Let's learn about Learning To Code via these 373 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Coding is the new literacy!
1. Termux Commands List Cheat Sheet
In this Ultimate Guide, we’ve made a list of the best Termux commands list for beginners. You cannot run Termux without these Termux commands.
2. Java Algorithms: Linked List in Binary Tree (LeetCode)
Linked List in Binary Tree
3. How To Use SASS In Your Create-React-App
Create-react-app is facebook's attempt at setting up a developer to get started building react apps very quickly. It is a boilerplate that comes pre-configured with a wide array of tools and technologies that ensure a smooth running react application. However, create-react-app does not come with Sass preprocessing by default. To add sass preprocessing, we would need to add an extra dependency to our list of dependencies known as node-sass.
4. How to Build a Simple Python Reminder App
I assume you know nothing about programming and want to try and make something with the world’s programming sweetheart — Python.
5. Create Your Own Ad Blocker in 3 Minutes [Tutorial]
Beat ads the hacker way with this quick guide.
6. How I Solve Problems as a Developer
There is no programmer in the world who knows how to solve every coding problem. That person simply doesn’t exist, because the programming field is so big that to a normal person, it would take two lives to learn all of that, but we only have one life.
7. My Experience with Jetbrains Academy So Far [Review]
A review of Jetbrains Academy - "A hands-on platform for learning to program" -written by a college student.
8. Should I Learn Rails in 2020?
Rails (or ruby on rails) used to the most popular web development framework just a couple of years ago, but it's not so popular now. If you are struggling to make a decision, this post may end up saving a lot of your time. But it is recommended that do research of your own about the technology and what it does best, will it be a good fit for you?
9. The Problem with Education is a Problem of Incentives
There is something wrong with education, particularly higher education.
10. Practice with Functional Programming in Go
Take a look at a functional programming paradigm in Go
11. Learn How to Learn, Before Learning How to Code
While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.
12. Coding - The Universal Language You Must Learn
Coding is a universal language, a 21st-century survival skill everyone can learn. Today more than ever, coding is a base requirement in numerous careers.
13. Merge Intervals in Java Algorithms (LeetCode)
Returning an array of the non-overlapping intervals that span every input interval.
14. Resolving the CROSSSLOT Keys Error with Redis Cluster-Mode Enabled
Why "CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot" error happens in a Redis Cluster, and how to solve it.
15. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch Part IV: Implementing Functions
Build your own Programming Language from Scratch Part 4, where we start new function constructions & implementing functions.
16. An Intro to Middleware in NextJS 12
NextJS 12 was announced yesterday at the NextJS Conf and they announced a new feature called middleware which allows one to modify the response to a request.
17. How Regular Writing Practice Can Make You A Pro in Programming
I’ve been coding professionally for around 5 years now and I’ve continued to work on my writing for more or less the same amount of time, although in a much smaller capacity. In this time, I’ve learnt to see some key similarities between the two crafts. Despite how different the two fields seem on the surface, I truly believe that working on my writing skills continues to have a spill over effect on my how I think about code as well.
18. An Intro to Coding for Kids: What Every Parent Should Know
The correct coding platform can foster an environment where your child can explore their curiosity and better understand how technology influences the world.
19. New Job Imposter Syndrome
I am writing this after just surviving my first week of a new job that gave me the worst imposter syndrome I’ve had since I first started working as a software engineer. To be clear, it had nothing to do with the job itself or how anyone treated me. In fact, I was pretty surprised to feel imposter syndrome at all because I’ve had a lot of different jobs in the past four years and have been pretty good at transitioning. Let me provide some context before I dig into what helped me overcome this syndrome.
20. 11 Great Online Learning Platforms to Build New Skills: 2022 Edition
Online learning is a great option to keep you occupied while feeling more productive and purposeful. It helps you polish your skills and add more qualifications to your resume. You just need an excellent online learning platform to find the courses of your choices and develop your skills.
21. Why Senior Citizens Should Learn to Code
Seniors - learn to code! As a mind-stimulating leisure activity, learning to code has many health and social benefits for older adults.
22. Should you learn C in 2020/2021?
When working with embedded systems that depend on speed or have a minimal amount of memory, C is a perfect language of choice. This is a short paper about why you should learn C and the benefits of doing so.
23. How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as a Software Engineer?
In my short stint as a software engineer, I've always been incredibly lucky with the people surrounding me.
24. Say Goodbye to Null-Checking and Exceptions: Using the Maybe Monad in Symfony
Functional programming is old. But it did not become popular, and probably for a reason.
25. How To Get Your Kids Coding: A Quick Guide for Moms & Dads
Coding for kids is one of the hottest topics among many parents and teachers right now. Here, I'll explain the benefits of learning to code at a young age.
26. Java Program to Check for Right Angled Triangle
A simple program in Java to check whether a triangle is right-angled or not.
27. 4 Simple Steps to Become a JavaScript Developer FREE
Learning JavaScript can get you into many fields of Programming; Frontend, Backend, Mobile, Web Development.
28. A Brief Intro to Legacy Code
Let's talk about legacy code and its refactoring
29. How is a Code Formatter Implemented in Turtle Graphics
30. How to Check If Your Point Is Reachable: A JavaScript Algorithms Guide
31. How to Install Django and Python 3+ on Raspberry Pi
Don't waste time! Learn how to install Django and Python quickly with this tutorial!
32. Making Your Code Look Pretty
When you are new to programming, you’re focused on making your code work—not on making it look pretty.
33. Today I Learned: Making a Simple Interactive Shell Application in Golang
How I make a simple interactive shell in Golang
34. I'm Too Old to Learn to Code, Right?
Coding is for kids. At least that’s what some people say. But is there room for adults to learn too? Of course there is, find out more.
35. How to Learn Effectively with Your Personal Programming Projects
This article acts as a step-by-step guide that you can follow to start on your projects and learn along the way.
36. 8 Free Online Games to Help You Learn Coding
To learn coding is not just being familiar or comfortable with the syntax but to understand the logic and improve logical and analytical skills. Every programming language has advantages and disadvantages but the basics are the same to a certain extent. We all know that the best method to learn a programming language is writing codes in it. It is also known that the key developers not just write the code but enjoy doing it. If the basics are not sorted, advanced programming tends to be boring.
37. Lifting the Veil on Programming Fundamentals: Languages, Syntax, Statements
Different types of programming languages based on their levels and type security alongside syntax, generally reserved keywords, statements, etc.
38. StyleCop for .NET Makes Code Better
How to setup and configure StyleCop as a coding convention tool for .NET
39. 🕵️♂️ Learning to Use Git Alias to Boost Your Productivity
Repeating the same git commands over and over again can be such a waste of time!
40. 7 Things I’ve Learned as a Software Developer
In this Blog Post, I share some of the things I have learned so far while working as a Software Developer.
41. 4 Coding Practices I’ve Picked Up Working for a Startup
Coding practices to pick up when starting out as a software engineer at a startup
42. Getting Started with OpenAI API in JavaScript
Learn beginner-friendly AI development using OpenAI API and JavaScript. Includes installation guide and code examples for building AI-enabled apps.
43. How to Remove Nth Node From End of List — Blind 75 LeetCode Question
Remove Nth Node From End of List is a problem where given a linked list, the goal is to remove the nth node from the end of the list and return the updated list
44. Pieces: A Bookmarking Tool for Developers
Saving code solutions by using bookmarks in your browser is pretty painful when you want to find and revisit that solution later. An easy hack is to save snippe
45. Before You Start Learning to Code, Read This.
How to get started with software development, the easy way.
46. Creating a C++ Program To Do Binary Subtraction
Understand how to do binary subtraction in data structures. Binary subtraction is one of the four arithmetic operations where we perform the subtraction method.
47. Ways To Make Money As A Developer
There are two types of people. Ones are already working as programmers and there are others who just code in their free time. It doesn’t matter which group you fit in, but the thing that most people want is to make some extra money as programmers. So, in this article, I’ll show you a couple of ways to make money as a developer.
48. Internapp Introduction: Africa's first Time-Bound Staffing Application
As the novel Covid19 rages on deconstructing business systems and structures in its wake, companies and organizations have taken to their shelters administering pay cuts and orchestrating massive retrenchment in order to meet up demands of current reality.
49. Is a Web Development Bootcamp Worth it in 2022?
Is a web development bootcamp right for you? How likely is it that it will lead to a job and is it worth the money?
50. Experimenting With Sapling, the New Git Client From Meta
Sapling is a new source control system developed by Meta. Working with stacked PRs in sapling is a pleasure. And it works well with GitHub's Review UI.
51. Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Learning to Code
Learning to code can be a challenging and rewarding journey, but it's not without its pitfalls. However, with a little knowledge and planning, these common
52. Building an Embeddings Powered Product to Search Paul Graham Essays Using Siri
Today we will build a search engine for Paul Graham’s essays that we will use with Apple Siri Shortcuts, e.g. asking Siri questions about these essays.
