashes: Think Like a Shrink
To handle a remote team, you have to understand different personalities.
56. Conquer Work With The "One Channel" Method
Tom works in the estimating department of a mid-sized plumbing contractor. As he walks in the door Tuesday morning, he gets hit with the following:
57. 2021: The Year of Remote Tools, Soft Skills, and AI Innovation
Wow. What a year! With everything from a pandemic to an election, it’s hard to believe that 2020 is (finally) coming to an end and that we are looking ahead to what the next 12 months will bring. It’s no secret that in 2021 we will continue to see drastic changes to personal and work life as we know it, and it’s safe to say that the technology market will continue to change and evolve, as well as our definition of “normal” for work.
58. The Freud Trilogy in the New Remote Work World
What Would Sigmund Freud Do In The Remote Work World?
59. Hybrid Work: What Is the Future of the Corporate Meeting Room?
It is important that all companies acquire a good, functional, responsive meeting room that encompasses all the necessary solutions to support hybrid work.
60. MRO Operations Adopt Augmented Reality to Solve Business Problems
As we are seeing day by day AR has become a benchmark for the whole process cycle involving MRO. Many companies have already embraced this technology.
61. Code Outside: The Outdoor Standing Desk
Only recently it became possible to code outdoors. The internet is available everywhere through LTE, and portable power is available through good laptop batteries. Although my 2012 MacBook Pro can't last beyond two hours, I found a portable lithium AC generator on Amazon that lasts me all day.
62. Decentralizing the Office Space: Distributed Workplace is a New Norm
In recent years, remote working has become less of a concept and more of a reality. In lieu of traditional office space, full-time employees and freelancers alike are occupying home-offices, WeWork hot desks, and tables at their local life-source outlets (read: cafés selling coffee). Many progressive thinkers at the forefront of business forecasting, like Naval Ravikant, are professing that a digitally-facilitated, remote working environment is the next logical step for contemporary businesses looking to up their productivity output. However, is this just optimistic theorizing, or is there an actual basis for the distributed workplace to, well, work in the long-term?
63. 5 Tips to Align Your Remote Engineering Teams
With only 4% working full time on-site, more and more companies are moving forward with fully remote work models. Check out our tips below
64. 7 Ways MSPs Can Manage a Remote Workforce
With issues like Great resignation coming into prominence MSPs need to create proper remote workforce management strategies to grow. Here’s how to do so.
65. How to be a React Native Developer
How to be a React Native Developer
66. Top Ten Things Affecting Your Remote Team Culture In 2022
An overview of the top ten things affecting your remote team culture in 2022.
67. 5 Reasons Remote Working is Here to Stay Even After COVID-19
Learn about the research-proven positive impact of remote working and discover why the trend for telecommuting keeps growing.
68. 5 Ways Your Home Setup Could be Hurting Your WFH Productivity
WFH productivity can be influenced by a series of outside factors. Optimize your workspace to optimize your productivity.
69. How Big Data is Keeping Employees Engaged in the Age of WFH
Big data is beginning to emerge as a key tool for businesses to successfully operate on a WFH basis.
70. How to Make Brainstorming as a Remote Team Work
Organizing a brainstorming session doesn’t have to be a complete disconcerting event in your agenda.
71. The Innovation First-aid Kit for Burnt-out Teams
Remote workers will be drained very soon — both cognitively & emotionally, if not helped by innovative approaches to collaboration.
72. How I Force Myself to Work
No one seems to be immune to procrastinating, myself included. Some
people get drawn into social media, for others it's YouTube or
ProductHunt. I, however, tend to lose whole days on Wikipedia and
development communities. Everyone has their poison. If you really are
one of these odd people who don't know what procrastination is, check
out this video:
73. How to Manage a Remote Team Without Going Postal
For most managers, it is possible to have weekly meetings to bang out issues and team-building exercises to create harmony, but as a remote manager, this is not possible, and the lack thereof can be über-frustrating at times.
74. Invoicing Tech Can Boost Brand Appeal
Your brand is the essence of your company. It’s what your customers perceive you to be, and it’s how you portray your business to the world.
75. Why Hiring Globally Diverse Talent Will Make You More Likely to Succeed
A 2018 study by BCG found that companies with diverse management teams generate 19% more revenue through innovation than management teams with below-average diversity scores.
