Let's learn about Decentralized Finance via these 448 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Emerging financial technology that stems from the security of distributed ledgers.
1. DeFi Loans, Stablecoins, And A Whole Lot of Cryptocurrency
How to get a loan secured by your cryptocurrency and make money on it? If you do not know anything about stablecoins with cryptocurrency backing or lending in decentralized finance, read this article.
2. What is Liquid Staking and How Can it Improve the DeFi Ecosystem?
Liquid Staking allows using the staked crypto assets in other trading opportunities to let you get the best of both a reward on your staked assets as well as
3. How to Trade on Binance with a Demo Account
Having a demo account on Binance is not a problem! Using this guide you can create a free account to learn interface, order flows, and more
4. 5 DeFi Coins With the Best Rewarding Options
You are looking to invest in crypto and are probably weighing your options from different ways to earn. Staking is one of the most lucrative investment options in the crypto world.
5. An Introduction to Decentralized Currencies
6. Revisiting Making Money in Crypto
Making money in crypto using strategies from The Richest Man in Babylon.
7. The Crypto Economy is Too Conservative and it’s Your Fault
This may be crypto’s largest problem right now: It rewards repetition, instead of innovation. Here's what you can do to help.
8. A Beginner’s Guide to Wrapped NFTs
Crypto market welcomes a new gen of NFTs – wrapped ones, or wNFTs, or NFT 2.0 as I call it. Let’s understand what it is and which potential wNFTs have.
9. No. Crypto-Mining and NFTs are NOT Killing Our Planet: An Analysis
Are NFTs really harmful to the ecosystem? Read on to know more about the this statement, which is dismissed by facts, stats, and numbers.
10. What are the differences between Bitcoin and XRP?
Bitcoin's maximum supply is 21 million and XRP's maximum supply is 100 billion. The difference is that all XRP were created on the first day...
11. Types of Crypto Lending Platforms: Centralized and Decentralized Finance
Crypto lending is a growing market that started only a few years ago. Unless you're new to cryptocurrency, you probably have heard this term at some point. Crypto lending works similarly to peer-to-peer lending, where borrowers are connected with lenders via an online crypto lending platform with cryptocurrency as the currency of trade instead of fiat money. Technically, the more appropriate term is crypto-secured lending because not all loans are denominated in cryptocurrencies.
12. The Rise of Crypto Predictions on Decentralized Prediction Markets
The prediction markets depend on crowdsourcing information from the general public to form beliefs and forecasts about the occurrence of future events.
13. The Great Presidential Crypto Debate with Polk, Nixon, Jackson, and Washington
How would the presidents from the past reflect upon and react to the brave new world of cryptocurrency and money decentralization?
14. Binance and Kava Bring DeFi Lending to BNB Holders
Kava, the first cross-chain DeFi lending platform with its stablecoin USDX, and Binance, the global blockchain company behind the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume and users, announced a collaboration.
15. My Dream for the Future: An Anarcho-Capitalist Society
When people think of anarchy, they think of the world on fire or complete and utter chaos. However, that is not the case. When I say anarcho-capitalism, I am not advocating for a traditional anarchist society but rather an anarcho-capitalist one. Two entirely different things. That being said, let me get into my "key points". As our intellectual capabilities increase as society so should our own sovereignty as nations. In a perfectly intellectual society, one wouldn't need a government to function. The current generation tends to blame capitalism for most of the world's problems, embracing socialism. I would say, capitalism is the answer and that many of the problems capitalism is blamed for is actually globalism disguised as capitalism.
16. WTF is Supply Elasticity and How It Could Help Make Cryptocurrencies Mainstream
Supply elasticity is a property of money that allows the supply to expand and contract on an as-needed basis in order to meet demand. Well established monies like gold, as well as modern age cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, do not have this property.
17. You Should Stop Wiring Money via Banks and Other Intermediaries, Today
When we transferred money overseas, we had to top up extra cash. Exorbitant remittance fees, foreign exchange rates, and commissions all meant that we had to transfer more than what our recipient needed, just so we could ensure that the recipient actually received the full amount.
18. Yearn Finance Token - YFI Price Soared to $40.4K. How Did It Happen And What's Next?
If you have checked the latest crypto news, you must have heard about DeFi and the yearn.finance project. Its YFI token has surged by one mln percent in just two weeks and costs much more than bitcoin right now. So, I want to reveal how this could have happened and what is all the buzz about.
19. What are Cross-Chain Swaps?
A cross-chain swap is a complete decentralized mechanism of exchanging your tokens for other non-native tokens.
20. Why DeFi Could Foster the Killer App of Banking
The financial system is broken, and no one is coming to save you. Therefore you must learn to make and protect money on your own.
21. A New Open-Source Web3 Tool For Python Developers
Build the future of DeFi with Ape! From NFT marketplaces to you're own decentralized crypto exchange, Ape's framework provides elevated code for creators.
22. DeFi's Collateralized Debt Protocols
23. An Intro to Web3 Multi-Chain Trading
Yellow Network offers to interconnect multiple scattered exchanges in one automated non-custodial trading hub, providing a user with the aggregated liquidity.
24. Here's Why The On-Chain Derivatives Market Continues To Propel DeFi
the segment reached a milestone of $41 billion – the amount of user funds locked in DeFi almost doubled since January. Such figures are understandable, considering
25. Social DAOs: An Essential Guide
The best overview of all social DAOs that you haven't heard about yet to understand how social DAOs actually work, what they have in common and what's different
26. "On-chain DEX activity has Exploded Since January 2019 to a $45.2 Billion TVL" - Vladimir Gorbunov
The worldwide crypto wallet app Crypterium has recently been granted FCA registration and knows for sure that DEXs hold the key to mass crypto adoption.
27. The Truth Behind Stablecoins
What exactly is going on in this corner of DeFi? What does this controversy mean for the future of the DeFI ecosystem?
28. What Is Yield Farming? The New Age of Decentralized Finance
Wondering what is yield farming and how this strategy can help you profit in the crypto world? We cover all there is to know about this new way of investing.
29. Use Cases for Combining NFT with DeFi
The combination of DeFi and NFT looks really promising, and there are already use cases to support this claim. Read this article to find out more.
30. Same Old Villains Get Clobbered By The New Heroes of The Financial Markets - Redditors
They kept buying GameStop shares, and kept buying, and kept buying… and the giant who had bet on the failure of the little guy fell.
31. The Need for Real-World Assets in DeFi
The Need for Real-World Assets in DeFi
32. "DeFi Platforms built on top of RSK/Bitcoin are Proof That Bitcoin Supports DeFi" - Diego Gutierrez
To delve deeper into this subject and understand how it can be achieved, I reached out to Diego Gutierrez, the co-founder of RSK.
33. DeFi May Save The World Financially
DeFi can be an alternative system for traditional finance but how about we explore it's growth and the potential of the technology underpinning it.
34. How Do Yield Aggregators Work?
The main profit generators in DeFi are decentralized exchanges and loan services. Yield Aggregator optimizes the ways to get this profit for maximum efficiency.
35. Institutional Investors and the Decentralized Finance Sector
The decentralized finance industry has experienced impressive growth this year. The capitalization of the DeFi sector has grown 20 times: from $646 million to $14 billion. And the longer decentralized finance evolves, the more attention gets from institutional investors.
36. Boycott RobinHood: Trading Apps Reviewed - CakeDeFi Vs. WeBull Vs. TradeStation
In this article, we want to present the top 3 Robinhood alternatives, which have proven to be unbiased and allow you to invest safely, free from manipulation.
37. Inside the Curve Wars: DeFi Bribes
What role do token bribes play in defi curve war?
38. Talking Crypto and DeFi Portfolio Management with Narek Gevorgyan - Founder at CoinStats
CoinStats is shaping up to be our users’ go-to destination for all things crypto and DeFi.
39. The Creator Economy is Booming Thanks to Creator Coins
All you need to know about the crypto-charged creator economy.
40. How MoonDAO Raised $8.3 million on JuiceBox
Initially, the deployment of $Mooney was aimed at raising $450,000 for a space ticket but it ended up pulling in $8.3 million by early February.
41. Is Decentralisation Even Real?
What does decentralisation mean in the context of blockchain, and where is it relevant for end consumers. See how the industry is evolving.
42. What DeFi Tools Can You Use During this Market Cycle? - 2020 Market Research
Most crypto traders are comparing 2020 with 2017 when Bitcoin hit its all-time-high of $20,000 and altcoins were doing a 2-5-10x in just a matter of days. This year is different, though. Traders, holders, and investors have more knowledge and the market growth is not based on hype. The crypto market is close to reaching mainstream adoption and that wouldn’t be possible without all the DeFi (Decentralized Projects) that are making crypto more accessible and easy to use for the average user.
43. DeFi is Now a $100 Billion Industry
Let's look at what DeFi is before we dive into analyzing how decentralized finance (DeFi) came to be an over $100 billion industry in just a few years.
44. 7 Pillars of Crypto in 2021 - A Look at DeFi, SoFi, and Legislative Regulation
Trends in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are changing amazingly fast. We can express every year as the blossom of some new thing: 2017 - ICO, 2018 - IEO, 2019 - Stablecoin, 2020 - DeFi.
45. 10 Common DeFi Scams and How to Avoid Them
DeFi scams are elaborate schemes designed for the DeFi space. This article covers 10 common DeFi scams; how they work and how to avoid them.
46. Mastering DeFi: A Practical Guide For Beginners And The Advanced
47. A Beginner's Guide to Protecting your NFTs and Other Digital Assets
Crypto security should be a top priority for everyone. In this article, I go over some best practices and securities tips so you can keep your assets secure.
48. BSC Flash Loan Attacks Explained: The Untold Story of 3 Copycats
A series of attacks compromised several Binance Smart Chain (BSC) projects which saw nearly $45 million in damages. See how Dr. Wu from Amber breaks them down.
49. Web 3.0 and the Metaverse Walk Into a Bar...
Do they have anything to do with all of this intergalactic hype around blockchain and decentralization?
50. DeFi: The Curve Wars
In the #curvewar, protocols are trying to get the best yield for their $CRV aggregator by holding the most $CRV tokens. The lines are drawn and the battle is on
51. It's No Longer "The Future of Work", DAOs Are Already Here
The future is now, it's 2020 and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are experiencing a Cambrian explosion.
Typically in an enterprise, you have top-down hierarchies as the mechanism of control. Let's look at a quick example of how a DAO works differently in action.
Imagine you’re building a startup, except at this startup, there is a clear sense of organization without humans organizing other humans. It all runs organically, and it's generative in nature, meaning it evolves, innovates and experiences high growth from within.
Leaderless leadership!
How is such a way of working together achieved?
Through active participation from interested parties who share common values, missions and objectives. People-driven autonomous organizations happen mostly through voting on decisions that are proposed by other community members.
You can propose, vote and discuss decisions as a team without having to have a singular authority to report to. Resulting in new ideas being seeded and proposed from within the organization to solve mission-critical challenges that the DAO is facing.
It's really a synthesis of innovation and ambition, it's great!
With that said there are certainly some balanced benefits and drawbacks about this model that we should explore.
For the moment DAOs function in a fairly binary nature, you vote on proposals that you or others have submitted, typically these votes take place on blockchains by signing a transaction with your crypto wallet. That means the current state of DAOs is experiencing the highest growth in the blockchain industry. So whilst DAOs are now, they might be somewhat gravitating around the future of money.