53. The Rational Software Engineer: Navigating a Career Change
How to change your career as a software engineer inside the field and outside the field in a smart way.
54. Tutorial: Creating New Node.js Projects and Working with Packages
After you've set up Node.js on your machine, the first thing you'll probably want to do is create a new project and start coding. And to get more efficient at the job, there are two important things that you'll need to be fluent with:
55. You Don't Need An Expensive Laptop For Coding
You don't need an expensive laptop to start learning to code. Here is how much money you'll need to spend on a computer for it to work properly.
56. Is Java the Right Choice as a First Language to Learn?
In a world with billions of devices running on Java, I got rid of it in my curriculum and replaced it with Javascript. Here is why.
57. What’s The Deal With Programming In Arduino
Arduino is an amazing platform to get into hardware development and programming. But there are a few things you need to know before you start.
58. 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Start Coding Early
Teaching our youth to code means empowering future leaders and creators with the capacity to understand and respond to the demands of today and tomorrow.
59. Self-Taught vs College-Educated Programmers: Who's More Effective?
If you’re just a normal person who doesn’t know much about coding, you would probably think that those programmers who went to college are better then those who are self-taught. I mean, they went to college, they must know more than those who have learned it by themself. In reality, the answer is not that simple.
60. Introduction to Ruby Conditionals
Our daily life contains a set of conditionals whose job is to define us as individuals, these conditionals are introduced to us from the very first day:
61. The JavaScript Guide for 2020 :Part 1 [An Overview]
Welcome to the amazing world of JavaScript where we will learn about how to build amazing applications and create some awesome things along the way.
62. Creating an RDL Report in .NET C# Code
Learn how to create an RDL report in code in no time!
63. A Guide for Beginner Programmer on Using Git in a Team
When you start programming, you’ll immediately hear that you should learn Git.
64. Progress From Coding Software To Engineering It
Before I learned how to build apps with code, I thought software development would be like building something out of wood... you learn a couple of basic skills,
65. Use LaunchDarkly to Quickly Implement Feature Flags
In this blog post explain what feature flags are and how to implement them using LaunchDarkly.
66. 5 Top Tips for Remote Teaching: Coding Edition
I feel I should caveat this post by saying I don’t have any formal teaching qualifications. I have, however, volunteered as an instructor for Code First: Girls on their Introduction to Web Development course and delivered it twice now. So I have a bit of experience that I want to share with others who like me could (just about) code but had never taught coding before.
67. How I Switched From My Traditional Career Path to a Tech-Savvy Software Developer
Just a short story about how I switched my career path to software development.
68. 11 Books Every Software Developer Should Read
Here is a list of some of the best books new software developers can learn from.
69. Laptop Stickers vs Happy Devs
We surveyed engineers in over 80 companies and quickly did the math: if you are an organization that onboards 100 developers a year and it takes an average of 4 months to onboard them, then as the engineering manager in charge of those developers, you’ll lose approximately 30 years of contribution, which sounds astronomic by all measures.
70. Programming Principles for Beginners
A lot of us have struggled with algorithms and data structures. When I began with programming at my University, the name of a subject that got my attention and got me motivated to find my life call was the Principles of programming. I started devoting a lot of time to figuring out how to solve professors' assignments. Now those algorithms are easy for me but then they were not, and I couldn’t pass the exam, I had the wrong approach in learning, you can not memorize them, you must practice and figure out what you need to do.
71. How To Implement localStorage or Firebase Firestore into your JS project
I am a great reader, I love books and I try to read as much as I can, no matter the topic, whatever, fantasy, comedy, sci-fi, educational...Books take me to another world, they make me feel, make me think, make me relax and make me disconnect from the day by day schedule. I cannot live without them.
72. Can You Really Code Without IF Statements?
I went to an OOP workshop by Sandi Metz several years ago. She made a comment that at one of her previous jobs, they didn't use if statements.
73. Difference Between Compiler And Interpreter
The only reason why I've written this post because I've seen many people get confused with compiler languages and interpreter languages. Hope this helps for basic understanding.
74. How I Fell In Love With Python
Two years back, I was a guy with zero programming skills. For my whole life, I always kept running away from Computer Sciences and I ended up pursuing my engineering in Computer sciences only. Well it was kinda blessing in disguise because now I feel that it was right decision to choose Computer Science( just because I feel like it is much easier than other branches of engineering).
75. How to Learn Difficult Concepts of CSS Positioning [Beginners Guide]
In recent years, jobs are shifting more towards Machine Learning(ML), Artificial Intelligence(AI) technologies, both of which need significant coding skills. With the imminent threat of job losses to ML, AI, and other emerging technologies in the near soon, there are currently fears among employees that their jobs are about to be taken by robots. Consequently, there have been a lot of career changes today than ever before where people from different backgrounds are acquiring skills in the above-mentioned technologies, data analysis, as well as learning how to code. Looking at the trend of events in today’s dynamic labor market, coding is arguably among the skills that seem to be future-proof. For this reason, despite the seeming difficulty of learning how to code for someone without a traditional computer science background, people from all walks of life are venturing into coding by the day.
76. Make a Feedback Form with PHP [A How-To Guide]
It’s time for a web project that has real-life uses.Today I’ll show you how to make a feedback form using a website, a PHP engine, and some mailing magic. Why?
77. How Similar Are Programming Languages?
Everyone is saying that programming languages are similar, but just how similar? Does it mean that if you know one programming language you know all the others?
78. Learn To Code in 30 Days: My Personal Journey
Learning how to code is something I’ve thought about doing for some time but always found an excuse for putting it off. Then the pandemic happened, flipping my schedule upside-down. If I was serious about wanting to learn, then this was the perfect opportunity. It was time for my next 30-day challenge.
79. 6 Most Important Things Every Junior Developer Should Know
My very first software development job was for my parent’s company. I had been poking around on a Commodore 64 for a couple of years and even had a few working pieces of code on Floppy disks that I would take over to my friends house and copy for them to use (Old School Github). Mom and Dad bought a new computer system that did not do what they needed it to do. My sheer luck, the system was written in a dialect of BASIC. Since I pretended to know BASIC, I stepped up and was officially a software developer.
80. How to Auto-Generate Interactive Coding Videos for Software Developers
Completing a passion project that seemed impossible.
81. Beginners, Start To Ask "What They Do" not "How To Be one"
I have met many young engineers, students who wants to do great in their career , they are so bright , hard working & full of potential still they mess up. Why ?
82. Quick Tips for Programmers to Improve Their Posture
As programmers, we spend a lot of our time sitting in a chair in front of the desk, and most of the times you can’t choose what chair you want or how high do you want the desk. All of these things, in most cases, lead to having a bad posture, and that’s a serious problem, even more, serious than most people think. So, in this article, I am going to help you correct and keep a good posture, while being a programmer.
83. How to Use the Adapter Design Pattern in Vue.js
How to increase the maintainability of your Vue.js project by using the Adapter Design Pattern.
84. Stone Soup and Super Power 🦸♂️
I recently read The Pragmatic Programmer — By Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas. The book introduced me to the Stone Soup story which is as follows.
85. Coding vs Scripting: What Are The Differences?
You’ve probably seen somewhere someone saying coding vs scripting. When I first saw that, I thought that those two are the same things, but the more I learned I found out that there are some main differences between those two. So, what are those differences?
86. Tech Layoffs: What do They Mean for Budding Developers?
So we're officially in a recession, and now the question is, "what does a recession mean to me as a brand-new developer?".
87. Is Node.js Worth The Hoopla?
If you’ve gotten started programming with HTML and JavaScript (JS), you know how easy JS is to use. The interface is right at your fingertips. You can easily access your entire web page with simple commands.
88. 8 Beginner Design Projects for Aspiring Front-end Developers
These are 8 projects with requirements and designs that you can do to add to your portfolio as a Front-end Developer. The order of these projects is from easy to intermediate level.
89. 6 Reasons to Know At least One Programming Language
When you start reading this, I’m assuming you don’t know much about programming and you’re highly curious about why you need to learn a new language when you’re not aware of why you actually need it. Here I’m giving you 6 reasons for you to learn a new programming language.
90. 10 Best Coding Challenge Sites For Beginners
Coding challenge websites are a great step to take after you learn one language. These will challenge your understanding of your language to deepen it further.
91. To Infinity and Beyond: Java Developer Roadmap
So how long does it take to learn Java? Ten years, ten weeks, or one day? Maybe your whole life? You may find very peculiar answers to this question on some online forums. Let’s make it clear from the very beginning. In this article “to know Java” doesn’t mean you can write “Hello world program”. It is about knowing Java well enough to find your first job.
92. How Coding Education Prepares Kids for Life – Not Just Careers
It's increasingly important for children to learn how to use technology and understand how it works – for everyday life and better careers.
