Let's learn about Mysql via these 58 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. My Personal Guide to SQL Window Functions (Part 1)
First introduced as part of the SQ:2003 Standard and available in MySQL 8.0, window functions in MySQL are compelling, but the syntax can be difficult to grok.
2. Getting your Swift API Interacting With a MySQL Database đŸ
Continuing our Swift backend takeover đŹ by configuring our API with a popular, powerful database MySQL đ„
3. Hosting Provider Cloud Clusters Inc. Potentially Exposed 63M Records
An exposed and unsecured database from Cloud Application Hosting company Cloud Clusters, Inc. was discovered on October 5, 2020, containing more than 63 million records.This discovery was made by Jeremiah Fowler from Securethoughts. Among the records were username and password credentials for Magento, WordPress, and MySql.
4. How to ĐĄompress a mysqldump Backup Using Gzip
What is mysqldump?
5. How to Detect and Delete Emojis in Golang
I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.
6. Solve Database Concurrency Issues with TypeOrm
Solve concurrency issues with typeorm query to fix race-condition and deadlock bug.
7. Maximize Cybersecurity with Multiple Databases
If securing your companyâs intellectual property is such a complex process, how can business leaders efficiently defend their assets? Use multiple databases.
8. Dockerize Your Laravel Project in a Jiffy
The easiest way to dockerize your Laravel project. you can set up Laravel in just 10 minutes...
9. How to Efficiently Generate Test Data With SQL
There are a large number of utilities for generating test data. Here are some examples of using SQL queries to generate test data.
10. Take your Materialized Views to the Next Level by Joining MySQL and Postgres
11. Reduce MySQL CPU Usage Through Dynamic Binary Optimisation
If you are using MySQL or MariaDB as a Database Management System for your web-application so sometimes these DBMS consume too much of CPU resources which lead to the slow down of the application performance.
12. How to Stream Data from MySQL to Postgres
Stream MySQL data to PostgreSQL in real-time. Any changes made to your source immediately applies them to the target database.
13. Decoding MySQL EXPLAIN Query Results for Better Performance
Understanding MySQL explains query output is essential to optimize the query. EXPLAIN is good tool to analyze your query.
14. How to Use .populate() With mongoDB
How to use populate() method with mongoDB to itch data across referenced collections
15. DBngin: Instant Local Server for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Redis
Docker might be an easy solution as an all-in-one tool for setting up a Local Development Environment. But on the other hand, it eats up a huge portion of your system resources to get up and running, and we hate it when our computer becomes lagging and clumsy.
16. 5 Best Courses to Learn MySQL Database for Beginners
If you are interested in learning SQL with MySQL database then you have come to the right place.
17. How to Create and Connect a MySQL Database to PHP Files Using cPanel
Learn how to fetch data from a MySQL database and print it on a webpage using PHP.
18. Express-js Boilerplate with User Authentication
I couldnât find a complete user authentication system for Expressjs, so I wrote this one.
19. How to Install and Configure PHP for Apache and MySQL
In this article, we explain how to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL and then find out how to configure PHP.
20. Check Out These 8 Free SQL Courses to Learn About Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server
SQL is very important and many programmers realize this, however, I have found that many more programmers just don't spend much time improving their SQL skills.
21. Installing phpMyAdmin for Easy MySQL Administration [A How-To Guide]
For any database administrator, being able to employ tools that make the job a bit easier can be the difference between getting everything done by the end of the day and struggling to meet deadlines.
22. What Is the Difference Between Enum, Varchar and Int Data Types in MySQL
The 'varchar' and 'enum' fields are different types of data types. They are different in terms of performance, easiness to use, and support for feature changes.
23. How To Create Secure Registration Flow with PHP and Password Hashing
Building a secure user registration form with PHP seems like a scary task. How do I protect myself from MySQL injection and other methods of hacking. Surprisingly, with only a few steps and precautions, you can greatly reduce the chance of success for attacks.
24. MySQL Errors Messages And Common Problems
Errors or mistakes are common in any aspects, especially in development. Using MySQL or any database can't guarantee you an error-free environment.
25. An In-depth Look Into MySQL Vs. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL and MySQL are both reliable, secure and scalable databases that have been around for years.
26. How I Connected MySQL Shell Over SSH
Until recently, I had only used MySQL Shell to connect to a local instance of MySQL running on my development machine.
27. How to Install MySQL 8 on macOS Using Homebrew
A step-by-step guide đ on how to install, configure and run MySQL 8 server on macOS using Homebrew đș
28. Generating Unique Values for Test Data in MySQL
Generating unique values for test data in MySQL
29. How to Quickly and Efficiently Create Tests for MySQL
How to quickly and efficiently create tests for MySQL without installing any additional utilities.
30. My Personal Guide to SQL Window Functions (Part 2)
First introduced as part of the SQ:2003 Standard and available in MySQL 8.0, window functions in MySQL are compelling, but the syntax can be difficult to grok.
31. Unexpected Discoveries in TypeORM 0.3.11
TypeORM is an ORM tool for TypeScript, supports popular databases and make it easy to interact with them. Upgrade to v0.3.11 for new features and improvements.