However crypto-centric it is right now, it is definitely laying out an exceptional framework that any organization type could be built upon. We are seeing many other non-crypto DAOs emerge too, using platforms like Aragon to create a DAO in minutes on the blockchain. This is achieved by creating a Governance Token on the Ethereum blockchain. When users hold these Governance Tokens they can vote on proposals put forward to the community.
These communities can even have treasuries where the DAO can organize their finances. For example, members that hold these Governance Tokens can suggest making a payment, creating a vote inside the community so it can be approved or denied collectively.
There are many lessons to learn about how to coordinate large groups of self-interested people.
I recently wrote an article, "Failure shows us the way", where I outlined my thesis on how I think we can even coordinate groups who don't explicitly share the same values, they instead just share the same mission. It's going to be very interesting to see what unfolds with the DAOs that are experimenting right now.
Why are DAOs exploding right now?
Basically there is an entire unstoppable movement happening because of projects offering up a Governance Token as a bonus to those who are using some Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications.
I've heard many stories from folks achieving incredible results in less than 5 days. For example, "With YFI I earned like $3.5k on $24k", one community member shared with me.
That example is a 14.58% increase in capital in just five days, no wonder it's getting attention.
Wait, how are people making money from these Governance Tokens?
In the DeFi world, there is a new meme known as Yield Farming 👨🌾 its technical name is Liquidity Mining.
This is where a user deposits crypto stablecoins like USDC, DAI & USDT to earn a reasonably safe and secure return, which lately seems to be roughly 8% APY. As well as this, these DeFi applications which have newly formed their own DAOs to oversee their protocols, are rewarding users with Governance Tokens when they have funds deposited into their various DeFi products.
This has added rocket fuel to the DeFi community, with an explosive $3 Billion USD flowing into projects in just the last couple of weeks. This doesn't stop here either, there are many more DAO innovations that will be made known during this wave of Governance Tokens. One example is Referral Yield Farming, where you can earn Governance Tokens for referring people to DeFi platforms without having to deposit any funds of your own.
52. 10 Predictions About the Future of Finance
Despite the challenges, the future of finance looks bright.
The industry is adapting and evolving.
53. The DeFi And NFT Spaces Have A Problem: FIAT
In order to enter mainstream water, DeFi and NFT spaces need to find a way to incorporate fiat, some say, as an essential onboarding requirement even.
54. Collateralized Stablecoins: What Goes On Under Our Hood?
Unit Protocol is a decentralized lending protocol that allows using a variety of tokens as collateral. $USDP $DUCK
55. DeFi Liquidity Providers: Factors Affecting Profitability, Trade-Offs, and Risk-Return Profiles
In this article, we break down the factors affecting profitability and explore the trade-offs with different liquidity provision strategies in DeFi.
56. I Am Stupid Without Bitcoin
This article is about the haves and the have-nots.
57. Yield Farming and DeFi Basics with Elk Academy: Lesson #2
DeFi yield farming is where a lot of the real action happens. Read more to understand what yield farming exactly is.
58. A Look into the DeFi Deflationary Yield Farming Boom
It’s not often that you see a technological boom inside of another breakout, but that’s precisely what is happening in the crypto markets currently. The DeFi (decentralized finance) sector, which seeks to revolutionize the current centralized financial system by introducing various decentralized replacements, is also experiencing a deflationary yield farming boom.
59. 2021 and the Rise of Layer-2 Blockchain Solutions
Discover which layer 2 projects are offering solutions to scaling issues stunting the growth of DeFi
60. Regulations are Coming to DeFi Whether We Like It or Not
KOLnet is an innovative, transparent and fair launchpad that allows early-stage projects to optimise their marketing strategy through the innovation of Web3.
61. An Introduction to Smart Contracts and Graphene
Building great applications takes both decentralized and centralized databases, and so Koinos is being designed to enable developers to integrate a decentralized database into their stack regardless of how much or how little they want to rely on that database.
62. How to Responsibly Invest in Crypto & NFTs for Your Long-term Future
There are reliable and safe ways to make long-term and sustainable profits in the new era of cryptocurrencies and NFTs; get familiar with them!
63. How to Keep Yourself Safe from Filthy, Dirty Coins
With the news that January trading volume on decentralized exchanges reached an all-time high (above 55 billion - can you imagine?), unfortunately, an increased risk of money laundering (ML) occurred as well.
64. Top NFT and DeFi Marriages That Fix Common NFT Problems
The combination of NFTs and DeFi is the perfect match!
65. Generating Passive Income Through Filecoin Staking
In this post, we'll explore the concept of staking and how will you benefit from Filecoin staking.
66. Banks Make Money Off you, Not for You - Unhashed #16
Sean Rach, the co-founder of a not-for-profit finance service platform hi, talks about the digital finance ecosystem and the evolution of the crypto markets.
67. How to Code a Fantastic Batch Payment Function With Solidity: A Must Know Technique
In this tutorial, you will learn a very crucial smart contract skill for disbursing money (Ethers) to multiple accounts with a click of a button.
68. Bill "The Farmer" vs. "Crypto Fools"
The old and wise have spoken, crypto as the future of finance is broken!
69. Liquidity Auctions: Can They Solve The Liquidity Problem for DeFi Startups?
The current time in the cryptocurrency space feels like a more mature version of 2017. Bitcoin is once again on a bull run, and it is about to once again reach the all-time high of $20,000 set three years ago. Two of the major differences between the crypto bull run of 2017 and 2020 is the involvement of institutional investors and the absence of initial coin offers, or ICOs.
70. A Short Guide to DeFi and The Metaverse: What is it and Why Should You Care?
Decentralized finance and the metaverse are mainstream today. That is why these two topics attract people very much, they do not understand these trends. In 2022, investments in these areas will increase exponentially, even despite the bear market. In this article, let's take a look at what DeFi and Metaverse are, what their prospects are, and why you should pay maximum attention to these areas.
71. A Beginner’s Guide to Margin Trading in DeFi
Learn the basic concepts in margin trading, understand how it works and get to know some of the best platforms for margin trading in DeFi.
72. 5 Ways to Make Money In Crypto
The pandemic has changed the rules of the game, not only for business, but in fact, has affected everyone. The words quarantine and remote work have become commonplace in our everyday life. Those companies that could not switch to remote operation suffered losses or were completely liquidated.
73. A Quick Intro to Testing DApps (decentralized applications)
If you’re a test engineer and you’re keen to get involved in Web3, it can be hard to know where to start. Here's an introduction
74. 5 Best Audit and KYC Solutions for DeFi Projects
As DeFi, and crypto in general, keep getting global recognition, developers have had to comply with KYC and AML regulations in certain jurisdictions.
75. On Building the Upstart DeFi Aggregator iearn.finance with Andre Cronje [Interview]
Disclaimer: This article does not offer financial advice, do your own research when using one of the presented products. Use these projects and services at your own risk.
76. How to List Your DeFi Token on UniSwap
In our first article, we covered how to make a DeFi project successful, build a community, and organize a marketing campaign.
77. 4 Defi Platforms with NFT Gaming to Watch in 2022
The most prevalent Defi and NFT adoption was from the gaming industry. Dozens of platforms were conceived within and before 2021.
78. Blockchain Field Review - What We Should Expect in 2020?
The year 2019 is coming to an end, and the blockchain hype seems to be slowly dying as well as the crypto bubble. But is it really dead or maybe now it has to offer even more than it had in 2017 when the total market capitalization of crypto was near $800 billion? In reality, it was something like a great purge for many unprofessional projects. Without investors throwing money at them, they died, like dotcom bubble projects before them. The general audience begins to understand that the blockchain technology isn't something that makes everything it's applied to revolutionary. It has its own applications, where it can shine, such as finances and supply chains, but also there can be many occasions where blockchain is totally unnecessary. For example, maybe creating a decentralized network for dentists isn’t such a good idea?
79. Security in The Sea of Decentralized Finance
How do you avoid losing funds due to your own negligence.
80. Crypto Cards in 2021: How Far Have We Come?
Crypto cards greatly simplify the life of crypto owners. With a Bitcoin debit card, you can withdraw crypto almost as easily as any other currency.
81. 5 Leading DeFi Aggregators in 2021
The overview of popular DeFi aggregators which are a single simple interface to improve the customer journey in the world of DeFi.
82. APY.Finance: What's Under The Hood?
Technological developments and their rapid adoption make this the right time for a new decentralized financial system to emerge. So far, the products with more traction have been protocols offering lending/borrowing of crypto assets.
83. Why 2020's Alt Season Is Different from 2017
With Bitcoin's recent surge in price, some people in the cryptocurrency space began to wonder whether the short-lived Alt Season was coming to an end. After all, many of the astounding gains being made by alts coincided with Bitcoin's two-month uncharacteristic lack of volatility. It seemed that traders were looking elsewhere to make large profits.
84. How One Hacker Made $360k in a Day via a Flash Loan and Market Manipulation
How to Understand the Latest DeFi "Hack" in 3 Steps
85. DeFi Lacked Cohesion and Automation - Until Now
DeFi is finally providing viable use cases for cryptocurrencies beyond being a speculative value storage.
86. Everything you Need to Know About Project Serum ($SRM)
Project Serum is a brand new decentralized exchange (DEX) for the decentralized finance (DeFi) sphere from the same team that created FTX Exchange. It is said to test the boundaries of DEXs using a non-Ethereum blockchain.
87. DeFi - Who wins between Ethereum and EOS?
We often hear about decentralized finance (DeFi) and the first thought, especially to beginners, would associate this word and sector with the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, which is not entirely wrong, but which tends to be a vision. limited reality.
88. Blockchain Technology Use Cases: Going Beyond Cryptocurrency
Blockchain technology has brought about a revolutionary transformation in many sectors through features like transparency, decentralization, and immutability.
89. Have you owned the Uniswap (UNI) token? $300 for You
Have you owned the Uniswap (UNI) token? $300 for You
90. List of Awesome Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Projects
I probably don’t need to introduce you to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) or Open Finance. DeFi is here to change traditional finance, creating an open ecosystem of financial products. It’s here to stay.
91. Understanding The 5 Macro Areas of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
?Whant to know more about DeFi and waht are the area of decentralized finance? Check this guide
92. Why We Need Polygon Over Ethereum
To start an NFT project with high frequency and low value transactions, Polygon is the ideal blockchain to use as compared to Ethereum.
93. What Is It About Blockchain That Seduces Normies: An Analysis Through Free TON's Lens
Making blockchain more tangible to the average person will help attract millions of people.
94. The Importance of Cross-Chain Solutions in the DeFi Economy
Cross-chain solutions are increasingly catching the attention of speculators within the decentralized finance ecosystem. As products and platforms grow in popularity, interoperability between separate chains is becoming increasingly important.
95. 5 Most Expensive NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) Ever Sold
NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens can be quite an interesting target for profitable investment since the platforms where such kind of tokens is application...
96. 3 Best DEXs For Liquidity Mining and Swapping in 2021
Decentralized exchanges are a safe way to trade without having to trust any third parties. In this article, we look at the top 3 decentraliced exchanges.
97. NextGen Open Blockchains Are Building New DeFi Security and Privacy Standards
Next generation blockchains developing open, secure and privacy-preserving DeFi platforms
98. Tera creates financial instruments for the economy without borders
The risk-hedging instruments in digital economic space were added to the Tera decentralized platform: “Token-option” and “Ambassador”.
