Let's learn about React Native via these 237 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
In case you wanted to complicate native app development by adding web-based technologies.
1. React Native and XCode 10
How do you get react-native init to work for now
2. How to Deploy a React Application With Firebase Hosting
In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can deploy react applications within a few minutes by using Firebase.
3. 2022’s Top 5 React Native UI Libraries
Let's list down some of the best React Native UI libraries available that not only help you use a robust approach but also offer quality support for platforms.
4. Using Core Node JS Modules in React Native Apps
Here’s a problem you might run into while using React Native: Let’s say you want to use the crypto module to create some hashes. It might seem natural to do something like this:
5. Firebase Auth using Facebook Log-In in Expo, React Native
Originally published on melvinkoh.me
6. First experiences with React Native: bridging an iOS native module for app authentication
Photo by Liu Zai Hou on Unsplash
7. Building a Music Streaming App using React Native
React Native is a framework for building native apps using React and Javascript. In this post, I’ll walk through the process of building a music streaming similar to Spotify. What’s really cool is that the exact same code is going to work for both iOS and Android, and the apps are going to be 100 % native (no WebViews or anything).
8. Optimize React Native Map in Your Applications [A How To Guide]
Four ways to make your React Native map become a lot faster and more responsive.
9. Strengthen TLS in React Native through Certificate Pinning
Enhance React Native’s networking API protection without touching your Javascript code or manually editing the native code projects.
10. CromaApp: My First React Native App After 7 Years of Backend Development
Well, I had done some javascript development(node.js) in the past but javascript has changed a lot after ES-6. TIll now my main focus has been backend development in java and ruby(RoR mainly). I am going to share my experience on writing my first react native app.
11. React Native eCommerce Templates - 2019 Edition [My Top 5 Picks]
Establishing online store, e-commerce websites and applications have been a growing trend in the modern world. Due to the utmost feasibility and efficiency of customer attraction from digital or online marketing, online stores and e-commerce sites are growing rapidly. In the near future, there is a high possibility that every real-world store will set up its own on online store application or website. There is speedy growth of published e-commerce application in app stores. Mobile e-commerce application has been a growing trend nowadays. As more customers switch from PC to mobile platforms, pretty much any online store needs to have its own mobile application. This is where the React Native eCommerce template come in extremely handy.
12. First experiences with React Native: bridging an Android native module for app authentication
Photo by NGO TUNG on Unsplash
13. Recording Audio in React Native
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to record and play audio to React Native apps. We are going to build a simple screen that supports features such as recording audio, playing audio files, pausing and resuming, as well as resetting audio streams. The final app will look like the image below.
14. Share Code between React and React Native Apps
Developers are adopting Higher Order Components (HOC) Stateless Functional Components, and for good reason: they make it easier to achieve code reuse, a coveted aspiration of developers.
15. The React Developer RoadMap
An illustrated guide to becoming a Read JS Developer with links to relevant courses
16. How to Design a Splash Screen With Expo and React Native
You have made a great app and of course, why not publish it right? But then you open your expo app and see the default boring splash screen provided by Expo.
17. No Mac, No Problem: How to Write Native iOS Apps, Sans Apple
Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash
18. How to Add NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription Key to Info.plist File in Your iOS App
We received a message from iOS App Team about adding NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key in Info.plist file. Our last build was rejected for this specific reason.
19. Executing Heavy Tasks Without Blocking the Main Thread on Flutter
On Flutter everything runs on a single (main) isolate and executes only one operation at a time. This means while your app is doing strenuous work, you will lose the interaction and the UI will freeze. We can create new isolates and do the heavy work there, but every isolate can reach only its own memory, and if you have to use a large set of data it won't be very optimal because we have to copy the large data from one isolate to another, and it can still block the main isolate while doing that.
Every situation requires a different approach but in most cases we can solve them on the main isolate using an event queue optimally. Let me show you one of these approaches.
20. SQLite vs Realm: Which Database to Choose in 2021?
Image a situation wherein you have just launched your app. But the data of your app is not being properly displayed or you are not able to fetch the data that is being entered by the users. What will be the impression of your app in the user’s mind?
21. Does Expo Support React Native Web?
Short answer: Yes, expo supports react NATIVE web since SDK version 33.
22. React Native Vs. Flutter: A Comparison of Pros and Cons
Mobile apps market is projected to hit $188.9 billion in revenue by the year 2020. With rising popularity of mobile apps, it has become mandatory for businesses to have their own mobile apps. All kinds of businesses-- whether a startup or an enterprise-- want to develop advanced mobile apps quickly and at less cost.
