Let's learn about Productivity Hacks via these 85 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. A Morning Walk Can Improve Your Productivity and Boost Cognitive Function
Starting your day with a morning walk has a large positive impact on your productivity.
2. 13 Productivity Tools for Your Team to Watch on Black Friday
If we had to choose the most used word of November, that word would be SALE. The Black Friday fuss is picking up the pace. Cities all around the globe are dressing up in discount advertisements, and inboxes everywhere are blowing up with cliche super deals like ‘save big.’
3. Using Mind Mapping as a Software Engineer
Mind mapping is a visual tool that can help you to organize your thoughts, ideas, and information in a way that is intuitive and easy to understand.
4. Why Taking Good Notes is Critical For Developers
Why taking good notes is critical for a software developers?
5. What I Do with Notion as a Software Developer
Ever since I discovered Notion, it has become a productive tool I use almost every day.
6. 5 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done as the Founder of a Startup
As a founder of a startup, chances are that you have one thing constantly going on in your mind: getting more work done.
7. How to Learn Things Fast Without Going Crazy
As people who work in the tech industry, we often need to learn new technologies for our work. But how can you actually learn things fast?
8. How to Improve Developer Productivity
Become more productive as a developer in the next 10 minutes using researched backed tips and hacks.
9. 7 Slack Hacks You Need to Know for Better Work
Feel like your slackin' in the Slack skills department? These Slack hacks and tips will help you improve the way you work.
10. Sleep, Learning and Memory
What impact can sleep deprivation have on our ability to learn? What measures can we take to ensure a good night's sleep and facilitate knowledge acquisition?
11. How to Overcome Resistance and Become More Productive Person
The greatest projects humankind has undertaken are not acknowledged for their ease of execution. Obviously, they are great because they are incredibly hard to do.
12. 10 Coding Hacks to Remember in 2023
Let’s take a look at some of the best coding hacks to remember in the new year.
13. Fixing The Parkison's Effect: How Freelance Writers can meet up with Schedule
Parkinson’s Effect is all about an overlooked barrier to efficient time management summarised as; every task takes exactly the amount of time you devote to it.
14. Getting Into a Flow State and Bringing Your A-Game
The flow state: A state of hyperfocus where you perform at an amazing level. Read about our different approaches to getting into this wellspring of focus.
15. Benefits of Automation Through API Integration
This piece is about the benefits of using API system to enhance productivity and ease of work.
16. Not-So-True Smartphone Hacks
I'm sure a friend or family member has told you every do-it-yourself smartphone trick in the book. For example: don’t charge your phone using knock-off cables, bury your device in a bag of rice to reverse water damage, phone signals interfere with hospital, plane, and gas station technology, and more. Some of these are true, many of them are false. Who is to blame? General word of mouth. Let’s dig in.
17. Are You Making These 4 Remote Working Mistakes?
One attribute that distinguishes top-notch remote workers from the amateurs is their ability to manage work from home. You will observe this propensity from the world's best-in-class remote companies, including Apple, Lionbridge, and VIDKid.
18. Getting Started With the Cult of Cognitive Walking
Doing our best creative work sometimes means tricking ourselves into leaving our minds alone. Here are six things to try while walking to achieve this.
19. Productivity Hack: How Developers can Reduce Context Switching
Context switching prevents developers from finishing tasks quickly. Let's look at how to avoid constant context switching to improve productivity.
20. How To Improve Concentration: 2021 Edition
How to improve your focus - especially as a software developer. Book review of Deep Work by Cal Newport.
21. 7 Strategies for Maximum Productivity
You are reading this because of one of two reasons. Either you want to be more productive, or you are looking for all that time that you lose during the day. You woke up early, worked all day and it still seems that your code or project did not move anywhere.
22. 10 Ways Tech Is Increasing Workplace Productivity
Productivity in business is the continual effort of applying new methods and techniques. In simple words, productivity is getting quality work done quickly.
23. How to Install RStudio on the WSL System
If you are using Windows and don’t want to use the RStudio client on the Windows side, this method will work perfectly.
24. 7 Best Ways to Increase Workforce Productivity
2020 will go down in history as the year that turned the trend that was working from home into the norm for businesses across the globe. Everyone who can feasibly work from home is now doing so.
25. What Makes a GREAT Scrum Master
It is good to have a scrum master involved in your agile process, but what makes a great scrum master? In this article we look to break down the fundamental pieces to becoming the best scrum master you are capable of being. First, we must define what a scrum master is.
26. 5 Non-Obvious Lessons We Learned From Launching ITEMSY On Product Hunt
27. The Only Productivity Method You'll Ever Need Is 'Getting Things Done'
Over the years I’ve tried different methods or adapted existing ones to make the most of my working time, but each new technique reminds me of the GTD method.