99. The DeFi Market in 2020: Top 5 Newcomers
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), one of the most discussed ideas in the cryptocurrency space at the moment, is seen as a harbinger of new possibilities. The wealth of DeFi projects that have shown up in the past few months is extraordinary, matched only by the ICO boom of 2017.
100. 5 Crypto Compounding Projects to Look at in 2022
Compounding is a sure way to bolster your earnings in the long run, especially if you are invested in long-term income-earning pathways.
101. What Would Staking Look Like On Ethereum 2.0?
Proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) are the two most widely employed blockchain protocols. Blockchain proponents often indulge in debates to prove which of the two is actually better, never really reaching a consensus (pun intended).
102. The Question of Underwriting in DeFi And What's Developing On That Front
So far 2020, has been a truly magnificent year for Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Since the beginning of the year, the total value locked in DeFi smart contracts has risen fivefold, with the vast majority of this growth coming from the last two months alone.
103. Blockchains Are Being Built Around Decentralized Finance, but Tread Carefully
The Bitcoin blockchain was revolutionary and still is. It changed the way we look at money. With the rise of decentralized finance, new blockchains are being built around it, but users should tread carefully because what to look for in a blockchain is changing.
104. Kirobo Brings NFT Minting to Crypto Wallets via Liquid Vault
Kirobo have developed a Defi-focused wallet with the ability to store and mint non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
105. What is Unit Protocol and Why Does it Matter?
Unit Protocol is a decentralized protocol that allows you to mint stablecoin $USDP using a variety of tokens as collateral.
106. Reducing the Risks in DeFi Will Take Time and Experimenting - Unhashed #6
Unhashed is a QnA series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.
107. Bitcoin Bubble 2020 - When's It Gonna Burst?
In recent weeks and days, the crypto markets have been exploding again and Bitcoin is back above the level it was at the end of 2017 with an all-time high based on the market cap.
108. Top Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Trends in 2023
Top DeFi Trends - The rise in demand is so much that the global Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market is expected to reach $231.19 billion by 2030.
109. Gen Z’s Money Legos Have to Mature for Mainstream DeFi Adoption
Creative destruction might ultimately become the driving force towards a more open and fair financial system, and communities like WBS are just the start of it.
110. The Illusion of Decentralization
Back in the 1990’s, then-chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan used the phrase “irrational exuberance” to describe the rapid and relentless rise of stock markets amidst a preponderance of data that should have tempered market mania. Setting aside Greenspan’s role in stimulating such “irrational exuberance” via interest rate driven monetary policy, it seems as though his phrase is ripe for recycling when looking at the current fever for “decentralization”; particularly, decentralization as it would apply to blockchain, Web 3.0, and cryptocurrencies. Can blockchain as a foundation of Web 3.0 really be decentralized?
111. Public Fascination with Bitcoin Price is Slowing the Adoption of Bitcoin
Few people ask me about the social, political, and economic impact of cryptographically-secure, time-stamped distributed ledgers.
112. UX and Literacy Issues Are Keeping Most Potential Investors Away from #DeFi
The world of DeFi is destined for a boom. But can it really generate adoption in the hundreds of millions with current UX and literacy issues?
113. Comparing Staking Rewards - Is Liquid Staking Better Than Proof of Stake (PoS)?
To investors looking for staking rewards, blockchain adopting the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and decentralized finance (DeFi) projects with liquid staking components are great options to participate in.
114. Rebuilding the Tower of Babel: A Theory of New National Development Based on DAO
But when we stop focusing on dysfunctional, centralized government and talk directly to DAO members, we are already transforming ourselves and society.
115. Why DeFi Matters: Making Financial Services More Accessible
For much of the world’s population, banking has been a regular part of life for a long time. For many people, just about everyone they know has a bank account at a major financial institution in their country.
116. 10 DeFi Projects to Keep Your Eye On in 2021
DeFi can change the financial landscape. Here is a list of the 10 best DeFi projects to watch out for.
117. Powering the Next Generation of DeFi: Q and A with TAF CEO Bill Nolan
The TAF ecosystem emerges in the DeFi space to bring unique benefits and terms to its users. Learn more about the project from the interview with its founder.
118. Cryptocurrency is Just Getting Started
Despite bitcoin hitting new all-time highs, cryptocurrency is still a very small market. How big could it grow?
119. Could "Play to Earn" Take Over the Gaming Industry?
Imagine a world where you can earn money whilst playing your favourite games. Until recently, this concept of Play to Earn games has made me recoil in horror. The whole point of play is enjoyment, not the stress of work. Saying that, I’m a veteran game developer of 24 years so I’m a fine one to talk!
120. How to Promote a DeFi Project: Top 4 Marketing Instruments
Every crypto and DeFi enthusiast knows what difficulties he might face during blockchain project development: strict regulation, a public opinion upon the entire industry, lack of assets security. However, let’s ask ourselves a question: What stands above all of it? Uncertain future of Digital Finance? Hardly. Dependency on the Bitcoin rate? Partly yes, but recent cases show that it's not always the main factor.. Another thing came across my mind because I work a lot on the promotion of crypto and DeFi projects.
121. Brick-And-Mortar Banks are Losing the Battle to their Digital Counterparts
Financial technologies are rapidly transforming from futuristic imaginings into an inextricable component of everyday life. Back in 2016, such services as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay were just entering the global market as newfangled inventions, while today, they are used to processing three times more transactions than those made using conventional plastic bank cards. Mobile apps have since largely replaced bank office branches, and the coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated the trend. Taking into account the rapid pace of development of the fintech sector and speed at which modern users adapt to innovations, our experience of interacting with financial institutions is likely to undergo radical changes over the next few years.
122. What are NFTs? - Their Role in DeFi
By definition, a fungible asset is a type of asset that is interchangeable with other assets of the same type. Currency is a fungible asset. After borrowing a $100 bill, the borrower can return the amount either in a combination of bills of different denominations or in a different $100 bill. The value of the dollar $100 remains the same in both cases.
123. No One is Talking About How Cryptocurrency Solves This Massive Problem
It’s 2020. Bitcoin’s been around for eleven years. Ethereum’s almost six years old. Cardano’s still in the womb.
124. The Ultimate Checklist For Marketing DeFi Projects
125. Introduction : Terra, its Goals and its Origins
How did the Terra blockchain evolve from a small blockchain to an ecosystem of DeFi applications to create a new financial ecosystem?
126. 4 DeFi Protocols that Will Build the Future of Finance
There is a protocol arms race in DeFi right now. Yet due to DeFi’s composability, an advance boosts the whole ecosystem, not just one protocol.
127. More Africans Walk Towards Financial Freedom Due To Cryptocurrencies
Africa is rarely mentioned as a major cryptocurrency market. However, recent trends indicate that it may move leaders out of their positions. In 2018, in just 9 months, more than 15 cryptocurrency trading platforms were opened in Africa. The trend has appeared a long time ago and is only getting stronger every year. When the bitcoin rate rose in 2017, the trading volume on African exchanges increased sharply. For example, trading volumes in Kenya on one of the sites in December 2017 rose to $ 8.1 million. Another company reported 2,000 BTC transactions in November 2017, when the price fluctuated in the $ 10,000 range. Approximately 37% of these transactions were made in South Africa. There are several reasons why Africa could be the next big cryptocurrency market. The Free TON team believes that cryptocurrencies and blockchain are key to unlocking Africa’s vast potential. Only blockchain is capable of transforming the continent, this technology will contribute to the growth and prosperity of all countries in the 21st century, giving everyone complete control over their finances.
128. The Blockchain Trilemma: Could Layer 0 Be the Solution for Mass Adoption
As blockchain technology booms, blockchain solutions like Ethereum are running into trouble.
129. "Most DeFi Hacks are NOT Due to Code Flaws But Due to Financial Loopholes." - Eren Yecan
The article talks about how does yield farming working and how does trading of crypto-assets work on DEXs.
130. How Crypto Audit and KYC Companies Work
Blockchain security companies offering smart contracts and crypto project auditing are on the rise and they are a step in the right direction.
131. 6 Most Crypto-Friendly States in America
There’s a big crypto battle underway among the states to get their share of the crypto pie.
132. "Technology is much more advanced than that of 10-year-old blockchains," says Mr. Grygoriy Sytenko
Grygoriy Sytenko, the CEO of crypto wallet OWNR Wallet, gives an insider’s view on what’s going on in the niche of Decentralized Finance.
133. Top Tools to Use for DeFi Projects
New Defi-based platforms have been coming up recently, providing tools for analyzing and investing in Defi and decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.
134. Can DeFi dApps Compete with the Existing Financial Infrastructure?
Decentralized finance dApps (DeFi) are, without a doubt, the way we can see real progress being made in regard to the general adoption of cryptocurrencies. As we know them now, cryptocurrencies are still climbing the adoption curve.
135. 3 Ways to Earn Crypto Passive Income: A Quick Guide
Do you want to earn some side income but have no experience in trading?
Learn how to maximize your cryptocurrency funds instead of simply HODLing!
136. 4 Entrepreneurs are Betting Big on Polkadot: Meet Their Projects
Touted by some as the “Ethereum Killer”, Polkadot has over 250 projects building on it’s ever-growing ecosystem
137. Why Do We Need Decentralized Finance?
Decentralised finance has been considered as an important vertical application of blockchain technology.
138. The Projects Working to Lower Ethereum Gas Fees
As more investors try their hand at DeFi, gas fees are shooting over the roof, making engaging with decentralized apps uneconomical for most users.
139. What Is Looping in DeFi and How Does It Work
There is a method known as "looping" that allows investors to profit from borrowed funds.
140. Looking to Invest in a DeFi Project? Here are 5 Ideas Worth Considering
2020 will go into crypto history as the year of DeFi. It has been a long time since we have seen a hype of similar magnitude, probably best comparable to the 2017 ICO hype.
141. On the Future of ‘Ethical DeFi’: Interview with Waseem Mamlouk
Waseem Mamlouk, VP of the Nimbus Platform speaks about "Ethical DeFi", and how DeFi platforms can serve buyers with spiritual requirements such as Sharia Law.
142. Is There Still Hope for the Future of Blockchain
A list of challenging technical issues of blockchain adoption is briefly discussed here.
143. Top 6 Types Of Finance Technologies To Grow Your Business
Finance technology has a broad scope of application that keeps revolutionizing the field. Here is an overview of the main 6 ones that enable business growth.
144. What Cryptocurrencies Can Do For Latin America
Cryptocurrencies can be a major factor in Latin America breaking the shackles of financial enslavement. And it’s the tech-savvy who are already reaching out to it.
145. What "Yield Farming" Needs to Take DeFi Mainstream
Following the crypto hype-cycle of 2017–18, it’s safe to say that the industry has made some progress. There is now a spectrum of crypto-enabled financial services available; from stable coins, synthetic assets, peer-to-peer insurance, and peer-to-peer borrowing and lending, to name a few.
146. How DeFi Simplifies Financial Planning for All
In the world of decentralized finance (“defi”) we often hear
about “banking the unbanked”. The vision is to give people with no access to even a bank account, access to global financial market. People from developing countries often suffer from hyper inflation, massive fluctuations of their local currencies, restrictions by their governments or simply have no bank account to store their financial valuables.