23. How to Create Different Gradient Backgrounds in React Native Application
Gradients bring out a colorful taste in our apps. So it’s important to know how and when to use them in your mobile apps. In React Native, gradients are extremely easy to integrate and in this article we are going to describe exactly how to implement them. There are mainly two types of linear gradients in React Native and CSS: Linear and Radial gradient
24. Virtual DOM, Reconciliation And Diffing Algorithm Explained Simply
Ever wondered what makes react so fast ? Here's a detailed explanation why react is fast and what is virtual DOM.
25. Signing In with Apple in React-Native App [A How-To Guide]
Image Source : WebsOptimization
26. 10 Best React Native Chart Libraries
Representing statistical data in plain text or paragraphs, tables are pretty boring in my opinion. What about you?
27. React Native Vs Ionic Vs Xamarin [A Comparison]
It is not wrong if we say that we are living on our mobile phone screens and our world has been succumbed within mobile phone applications. There is a huge development market for smart phone application development. There have been popular mobile applications generating revenue cycles that are hard to ignore. Some of the popular mobile phone applications in the running are: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.
28. How To Publish Your Expo Application To The App Stores Using Release Channels
There is no more need to create and upload a new version each time. This allows you to avoid going through the App Store's long and painful review process all over again.
29. Strengthen TLS in React Native Through Certificate Pinning — iOS Edition
Enhance React Native’s networking API protection on Android and iOS without touching your Javascript code or manually editing the native code projects.
30. What Are The Best Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks: 2020 Edition
Written by Yuriy Luchaninov, JavaScript Group Leader at MobiDev.
Microsoft replaced React Native with Electron for a new version of Skype on Windows 10. Meanwhile, the Shopify engineering team decided to build all-new mobile apps using React Native. While the Google team is releasing a new version of Dart DevTools for performance analysis and debugging of Flutter code, Microsoft is working on .NET MAUI - the next generation framework for building native cross-platform apps across mobile and desktop.
31. Native Android or iOS vs React Native: Which One to Choose?
Confused whether to go for a Android/ iOS or React Native platform for your new mobile application’s development? This guide will help you out in deciding.
32. How To Cache Images in an Expo Managed React Native App
Caching images in React Native can be easy, even if you are using Expo's managed workflow. The problem many devs run into is that React Native only supports caching images on IOS out of the box.
33. Flutter Vs. React Native: FAQs for Every Developer
Two technologies that help create mobile apps are earning a lot of traction- for all the good reasons- React Native and Flutter.
34. Send Push Notifications via OneSignal by Building a React Native app [A How-To Guide]
Happy to write here. In this blog, let us see how to send push notification using Onesignal, a push notification service. We are going to build a simple react native app, just to receive notifications.
35. React Native Basics: Implementing Infinite Scroll
React Native is without any doubt a strong and powerful solution. It opens the world of cross-platform app development for a much wider audience of software engineers who aren’t familiar with native technologies. But it might at the same time be quite difficult to implement complex things when you’ve just started learning. In this short tutorial, I want to give a step-by-step guide on how to implement one of them — infinite scroll.
36. 12 Fun Challenges to Learn React Native
So you want to learn React Native? Here's 12 exercises to that will help you do that.
37. How to Get Started on React Native in 2020
Interested in learning React Native? Let’s build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
38. 7 Best Free Platforms To Learn React
React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building modern applications. React takes care of the view layer and can be used to create both web and mobile applications.
39. Beginners Guide to Get Started with Unit Testing in React Native
40. React Native Animation Guide
React Native Animation is an interesting topic56 where a dull application could be converted into an interactive and beautiful app. When you first login into an application, the thing which impresses us the most is interface and its interactivity. Working with animations could look a bit overwhelming at first but it is essentially a process of just 3 steps.
41. React-Native Background Location Module For Android
This post will cover a topic that has been key in many applications and will focus on a solution working fully on the background and the most interesting part of all: working from Android 4.4 (SDK 19) to the most recent version at the time of writing which is Android Oreo (SDK 27).
42. The Best React Native UI Component Kits To Use In 2021
React Native was created by Facebook to accelerate and reduce the cost of developing mobile applications. It is clear that React Native is currently the best solution for creating cross-platform mobile applications.
43. Creating a ride booking app with React Native
In this tutorial we’ll create a ride-booking app with React Native and Pusher. The app that we’ll create will be similar to popular ride-booking apps like Uber, Lyft or Grab.
44. 15 VSCode Extensions to Boost your Productivity in React
In this article, I will share the VSCode extensions I used for react development and productivity.
45. Building an Online Covid Testing Application Using Eyeson
Rex Solution used the eyeson API to add live video, audio, data and to store recordings easily to the covid testing application project.
46. So, How are Observability and Monitoring Different, Actually?
The similarities and differences between monitoring and observability and how to pair the two strategies
47. Top 6 Databases for React Native App Development
In this post, we are reviewing the best databases for React Native to help you create your new app.
