Let's learn about Career Change via these 36 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Why Working in a Startup Is More Rewarding Than a Career in Big-Tech
Five reasons of why working in a startup might be more rewarding than position in a big-name company for specialists, who are focused on career achievements.
2. You Cannot Learn Coding without Problem-Solving Skills
In a sea of options available to learn computer science, Learnly might be the right fit for you.
3. 14 Free Certifications by Google and Meta to Start Working Remotely
Find free certification programs for good-paying remote work careers. Ranging from digital marketing to IT, Project Management & UX Design from Google and Meta.
4. 7 Best Tech Career Paths of The Future
From technology and innovation to economies, the world has been experiencing a plethora of changes in recent times. Business, as usual, is no more an alternative for any industry. The traditional careers may or may not have their way into the future. With these rapid transitions, there are a lot of new career options that may rule the future.
5. The 16 Highest-Paying Cities for Investment Bankers in the U.S
Investment bankers can earn some hefty pay, helping to make it one of the most popular careers on Wall Street. What do they get paid in U.S cities?
6. The 5 Best Job Choices in AI By Salary and Job Prospects
There is a very high demand for Al professionals worldwide. With brighter and broader prospects, Al professionals enjoy sky-high salaries, job security & more.
7. My Path to Becoming a Software Developer
My story begins way back in the 2004–2005 school year at Rio Linda High School. I was taking two advanced placement (AP) classes: calculus and physics. I had phenomenal teachers: Mr. Bautista and Mr. Gavrilov. I’m pretty sure they could teach calculus and physics to a cat, Schrodinger's cat, that is.
8. How To Start An IT Career From Scratch
This story is for the people who doesn't have any experience in IT industry, whether you are completely new to job market or have some experience in other fields yet want to start over a new career.
9. How to Become a MarTech Developer in 2021
You've heard of different job titles, like frontend developer, backend developer, full-stack developer, etc. Have you heard of MarTech developer?
10. A Guide To Industrial Design For Mechanical Engineers. Is The Transition Worth It?
Industrial design’s popularity has skyrocketed lately. Let's figure it out and try to understand what its captivation and relevance are.
11. How I Beat My Limited Beliefs, Quit My Job, and Became a Island-based Digital Nomad
How to become a digital nomad with no experience. Here is how I stopped working 9 to 5 and became a digital nomad.
12. From Software Engineer to Product Manager: My First Month
I’ve just finished my first 30 days as a Product Manager moving from my previous Frontend Developer role in the Oberlo Growth team. I decided it’s also a good time to pause and reflect on all that has happened in my first month.
13. Starting a SaaS Business During Covid: My 5 Year Journey
In September 2020, I went all in working for myself. The COVID Pandemic and my cushy engineering manager job made it a hard decision. However, it wasn't one I made overnight. In fact, It took me five years to wrap my head around it. I can divide that time into three entrepreneurial seasons of my life. Each season taught me essential lessons that provided enough insight into changing the course of my career.
14. How to Transition to Product Management [Part 2- From Zero to Product Manager]
This article is Part 2 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role.
In this post, I provide four essential steps to transition to a PM role
15. Need a Career Change? 5 Reasons to Transition into Tech in 2021
Working in tech is a trip. Growth is almost always guaranteed, the pay's great, and you can easily get into the industry with tech-adjacent skills.
16. Before You Start Learning to Code, Read This.
How to get started with software development, the easy way.
17. 12 Powerful Books And Courses To Help You Shift Into PM Or UI/UX Designer Role
Resources that can help you transition into your new role as a Product Manager or UI/UX Designer.
18. Blockchain Creates New Career Opportunities
Blockchain technology is fast disrupting the aviation industry and at the rate at which things are moving, it seems like aviation is all set to get revolutions
19. Noonies Nominee Mike Shine on Career Pivot, Technical Writing, and the Influence of Big Tech
Mike Shine, a technical writer based in Seattle, WA, was nominated for a Noonies award for his writing contributions in 2021. Please vote for Mike!