147. Crypto loans: The Quick and Dirty Guide
Unit protocol allows you to deposit multiple types of appreciating assets, including: LP
tokens, yield bearing tokens, DPI, yvLINK. $USDP stablecoin. $DUCK
148. How Much Are Ethereum Whales Actually Making on DeFi?
Ethereum whales are undoubtedly driving the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement by depositing millions of dollars into decentralized liquidity pools to earn interest.
149. Decentralized Insurance: These 4 Companies are Raising the Bar in 2021
How can decentralized insurance protect participants in DeFi protocols from the various risks associated with such a nascent industry? Read more and find out!
150. What You Don't Know About Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
With the rising popularity of cryptocurrency, the rise of a new generation of crypto-lovers has also fueled the growth of a new beast: non-fungible tokens.
151. DeFi Payments: An Overview
After having seen one of the 5 macro areas of decentralized finance (DeFi), namely lending and borrowing, today we will focus on another aspect and which is ...
152. Dracula Protocol's Growth Hacking Tricks: A Crypto-Marketing Story
In this article I would like to break down how we do promotion in Dracula, without going into technical details in the text, during our development we have made many updates, launched Snapshot DAO voting and constantly improving our product.
153. Yearning Man 2020 - 4 Projects for DeFi 2.0
DeFi has been making a lot of noise recently, but it’s perhaps more established than most people think.
154. Switch to Polygon (Previously MATIC) & Avoid the Ethereum Traffic Jam
Avoid crippling gas fees! Learn how to transfer your tokens from the Ethereum to Polygon blockchain, so you can trade at a fraction of the cost and speed.
155. Brief Answers to the Big Questions on MetisDAO
In 1987, W. Brian Arthur was invited to participate in a high-profile and very appealing seminar with nine other phenomena economists and ten physicists at a chapel in Santa Fe, where the cross-domain collaborations among these economists and physicists initiated the glory of Santa Fe Institute and Complex Economy.
156. Crypto-Powered Finance Offers a Range of Benefits to Businesses: Unhashed #22
An interview with Request Finance CEO and Co-Founder Christophe Lassuyt.
157. Financial Products That Combine The Innovation and Purpose: The Choice of Conscious Consumers
Consumers look for products that enable them to contribute to sustainability. Banks and fintech companies can address this need with innovation.
158. Comprehensive Guide on Tokenized Real Estate Investment
Tokenization can become one of the most significant game changes in the real estate market. It can change the way people are investing in real estate globally
159. "Crypto Is Very Much An Attention Economy" - Brian Kerr
Decentralized finance is slowly transitioning from a mere buzzword to being a major contributor to the crypto economy. The development outputs of the sector and its growing appeal in the investment landscape has culminated into financial successes for a long list of protocols and systems relying on decentralized governance models to deliver financial services.
160. How Yield Farming Projects Stack Up in 2020
The yield farming space is probably the most confusing piece of the crypto puzzle. At its most basic, it involves locking up ETH, USDT or other types of tokens into a smart contract. The difference lies in the specifics of the smart contract, as well as the number and enthusiasm of participants. The common thread is the possibility to receive passive income, instead of holding onto tokens long-term while hoping for gains!
161. Facebook's Libra is a Banker's Nightmare and the Banks Will Fight Back
The impact of Libra on Global Finance
162. I Just Got Banned from r/Bitcoin - The Irony Is Strong With This One
However scarce or unknown it may be in the crypto and Blockchain sector, I have never stopped and I have never pulled back, even when even today, in my part, when I talk to him about this technology and of course Bitcoin (BTC), a laugh is what I get.
163. Let Us Demystify DeFi
Today there exists a DeFi alternative for almost every traditional finance (TradFi) service, and more are launching every day.
164. Diversifying your portfolio? Here are some tips you should try
When the economy is expanding and stock markets soaring, it seems almost impossible to sell an asset for any amount less than the purchasing price. However, the economy is ever-changing, making it hard to predict market conditions. It is imperative for investors to have a well-diversified portfolio for any market condition.
165. What's The Blockchain Strategies of Tech Giants?
The crypto ecosystem has come a long way from its humble beginnings in Bitcoin. One testament to the revolution that blockchain represents can be seen in the multitude of large, established companies that have adopted and adapted blockchain.
166. Trading Crypto in 2021: How to Switch to Polygon & Avoid the Ethereum Traffic Jam
Avoid crippling gas fees! Learn how to transfer your tokens from the Ethereum to Polygon blockchain, so you can trade at a fraction of the cost and speed.
167. 5 Top Payment Trends for 2021, According To McKinsey
Surviving the Pandemic: the Top 5 Fintech Payment Trends of 2021
168. The Opportunities That Lie Before The Indian Crypto Ecosystem and What's Being Done With It
On March 04, 2020, India finally got the trigger for the resurgence of its crypto ecosystem. The ruling came a stifling two years after RBI banned banks from facilitating banking services to crypto exchanges.
169. How to Avoid Buying Uniswap DeFi Scams in 2021
The fame that DeFi projects have amassed is quite the popularity, especially in the year 2020 after the crypto industry’s growth.
170. Talking Crypto and DeFi with Johnny Lyu - CEO at KuCoin
Johnny Lyu is the co-founder of KuCoin Exchange, CEO and Co-Founder of the company.
171. A Simple Guide to Understanding DAOs And Why They are a Force in 2022
To understand what a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) means is to dissect the three keywords: decentralization, autonomy, and organization.
172. DeFi Vampirism Draws First Blood As Dracula Protocol Upgrades to v2
Dracula Protocol is a suite of smart contracts which aggregate major DeFi yield farms and liquidity mining platforms through a single smart-contract.
173. Exploring the Future of Finance in 2022
We speak to Bricktrade Founder Guv Kang about how his company is contributing to the future of real estate, defi, and more.
174. We're Unit Protocol And Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves
Unit protocol allows you to deposit multiple types of appreciating assets, including: LP
tokens, yield bearing tokens, DPI, yvLINK. $USDP stablecoin. $DUCK
175. The Main Challenges of Decentralization
Decentralization stands in opposition to centralization and is currently rapidly breaking into the world order of the modern world.
176. Mint Stablecoins With Unit Protocol
Unit Protocol is a decentralized borrowing platform that allows using a variety of tokens as collateral including USDP Stablecoin and Stake DUCK token.
177. Altcoins With the Most Lucrative Potential in 2021
Any cryptocurrency that are alternative to Bitcoin are classified as Altcoins. That includes Ethereum’s Ether and Ripple’s XRP, but there are other notable ones
178. Is It Time To Overhaul The DeFi Ecosystem Already?
The trend in 2020 is unmistakable: the decentralized finance movement, by far the most impactful trend and continues to grow.
179. The Danger In the Stable Coins (Thought Experiments and the Real Price of Bitcoin
180. The Housing Shortage is the Next Target for Blockchain Development
A player from the blockchain and cryptocurrency space takes on real estate development and the housing shortage. Let's take a look.
181. DeFi Lending and Borrowing: An Overview
After the holidays, we can resume our path in decentralized finance (DeFi) and as we had seen in the previous article in which we presented the macro areas of this sector, in the next articles, we will analyze in detail the individual sectors to better understand what they offer and what can be done.
182. Defi Is About (Freedom of) Choice
Those privileged players knew that we would consume whatever they produced because we had no other choice. Lack of competition put us, the end user, in a helpless position.
183. WingRiders is Using Cardano to Build a DEX Based on DAG-Based Technology.
In this story we’ll look at the evolution of decentralized exchanges as well as the EUTXO protocol and the WingRiders platform.
184. "We have a long way to go and that’s what makes the DeFi space exciting." - Adrian Peng
The article discusses digital asset management and how cross-chain asset management is crucial for investors to tap emerging technologies.
185. The New Wolf of Wall Street: DeFi 2021 Overview and 2022 Outlook
The rapid growth #DeFi in 2021 exposed many flaws in the pioneering new financial system. In 2022, we look forward to improved #security, #insurance and more.
186. Cross-Chain Interoperability : Enabling The Future of DeFi
You walk into a coffee shop and want to start your day with a grande Cappuccino. The barista starts making your coffee, and you’re sitting at your table, staring at the birds chirping outside the window.
187. $SHIB: My Journey Through the Deepest Recesses & High Command of a $10 Billion Decentralized Army
This is the story of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency phenomenon, where meme coin mania meets the future of finance and the decentralized internet.
188. Can Blockchain Help Close the Gender Gap in Finance?
The DeFi movement gives power to female investors in a way legacy banking never has.
189. How Chintai is Making the Trading Life Cycle More Efficient
The HackerNoon community talked to Ryan Bethem from Chintai about Chintai's position in the market and what sets them apart from their competitors.
190. Bitcoin: You can’t print it, but you can mine it
Out with the old, in with the new
191. Why Decentralized Insurance Will Provide Confidence to DeFi Investors
This interview talks about decentralized insurance protocol and how smart contracts are disrupting the insurance industry.
192. DeFi is the Antidote to the current Market Chaos
WallStreetBets is at the eye of a war between Wall Street and an army of small investors over GameStop, a languishing video games chain, that has agitated finan
193. How Defi Projects Use Chainlink Oracles
Chainlink is currently one of the most trusted oracle networks, providing services for many platforms in the Defi world.
194. In Decentralization We Trust
Is decentralization fair for everyone? This Week On Planet Internet, Utsav Jaiswal, Sidra Ijaz, and Amy Tom talk about the decentralization movement. What's the latest with DeFi? Can AI & decentralization be friends? 🥺
195. Are Crypto Markets a Value Wall Between USD and Global Currencies?
It wasn't software developers at home who made cryptocurrencies. It was the US government.
196. An Introduction to the Elk Blockchain
In this article, we briefly lay out the case for why the Elk blockchain should be seen less as a bridge and more as a DeFi gateway.
197. Arbitrum Architecture: Inbox
Arbitrum's design influences lots of successor rollups and we will dive deep into the core communication component that lets it operate correctly, the inbox.
198. 5 Minute Finance: ROCK.JPEG, Institutions Gain BTC Exposure, Stablecoins Mature
The 5-minute newsletter on the important stuff in finance — reporting what's going on, and why. Let’s see what's going on this week.
199. Cutting Out the Middleman: Web3's Potential to Revolutionize the Web
Cutting Out the Middleman: Web3's Potential to Revolutionize the Web
200. "The Biggest Challenge in Crypto is the Volume of Information Published Daily"
In this Meet the Writer interview, Demetrios Zamboglou talks about his extensive career in fintech and the challenges of writing about crypto.
201. Are NFTs More Than Just Art
NFTs are more than just art and could be any other file or document stored on the blockchain.
202. Why We Built Plasma.Finance for You
Plasma.Finance offers the freedom to choose how, when, and where to participate in DeFi. It is a toolkit designed to be intuitive enough for everyday users, but
203. Discussing Perpetuals in DeFi and Making Them Accessible to the Masses
A conversation with Bernd Stöckl, the CPO and co-founder of Palmswap, on making DeFi more accessible for retail investors, perpetual trading, and DeFi 2.0.
