Let's learn about Careers via these 340 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Work work work work work
1. I’m an engineer, how do I become a tech leader?
<em>I had questions when starting my career, more since and plenty today. I’ll give my personal story for the ones I’ve experienced and bug a friend or two for the ones I haven’t. A few other topics I’ll be covering:</em>
2. Can Your Child Code?
Over the next fifty years, your child will hear one consistent question throughout their working life, “Can you code?”
3. How to Get a Developer Job with No Experience (Like I Did)
There's a lot that you can do to improve your chances of getting that first job in tech. Your programming skills are not the end of it. Without experience, you will need to take steps to convince employers that you deserve a chance. Here's how I did it.
4. Dear Aspiring Data Scientists: Skip the Certificates, Do This Instead
If you've been on LinkedIn anytime in the past several months, you've probably come across the infamous "certification post."
5. Ex-Twitter Employee Rejected at New Job For Asking 'Political Questions'
Think it's easy finding a job after Twitter? Think again.
6. 5 Futuristic Jobs of The Metaverse
The infinite possibilities of the metaverse will produce boundless new jobs, in the same way the internet did over 30 years ago.
7. How I Became a 100x Developer - As a Junior
The 10x / rockstar developer is a myth. Long live the 100x situational developer!
8. 14 Free Certifications by Google and Meta to Start Working Remotely
Find free certification programs for good-paying remote work careers. Ranging from digital marketing to IT, Project Management & UX Design from Google and Meta.
9. COVID-19 Layoff Letter Sample
Many employers have been asking me what they should write to their employee's during this hard time. I have to had to create a sample template that can be customized by both the employer type and the situation at hand.
10. Apply to the HackerShip Program today!
Hey future HackerNoon interns, we are calling for you. Apply TODAY at careers.hackernoon.com/hackership.
11. How To Transition From Being A Programmer to Project Manager Position
You know that the digital project management field is growing, so companies require a fantastic project manager (PM). In case you are a programmer, then you know about the working of digital tools, tight-knit teams, competing deadlines and outside clients. Therefore you can become a proper PM and fulfill the requirements of the company. In the modern era, the majority of the people are looking for programming as their careers, so you must have to find a path to stand out. It is possible that you get tired of optimizing user experience (UX) by debugging codes, and now you want a different type of challenge.
12. The Noonification: Will You Be My GPT-Valentine? (2/13/2023)
2/13/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
13. 19 GitHub Repositories to Make you a 10x Developer
Invaluable pointers about repositories on GitHub that offer immense value to developers that are at the early stages of their journey.
14. What Kind of Scientist Are You?
Data science came a long way from the early days of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) conferences.
15. When Things Go Wrong, What Happens to Total Compensation?
There is an agreement that if you do your job properly, you will be compensated for it. But what happens to total compensation when things go badly wrong?
16. "They're The Ones Signing The Check..."
Signing the check
The good and the bad
17. Use These 11 Meta-Skills to Accelerate Your Career
Zain Kahn goes over 11 meta-skills to accelerate your career. ``
18. 8 Tips for Writing a Winning Software Engineer Cover Letter
You have looked around and located some software engineer jobs that interest you. While you may think you can just write a quick cover letter to go with your resume you may want to think again. A good cover letter takes time. You want your letter to stand out from the rest. Here are 8 tips for writing a winning software engineer cover letter.
19. A Roadmap For Becoming a Data Scientist
So you want to become a data scientist? You have heard so much about data science and want to know what all the hype is about? Well, you have come to the perfect place. The field of data science has evolved significantly in the past decade. Today there are multiple ways to jump into the field and become a data scientist. Not all of them need you to have a fancy degree either. So let’s get started!
20. Future-Proof Your Career by Building a Strong Online Presence
Having a strong online presence accelerates your career and gives you optionality. Yet, many knowledge workers are getting left behind.
21. Few Hacks For Your Next Tech Resume
Here's every mistake (or advice) I can think of when building your resume based on my humble experience reviewing more than 500 resumes as Head of Engineering at a tech company.
22. The Great Resignation: Why 80% of Tech Employees are Seeking Alternative Employment
A survey from the professional social network Blind, tech employees are looking to make a change within 3-months, Indicating a persisting “Great Resignation"
23. 6 Ways Technology Can Help You Earn Money Online
You are probably reading this article because you want to know how you can start earning money online.
24. The Noonification: How to Escape the Hedonic Treadmill (2/24/2023)
2/24/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
25. The Matthew Principle of Accumulated Advantage and How the Poor Get Poorer
The Matthew Effect or Matthew Principle of accumulated advantage, is sometimes summarized by the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
26. Women in Leadership: It's Time to Claim Your Space
A discussion on hurdles faced by women in achieving leadership goals and how to overcome them.
27. How to Code for Decades and NOT be a Millionaire
Opportunities for making LOTS of money will present themselves over the years of a tech career.
28. Working With a Dominant Personality: I Didn’t Quit and You Shouldn’t Too
It was a Friday morning, and I was quite enthusiastic about the opportunity to present my ideas in front of a large group of people.
29. #MyStartInTech Story: Interview With Nick Hansen, CEO of Luxor.Tech
In this interview, Nick Hansen, CEO, Luxor.Tech, talks about how he got his start in the tech world.
30. A Shortcut From Coding Courses to Job Offers
Learning to program can be frustrating if you’re not sure you’re headed in the right direction. How do you know you’re making real, legitimate progress? Is it when you’ve earned a certification? Completed an online course?
31. From Payless Source to Information Technology
When talking to people who are new to the world of computers (and who are hoping to land a job), I like to share my story of how my career began. I don’t do this for bragging rights or to make them envious of me. Rather it’s so that they may find some inspiration in what I have to say and be able to see that anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
32. Blockchain Needs You: A Guide to Non-Tech Careers in Blockchain
There is no better time to find a non-finance, non-tech career in blockchain.
33. Are Developer Jobs Safe From the Next Recession?
For those of us not buried in sheets of global economic data — i.e., most of us — media speculation of an oncoming recession may seem like a vague and undefined threat. It’s difficult to make heads or tails out of the stream of fast-breaking news about financial predictors, benchmarks and overall anxiety. With all of this muddled information, it’s even more difficult to think about what we’re supposed to do about it.
34. Switching Jobs in Tech Industry: 6 Key Lessons I've Learned
Switching jobs in the tech industry can be an interesting adventure. Learning how to navigate the onboarding at a new company while keeping your health in check
35. Our Careers and Our Identity Capital
Identity capital is the accumulation of our personal assets, in other words, a culmination of things that make us who we are.
36. 5 Top Tech Careers to Consider Studying Towards in 2021
Gain entry into IT with knowledge of data science, engineering, cloud computing, cybersecurity, or devops.
37. Plan Your Breaks Easily with Python
Working from home is the new normal. In this blog post, we will learn how to build a break Scheduler using webbrowser with Python.
38. Why the College You Go to Doesn’t Matter
This article is about a thorny issue in tech--compensation. Websites like Blind, Paysa, and levels.fyi have revealed numerous issues with how people in tech are paid, with the gender pay gap being the most well known. Employers are cagey about disclosing their reasons behind deciding how much employees get paid, and they encourage their workers to treat salary as a taboo subject that mustn’t be broached. This behavior helps the employers’ bottom line by keeping wages depressed.
39. How to Deal with a Coworker Making More Money Than You
As many companies increase pay to attract new talent in an increasingly competitive Job market some workers are finding themselves left behind. What do they do?
40. The 10x value isn't all originating from the engineer, though
There's been a lot of discussion on Twitter recently about so-called 10x engineers.
41. Comparing the Workplace Characteristics of IT Companies When Searching for an IT Job
Let’s try to systematize the difference between the companies that you can find on the job market.
42. The 6 Most Lucrative Blockchain Jobs of 2022
On average, a blockchain developer gets paid anywhere from $150,000 per year up to $175,000 depending on their experience
43. 21 Best Developer Portfolio Examples
21 Awesome DEV portfolios for your inspiration
44. Designing Compensation for On-call Engineers and Staff
In this guide, we'll cover the various options for paying folks who are on-call, along with some advice, trade-offs and pitfalls to avoid.
