Let's learn about Learn Python via these 96 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. What You Need to Know About Python’s Data Model
A Concise Overview of Data Model, Special Methods and the Collection API in Python.
2. How to Resolve 'Check if Generator Is Empty Error' in Python
In this tutorial, we will learn how to check if a file or directory is empty in Python.
3. How to Correctly Use Variables When Coding in Python
understanding variables when programming will help you become a better programmer
4. Python Loops: Using the Else Clause and Jump Statements
Have you ever felt like you are doing certain tasks again and again in life?
In programming, we can repeat certain tasks using loops.
5. Python - Build a Domain Lookup Tool
This tutorial will use the whois library to build a simple domain lookup tool.
6. Learn To Code With Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales
Classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales are translated into Python code in my upcoming picture book that teaches Python programming to beginners.
7. Animate a Math Object With a Trace Path Using Python Manim Library
Learn the basics of manim library to create beautiful animation
8. What is Property-based Testing (Part 1)
Introduction to property-based testing by way of an illustrative example.
9. Your Guide To Productive Python Programming
Have you ever felt that you are not coding Python as productive as you want to be? Python avoids repetition to do more work with less code.
10. 15 Books for Computer Science Students
In this article, I am going to discuss 15 Recommended Books For Computer Science Students
11. Hello, World! - Why Python is the Most Beginner-Friendly Coding Language
Let’s start this journey of programming with gaining some knowledge on the Python programming language.
12. Short Guide to Best Practices When Naming Variables in Python
These are some best practices in python being followed by the python community when it comes to naming your variables.
13. How To Make Your Own Game in Python
Hi there !
14. Using A Switch Statement in Python
Yes, you read that right. If you have been coding for a while and if Python is not the first programming language that you started with, then you definitely know what a Switch statement is, and appreciate how flawless it is, when you need to factor in multiple conditions/cases for a control flow.
15. How to Write on an Image in Python
In this Python tutorial, we will learn how to Write a text on an image, Change the size of the text and Centre the text on an image
16. How to Use Docker with Python in Just 10 Minutes
Sometimes you just want to dip your toe into a potentially deep and complex subject. Maybe you only have 10 minutes to spare and you want to get something up and running quickly.
17. Python Functions Tutorial for Absolute Beginners
Well, the Reusability of the code in a program is made possible through functions.
18. Why Python and Machine Learning are Soulmates
Python is regarded as the best language for programming Machine Learning.
19. Learning Python Functions By Creating a Simple Project
Functions are key elements of programming. In the first half of this post, we will explain what Python functions are, how to define them, and how to call them.
20. Auto-generating Audio Like HackerNoon In Python
Using pyttsx3 to convert text to speech in Python.Female voice using pyttsx3.
Text to speech in Python.
21. Why You Should Use Python for Web Development
Python is one of the most powerful and dominant languages in web development. check more here about why to use Python for Web Development.
22. How To Use Conditional Statements in Python
In programming, conditions are what gives a language the power to showcase intelligence, by controlling the flow of a program.
23. Why Do Ethical Hackers Use Python?
In recent years, Python has allowed ethical hackers to create scripts and automate structured processes. Ethical hacking using Python is helping to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats to computer networks.
24. Why Does Python Has a "Pass" Statement
Article to understand why does Python have a Pass statement, why it is designed? Is it just an ordinary comment block or for the grammatical completeness
25. Top 5 Career Options and Online Courses for Python Developers (2021)
Here are a few job roles that you can fill after completing your Python learning.
26. How to Make a Twitter Desktop Widget with Python
This desktop widget can allow you to tweet super quickly straight from your desktop.
27. A Complete Guide to Python Lists
Let's start with some of the basics, and then dive into useful ways you'll be able to work with lists.
28. A Simple Guide to Building a Website Blocker in Python
Many of us struggle to focus nowadays, easily distracted by Social media and some sites on the internet which dramatically affecting our productivity. In this tutorial, you will learn and build your own website blocker to block certain selected sites that distract you during working hours.