48. Why Learn Any Other Programming Language When You Can Learn Typescript?
Use TypeScript in all your projects and all use cases without any limitation. You can now do frontend, backend, infrastructure and machine learning in one progr
49. "I'm worried about the divide between good and bad developers" - Karan Shah, Noonie Nominee
The Noonies help us find the best Hacker Noon contributors, creating content that helps make developer's lives easier. One of our impressive nominees is Karan Shah from India.
50. Sign In with Apple + Expo React Native + Firebase + Mac m1
Learn how to implement sign in with apple in a step-by-step tutorial.
51. How to Ask Users for App Ratings and Open Google Play Store (React Native)
User ratings are very valuable to business as they play a crucial part in people's purchasing decisions; be it restaurants, movie tickets or in the current context, our react native app. You must have seen prompts when you are surfing through any android app or playing games, that ask you to rate the app in google play store.
52. Top 5 React Native Starter Kits to Try | Review Guide 2021
Top 5 React Native starter kits with all ready-to-use components to build your first mobile app faster.
53. 10 Questions for Aswin Ganesh, Noonie Nominee for Functional Programming
The 2020 #Noonies are here! And they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Aswin Ganesh from India, who’s has been nominated for Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Functional Programming category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world in 10 questions, from the perspective of Aswin.
54. Why Use the Pressable Component Over the Touchable Components
A definitive guide on when you should use the Pressable component and when you should (or shouldn't) use the Touchable components.
55. How to Start Simulator Without Using Android Studio and Xcode: An Essential Guide
Life is too short to start our simulator using conventional ways. Here is the hack.
56. Do's and Don’ts to Manage Remote React Native Developers
Effectively & efficiently managing remote developers can be challenging. This article explains the do's and don'ts of managing remote react native developers.
57. How to Publish On the App Store
How to publish an app to the app store. Using react native, expo, eas, MongoDB, Express, AWS, and Git to publish a full-stack app to the Apple app store.
58. Set or Update New Title and Meta Tag - Angular
Set or Update new Title and Meta Tag- Angular
59. Why Small Businesses Should Invest in PWAs Instead of Native Apps?
With the world’s largest growing companies to highest-earning startups such as Starbucks, Twitter, and Uber are already using PWAs to keep pace with evolving market trends. The introduction of progressive web development has changed the way we think about mobile app development. Not just enterprises but it is an efficient solution for small businesses that are willing to leverage the capabilities of mobile apps at cost-effective prices.
60. Checkers on React - Part 3 - Figure
61. React Native - The Future of Mobile App Development
React Native gives you full freedom to choose the tools, architecture, and extensive libraries for developing a mobile app.
62. The Ugly Side of React Hooks
In this post, I will share my own point of view about React Hooks, and as the title of this post implies, I am not a big fan.
63. Easier Charting in React Native Using Apache ECharts — the Solution You Have Been Looking for
We have developed an open-source graphics library for react native APP, which is based on Apache ECharts and uses RNSVG or RNSkia for rendering.
64. Building a Documentation Website for Your Open-source Project Using Docusaurus
If you're interested in building a documentation website for your open-source project, this guide can be a great reference.
65. How to Improve Your Web Development Process With React
React is a powerful JavaScript library that has revolutionized the way developers build web applications.
66. How to Develop a Progressive Web App with React
This article will show you how to develop progressive web app with react. You can follow the steps and create an offline-first application that works across mul
67. How to Integrate the Paytm Payment Gateway in Your React Native Apps
A step-by-step guide to integrating the paytm payment gateway in React Native Apps.
68. How I Approached My Organization's Rebranding As a Software Engineer
An engineer's journey to solving tech debt while rebranding a mobile application from Agora to Kojo.
69. Developing Cross-platform Mobile Applications with Xamarin
Xamarin is a cross-platform development tool that allows building truly cross-platform mobile apps with power-packed functionality and native user experience.
70. How to Make Beautiful, Easy-to-read Charts with React Native Gifted Charts
The most complete library for Bar, Line, Area, Pie, and Donut charts in React Native. Allows 2D, 3D, gradient, animations and live data updates.
71. How To Build a WhatsApp Clone in React Native: Beginner’s Guide [Part 2]
A Non-Comparable WhatsApp Clone made using react-native (Expo) and Firebase
72. How to Add a Custom Font to a React Native Project
I just started learning React Native and I have to admit that, it’s super easy to start with and hot-reloading makes it amazing to develop and reload the application in no time.
73. Creating a SPA that behaves as MPA with React
Take advantage of React virtual DOM and create a single page application that behaves as a multiple page application. React Router DOM is a great tool to make this possible; in this article, I will explain how to use it.
74. How To Send Emails with Nodejs and EmailJS Module
It’s 2021 and JavaScript has taken over the development landscape. At this point there is a JavaScript library or framework for everything. So you have a few different options if you want to send emails directly from your browser side code. For example you can always just include your email handle in a link. If your users have their system set up correctly a simple click will open their email account with your email in the mailto: slot(aka send). However as a developer this seems less than ideal because it requires that your users have the proper set up to handle the action.
75. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #14: Implementing Settings Screen
Now, we need to goto Setting.js file and implement a Contact menu option UI in order to navigate to the Contact screen. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet in the Setting.js file:
76. For Both Android & iOS: Top 6 Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks
A list of the top Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks that you can use to build mobile apps.
77. How to Protect React Native Apps With Jscrambler
In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to protect your React Native mobile application with Jscrambler to prevent code theft and tampering.
78. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #18: Changing Theme Functionality
79. What is React Native Used For: A Short Guide
React Native what is? For those who do not know, React Native or RN is an open-source framework that allows you to build apps on multiple platforms like iOS or Android and web applications, using the very same code base.
80. React vs Angular: A Fresh Look at This Programming Debate
In this blog, we'll look at Angular and React, their capabilities, and how ReactJS differs from AngularJS in the sections ahead.
81. Getting started with React Native for Windows & macOS
News flash! React Native is not only for mobile development. It can also be used to create desktop apps for Windows and macOS. Learn how to get started with it.
82. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #11: Remove Bookmark Feature
Here, we are going to implement the removing of the bookmark from the articles. This case is simpler than saving the bookmarks. Here, we are going to define a function called removeBookMark. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet:
83. How to Lazy Load React Components with an Intersection Observer
Learn how to improve the performance of your application by lazy loading react components using the intersection observers
84. Embedding Phaser3 Games into React 18 Function Components with useEffects
At its simplest implementation, you can use this pattern to add Phaser3 Games and treat them like a GIF animation on steroids.
85. Finding the Best Chat API: Should You Develop Your Own or Use a Third-Party Solution?
When searching for the best chat API, there are pros and cons to building your own or paying for a third-party solution, and we'll help you decide what is best.
86. The Quick Guide To Thinking Scientifically About Your Acne
"For every complex problem, there's a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong." - H.L. Mencken
87. From Native to React Native
React Native brings down the time to fast prototyping app ideas from weeks to hours, by abstracting out the underlying device on which to deploy the app.
88. Cross-Platform App Development – Is Flutter a Worthy Choice?
Get answers to 'Is Flutter a Worthy Choice for your app development?' Read this detailed guide on Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development.
89. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #12: Creating Categories Screen
Here, we are going to implement the Categories screen. This screen will contain the list of categories related to the article posts. And on clicking on these categories, we will navigate to the posts which are based on that respective category.
90. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #3 : Drawer menu
This tutorial is the third and final part of our Amazon UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the highlight gallery and recommendation section. This part of the tutorial is the continuation of where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part for full-on insight and development of the overall project.
91. React Native Car Parking Finder App UI Clone #4 : Map Markers
This tutorial is the fourth part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the last part, we successfully implemented the car parking spots section. In this part of the tutorial series, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight and development of the project.
92. Build a Simple Todo App with React Native and TypeScript
How To Setup React Native and Create a Simple ToDo App
93. Car Parking Finder App UI Clone with React Native #3 : Parking Spot Cards
This tutorial is the third part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the scrolling transition of car parking spots. In this tutorial, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get the full insight into the project.
94. Tutorial: How to Integrate Google Maps into React Native
You might have seen Google Maps in almost all the apps these days. Some mobile apps are displaying their outlet locations, track users (like Uber), showing nearby places, etc. So, it shows the importance of maps support in mobile apps. Today, we are going to integrate Google Maps in a React Native app step by step, using the popular React Native Maps package.
95. We Built An Open-Source Backend Server for Web & Mobile Developers: AppWrite v0.5 [Announcement]
Built-in, automated SSL, custom domains, new authentication features, dark mode, and more! After a lot of work and anticipation from our developers’ community, I am really excited to announce the release of version 0.5 of the Appwrite back-end server.
96. How to Add Icons and Splash Screen in React Native (Without Library)
Today, I faced the following challenge at my internship: to modify/implement a splash screen and an icon for the project I am working on.
97. React Native Car Parking Finder App UI Clone #5: Header Section
This tutorial is the fifth part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the last part, we successfully implemented the Map Markers in MapView section. In this part of the tutorial series, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through all the previous parts of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight and development of the project.
98. Introducing React Server Components
React Server Components enable us to render React components on the server to improve the overall performance of an app.
99. React Native Travel Article App UI Clone #5 : Animated Delimiter Dots
This tutorial is the fifth part of our React Native Travel Article App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Recommendation Section on our List Screen. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts in order to get the knowledge and insight into the overall project.
100. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #2 : Recommendations View
This tutorial is the second part of our Amazon UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the menu bar section as well as the simple content section. This part of the tutorial is the continuation of where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part for better full-on insight and implementation of the overall project.