93. How to Build a Python-Based Horoscopy Script
You've probably heard of Python, an interactive programming language that makes it easy to work with data. Today it's used for everything from websites and apps to statistics, machine learning, and AI.
94. Learn Java with These Android Apps
There’s a common misconception in software development that you have to spend hours at the office, chained to a PC and coding books to learn a new programming language. The good news is, with the impressive development of mobile coding education, you can learn on your feet and combine professional development with running personal errands.
95. How to De-Squeeze an Image Using CSS
All images have different sizes. But most of the time we want to place an image and define dimensions by ourselves. By default, the whole image squeezed according to the given width and height. For instance, if you want to place an image with a width of 400px and a height of 500px the image will look like this:
96. Invisible Barriers That Prevent You From Learning Web Development and How to Break Through Them
The hidden cost of frustrating, demotivating web development MOOCs!
97. How to Get Started on React Native in 2020
Interested in learning React Native? Let’s build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
98. How To Do Calculus with Python: Derivatives Cheat Sheet [Part 1]
This article is really a precursor to cool things you can do with calculus such as the persuit curve which is used in air-to-air missiles, and rocket launch equations.
99. How I Made My Life Easier When Learning HTML & CSS
At the beginning of this year, I made a decision to change careers to become a Software Developer since then I was struggling to find the best way to learn HTML & CSS in an effective way so in July I started at Microverse — a global school for remote software developer — and I’m going to share some things that made my life easier in order to master HTML & CSS skills.
100. Python Hack: How to Download YouTube Video as Audio
In this article, I will show how you can use python to download a YouTube video as audio in a matter of few seconds using youtube-dl python wrapper.
101. Getting A Job in Tech By Taking Code Bootcamps
Ex-Google Tech Lead deep dives into coding bootcamps, their pros & cons, and everything you need to know about them.
102. Detecting Linked List Cycle. (LeetCode)
Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it.
103. Becoming a Blockchain Architect in 10 Steps
I managed to do it, you can too.
104. Build an Array from Scratch in Javascript
In the last post Arrays in JS, we learned about what arrays are, how we can store data in them and some methods which can be used on the array to get certain results.
105. Is Sass CSS with Superpowers?
If you start using Sass, you never want to write CSS by hand again.
106. How to Implement SMTP Client on C++
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a widely used protocol for the delivery of emails between TCP/IP systems and users.
107. Intermediate Python Refresher: Tutorial, Project Ideas, and Tips
This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.
108. 7 Best Coding Apps For Kids that Help Gamify Programming
Most parents fail to provide their children with proper coding education because of a lack of coding courses in elementary school. Many parents don't have the ability to teach coding themselves. If you want your kids to stay up to date with modern education and are looking for a way to teach your kids the basics of computer programming and coding, check out some of these best coding apps for kids.
109. Problem-Solving For New Software Developers
Becoming an experienced software developer doesn’t mean knowing the solution to every problem, nor does it depend on knowing the entire system and its many edge cases.
110. 20 Fun DIY Java Projects To Fine Tune Your Skillset
This is a rundown of amazing Java project ideas that will set off your career in programming. Given, there are dozens of projects that could help you learn or perfect some basic or complex Java tasks. But if you are a beginner who is rather skeptical about venturing out on your own, the projects in this mini-guide have been handpicked specifically for you.
111. Creating Microservices in Nest.js
This article attempts to demystify microservices by showing devs how to create a set of microservices using one of their favorite frameworks: Nest.js!
112. How to Choose the Best Programming Language to Learn First
When I was first learning to code, I wanted to choose the right programming language. But as a beginner, I didn’t know how to evaluate which was the right one. So I turned to the internet. The internet had lots of opinions. After reading through articles with titles like “Why Python is the only language for beginners” and “If you want a job, learn JavaScript”, I had serious analysis paralysis. I just chose a popular one with a cool name: JavaScript.
113. 3 Things Coding And Prose Writing Have In Common According To Cory House
Does your code read like a book?
114. What Is Dynamic Programming and Memoization?
Learning Dynamic Programming and Memoization in Under 5 Minutes
115. Your Kids Should Start Coding Early and Here's Why
There are good reasons to believe that children that explore code early can develop more complex thinking processes.
116. You Can Make Your Own Task Manager in 10 minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
There are many task managing apps out there, but it’s always exciting to make an app of your own. In this walkthrough, I’ll show you how to write a simple task-managing app that will work in your browser. In later episodes, I’ll show you how to upgrade this task manager to include more features.
This is a very basic walkthrough, aimed at beginners. If you are experienced in HTML and JavaScript, don’t expect much from it. But hey, one step at a time is the best way to learn.
117. What you don’t know about web development
Fear not, this isn’t another mildly aggressive blog post telling you that you’re inferior; I’m not here to tell you what you don’t know about web development.
118. Top 5 Machine Learning Programming Languages in 2021
Python, R, Lisp, Prolog, and Java are the best machine learning programming languages to learn in 2021.
119. Multiply Strings (LeetCode): An Out of the Box Solution In JavaScript
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2, also represented as a string.
120. Following George Pólya’s Methods of Problem-solving. How It Might Help You In The Process of Coding.
When my coding instructor started teaching the topic ‘Approaching Solution Of A Problem’ , he introduced George Pólya’s methods of problem-solving to us.
121. Introducing Factory Building Games - and how it levels you up as a programmer
How playing games, lets your practise all the fun parts of software development, without the pain of coding
122. Python For Beginners: Learning One-Liners On Practice
Like lists comprehensions and lambda functions python one line codes can
save a lot of time and space so how you can master them?
123. What Is Bottleneck in PC World
In the last article, which you can read here, I was talking about which PC components are crucial for programmers. Basically, I listed all the components to worry about, but I’ve also said that you need to keep the Bottleneck in mind. Because, there’re a lot of people who don’t know what is a bottleneck, in this article, I’ll try to explain what that is.
124. C++ Template: A Quick Review of C++11/14/17/20 Version
I know, it’s been a while since the last time I published something newbies-friendly on my blog. The main reason is that most of my readers are either experienced devs or from C background having modest C++ encounter. But while programming in C++ you need a completely different mindset as both C & C++ belongs to different programming paradigm. And I always strive to show them a better way of doing things in C++. Anyway, I found the topic which is lengthy, reasonably complex(at least it was for me), newbies-friendly as well as energizing for experienced folks(if Modern C++ jargons, rules & features added) i.e. C++ Template.
125. Web Scraping For Fun: With 'requests-html'
Web Scraping for fun: With 'requests-html'
126. 7 Must Use Tools For Newbie Web Developers
During my journey of learning web development I came across this different technology and stuffs which are often used during web development or writing code and
127. Important Notes For HTML CSS Beginner Developers
Every time one decides to embark on a new adventure it is inevitable to find obstacles and have a few downfalls along the way. In my case, it was more like one of those people you watch on YouTube getting hurt trying to perform some amazing trick…
128. Demystifying Software Engineering: Being Approached to Build a Feature or Tool (Part 1)
The aim of this series of posts is to help demystify what it’s like to do software work and tasks in a professional environment.
129. Display a Number's Prime Digits
Program in java to input a number and display its prime digits.
130. How the Event Loop Works in Node.js
Node.js is a single-threaded event-driven platform that is capable of running non-blocking, asynchronous programming.
131. Online Schooling Vs Traditional Schooling: Choose Wisely
In this digital age, schooling designs have moved beyond the physical infrastructure.
132. Best Tools For Building Your First MERN Application
Top tools to use when building your next awesome web application using the MERN stack
133. A 4-min Introduction To Restful APIs
API (Application programming interface), an intermediary between two or more services, provides a set of rules that define communication between services
134. We Should All Learn How To Code, Period!
One day we will all be developers, won't be?
135. Java Program to Generate Multiplication Table of the Input Number
Java program to display the multiplication of the input number from 1 to 10.
136. One Small Step for You, One Big Step for Your IT Career
We all sometimes try taking on more significant tasks than we can deliver on—it stems directly from our human inability to evaluate complex tasks correctly.
137. How I Created My First Google Sheets Add-On and Why You Should Try It Too
In this article, I'll share my story of how I created my first Google Sheets add-on.
138. The Essential Guide to Using Promise in JavaScript
Promise in JavaScript is the way to wait for certain actions to process or complete.
139. How To Start An IT Career From Scratch
This story is for the people who doesn't have any experience in IT industry, whether you are completely new to job market or have some experience in other fields yet want to start over a new career.
140. Get Started with Sylver - Part1 : Build a JSON Parser in 49 lines of Code
Building a JSON parser in 49 lines of code
141. Create a Temporary Gmail Account With Python
Sometimes you come across a number of adverts and websites that you need to signup for but don’t completely trust.
142. An Unusual Advice for Those Beginning to Code
There is a topic that permeates across all areas of knowledge, yet it is seldom mentioned. I would dare claim that knowledge wouldn't exist without it. That is the non-contradiction principle.
