Let's learn about Token via these 57 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How to unlock your 888,888 KickTokens from FrozenDrop?
In December 2019, we conducted the first-ever FrozenDrop of KickTokens. The Kick Ecosystem team was the first to create and implement the frozen mechanics of frozen tokens on the blockchain.
2. Introducing $NOIR, the World’s first Phygital Wine Token
NOIR New Moon, a Sparkling Rosé produced using the Méthode Traditionnelle technique, will be offered exclusively as 777 dynamically priced $NOIR tokens..
3. An Introduction to Virtual Properties in the Metaverse
The use of virtual lands in the different metaverses based on blockchain is on the rise, generating greater pressure on the supply available for the new economy
4. Integrating BSC Tokens Into Your Crypto Project
Learn everything you need to know when it comes to integrating a BSC token into a cryptocurrency project that you are working on and aim to do so.
5. Here's-My-Private-Key Scam in Crypto: How It Traps Unsuspecting Users
A new form of scams that trick everyone with poor basis of knowledge of blockchain world.
6. Why Locking Liquidity is Important for Cryptocurrency
Let us start with understanding what is liquidity for cryptocurrency and why you may want to lock it.
7. What's The Fashion Industry Doing With Blockchain?
Blockchain made the headlines in 2017 when Bitcoin gained traction. Ever since then, multiple industry-wide applications of blockchain tech broke the news. The distributed/decentralized ledger technology brought scalability, transaction speed, and better security that’d transform the world in coming years.
8. The Super Token Thesis
Building Towards the Web3 Financialized Consumer Era
9. Everything You Need to Know About Moon - Reddit’s Ethereum-Based Cryptocurrency
Reddit’s vision for MOON tokens and the Community Points program is to encourage high-quality posts, discussions, and engagement
10. Is Tokenization The Engine To The Economy of The Future?
11. Will Meme Coins Keep Going to the Moon?
While meme coin may generate spectacular short-term gains as people are willing to speculate on the possibility of making money in a short amount of time.
12. On Tokenized Real-World Assets (RWAs) and DeFi
The importance of real assets in DeFi
13. Why are there no Security Token yet?
US regulators have done little to provide certainty for buyers and sellers of blockchain-based tokens. A page on the Securities and Exchange Commission's website on the topic of 'initial coin offerings' offers only sparse information in form of "5 things you need to know about ICOs," starting with the somewhat ominous declaration that "ICOs can be securities offerings" -- a message which seems to have found a receptive audience, judging by the growing number of projects offering their assistance with “security token offerings.” The following examines the viability and efficacy of security tokens in the context of blockchain-based systems for the purpose of securities creation and handling:
14. NEO, MATIC and now FLETA Tokens: What do they have in common?
NEO, MATIC and FLETA Blockchain have used 'rebranding' as a pillar of their strategy to drive the adoption of their token and technology within the crypto ecosy
15. Creating a Python Discord Bot - How to Get Data for Analysis
From this article you’ll learn how tо
create Discord bot and add it to the Server;
get the full list of channels from the server;
get a snapshot of Discord memb
16. “These Are Not Laundromat Tokens” — The End of The Crypto Wild West
Gary Gensler, Chair of the SEC, compared the state of cryptocurrency to Laudromat tokens. In the long run - which is a positive for the crypto world.
17. The Cryptocurrency Confusion
In his fundamental book, Money and the Mechanism of Exchange, English economist William Stanley Jevons explains that currencies address a central economic problem: the coincidence of wants. The phrase describes the conundrum inherent to barter where the parties of the transaction have to agree to sell and buy each other's goods.
18. Token Swappers Are Replacing Traditional Crypto-Exchanges: A 2020 Analysis
While cryptocurrencies are powered by decentralized protocols, the trading of cryptocurrencies mostly happens on centralized exchanges.
19. They Want to Tokenize Horses Now. Does it Make Any Sense?
Racehorses are an expensive vocational pursuit. But it is also a pretty good
business for all those involved, such as the owners, the trainers, the
jockeys/riders, the breeders and the various sportive federations.
20. Token Valuation Done Right: A DCF Model To Value Perlin's Native Network Token
The following post is a walkthrough on the methodology we followed to value Perlin's native network token, the PERL. The report and post were authored by @eliasimos, Senior Research Analyst at Decentral Park.
21. Elon Musk is Proof of Social Currency and Community Governance
There’s no denying Elon Musk has a massive (and loyal) fan base. With over 65 million followers, his tweets regularly make headlines and often move markets. Thus it shouldn’t be all that surprising that a group of his biggest fans has created a meme cryptocurrency in his name.
22. Let's Better Understand the Different Types of Cryptocurrency and Tokens
All hail to this brave new crypto world! You may or may not have heard of Ethereum, but surely you know something about Bitcoin
23. These NFTs Might Help Save the Koalas, a Species in Danger
KRebels is the first project to use non-fungible tokens (NFTs) issued through blockchain technology to raise awareness of the dangers inherent in climate change
24. Tokenizing the Wine Industry with Somm Marc Flores
According to Research and Markets, the global wine industry is growing at a CAGR of 3.7 percent. It will reach $201 billion by 2025 and $434 billion by 2027. In the U.S. alone, the wine industry was valued at over 88 billion by the end of 2020.
25. NFT Gaming is The Key to Wider Token Adoption in 2022
By Jeremy Foo, Founder and CEO at TripCandy
26. Token Standards: ERC-20 vs. ERC-721 vs. ERC-1155
ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment, and by addressing this topic is going to help us better understand the reach of many blockchain use cases.