45. How to Prepare for the Facebook Behavioral Interview
Facebook Behavioral Interviews; Tell Me About A Time You Had To Manage Conflicting Priorities; Evaluation Criteria, Response Framework, and Tips & Tricks
46. My College Startup Failed; This is What I Learned
College is a great place, you make new friends, try new things, and have no shortage of homework. During my freshman year at Iowa State, aside from doing normal college things, I spent my time learning as much as possible about how people have made technology solve problems for society and everything that goes into making these ideas a reality.
47. In Conversation With Ozge Yoluk
Ozge Yoluk is a computational biologist working at ProteinQure, running molecular simulations to create pharmaceutical drugs.
48. How We Can Get Young Students Interested in STEM Careers
For many students, STEM careers may feel like they’re reserved for overachievers and math aficionados. However, for those who have actually pursued careers in STEM, it quickly becomes clear that the field is broad and filled with a wide variety of jobs to pursue.
49. The Road to Senior Engineer: Management Is Not Just for Managers
As programmers, there are numerous things we must manage each day in addition to code. The best programmers I know don’t just do a good job of writing code, the
50. The Notion Template I Built for Optimal Personal Productivity
As a product builder↗️, I build micro tools to solve my own problems. For example article tool, event app, meal box app, finance tracker, SaaS tracker, Notion portfolio, and habit tracker.
51. 13 Ways to Wrap and Shine Your Experience to Rock Your Next Job Interview
13 tips on preparation for a product manager job interview that will help you present your experience in the best possible way.
52. #MyStartInTech: An Interview With Patrick de Laive, Co-Founder of TNW
The tech workforce in the US is not growing at an optimal pace. The number of schools offering computer science is not enough which is impacting the access of computer science to young women and students from marginalized communities.
53. Why a Career in Motion Graphics Is a Good Option for Tech Savvy Students in 2023
Today, there’s no shortage of roles in the tech space for young aspiring professionals to pursue. From becoming a coder with a lucrative salary to an app developer with room to grow at a company, there are seemingly endless career options for students interested in technological processes.
54. How to Find a Job in Crypto and Blockchain in 2022
Interested in crypto jobs? Understand the market and learn the 15 best ways you can find opportunities
55. 160+ Data Science Interview Questions
A typical interview process for a data science position includes multiple rounds. Often, one of such rounds covers theoretical concepts, where the goal is to determine if the candidate knows the fundamentals of machine learning.
56. IOT Product Management: 4 Critical Success Factors
It's been over 6 months since I joined KritiLabs. The learning that I have had been very steep and intense, considering its a career shift for me from a services based pre-sales to a product based pre-sales and product management.
57. Everybody Hates Marketers in the Tech World
After a few months, I realized I was making more money than I did as a lawyer.
58. Knowledge Work is Non-Linear—Here's How You Keep Devs Motivated
Software development might not look exhausting at first glance, but it’s one of the most consuming fields out there. Developers need to maintain steady concentration through 8-10-hour working days, approach tasks creatively, and maintain communication with their colleagues. Even top talent gets bored and burnt out.
59. Resolving the Career Identity Crisis That Comes With Pivoting
Pivoting in your career is often something positive. Still, it can come with unexpected negative feelings.
60. How to Navigate Disasters in Tech (Part 1)
Here is a short collection of tech horror stories, their underlying causes, and ideas on how to build better more ethical tech products and services.
61. Engineering Levels Ladder Explained
Ockam is sharing their engineer ladder in an effort to provide transparency and help junior engineers understand their potential career path.
62. How Improving Writing Skills Can Help Software Developers Succeed
I started writing because the generous community of programmers had helped me by sharing their knowledge freely over the Internet. I wanted to contribute to this incredible trend so I could be a part of something bigger than myself.
63. Career Success Story: Knowing Your Authentic Self
In this article, Eugene Kurylenko, Android Team Lead at Innovecs, tells his story from Middle developer to Team Lead, the challenges he faced on his career path
64. How I Became a Developer in 7 months After 5 Years of Unrelated Experience
Anyone I asked for advice was against me quitting the stable job to explore completely uncharted territory, and that too with a child. But eventually, I quit.
65. Tech Jobs Are Among The Best Paying Jobs In 2021
Tech jobs have gained an increasingly important status in the modern world. See what type of jobs are among the best paying ones.
66. Using Reflective Writing and ChatGPT to Create a Solid Resume
Create an effective résumé by using a narrative of your work history and AI tools. Reduce complexity when you are stuck and need to reflect before the résumé.
67. Top 5 Soft Skills for a Tech Professional Today
Which soft skills do tech employers require in 2022? Find out the answers in my new article.
68. The Noonification: How to Use the Javascript Slice Method (12/12/2022)
12/12/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
69. Focus on These Skills If You're Worried About AI Taking Your Job
Three types of skills for software developers and designers worried about the mass adoption of AI
70. Forget Quiet Quitting, fatFIRE is the Newest Workplace Trend
All the talk about quiet quitting makes it seem like everyone hates their jobs and is just sleepwalking through the workday, but that’s not the case -here's why
71. Blockchain Creates New Career Opportunities
Blockchain technology is fast disrupting the aviation industry and at the rate at which things are moving, it seems like aviation is all set to get revolutions
72. Designing a Pragmatic Coding Interview [Part 1]
In the following series of posts, I’ll be sharing the internals of designing a pragmatic coding interview that I got to know after interviewing folks for different tech positions for some time and here comes the first one.
73. Expert Developers Share Their 10 Tips For Newbies On Starting Successful Career
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
74. How to Get the Most from Your Programming Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Having access to a more experienced programmer who wants to help you grow professionally can speed up your progress. How can you get the most from your mentor?
75. To Be a More Successful Developer, Give Up These 13 Things
There is one important prerequisite to becoming better at anything: Concentrate on the things that matter, and give up what doesn’t. Developing is no exception. It is a process that can become problematic if you decide to pursue perfection, focusing on aspects that are complex but inessential.
76. How to Get a Recruiter to Work Harder for You
Here’s the secret to getting a recruiter to work harder for you.
77. 13 Highest paying Tech Jobs Software Engineers can aim to increase their Pay
If you are a computer science graduate or someone who is thinking of
making a career in the software development world or an experienced
programmer who is thinking about his next career move but not so sure
which field you should go then you have a come to the right place.
78. I was the Blockchain Architect for a dozen projects. This is what I learnt.
It’s been a hell of a ride.
79. How Tech Helped This Entrepreneur Reshape The Music Industry
What a year 2020 has been! We have endured a deadly pandemic, a failing global market, and a series of civil unrests unlike any we’ve ever seen before. And as we draw closer to the end of the year, a lot of individuals have adapted to the new normal.
80. How to Avoid Career Burnout
The best way to avoid career burnout is for employees to prioritize taking care of their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
81. 3 Ways to Win the Negotiation for What You Want From Your Next Job
If you are tech worker right now, you are in demand. If you are considering moving on to another position, you are going to want to prepare. Of course, you need to burnish your resume and reach out to your LinkedIn network for endorsements. Such things are a given, but if you really want to be a TOUGH negotiator, then certain things must be so. Get your ducks in a row.
82. Data Science As A Career: 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro
12 steps for those looking to build a career in Data Science from scratch. Below there is a guide to action and a scattering of links to useful resources.
83. How to Win as an Associate Software Engineer
Being a new engineer can be challenging, but you can rock the role if you know how. Hint: not deleting the production database helps.
84. Front-End or Back-End: What Should You Learn First?
As someone who’s held both front-end and back-end positions, and even been a hiring manager, read on and I’ll give you my thoughts.
85. How to Survive a Layoff or Furlough During COVID-19
COVID-19 has closed down thousands of businesses, stores, and restaurants have millions of workers laid off or put on furlough. As of April 30, 2020, 30 million working Americans filed an initial unemployment claim - that’s nearly 20% of the total workforce. Laid off employees are totally removed from a company, removed from a company’s payroll, and lose all employer-provided benefits.
86. 15 Secrets Every Job Seeker Needs to Know
There are a lot of things that job seekers need to know in order to be successful in their search. However, there are some secrets that can be even more helpful
87. What the Heck is Happening in the Cryptocurrency Job Market?
The State of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Job Market in 2019-2020
88. How to Hack a Huge Career in Tech with PR Expert & Founder Sarah Evans
I sat down with Sarah Evans—tech industry PR legend and strategic communications startup founder—to talk all things branding and influence: from personal to B2B. You can watch the Youtube version of this podcast right here in this post, or grab the audio-only on Spotify, or over at podcast.hackernoon.com.
