Let's learn about Side Project via these 63 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Online Hackathon to Make the Web More Fun for the Billions Stuck at Home
If nothing else, we’ve learned by way of pandemic both the strength of our Internet and how many tools are left to build. As developers, we are in an exciting position to set the standards of our new normal and lay tracks toward the next frontier. This weekend, we are hosting our first Pioneer Hackathon, an attempt to provide community for those in isolation and a bit of prize-fueled, productive fun to fight global cabin fever.
2. How to Build a Digital Drum Kit in Vanilla JavaScript
Struggling to convert code into projects? Follow this tutorial to build an amazing drum kit project in Vanilla JavaScript by the time you finish reading it
3. 4 Steps to Actually Finish your Side Project
We’ve all seen the graveyard of abandoned projects folders. Desperately competing for attention but failing in the glow of a new adventure or app that will change the world. I use to do that all the time, now I finished 4 apps, and 2 other projects within the last year by applying the following steps.
4. Make Arduino Voice-Controlled Appliances with HC-05 Bluetooth Module
5. The Coders' Handbook: Tools of the Trade
Git, debugging, testing, the terminal, Linux, the cloud, networking, patterns/antipatterns - what even is this mess? Don't worry we'll go through it from beginning to end (all the way, I promise) everything you need to know to collaborate proficiency with others.
6. Phaser 3 Game Framework: My Honest Review
I've been using Phaser 3 for a couple of months now, and I'm really enjoying it, but sometimes it makes shake my head 'why?' , only not in a 'bad way', making games is weird, js itself is weird, so it's only logical that Phaser, a game engine js-based... is weird. That's why I opted for the following way to address this review, I'm gonna be giving you something that I liked, next to why/how it was weird, in what's gonna be my attempt to look impartial. But first...
7. How to Find The Right Sponsors for Your Open Source Project
The ongoing maintenance and growth of open source projects are clearly in the best interest of the software companies using them. And yet, raising money for an open-source project is difficult, and many developers struggle with finding the right sponsors for their projects. What is the best way to get the resources open source developers need to keep developing?
8. Todays 5 Ideas: 31.08.2020
A text editor where Pac-Man will start eating the text whenever you press backspace.
9. Write Your Own D&D Encounter Tables in JavaScript for Dungeon Masters
Calling all Dungeon Masters! Here's a short beginner-friendly introduction to writing your own web and printer-friendly D&D encounter tables.
10. I Switched to Low-code, Here's Why
You need to make a choice between building something quickly to validate your ideas or building something robust from the start.
11. When is Ruby on Rails the Right Choice?
Often side projects or even your main project need to be done quickly and delivered to people and learn from what they've got to say and well-informed decisions instead of endlessly building what you think is the perfect solution.
12. The Loneliness of Entrepreneurship That Nobody Talks About
Entrepreneurship is a lot of things: sexy product launches, acquisitions, and funding. But it's also lonely as hell. Here's why, per my own experience.
13. Side Projects: Yay or Nay?
I love to build stuff online, but do I have too many side projects?
14. Creating a Free Feedback Platform From Scatch During Pandemic
Hey there, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story about how namelss, an anonymous feedback platform was created all from scratch during the COVID pandemic.
15. Don't Make These Common Mistakes When Launching Your Website
On October 22 I've launched online my first website. I'd like to share with you my experience.
16. Todays 5 Ideas: 29.08.2020
A recycling bin that compresses my trash allowing me more space to fill.
17. Do You Know How to Fail Fast With Your Next Idea?
I am sharing all the knowledge I gathered during my research in four months of testing different business ideas. Before starting investing lots of time and building an MVP (minimum viable product) you can test ideas with adtotyping and get some metrics without writing a single line of code. This process shows a powerful way to validate ideas with the help of Facebook.
18. How To Manage A Small Project With 4-5 Peoples
a project's minimum person is the project's maximum
19. How A Week-Long Project Took Me To #2 On Product Hunt and The Front Page of Hacker News
The month of May has been a fairly crazy one. It started out like any other, with me trying to come up with a decent, catchy name for my latest side project that still had an available domain name associated with it. Since it was a tech-related startup, I was considering top-level domains (TLDs) like .ai, .io, .co, and .com.