28. Prioritization Techniques Created by President Eisenhower
A universally applicable yet straightforward to understand tool can help you make sense of task priority. When you are swamped with work, ask this tool.
29. How I Hacked My Brain To Trigger My Most Productive Coding Stint Ever
My first project as dev at Hacker Noon was building and open sourcing a Chrome extension to block paywalled sites from search results. Here's what I learned.
30. The “Brain Drain” Hypothesis Explains That Smartphones Distract Us, Even When Not In Use
The mere presence of your phone or apps like Gmail, Slack, and iMessage can decrease your ability to focus even when they don't actually distract you.
31. The First Step: Just Take it 'Bird by Bird'
Sometimes, it is about thriving. Sometimes, it is about surviving. We would be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly.
32. How To Get The Most Out The Pomodoro Technique To Be Highly Productive
Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro technique calls for using a timer to break down work into 25-minute intervals separated by short 5-minute breaks. After four sessions of work, the Pomodoro technique prescribes a longer 30-minute break.
33. 12 Productivity Hacks to Help Makers Maintain Laser Focus
Most makers, founders, side-hustlers, and hackers have a tonne of responsibilities outside of their their personal projects: full-time jobs, friends and families, school.
34. How to Customize Your Shell for Efficiency
create a beautiful custom shell setup on your Linux/macOS with oh-my-zsh
35. Contributing to Open Source Privacy Projects is Easier Than You Think
I am sure that feel bored with your work from time to time. See how to solve it with a simple lifehack: Contribute to a privacy-related project.
36. 4 Productivity Hacks That Yield Quick Results
Having trouble hitting deadlines and staying focused? Well, have no fear! This article will introduce four productivity hacks that almost anyone can implement immediately and see fast results.
37. 🏅year in Review: Tools That Helped my Productivity as a Software Engineer
As a software engineer, you have to find the perfect mix of tools and templates that can help make you more efficient in your day-to-day tasks.
38. Mind Hacking: Using Technology to Rewire Your Brain Like a Monk
Not so long ago my life was an exercise in excel spreadsheets, over-scheduled phone calls, and constant emails. I was working in a high-pressure venture capital job, and putting myself in a state of mental fragmentation.
39. How to Arrange App Windows Using Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
An Easier Way to organize application windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts.
40. We Never Shall Have Any More Time
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
41. Top 7 Productivity Tips that can Boost your Performance
Productivity at work can make all the difference when trying to achieve your goals. Readout 7 productivity tips that anyone can implement to improve performanc
42. Examine the Budget of the Day’s Time
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
43. Man, Know Thyself
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter VIII: The Reflective Mood
44. Change for Better: The Exponential Art of Kaizen
Kaizen is deceptively simple and utterly brilliant.
45. How to Automate Birthday Emails with Google Sheets in 5 minutes
A simple 5-minute setup to automate birthday greeting email to your customer every year without a miss.
46. Can Music Improve Your Productivity While Working at Home
If you're looking for ways to get more done and stay productive at home, music can help you achieve this goal.
47. How to Use Dora Metrics to Become an Elite Team
Tradeoff between speed and quality is a myth.
48. How to Get Your Mind in Hand
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter VII: Controlling the Mind
49. Productivity 101: How to Implement the Pomodoro Productivity Technique
If you’re looking to be more productive in your life, you may have heard of the Pomodoro productivity hack or technique.
50. How to Stay Focused When Coding: 8 Productivity Tips
Your well-being, routines, motivations and how effectively you plan, all play a role in your ability to remain focused while coding.
51. 5 Productivity Hacks for Solo Founders
Let's be honest, starting a business can be challenging, but for many people (like me) - it's a lifelong dream. Although many people feel more comfortable starting a business with a co-founder - it's not always the best decision.
52. Essential Productivity Tips Every Software Developer Should Know
Here are the game changing productivity hacks, tools, and tips that have helped me most as a software developer.
53. Making The Case for Integrated File Annotation with Popular SaaS Tools
Why is Evernote the only SaaS app that enables users to annotate attached images directly in Evernote? Well it's because they bought Skitch in 2011 and integrated the annotation tools.
54. 7 Basic Rules to Make Developer`s Life Better
As people, we have a superpower; it is the power of perception. As the famous saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.
55. How Instant Access To Information Affected Our Perception Ability
The access to information we have thanks to the advance of technology is at a fascinating increase. This is how it affects our ability to perceive information.
56. Mindful Work: Capturing, Prioritizing and Working on Tasks Effectively
We owe it to ourselves to try to find a productivity approach that works for us.
57. Productivity Hacks: 5 Tips for Software Engineers and Knowledge Workers
Everyone seems to be strapped for time these days and desperate to get more done in less time. I'm in the same boat. Here's to achieve more by doing less.