143. Using Cerbos to Navigate User Permissions
Cerbos is an open-source decoupled access control for your software making user permissions and authorization simple to implement and manage.
144. An Intro to Rust for JavaScript Developers
Learn Rust in 5 minutes with your existing JavaScript knowledge. Here, I list differences Rust has compared to JS that is crucial to understanding it.
145. How to Use Docker with Python in Just 10 Minutes
Sometimes you just want to dip your toe into a potentially deep and complex subject. Maybe you only have 10 minutes to spare and you want to get something up and running quickly.
146. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part VI - Loops
In this part of creating your programming language, we'll implement For, While and For-each loops. We'll implement and test the bubble sort algorithm
147. What is Scala and Should it be Your First Programming Language?
In the early 2000s, the future of Java looked doubtful. Other programming languages had emerged, and Java no longer looked as attractive as it once had, even though it was still very widely used. Along came Scala.
148. An Introduction to CSS Variables
One of the biggest issues with writing large amounts of CSS is keeping things consistent. In this article, I will teach you some of the basics of CSS.
149. Get Involved in These Communities to Learn and Explore the Low-Code / No-Code Stack
I am pretty sure you all are familiar with full-stack, MERN stack, and many similar tech stacks related to development.
150. Should Programmers Know Things About Computers
I have one question for you. What do you think, how much do programmers know about computers? And by computers I mean computer configuration, knowing what PC is the best, and how to fix problems with the computer in general. You may be surprised to know that there a lot of programmers who don’t know much about that.
151. How To Start Learning HTML And CSS3
152. Building a Full Stack NFT Minting DApp Using Hardhat, Ethers.js, Next.js, and TailwindCSS
Building a Full Stack NFT minting Dapp using Hardhat, ethers.js, Next.js, and TailwindCSS
153. Improve Kubernetes Network Security with Cilium
This article will show how to, using Cilium, tackle the authorization concern and move to push it to the underlying platform from the application code.
154. Top 10 Wargames Sites for Learning, Practice, or Just for Fun
Wargames sites offer hacking challenges on different categories like cryptographic, cracking, steganography, programming, Linux and Windows knowledge, logic, math and science. The difficulty of the challenges vary as well.
155. Why My Backend Development Learning Platform Is Not Completely Free
A few days ago I received an email regarding Boot.dev where the sender informed me: I am ideologically opposed to charging people for online education.
156. The Dev Wages Bubble: 'Not Going to Burst Any Time Soon'
An opinion piece concerning developers' wages. Why they remain high and why they are unlikely to drop anytime soon.
157. Flood Fill Algorithm with Recursive Function
We all are known to the “Bucket” tool of Microsoft Paint which is used
to fill an area with single specific color. But do we know how it actually
works? Well, Let’s discuss this.
158. Ten Useful Git Log Tricks
If you are using Git for a while you should have come across git log. As everyone knows, the git log is a simple command that helps us to
view the changes or project history.
159. Scrap Homework And Build Projects: Our Manifesto For Raising Lifelong Makers
Homework – Not again!
160. 5 Benefits of Learning to Code That Transfer To Other Segments Of Your Life
This is a brief list of benefits I already feel even as a newbie, in all areas of my life, which started developing because of learning to code. I believe it will only get better with more experience. Here they are in a short list, and then a few words about each.
161. Reasons Why You Should Choose the Microverse Coding Course As Beginner
Hello World! I’m Sayyod and I’m a financier. I have almost 5 years of experience in banking. From my childhood, I loved to work on the computer and play video games. At the same time, this love led me to create programs and games such as that. This desire never left me even during study time at the university and also in working time. My mind always thought about it. My whole free time I spent searching how to learn coding from 0. If you surf the internet with patience like me, you can find too many sites and courses which teach you online and promise to become a great developer. Here I will tell you shortly about my search results. I would like to divide them into 2 types: payable and free.
162. Why Order in React Hooks Matters
React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8. They are a powerful way to write stateful components. All this power comes at a cost, however.
163. Hosting Your Web Development Projects For Free [A How-To Guide]
Many people (myself included) don’t host their personal projects, because it usually costs money, right? The thing is that those projects don’t matter if no one can see them. How are you going to prove someone that you’ve to build 3 real-world projects if he can’t see them? There is a solution for that, and that’s free hosting. In this article, I’ll give you a few best free hosting options that you can use to host your projects. Let’s get started!
164. Java or Python? Which is better to Learn to Code?
Hello guys, if you are thinking about career in tech like programming, web development, data science, test automation, machine learning and other career Java and Python are two of the most popular and influential programming language of the present time and future to start with.
165. What to do When You're Tired of Slow Code Reviews
An ex-tech lead's guide to create a healthy code review culture that helps you ship your code faster.
166. C# Sorting - A Minor Error
Is it true that the inverse of a negative number is always a positive number? If you think it's true, you might get a subtle error while implementing comparison
167. Keeping Your Code in Monorepo -Pros and Cons
168. Creating RESTful Web APIs With Node.js And Express: You Can’t Mess Up The Right One
One of the main reasons for using Node.js is that you can create quickly RESTful web APIs with it. Express is a popular web framework helping you with this task. Using JavaScript to build servers is often a natural choice for frontend developers looking for a way to reuse their skills and create the APIs supporting their web app, but that's not the only benefit of using Node.js. The huge package ecosystem around Node.js and Express is what makes it shine, allowing to implement a lot of business features with very few lines of code.
169. The Definitive Command Cheat Sheet for Rails Beginners
When I was a newbie in Rails, the first couple of weeks I survived reading all the articles and understanding only like 30% of what I was doing. It was a lot of information, and one of the things that annoyed me the most was that when, after a lot of effort, I finally realized what I have to do, I have to look through all the readings and find the correct command that I need to write on my terminal (after all this time, now I can type them almost with closed eyes but at first it was incredibly tough).
170. Build and launch a custom personal website in 15 minutes
Best part — the only thing you’ll be using is your web browser
171. Your Guide to Becoming a Faster Programmer
172. Should You Learn Javascript in 2021?
So, you want to learn programming but you’re unsure what programming language to learn, This is a position that every programmer has been in at some point.
173. Understanding CSS Specificity Rules
In Cascading Style Sheet, CSS, there is a property called specificity. CSS Specificity is the process of determining the most relevant set of CSS property values or styles browsers will apply to an element especially when there is a conflicting set of rules.
174. The Vim Editor Cookbook
Vim editor cookbook with gif animations for each chapter
175. How Cache Busting Works
Cache busting is a technique so that browsers can have long caches on files while having them reload files when they change
176. Deciding on a programming language to learn? Ask these 3 key questions
When asking yourself 'what programming language should I learn first?' First ask yourself: what are my motivations for wanting to learn to code?
177. What Is Project-Based Learning Method for Self-Taught Developers
When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.
178. Things to Learn as a Novice Programmer to Find a Good Job Quickly
In this article, I will share my thoughts on choosing your first programming language, what it means to “learn to program,” and what you should learn first.
179. How to Work with Files and Directories in a Node.js App
In almost every application, you come to a point where you need to access the filesystem. This is an essential skill, that I personally use as a starting point when learning a new language or platform. With Node.js, you can rely on built-in modules to work with the filesystem. Common tasks in this regard usually include:
180. Why Reading Code is Just as Important as Writing Code: How to Get Better at it
Reading code can help you become a better writer of it.
181. A Power-Packed Light Reading on Data Structures
when we talk about data structure and algorithm it's very important to know the concepts like Big O Notation and Time Complexity
these concepts help us to choose the right data structure and to know
them very vital these are metrics which we use to choose the right data
structure.and things like how memory ,linked list and array works,they
help us to have better understanding of the speed and performance of a
data structure.
182. A Guide to Examining & Modifying Executable Code
A review of tools and techniques to examine and modify executable.
183. We created a Covid19 tracking dashboard
So my former coding partner Collins from Microverse and I decided to create a simple dashboard to track the novel coronavirus. This dashboard which is live here offers the following features that differentiate it from the others:
184. How to Become a Multi-Language Programmer in 2021
Are you just taking your first step into web development, and you want to learn programming? Discover the benefits of learning more than one programming language.
185. Understanding Programming Fundamentals: Variables, Operators, Control Structures
Fundamental building blocks that one must give emphasized first who is just getting started on learning how to code.
186. The Essential HTML Basics Guide for Beginners
Coming as a beginner into HTML can be difficult, especially for the amount
of default properties and behaviors that are in place and nobody tells you about it. In this article, I am going to show you how these things work, how you can modify their default behavior, and help you get a better understanding of HTML that will be useful any time there is a roadblock in the rendering of your page.
187. Python for Beginners, Part 10: Primitive Data Types
Let's cover the awesomeness of primitive data types. What are integers, floats, or strings!? I don't know... Let's find out!