20. Create a Temporary Gmail Account With Python
Sometimes you come across a number of adverts and websites that you need to signup for but don’t completely trust.
21. How to Turn Your Side Gig Into Your Full Time Job
Turn your part-time side gig into a full-time business by creating a brand palette, building a funnel, creating a landing page, and more.
22. A GitHub vs Git Functionality Comparison
Here you will find out the main differences between Git and Github by diving deep into their functionality and use.
23. One Hour JavaScript Coding Exercises
Here are some most recommended JavaScript Mini Projects.
24. 5 Great Ways to Make Money Online Without Leaving Home
It can be tough to make ends meet these days. Thankfully, there are many ways to make extra money without leaving home.
25. Tips For Developing A Mobile App That People Will Love
Mobile applications have become the most powerful tool for getting easy access to expected users worldwide. As a business owner, you can't ignore the significance of having an eye-catching and well-feature packed mobile app.
26. I Built An SEO Content Software And Made $5k in a month: A Case-Study
27. 6 Ideas to Market your SaaS Business
The SaaS market is on its way to the top and so is the competition. And that’s good news because the entire digital space is creating opportunities left, right and center for growth-hungry SaaS startups.
28. Goodnight Journal Introduction: Building the best online journal community
Goodnight Journal was launched on Jan 1, 2013 and has been serving over 100,000 members in the world. It started as a side project and became a full time job when I decided to revamp the app and community completely.
29. Full-Time Indie Hacker Vs. Side Hustle: The Different Ways of Chasing the Cheddar
How to think about going full-time indie hacker vs side hustle when you are getting started.
30. DIY Tutorial: Building a System to Track and Communicate with Satellites in Orbit
The purpose of my project is to build a system for tracking satellites in orbit and will make it possible to communicate with the satellites
31. A Starting Point For Building A Mind Garden in 11ty
There's a trend growing called mind-gardening. Some refer to it as evergreen note-taking, while others use the term "building a second brain".
32. The Tyk Side Project Fund is open for applications
Tyk's micro-grant program is now accepting applications! Get a chance to receive a £500 grant to help advance your side project.
33. An Insight into Side Hustles for Software Engineers
37% of Americans are involved in some sort of side business one way or another.
34. Strategically Picking a Side Project
As my list of side projects grew ever larger, the list of abandoned, semifinished projects did so too.
35. How To Save Some Time When Building A New SaaS [Part 1]
Building a new SaaS can be fun, time-consuming, and rewarding. The challenge is to deliver a quality product as quickly as possible so you can test the idea and either invest more time or move onto the next one.
36. Top Articles This Week In Tech: WN 14
We hope you did have an awesome week! Here is your dose of the best
articles that came up over the last week. Have fun reading them!
37. CromaApp: My First React Native App After 7 Years of Backend Development
Well, I had done some javascript development(node.js) in the past but javascript has changed a lot after ES-6. TIll now my main focus has been backend development in java and ruby(RoR mainly). I am going to share my experience on writing my first react native app.
38. The 3 Part Framework to Effective Learning
A hands-on practical system for learning from the learner's perspective.
39. Top Management Tips for Startup Founders
Here are some top dos and don'ts for startup founders, alongside some management tips for startup founders from successful entrepreneurs.
40. Hit That Technical Debt, Now
It probably comes as no surprise many are facing furloughs and lay-offs. If you are in an affected industry, but work in their IT departments or otherwise support tech for some entity, you may have dodged the first wave. The remote work exodus generated a lot of work.
41. Making a Side Project
Yesterday I tweeted that I’d be making one more “big” app before the end of the year. I asked if people preferred if I document the process as I go, or do a recap post at the end of the project.
42. Find The Right Sponsor for Your Open Source Project
The ongoing maintenance and growth of open source projects are clearly in the best interest of the software companies using them. And yet, raising money for an open-source project is difficult, and many developers struggle with finding the right sponsors for their projects. What is the best way to get the resources open source developers need to keep developing?