89. A Day in the Life of an SEO Consultant
Working in the field of optimizing a website can mean a lot of things, but it’s definitely never boring! Here are some things that SEO Consultants do daily.
90. On Spreading Yourself Too Thin (and Other Dev Career Reflections)
‘The grass is always greener on the other side’ notion seems apt for this tendency.
91. Job Mobility Slows Amidst Recession Fears and Tech Layoffs
The Great Resignation might be waning among knowledge workers. Enter: The Great Disengagement.
92. How to Get a Job in Tech: Alyze Sam's Experience as a Female Tech Co-Founder
If a disabled nurse can make it in tech, why can't YOU!?
93. Can Asterix Get a Job in Cybersecurity?
Are cybersecurity practitioners able to look beyond their own limitations to to resolve the cyber shortage? Is there a shortage or is it a farce?
94. Synchronous Communication is the New Cocaine in Silicon Valley
This blog from Paul Graham beautifully articulates why meetings kill productivity for people in the "maker's schedule":
95. 8 Ways to Avoid Cover Letter Mistakes
You have found a few advertisements for potential jobs and have created a great resume. The next step is creating a cover letter that will capture the attention of the hiring manager. While cover letters are not difficult to write, there are some common mistakes that people make while writing them. Here are eight ways to avoid cover letter mistakes.
96. A Framework For Deciding If It's Time To Quit Your Tech Job For A New One
You have chosen a career in tech. You know it is going to be a constant chore to keep up with change. However, riding the tech learning cycle is not the HARDEST thing to do while managing your career. The hardest thing is knowing when to LEAVE the job you worked so hard to land. Use the “2 out of 3 ain’t bad” rule to help you manage your career in technology.
97. What is it Like to be a Software Engineering Intern at Microsoft?
When I accepted the offer for my summer Software Engineer internship at Microsoft, I was not able to find useful information about the onboarding process.
98. Why I Left Engineering Management and Moved Back to Individual Contribution
Thinking of transitioning away from Engineering Manager to Individual Contributor? That is exactly what I did! Let me tell you a little bit about it.
99. "If You Want to Earn More, Increase The Value of Your Work to The Employer"- There's No Other Recipe
Explained why IT specialists earn more than cashiers, how to make your employer pay you more, and what this has to do with fear of big money
100. 14 GitHub Repositories to Ace JavaScript Interviews 🎯 🚀
Finding a developer job in the current tech market can be a challenge, especially for beginners.
101. The Freelance Revolution: Where to Find the Best Freelancers in Tech
The Most Famous Freelance Skill Destinations: Between Urban Myths and Business Reality
102. I Got a Job as a Developer at 16, and You Can Too
This is my story about how I got a job as a web developer at 16 using reddit while having 0 experience
103. 7 Best Tech Career Paths of The Future
From technology and innovation to economies, the world has been experiencing a plethora of changes in recent times. Business, as usual, is no more an alternative for any industry. The traditional careers may or may not have their way into the future. With these rapid transitions, there are a lot of new career options that may rule the future.
104. What Working at Amazon Taught Me About Growth and Engineering
105. Reducing the Software Development Industry's Reliance on Recruiters
How did recruiters get such a strong hold on the software development industry, and what can we do to reduce our dependence upon them?
106. How Money Works: Value Created, Reach, and Personal Satisfaction
Choosing a career path that will enable you financial solidity is important. Only if you are not struggling financially you will be able to flourish in life
107. Ask for a Signing Bonus, Baby!
You are in demand. You have a good paying job right now. Why should you move? Yes, there are lots of reasons, especially in tech to move on to the next job. However, you are under no great economic pressure to do so.
108. What Exactly is a Tech Job?
Any job that deals within the tech ecosystem and requires some basic knowledge and understanding of technology is a tech job.
109. A Checklist of Questions to Ask as a New Product Manager
Start-ups are super exciting, fun and challenging. You have a notch above of all these when you join as a product leader/manager in start-ups where the product offering is unique yet interesting, the potential is high but the road ahead is less travelled and undiscovered.
110. Steps to Become a Front-end Developer
This article will help you to start a path to front-end development. In the last 10 year’s I didn’t pay any attention about programming and the way websites built. About 2 years ago, I started to spend more than 12 hours every day working as a remote tester for several platforms.
111. From Mid-level Developer to Engineering Manager: A Story of Professional Growth
Cheslav Novytskyi, Engineering Manager at Innovecs, shares his experience which may be useful for software developers in advancing their careers
112. Hiring Tips: How to Pitch to a Potential Startup Founding Team Member
Hiring for your startup's founding team, but struggling to recruit the best candidates? This guide will help you perfect your pitch and attract top talent!
113. How To Become A Machine Learning Practitioner Fast
Learn machine learning fast in 2022.
114. Surviving the IT Support field
Hello to everyone out there, I will attempt tell you, in this brief post, how to handle things, and/or generally try to survive in the IT Support field.
115. How to Level Up Your Way to C-Suite
Have you ever thought that you have to develop pretty much the same skills if you want to become CMO, CCO, CPO, and basically Chief Anything Officer?
116. How to Crack Coding Interviews? Tips, Topics, and Skills
Wondering how to prepare for coding interviews? Here is your guide to prepare and crack your next interview with important topics, skills, and tips
117. How to Lead More Productive Meetings
When it comes to scheduling meetings, I am a firm believer in Maker’s schedule vs Manager’s schedule. In his essay, Paul Graham touches upon the topic of optimizing the number of meetings. In this article, I would like to talk about another related aspect of meetings, i.e. how to optimize the meetings themselves by establishing good meeting etiquettes.
118. How I got into programming and my thoughts on its future
Hey, I've been nominated for the Noonies 2022 and this is my interview to help you know more about me and how I worked to become an engineering manager
119. "Joy Comes from the Process of Creating, Not the End Result" — App Builder, Logan Koshenka
Logan Koshenka from the US has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes category for his beautifully built side project, a Health and Wellness app called Accufit. PSA: Nominations for this award are still open..! Get the Health and Wellness App you can't live without nominated for a Noonie today ➡️ make a Founder's day.
120. How I Got a Job at Spotify via my GitHub Profile
How my GitHub profile got me a job at Spotify. It doesn't have to be a good profile, but having one can be a difference-maker.
121. Learning from Experience: A Tester's Perspective
Testers are engineers. They can perform academic researches. They can apply programming to create the tools which benefit the team.
122. A Better Way to Pass Technical Interviews
To LeetCode or not to LeetCode? What if you don't want to practice 100s of coding questions before your next coding interview?
123. Popular Online Courses: The Best One To Enhance Your Copywriting
Learn and enhance your copywriting, with the best online courses available.
124. New Freelance Writer Shares Tips for Starting Your Freelance Career
Before I began my freelance writing career, I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to pursue this career for quite a few reasons.
125. Create A Vision Statement to Define Your Career Goals and Reach Your Full Potential
Having a clear set of goals is important for developing your career. Without a clear goal and vision, it can be hard to fulfill your career potential.
126. I Switched To SEO After 20 Years As a Journalist: Here's What I've Learned
Technology and all digital marketing tools available today have changed my entire professional career.
127. 8 Lessons From My 9 Years in Tech
8 lessons from my last 9 years in tech, lessons which I have learned the hard way and have been instrumental in my journey through the tech industry.
128. 3 Reasons Why Teams Fail
Misalignment of Vision
129. What “The Future of Work” Means For Jobseekers
Here's what to understand about the "future of work" particularly for jobseekers.
130. 10 Reasons To Keep Working From Home Long After Your Town Reopens
The coronavirus pandemic has been taking a toll on the world for many months now, and normal life continues to be disrupted. As people are settling into working from home, many teams that were already working remotely have needed to make adjustments to how they work. For years though, many have been making the most of the many advantages remote work offers.
131. Code Isn't the Only Solution; and 8 Other Dev Lessons, 7 Years Later
I'm working as a software developer for 7 years. You can read my background and how I got into the industry here. There are a few things I wish I learned earlier. Knowing these in advance would have made my job a lot easier. Some of this might sound pretty obvious, but not for me. If you're in the early stages of your career, doing a few of this will make you stand out.
132. Chance Favors the Prepared Mind: Luck vs Merit in Product Management
Is 10x product success merely arbitrary luck or based on merit? It’s a question that can torture even the most rational-minded product managers. But which should you focus on when victory is on the line?