188. 6 Hacks for Reducing Docker Image Sizes
If there are top ten buzzwords in the technology industry in the year of 2019, container is sure to be one of them. With the popularity of Docker, more and more scenarios are using Docker in the front-end field. This article shows how do we use Docker in the visualization interface of Nebula Graph, a distributed open source graph database.
189. MongoDB 101: A Free Course By Academy 3T
MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database, typically used for its ability to quickly scale, especially large amounts of data. MongoDB has two clear main benefits over SQL when it comes to data organization:
190. What Nobody Tells You about Building a Technical Skill Set: The Struggle
Chances are, if you’re here, you’re excited about tech. You read startup stories on Medium, LinkedIn, or Hacker Noon. The idea of creating a product, launching it, and then raising a Series A is enthralling to read about. You may be an “increasingly technical” analyst or young professional with no technical experience at all. All things aside, you are hungry to learn, develop, and grow your technical skills and you can’t get enough.
191. Programmer’s Pyramid: Take Your Programming To The Next Level
Build a solid foundation of programming knowledge, develop core skills, and obtain an effective learning system with Programmer’s Pyramid.
192. Flutter V React Native: A Complete Comparison
When it comes to cross-platform mobile application development, mainly two mobile development tech frameworks strike our mind. They are React Native and Flutter app development framework. As many top companies as well as businesses are opting for modern technology, they are more focused on mobile app technologies more now than ever. Due to this, the demand for mobile apps has increased to a large extent. There are more than 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, so it is inevitable that businesses and companies will shift their minds towards mobile application development.
193. Expert Developers Share Their 10 Tips For Newbies On Starting Successful Career
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
194. The Missing Link: Why Are Linked Lists Useful in Software?
I like to start off Metaphysically then move down into the specifics of something. So then why are Linked Lists useful in software? Well I’ll answer with the question “Why have belongings if you have no place to store them?”; What good are your belongings if you cannot keep them anywhere?
195. I almost quit my job until I learned from these mistakes.
Have you ever been frustrated and felt like quitting? Well, wanting to quit one's job is normal, but little did I know. These are my biggest mistakes & lessons.
196. A Bootcamp Won’t Make You an Engineer
A coding bootcamp does not mean you will have a successful career as a software engineer. But the coding journey can make you a better person. Here's why.
197. Your First Steps to Becoming a Programmer
Let’s discover the most interesting and effective sources to learn programming and make the start for a bright new career.
198. Front-End or Back-End: What Should You Learn First?
As someone who’s held both front-end and back-end positions, and even been a hiring manager, read on and I’ll give you my thoughts.
199. The Hidden Catch With Using Frameworks
Framework's ready-made functionality is great for app building, but often hides drawbacks. Find out why you need to switch to a problem-solving mindset.
200. 100 Days of Code: Death of Summer on the Island of NixOS
We are a hundred days deep in the Lambda Quadrant part of the galaxy, resting on a deep space Moonad, myself and my crew, my parter and my
lovematch, our infant son, and a cat. We study the properties and relations of Haskell abstract entities, enjoying meditating the pure functional programming vibe. It is deep work and we take time and turns. We also watch the second season of Star Trek Discovery and enjoy seeing the bright stars of its universe.
201. What’s The Deal With Programming In Arduino
Arduino is an amazing platform to get into hardware development and programming. But there are a few things you need to know before you start.
202. Is it Easy to Learn Java if You Already Know JavaScript?
Knowing several programming languages is trendy today and I am often approached by my students with requests like How long does it take to learn Java?
203. 5 Things I Learned as a Junior Software Developer
I started my first job as a software developer around 4 months back and since I was coming from a freelance background, I had my own way of writing code. Most of the time, my code wasn’t read by anyone. Yeah, not even my clients due to their lack of technical expertise.
204. The Basics of Breakpoints you Might not Know
We work with debuggers practically every day & yet so much remains unknown. We’re operating this complex tool while using 4 or 5 basic features...
205. How We Created a Mobile Tool For Learning Code
In this article, we are going to talk about how we created the mobile version of CodeGym and where it led us.
206. I Just Finished a Coding Bootcamp... Was It Worth It?
Long story short: F*ck Yes!
207. The Best Advice Ever On How To Learn Faster And Become A Coding Pro
Let’s face it: people are impatient by nature and most likely want things to happen faster in their lives. I would apply the same to code learners. Students, when starting to learn programming, first wonder how to speed up the training and make a career as a programmer as soon as possible.
208. The Coders' Handbook: Tools of the Trade
Git, debugging, testing, the terminal, Linux, the cloud, networking, patterns/antipatterns - what even is this mess? Don't worry we'll go through it from beginning to end (all the way, I promise) everything you need to know to collaborate proficiency with others.
209. 5 Steps to Improve Your Data Structure and Algorithm Skills
Learn 5 steps to Improve DSA skills. Data structure and algorithms are the most important skills to be prepared for an interview at a top product-based company
210. "It Just Happened On Its Own" Franck Jones, Node Chronicles, On Their Unexpected Preorder Wave
Interview w/ co-creator Franck Jones on a new comic book series that teaches computer science & electrical engineering. Episode #1, The Hacker Way (on Amazon).
211. 5 Tips and Tricks I Use To Code 3 Times Faster
Here are my 5 tips and trick I use to code 3 times faster. Find out how you can start earning more money and save your precious time.
212. How To Avoid n00b Programming Mistakes?
To become a Senior Java Developer, I’ve been learning Java for many years and still I’m not gonna stop learning as actual coding never stops teaching. I’ve also been teaching it for over seven years now. Just fancy how many mistakes I’ve already made myself and how many I’ve watched my students doing. I am pretty sure now I know a hundred wrong ways of learning to code (as well as dozens of the right ones).
213. How to Learn Java Effectively
A fresh overview of the best platforms for learning Java and tips on how to make the process of learning Java from scratch effective and fast.
214. When Everyone Corrected the World's Smartest Woman
I find the Monty Hall Problem one of the most fascinating brain teasers, because it seems deceivingly simple. When Marilyn Von Savant, the woman with the highest IQ, answered this brainteaser correctly in 1991, she was inundated with over 10,000 letters from academics and Ph.Ds criticizing her “error”, only to be proven later that she was correct.
215. What You Can Learn Next in Your Journey as a Developer
In your software development career, you’ll never run out of new things to learn.
216. Debugging with Exception Breakpoints in Java
Dial up your debugging skills to 11 by leveraging some of the lesser known capabilities for debugging highly complex systems such as filters & wildcards
217. JohnnyTheCoder Cares About the Environment; Getting People Hired
John Selawsky (US) is a coding tutor and 4x Hacker Noon Awards Nominee who’s been on a journey. Read on to enjoy Johnny's quick takes on real-life goals, rewards, learning, and more.
218. 5 Best Practices for Writing Efficient Python Code
In this article, we'll discuss some basic principles of coding in python that can help you optimize your programs' performance.
219. Coding Games and Websites to Help You Learn Programming
The biggest question you should ask yourself before read further is "What is coding?". So coding is the process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification.
220. 9 tips for better Code with JavaScript
Javascript is a language that's understood by the browser. You need to make your JavaScript code more readable in fewer lines of code.
221. Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Launching your Chrome Extension
While building my first chrome extension, Foragear- Quick Search Tool, I struggled to find an article that covered the entire ideating, building, and launching process of chrome extensions. To make the lives of future chrome extension builders easier, here is an all-in-one guide to help you through the process.
222. Ditch Web Development, Cloud Development Is What You Need ☁️
The “Learn How to Code” Hype Train
223. How to Fight Coder’s Block: A Guide for New Devs
4 reasons why coder’s block exists and a few ways to overcome it.
224. Important Things For Java Developers To Learn In 2021
If you are looking to learn Java, you may be wondering where to start. Which technologies should you focus on?
225. Steps to Become a Front-end Developer
This article will help you to start a path to front-end development. In the last 10 year’s I didn’t pay any attention about programming and the way websites built. About 2 years ago, I started to spend more than 12 hours every day working as a remote tester for several platforms.
226. A Guide to Python Advanced Features
Python is a simple but expressive and powerful language. If you have learned the basics of Python, such as basic data structures and functionalities, then it's time to learn the complex features now.
227. The Hallucinating Boldface of ChatGPT— A Warning to Juniors in the Programming/Coding Career Path
ChatGPT still has a long way to go. However, I do not see it replacing developers as long as it doesn't replace Tech Content Writers and Software Engineers.
228. String Definition: What It Means In The World Of Computer Programming
If you are a budding programmer or if you are appearing for an interview, it is essential for you to brush up on your programming basics at regular intervals.
229. HTML Fundamentals: Tables And Lists [Part 2]
we will be looking at how we can arrange the content on the web page.
230. HTML Forms And Elements And How to Use Them
Whenever dealing with user input, it is advisable to provide a structure so the process can be completed quickly and reliably, also limiting the amount of ‘free form’ input, which can be dangerous to allow in a public site. In HTML5, such a structure is achieved with the use of the form and input tags.
