59 Stories To Learn About Decentralized Governance

12 Oct 2023

Let's learn about Decentralized Governance via these 59 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Governance without Government

A new phase of humanity built on decentralized collaboration.

2. The Decentralization Era [Part 1]: The History of Decentralization

Why decentralization will allow a more fair and decent allocation of wealth, information, and opportunities.

3. Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index

The DAO Index assesses how a DAO is implementing a set of core organizing principles into their governance and ethical practices, thereby providing transparency

4. How To Bring DAOs To Web3 Instead of Discord

How to bring DAO's to Web3 community platforms instead of Discord and Slack with on chain governance tools and crypto rewards to improve DAO participation.

5. Using Blockchain for Effective Governance

Blockchain is secure, trusted, and transparent, making it an ideal technology for governance. This article explores how governments can adopt Blockchain.

6. A Donald Trump Dao Is Here! Who Needs It?

I stumbled upon a rather bizarre discovery last night on JuiceBox, the Ethereum-based fundraising protocol. Yes, you guessed it, A Donald Trump DAO.

7. Data Sovereignty: The Importance of Keeping Your Data Safe

Protect your personal data with data sovereignty. Learn the importance of keeping your information safe and secure in the digital age. Read our article to find

8. Privacy Scales Better: Understanding Zcash, Zero Knowledge Proofs (zKP) & Electric Coin Company

innovations at the ECC show not only that Privacy and Scalability are correlated but also that Governance and Development is more fruitful when rewarded.

9. What Could a DAO Look Like?

The decentralized governance movement loooooves to talk about taxonomy, which isn’t surprising, but it is tiring. For most people, lengthy taxonomy doesn’t leave them with a picture of what a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is.

10. Understanding Idena – The Human-Centric Blockchain

At the heart of Idena is the simple belief that everybody should have equal voting rights. There should be no skewing of votes based on mining ability or money

11. Can Power be Incorruptible? Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for Government

Why the Government Blockchain Association are transitioning toward a two token DAO based system, and will be taking their model to the highest authorities.

12. The Importance of Decentralization and Governance in Crypto

The past few decades have shown us, time and time again, that centralized financial systems are incredibly vulnerable.

13. Decentralized Organizations or DAOs: The Founding Principles

The minimum requirements to create a DAO are very simple you just need tools for it. Describing two types of proposals in a DAO. Look towards the DAO

14. BFT Consensus: Will Your Car Full of Passengers Turn Right, Left, or Fly Over a Cliff?

Deep dive BFT consensus in governance and its significance; SMV smart contracts and transparent voting processes and finding a majority consensus.

15. How the DAO Ecosystem Is Redefining Organizations on the Web

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a disruptive form of organization governed using smart contracts.

16. Turn an Internet Community into a DAO in 3 Steps

I guess the first question is, Why? Why should an internet community become a DAO?

17. Blockchain is a Natural Fit for DAO-like Structures: Unhashed #18

Unhashed is a Q&A series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.

18. Could Capture-Resistance Liberate the Web As We Know It?

The internet, by design, has enabled many forms of capture from data mining to market manipulation. So how do we build infrastructures which avoid capture?

19. My Take on Decentralized Government on the Aleo Blockchain

In this article, I will give my views on the prospects for the Aleo blockchain and its possible successors.

20. The next frontier is here: Oracles with human insight

Data, the very source of modern Oracles’ power, can also be its undoing. Luckily, OptionRoom's new Oracle can give quantitative AND qualitative data insights.

21. How MoonDAO Raised $8.3 million on JuiceBox

Initially, the deployment of $Mooney was aimed at raising $450,000 for a space ticket but it ended up pulling in $8.3 million by early February.

22. A Simple Guide to Understanding DAOs And Why They are a Force in 2022

To understand what a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) means is to dissect the three keywords: decentralization, autonomy, and organization.