133. 4 Data Analytics Certifications That Boost Your Career
The best data analytics certifications, which will provide you with the right kind of guidance to boost your big data analytics career and to get a great job.
134. What Careers are Available in the Blockchain Industry?
Want to make your career in Blockchain Technology? Here is the best possible option you must adopt after Blockchain Certifications.
135. Why Professions Are Adding Analytics to Their Skillsets
There are many different forms of data analytics, and these have different applications in business.
136. 6 Things To Know If You Want To Become a Cybersecurity Expert
This is a guide for people who wish to enter the field of cybersecurity. In this article, we cover what kind of education is needed to become an expert and more
137. A PSA On Being the Average Of The 5 People You Spend The Most Time With
I am pretty sure you’ve heard the saying that you are the average of the 5 people surrounding you, right? I have something to tell you that it is terrifying: It is bullshit, because it's worse.
138. How to Work in Tech Without Technical Experience
Learn what are the best entry level IT jobs. I describe briefly what QA engineer, product owner, scrum master, UX/UI designer, CSM and technical writer do. It's
139. Don't Confuse Competitive Programming and Software Engineering
The concept of programming has been undergoing a huge amount of misconceptions and mix ups. Some freshers or new programmers see the results of the ICPC or any other coding contest in the world, and they really get impressed and rushed out how to approach this domain. Indeed, they start googling these competitive things and search on YouTube, and they, doubtlessly, gain massive confusion. One of the considerable aspects of this confusion is thinking that competitive programmers can directly get hired as Software Engineers in any company, especially, in the big tech companies.
140. Need a Career Change? 5 Reasons to Transition into Tech in 2021
Working in tech is a trip. Growth is almost always guaranteed, the pay's great, and you can easily get into the industry with tech-adjacent skills.
141. The Price of Free Time: A Programmer’s Guide to Helping a Non-profit
Helping non-profits gets you experience, new friends, and that warm feeling of doing something important. It can also be very painful. Here is what to avoid.
142. How to Bridge the Developer Experience Gap with raise.dev
I founded Raise.dev to help every developer advance their career.
143. Bad Codebases Shoo Developers Away
In this software engineering survey, we learn about the state of technical debt and technical hiring.
144. Creativity and Problem Solving is Required at Every Level
Many times, the best problem solvers in an organization never get a chance to contribute their creativity, so a lot of potential goes undiscovered.
145. The HackerShip is BACK! Join HackerNoon’s Internship and Apprenticeship Program today!
146. Adventures Of A Salesforce Platform Expert
I had great fun writing my recent article "Objects, Relationships, and the Cat” in which I shared one of the things I enjoyed most about working on the Salesforce platform using a rather unconventional story-telling style. In fact, I enjoyed it so much, and based on the positive feedback from readers, I thought I’d do it again. As before, this is a work of fiction with the exception of the technical aspects.
147. 4 Tips on How to Incorporate Deep Work in Your Daily Routine
In a world, the ability to perform deep work is the most valuable skill in the 21st century, and here’s how you can apply it in your day-to-day routine.
148. 10 Best Websites to Find a Remote Developer Job
If you’re a programmer or software developer, you’re in high demand right now. Companies are increasingly looking for talented developers who can work remotely.
149. Fast-Track Your Career Development with Data Science Help
If you’re in the market for a new job in tech, you’ve undoubtedly seen the huge need for data scientists. Data science is one of the hottest fields right now with hundreds of new roles added every day. Even better, these roles are often highly paid, with the average median salary for a US-based data scientist topping $113,000 (Glassdoor). Data scientists also report a high degree of satisfaction with their jobs, which makes this career path a great choice for data-minded women in tech.
150. Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn with These 5 Effective Tips
Check these five super effective tips to build your personal brand on LinkedIn, boost your visibility, and advance your career!
151. Six Life Benefits of Waking Up at Five AM Everyday
Discover how the 5AM Club can benefit software engineers, their career, life and health.
152. Things to consider when hunting for a job in software
And so am writing my first article ever that is dev-related. The main reason that I'm doing it is because I haven't contributed anything on the web yet and I don't want to remain silent while leeching from actual contributing colleagues.
153. Meet the HackerNoon Contributor Alejandro Duarte, Developer Advocate at MariaDB
I’m Alejandro Duarte and work as a full-time Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. A Developer Advocate is someone who likes to learn in the open and share
154. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?
Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.
155. A Short History of Graphic Design Jobs
Graphic Designers and Artists are in high demand, but with advancements in software and the growth of the internet some fear that these jobs will die off.
156. This Is Who Is Switching Careers and Breaking Into the Tech Industry
Ever found yourself daydreaming of another career? Whether it’s to find fulfilling work, earn a higher salary, solve bigger challenges or all of the above, more people than you might expect turn those dreams into reality. In fact, in a recent survey by Indeed.com, 49% of employees told us they’d made a total career change. And the tech industry is no exception.
157. What Is Impostor Syndrome?
Impostor syndrome is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills or talents and has a fear of being exposed as a fraud.
158. Understanding Stock As a Component of Total Compensation
Stock options. Many employees of startups and corporations get to hear this term when their compensation is being discussed.
159. Why Can’t Designers Promote Themselves?
Most job titles are inherently clear. You know what they do. You have a good idea of their value. One of the exceptions here is the title of designer. I've previously tried to explain what I do to my parents without any real success. What they have held onto after all these lengthy explanations is that I work with 'computers'.
160. What Career Path Should Software Engineers Take: Startup vs. Big Company
Startup vs. Big Company. This article outlines key questions to ask yourself before making your next career move as a software engineer.
161. The Roadmap and Resources to Becoming a Full Stack Developer
In this blog, I am going to be sharing with you the Roadmap and the Resources that you require to become a Full Stack Developer.
162. Team Red: Long Lost Contact
Linus Chen is a research scientist who was given an opportunity to interview for a Volga during a global pandemic, the largest e-commerce company.
163. 6 Tips for Getting a Pay Raise in IT
Here are 6 tips for getting a pay raise in IT.
164. Russian Nationals Face Uncertainty at U.S Tech Companies Amid Russia-Ukraine War
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict persists, Russian nationals working in U.S Tech companies get caught in the cross hairs, leaving them with an uncertain future.
165. How Working in a Big Silicon Valley Company Stalled My Career Growth
The problem is, without side projects, open-source contributions, or a blog - I’ve realized I couldn't grow my skills.
166. How I Started My Own Business at 19
Hi there. My name is Mandy, and I'm 24 this year. I don’t have many years of wisdom to preach about, but I do have something interesting to share for those who are afraid to take the leap of faith – the story of how I started my own business at 19.
167. 7 Proven Ways to Assess Coding Skills While Hiring
The main challenge that recruiter's come across while hiring developers is to find qualified candidates. According to a study, it was estimated that 75% of all hiring-related decisions result in a mis-hire. Hence assessing a candidate's coding skills is an essential step in a technical recruiting process.
Well, the first thing that rushes to your mind when you think of recruitment is "RESUME". Can we just rely on those? The answer to that question is an absolute NO.
168. What is a Citizen Data Scientist and How Do You Become One?
Data science has been democratized for the most part. AI is now mainstream! It's no longer the exclusive province of large companies with deep pockets.
169. 5 Ways to Track and Optimize Your Team's Time
Why is time management important in a team?
170. Will 2020 Be The Year You Finally Quit Your Job?
Every year, every month, every day — I kept telling myself that I will, one day, follow my dreams. This is the story of how I finally took action and quit my job.
My job was just another regular corporate job at a decent company. However, I always felt that there was so much more I could do. The daily commutes, the pointless meetings, the high pressure projects drained my energy, my soul, my body and mostly, my mind. In addition to this, over the course of the last few years, I dealt with bullying, dealt with aggressive co-workers, with unrealistic deadlines, under-appreciation of hard work. I overcame each challenge and towards the end of 2019, I started seriously contemplating how I was living life.
171. How To Break The “Senior Engineer” Career Ceiling
I have met many engineers whose career progression seemingly stops at “senior engineer”. It happens for many reasons:
172. Before You Start Learning to Code, Read This.
How to get started with software development, the easy way.
173. The Quiet Quitting Trend and Why You Should Not Follow It
According to Blind, white-collar tech professionals have lost 100,826 jobs so far this year. Here is how you can avoid getting laid off this time.