76. Team Retreats are Becoming Essential for Remote Tech Companies
Why team retreats are becoming essential when working remotely:
TeamOut founder Thomas Mazimann
77. What Would Sigmund Freud Do? Advice on Remote Work and Marriage Counseling During The Pandemic
If you’re thinking about leaving the corporate world and becoming a freelancer, have you considered how that shift might impact your relationship with your wife, husband, or partner?
78. How Modern Technology Reshapes the Way We Work
79. Professional Development in Tech: Steps for Creating a Productive Routine
If you're looking to advance your career in the field of tech, these 6 proactive steps can help you in your professional development.
80. Disproving 5 Remote Working Myths in 2022
There are a lot of myths around remote developer teams. We are busting them with the help of some of the best companies in the world.
81. Slaying the Hydra of Remote Work Woes - One Head at a Time.
Okay – I know thats an excessively dramatic title, but I wanted to emphasize a simple but important concept. I believe that normalizing remote work isn’t a single problem to be solved, but rather a number of distinct issues that need to be tackled separately.
82. How to Hire and Build A Successful Remote Startup Team
Hiring a remote team can help you create a more diverse workplace, which can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table.
83. Remote Work, Different Timezones, and Bear Chronotypes
In 9 to 5 office jobs, most meetings are scheduled mid-morning, which is the most productive time for Bears, effectively reducing peak performance time by half.
84. How To Establish Better Governance
Recently, one of our Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) noticed a workload running in our cluster which he hasn’t seen before. The workload was consuming some resources and the SRE wanted to apply some updates to the cluster but was not sure who owns the workload, and doesn’t know if his updates would have an impact on it or not.
85. Top Productivity Tools for Tech Remote Employees
Remote working is becoming a more and more popular way for employees to work.
86. What Is the Difference Between Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop?
Learn what remote assistance and remote desktop are and how they differ in the process of aiding users in this article aligned with a few recommended tools.
87. How Profitable can Coworking be in 2022?
How coworking can still be profitable in 2022 and how to boost your revenue as a coworking operator
88. What “The Future of Work” Means For Jobseekers
Here's what to understand about the "future of work" particularly for jobseekers.
89. End The "Not Another Meeting" Discussions: There's A Better Way To Hold Efficient Meetings
It turns out there is a way to hold better meetings. If you want them to be more efficient and productive, there are a few simple things your meetings need to b
90. The Elusive Work-Life Balance
The quest to achieve a work-life-balance is never-ending, but if you understand the problem, the solution isn't that far away.
91. How to Preserve Your Remote Company Culture
Promoting socializing, resisting surveillance, and hosting idea sessions can help to preserve your remote company culture.
92. Are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning reshaping Remote Work?
This article explains how Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have been pushing remote work forward through technological advancements in core tasks.
93. How Modern Technology has Changed Agile Methodology
COVID-19 has severely challenged a core tenet of the Agile movement: the importance of face-to-face communication. But instead of slowing Agile teams down, herein lies an opportunity to improve the fundamentals of an efficient workplace, writes Clifford Berg
94. How to Find Remote Jobs in 2021 - 16 Websites to Help You Work from Home Online
Finding a remote job can be hard when you don’t know the best websites to go to. This list of remote job sites will help you find a work-from-home job easily.
95. US Only vs. Work From Anywhere Remote Jobs Problem
Remote work is global or it’s not remote work at all!
96. How to Answer the Challenges of Remote Project Management in 2021
Work from home is the new normal in 2021, which is a bad news for first-time project managers. The good news is anyone can master the art of remote management.
97. A Guide to the Best Security Practices and Strategies for Remote IT teams
Today, the demand for remote IT teams is growing at a breakneck pace, and considering the recent COVID-19 outbreak that has led businesses into extreme work challenges reflecting the rise of engineering requirements.
98. Is this New macOS Dock the Answer to Virtual Collaboration?
Charley Ho is Co-Founder and CTO of Remotion, a virtual office that puts your hybrid or remote team on your desktop.
99. 5 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Remote Team Productivity
No matter if you started working remotely during the pandemic or you've been part of the gig economy long before - you’ll often wonder how to increase your team productivity while working remotely.