20. How I Broke Into Data Science
A software engineer’s journey into data science at Yelp and Uber
21. How to Plan your Career Change and become a Product Manager: [My Tips and Tricks for Success]
My personal recipes on how to change your career and land your dream job at any age coming from a different background
22. 22 Top Tech Companies Hiring Remote Workers in 2021
These are the 22 Top Tech Companies filling remote job positions in 2021. The list includes Citrix, Oracle, and more.
23. How To Start Coding Right Now
What if someones asks you to build a website today, would you think that is possible?
24. 6 Pitfalls to Avoid When Transitioning To a Data Science Career
If you are considering the transition to a data science career these are common mistakes and traps you'll want to avoid.
25. How to Navigate Disasters in Tech (Part 1)
Here is a short collection of tech horror stories, their underlying causes, and ideas on how to build better more ethical tech products and services.
26. How to Prepare for a Product Manager Interview [Part 3-From Zero to Product Manager]
This article is Part 3 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role. In this post, I provide tips to look for jobs and prepare for your interview.
27. Wannabe Entrepreneurs: Are You Ready to Chase Your Entrepreneurial Dream?
As a techie in your 30s, you may feel you're past the age for your entrepreneurial adventure. Perhaps sometimes you debate if you should give it a shot after all - for if not now, then when? But are you ready to give up the stability offered by your high-paying tech job? How do you know if the time is right?
28. The Great Resignation: Why 80% of Tech Employees are Seeking Alternative Employment
A survey from the professional social network Blind, tech employees are looking to make a change within 3-months, Indicating a persisting “Great Resignation"
29. How to Get Into Tech and Become a Senior Engineer in 4 Years
As software continues to eat the world, more and more people ask me about "getting into tech," i.e. a successful Software Engineer easily making around $350,000 in total annual compensation. I get asked this a lot because I had very little coding experience when I decided to make a career change into software. Four years after making that decision, I entered Twitter as a Senior Software Engineer with a compensation package I couldn't even dream of making elsewhere. I often look back and refer to my career change as the best decision I made in my life.
30. How I Got a Job in Developer Relations
Hello, my name is Alex, and I'm an... Advocate. A Developer Advocate. What does that mean and how do you become one? I'll tell you all of it!
31. 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Still An Engineer
I loved being a software engineer, or so I thought. On my last project working as an engineer, I fondly recall spending my weekends writing code to finish any user stories in my queue. It got to the point that I completed my work so far in advance that I was running a few sprints ahead of my team. I started to use my newfound free time during the week to sit in as many application requirement gathering meetings as possible. I began to collaborate more with our design team and shadow interviews with customers about the product we were building. I shifted into more of a mentorship role for our engineering team. At times, I found myself explaining the rationale behind a feature design decision and bouncing ideas around for an architectural approach in the same conversation. It took me a while to reach this career-changing realization; I was more interested in shaping the product than building it.
32. I Left Banking For Tech And It Was The Best Career Decision I've Ever Made
I quit my Hong Kong finance job and changed the course of my life through technology. Two years after making the switch into tech and I still love the industry.
33. A Journalist’s Journey to the World of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity, Cyber security, Journalism, Career, Career Switch, Software Testing, SQA, Testing, Software Quality Assurance
34. Self study or Coding Bootcamp - What's the Best Option for You?
If you're thinking about becoming a software engineer, but haven't decided what to do this article answers common questions about bootcamps & self studying.
35. Field Notes from My Journey into Engineering Management
I am going through what one might call “career puberty”. I’m growing up and moving to an engineering manager role. It’s more of a recognition of a position I reached organically and a job I’ve been de facto doing for some time now, rather than an abrupt change dictated by external factors.
36. Not Sure if a Company is Right for You? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions
We spend a large part of our life at work, and yet when it comes to making a decision “Is this the right company for me,” most of us rely only on our expert intuition without any solid data to back it up.
Thank you for checking out the 36 most read stories about Career Change on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.