174. 6 Surefire Ways To Suck At Maintaining Projects
Do you want to ensure that working with your repo is a constant source of frustration for your fellow developers? Read on for some awful tips.
175. Worried About Recent Layoffs? Bit.com is Looking For Talent and Plans to Double its Workforce
The second-largest crypto options exchange, Bit.com aims to double its workforce amidst layoffs.
176. From Science to Soup: The Power of Transferable Skills
Discover how these top five skills can lead to new career opportunities.
177. 14 Proven Tips to Create and Maintain a Perfect Career Page for Your Organization
Here, you’ll find 14-easy-to-implement tips to create a career page.
178. 5 Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Tech Resume
Here we have shared a few tips that will make your resume ready for tech companies and get you through the interview process.
179. How I Broke Into Data Science
A software engineer’s journey into data science at Yelp and Uber
180. From a Tropical Island to FinTech: Interview with Ellen Cibula
An interview with Ellen Cibula, who started as an analyst at a chem demil site in the Pacific, worked as a programmer in FinTech, and now writes about FinTech.
181. The Existence of Gender Gap in Leadership Goals
Gender gap has started to gain attention with changing times. The world has started to witness change in the way female employees are treated.
182. How the Best Product Managers Handle “Downtime”
Over the past 7 years in Product, I’ve worked with a lot of Product Managers. Some were great at being unreasonable, many were extreme generalists, and most were great at saying no.
183. Are Cybersecurity Careers Future Proof?
Are the cybersecurity careers of tomorrow still going to be there in the face of relentless automation?
184. How to Transition to Product Management [Part 2- From Zero to Product Manager]
This article is Part 2 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role.
In this post, I provide four essential steps to transition to a PM role
185. A Look at the Healthcare Jobs of the Future
A look at the healthcare prediction trends of the future and how it's been accelerated by COVID-19.
186. Tips for Engineering Graduates
Mechanical Engineering Graduates, here are some tips to kick-start your career. Because we know how difficult and challenging it is in this domain, with so many unanswered questions, especially for beginners.
187. Startups Are Like Marriage: If You Overthink It, It's Always A No
Or: how to convince your parents when you want to join (or start) a startup.
188. Why it's Tough to Be a Mentor
Mentorship is not about teaching someone algorithms, recommending the "right books", or giving them tasks to solve. It's about people
189. 4 Reasons To Learn Ethical Hacking
In the digital world, cybersecurity and ethical hacking are arising as promising career options for IT professionals.
190. How to Build a Recruiting Brand
Hiring great talent is getting harder by the day. Big-brand tech companies are expanding, legacy enterprises are going digital, and the startup world is growing fast. For early-stage tech companies, it’s an uphill battle to outmaneuver the competition that’s now coming from every corner and land the right candidates.
191. How to Find a Great Mentor to Advance Faster in Your Career
If you are looking for opportunities to advance faster in your career, mentorship and executive sponsorship may be for you.
192. The "Great Regret" and How to Avoid it when Switching Jobs
This article addresses things to take note of, before you switch jobs to avoid the "Great regret"
193. On Creating Team Culture Amongst Developers
Software developers are mostly happy to work by themselves at night in dark rooms. And they turn coffee, cola and pizza into code.
194. Work From Home: What Works and What Doesn't
I read many articles and studies on remote work, tried them on myself, and now decided to share what I found most valuable for myself.
195. My Path to Becoming a Software Developer
My story begins way back in the 2004–2005 school year at Rio Linda High School. I was taking two advanced placement (AP) classes: calculus and physics. I had phenomenal teachers: Mr. Bautista and Mr. Gavrilov. I’m pretty sure they could teach calculus and physics to a cat, Schrodinger's cat, that is.
196. All Pluralsight Content is Free in April
Times are tough right now. The world is struggling with this pandemic, and folks are staying inside to help stop the spread. Pluralsight has just announced that they’re opening up the entire platform for the month of April. They’re making all 7,000 courses and other content completely free for the month, no credit card needed.
197. 3 Steps to Help Advance Your Cybersecurity Career
I've spent more than 15 years building and leading cybersecurity programs at several Fortune 500 companies in the Financial Services industry. I'm also the Founder & Managing Principal of Fraction Consulting where I get to do fractional CTO & CISO work and advise private capital firms.
198. How to Create an Authentic Data Science Project for your Portfolio
Follow me along on how I explored Germany’s largest travel forum Vielfliegertref. As an inspiring data scientist, building interesting portfolio projects is key to showcase your skills. When I learned coding and data science as a business student through online courses, I disliked that datasets were made up of fake data or were solved before like Boston House Prices or the Titanic dataset on Kaggle.
199. Four Things to do Before and After You're Laid Off
One of the hardest things to deal with about a layoff is that it is unexpected for the person laid off. Take these steps to deal with it if /when it happens.
200. 7 Ways To Make Your Software Engineering Resume Stand Out
Software engineering is an in-demand skill with lots of job opportunities. As more people enter the field, tempted by big salaries and the promise of job security, it is increasingly important to make sure that your resume stands out for those top-tier jobs. Here are a few tweaks you can make to your resume so that it ends up at the top of every hiring manager’s pile.
201. 7 Basic Rules to Make Developer`s Life Better
As people, we have a superpower; it is the power of perception. As the famous saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.
202. The Highest Paying Jobs in Cyber Security
Get the latest popular cyber jobs with the highest salaries in the world with a complete guide about them with the profile information
203. How to Cold Email Career Prospects for Advice When You're Still a Student
Every week, I receive a handful of LinkedIn requests from students of all ages/nationalities seeking to get into consulting. Cold-emailing is the right approach: getting to know a company from the inside will help during the interview process, and shows that the candidate cares enough about the role to do some due diligence. It's also important to gauge how potential future co-workers treat soon-to-be graduates.
204. My Engineering Masters Exchange Experience with Erasmus+ in Sweden
My experience on the Erasmus+ exchange program between Albania and Sweden, from application, residence and travelling, as well as personal/professional gains.
205. How I Beat My Limited Beliefs, Quit My Job, and Became a Island-based Digital Nomad
How to become a digital nomad with no experience. Here is how I stopped working 9 to 5 and became a digital nomad.
206. What's the Best Motivation Strategy?
Startups aren't only built by ideas. There have to be motivated employees. In this slogging thread, the startup hustle community shared motivation strategies.
207. The Importance of Building a Diverse, Well-Rounded Engineering Team
Every individual has strengths and weaknesses; it’s easy as a hiring manager to hire people who display similar strengths as yourself. That’s because these strengths are easier to identify since you have experience and interest in said area and more confidence in your evaluation. However, people like you may also have similar blindspots. These blindspots, amplified on a group of people, will become much more detrimental. As a manager, I would want to reduce the number of weak areas on my team.
208. How To Make a Living Freelancing and Working Remotely
Working remotely has become familiar with fewer people working in offices and more from their own homes. Freelancers generally set their own work hours.
209. Cybersecurity Basics, Tech Education and Market Review
Cybersecurity is the protection against cyberattacks from devices linked to the Internet, such as hardware, computer software and data.
210. Syk Houdeib's First Line of Code Was Written at Age 39
Living proof that it's never too late to switch careers, 2020 Noonie Nominee Syk Houdeib (Spain) shares, in this 10-question interview, inspiration for supporting the career development of those from less-represented backgrounds, the most useful advice ever imparted, and what's most worrying in tech right now.
211. 9 Questions Every Great Boss Should Answer
As a manager, without a system in place to measure yourself and actively monitor how you’re doing, you can't identify all the areas that you need to improve on.
212. How To Discover a Coding Mentor
You’re not here to mess around. You want a job that pays you for your technical skills and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to land that job offer. But the journey’s been tough. You’re concerned with if you’re learning the right things. You’re not sure if you’re heading in the right direction. You’ve tried coding something, looked at coding docs, and then realized the docs weren’t that helpful.
213. 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Still An Engineer
I loved being a software engineer, or so I thought. On my last project working as an engineer, I fondly recall spending my weekends writing code to finish any user stories in my queue. It got to the point that I completed my work so far in advance that I was running a few sprints ahead of my team. I started to use my newfound free time during the week to sit in as many application requirement gathering meetings as possible. I began to collaborate more with our design team and shadow interviews with customers about the product we were building. I shifted into more of a mentorship role for our engineering team. At times, I found myself explaining the rationale behind a feature design decision and bouncing ideas around for an architectural approach in the same conversation. It took me a while to reach this career-changing realization; I was more interested in shaping the product than building it.