231. How To Discover a Coding Mentor
You’re not here to mess around. You want a job that pays you for your technical skills and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to land that job offer. But the journey’s been tough. You’re concerned with if you’re learning the right things. You’re not sure if you’re heading in the right direction. You’ve tried coding something, looked at coding docs, and then realized the docs weren’t that helpful.
232. 7 Main Mistakes I Made While Learning to Code
So it has been two months since I started my transition to a more tech-related career. I thought that in 3 months I would have enough knowledge to actually build a digital product. I couldn’t be more wrong. My main lesson learned is: learning to code is a lifetime commitment; it never stops.
233. Interview With A 10-Year Old Programmer
This is a story of a young boy who is more than what he seems, a young genius man, who must share his gifts and talents with the world.
234. Steal Like a Pro: Learn Java by Using Code Examples
Hello, everyone! I am Johnny, senior Java developer and … I am a code thief—indeed, an old offender in this area. But guess what’s the best part: It’s not a crime!
235. Java Coding Problems Review
I recently bought Java Coding Problems by Anghel Leonard because the topics covered in this book interested me as a Java trainer. I decided to buy it after I saw the TOC here. Since Java has started to evolve quite fast is hard to keep myself up to date and is quite easy to miss new Java features or to not have time to explore them in detail.
236. Five In-Demand Programming Languages In 2021
For a tech newbie striving to learn programming, it might be a bit complicated to figure out which technology to choose. Let me help you out.
237. Why Side Projects Are Important
To some, the idea of side projects is an unwelcomed distraction. They
have what they need to do, and they need to get it done before the next
thing. For others, side projects are a key motivation of the day-to-
238. All Pluralsight Content is Free in April
Times are tough right now. The world is struggling with this pandemic, and folks are staying inside to help stop the spread. Pluralsight has just announced that they’re opening up the entire platform for the month of April. They’re making all 7,000 courses and other content completely free for the month, no credit card needed.
239. Why am I Learning to Code at 31 after being Successful at Entrepreneurship
240. The First-Person Sequel and Roda Insights from the Lead Dev: an Exclusive Interview with Jeremy Evan
Jeremy Evans is the lead developer of the Sequel database library, the Roda web toolkit, the Rodauth authentication framework, and many other Ruby libraries. He
241. I Created A Custom Android Color Picker
I've spent the last year creating this simple timer app to give the user control over all the UI colors using dynamic UI colors support.
242. How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems
Getting better at problem-solving requires more than just reps. It’s also how you go about it. We discuss How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems.
243. Learning Journey in Tech : Decision Matrix for selecting a school.
Here are 13 key things to think about when you are deciding which coding bootcamp to join.
244. A Developer’s Github Profile is Just as Important as their Resume Itself
The more you can fill in with relevant information about yourself and your skills, the more you’ll stand out and be memorable to your potential employer.
245. How to Choose the Right Web Tech Stack
When you first dig your teeth into programming, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed with the vast amount of resources and information you have available to you.
246. Coding for Beginners: A Guide to Languages, Courses, and Platforms
Software development is one of the most popular professions today, with an average salary of $59,568 a year. As the demand for promising coding professionals is not going anywhere, many people strive to master new skills to join the ranks of developers. But, even if you don’t plan to become a full-time developer, obtaining experience in coding will open up more opportunities and greatly benefit your future career.
247. How To Fight Imposter Syndrome As a Programmer
I’ll never forget the time I spent a summer at Facebook. I had an opportunity most people can only dream of. I stepped into a robust engineering culture and a community of mission-driven people. The perks were everything you’ve heard of and more. I ate at gourmet cafeterias, rode free commuter buses with Wi-Fi, and had all the free tech gear I wanted.
248. Modernizing Legacy Code in Production
Rewriting apps is easy. Doing it while preserving compatibility... That's a bit hard. Doing it live in production. That's the big challenge!
249. JavaScript Concurrency Models: The Event Loop
JavaScript has a concurrency model based on an event loop, which is responsible for executing the code, collecting and processing events, and executing queued sub-tasks.
250. Destructuring in JavaScript
251. Yasser Jilani is Bringing Coding to Children
Hackernoon talks to Yasser Jilani, the founder of Code With Us, an EdTech startup pioneering in coding education for children and teenagers.
252. Introduction to Numeral Systems in Go
numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.
253. Best 16 Websites to Learn Programming in 2020
So, you’ve chosen the programming language to learn and decided to start browsing all over the Internet looking for a course that will satisfy your requirements. That’s where you may encounter a problem because there are tons of great resources on the web to help newbies learn coding from nothing. The question is: which one to choose?
254. JavaScript DOM Manipulation in Details
To have a solid understanding of the structure of an HTML page. Let’s add a basic code.
255. How to Write Your First PHP Code
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor and is a widely-used, open source server-side scripting language.
256. Learning How To Code The Old Fashioned Way
There are a ton of articles written to help new programmers build their skills and succeed in a fast-changing and high-paying industry. The ability to learn new and complex things quickly is key to succeeding in the tech industry, which is always changing at a fast pace. One day the language or framework that you are using will go out of style and eventually you’ll need to pick up a new skill set.
257. Minimum Java Knowledge Requirements for Your First Coding Job
What does a potential Java junior need to know to get their first job or even qualify for a trainee position in a good company? What tools will help a Java programmer reach the next level? Which technologies should you study, and which ones are better to hold off on?
258. 13 Free/Low-Cost Sites to Supercharge Your Programming Self-Education
Although we still talk about programming as a standalone career, the dominance of technology in our lives makes it clear that coding is much more than a career path. In my opinion, computer science is more than a college major or a high-paid job; it’s a skill, essential for thriving in a modern-day economy.
259. Introduction to Google Go - Beginner Guide.
This article is a beginner guide introduction to Golang and for those with experience with other languages but wish to learn the Go programming language.
260. Your Highly Practical, Resource-Filled Guide to Overcoming Coding Anxiety
Does programming sound like a stressful job for you? People believe it shouldn’t be since it seems all coders do is sit in front of the screen, typing. There are no life-or-death situations, no enormous responsibility compared to medicine, banking, or accounting. Technically speaking, software development should be one of the calmer jobs out there.
261. The Ultimate Guide to Learning Data Structures And Algorithms for Beginners
An engineer with a deep understanding of algorithms and data structures will be able to make informed design choices, and write programs that are more performant and easier to change.
262. Benefits of Pair Programming
As the name implies, pair programming is where two developers work using only one machine. Each one has a keyboard and a mouse. One programmer acts as the driver who codes while the other will serve as the navigator who will check the code being written, proofread and spell-check it, while also figuring out where to go next. These roles can be switched at any time the driver will then become the navigator and vice versa.
Though my experience in an online school, we did remote pair programming which we had 2 sets of computers and the navigator had to share their screen for the driver to see and vice versa.
263. Learning to Code: The Hero’s Journey
Almost universally learning to code is hard. It is hard and it is frustrating. Resources to go from 0 to 1 as a beginner are easy to find but figuring out the path from 0 to mastery are not.
264. Interested in Learning to Program? 13 Reasons to Start Now
Software development is something that is gaining popularity at lightning speed with the development of technology. The demand for regular developers is high compared to most other mainstream professions. But, what are the other reasons for learning to code?
265. Learn in Public: My First Time Writing Code
Two weeks ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to write my very first code.
The opportunity came in form of a series of exercises I had to complete during my application to participate in a free online class on programming.
266. How Much Java Do You Need to Master Before They'll Hire You?
Let’s talk about job hunting in programming. It’s no secret that software development is one of the most promising fields out there — yet, as hundreds of developers learn the language, it’s easy to feel insecure about job prospects.
267. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails [Beginners Guide]
Recently I learned Ruby On Rails, an amazing framework, you can easily build complex web applications with it. In this article, I want to talk about Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails, a tool that can help you build a more responsive web application in a simple way. With it, you can manage all your JavaScript in the server and you don’t need to pollute your HTML files, there is no need for adding events listeners and ajax requests.
268. Why And Where You Can Learn C Programming For Free
In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,
269. Java Coding Problems Review
I recently bought Java Coding Problems by Anghel Leonard because the topics covered in this book interested me as a Java trainer. I decided to buy it after I saw the TOC here. Since Java has started to evolve quite fast is hard to keep myself up to date and is quite easy to miss new Java features or to not have time to explore them in detail.
270. Functional Programming Paradigm in JavaScript
There’s nothing new about Functional Programming. Functional Programming has been around for much longer than OOP as it dates back to the 60s.
271. 4 Ways to Hack a Career in Code, Faster
Learning to program can be brutal. You never know if you’re learning the right things, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by how much content there is to learn. That brings up a good thought: How do you know when you’ve learned enough to start applying for jobs?