29. Took - A Twitter Bot that Tweets Books.
Usually I found myself reading more than 100 tweets per day, so I thought that using all that 'reading power' to read a book using tweets could be a good idea.
30. Learning Python Variables
As with all other languages, Python has variables that can be defined to hold data.
31. How to set up FastAPI, Ormar, and Alembic
Learn how to set up a mini async Object Relational Mapper with migrations for your next FastAPI project using the SQLAlchemy toolkit with this guide.
32. Type Annotation In Python
Type Annotation are a quick way to validate the actual type of the variables or arguments that are being passed to the functions it is also called type hinting.
33. Python is a Must-have 21st-Century Skill for Kids
Learning Python for Kids Is an Essential 21st Century Skill. Look at programming courses that teach Python and see how coding can transform children's futures.
34. Implementing 3x+1 or Collatz Conjecture In Python
3x+1 or Collatz conjecture is a simple maths problem that can easily be implemented using a simple while loop in Python.
35. How to Create a Phone Number Tracking App in Python
Today I’m going to share with you how to build a simple desktop application to identify and track country information from phone numbers.
36. Reflecting On My First 5 Months As An Open-Source Contributor
This is the story of how I started contributing to open source, along with 3 solid reasons why you should start contributing to open source too.
37. Start To Learn Programming Here
If you have clicked on this article you probably want to learn programming, but don’t know where to start, as it may seem like a daunting or intimidating task.
38. The Surprising Case Of Mutable Default Arguments
Mutable arguments get bind to the function the moment the function definition ends and are therefore modified each time instead of re-initialisation.
39. Python & Data Engineering: Under the Hood of Join Operators
In this post, I discuss the algorithms of a nested loop, hash join, and merge join in Python.
40. Learning Python: A Cheatsheet for Beginners🔥
If you are looking to learn python, then this is a great post for you.
41. Machine Learning Concepts In Python For your Next App
Python can be used in machine learning, especially through using these basic machine learning concepts as building blocks for data analysis and other functions.
42. Python Cheatsheet: Mock Object Library
Python's simplicity permeates it all, and tests are not an exception. I left behind -temporarily- my JUnit and Mockito days by pytest and unittest.
43. How to Create Digital Generative Art With Python
We create Generative Art with Python. No paintbrush required! In this tutorial, we're going to be using four pieces of code - painter, utils, numpy, and more.
44. Functional Programming in Python For Beginners
Learn about functional programming, pure functions, map(), filter(), zip(), reduce() concepts
45. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Random Password Generator in Python
Wanna start a beginner Python project? Let's create a Password Generator Python Project which is super quick & super fun!
46. 11 Tips And Tricks To Write Better Python Code
Here are 11 tips and tricks that will help you to write better Python code.
47. Creating a Python Discord Bot - How to Get Data for Analysis
From this article you’ll learn how tо
create Discord bot and add it to the Server;
get the full list of channels from the server;
get a snapshot of Discord memb
48. Python for Kids: A Fun and Easy Guide to Learning the Popular Programming Language
Programming languages are created to give computers instructions, just the same way your parents use the English Language to give you instructions to do a thing
49. Python Hack: How to Make a Digital Clock
Hi guys,
50. Functions in Python—Easy or Hard to Learn & Master?
In this post, I'll give the brief intro of each 6 highly used ML packages, what is the purpose and when to use.
51. Making GraphQL Queries in Python Like a Boss
A guide to which GraphQL client libraries to use in Python.
52. Sets, Lists, Dictionaries and Tuples in Python
Python has four types of data collection. When to use which, and why we have four, can be confusing. In this guide, I'll go through what each of the types is.
53. Introduction to Tuples in Python
In this guide, we'll cover how to use Tuples, as well as some of the methods and things you'd want to do with them.
54. How To Learn Programming as a Beginner
If you have clicked on this article you probably want to learn programming, but don’t know where to start, as it may seem like a daunting or intimidating task.