101. 5 Successful Hybrid App Frameworks that will Mould the Way of App Development in 2021
Here are 5 best hybrid app framework and help you to choose the best for you.
102. Why React Native Framework is a Preferred Hybrid Mobile App Platform
Cross-Platform Frameworks have gained popularity over Native mobile development over the years. The primary advantage in using Cross-Platform development approach is that it saves time and reduces development expenses as it uses the same code across Android and iOS platforms.
103. How React Native App Development can be a cost effective solution for Mobile App Development
Over the last decade or so, Mobile Apps have played a very crucial role in shaping up the future of businesses, both large and small. As a result, it is has become mandatory for companies to include a mobile app, in its business promotion scheme of things. Businesses, old or new, small orbig, all are looking at enhancing their prospects, with the potential of amobile app.
104. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #5: Home Screen
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
105. How to Make Whatsapp Clone in React Native: A Beginner’s Guide [Part 1]
How I made a WhatsApp Clone using react-native (Expo) and FireBase.
106. How to Understand the Difference Between Function & Class Components in React
Class Components provide access to more features like (state), but with Hooks that's not valid anymore.
107. A Beginner's Guide to Performance Optimization Using React.memo()
React.memo is a higher-order component provided by React that will return a memoized version of the component that only changes if one of the props has changed. It is the same as PureComponent but instead of classes React.memo is used for functional components.
108. Increase Performance of React Applications Via Array JavaScript Methods
We know the array methods of javascript. We used it in simple programming, right? But today we will see how to use it in real life programming.
109. Adding GIFs to Your React Native Application Using Giphy API
Giphy is the largest library providing one of the most popular forms of media widely used for chatting – GIFs or Graphics Interchange Format and stickers. The most popular social media apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Slack, Skype and Twitter (to mention a few) use Giphy’s technology to provide GIF content and Stickers for their chat users to improve the chatting experience.
110. Is There a High Demand for React Programmers?
React.js is one of the most demanding frameworks on the market; it is now used by 31.3 percent of all professionals globally. Netflix, PayPal, eBay, Airbnb, and other leading IT companies utilise the tool to develop scalable, easy-to-maintain systems. Why are corporations so interested in implementing React.js?
111. Flutter vs. React Native - What to Choose in 2021?
With many startups choosing Flutter for MVP development recently, React Native is facing tough competition from Flutter.
112. Turning Your Website Into A Mobile App Really Fast With React Native
Every day more and more people spend their time on mobile platforms, especially when it comes to shopping and entertainment. Successful companies such as Amazon that initially launched only a website, have now also established their mobile presence.
113. How to Boost Your Coding Productivity with Plop
I can’t remember when I first heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder”, but I’m always on the lookout for ways to improve my coding productivity and get the most out of my time, especially when writing code or managing projects. I recently discovered Plop, a micro-generator framework, and now I wonder how I ever managed without it!
114. How We're Building an Open-Source Google Photos Alternative with React Native
We built an opensource alternative of Google Photos using react-native, to showcase the project "box", which aims to liberate people's data and privacy by web3
115. How to Implement Video Ads in React Native Apps
A guide on how to add inline video ads to your react native iOS app
116. Premium Chat Module For Your React Native App
At Instamobile, we’re building a ton of complex features to save time and energy for React Native developers across the world. One of these complex features is the chat functionality, which is a must have in almost all mobile apps nowadays. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to add a React Native Chat into any mobile app with only a few lines of code.
117. React Native Apple App of the Day Animation Part I : Setup UI
In this tutorial, we are going to create React Native Shared Element Transition by replicating Apple app of the day as an example. This tutorial will address an interesting aspect of using React Animation and Dimensions to making images look cool. Here, we are not going to use any external react plugins. All the required components like Image, Animated, Dimensions are provided by the react-native package.this tutorial inspired from React native ecommerce template
118. Making the Case for Why React Native is Garbage
Ex-Google/ex-Facebook TechLead presents the case against the React Native cross-platform mobile app framework. Join my interview training prep here http://techinterviewpro.com/
119. [DIY] AirBnB Clone with React Native Part 5: Loading Modal Implementation
AirBnB Clone with React Native Part 5: Loading Modal Implementation
120. Localizing Your React-Native App [A How-To Guide]
Localization means adapting your app’s translations to suite your customers’ specific country or region. Supporting multiple languages (including RTL) is a critical feature for any successful mobile app, since it opens up the user base to a much larger pool of people, and also improves the user experience tremendously.
121. How To Debug React Native Debugger
React Native Debugger is a powerful tool that helps developers debug React Native applications more quickly. It provides a suite of impressive features, such as UI inspector, redux inspector, breakpoints and networking inspector. In this article, we are going to learn how to install and use the React Native Debugger, which will boost your development productivity by an order of magnitude.