100. Working from Home 101: Your Guide to a Better Home Office Setup
The pandemic has rocked up our world and has brought about significant changes in our lifestyle. While the outbreak has been most detrimental to our society, a silver lining among the murky clouds in the way, the pandemic has influenced our work culture.
101. How Killing Zombies in Games Helped Inspire Better Remote Meetings
Are you “Zoomed Out” and looking for a new way to engage with your remote teams in this age of COVID? Sure, I’m grateful that Zoom, Slack, Skype, and other resources have made it possible to meet with people remotely.
102. Why Augmented Reality is the Future of the Work Environment
Augmented Reality (AR) is transforming the way we work. The rapid growth of computing power and the maturation of 5G capabilities are feeding the development of AR technologies, and making AR systems more flexible and accessible for use in the workplace. These use cases include boosting worker productivity, enhancing collaboration, and increasing workplace safety.
103. The “Techxodus” Is Real: Is Tech Done With The Bay Area?
California has experienced increased outbound migration over the past few years with more and more people working remotely.
104. Secrets of Effective Collaboration With a Remote Team
Alexey Kataev, Head of Development at Skyeng, talks about running an efficient remote development team.
105. Has Zoom Made Us "Embrace the Dark Side" of Humanity?
It turns out that “mortal-virtual-sins” include “joining a call late, having a bad Internet connection, accidentally sharing sensitive information" and more.
106. 10 Virtual Happy Hour Ideas, Games, and Activities for Your Next Online Event
Virtual happy hour sessions give your participants an opportunity to interact and get to know each other better in an informal setting.
107. Coping with remote security challenges in the long haul
82% of business leaders plan to continue letting employees work from home
108. Redditors Have Asked What It's Like to be a 100% Remote Developer
Know what it's like to be a 100% remote developer, top places to find stable and high-paying remote development jobs, interview questions, compensation here.
109. The Remote Worker's Bill of Rights
You've surely heard of Jeff Atwood. If not, he's the co-founder of StackOverflow, StackExchange, Discourse and runs a super popular blog by the name 'Coding Horror'. Long story short, he's well-known in the programming world.
110. How to Make Remote Work Easier Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing many companies to ask their employees to work from home. Apple, Twitter, and Facebook are some high-profile names that have closed their offices in an effort to protect their workers and curb the spread of the deadly disease.
111. 8 Things to Avoid as a Newly Remote Business
The next few months will be the most uncertain period business owners have faced. The coronavirus will change the economy and how we work. But I’ve been preparing for this time for more than a decade.
112. Remote Working and Why I Wouldn't Relocate for a Job Again
Here is a list of reasons why I won't relocate just because of a job offer.
113. How COVID-19 Has Emphasized Immediate Need for Change in IAM
Globally, COVID-19’s impact has been seen throughout all aspects of life. One such clear way is through remote work. In order to control the spread of the virus and to keep employees safe, many companies are restricting travel and requiring people to work from home.
114. 3 Key Challenges to Effective Team Collaboration and How to Face Them
A collaborative work environment leads to a more engaged and high-performing workforce. According to a study, collaborative teams are five times higher performing than their non-collaborative counterparts as they feel more motivated to reach common team goals.
115. When It’s Ok to Wear a Bathrobe to a Remote Team Meeting
Here are some remote work tips on how to get the results without sacrificing your personal life.
116. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
117. What are the Best Dev-friendly collaboration Tools for Remote Teams?
The right tools for remote developers can help engineers overcome most difficulties.
118. Babysitter Managers Are in Trouble and They Know It
The motivations to return to work might have less to do with worker productivity and more to do with middle managers trying to justify their existence.
119. Reflecting on Five Years of Remote Work at NoDesk
This past July, NoDesk turned five. As part of this milestone, I want to reflect on how and why NoDesk came to be, what’s changed over the years, and talk about what’s next as we all look towards the future of work.
120. 10 Ways to Cope with Remote Work to Make Working From Home Enjoyable
In this post, you’ll find 10 tech tips and hacks to make remote working productive and fun.
121. Digital Nomads Could Ease Economic Turmoil In The Tourism Industry
With tourism on its knees thanks to COVID-19, what could save economies in some of the world's tourism hotspots? The answer: remote workers and digital nomads.
122. Why Asynchronous Communication is Important in Remote Work
In this article, You will learn the benefits of asynchronous communication for remote workers.