204. "Supply chain financing enables businesses not only to survive but also to grow" - Eugene Tan
Supply chain finance is one of the concepts countering conflicting interests arising from buyers’ traits of extending their payment terms and suppliers’ desire to receive payment instantly. This model mitigates the risks involved in the financing of the increasingly digitized global supply chains by enabling adequate working capital and providing the appropriate liquidity. As such, a supplier, with approved invoices, can receive the full amount owed by sourcing for funds from financial institutions. In turn, the financiers can provide extensions on the payables depending on the credit-worthiness of the buyer in question.
205. The Evolving Landscape of Digital Payments: Why Blockchain Holds the Key
Digital payment volumes are set to grow by more than 80% from 2020 to 2025, from approximately 1 trillion transactions to nearly 1.9 trillion
206. How Decentralized Systems Are Reshaping the Financial Market
Many centralized organizations operate in an old-fashioned way, although they have long lost their credibility. But is there a solution?
207. How to Increase Your Portfolio Returns by up to 30% By Making Investment Decisions as a Community
What’s better for a crypto investor’s ROI: building a portfolio alone or making decisions after a group discussion?
208. Choosing The Best Privacy Focused Crypto!
One of the most important parts of cryptocurrency has always been the potential for privacy. These are six coins that promote that aspect more than others.
209. DeFi, DEXs, and the Growth of Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms
Story is about the future of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the growth of cryptocurrency trading platforms, also known as decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
210. The ERC-4337 Standard: How Does It Improve Wallet Security?
What is ERC-4337? The ERC-4337 standard allows account abstraction and wallet recovery. Understanding the EIP-4337 proposal and how it secures your crypto.
211. DeFi Isn’t the Only Place Where Innovations Are Happening
DeFi has been the leading narrative in the crypto space in 2020 with its pulsating innovation and stellar growth. Not only has the entire concept of financial services been turned on its head but we've also witnessed some of the speediest development in tech of all time. In the savage unforgiving decentralized landscape, competition is fierce and protocols are required to iterate almost daily to survive.
212. The Ethereum ERC-4337 Standard and What it Means for Defi
The future of Defi hasn't looked better in years until recently. Learn about the newly implemented ERC-4337 standard and what it means for Defi's mass adoption.
213. CEXs Still Competing To List Tokens But DeFi Mining Support Will Be The Key
No one can deny the current success of decentralized finance, or DeFi. A lot of enthusiasts have shown a keen interest in exploring the yield farming aspect. Finding these projects at an early stage makes a world of difference. Slowly but surely, more exchanges provide access to DeFi mining at an early stage.
214. Turning Income Into Collateralized Crypto Loans - Hodl!
Tomorrow, I'm getting $1313 CAD refund as a present from Newegg for their defunctional laptop they'd sent me. I'm going to etransfer it to canadianbitcoins.com in exchange for ETH at around 5% loss on the dollar.
215. A Virtual World of Werewolves in the NFT Space
By gamifying werewolf assets, we’re giving NFT enthusiasts a new exciting way to get involved that's not so boring.
216. How to Accept Crypto Payments for e-Commerce Projects
SHKeeper — open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. The unique combination of gateway and merchant. It allows you to accept payments in cryptocurrency
217. What does De Mean in DeFi and What it Implies for the Blockchain Industry
The idea of blockchain was first introduced in 1991 by Stuart Haber and Scott Stornetta. It was not until 2008 that the first blockchain was conceptualized by Nakamoto Satoshi and created Bitcoin. Since then, numerous projects emerged hoping to revolutionize the blockchain space.
218. Neobanks Notwithstanding, Traditional Banks Are Not Going Away
Traditional banks Vs. Neobanks
219. DeFi 401(k) Liberates You From Old Finance
Punk Protocol, providing the world’s first decentralized annuity product, partners with Gitcoin and becomes a sponsor for Grants Round 10 Hackathon on the 16th.
220. The Dark Side of DeFi: The Wild West of Decentralization
The mystic world of decentralized finance sparks up discussions. In 2022, the industry is suffering from multiple cyber attacks. Is this the end for DeFi?
221. DeFi Explained: The Guide to Decentralized Finance
Built upon the blockchains of cryptocurrencies, the range of DeFi applications cover a financial services, including insurance, loans, savings, and trading.
222. What's the Future of Crypto in India?
I have been in a dilemma For months about whether I should invest in cryptocurrency or not.
223. The Future Of Defi In Fintech: Decentralized Exchanges, Lending, And Payments
One of the most exciting areas of fintech is the emerging field of decentralized finance, or "defi."
224. Taking DeFi Mainstream: A Conversation With Anshul Dhir of the EasyFi Network
Defi's increased popularity has also come with challenges now standing as roadblocks to further growth. Here, we discuss those problems and possible solutions.
225. The Problem With CeFi Exchanges & Why We Need DeFi Now More Than Ever
Too many are taking the collapse of FTX (a CeFi exchange) as a shake up their belief in DeFi. Simplifying the meltdown and why we need DeFi now more than ever.
226. From NFTs to Security Tokens: An Inevitable Evolution of the Digital Asset Market
Security tokens can become as big as NFTs if we follow these steps.
227. A New Path to Financial Inclusivity With Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
The use of cryptocurrency helps to improve financial inclusion by providing a cheaper and faster way for people who are not able to access traditional banking.
228. Top 6 Challenges with DeFi Smart Contract Auditing
Defi is booming right now, and the number of smart contracts is growing rapidly. This is great, right? Well, maybe. There is a lot of potential in the DeFi
229. DeFiChain Token DFI Lists on Houbi Digital Exchange to Tap the ASEAN and Middle East Market
DeFiChain token ‘DFI’ will start trading against USDT on Huobi on 25th July at 6:00 UTC.
230. A Contemporary Analysis of the Relationship Between Cryptocurrencies and Inflation
Cryptocurrencies are less likely to respond to inflation as centralized commodities do, but increases in interest rates would surely lead to diminishing value.
231. Bringing Smart Contracts to the Bitcoin Network: Unhashed #27
Unhashed is a QnA series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.
232. DeFi Security isn't Just a Trend. It's a Necessity For Everyone
233. Normie Series: What Is a DEX and How Does It Work?
DEX Decentralized Exchange
234. Introducing Nova Finance
Nova is an inclusive portfolio management platform that harnesses the power of programmable assets built on Solana.
235. Governance without Government
A new phase of humanity built on decentralized collaboration.
236. How Decentralised Prediction Markets (DPMs) Tap into the Wisdom of the Crowds
DPMs and the liberation of speculative markets
237. Top 5 DeFi Development Companies in 2022
Get to know the top 5 DeFi development companies to have complete insight into developing your very own digital business in the decentralized space.
238. The Future of DeFi for Bitcoin
Bitcoin holders that want to use BTC in decentralized finance (DeFi) are currently forced to rely on centralized providers, but there is a way to fix that.
239. What's Next for Bitcoin's Price: Ecstasy or Terror
Bitcoin's price remains in a three-year parabolic uptrend, but there's not much room left to go up. Do we get a blow-off top or will the parabola break?
240. How Distributed Ledgers Are Generating New Career Opportunities For Younger Generations
Blockchains are disrupting the world - younger generations might want to think twice about the legacy education system.
241. Moving Beyond OpenSea
A look into some of the issues with OpenSea, and some of the disruptors out there providing solutions
242. Uniswap Under Government Scanner: Can't Stop Crypto Though
SEC regulators are investigating Uniswap, sending chills through the US cryptocurrency community. But is it really worth worrying about?
243. Talking Web3, GameFi and DeFi with Ken Timsit - Managing Director at Cronos chain
Cronos is an open-source, public, public blockchain network. It is the first Ethereum-compatible blockchain launched on the Cosmos SDK.
244. Electricity and Changing Models, What the Ethereum Merge Means for You
The Ethereum merge is done and we all now that it's lowered energy fees. But how much is the energy that's being saved really worth? Find you here.
245. Liquidity Basics with Elk Academy: Lesson #1
This is the first in a new series of articles designed to give crypto beginners an introduction to the basic concepts behind decentralized finance (DeFi).
246. The Future Of The Crypto World Lies In Partnerships
Here's the latest on the growing integration of blockchain technology into the mainstream, showing cryptocurrencies' potential to become a new asset class..
247. The Impact of Smart Contracts in Africa
Looking at the nearest future in Africa where smart contracts take up the export/import trade system of sugarcane as a private manufacturer.
248. Top Five Ways to Buy Crypto in 2023
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, there are many different options for investors. This article will discuss five of the most popular crypto exchanges.
249. Ripple and the SEC Case: History of the Almost Never-Ending Litigation
No one really knows how the SEC and Ripple case will end. But what we do know is that the ruling will have a huge impact on the future of cryptocurrencies.
250. A Guide That Will Help You Find the Right NFTs
Here’s a collection of the top practices to consider while buying an ideal NFT.
251. The Downside of NFTs: How They Are Impacting The Earth’s Climate
Are you aware of the dark side of NFTs? If not then you are on the right article. It is the environmental impact created by NFTs.
252. Faster, Cheaper, and More Secure Real Estate Ownership with NFTs
The 21st Century has certainly been a time of incredible technological advancement. In just a few years, we’ve seen the rise of the internet, social media, and mobile devices. These technologies have transformed the way we live, work, and play.
253. Report: 10% of Crypto Exchanges have 'Good' Cybersecurity in Place
254. DeFi Regulations: If DeFi Does Not Act, Traditional Finance Will
After disruption, there's mainstream incorporation. DeFi companies need to incorporate best practices from traditional finance to shape the new digital economy.
255. The Terra Luna Coin: A Brief Overview
The real value of this project is that it brings the sustainability of algorithmic stablecoins to the mainstream crypto space for the first time.
256. VC Token: A Brief Rundown on Venture Capital Token for the Novice Investor
with tokens more investors can now enjoy the historical returns of venture capital investment
257. DeFi Enthusiasts Dream up New Ideas as Cross-chain Support Gains Importance
The decentralized finance industry never sleeps, as competition remains fierce. Several new trends can be identified every month, yet the reputable projects appear to remain on top. For those who like fast-paced action and competitiveness, DeFi is well worth keeping an eye on.
258. Decentralized Finance in 2022: What's Happening?
Let's have a look at some of the most popular sectors within decentralized finance.
259. dHEDGE Integrates Uniswap to Enable Yield Farming & Staking
dHEDGE partners with Uniswap to add new investment options for asset managers.
260. NFT Lending is Trending
Crypto investors have noticed that NFTfi has facilitated significantly more lending in the last two months, reaching a high of $3.5m worth of NFT trades.
261. Smart Strategy: Investing in Crypto Using Your IRA
Alternative investments include real estate, gold, and cryptocurrency. Investing with your IRA means you can invest, save for retirement and enjoy benefits.
262. Will China's Metaverse Alone be Worth $8 Trillion?
The US based investment firm Morgan Stanley has estimated that the Metaverse might be worth about $8 Trillion in China in a note to investors published today
263. Who (or What) is Driving the Monetary Power in the Cryptoverse?
Name one instance in history when the ruling class represented by governments would voluntarily give up the most lucrative of all possible activities.
264. The Defi Red Notice
The Red Notice on Do Kwon, and how Tornado Cash fits into the equation. The United States clamp down on DeFi and Money laundering. What's the future of DeFi?