272. Learn To Code With No Hassle
I’ve been teaching Java for quite a while now. So I often share advice on how to learn programming faster and better. In talking to my students I can see that one thing distracts them very much: coding anxiety. It is a real trouble. Some people find it hard to focus their attention for more than one hour. Some are excessively stressed out by the job search.
273. How to Become a Java Developer: Top Skills You Need to Master
How much Java do you need to get your foot in the door as a Java specialist? There is no one correct answer.
274. It’s Time to Start Learning Coding: Top 20+ Best Websites To Learn Programming in 2020
I’m sure many of us are wondering how to stay a relevant professional in the post-pandemic world. One of the ways, obviously, is learning to program. Now that the industry is at the 21% growth rate (higher than that of any other field), it’s clear that the demand for good developers is not going anywhere.
275. Teach Yourself How to Work With Bootstrap 4 in Ten Minutes or Less
“Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.” — Wikipedia
276. 6 Awesome Tips To Help You With CSS Selectors
Choosing the right CSS selectors can be a lot of trouble and there’s so much information out there that it can even be a little overwhelming at times. Words like “combinators” and “specificity” get thrown around a lot, you read how greater specificity increases efficiency but then how ID’s (the most specific) should be avoided like the plague, according to some. What’s a poor coder to do as he navigates the cascading landscape of style sheets? Hopefully by the end of this I will have been able to outline some good practices, and provide enough additional resources, to clear this issue up for good.
277. A Champion's Guide on Functional Programming
Best & Easy way to learn Python Development. get Python functional programming tutorial free/
278. What Programming Languages Should I Learn? A Multi-Language Approach To Career Development
Are you just taking your first step into web development, and you want to learn programming? Discover the benefits of learning more than one coding language.
279. Ace your first year as a junior developer with this advice
Are you a junior developer embarking on your software development career?
280. Decoding Dynamic Programming
In this post, we will solve a problem involving dynamic programming without being aware of it.
281. You Learned a Programming Language, But How Do You Start Coding?
Anytime I visit r/programming, without fail, there’s a post of a programmer that goes “I’ve completed Sololearn courses, read through coding books, and finished my CS curriculum. I even understand most programming jokes. So, am I already good enough?”.
282. Beginner in Front-End? Don't Learn React, Angular or Vue
In the first steps as a programmer , people really lose their way trying to find their passion and they keep asking themself a lot of questions like: what should I learn? maybe front-end web development, or maybe Cloud computing, Machine learning engineering is better for me ,nah back-end web development is the one chosen for me .
283. How to Solve 6 Dynamic Programming Problems In a Systematic Way
In this article, I gave you an introduction to Dynamic Programming with several examples. Here I will solve 6 harder Dynamic Programming problems to show you how to approach them.
284. The Hows, Whats, And Whys To Learning Python As A Business Student
Recently, some colleagues from work as well as friends reached out to me and asked me for advice on how they could learn to code and where to start. Especially, during COVID-19, many people want to take advantage of their lockdown time by picking up a new skill like coding.
285. How to Become a Front-End Developer: Skills, Resources, and Career Roadmap
Are you a starting front end developer's journey? Then this roadmap is for you. You'll get to know all the essential aspects and steps required for frontend web developer.🤩
286. Wake Up With a Cup of Java: 10+ Practice Projects for Your Programming Career Prospects
So, you’ve started to learn Java programming and wonder how to make the learning process faster and boost your career prospects. But what about practice?
287. You Can Be a Coding Hero Too: Do Not Fear Trying
"Everybody with the right attitude can learn to code."
288. How to Find the Longest Substring without Repeating Characters
The Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters problem is to find the longest substring of a given string where no characters repeat.
289. Use Type-in Programs to Teach Kids to Code
Type-in programs were big in the 80's. Virtually all computer magazines and books use to publish code listings in BASIC. Kids spent hours at a time to type-in the programs, debug them and see them run on their Commodore / Apple II or ZX-Spectrum computers.
290. Learning How To Learn Is One of The Most Valuable Skills You Can Learn
Ever been stuck not knowing how to learn to code? Look no further than here! In this guide I will teach you 3 ways to learn more efficiently and effectively.
291. Basics of Functions in JS
Just the basics about the functions in Javascript.
292. Am I a Monk or a Software Developer Student
I am a student of the Microverse course since August 2019. In my free time (Sadly, It’s a very very short time), I have been reading a wonderful Sloterdijk’s book called “You must change your life”.
293. 5 Languages to Kickstart Your Programming Career
Best programming languages to learn as a beginner
294. Why You Should Learn Vanilla JS Before Frameworks
First of all, I want to start by explaining that vanilla JS is not a framework, now in 2020 is well known that vanilla JS is “plain javascript” this means pure JS without frameworks.
295. How to Learn Python Without Information Overload
For everyone who doesn't know who I am - hello, I am Casey and I'm a full-stack developer. Many people, friends, and family mostly, have come to me over the years wanting to learn how to code and wanted me to teach them.
296. 7 YouTube Channels That Make Programming/Web Development Simple
7 YouTube Channels to get started coding.
297. Coach Gandalf Guides You on How to Become a Web Developer in 2022
I'll be discussing why you shouldn't trust new year's resolutions, how overrated motivation is, tools to help you succeed as a web developer in 2022.
298. How To Remove Duplicates From a JavaScript Object
We can use the Set object to remove the duplicates from an array. The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. This property can be used to store only the objects that are unique in the array.
299. Exploring Javascript Console Object
The specifics of how console object works vary from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided.
300. How to Build Your First NodeJS Server with ExpressJS
Initialize the project:
301. Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginners
Learning to code is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, coding is a valuable skill that can help you pursue a career in a variety of fields.
302. How To Start Becoming A Programmer
To become one of these in-demand professionals, you need to know how to learn to program.
303. More Features of the RTK Query
Previously I wrote about RTK, this story will cover other details of its use.
304. Coding Does Not Need to Be A Curse
While having an ability to build things is definitely a blessing, sometimes, however, it can prove to be a curse as well. I realized it when I was building KnowyKnowy.
305. Applying John Wooden's "Whole-Part Method" Approach To Programming
Recycle the programming projects you complete: iterate on them and create your own mini-projects along the way. Here’s how.
306. Practice Coding Like An Expert With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Keep things interesting and practice coding through different methods such as tutorials, quizzes or developing your own projects.
307. Introducing Linux Command Line to Beginners
I am learning Linux Command Line, and for this learning-in-public journey, I have chosen to share my notes.
308. A Layman’s Guide To Digital Land
Four years ago, I stepped off the plane having just returned from my undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne. And just like the flight, my aspirations were sky-high. Having attained a first-class honour in Accounting and Finance, it felt as if no company was out of reach.
309. A Philosophy of "Learning By Doing"
Let's change the youth's perception of learning by doing.
310. Become a Front-End Developer in 6 Months with These 4 Skills
Let me give you a simple roadmap to know where you are, and where you should go next. So here are 4 essential skills to become a frontend developer in 6 months.
311. Coding Is the New Literacy: 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code
312. LetsUpgrade Free Coding School
313. 19 Apps and Websites All Student Developers Should Check Out
In this world of technology, there are various apps built to ease the life and work of student developers.
314. Fast Golang Router With Error Handling
Getting started with fast Golang router that allows to handle and monitor errors using middlewares.
315. Good and Not So Good Things With Firebase
Most of the developers have heard for Google’s product called Firebase. It’s, how Google says “mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.“. It’s basically a set of tools that most developers will need when building an app. In this article I’ll go over these tools, and point all the things you need to know if you choose to use Firebase.
316. Why Web Development Is So Difficult
Are you struggling while starting learning CSS and HTML? Do you feel overwhelmed with sooooo many properties? Don’t they look like the same? Haven’t you tried with a couple of tutorials (that you feel they are easy to do at the moment) but feel you don’t have the knowledge to start from the scratch?
317. HTML Elements for Code Newbies
New developers should know HTML Elements. Here's a helpful guide on what you need to know.
318. How to Teach Yourself to Code? Sleep Less, Learn More
This post will walk you through how to be productive and improve your skillset
319. What Does "SyntaxError: Missing formal parameter" Mean?
SyntaxError missing formal parameter
320. A Beginner's Introduction to the Python Programming Language
Python is a language known for being modular. It has an extensive standard library and its simple to use syntax facilitates coding in the language.
321. How To Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2020
A lot of people want to become web developers. Some of them are passionate about computers and they want to try programming, some of them are wanting to find a higher paying job or something else. It doesn’t matter why you want to learn web development, but the thing that matters is how are you learning it. If you are learning everything by yourself, you’ll probably be struggling, because you don’t know the right way. That’s why I’ve created this article.
322. Validate Binary Search Tree Blind 75 LeetCode Question
Given the root of a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST
323. You should shadow your dream job to launch your dream career
A blog post all about how I went on a job shadow with a web developer and software developer. I learned about APIS, javascript, and object oriented programming.