123. 8 National Parks That Would Be Perfect to Work From This Summer
Who says WFH means staying chained to your desk? Try WFCampsite this summer and check out some of the most amazing National Parks the U.S. has to offer.
124. AI and Remote Workers: Top Apps To Boost Your Productivity
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced life to shift online,modern tech was a saving grace. Team collaboration software allowed newlydistributed workforces to organize themselves, VPN provided access to workplace
networks, and Zoom calls covered everything from sales meetings to Yoga
125. 5 Developer Tools Worth the Money to Boost Your Productivity
Tools that help you develop faster or more efficiently can easily pay for themselves in terms of time saved, because, as they also say, time is money.
126. Are You Making These 4 Remote Working Mistakes?
One attribute that distinguishes top-notch remote workers from the amateurs is their ability to manage work from home. You will observe this propensity from the world's best-in-class remote companies, including Apple, Lionbridge, and VIDKid.
127. More Startups Pivoting to the Home Office
Workspaces are under the microscope again but how are tech workers affected by the flexible workspaces and sharing culture of startups?
The office petri dish
128. Legal Wins for Remote Teams: Expectation vs. Implementation
Do you need the law to tell you when is appropriate to text your remote team members?
129. 5 Fun Ways to Celebrate New Years with a Remote Team
Start the new year on a positive note, encourage team bonding, and use up any remaining end of year budget.
130. Protecting Your Mental Health While WFH
The past six weeks have been challenging. As someone who thrives off social interaction and throwing ideas around in a room of people, working from home has been a huge shift for me both mentally and professionally.
131. The Inevitable Growth of Post-Pandemic Gig Economy
Some gig jobs flourished directly as a result of the pandemic. As the US moves beyond COVID-19, freelance will play an important role in recovery.
132. Why Immersive Engagement is the Future of Events
Hybrid events are predicted to dominate 2022.
133. Does The "New Normal" Mean It's Time To Invest in Offshore Working?
In 2020, only 16% of people worked remotely. Now, 90% of workers are hybrid workers. This article breaks down the challenges and benefits of offshore working.
134. 5 Hacks To Help You Keep Remote Teams Productive and Engaged
Around the world, many of us are working from home because of coronavirus (Covid-19) spreads. Whether you're working from home or remotely, it's an uncertain time. And it is also difficult to stay focused and productive.
135. A Remote Work Starter Pack for Effective Free-Range Communication
One of their biggest concerns for employers considering adding remote work benefits is that employees won't communicate as well with each other when they literally don't see eye to eye.
136. Talent for Tech? Job Tips From 5 Top Women in Tech
As the technology sector expands, there are exponential opportunities for people from all backgrounds and disciplines to carve out new careers for yourself.
137. Slogging Insights: A Discussion About the Best Productivity Tools
These are the best productivity tools that make your life a lot easier, as recommended by its everyday users.
138. The Working from Home Puzzle
Working from home — WFH in short — is one of the most debated topics these days. Recent events have compelled many organizations to close their offices and force their employees to work from home. All aspects of the working experience are now being done remotely.
139. 5 Tips to Help You Find a Coworking Space in 2022
So, what features should your first or next coworking space have? Learn how to find the perfect spot.
140. 4 Ways to Celebrate Company Successes and Milestones — Virtually
If you’re looking for ideas for being more creative or intentional about celebrating successes and milestones with remote teams, here are four tips.
141. Hiring Remote Tech Talent: Overcoming the Challenges, Maximizing the Benefits
Levin shares his views on hiring remote tech talent, the benefits and challenges of remote hiring, and strategies for finding and retaining remote talent.
142. The blockchain missing link in remote project management.
Disclaimer: the author has no vested interest in the brands mentioned here.
143. Dr. Seuss Goes Remote: Oh, the Places You’ll Go
I was trying to explain to my kids why they should be excited about the growth of the remote business model. I’ve worked remotely for most of their lives, so they couldn’t understand what it was like when people went to offices, commuted long hours, and did their work surrounded by others. That’s what motivated me to explain remote work to them in a way they could easily comprehend.
144. How To Make Your Remote Sales Team More Productive
2020 commenced with a hopeful note. Sadly, as the months passed, it turned into the worst nightmare that many didn’t see coming.