27. RE: [LA blockchain conference 2021]
LA blockchain conference impressions - living in a bubble, healthy and unhealthy areas in crypto, reasons of being skeptical of DeFi...
28. Discover the Reason 'Agent-Based Modelling' and 'Tokenomics' Compliment Each Other
Agent-based models have been around for a few decades now. They are one of the main methodologies behind the study of complex systems.
29. What is Unit Protocol and Why Does it Matter?
Unit Protocol is a decentralized protocol that allows you to mint stablecoin $USDP using a variety of tokens as collateral.
30. Is Elon Musk WRONG About Dogecoin?
The CEO of Koinos Group explains Dogecoin and what Elon Musk might be getting wrong.
31. My vision of the EOS foundation
Inside the upcoming EOS Foundation
32. How To Get Your Token Listed On A Crypto Exchange (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Yevheniia Shmelkova, the Token Specialist at Mysterium Network about crypto exchanges.
33. Understanding the current state of P2P Token Swaps
The rise of open finance solutions powered by public code exemplifies how the benefits of simplicity, steeled by decentralization, can be revolutionary.
34. How to Script the CF API With CF OAUTH-TOKEN
and Python
A bit of Python, a dancing gopher, and proper course etiquette are all you need to know how to log in and loop through the results.
35. Deciding What Kind of Exchange Is Best for Your Token
Where is it better to list tokens on a centralized or decentralized exchange? In the new Hackernoon story, I answer what is better for the project — CEX or DEX
36. Tokens Represent the Next Generation of Capital
Many central banks are considering digital currencies. The tedious process and costs associated with paper currency prohibit financial inclusion.
37. A Guide to Using the Permit Function of the DAI Stablecoin
As soon as the price of the Native Token starts climbing your Twitter feeds will be filled with the high gas fee hue and cry.
38. TURN Time Into Value
Web3 projects can now leverage TURN tokens – a new open marketplace for buyers and sellers of Diligence smart contract security auditing.
39. DeFiChain introduces dTokens which allows traders to trade Disney, Intel and MicroStrategy ETF
DeFiChain, the world's top blockchain on the Bitcoin network has launched four new decentralised assets called dTokens.
40. Top 5 Methods of Running an Effective Cryptocurrency Exchange
Anti Danilevski, KickEX CEO and founder, talks about Top 5 Methods of Running an Effective Cryptocurrency Exchange based on his own experiences in the field.
41. Secure Tokens are More Successful - Here's Why
How important is security in the modern world? It is crucial, especially when it comes to finances, no matter the form. As the novelty of crypto assets starts w
42. The Rise of Rebase Tokens in DeFi
Ever since rebase tokens came into the front with OlympusDAO, there have been many forks and projects that are using this clever DeFi mechanism.
43. It's Time to Give Meme Tokens a Purpose
Each meme token is moving to offer a unique value proposition in a space more known for inside jokes than serious efforts toward innovation.
44. Understanding Ethereum Token Standards
Tokens are an incredibly important part of Ethereum and in Web3. Understanding the standards for each type of token can help you understand how it works.
45. Three Visions on How to Value New Tokens & the Cryptocurrency Market in General
The whole world is waking up to the fact that despite its trials and tribulations, this new asset class is here to stay. Now, how do we determine its worth?
46. Should a Native Token be the Only Holding or is There a Case for Diversification?
As a DAO, the concept of holding your native token in the treasury makes sense.
47. How Tokens Are Turning Out To Be The Digital Currency Solution for the 21st Century
As we all know, the world we live in has evolved significantly. Individuals and companies are looking for new ways to bring their ideas to life, make payments for goods and services, and get enough cash flow to ensure that they stay operational in whatever it is that they choose to do or pursue.
48. Does Token Supply Affect the Price? Everything You Need to Know
Natasha Che ponders whether token supply affects the price.
49. Analyzing a Crypto Token: A Beginner's Guide
Crypto Investing 101
50. Away with Amazon: Let's Decentralize the Ecommerce Platform Economy
A digital platform that rewards and is owned by its users will benefit from infinite network effects and scale like no others.
51. The Craze for NFTS and the Downsides
Despite its relative straightforwardness as a token, NFT industry participants can have wildly differing opinions on what NFTs really are. Here are 4 viewpoints
52. Fair Launch Isn’t Really Fair
Can crypto companies survive and thrive with fair launches depending on community support and do people understand the value of money? What about marketing ?
53. The Healthcare Revolution: How The Metaverse Can Transform Traditional Industries And Improve Them
How new technology from the Metaverse and Web3 can help improve the healthcare industry by improving training, making better tools and making processes better.
54. Fundamental Analysis of ATOM, NEAR, WLKN, A8, MATIC
Fundamental analysis of Polygon (MATIC), Ancient8 (A8), Walken (WLKN), NEAR Protocol (NEAR), and COSMOS (ATOM) will help you make the right decision in 2022.
55. Making a Difference in the Web3 and NFT Space
The combination of unique and meaningful art, charitable focus, community involvement, and creative endeavors makes the Tutti Frutti Women NFT project stand ou
56. Italy's Covid19 Stimulus: Tokenization of Tax Credits And The New Digital Lira
The day that the Italian borders were reopened after the lockdown — on June 3rd — I drove across the Brenner Pass with an overwhelming joy. I could finally rejoin my family and my old friends.
57. Interoperability in NFT Games with Adrian Krion
In this slogging AMA, we hosted Adrian Krion, the CEO of Spielworks. Adrian explained the purpose of Spielworks, and we discussed tokens, gaming and NFTs.
Thank you for checking out the 57 most read stories about Token on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.