265. $1M KCC Unicorn Contest: Presenting the Award-Winning Projects
KuCoin Community Chain (KCC) has announced the KCC Unicorn Contest has ended, with 14 projects winning an incentive prize pool of approximately $1 million, incl
266. How Will Defi Influence Real Estate Investing?
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an emerging peer-to-peer financial system based on blockchain technology that eliminates any middlemen...
267. DeFi - The Whys, Whats, Wheres, and Hows of Decentralized Finance
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) can be rightfully considered a third revolution in the crypto space. If you wonder what the first two are, these are the invention of blockchain itself along with the technology’s firstborn, Bitcoin, and the inception of the smart contract technology.
268. Why Go Bearish with Real-World Assets in DeFi Lending Protocols
I'm sure you are acquainted with Decentralized Finance, more commonly known as DeFi.
269. Flare Just Airdropped 4.279 Billion Tokens: The Largest Drop in Crypto History
Flare, a layer one blockchain for building applications that utilize data from other chains and the internet, has successfully completed its long-awaited token
270. Decentralized Indices
Passive exposure to cryptoassets
271. The Pros and Cons of Flash Loans in Defi
Flash loans are a revolutionary new way of borrowing and lending money directly from or to the blockchain. They are un-collateralized loans that are approved,
272. The Concept of Blockchain Views
Today I would like to express some ideas and leave you with the concept of blockchain view.
273. Miner Extractable Value (MEV): The Biggest Thorn in DeFi
Miner Extractable Value (MEV) is one of the pain points for those who use DeFi products. Here are some possible outcomes if this doesn't get addressed.
274. DEX vs CEX: Competition or Allies?
Most Bitcoin trades that took place before cryptocurrency exchanges became mainstream and were conducted on forums, discussion boards, and chat rooms.
275. An Intro to GameFi: Gaming Meets Decentralized Finance
GameFi concept (derived from ‘DeFi’ (decentralized finances) and ‘game’) was introduced in September 2020 by Andre Cronje, Yearn.Finance core contributors and ‘Father of DeFi’. But is GameFi the next big thing?
276. New Report From ByBit Sheds Insights on Layer 2 Scalability Solutions
ByBit has released its report on “Layer 2 Scalability Explained: How ZK-Rollups Stood up to Subnets”
277. The Defi Ecosystem: Risk Reduction by Defi Insurance
Everything you need to know about DeFi insurance
278. Solving the Liquidity Puzzle of DeFi and Crypto Markets
From a financial perspective, the past two years have clarified the answer to one simple question: “Who gets hurt the most when a crisis happens?” We, the common people, are the ones who bear the brunt and remain on the shooting line till the crisis ceases.
279. Fed Up with Banks? Welcome to the Crypto Club.
Failing banking system, cryptocurrency adoption, DeFi, cross-border payments, and other financial aspects that should evolve to brink the unbanked into the game
280. TON and Orbs Collaborate for Global Hackathon with $300,000 Prize Pool
Orbs, a public, decentralized blockchain infrastructure company, has been named as the official sponsor for two key global hackathon events hosted by the TON.
281. PIP to Make Web3 Payments Simple for Users on the Binance Smart Chain
PIP introduced its services in the Binance ecosystem, offering stablecoin-based transactions using Binance Coin (BNB) and Binance USD (BUSD).
282. Why are These 4 Cross-Chain DEXs Gaining Traction in Cosmos?
Cosmos Network is making great strides while adding new layers to its already robust DeFi infrastructure that includes many exciting projects such as Terra, etc
283. Decentro Launches India’s First-ever Fintech Fellowship Program
Decentro is thrilled to announce the country’s first-ever fintech fellowship program for young developers & final-year graduates. Apply now!
284. Cake DeFi Partners with Gaming Giant Razer to Bring Millions of Gamers to DeFi
Cake DeFi has announced the beginning of a gaming collaboration with Razer Silver, backed by Razer Inc, to welcome a million of gamers to DeFi.
285. The next frontier is here: Oracles with human insight
Data, the very source of modern Oracles’ power, can also be its undoing.
Luckily, OptionRoom's new Oracle can give quantitative AND qualitative data insights.
286. What is Open Finance and How Will it Shape the Future of the Financial Industry?
The article covers the hottest topic in the financial Industry today: Open Finance.
287. What's a corporation? What's a DAO? What's the big deal? A Law Student's View
An easy to understand breakdown of what corporations, why they are being challenged, and what we are doing to change the way we do business.
288. Cryptocurrencies Should Serve The Real People, Not The Privileged Few
MEME TAO is a DeFi-based hedge fund that empowers proven crypto investors to manage a set of pre-targeted crypto funds.
289. Cost of DeFi App Development
The implementation of DeFi technology in app & software development projects is growing at a rapid pace. Check this guide to know the Defi App Development cost.
290. How DeFi Helps Businesses Innovate More Efficiently
DeFi is helping solve some of the biggest challenges that businesses face today. Here's how
291. Comparison on Core Elements of Major Public Chains
In this story, we will focus on public chains, and make a comparison of key elements of public chains.
292. The Question of Ethics in Decentralization
The importance of ethics in a decentralized world.
293. Radically Democratic Business and Finance
Inequality and environmental degradation are inherent features of the status quo. The private sector, especially finance, is badly in need of democratization.
294. Cross-chain Interoperability: Building For The Next Generation Blockchain
Complete decentralization cannot come into play until there is mass adoption in web3. For mass adoption to occur, interoperability is a crucial factor.
295. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Bitcoin & Canned Tuna
If you wish to be rich, learn to fish.
296. The Biggest DeFi Hacks 2021 and Their Impact on the Markets
The financial freedom offered by DeFi has led to the invitation of hackers' attempts to manipulate cryptocurrency security measures totaling billions.
297. Behind the Startup: Interview with Vent Finance Co-Founder
Vent Finance is a multi-chain launchpad and accelerator that sets the stage for Web3 projects.
298. DeFiChain to Promote Crypto Adoption through National Fighting Championship Sponsorship
DeFiChain will sponsor five of the six events this year, including NFC 13 in Westfalenhallen Dortmund, NFC 14 in Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf, NFC 15.
299. Not Content With Bringing Credit-Scoring to DeFi, We're Now Uniting Payments with Creditworthiness
We here at LedgerScore set out to fix that problem by building a credit scoring infrastructure designed for decentralized finance.
300. Building Credit Metrics in the DeFi Universe: An Experiment
Credit score system is an important asset, however still missing from the DeFi universe and here is how we can build it through experiement.
301. What Is Traditional Finance & Why Is the Current Financial System on Shaky Ground?
Traditional financial systems are in trouble. DeFi is trying to fix that.
302. Imagine DeFi Simplified
A simplified explanation of the concept of DeFi in day to day terms.
303. What is the Point of Junk Data?
Miners need to submit proofs every day to prove that they are continuing to store data for the network.
304. DeFi, Mobile-first, and Biometrics will Change the Shape of Finance in 2022
Read about the most important trends coming to Fintech in 2022. DeFi, mobile-first and biometrics are one of them.
305. Why Metaverse is the Digital Creative Renaissance
We are here to make a guide on ten opportunities for creators in the upcoming Metaverse and discover what are Web 3.0, MetaFi and Create2Earn.
306. 3 Best Crypto Lending Platforms: Alternatives to Celsius and Voyager
Nexo and CakeDeFi provide crypto lending and earning product which allows users to earn Annual Percentage Yield (APY) by lending their crypto assets.
307. The FTX Debacle and Centralized vs. Decentralized Crypto Debate
Centralized vs decentralized crypto platforms: Do we need both? The answer is yes. But it's not a simple question. Here is how to address the argz
308. DeFi Traders Battle for $10,000: UNI vs. COMP
Choose your side, join a team and fight with large trading volumes!
309. How Are Crypto Yields Generated?
The implosions in the crypto ecosystem highlight the need for a better understanding of how yields are generated and the risks they entail.
310. Insurance for Digital Assets Can Help to Protect Users in the Crypto Space
Cryptocurrency insurance can be instrumental in reducing the losses that come with engaging in the crypto market.
311. FTX’s Collapse and How It Will Impact the Regulatory Landscape and Future of the Crypto Industry
FTX collapse and its aftermath have put a big question mark on the survival of cryptocurrency. Experts believe strict regulations and decentralization give hope
312. First Non-speculative DeFi DAO Jointer Continues to Grow
Binance Smart Chain’s JNTR and JNTR/b have both posted 3,800% Plus Returns
313. Revolutionizing Traditional Finance: How DeFi is Poised to Disrupt the Status Quo
Most of the growth in DeFi has been driven by a couple of factors, unique to the technology, which are more advanced than the traditional finance systems.
314. Crypto Regulation 2022: Decentralized Love and Centralized Thunder
Do perfect crypto storms call for global crypto norms?
315. Decentralized Finance & Risk-managed Yield Portfolios: An Overview
An examination of developments in the cryptosphere in 2022
316. Portal is Raising Capital on Republic Through Reg D Equity Offering
Portal has announced its Reg D equity offering through Republic. Republic is a multi-asset investment platform.
317. A Layman's Introduction to DeFi
DeFi, short for decentralized finance, is a way to use financial services without having to go through a traditional means.
318. DeFi— the Solution to Centralized Finance
DeFi is a major financial breakthrough that validates the opinion that computers and technology are taking over and might even take over quicker than projected.
319. How to Automate Crypto Payments and Invoicing for Web3, DeFi, and NFT Projects
Since launching in 2021, over 1,400 web3 companies now use Request Finance to automate their crypto payments, and invoicing workstreams. Here’s how.
320. Hamlet Loves Decentralized Exchanges
“What a piece of work is a man!” cries Hamlet as he laments Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s savage double-cross. They morph from Hamlet’s childhood friends into sleazy middlemen, spying on behalf of King Claudius. The divide between man’s potential for trust and life’s double-dealing, rotten reality lays Hamlet low in depression.
321. Should We Legalize Market Manipulation for Crypto?
Perhaps a safe harbor or white hat standard . . .
322. TiDefi CEO on Improving the Trading Experience on DEXs
Discussion on the trading experiences for users on DEXs and how it may evolve in the future.
323. A Look at PeachHub & Its Defi-Focused Trading Tools
In this post, we’ll look at Peachfolio and their PeachHub app, as well as the features available for DeFi investors.
324. DeFi Traders Battle for $10,000: UNI vs. COMP
Choose your side, join a team and fight with large trading volumes!
325. Is $LAZIO Highly Regarded by Sharks and Whales?
In this article, I will delve into a type of cash flow that also affects the price of LAZIO tokens, which is the cash flow from Sharks-Whales wallet clusters.
326. How to Manage All Your Keys with One Seed Phrase in Cosmos Ecosystem
Previously existing as siloed ecosystems, blockchains can now interact with each other and grow richer from each connection they make.
327. What are the Farming Incentives on Gravity DEX
With secure audited technology and superior pricing model, the Gravity DEX protocol integrated with Emeris/Cosmostation allows users to experience power of IBC.
328. A Brief Guide to the Challenges, Benefits, and Threats of the DeFi Industry
This DeFi guide explains all the popular questions about decentralized finances. You will discover whether DeFi is dying, why DeFi still lacks security, etc.
329. Top Benefits of Crypto to Fintechs in 2022
The crypto revolution has helped out fintech startups in ways other than one. Here are some of the top benefits of crypto to fintech companies in 2022.
330. How To Write a Whitepaper — The Decentralised Way
We dissect the evolution of the whitepaper, what these papers mean to crypto and blockchain platforms, and why decentralization should be more than a buzzword.