145. Why is COVID-19 a boom for IT companies and a flop for other industries?
The one word that terrifies people in the world right now is COVID-19. Reports from The World Bank state that COVID-19 recession has seen the fastest, steepest downgrades among all the global recession since 1990. As the health and human toll grows, the economic damage is already evident and represents the most substantial economic shock the world has experienced in decades.
146. Why Are Bosses Against Remote Work?
72% of managers prefer their subordinates to be in the office. Why are bosses so against remote work? Find out what our readers think might be the issues here.
147. The Future of Work: On-site Work vs Remote Work vs Hybrid Work
Learn the pros and cons of remote work, on site work, and hybrid work. how to find your best work environment.
148. Remote Work's Hierarchy of Needs
Have you heard of Abraham Maslow? He was a Psychology professor who came up with this super popular framework called 'Hierarchy of Needs' which categorizes human needs into 5 buckets. While the framework itself received a mixed response, being lauded by many and on the other hand being criticised for its vagueness, it surely had a strong influence across many fields and on other researchers.
149. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Managing a Remote Software Development Team
This post analyzes the role of specialized AI, particularly product management and team productivity tools, in facilitating remote software development.
150. Remote Usability Testing Tools, Here's What to Look For
In this blog, you come to realize remote working usability checking out is a notable manner to check your product earlier than and after launch!
151. 14 Tips for Successful Remote Team Management
Managing a remote team can be difficult, but if you do it correctly, your team can have an enjoyable and productive work-from-home life. My team is scattered all over the world. Sometimes I can be discussing a bug with a QA engineer who is 6,034 miles away from me, in the US, while I’m here in Siberia. But in just 20 minutes, we’ll find a solution and in a week, the bug will be fixed.
152. How Engineering Managers Can Organize Remote Workflow
It’s been two weeks since we took action and made working from home mandatory for all the team members. Our top priority remains the health and safety of our team members. We have a responsibility to support our communities through the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
153. Team Productivity Doesn’t Have to Suffer When You Go Remote
So what to do when your remote team struggles with getting things done?
154. The Nine to Five: Is it Worth it?
The year on year growth of remote work and freelancing is on the high. A few years ago saying that you're a freelancer was equivalent to not having a steady income, loneliness, and unavailability to work in a team. Currently, a big change is happening, and even the most conservative companies go for remote teams, startups are forming with founders living across the globe from each other.
155. The Crucial Role of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
In 2019, more than 627 million online records were comprised due to hacking and other types of cyber attacks. This is a pretty staggering number to anyone who has made an online transaction, but the amount of attacks that were stopped is much higher, so it’s worth some optimism. As COVID-19 has pushed many companies into the remote work world, online transactions and records are growing exponentially, and most experts believe that remote work will continue to be very popular even after stay-at-home orders get lifted and life goes back to some form of normal.
156. A Free Beginner’s Guide to DNS Security for Work From Home (WFH)
Working at home does not mean compromise on security. All in all, it’s necessary to take decisive steps to enforce and sustain DNS protection measures.
157. How to Find the Right Online Time Clock for Construction Businesses
Every year in the United States,construction spending goes up. Is your business ready for these increased costs? As your schedule continues to fill up, you'll need to focus on growing your business as opposed to managing day-to-day tasks, especially if some of these daily tasks can be automated.
158. How to Prepare Your Organization For the Post Lockdown Period
In this article, you’ll find ten post-lockdown tips for employers.
159. Interview For Remote Working Hub With Silvestar Bistrović
Remote Working Hub is a place where you could find useful information about remote working. I have been asked to share my remote working experiences. I said to myself, why not.
160. Creative Ways Companies are Keeping Teams Sane And Connected Through WFH Mandate
Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote employees and Work from Home arrangements were becoming increasingly common. An Owl Labs 2019 State of Remote Work Report found that 54% of U.S. workers work remotely at least once per month, 48% work remotely at least once per week, and 30% work remotely full-time. Global Workplace Analytics is forecasting a 25-30% increase in working remotely with adoption increasing proportionately with the amount of time we spend in shelter at home and work from home conditions due to COVID-19.
161. Interview with Ideaology Founder and CEO, Khaled Alkalbani
Challenges and opportunities in the current global economy are as numerous and as full of potential as they haven’t been in a long time. We are venturing into the unknown in regards to the future socio-economic situation.