214. 5 Crucial Career Stages: From Looking For An Internship To Career Growth
Internships are held at the office of a company that already employs professionals in the field.
215. On Career and Passion: Letters to my Daughter
There is an eternal conflict between our internal passions and the external needs of the workforce. Accept this struggle and strive to find meaning.
216. Colombia's Digital Nomad Visa Raises Internet Connectivity Concerns
Let’s explore why digital nomads are drawn to Colombia, what the digital nomad visa offers and which locations offer the most reliable internet connections.
217. How Coding and Other Tech Careers Could Be Impacted By AI and ChatGPT
Since the plow, humans have had a natural wariness over technology that seems to threaten their jobs. It’s a natural anxiety. Factories, plows, and automation legitimately have scaled back the need for human labor. And now technology seems to be coming after jobs that previously appeared to be untouchable.
218. What Tech Newbies Need to Know According to Industry Insiders
When junior or aspiring developers prepare for tech interviews, they tend to focus only on the technical part, which is of course very important.
219. 7 Tips to Make Your Transition to a New IT Job Smoother
When you are going in to a new work environment you will be dealing with a developed office with friendships and traditions already formed. This is a new experience for you and it can be daunting. Follow these seven tips to make your transition to your new IT job smoother.
220. AI Will Eliminate Most Human Jobs by 2030
Last year the BBC reported that Robot automation will 'take 800 million jobs by 2030'. Lucky for most of the people reading this post, developer jobs are safe for the time being. But what is the world going to look like when most manual jobs are taken by machines? What type of effect will this have on our economy? What will happen to the middle class? Do we need Universal Basic Income?
221. Essential Guide to Passive Income & Active Income for Software Developers
I'll be breaking down the differences between passive income and active income, detailing the benefits & drawbacks of each and the route to wealth for each too
222. Reflecting on Five Years of Remote Work at NoDesk
This past July, NoDesk turned five. As part of this milestone, I want to reflect on how and why NoDesk came to be, what’s changed over the years, and talk about what’s next as we all look towards the future of work.
223. How to Build and Grow a Professional Network
In the professional world, your network is your biggest asset in creating or securing those career opportunities.
224. 15 Strategies to Navigate the Job Market in a Covid Economy
You face a very tough job market now — but you can still thrive. Graduates nowadays face a very challenging labor market. Unfortunately, the corona class of 2020, as they are now called, are facing limited job prospects, reduced pay, and a higher risk of unemployment.
225. 10 Tips to Help You Become a Digital Marketing Professional Without a Degree
Are you looking to become a digital marketer but don't want to get a degree? Here are ten ways that you can become one without having it!
226. The Pointless TaskMaster: Why Product Management Might be a BS Job
Explore the concept of the Bullshit job made popular by David Graeber – see how it applies to Product Management.
227. How To Nail Your Next Remote Job Interview
Let's face it, there's a lot that could go wrong in a remote interview. The technical glitches alone could change the whole tone.
228. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 1 of 5: Resumes
With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers
229. Bringing Your Tinder Date to the Company Picnic: 6 Tips From Techloaf
Nice. You’re actually going to do it. You scored a hot date with a lady and you’re bringing her to the company picnic. Nothing like fun, sun, and the staid monotony of trust falls to really let your freak flag fly.Who said you can’t mix business with the off-chance of pleasure? Here are six Loaf tips on surviving your Tinder date at the company picnic.
230. Why My Backend Development Learning Platform Is Not Completely Free
A few days ago I received an email regarding Boot.dev where the sender informed me: I am ideologically opposed to charging people for online education.
231. My Damn Good Advice for Junior Developers
A client emailed me a while back and asked what advice I’d give to someone just starting out on their career.
232. Interview with a Product Manager at Microsoft
Felix is a Product Manager at Microsoft in the Azure cloud services organization. He’s got a very cool background: he’s started his own company and has gone to business school amongst a lot of other things. I had the chance to ask him some questions about his job.
233. When an Employee's Pet Passes, Give Them Time and Space to Grieve
People who know my co-founder (and wife) Rena and me or who follow our cats and dogs on Instagram know we have a Gaffigan-esque number of four-legged family members.
234. Layoffs: Making Sense of Your Future
Hello Everyone,
235. 5 Career Hacks to Landing a Job in Software Development
Your LinkedIn profile can also serve as the first point of contact for your recruiters. But when you want to create one, bear in mind that a good LinkedIn...
236. What Will the Jobs of the Future Look Like?
A look at what the jobs of the future will look like
237. How Can Young People Get an Internship in IT Companies
It is unfortunate that in this current century, in order for one to effectively secure employment, having gone through internship programs is almost a requirement. This is because no company wishes to take the risk of employing a young graduate who has no hands-on experience in the specific field.
238. How to Network Effectively and Enhance Your Career Growth
This article is about why networking is important to your success, and what you can do to improve your networking skills throughout the course of your career.
239. How To Start Learning To Code
Have you decided that you wanted to start coding, but you have no idea where to begin? Well, neither did I, and there's no shame in it. After some months of studying, I've realized the hardest part of coding is just starting (that phrase came too naturally to me, so I think I might have heard it somewhere else).
240. Promoted from Dev to Team Lead: 8 things they didn’t tell me
I was 24 years old. A baby.
241. Things to Consider When Looking For Data Science Roles
There is a great demand for data scientists presenting market dynamics that are favourable for the community. More so than your peers in other professions, you will be able to evaluate a company for what it is able to offer you, rather than solely being the one that is being evaluated. So what should you look for when comparing and evaluating data science roles? Here is a list of some commonly known factors plus some less discussed ones that will help you in your evaluation.
242. Cape Town-Based Ben Mmari Is A New Hacker Noon Contributor to Watch
Benjamin Mmari is based in Cape Town, South Africa, and has been nominated for as one of Hacker Noon's NEW Hacker Noon Contributors To Watch in this year's Noonies awards. In this candid interview, Benjamin Mmari shares his impressive portfolio of dev projects, approach to writing and blogging about the things he builds, and the personal concerns currently keeping him up at night.
243. 5 Things To Ask About the Engineering Team to Avoid Taking a Job From Hell
Anyone with enough job experience knows that some jobs can leave you completely exhausted at the end of the day — while others make you excited, proud, and willing to do more. Sometimes people experience these opposite effects from jobs that are in fact quite similar in terms of responsibilities. So what can account for this difference?
244. 6 Essential Tips to Level Up Your Tech Resume
A good resume is a doorway to an interview and a potential job offer. Here’s the good news: the tech industry is always growing and has many high-paying opportunities. Every year, dozens of new technology companies are founded and new positions for entry-level to managerial-level positions are created.
245. 5 Technology Jobs You Can Apply For in 2030
Little by little, advances in technology and science are setting the scene for the next industrial revolution, which will change our world and lives in unimaginable ways.
246. I've been waking up earlier for a year now—can highly recommend
I’ve been living in Montréal for almost two years now. I’m currently going in vacation in France to see friends and family, for the fifth time in these two years. Montréal is not that far from France. You take off on the evening, and you arrive early on the morning. (Short night though.) For the return it’s even shorter: you land only a couple hours after taking off, thanks to the time shift.
247. What Were the Top IT Jobs of 2021? - An End-of-Year Market Analysis
What are current trends in the IT industry? Which IT jobs are in high demand today? Find the answers in our new article.
248. On The UK's 'Big 4' Breakup, or: "Why Does the Consulting Market Exist?"
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this article, I'd like to briefly outline why I decided to write it. There are few key reasons:
249. The Impostor Syndrome Among Us
Impostor Syndrome is one of the most popular workplace epidemics in the world. It affects people in every profession, irrespective of years of experience.
250. 4 Career Advancing Reminders for Junior Devs
Ask questions, ask for help, always be learning, and participate in code reviews. Often.
251. Top Facebook Behavioral Interview Questions - Part 1
Facebook Behavioral Interviews: How they cover the topics of leadership, time management, ability to deal with disagreement while assessing the right fit.
252. Video Games Can Help Kids Choose Future Careers
Netflix documentary series on video games: High Score. Video games were the exact reasons I chose to study computers in college and work in IT.