58. 5 Productivity Tools Every Solopreneur Needs
This pandemic is the perfect time to focus on your side hustle
59. Put Your Binge-Watching Habit to Use and Learn a Language
So you’ve worked your way through all the good TV shows and movies? Next step: use your binge-watching habit to learn a new language. Here’s how.
60. Optimizing Your Bookmark Bar for Distraction-Free Work
A simple hack on your browser that can get you more focused and keep you out of web browsing rabbit holes.
61. 5 Reasons Why Going Remote Will Benefit Your Software Business
Who would know the best way to obtain efficiency with employees is to offer them as much flexibility as possible? Especially recently, working remotely has become the standard practice across industries. As the pioneers of this trend, technology companies are hiring more remote workers every day, realizing the remote work benefits. The reason for this is that remote work has many favorable effects on employee morale, and thus work efficiency, which tech businesses can benefit from.
62. How Time Tracking is Reshaping the Future of Work
If you are running a business or just started your own startup, it’s important you keep an eye out on every minute detail. In case you are hiring designers, software developers, and/or a team for project management, tracking total working hours is probably what you should be doing.
63. 4 Calendar Techniques To Boost Your Productivity
Here are four techniques that can help your reclaim your control over your time: Time Blocking, Color-Coding, Batching, and Calendar Audits.
64. Vim: How to use Multiple Clipboards to do Copy and Paste on Steroids
Productivity is always one pomodoro away. Source: Pixabay
65. Top 10 Productivity Apps to Make 2020 Your Most Productive Year Yet
Welcome to Part 2 of the Tech Productivity Series
66. Top 16 Tips to Quickly Boost Your Productivity in 2021
These simple, easy-to-follow productivity tips will improve your output dramatically.
67. How To Maintain Your Focus Whilst Running Multiple Businesses
Focusing your energy whilst managing multiple businesses.
68. My Dev Journey in 2022: A Year in Review
Developer life in 2022
69. Remember Human Nature
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter VI: Remember Human Nature
70. Work Interrupted: Context Switching Is A Mind Killer
Our human brains cannot correctly control multitasking and context switching, affecting our productivity and well-being.
71. How to Remember What You Read with Readwise
“What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic."
—Carl Sagan
72. Get Rid Of Your Self-Imposed Restrictions: An App Review of Freedom
Want to improve your focus so you can get more done? Stop relying on self-discipline and use the Freedom app instead.
73. Life Hacks: Hardwon Wisdom from Four Months Caffeine-Free
I used to be a coffee addict. And then, the deceptive Lady Caffeine of House Lannister started collecting her debts.
74. The Rational Software Engineer: A Guide to Work Time Organization
As a software engineer, I often try to understand how to optimize my productivity: I want to get more work done, without having to do more work.
75. The Art of Mastering Atomic Habits
If you want to change your life, you need to start with your habits. Atomic habits are the building blocks that make up our lives.
76. How to Do Meetings You Don't Hate
Meetings keep increasing in length and frequency, to the point where executives spend around 23 hours a week in them.
77. You Don't Know What You're Spending Your Time On Unless You Start Tracking It
Think you know how you’re spending time? I’m not sure.
Do you often panic if you haven’t finished a task on time or just don’t have enough energy left?
78. Code Search is a superpower
Before starting a new coding task, I find it’s usually worthwhile to spend at least a little time trying to find a related working example, especially when the task touches on unfamiliar libraries or concepts.
79. 4 Steps to Actually Finish your Side Project
We’ve all seen the graveyard of abandoned projects folders. Desperately competing for attention but failing in the glow of a new adventure or app that will change the world. I use to do that all the time, now I finished 4 apps, and 2 other projects within the last year by applying the following steps.
80. Understanding the Anatomy of a Habit: How to Make or Break It
Over time, habits will compound into excellent or disastrous answers to our daily entropy.
81. Team Productivity Doesn’t Have to Suffer When You Go Remote
So what to do when your remote team struggles with getting things done?
82. Life Hacks You Wish You Knew Growing Up
In this thread, our community shared the main lessons they've learned throughout lo life - from exercising to investing in education and seizing the day.
83. How to Overcome the Problem of Time
Whenever you say “I don’t have time,” you are sending a message about how you prioritize and organize your own life. Stop using this phrase.
84. 6 Incredible Productivity Tools for Programmers
Productivity is key when it comes to getting work done with a smile. Burndowns are natural, here is how to minimize them and keep hustling.
85. 50 Remote Teams Share Their Best Practices For #WorkingFromHome 🏡 [Part 1]
Since the Coronavirus breakdown, millions of people are stuck at home; and for those who are still in the job market — are working from home too. The so-called “social distancing” measures have increased the Internet usage all around the world by 50–70%. Streaming has also jumped by at least 12%, according to Forbes.
Thank you for checking out the 85 most read stories about Productivity Hacks on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.