162. Corporations Goes with Remote Devs: Skype, Slack, GitHub, MySQL cases
Full-fledged remote work has become a global trend. The trend of a remote team (virtual team) has become popular with top world companies such as Skype, Slack, Github, MySQL, Opera, Groove, and others. In the world, there are quite a lot of large companies operating completely remotely. Businesses that implement remote work policies see increased efficiency, productivity, and fulfillment from their employees. So why do companies choose remote or distributed teams for software development?
163. How to Administer A Team of Developers In Crisis Like COVID-19
Being a manager at any post comes with a lot of responsibilities and accountability which cannot be shared, you are solely responsible for you and your team.
164. How to protect against cyberthreats while employees work from home
With the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more employees have had to work from home, creating new cybersecurity challenges for businesses. Some workers will have to relearn everything about cybersecurity because they must keep their work documents and email secure even on their home network.
165. The Path to Restful Entrepreneurship: DO More, Stress Less
“It’s not just physical things anymore that are distracting us and dragging at our mindset and productivity… but it’s also these things in the ether: these ideas, these emails, these tweets. It’s nonstop.” - Josh Ellis
166. Work From Home 101
Last year I broke my meniscus and had surgery. As a result, I cried a lot and worked from home for 3 months. It’s safe to say that nothing about this lockdown has surprised me, not even the part of not being able to leave the house. When life gives you lemons, write a Medium article, right? This are a few things that a picked along the way, and had actually worked great for me.
167. Remote Work: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Why transition winners turned out to be the pandemic business survivors.
168. Imagine Working for Michael Scott Remotely in 2020 - Outside "The Office"
Picture Michael Scott in a Virtual Remote Culture
169. How Realtors are Using Mobile Technology for Their Benefit
Realtors are an imperative part of the real estate ecosystem. They are omnipresent when it comes to anything that is related to real estate and so they know every nook and corner of their neighborhood. They know the neighboring properties and their estimated values and everything that their buyers and sellers look for.
170. Web3 Hustle isn't for the Faint Hearted - Tips from a Noonie Nominee
It's easier than ever for Web2 people to pivot into Web3, but it might not be what you expected. Here's a list of tips so you won't get any nasty surprises!
171. COVID-19 State of Work: How is everyone coping with sudden remoteness? 🤔
I am sure you would have thought to yourself, "How has COVID-19 impacted our lives?" Particularly, just like me, you would be curious to know the impact on our work-life.
172. WFH Will Remain Crucial for Business Success, Even After the Pandemic Ends
The work from home (WFH) phenomenon has exploded over the past few years, and it’s culminated during the current pandemic. Many are even saying that the novel coronavirus has thrown us into the largest WFH experiment on earth. But it’s time to face the truth that remote work is no
longer an experiment. Nor is it a trend, a fad, or “the future of work.”
173. What Professional Gamers Can Teach Us About Tech Health
When asked to name a paragon of technology-life balance, most people wouldn’t reflexively answer, professional gamer.
174. Hacking the Remote Work Economy [Infographic]
Thanks to the rapid spread of COVID-19 people have started working remotely out of necessity, as more states order shelter-in-place protocols to fight the spread. A growing list of 20 states, including most of New England and the West Coast, have closed all bars and restaurants to the public, to curb the spread of the deadly virus. With over 4 million people working from home, the internet has allowed many of us to continue business as usual, with a few modifications.
175. Choosing the Right Communication Method for Remote Engineering Discussions
TV news tells us that working from home is the new normal. Or, at least, as normal as life gets right now. Zoom is a household name and ancient jokes about wearing pajamas under the desk are doing the rounds on social media.
176. Remote Work: Anti-Patterns For Everyday Use 🚫
As an engineer, I was fascinated when I was first introduced to design patterns but I was even more intrigued when I read about anti-patterns. Put simply, design patterns are good practices to solve common problems while anti-patterns are the exact opposite and undesirable.
For example, it is good practice to break classes and functions into smaller units with clearly-defined and singular responsibility. As opposed to this is the anti-pattern where a single class has lots of dependencies, responsibilities and grows beyond all logic to become the class that does everything - God Class.
Anti-patterns provide a healthy dose of self-criticism and help detect unproductive behaviour or processes. This got me thinking about a similar approach for remote work - finding patterns that are counter-productive.