324. Angular & Spring Boot - Using Serenity BDD for Integration Testing
Learn how to write fluent integration tests for modern web applications!
325. Finally, I' m Not Coding on a 5-Year-Old Chromebook Anymore
Recently I got a nice computer, but before I was using a very old Chromebook. I talk about my experiences trying to set up a coding environment.
326. Over 5k Bootcamp Grads Have Founded Organizations... But Is It Enough?
Are coding bootcamps worth graduating from? Here is a look at the outcomes of coding bootcamp graduates according to the world's largest Knowledge Graph.
327. Coding 101: Who is Json?
A.) Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
328. An In-Depth Guide to IC Programming and Best Practices to Follow
The integration of Internet Identity (II for short) needs to be distinguished between the development environment and the main network environment.
329. JavaScript Closures Explained to Kids
How to explain JavaScript Closure to a 5 years old kid
330. Top 10 Books to Learn Java
This collection lists the best Java books. The books are listed in ascending order of the reader's level of training.
331. 8 Platforms: Endless Web Development Possibilities. The Time for Learning to Code is now!
There is no excuse for not learning something anymore. Things are just a click away!
332. How to Check if a Graph is Bipartite in C++
The problem of determining whether a graph is bipartite or not is important in interviews, and it also helps in solving real-life problems
333. 15 Most Useful Tools for Software Devs in 2021
I would like to tell you about some tools and software that I use on a daily basis. This article will introduce the top 15 most useful tools for software devs.
334. Top Three Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Learning CSS
335. How To Use Named Scopes In Rails
Named Scopes are a subset of a collection. I will illustrate this with an example. If you have Users and you wish to find all users who have their account confirmed. This means you will have some sort of column in your database that represents this. Let's assume that the column is user_confirmed.
336. Why Learning to Code is Crucial For Growing Children
As children learn to code, they develop hard skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving while improving communication and managing time.
337. Mastering APIs: A Complete Guide for Beginners
What actually are APIs and how do they work? Find out by looking at important APIs across the software stack and learn some computer science along the way!
338. What Is EditorConfig And Why You Should Use It
Editor Config is an INI format based configuration system that let you establish project level coding standard; It allows configuring: indentation style, indentation size, line width and more. It helps in reducing the effort required to bring each team member to the consistent coding standards by automatically importing and applying the configuration to IDE.
339. The Event Loop Concept and Asynchronous Development in JavaScript
Responsiveness is usually achieved through the use of asynchronous functions. This means that you can let your code do several things at the same time.
340. 7 Great Resources for Java Beginners
To begin with, the Java programming language is easy enough to learn and has the greatest impact on the industry. So the question is: “which course to choose?"
341. What Traits Distinguish An Awesome Programmer
What distinguishes great programmers from good ones?
342. Beginners Guider To React Router
Today I decided to write about the props history, match, and location that are included in each component that uses React Router. But first, to start warming up here is a simple definition of React Router:
343. How To Get The Most Out Of TypeScript
I love TypeScript. I’ve been using it for over 2 years in various projects, and the more I use it the less compelling I find vanilla Javascript.
344. My Top-Rated Java Tutorials for Coding Newbies
Why Java?
345. Build Your Own Programming Language Part III: Improving Lexical Analysis with Regex Lookaheads
Lookaheads and lookbehinds allow you to create your own ^ and $ sub-expressions
346. Introduction To Styled-Components
styled-components is a CSS-in-JS library that helps you to write CSS in a component. Here in this post, I will cover more than basics you need to know.....
347. Six ‘Java 9’ API Improvements You Should Know
Java 9 comes with a whole host of new features that help you with your projects. These Java 9 API improvements can help with everything from pictures to process
348. 5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started to Learn CSS.
Whether you aim for a front end or a back end development, you will have to learn CSS sometimes during your lifetime. Styling with CSS is one of the most overwhelming things to learn when starting your career as a web developer.
349. The Most Important Programming Lesson I Ever Learned
The most important lesson in programming is learning to debug code. Here is a list of my favorite debugging tips and tricks in JavaScript, Python, and more.
350. The Right Way to Learn to Program
How to learn programming topics efficiently and effectively.
351. A Shortcut From Coding Courses to Job Offers
Learning to program can be frustrating if you’re not sure you’re headed in the right direction. How do you know you’re making real, legitimate progress? Is it when you’ve earned a certification? Completed an online course?
352. Cory Althoff Interview: Why Our World Would End If Self-Taught Programmers Disappeared
353. Default Parameters in JavaScript: Beginners Guide
In this short article we will cover Function Defaults and learn how to use it in our day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
354. Software Development for Beginners
In this article we are going to explore this huge and passionate world of software development by demystifying what it really is and how can we get started in this field.
355. How Writing Can Help Developers Succeed
Recently I was listening to Jason Fried in the chase Jaris podcast, for you who doesn’t know Json Fried he is the chief executive officer of Basecamp...
356. Nontraditional Coding Instruction: Where Are We Now?
In a world that relies heavily upon digital technology, the ability to code is much more than simply a useful skill. It gives us the keys to not just understand how systems work but also create and innovate using them. Which is why there are movements pushing to include coding as an essential part of schooling.
357. What I Wish I Knew as a Junior Dev: Lessons After 11 Years of Coding
I initially wrote this article as a list of lessons for beginners and junior developers on Reddit. Then it blew up with over 50 awards. Lots of heart warming messages followed.
358. 10 Ways Stand Out as a Java Developer and Land that Dream Job
If you’re the one who’s stuck asking yourself “What should I learn to stand out as a Java developer?”, this blog post can help you figure things out.
359. What I Learned in My First Month of Web Development
360. Coding for Gamers: The Long Dark
Before I became a programmer I loved to play games. I played games for many years before I even knew the most basic concepts about coding. However these days I see that people are trying to introduce their kids to programming and looking for ways to make programming concepts more approachable. I think that using existing games people love is a great way to do just that. That is why I wanted to start this new coding for gamers blog series. In this tutorial I will show you how to do that by walking you through the process of extracting a feature from a video game called The Long Dark and recreating it on your own.
361. How PHP Programmers Can Learn Java
Java programming has been a challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable career choice for me. Pieces of code written by us programmers drive mobile apps, websites, banking transactions, shopping, and pretty much everything in the digital world.
362. Open Closed Principle: SOLID as a Rock
This is the second part of a five-part series about SOLID as Rock design principle. The SOLID design principles, when combined together, make it easy for a programmer to craft software that is easy to maintain, reuse & extend. Open-Closed Principle(OCP) is the second principle in this series which I will discuss here with minimalistic example in Modern C++ along with its benefits & generic guideline.
363. Introduction to Code-workshop-kit: a Tool for Remote Code Workshops
I created a tool for people that teach code, called code-workshop-kit. It makes remote workshops interactive and allows for experiences similar to those in a classroom, and better.
364. Using the Spread Operator in JavaScript
This article will cover the spread operator and how you can use them in your day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
365. Ruby on Rails and the Complexity of Fake User Profiles, Made Simple
When I was working on my last Medium story (here) I was first using our production database to show off some functions of a web application.
366. 4 Features to Look for in Online Education Platforms
Educational platforms to learn how to code SQL, python, JS, etc are numerous and tailored to several different crowds like web developers and data scientists. Unfortunately, not every student and user knows what to look for in a platform and many companies will quickly take your money and provide little in return. Best features can range anywhere from peer feedback and troubleshooting guides to hands-on integrated development environments (IDEs) that match tools you’d use in industry.
367. 6 First Steps to Break Into Web Development - Learn with SkillUp
Let’s answer the question “How to Become a Web Developer?” once and for all.
368. Recommended Java Practice Platforms for Your 10,000 Hours
The more you do something the better outcomes you gradually get. This common knowledge applies to Java programming as well.
369. How To Start Coding Right Now
What if someones asks you to build a website today, would you think that is possible?
370. How Do I Start Learning Programming if I Don't Know Where to Start?
Software development is a challenging and lucrative career option. Our daily utility items — light bulbs, televisions, cars, banking, shopping — everything is driven by intelligent pieces of codes.
371. Fun Ways To Teach Programming Without Giving Boring Lectures
I’ve been a computer programmer for over ten years now. I went from freelancing to running a consulting agency to working for a Silicon Valley startup full time and am now trying to build a product myself. While I do have a formal CS education, I consider myself mostly self-taught. A big part of my professional development comes from me doing competitive programming as a kid. More specifically, from being part of a small computer club in my hometown, run by a passionate university professor — Michael Dolinsky.
372. 12 Common Java Mistakes Made by Newcomers
Everyone makes mistakes, not just beginners, but even professionals. This article goes over a dozen common mistakes that Java newbies make and how to avoid them
373. I Asked #DevTwitter for Advice for Junior Developers; got 50+ Responses
What I would say to myself if I could travel to my past.
Thank you for checking out the 373 most read stories about Learning To Code on HackerNoon.
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