122. 20 JavaScript Libraries Every Programmer Should Know
A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript that allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications
123. A New Two Repo Approach to React Native Development That Will Help You Boost Team Efficiency
Develop React Native code without building the native binaries, or work on the native parts without the business logic in JS? You can have both, here's how!
124. A Guide to Embedding and Playing YouTube Videos in React Native Apps
Embedding and playing YouTube videos in your React Native app is seamless and a more affordable way of displaying videos in your app
125. Learning React Native Has Never Been Easier For A Beginner In 2021
If you already have some programming experience and you’re interested in learning React Native, there are a few methods that are faster than the traditional route of learning. Most tutorials, books and courses are targeted towards non-programmers, wasting your time with the basics. But if you have programming experience, here’s how to learn React Native practically in a fraction of the time.
126. Hermes Performance on iOS Compared to JavaScriptCore (JSC)
Hermes is now available on iOS as of React Native 0.64 – the latest version of React Native comes with support for the Hermes engine on iOS. We describe the full process of bringing Hermes to iOS in a series of articles:
127. How to Provide Support for React Native Apps on the macOS Platform
React Native is a framework developed by Facebook that is used to build the application on native platforms. It is preferred by most developers, due to its speed, agility, and ability to build hybrid applications in multiple platforms with an interactive user interface (UI).
128. How To Localize A React Application Using Transifex Native
At Transifex, we have been using Transifex Native for some time now to localize our React applications and we would like to showcase how easily you could do it in your application too.
129. 60fps: Powerful Tricks & Tools To Stop TypeScript and Javascript Jank
Keep web apps and sites smooth and interactive while processing with these tricks and tools.
130. Reduce initial app setup time by 80% In React Native
React-Native has become one of the most emerging frameworks nowadays. It has got so many powerful features like, cross platform native apps using javascript, fast refresh, huge community, etc., which makes it different from its competition. Code reusability using the concept of the component is one of them. Today we are going to discuss a powerful feature of the React-Native CLI which allows us to reuse our code, configurations, set of rules etc into our newly created project and save our tons of time and efforts.
131. [DIY] Create an AirBnB Clone with React Native - Part IV: Login Error Notifications
This tutorial is the fourth chapter of our implementation of an AirBnB clone in React Native. In previous chapters, we’ve successfully implemented email authentication with Firebase. In case you need to get caught up, here are links to parts 1–3:
132. How to Build an Instagram Clone App With React Native
It's time you take your web development to the next level. You need to start developing mobile apps and if you ain’t there yet, start building to get started.
133. A Beginner's Guide To Using React Native Camera
Capturing Memories! Camera in our smartphones allows us to quickly capture amazing moments in our lives. Moments which we most likely can never return to, but we can safely capture them up in the form of photos and videos.
134. Flutter V React Native: A Complete Comparison
When it comes to cross-platform mobile application development, mainly two mobile development tech frameworks strike our mind. They are React Native and Flutter app development framework. As many top companies as well as businesses are opting for modern technology, they are more focused on mobile app technologies more now than ever. Due to this, the demand for mobile apps has increased to a large extent. There are more than 2.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, so it is inevitable that businesses and companies will shift their minds towards mobile application development.
135. Building a Private Messaging Chat App with React-Native: An Essential Guide
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use React Native, Firebase, and Expo-CLI to create a private messaging chat app.
136. How to Use React Native to Build a Private Messaging App
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use; ReactNative, CometChat, and Firebase to build a one-on-one chat app with a stunning UI.
137. How To Build a WordPress App with React Native Part #3: the Navigation
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
138. How to Provide Support for React Native Apps on the Windows Platform
React Native is a framework developed by Facebook that is used to build the application on native platforms. It is preferred by most developers, due to its speed, agility, and ability to build hybrid applications in multiple platforms with an interactive user interface (UI).
139. How to Build a WordPress App with React Native Part #2: Your Environment
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
140. Build a LinkedIn Chat Clone with React Native and Firebase
This tutorial was put together with the help of ReactNative, Firebase, CometChat, and CometChat.
141. Extract Prominent Colors from an Image Using Machine Learning
This article explains how I found a nice and simple algorithm to extract prominent colors out of an image.
142. Optimize Props References and Improve Rendering in React Native
Rendering is the process of React asking your Components to describe what the section UI looks like, on the current combination of Props and State.
143. 7 Best Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks for 2022
Here are 7 best hybrid mobile app development frameworks you should start using todayto make mobile app development easier, faster, and more efficient.
144. My React Native Stack After 1 Year
In this post, I'm going to share my React Native project structure, configurations and some tips. It contains most of the things I've learnt after 1 year of development with React Native, from the creation to the distribution.
145. How to Start an App And Choose React Native Stack
How to Build a React Native App
146. Records And Tuples Usage In React
Records & Tuples, a very interesting proposal, has just reached stage 2 at TC39.