23. Blockchain Technology and The Next Generation of Companies

24. Intergalactic DAOs and Thoughts on Interplanetary Governance 

25. One More Level of E-Government Development Everyone Forgot About

Many countries develop their own E-Government systems nowadays. Experts define several stages of E-Government services development. In the article, we explain how the final level of E-gov services development should work so that its outcomes provide citizens with the maximum possible value.

26. How To Write a Whitepaper — The Decentralised Way

We dissect the evolution of the whitepaper, what these papers mean to crypto and blockchain platforms, and why decentralization should be more than a buzzword.

27. Building Optimal Specialized DAO Archetypes: A New Investment DAO Model for Web3

Review of the current DAO landscape, and a proposal for a new DAO structuring framework

28. Big Brother Sets Eyes on Crypto

Will Big Brother shut down the DeFi movement just as it's gaining ground?

29. How To Decentralize Virtual Communities?

The widespread use of social media has changed the way we communicate, however, not everyone thinks these changes are positive. For example, the lack of strict moderation of social media content has contributed to the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 outbreak.Even before COVID-19, many users were unsatisfied of how social media platforms were addressing disinformation, censorship, privacy, political neutrality, user control, and malicious activity. Decentralized social networks and communities are more flexible than centralized ones, but they provide more opportunities for the disadvantages that are suppressed in centralized communities. This is the small paradox of decentralized communities.

30. When Cross-Domain Collaboration Meets Optimistic Rollup

In my last article 'Finance is not the future of blockchain, cross-domain collaboration is', I elaborated that cross-domain collaboration is the fundamental layer to backbone value creation.The future of blockchain depends on how to build up the governance and business implementation framework for cross-domain collaboration, other than putting all the fortunes into the uncontrollable decentralized financial applications. And DAC, which is a cluster for cross-domain collaborations, is the key to the whole framework.

31. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAOs Are The Future of Management: An Overview

With the recent Vitalik Buterin's article on decentralized governance we go to further expand upon DAOs topic and the future of off-chain voting.

32. Decentralized Blockchain Voting System: Unraveling a Chapter in America’s Book of Secrets

Russia could have infiltrated those infrastructures, then decide to cover tracks! Could that be the explanation for the Republican’s Victory in Wisconsin?

33. The Next Version Of Colony is Called Old Colony And It Makes Sense

Which confusingly, is old Colony. Colony of the Whitepaper. Colony as advertised. Colony as it always should have been

34. Decentralised Governance 2.0: Better, Stronger, Faster, Fairer

Free TON is a community-driven blockchain project, owned by everybody and nobody at the same time. Governance 2.0 aims to decentralise processes even further

35. Project Management for DeFi Protocols: An Overview

How to set up a DAO over the protocol or DeFi project? In this article we describe a necessary steps to make your project secured and decentrlaized

36. The Main Challenges of Decentralization

Decentralization stands in opposition to centralization and is currently rapidly breaking into the world order of the modern world.

37. Saving Democracy - With TV AI Realtime Fact-checking

Could Politicians be Real-time Fact checked on TV? See their Lie count next to name in real-time? They keep repeating them over and over pretty much unchecked.

38. Why I Dream Of A One World Government & New World Order

The One World Government is becoming a reality - just not in the way you might think.

39. The Illusion of Decentralization

Back in the 1990’s, then-chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan used the phrase “irrational exuberance” to describe the rapid and relentless rise of stock markets amidst a preponderance of data that should have tempered market mania. Setting aside Greenspan’s role in stimulating such “irrational exuberance” via interest rate driven monetary policy, it seems as though his phrase is ripe for recycling when looking at the current fever for “decentralization”; particularly, decentralization as it would apply to blockchain, Web 3.0, and cryptocurrencies. Can blockchain as a foundation of Web 3.0 really be decentralized?