331. The Rationale for Making DeFi Available to All
DeFi has the potential to make life better for everyone. But only if it works. Proposing the 3 S's of Defi to make it truly accessible: Secure, safe, simple.
332. Why does Blockchain Interoperability exist?
Around ten months ago we wrote in this blog post that all the research up to blockchain interoperability was completed.
333. Dollar Devaluation Drives Enterprises to Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin was born as a solution to the damage created by money printing. With the decentralised nature of cryptocurrencies, we can solve this problem.
334. Crypto Adoption in Europe Lags Behind Rest of the World
In this slogging thread, our community discusses their thoughts on crypto adoption and the current European ranking on the topic.
335. A Look at Some of the Latest Developments in Decentralized Finance in 2022
A look at the latest developments in decentralized finance
336. Maximizing Capital Efficiency on DEXs Will Improve Global Adoption
Capital preservation whilst engaging in DeFi is important for crypto investors, however high slippage on DEX's can cause users to pay more than they should.
337. How Security Tokens Benefit Small Investors
To onboard more investors into the security token ecosystem there is a need to educate investors on some of its benefits
338. THORWallet DEX: Filling the DeFi Retail Market Gap
Decentralized finance (DeFi) is democratizing finance by replacing outdated institutions and legacy infrastructure with peer-to-peer networks.
339. Decentralized Autonomous Organization - Core Concepts
Core concepts of a DAO. Will it be the next crypto trend? xDAO project.
340. SORA's Token Bonding Curve (TBC) Explained
Here are the three main purposes of SORA's TBC and their huge positive impact on the economy.
341. Layer-2 DEXs are the Path Forward in DeFi: A Conversation With QuickSwap Co-founder Sameep Singhania
Interview with QuickSwap’s co-founder Sameep Singhania about the motivations behind behind the project and how it can improve the user experience within DEXs.
342. Financial NFTs: Re-imagining the Traditional Finance Market
Financial NFTs have the potential to reshape and vastly improve the financial landscape. Here we discuss the future of Financial NFTs in DeFi and trade finance.
343. The State of the Compound Protocol
Compound III: towards a money market's multi-chain future
344. Is Building a Real-Time Blockchain Infrastructure Possible?
Blockchain has gained popularity to remain on the tongue-tips of the majority. However, will this innovation change the manner in which we execute later on?
345. DeFi+GameFi: How Decentralized Finance Helps Blockchain Games Become More Profitable for Users
Solutions that DeFi can offer to play-to-earn projects. How to improve the in-game economy and create profitable projects for players. The answer is DeFi.
346. Understanding Inflationary Bias in DeFi
Cognitive bias is a well-known pattern of deviation from a rational judgment or conclusion. This is also happening every day in DeFi.
347. Recent Hacks in the Crypto and Defi Spaces Show the Security Loopholes
Over the past year, we have seen a massive jump in activity and value for the crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) spaces.
348. Is Investing in Crypto for Passive Income Goals a Good Idea-l?
Your mom is asking about it. Governments are resisting it. Industries are innovating with it. Elon Musk is shamelessly tweeting about it.
349. Understanding the Impact of DeFi on Real Word Assets with Lucas Vogelsang
Discussing the future of finance and technology with Lucas Vogelsang, CEO and Co-Founder at Centrifuge.
350. How Wall Street Veterans Decided to Fight Back Against Traditional Finance
Despite its popularity, traditional finance has some inefficiencies that need to be addressed. We spoke to Jack Tao of Phemex to get his thoughts on this.
351. Hackers Target Centralization, So DeFi Should Stick To Its Own Game
DeFi holds much promise as a novel financial system, but from the security perspective, its main flaw is that it's not as decentralized as we think.
352. Demystifying the Decentralization Debates Around Blockchain Technology
If blockchain networks continue to prioritize performance and scalability, then decentralization might not be the ideal value proposition for these systems.
353. The Future of Finance in the Era Of Shadow Banking and Decentralized Exchanges
In an era where shadow banks and decentralized payments have become the new cool, this article looks at what could be the future of traditional finance.
354. DeFi Saver Launches Recipe Creator
DeFi Saver introduced Recipe Creator, an advanced defi transactions builder that lets you combine multiple actions from different protocols in one transaction.
355. How to Pay Less Gas for L1-to-L2 Transfers on Ethereum: An Overview of Practical Solutions
Despite their numerous advantages, decentralized networks such as blockchains share a common challenge due to their unique design.
356. Is Decentralization in Danger: How Will DAOs Survive the Crypto Bear Winter
DAOs are a staple in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. But they have never faced a bear market. How well will DAOs fare in these conditions?
357. Crosschain Innovation Is The Future Of DeFi
Decentralized Finance, also known as Defi, has grown massively since its beginnings in 2020. As this industry continues to grow, new innovations come into play.
358. Where to Invest Your Hard-Earned Stablez?
Description of the top platforms for staking, in my humble opinion
359. Bringing DeFi to Cosmos: How the Gravity DEX Protocol Came to be
The Gravity DEX protocol is finally live. Users will be able to experience the protocol when Emeris, the first platform to support it, launches in beta.
360. DeFi Heralds a New Dawn for Retail Investors
In the wake of GME, retail market participants the world over are clamoring for features such as these, and are turning towards blockchain tech
361. Decentralized Governance & Governance Tokens
I'm Andrew Levine, the CEO of Koinos Group, and in the latest episode of Our Decentralized Future, I talk with Adam from gFam about decentralized governance and governance tokens.
362. An Intro to Cryptoeconomics in 2022
Learn the meaning of cryptoeconomics and the importance of cryptoeconomic design in maintaining decentralized networks.
363. The Role of Incubators for Crypto Startups: An Interview With Gaurav Dubey of TDeFi
A discussion on the DeFi startup landscape, tips for entrepreneurs entering the space, and the role of crypto incubators with Gaurav Dubey, founder of TDefi.
364. Bitcoin - where is it cheaper to transfer them?
Did You know that You can move Bitcoin (BTC) free and without fees?
365. Bitcoin’s Price is Immaterial: Focus on Opportunities NOT Price
Bitcoin's price has nothing to do with its value or the opportunity it presents
366. Why do Government Bodies Treat Crypto the Way They Do?
What will it mean to regulators and Wall Street/Main Street investors when crypto assets meet the physical economy?
367. 5 Ways DeFi Is Impacted By the Adoption of Embedded Finance in the Blockchain Industry
The integration of financial services by non-financial organisations is referred to as embedded finance. This system has changed the way we engage with money.
368. Klever Releases Blockchain Mainnet to Support Building Scalable Web3 Applications
KleverChain is secured through the Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism composed of 21 validators that work on a randomised selection of master nodes dynamically.
369. Centralization vs Decentralization, Binance Hack, and the Binance Smart Chain Halt
Are the main blockchains decentralized as they claim? Binance Smart Chain - a proof of centralization. Decentralization may not be as important as we believe it
370. What Makes Decentralization the Best Hope for the West
Decentralized Finance could save the west from financial catastrophe.
371. SocialFi Re-democratizing Web3 with Social First, Finance Second
The world we live in has been extremely adaptive to the twists and turns coming its way – whether they be in fashion, business, economy, or the way we interact with one another. Social media, noticeably, has evolved over the last 30 years since the emergence of the internet, completely revolutionizing and defining social interactions; from Myspace, Meta’s Facebook, Instagram to now SocialFi projects like Ultra (UOS), Gritti, and Coinverse, where users are empowered with decentralized finance (DeFi) principles and unlimited opportunities.
372. Chainproof CEO on Scaling DeFi Insurance Claims with Blockchain Oracles
Sebastian Banescu discusses the workflow of DeFi insurance claims and how the process could be automated using oracles.
373. Introducing ICCO: An Interview With Nekoverse CEO Leo Nguyen Discussing DeFi’s Newest Token Model
An interview with Leo Nguyen, the CEO of Nekoverse about his project and upcoming ICCO.
374. The Risks in DeFi Stack
A Post on the different kind of risks involved in Decentralized Finance and how you as an user can navigate them.
375. Bitcoin and CBDC - Using the Trend
Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies - CBDC. What is the future of the dollar and money we know? Can Bitcoin change the way we think of the money?
376. Crypto Lending Pools - How Do They Work?
We break down exactly how crypto lending pools work and whether they could be a good idea for you
377. Exclusive Interview: Cosmic Champs Rockets Toward New NFT Drop & Beta Test
Cosmic Champs drops its second round of NFTs in preparation for upcoming Beta.
378. Crypto Payments Goes Mainstream: Catching the Wave
Guarda Visa Card allows you to withdraw cash from participating ATMs and make payments.
379. Here’s a Quick Guide to Easily Retrieve Crypto Sent to a Wrong Network on Binance
The notable crypto network or standards are BEP-20, ERC-20, TRC-20, and BEP-2. Users can easily mistake BEP-20 for BEP-2 and ERC-20 for TRC-20 and vice-versa.
380. Crypto A to Z: Cryptocurrency Glossary
The most important words in cryptocurrency enthusiasts' and newbies' need to familiarize themselves with.
381. Defi OR Depraved Finance?
It is difficult not to define 2020 in the crypto and blockchain world, given the countless positive and negative events that have taken place since the beginning of the year.
382. Is "Depopulation" of Cryptocurrencies a Necessary Evil?
All Cryptocurrencies Are Equal, But Some Cryptocurrencies Are More Equal Than Others!
383. The Essential Guide To DeFi Marketing: Part II - The Launch Stage
Send your DeFi project to the moon with crypto coins and DeFi marketing strategies to help you plan your DeFi campaign!
384. 8 Tips to Make the Most of Crypto Winter
We all enjoy seeing our investment portfolios turn green as numbers hit all-time high levels, however, the crypto market has a cyclic nature, which means that there are periods of time when users also have to tolerate losing their funds.
385. Once Upon a Time in DeFi
Before I tell you how The Price PureFi has saved the Kingdom of DeFi, here is a story of how it all began.
386. Truflation: On Demand Inflation Data Powered by Chainlink Oracles
Truflation is a data aggregation suite of APIs that allows users to fetch compilations of present and past rates in the US economy, including, but not limited to: inflation rates, price indexes, and other inflation categories such as food or housing.
387. How to Get a Stablecoin Loan: A Beginners Guide
Review the criteria a project can use to choose a lending platform. Steps that users need to follow to take out a stablecoin loan.
388. Crypto-ing it Real this Halloween with KingSwap: The First Cryptoween Limited Edition NFTs
KingSwap is the first to offer non-fungible tokens that give owners access to exclusive airdrops.
389. Is Yield Farming Still Viable in 2022?
Let's look at yield farming, how it works and if it's still worthwhile for users in the Defi space during the current market conditions after the crash.
390. There’s No Quick-Fix to Poor DeFi Accessibility, But There’s Hope: ReSource Co-Founder, David Casey
We caught up with David Casey, Co-founder and CEO of ReSource Protocol, for a quick chat where we tried to pick his brains as much as possible. And as expected, we received some amazing insights from him regarding the crypto and DeFi industry. He spoke about the ReSource Protocol, the problem they are trying to solve, and more. In addition, David also shared his thoughts on stablecoins and their future. He also mentioned a few developments in the crypto, DeFi, and NFT space that have caught his attention.