Today's discussion is about 10 such remote work anti-patterns. Do you think I missed some obvious pattern? Join in the discussion here and add your thoughts!
- Remote is your standard work-life on video
The biggest mistake would be to assume that working remotely is going to be the same as in-office except for the cameras. It is important to understand that it requires conscious efforts on rethinking communication & documentation, building trust & social interaction among other things when building a distributed team.
2. The shift to remote is a 0 to 1 switch
Buffer came up with 'The Remote Working Scale' which categorises the way a company could approach remote working. So, the shift to remote is ideally not a 0 to 1 switch and has many intermediate levels that could be implemented.
The important point, however, is to build a truly remote-first culture rather than just being remote-friendly even at the intermediate levels. We have detailed the difference between being remote-first and remote-friendly in our guide.
177. COVID-19: How the Pandemic has Impacted HackerNoon Staff
In this slogging post, the team at HackerNoon discuss how the Covid-19 Pandemic has not only impacted our work life but our lives in general.
178. How To Choose A Time Tracking Solution For Your Business: A Step By Step Guide
As the impact of the COVID 19 epidemic on the global economy and societies starts to feel like less of a momentary blip on the radar and more of the new normal that we are all going to have to adjust to and get used to, people are getting used to the idea of working from home or remotely in some capacity. One of the technologies that have enabled this to happen and thus proven indispensable to the pandemic economy is time tracking solution.
179. Online Learning Hits All-Time High, Software Engineer Anton Novikau Brings His Expertise to Talaera
The demand for and interest in the e-learning industry has hit an all-time high.
180. How Your Career Will Change by 2030
Remote Work Paving the Way to Multi-Job Careers and Global Hiring
181. Workplace Injuries in the WFH Era: A Tale from Germany
Accidents do happen. Everyone's home included. But, here's the thing. Technically speaking, this remote worker got injured on his way to work.
182. I Want to Know How Tall Everyone is Since We are a Remote Company
Our Podcast Manager Amy Tom hopped on Slack to learn more about her remote colleagues. This is the conversation that ensued...
183. 5 Simple Strategies To Build Trust in Remote Teams
Before we attempt to answer the challenge of how to build trust over Zoom, Loom, Slack. Let’s try to analyze what built trust
184. What Is the Future of Remote Work?
We're talking about remote work This Week On Planet Internet because HackerNoon is a fully remote company and WE'VE GOT THINGS TO SAY about working remotely 😤
185. Top 10 Companies For Developers To Work Remote in 2022 (Ranked and Reviewed)
Finding a remote job as a developer can be tricky. You want to work for a company that recognizes the value of remote workers, and you want to be sure that the
186. 7 Best Ways to Increase Workforce Productivity
2020 will go down in history as the year that turned the trend that was working from home into the norm for businesses across the globe. Everyone who can feasibly work from home is now doing so.
187. How to Master Your Work From Home Routine
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily routines around the world, and many find themselves working from home for the unforeseeable future.
188. Coworking Bansko is a Haven for Digital Nomads
In this slogging thread, our community discusses Zeitler's initiative, Coworking Bansko, and nomadic working.
189. Managing Remote Engineering Teams: How, Why, When
Disconnect and poor communication are key challenges of managing a remote or hybrid development team. As a hybrid team, we share tips on effective management.
190. The 15 Common Tips About Managing Newly Remote Teams
Remote work has become the most transformative labor trend of our lifetime. Long before ‘social distancing’ became a household term, businesses chose to operate with remote teams because of its benefits.
191. Growth Hacking for Remote and International Developers – Part 1
Chris Hickman and Jon Christensen of Kelsus, along with Rich Staats of Secret Stache, discuss lessons learned while working with remote and international engineering teams.
192. Best Ways to Hire Developers for Remote Jobs to Work from Home
Are you looking to hire dedicated developers for remote jobs? Whoa! You are on the right page.
193. The WFH Slump: 10 Ways To Be More Productive While Working From Home
With 56% of workers only working remotely for the last year, working from home is still something most of us are adjusting to.
194. How I Got My Startup Funded By Jason Calacanis
This is the story that how I started Remotehour after 5 years of bootstrapping.
Thank you for checking out the 194 most read stories about Remote Working on HackerNoon.
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