40. 4 Entrepreneurs are Betting Big on Polkadot: Meet Their Projects

Touted by some as the “Ethereum Killer”, Polkadot has over 250 projects building on it’s ever-growing ecosystem

41. Social DAOs: An Essential Guide

The best overview of all social DAOs that you haven't heard about yet to understand how social DAOs actually work, what they have in common and what's different

42. From Free TON to Everscale: Anatomy of a Decentralized Rebranding

Rebranding is a gargantuan task for any company or public entity at the best of times, but throw a massive dose of anarchistic decentralization into the mix, and mission impossible becomes mission incredible.

43. How to Build a DAO - the Story of One Solution

How one DAO solution is one step ahead of most competitors because it automates the execution process for many smart contracts in decentralised governance.

44. Anything Big Biz Can Do, Blockchain can do Better

As crypto again enters the bull market limelight, things feel different this time. The decentralised merger of Dune Network with Free TON offers insight to why.

45. Brief Answers to the Big Questions on MetisDAO

In 1987, W. Brian Arthur was invited to participate in a high-profile and very appealing seminar with nine other phenomena economists and ten physicists at a chapel in Santa Fe, where the cross-domain collaborations among these economists and physicists initiated the glory of Santa Fe Institute and Complex Economy.

46. It's Time to Return to Indie Communities

It's not practical for one corporate entity to govern the conversations of a global audience. Independent communities are the future.

47. Non-Fungible Education And Proof of Knowledge On The Decentralized Internet

As blockchain seeks mass adoption, crypto-education is vital to advancing understanding. Free TON Academy is a novel community project addressing this issue.

48. Asking For A Friend: Can Blockchain Stop the Borg?

Blockchain by nature is a testament to the sanctity of ownership rights: rightful possession, control of usage, and responsible stewardship.

49. The Pros and Cons of Decentralisation

Decentralisation has gained popularity with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but what are the benefits and drawbacks of Decentralisation? Free TON is leading the

50. You Don't Need a DAO

It’s time to make a DAO! Anyone can make their own DAO with Aragon or DAOstack, or just by forking Molloch. Even better, you can use an augmented bonding curve to fund your DAO, thanks to the amazing work by the Commons Stack folks, and there you have it! A fully-functioning DAO with just a few days of work!

51. The Innovation of Web3.0 Governance Mechanism From the Perspective of DAO’s Decentralization

Governance effectiveness is the core metric for tracking community values.

52. Prepare Yourself for the Tokenization of Everything

I have the privilege of being a member of the Government Blockchain Association.

53. How to Get Tokens From the Most Promising Decentralized Social Trading Network Before They Launch

Learn the ultimate strategy to squeeze the most tokens out of Superalgos' governance programs while they're still under the radar.

54. "Decentralized Governance is an Existential Cultural Shift" - Ben Jorgensen

As one of the most phenomenal inventions of our time, blockchain technology saw the light in the distant 2008, ushered in by  Bitcoin. the brain-child of mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity remains unknown, this technology step by step took serious attempts towards reengineering society.

55. DAOs - Blockchains Final Frontier

Prosperity not created by capitalism but through cooperation.

56. What Does The Average African Think About Crypto?

Cryptocurrency adoption is accelerating at a rapid pace in Africa. Free TON African subgovernance is doing big things in raising awareness for their solutions.

57. Yield Farming Cannot Be The Organic Future of Blockchain

High APY won’t last long, Defi + upgraded DAO is the true future

58. [Interview] The Struggles and Successes of Masternode Voting - Dash Core CEO

When I dove into the world of crypto and blockchain governance, one of the first projects to capture my attention was Dash.

59. Finance != Future of Blockchain But Cross-Domain Collaboration is

Once upon a time, the emerging of the blockchain seemed to initiate a parallel new era, a utopia of the Value Internet. However, now the tide has receded, Bitcoin and Ethereum, as the flagships of the blockchain, are still struggling to get out of the dark tunnel, and the difficulty of landing various blockchain applications still has not been resolved.

Thank you for checking out the 59 most read stories about Decentralized Governance on HackerNoon.

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