43. AVC Room Booking System Introduction
Service Overview
44. How To Monetize A Podcast
Monetizing a podcast is different from monetizing an ebook or Saas product. The methods for monetizing podcasts are not as obvious as other internet content. In this chapter, I will go over the methods of monetizing a podcast.
45. What I Learned Working 6 Weeks on a Sh*tty Side Project
About a month ago, I started working on Unfluence! It was going to be the perfect side project. In fact, Here is a list of things why it was going to be a perfect side project.
46. 3 Step Guide to Starting a Podcast
Nearly 55% people in America listen to podcasts each month, which translates to about 160 million people.
47. The Number Mistake Everyone Makes in School
Let’s take a look at my younger self:
48. It All Begins With a Side Project
Growing up building
49. Ways To Make Money As A Developer
There are two types of people. Ones are already working as programmers and there are others who just code in their free time. It doesn’t matter which group you fit in, but the thing that most people want is to make some extra money as programmers. So, in this article, I’ll show you a couple of ways to make money as a developer.
50. How To Track All Your Side Projects in 1 Notion Template
Note: This article is part of my toolkit newsletters↗️ where I share resources about building things. Join me :)
51. A 4-Step Guide to Help Beginners Get Started on Coding Projects
Starting something new is always difficult. When I working on my first coding project, I was wondering where to begin. I wondered what technologies I should use and whether I would come up with a good project idea. Today we will be going over my beginner’s guide to coding projects. I want to help you answer the same questions I asked myself when I worked on my first project. This will be especially helpful for people with little to no experience working on coding projects. If this post is helpful, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel or check out my other articles for more content like this!
52. Do Hiring Managers Value Side Projects?
I’ve been a tech co-founder multiple times and have ran or participated directly in the hiring of over two dozen developers across three companies. I’ve recruited across experience levels, from startups to public companies. In that time, I’ve reviewed hundreds of resumes.
53. Newsletter Launch: Where To Post and Promote Your Side-Project or App
Marketing is a challenge. Everyone who has built anything on the web knows that. This is especially true for us developers. I've watched many great projects go under due to their makers and founders not knowing the basics of getting it noticed. I've spent much of last year learning content marketing and am still on it. I'm not claiming to have the ultimate recipe for overnight success, but I know that putting yourself and your idea out there regularly helps.
54. How to Make Explanatory Videos for Your SaaS Product in Just 16 Hours
For an explanatory video, there are multiple options. Easiest is to sit in front of your camera and speak or record your screen with voiceover.
55. How I Made My Side Project Going Viral on Hacker News
In December 2019, I finally decided to kill my side project after 12 months of coding. It was a tough moment, I felt disappointed and angry.
56. Introducing Spark: Our New Early-Stage Launchpad for Startup Founders
This year we have been quietly developing and launching our first micro-incubator programme at ucreate. Since 2015 we have been working with talented founders as their tech partner across a variety of industries and technologies.
57. Good Karma Roundabout
When doing good, brings you good
58. How I Was Able to Motivate Myself To Start My First Side Project
So, what was it that made me stop paying attention to the lazy devil on my shoulder?
59. Learning New Skills as a Developer By Building Your Side-Project
Since 2018 I've been involved in building close to a dozen products. Most of them I've shut down, some of them I've sold to others – and some are still alive! I credit a lot to this time – I believe these products are a major factor in my personal and professional development.
60. Creating Command-line Based Chat Room using Python
Simple Chat Room using Python
61. 10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Start That Side Project
Let's use these times to productively START working on our side projects.
62. How I Built a Missing GitHub Feature using GitHub itself
After the Microsoft acquisition, GitHub has been on a roller coaster ride. It has been winning the developer community’s affinity by launching a series of offerings, one after another, starting from the free private repositories to the GitHub Sponsors program.
63. From Idea to 4M Page Views in 4 Weeks
Will robots take my job?
Thank you for checking out the 63 most read stories about Side Project on HackerNoon.
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