253. How To Find A Job As A Software Developer In Japan
Originally published on the Japan Dev Blog
254. Web3 Hustle isn't for the Faint Hearted - Tips from a Noonie Nominee
It's easier than ever for Web2 people to pivot into Web3, but it might not be what you expected. Here's a list of tips so you won't get any nasty surprises!
255. A Guide to Improving Your Focus
How The One Thing Philosophy can help you to concentrate on the right things, improve your focus and really get things done at the end of the day.
256. "AI Can’t 'Think” Like Us Independently," - says Machine Learning Engineer Mani Sarkar
In our new blog series, we’re interviewing data scientists and machine learning engineers about their career paths, areas of interest and thoughts on the future of AI. We kick off this week with a 20-year veteran and jack-of-all-trades when it comes to machine learning and data science: Mani Sarkar. Mani is a strategic machine learning engineer based in London, UK, who believes in getting beyond the theoretical and applying AI to real-world problems.
257. 👨🔬️ Top 10 Data Scientist Skills to Develop to Get Yourself Hired
List of Top 10 Data Scientist skills that guaranteed employment. As well as a selection of helpful resources to master these skills
258. The Journey Of The CTO (Podcast Transcript)
What's it like to be a CTO? 😱 Amy Tom talks to Ravi Mayuram, CTO of Couchbase, about the CTO mindset, Ravi's career journey to CTO, and skill trends in tech. Amy and Ravi talk about education, trends in data, building trust, and more.
259. Ten Things I Wish I Knew at the Start of My IT Career
Following is a list of ten things that might sound so simple to many IT experts but weren’t so obvious at the start of their IT career.
260. 7 Reasons Why Graduates Should Work for A Startup Instead Of A Corporate Job
The most sought-after jobs for generations have generally been the more prestigious graduate positions with large corporate companies such as banks or law firms. This has seen countless talented graduates becoming stuck on that notorious conveyer belt of corporate life. But many graduates over recent years, especially millennials, are finding that these positions aren't that glamorous after all and are ditching corporate jobs to work for a startup instead.
261. Five Lessons Learned After Five Years In The Workforce
The workforce is different from anything in education. Of all the differences here are five lessons learned after half a decade since the author's graduation.
262. What do Spielberg and Zuckerberg Have in Common?
Recently on the Success Story podcast, I had the pleasure of meeting one of America’s greatest business authors – and not just the greatest, but the youngest in U.S. history.
263. Hiring Remote Devs? How to be GDPR Compliant
As the demand for high-quality software engineers increases, employers hiring remotely will find themselves ahead of the competition. This is because hiring remotely allows employers and startup founders to expand their talent pool and hire the best candidate no matter where they live. It also leads to reducing costs and improving employees’ productivity and retention.
264. The Ultimate Project Management Career Guide for 2020
From the desk of brilliant weirdo #1: “What does a project manager really do?” Maybe that’s a question you’ve been asking yourself or others if you have been considering a PM career for a while. To be honest, it’s gonna be quite hard to put all the PM roles under one roof as project managers in one industry can differ from PMs in another. But I’ll do my best to give you a clear image of what it looks like to be a project manager.
265. Hiring Process And Onboarding Virtually During COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a virtual standstill and has millions of us at home. COVID-19 also presents an unprecedented challenge for recruiters — interviewing new candidates, hiring and onboarding them. Keeping these challenges at bay, many companies have turned to virtual hiring as an alternative to traditional hiring.
266. How I Got a Job in Developer Relations
Hello, my name is Alex, and I'm an... Advocate. A Developer Advocate. What does that mean and how do you become one? I'll tell you all of it!
267. How to Get into Tech Without a Tech Background
This article covers 3 key tips for entering the IT field and resources to leverage in order to pursue the path you wish to run towards.
268. IT Market in 2022: Professions, Industries, Hiring
Let's discuss the key trends of IT market in 2022: industries, professions and hiring.
269. 11 Great Tips From A Guy Who Leveled Up From Intern To Dev
This is an article that expresses a few major learnings I would like to take away and mistakes I wouldn’t want to commit again from my journey
270. From Farm To Data - A Tech Career in Product Marketing (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, and Rob Hedgpeth, Developer Advocate at MariaDB about their careers.
271. 5 Lessons from My First 90 Days in Tech
Advice and lessons learned from 3 months working as a product manager in the technology industry.
272. Here's Why You Should Take The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam
In 2004, I was eager for a challenge. I embarked on an adventure of completing a Computer Science Bachelors degree. Fast forward to today and the adventure continues. I’ve been building products for 12 years for a variety of industries from finance to ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality and more.
273. How the Job Market Is Being Misrepresented to You
Here are some ways job seekers are misinformed about the job market.
274. The 16 Highest-Paying Cities for Investment Bankers in the U.S
Investment bankers can earn some hefty pay, helping to make it one of the most popular careers on Wall Street. What do they get paid in U.S cities?
275. 8+ Portfolio and Resume Templates to To Showcase Your Skills 💼✨
A professional-looking portfolio and a well-written resume are both essential to succeed in the job-seeking phase.
276. How to Ace Your Interview Assignment to Land Your Next Front-end Job
Let’s have a quick look at how to make your next front-end interview assignment look as good as possible.
277. From a Googler's Scratchpad — How to Shape Your Resume for a Google Job Interview
Google Job Interview tips, Resume writing tips for FAANG
278. The Advantage of Hiring Older Workers
Older workers are often discriminated against in the hiring process, and companies are losing valuable resources due to this practice.
279. Getting a Mentor: Is it Worth It?
I’ve learned a lot in the last year. In April 2018 I coded a small project called “MentorCruise”. Since then, 130 mentors have registered, 400 mentorships were formed and 2,000 people signed up. Time to look back.
280. A Brief PSA for Programmers: On Managing Up
One of the things that all new managers who move from leading a team of engineers to leading managers have in common is, well, frustration.
281. 4 Focus Areas for New Engineering Managers Who Give a D.A.M.N.
Management is just doing The D.A.M.N job: providing Direction; fostering Alignment; maintaining Motivation, and making sure there's No Blockers.
282. How to Grow as a Developer if You Live in a Small Town [Story Behind the Coder]
By Sergey Zhuk
283. How To Start Your Tech Career in 2021
In this post, I'll share some specific action points that can help you transition to a tech career in 2021.
284. What Do Product Managers Do?
I no longer assume I know what someone actually does when they say they are a Product Manager. This year, I had a chance to have over 40 or so 1:1s with folks from outside of work in different stages of their product management journey. No two roles were the same. I distilled our conversations into one picture in an attempt to put a unifying model to the various flavors of product management discipline out there.
285. 10 Tips For Junior Developers To Succeed in Code
Here are 10 tips for junior developers that will help you get started on the right foot
286. You Can Be a Coding Hero Too: Do Not Fear Trying
"Everybody with the right attitude can learn to code."
287. 10 Ideas To Make You A Better Product Manager
Today, there are so many ways to learn how to be a better product manager. There are books, courses and articles which will teach you the various skills and techniques you need to know. But in this article, I don't want to talk about these. Instead, I want to share some ideas from other disciplines, like economics, psychology and manufacturing that changed the way I think and made me a better product manager. I hope they spark interest and do the same for you!
288. Do you Need to be Great at Math to Start a Career In Cybersecurity?
Do you really need to be great at Math to have a career in CyberSecurity? Find out more in this YouTube video from CyberSecurity Engineer - Grant Collins.
289. The Secrets to Building a World-Class Software Engineering Team to Create Cutting-Edge Products
Skilled IT workers are challenging to find and keep – and the talent shortage is bound to continue in 2022. But there’s a recipe that’s guaranteed to work...
290. The New Future of Work Paradigm
The New Future of Work Paradigm
291. How to Find Jobs in the Web3 Industry
No experience with coding? No problem. There’s lots of room in web3. Here's a few tips for job searching in the space.
292. The 36 Highest Paying Cities for Management Consultants in the US
Here is everything you might want to know about what a management consultant does and how much someone can earn in the role.
293. Top 5 Career Options and Online Courses for Python Developers (2021)
Here are a few job roles that you can fill after completing your Python learning.
294. Talent for Tech? Job Tips From 5 Top Women in Tech
As the technology sector expands, there are exponential opportunities for people from all backgrounds and disciplines to carve out new careers for yourself.