391. Time To Find Out If Bitcoin Is Legal In Your Country
Bitcoin’s competitive advantage comes from being the first cryptocurrency created. It has since spawned a worldwide community of millions of devoted followers.
392. Businesses Set To Benefit From Andreessen Horowitz's New Crypto Fund
Recently venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz launched a new crypto fund worth $515 million. The company is focused on being part of the development of the new web 3.0 since it believes high-performance programmable blockchains are vital to the arrival of the new third-generation tech.
393. DeFi Funds: Protect Yourself from these 3 Risks Today
These 3 avoidable risks are common amongst Crypto Hedge and DeFi funds
394. Aremu Adebisi on Tech Writing, the Future of Finance, and 2022 Noonies Nomination
2022 Noonies Nominee Interview with Aremu Adams Adebisi on Tech Writing & the Future of Finance
395. On Cryptocurrency & War
Cryptocurrency can be used for pizza...and war? This article looks at how Russia and Ukraine are both using crypto to their advantage.
396. Ankr's Kev Silk Discusses Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralization
The decentralized web brings with it some interesting challenges and opportunities.
397. How does DeFi Act as an Economic Cornerstone for Web3?
The rise of Web3 gives us reasons to believe that on-chain transactions will be one of the main factors shaping the future of economics.
398. DeFi 2.0: Could it be Rehab for Liquidity Addicts in DeFi 1.0?
In #DeFi 1.0 users are chasing the next high (yield). DeFi 2.0 provides: Increased capital efficiency, Protocol controlled liquidity, Advanced treasury mgmt
399. How to solve the energy inefficiency of Bitcoin and Ethereum?
Learn how to save energy and produce less carbon emissions with Bitcoin and Etehreum blockchains . . .
400. Startups Evolving Traditional Finance With Blockchain Technology
The Genesis of blockchain and crypto have drastically turned the world upside down. Every existing sector is on the verge of a complete overhaul. The biggest transformation struck traditional lending.
401. DeFi: The Disruption Felt 'Round the World'
Legacy banks have held the power for too long. Decentralized Finance put the power back into the hands of the people.
402. How to Make DeFi Lending More Accessible
People with no collateral or credit score have little to no chance of getting access to loans. DeFi can change this for the better.
403. Crypto: The Frontier of the Information Age
On conquest, risk, and reward in the new decentralized open economy and how cryptocurrencies like Ethereum fit into the historical patters of discovery.
404. Y Love & Y Fear DeFi
Dive in 💚
405. Stablecoins: An Introduction
You might have heard about stable coins. Here's a first look at how they are designed relative to other kinds of cryptocurrencies, how they work and more.
406. [Announcement] Mega Rewards on Digitex Program Coming Soon With Uniswap
DeFi has dominated the topic of conversation in the cryptocurrency space in 2020 with few signs of slowing down. Among its many innovations, the trend of liquidity mining has without doubt caused the largest stir and allowed investors to make massive gains reminiscent of the ICO days.
407. Here's What Industry Insiders Say About Music NFTs
The music industry is the next to be disrupted by NFTs.
408. The Role of Decentralized Crypto Exchanges and Why Community Power Matters
The key differences between centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX) crypto exchanges (DEX) and the power of community voting.
409. Crypto Winter 2018 vs. Crypto Summer 2022
“Will this crypto winter be the last?”
410. The Future of DeFi: Is DeFi Awaiting for Mass Adoption
DeFi future is bright, but many investors are still interested in DeFi mass adoption. The article explains how DeFi is revolutionizing the financial industry.
411. Deep Diving into DeFi: A Closer Look at Decentralized Finance
A look at decentralized finance as well as the risks and rewards
412. Yield Farming in DeFi: How Does It Work?
For you, if you find yourself struggling to understand the fundamentals of yield farming, or to assimilate the relationship between DeFi and yield farming.
413. Bitcoin Adoption Assumes A Parabolic Path
How DeFi adoption will impact the market cap of the King of Cryptos
When discussing bitcoin with investors who are new to the crypto sector this is their recurring question “… all very interesting but ultimately what can I do with bitcoin? What can I buy with it?”
414. What are the Potential Use Cases of Decentralized Finance?
DeFi is attracting massive attention and is said to have a lot of potential.
Here are the potential use cases of decentralized finance and why it's important.
415. DeFi Tips - Useful tools for Ethereum blockchain
Do You know which are the best tools for DeFi? Check more here
(Week 35): The 5-minute newsletter on the important stuff in finance — reporting what's going on and why. Let’s see what's going on this week.
417. Discussing Crypto Payments with Request Finance Co-Founder and CEO, Christophe Lassuyt
A conversation with Christophe Lassuyt, co-founder of Request Finance and a Y Combinator alumnus, about the future of crypto payments.
418. An Introductory Guide to the Crypto Tax Season
Whether you are an active day trader or a passive holder, taxes are likely not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your crypto portfolio.
419. Is Cryptocurrency the Salary of the Future?
In this slogging thread, our technology channel talked about companies starting to pay their employees with cryptocurrency and how this can be a new reality
420. Liquidity Aggregators for the Future of the Digital Asset Market
FLUID founder Ahmed Ismail on the problems of inaccessible liquidity in the digital asset market and how the industry is gearing up to solve them.
421. Non-Custodial Yield Generation Finally Provides Financial Freedom Through Cryptocurrencies
Yield farming is one of the more powerful trends in decentralized finance today. Anyone can put their[crypto] assets to work, although it involves a significant amount of trust. In a perfect world, which I think is within reach, anyone can earn yield on their assets natively.
422. How Bricktrade is Disrupting the Property Market
Using Blockchain to Disrupt the Property Market
423. Understanding Cryptocurrency - Part I - Basic Terminology
We all have heard about the currencies of different countries. But with digitization, people have now become used to utilizing things that are not physical but virtual. One of the best examples of this is the ever growing buzz word Cryptocurrency. This subject has been a trendsetter since the year 2009. The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the developer of Cryptocurrency, has not been publicly revealed, but he has changed the way people used to think about digital money.
424. DeFI Takes: YFI Tips Hat To IDLE
Yearn Finance platform, a platform that aggregates the various lending protocols, has now opened a vault on Idle Finance
425. Staking, Yield Farming, Lending: DeFi Remains Crypto's Home for Passive Income
DeFi has made access to financial services easier and with its farms, lending services and staking rewards, the ecosystem is a go-to for profit-hungry investors
426. What is Tokocrypto and Where is it Positioned in the Asian Crypto Markets?
The multi-million-dollar question now is: what’s next for digital currencies? The answer will be found in Asia. The likely outcome in Asia is that the trend becomes the norm. China is leading the world in central bank digital currency deployment along with Cambodia, while Singapore has cautiously positioned itself to be a major player using a different approach. In each case, Asian economies are on the cutting edge of innovation, while avoiding the pitfalls of bitcoin by ensuring government sovereignty over currency, not having a common currency with other economies, and allowing for the supply of their currencies to be adjustable.
427. What Would It Take a Developer to Get into Defi in 2023?
A look at decentralized finance and what it would take for developers to enter the industry
428. Margin Trading Accounts: How Decentralized Notifications Increase Borrowing Power
In DeFi, a trader can find the best interest rates, margin fees, and trading fees aggregated on one screen with push notifications.
429. Elrond Blockchain’s First Lending and Borrowing Platform is Ramping Up
Elrond is helping to mainstream DeFi by popularizing decentralized lending and borrowing among regular people.
430. Then Vs Now: How Banking Has Changed Over Time?
If someone told us that the beginning of 2020 would change our lives completely and that we’d have to wear masks wherever we go, refrain from hugging people in public, and maintain social distancing even at a bank, I would probably not believe it. I mean, after all, the concept of wearing a mask was strictly forbidden back in the 1920s because it was a sign of robbery. But it all now seems very normal.
431. "Crypto-movement is transformed into a revolution of a global scale" - Chief Onigiri
DeFi is a buzzword that is on everyone’s lips today. Its staggering pace of growth mounting up to 2,000% in 2020 could not be left unnoticed, and there could be no way of foreseeing it even by the most vigorous market analysts just a year ago.
432. DeFi’s Success Modelled on Bitcoin’s Formula
DeFi continues to garner the attention of retail and institutional investors with incentivized participation, one of the keys to Bitcoin’s continued success. Unlike most of us in 2020, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has been having a very good year, becoming one of the most compelling innovations in the blockchain space with over $12.27 billion of value locked in the sector (based on 44 providers tracked by DeFiPulse).
433. DeFi - Derivatives - An Overview
Let's see what are the DeFi platforms that are linked to derivatives world
434. SoulSwap Finance Interview: The New DeFi Protocol on Fantom
In this post we'll look at SoulSwap Finance, how it works and how it fits into the DeFi ecosystem on Fantom.
435. Big Brother Sets Eyes on Crypto
Will Big Brother shut down the DeFi movement just as it's gaining ground?
436. Understanding Decentralized Crypto Custody
What is crypto custody? How does a decentralized crypto custodian work? What are the benefits of decentralized crypto custody design? Let's dive in.
437. What is Neuron Fund and Why Does it Matter?
Neuron Fund is an investment management company working in crypto financial markets and dedicated to delivering attractive risk-adjusted performance. NEUR token
438. DeFi Needs To Be Scaled Down Or Reined In Before It Gets REKT
DeFi is a blanket term, which explains a whole set of functions in the economy built around decentralized protocols.
439. What is Hedge Funds' Endgame for Shorting Tether
For the last month, hedge funds have been shorting Tether and betting on a potential collapse of the stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar.
440. DeFi Decentralized Exchanges: An Overview
We continue our journey in the areas of decentralized finance (DeFi) and today we talk about the sector with the greatest weight of all DeFi up to now, especially dollars locked in the various platforms and blockchains, i.e. decentralized exchanges (DEX).
441. 9 Factors Behind the Recent NFT Crash
The rise of NFTs sparked numerous opportunities. The most expensive nft sold was worth $91.8M. But data says NFT crash is near so we find out 9 factors.
442. An Interview with Investor Gianfranco Filice on His Recent Investment Pledge Finance
Interview with Gianfranco Filice, the US-based venture investment partner at OVO Fund, on his recent investment in Pledge Finance.
443. 3 Passive Income Strategies For Earning Crypto on Cosmos and Terra Blockchains
This is a lengthy guide since we cover the reasons why we picked crypto investments in current macroeconomic conditions. We also cover 3 different investment strategies in .
444. Coding a PayNow Function with Solidity: The 3 Must Know Smart Contract Methods
In this tutorial, you will learn about three functions that will help you move money from one account to the other and the recommended method for you.
445. WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao Explores the Potential of Synths
If you let me choose the best concept of DeFi, I vote for synths. The power of such protocols starts with TVL.
446. An Intro to Solace De-Fi Insurance Protocol
Solace, a risk management insurance protocol for decentralized finance, has launched after eight months in development and four months on the testnets.
447. Decentralized Governance: On Quadratic Payments
If you follow applied mechanism design or decentralized governance at all, you may have recently heard of quadratic voting and quadratic funding.
448. Blockchain Interoperability: An Introductory Guide
Blockchains were made to be self-sufficient decentralized ledgers, where the validity of any state transition only depends on the history of blockchain itself.
Thank you for checking out the 448 most read stories about Decentralized Finance on HackerNoon.
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