55. Pixelated Images Using Python
We use PIL (Pillow) to create pixelated Image using Python. Firstly, resize down an image and then resize it up to get pixelated effect. Basic image operations.
56. A Beginner's Guide to Web Scraping in Python
In this article, you're going to learn the basics of web scraping in python and we'll do a demo project to scrape quotes from a website.
57. Colors of Python Interpreters
As you know, Python is a very popular language and already takes 1st place in the TIOBE rating. And in the classical understanding of Python, in 90% of cases, CPython is meant. It is a reference implementation of the interpreter under the guidance of Guido van Rossum. Version 3.10 is current as of November 14, 2021. By now, Python means only version 3, but before this version appeared, mentions of version 2 can still be found. Now version 2 is not supported and most companies are removing the remnants of the code from version 2. by porting the code to version 3. As of January 1, 2020, Python 2 is no longer supported [https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/]. And this is quite understandable since, after the release of Python 3 in 2006, developers had to support 2 versions at the same time, which is laborious.
58. 40 Python Projects Ideas For Students
Hello guys , in this blog post I have organized 40 Python projects that you might be interested trying out ranging from webscraping to to natural language processing.
59. How to Learn Python Without Any Programming Background
You are not a programmer. You have zero coding experience. You probably consider yourself “not a math person”. So let’s find out how you can learn Python, even if you’ve never had any exposure to a programming language.
60. Introduction to the Print Function in Python
print() function and input() function makes the program more interactive with the user.
61. The Most Important Programming Lesson I Ever Learned
The most important lesson in programming is learning to debug code. Here is a list of my favorite debugging tips and tricks in JavaScript, Python, and more.
62. 9 Reasons why you should Learn Python
Python is an important programming language that all developers should know. Many programmers use this language to make websites, produce learning algorithms, and perform different necessary tasks. The best way to learn Python begins with deciding what you want to build. Then you will want to find a course or resources to help you develop your idea. When learning Python, it is very important to start with an idea. If you try to create something that interests you, the process becomes more intense. Learn Python in just 9 simple steps with the Simpliv program.
63. Python Tricks Every Developer Should Know
Python is awesome, it’s one of the easiest languages with simple and intuitive syntax but wait, have you ever thought that there might ways to write your python code simpler?
64. The Basics of Python OS Module
The OS module is a python module that provides the interface for interacting with the underlying operating system that Python is running.
65. How to Perform Emotion detection in Text via Python
In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to detect emotions associated with textual data and how can you apply it in real-world applications.
66. [A Step by Step Guide] Executing A Denial of Service (DoS) Attack in Python
Denial of Service attacks do not always have to flood the server with requests to make him shut down. Deadly Booring DOS takes a much more elegant approach: Instead sending as much data as possible, we send as little data as we can. DeadlyBooring is a free interpretation of SlowLoris DOS.
67. Top 10 Python Database Drivers Packages and Projects
Python is a known modular language which imports many useful operations from its standard library. Of course, it isn’t possible to program Python without using it. It has become an excellent alternative for many programmers because it is an open source program which was developed under an OSI license. You can download, install and run it on any computer without any charge. It is available in various builds and supports around 21 different operating systems making it have universal appeal.
68. What is Python Good for? Why Beginner Should Learn Python?
Data science and machine learning are the two main things Python is perfect for. Code simplicity, higher salary, and automation are just some of the best reasons to Learn Python, if you're on the fence about it.
69. A Beginner's Introduction to the Python Programming Language
Python is a language known for being modular. It has an extensive standard library and its simple to use syntax facilitates coding in the language.
70. Integrating Python and SQL: A Guide for Beginners
SQL is a structured query language that is used to communicate with a database where the database is the organized collection of data that is usually stored electronically on your computer.
71. Python Access Modifiers: Public, Private, and Protected Variables
Using access modifiers is part of the daily job of any OOP developer but things are a bit complex in python, or maybe a bit simpler.