295. How to Become a Game Developer in 2022
Are you planning on becoming a Game Developer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a Game Developer in 2022.
296. For Developers: How To Prepare for a Job Interview
Last week a friend asked me about interviews, it’s a good question because in our career we passed for a lot of interviews, sometimes to get a good job, change companies or probably you will be the interviewer, today I will try to cover both points of views to manage an Interview.
297. What Google Search Data Can Tell Us About The Future Of Careers
On August 15th 2019, high school students in the UK received their A-level results.
298. 5 Successful Strategies for Finding a Job in Tech
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people search for jobs, but it is still possible to find a rewarding tech job. To make your job-hunt successful, utilize multiple strategies at the same time. Let’s take a look at the most effective ones.
299. The Surprising Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Software Engineers
Discover the numerous benefits of intermittent fasting for software engineers, including weight loss, improved cognitive function, and better health.
300. Three Growth Strategies for Individual Contributors
My first real job in programming started on July 5th, 2007, which means I have just over twelve years of experience as I write this. It’s a lot more than nothing, but probably not much more than something. Ten years seems to be about the right amount of time to get good at something, though some amount of natural talent or sheer drive can make it go faster. But growth is not as simple as waiting it out and talent does not supersede the need for experience.
301. A Look at the Trends in Developer Jobs: A Meta Analysis of Stack Overflow Surveys
I'm really interested in the trends we see in the software engineering job market.
302. Want to Break into Product Management? – Here's How I Started
To become a product manager, I had to first ascertain what transferrable skills I had that would be relevant in product management and was ready to develop new ones that I did not yet have.
303. How to Negotiate The Salary You Deserve
Take a chance and negotiate your salary with your employer! The possibility of achieving a substantial pay raise or better job benefits makes this worth it.
304. What Startup Equity Compensation Means For Developers: Part I
It’s not a secret that most founders get most of the equity because they quit their jobs, fundraise money, or put on their own to start a venture.
305. How To Build Your Self Esteem
Self-esteem refers to how we view and respect ourselves. Because it is founded on our views and beliefs about ourselves, changing them can be challenging.
306. Should You Care About Your Cover Letter?
Few years ago, when I was leading one of the top Belgian Applicant Tracking System, I had the opportunity to work closely with many HR professionals. Throughout my career I also hired a lot of people myself both for my companies and for others. As I keep seeing this topic arising on LinkedIn I went back to my blogging archives to republish an article on cover letters. I can’t wait to get your feedback.
307. Will it Rain Today? Forecast Weather using Python
In this blog post, we will learn how to forecast weather details. We will see the implementation in Python with hardly a few lines of code.
308. So you want to do marketing for a tech company… (part 3)
Okta’s 7 year path to IPO (source: Equityzen)
309. 5 Best Career Path for Experienced Java Developers
If you are an experienced developer or a senior Java programmer, like someone with more than 5 to 8 years of experience, and wondering how to get to the next level, then you have come to the right place.
310. An Honest Look at Remote Working Pros and Challenges
By Adam Fard, founder of adamfard.com a UX Design Agency
311. The 7 Simplest Habits of Highly Effective Founders
How Startup Owners Can Boost Their Productivity: Simple Tips That Really Work.
312. The Pursuit of Dopeness
New decade, new you. (Okay it’s usually a new year, not a decade but you get the picture.
313. Transitioning from Engineer to Product Manager: My Founder's Story
In this post, I'll try to share my experience on learning product manager’s job as a software engineer. What the job is like, what’s involved, as an introvert can you be a become a product manager, and many other questions you might have. I am a technical co-founder of a product management app called Shipit and needed to put myself into the role of product manager to learn the intricacies of the job.
314. Working with Job Recruiters: Everything You Might Want to Know
This is everything you might want to know about job recruiters from a 20-plus-year veteran of the recruiting industry.
315. Gonna fly now: why I've left Silicon Valley's lions for Vultr
Do you ever feel like an underdog? And that sometimes all that’s left is scraps?
If you can relate, then I think you’ll enjoy my Silicon Valley career story.
316. In First-Person Experience: Why Should You Become a Linux Foundation Intern?
Last year, I was a mentee at the Hyperledger Summer Internship program, hosted by Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation.Here, I share with you some of the processes. A trick for applying is to build up some skills and to investigate the topic of the internship beforehand, if possible. Showing enthusiasm, and a sense of mission also helps. After applying, I got to know my mentor, David Huseby. Dave explained what he expected from the now realized blockchain course:Enterprise Blockchain Technologies (https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/university-course).The program was nicely paced, with my course being delivered in four phases. You can check the progress here: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/INTERN/Build+a+university+course+on+Hyperledger+Fabric+using+Hyperledger+Umbra
317. Connecting on LinkedIn: A Guide to Getting Interviews and Landing Job Offers
Go to LinkedIn. Scroll through jobs. Find postings you may have a good chance of getting hired for. Click on a job posting. Upload resume. Submit. Repeat, over and over.
318. How Improving Writing Skills Can Help Software Developers Succeed
I started writing because the generous community of programmers had helped me by sharing their knowledge freely over the Internet. I wanted to contribute to this incredible trend so I could be a part of something bigger than myself.
319. 3 Real SQL Questions Asked During Technical Interviews
I love to engage with my readers and learn about what their concerns are when it comes to the technical interview. In this article, I’ll go through a question from a reader and 3real SQL questions that were asked during technical screenings from real companies.
320. What I Learned from My Microsoft Product Management Internship
How to have a successful product management internship
321. How to Create the Perfect UX Portfolio
Quite often, beginning designers contact me on Instagram asking:
322. How to Create a Killer Resume for Your First IT Job
323. How Aspiration Killed My Motivation
Never get too close to the sun
324. How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2022 (with Resources)
Want to become a DevOps Engineer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a DevOps engineer.
325. 3 Non-Technical Qualities of a Great Software Engineer
There are many software engineer qualities that will make you stand out. Among them, these 3 are crucial for you to become a great software engineer and leave t
326. How to Effectively Plan a Startup Equity Distribution?
Learn how to plan your early-stage startup's startup equity distribution effectively.
327. What it Means to be a Senior Software Engineer
How can we measure whether an engineer deserves to receive the Senior title? What engineers should do to get to this stage of career development?
328. Why is There Not Enough Software Engineers?
“The tech industry is thriving. It’s expanding almost three times faster than the rest of the UK economy and it’s nearly worth £184bn.”
329. Why Working in a Startup Is More Rewarding Than a Career in Big-Tech
Five reasons of why working in a startup might be more rewarding than position in a big-name company for specialists, who are focused on career achievements.
330. Rethinking IT Recruitment: The Traditional Ways of Assessing Candidates Have Got to Go
The hiring process has been changing. For a long time, the companies decided which talents fit them most — the time has come to let the talents choose the best
331. How I Successfully Ended My One Week Job Hunt
After spending months studying front end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Git), and weeks building my portfolio, I landed a job in one week!
332. 20 Companies With Remote Tech Jobs
FlexJobs recently compiled a list of 20 companies that commonly hire for work-from-home IT jobs
333. How to Get Qualified to Work in Big Data for Decision Intelligence
Decision intelligence, Data Stories, and Data Cloud Services are the three trends that are ranking high in the Data Analytics 2021.
334. How to Prepare for a Product Manager Interview [Part 3-From Zero to Product Manager]
This article is Part 3 of the ongoing series From Zero to Product Manager. A set of articles that help you transition to a Product Management role. In this post, I provide tips to look for jobs and prepare for your interview.
335. Data Scientist vs. Software Engineer - Key Differences Explained
The data scientist is emerging as a new career option. Software engineering is an older discipline that has already made its perfect place in the IT world.
336. Please Stop Using Stupid Puzzles in Job Interviews
“Sam’s uncle’s mother’s brother’s sister’s daughter’s grandfather’s name is John. How are Sam and John related?” We need you to stop.
337. How Developers Should Invest Their Time
In today’s, in the past and probably in the future world — the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we have to make the most out of it to succeed in life.
338. How I Became a Web Developer at 17
In this article, I describe my story of becoming a Web Developer at 17, working with real-world clients and projects.
339. Data Science As A Career: 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro
12 steps for those looking to build a career in Data Science from scratch. Below there is a guide to action and a scattering of links to useful resources.
340. I Asked #DevTwitter for Advice for Junior Developers; got 50+ Responses
What I would say to myself if I could travel to my past.
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