32. How to Deploy Strapi v4 on the DigitalOcean App Platform with MySQL Database
This is a step-by-step guide for deploying a Strapi v4 project to DigitalOcean's App Platform with managed mySql Database.
33. Decoding MySQL EXPLAIN Query Results for Better Performance (Part 2)
Understanding MySQL explains query output is essential to optimize the query. EXPLAIN is good tool to analyze your query.
34. A Prisma ORM Review
Prisma ORM is a good choice for your project. It lacks some features of other ORMs. But it's not a big deal because you can jump the lover levels of raw SQL
35. RocksDB Is Steadily Eating the Database World
Technical design. Because one of the most common use cases of the new databases is storing data that is generated by high-throughput sources, it is important that the store engine is able to handle write-intensive workloads, all while offering acceptable read performance. RocksDB implements what is known in the database literature as a log-structured merge tree aka LSM tree.
36. 2019 Database Trends â SQL vs. NoSQL, Top Databases, Single vs. Multiple Database Use
Wondering which databases are trending in 2019? We asked hundreds of developers, engineers, software architects, dev teams, and IT leaders at DeveloperWeek to discover the current NoSQL vs. SQL usage, most popular databases, important metrics to track, and their most time-consuming database management tasks. Get the latest insights on MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, and many others to see which database management systems are most favored this year.
37. Principles of a Clean Relational Database
The article describes how a relational database should be designed to properly work in OLTP mode.
38. Jwenky: An Express API Server with User Authentication
Jwenky is an API server coded in Express framework.
39. Go: Handling JSON in MySQL
40. How to Connect With External MySQL Servers (Part 1: Select Operations)
This tutorial shows how to perform basic select queries to interact with MySQL Server using mysql2 gem.
41. Are MySQL replications as smooth as you think they are?
What are you actually missing out on in MySQL replication? It appears easy, but to debug the problem caused by it takes a lot of time. So, here's your answer.
42. SaaS Database Migration To Heroku Postgres
The next step in my fitness application journey is to migrate to Heroku Postgres. Check out how easy this turned out to be too.
43. IKODIX Helps to Create Admin Panel Fullstack Apps for Your Databases
IKODIX is an online code generator for admin panel full-stack applications for any relational database.
44. GitHub Actions CI config for MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch in Ruby on Rails project with RSpec tests
How to run parallel tests with Github Actions jobs for Rails project with MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch.
45. Connecting GraphQL with Java Spring Boot and Postgres or MySQL
GraphQL is revolutionising the way developers build APIs. It lets you query precisely what you want. Nothing more, nothing less! It also gives you the flexibility to query related objects in a single round trip, unlike the REST APIs.
46. How To Use MariaDB and MySQL in Web Applications
Using MariaDB or mySQL to write web applications in C programming language with Vely on Linux and with Apache web server.
47. MySQL Master-Slave Replication using Docker
In this article I want to share my experience of how to setup MySQL replication locally with using Docker.
48. Jython: The Love Child of Python and Java
Jython is an implementation of Python that runs on Java. For the most part, it is compatible with Python 2.7.
49. [Tutorial] Top 5 Ways to Query your Relational Database in JavaScript [Part 1]
If youâre developing web applications, youâre almost certainly going to be constantly interacting with a database. And when it comes time to select the way youâll interact, the choices can be overwhelming.
50. Postgres and MySQL: Performance Comparisson
What workload analysis and running queries can teach us about the performance differences in JSON, indexing, and concurrency.
51. Top 3 Databases Every New Developer Should Know
Most new developers wonder which database is suitable for their project since they don't want to get off on the wrong foot. So, first and foremost, let's define a database. A database is a type of storage facility that electronically stores and organizes data so that it may be utilized and accessed later.
52. Creating a Simple Business Directory using CodeIgniter and MySQL
A walkthrough of how to build a simple web directory using CodeIgniter and MySQL. The code is available in this github repo.
53. Upgrading MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 8: A Step by Step Guide
It is one of the dogmas that upgrading freeware libraries is a drag - but not anymore especially for MySQL. Check out this article for more information.
54. How to model an efficient database for your application
What is Database Modeling?
55. MySQL FAQs
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. As the
name suggests, it is used to create, update, and store databases. It is based on SQL (Structured Query Language). So, today we will be checking out the 13 most asked questions on MySQL.
56. [Tutorial] Top 5 Ways to Query Your Relational Database in JavaScript [Part 2]
Welcome back! In the first part of this series, we looked at a very "low-level" way to interact with a relational database by sending it raw SQL strings and retrieving the results. We created a very simple Express application that we can use as an example and deployed it on Heroku with a Postgres database.
57. Make Your Application Scalable Optimizing the ORM Performance
In this article I would share a set of ORMs optimization strategies that I'm using in almost every backend service I'm working on.
58. Integrate Java Database Versioning with Liquibase using MySQL [A Step by Step Guide]
Versioning database changes is as important as versioning source code. By using a database migration tool we can safely manage how the database evolves, instead of running a bunch of non versioned loose SQL files. In some frameworks like Ruby On Rails, database versioning occurs along the development. But when it comes to Java world, I don't see it happening so often.
Thank you for checking out the 58 most read stories about Mysql on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.