72. How I'd Learn Data Science If I Were To Start All Over Again
A couple of days ago I started thinking if I had to start learning machine learning and data science all over again where would I start?
73. Pandas Refresher: Using Join on Tables
Working with tables by join in Pandas: how to load tables in Pandas, merging data in tables, left join, right join, outer join, inner join.
74. How To Compare Tesla and Ford Company By Using Magic Methods in Python
Magic Methods are the special methods which gives us the ability to access built in syntactical features such as ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘==’, ‘+’ etc..
75. Congratulations, You've Just Learned Python
I would like to devote this article to those people who, after learning Python, faced the usual problem - What next? Are you sure you have already learned it? I will attach a small checklist:
76. How To Create A Simple Neural Network Using Python
I built a simple Neural Network using Python that outputs a target number given a specific input number.
77. How to Interface R Using Python for Bioinformatics
Learn to use the Rpy2 library as a way to interface R using python for bioinformatics purposes
78. Python List Comprehension Beginner's Guide
Today you’re going to learn about python list comprehension, a very powerful feature of python to use when creating a python List based on certain constraints.
79. Consistent Custom Exception Classes in Python
Having to handle exceptions is common in Python and so is having to define your own. Yet, I have seen competing ways of doing so in various projects. The inconsistency comes from Exceptions being something that can easily be subclassed and extended, but also something that can be easily instantiated and used in their base form.
80. 5 Best Practices for Writing Efficient Python Code
In this article, we'll discuss some basic principles of coding in python that can help you optimize your programs' performance.
81. How to Send Emails Using Python
Learn how to send an email in your Python application with SMTP, a transactional email API, and with a multi-channel notification service.
82. How to Remove all Duplicate Files on your Drive via Python
Today you're going to learn how to use Python programming in a way that can ultimately save a lot of space on your drive by removing all the duplicates.
83. Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Python in 2023— Best of Lot
How to become a Python Programmer in 2020?
84. A Beginner's Guide to Getting User Input in Python
Getting input from the user is what makes a program more interactive with the user.
85. Building a To-do List App with Python: Data Access Layer with SQLAlchemy
If you ever used an ORM, you already know that it can save a lot of time, especially when starting a project, but as the codebase grows it can become impossible
86. A Guide to Python Advanced Features
Python is a simple but expressive and powerful language. If you have learned the basics of Python, such as basic data structures and functionalities, then it's time to learn the complex features now.
87. About The Python Code Picture Book
This picture book tells a story with Python programs.
88. Python Programming: A Beginner’s Guide
Python is an interpreted, high-level, powerful general-purpose programming language. You may ask, Python’s a snake right? and Why is this programming language named after it? Well, you are in the right place to discover the answer! and I’ll also answer the why, what, and how regarding Python programming.
89. Python For Beginners: Functions, Parameters And Arguments
Explore more on functions through arguments, parameters, and return statements.
90. How to detect plagiarism in text using Python
91. How to Create an Alarm Clock in Python
Today we are going to build an Alarm Clock using Python. In this project, we are going to use some external modules which are already made available.
92. Python Basics: File Handling
In this article you’re going to learn how to work with files in python, you gonna learn various techniques on how open, read, manipulate, and save files in python.
93. Basic Data Types in Python
Data types are one of the building blocks of python.
And You can do a lot of things with data types!
94. Python For Beginners: Learning One-Liners On Practice
Like lists comprehensions and lambda functions python one line codes can
save a lot of time and space so how you can master them?
95. [Tutorial] Recognize Handwritten Numbers in Python without any ML-Library
This little image classifier is a showcase of how easy it is to create a functional image classifier using just basic python and some easy to use and well-documented libraries.
96. 7 Types of Operators in Python
Operators are used to doing operations on any given data stored inside variables. In Python, there are 7 types of operators. Arithmetic, bitwise, and more.
Thank you for checking out the 96 most read stories about Learn Python on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.