147. React Native Plant App UI #6 : Login Screen
This tutorial is the sixth part of our React Native Plant App tutorial series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Terms of services Modal view and completed the overall UI sections of the Welcome screen. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get insight and knowledge of the overall project.
148. How To Connect AWS Amplify with React Native Application
AWS Amplify is a framework that lets you develop a web or mobile application quickly, by accessing the backend cloud services offered by AWS. In this article, we are going to learn how to use AWS Amplify in React Native by building a fully functional login and registration flow.
149. [A Step by Step Guide] Create a Carpooling App with React Native - Part 2: {Creating the Frontend}
Read Part I here
150. [A Step by Step Guide] Create a Carpooling App with React Native - Part 1: Setting up the server
Read Part II here
151. How to Build a Live Video Streaming App Using the Agora React Native SDK
In this article, we will create a live broadcasting app that can accommodate numerous broadcasters and entertain thousands of users using the Agora Video SDK.
152. How to Program with React Native: Lessons & Best Practices
Here are some lessons and best practices I've compiled after 2 years with React Native.
153. Angular v14's New Features
Angular v14 is available. Here are the new features and improvements from this new version such as streamlined page titles, ng modules and new commands.
154. Who Would Win Between Flutter and React Native
This Flutter Vs. React Native comparison is going to be fun so stick with me till the end and you will have an answer to which one's worthy of your app idea.
155. Why Should You Choose React Native Over Other Platforms?
Respond Native is a framework for cross-platform mobile app development for iOS and Android. If you need to spare time, money, and staff assets essentially, at that point React Native is the perfect business arrangement. This dynamic technology gives customary and present day strategies for cross platform mobile app development.
156. Top Five Frameworks For Hybrid App Development
Whenever the company decides to make a mobile application, the most important they are looking for efficient ways to implement the idea.
157. 5 Easy Steps To Create A React Project With Serverless User Authentication
User authentication is a feature of many modern applications. Serverless programming has given developers leverage to deploy this technology in React.
158. JavaScript Closures Explained to Kids
How to explain JavaScript Closure to a 5 years old kid
159. How to Use react-router-native-animate-stack Module
React Router Native v5 with your desired customisation transition style!
160. Using KeyExtractor in React Native's FlatList
In React Native, the FlatList component works well to render a long list of data.
161. How to be a React Native Developer
How to be a React Native Developer
162. Notifications That Don’t Suck: React Inbox and React Toast Components
We are excited to announce the availability of Courier’s newest provider, Courier Push! We have released Inbox and Toast; two open-source React components
163. How to Take Full Advantage of useEffect in React
Optimizing useEffect in React gives you a significant boost in performance and sometimes gets your code rid of nasty bugs.
164. A Short Guide to React Native App Development
React Native is undoubtedly one of the most widely used cross-platform frameworks for creating native-like apps. This framework can be
easily used for developing brand-new apps from scratch and even in existing iOS or Android projects.
165. Developer Pain Points Using React Native
As you already know, our team is a huge fan of React Native and we have published a lot of articles about this technology. But as everything else in the world, React Native is not perfect and has its disadvantages as well. We asked a few senior developers about the pain points using RN.
166. An Essential Guide to Feature Toggles Using Next.JS and React
This post will show you how to build the Feature Toggle mechanism in your Next.JS application. We are going to use Next.JS, React, and TypeScript
167. Flutter VS React Native 2022: Which Is Better?
Flutter has been on the rise lately. It is gradually becoming one of the most used software development kits in the world.
168. The New Next.js and SWR Clients: What You Need to Know
So that's it, we are now using SWR as our default data fetching library, giving you all the benefits, like optimistic updates while consuming WunderGraph APIs.
169. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #6 : Html renderer
Now, we need to display the excerpt of the overall post on the list. For that, we are going to make use of components from the react-native-render-html package. And, we need to display the published date of the article as well. For that, we are going to make use of the moment package which provides the moment.js configurations. In order to use these packages, we need to install them first. For that, we need to use the command from the following code snippet:
170. Appwrite 0.6 is Live with Full Flutter Support
We are incredibly excited to announce the release of Appwrite 0.6. The new Appwrite version is our 10th release since we launched the project eight months ago, and it has some exciting new features.
171. Micro-Frontends in 2023: The Complete Guide
The Micro Frontend style of architecture design does for the frontend of an application what microservices do for the backend.
172. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #17: Fixing react-native-render-html
This series intends to show how I build app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react native. Since, my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme , offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series.this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
173. A Guide for Building Apps with Nested Stacks
Learn how to build an app with a nested stack, drawer, and bottom-tab navigators.
174. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #19: Offline Notifications
Here, we are going to integrate the offline mode to the app. This feature is very handy when we are out of connection and we can still access some of the features in the app. Here, we are just going to notify the network status and cache the data using react-native-NetInfo package. Caching will help to pull the data from the AsyncStorage during the offline mode.so this app inspired from React native template from instamobile
175. Leveraging Salesforce Using Mobile Applications Written (Once) In React Native
In the next part of his series, John Vester introduces Android and iOS mobile applications using React Native to read data from Salesforce.
176. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #8: SinglePost View
Since we have the list of articles in the Home Screen, we need to display full articles as well. For that, we are going to create the SinglePost screen which will display the overall article. Here, we will learn how to fetch a single article from the WordPress API.
177. Why a Majority of Startups Prefer ReactJS
Just like progress in other tech fields, front-end web development is advancing too. Let's try and understand why ReactJS development is a startup favorite?
178. Why You Should Build Your Mobile App With React Native
What is React Native?
179. Flutter vs. React Native: What App Developers Should Know About Cross-Platform Mobile Development
Bringing a spirit of novelty in the mobile development industry just recently, hybrid app development has become one of the most popular and fast-growing trends today. Now, it is considered as one of the most effective choices by many app developers and business owners.
180. React Native Apple App of the Day Animation Part II : Open Image
In this post, we are going to continue from where we left off in our last part of the React Native apple app of the day. In part one of this tutorial part, we successfully implemented the React Native Shared element transition and set up the UI part. Here, we are going to put more effort into animation. We want to make the image transition and selection animation cool.this tutorial inspired from React native ecommerce template
181. How to Reduce Your Crash Rate
Hand-in-hand with this decision was the need to find an error monitoring solution that could handle RN apps.
182. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #9: implement simple share
Here, we are going to add the share button and implement its feature as well. The feature makes the article sharable to the social media accounts when pressing the share button. For that, we are going to make use of the Share component from the react-native package.
183. Ionic vs React Native: What to go For When Building a Mobile App
In this article, we compare Frameworks: Ionic vs React Native, and learn about what the better option is for your usecase.
184. Benefits of Using React Native for MVP Development
This article explores why startups choose to develop MVP and the numerous benefits awarded to mobile projects because of React Native.
185. How to Build a Cross-Platform App: A Guide that Covers the Main Aspects
Software applications market has got a thriving and competitive nature – and it’s no wonder. Mobile, desktop, web, embedded applications help businesses make their services more accessible for the users. Surely, every service provider strives for winning a larger audience of users and keeping the quality at a high-level at the same time. What can make it possible? This is cross-platform development.
186. React Native Apple App of the Day Animation Part III : Close Animation
This tutorial is the third part of our implementation of the Apple app of the day Animation in React native. Therefore, it is suggested to go through part one and two of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight into the app and make ourself comfortable with all the implementations. In the second part of this tutorial, we successfully implemented the enlarge-image animation when we click or press on any image. Here, we are going to add the text section to the enlarged pop-up animation and also close the animation.this tutorial inspired from React native ecommerce template.
187. How to Secure React Native Application?
Security is one of the most important factors for mobile apps development. Get the necessary steps for Securing React Native Application.
188. React Native Maps: Irrepleceable Tips On Drawing A Route
Today we’re going to draw directions route on a map in React Native, showcasing the path between two different locations. We’re going to make use of react-native-maps which is a powerful library, allowing us to draw polylines between multiple coordinates. We are also going to use Google Directions API, in order to fetch precise directions routes between two coordinates.
189. Instagram-like Filters In React Native
Instagram has been growing like crazy over the past few years, and one of its key features that fueled that growth was the famous photo filters. By allowing use
190. Checkers on React - Part 1 - Project Configuration and Initialization
I want to start a series of stories where I will try to implement a Checkers game.
191. Best Resources to Learn React Native Development [My Review]
React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android. There are lots of materials with which to learn React Native and in this article, I will show the best 10 resources to learn React Native development. For each learning material, I will talk about the entry behavior, time to complete, content, and difficulty level.
192. Execute Multiple Commands On Parallel Terminal Tabs With A Simple Bash/Apple Script
Are you frustrated to run same scripts again & again before resuming your work?? Here is a simple solution to automate starting those scripts before you start.
193. Building a Free Music Site Using React Native
So, you want to build a music site with React Native. That’s not an ordinary task because of certain technical limitations but it’s still possible. The chosen framework works best for mobile applications so you can get two or even three products instead of one: a music website and mobile apps for iOS and Android. Sounds good, huh? The question is how to develop such solutions, and we’re going to answer it in this guide.
194. My Roadmap For Making a Popular Workout App From Scratch
First, welcome to my series of “My Roadmap For Making a Popular Workout App”. I will share with you my trip to make my workout app into a popular mobile app.
195. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #4: Add Font Icon
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
196. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part#15: Forwarding Message to Inbox
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
197. Airbnb UI Clone with React Native Part #3 : Home View Around The World Section
This tutorial is the third part of our Airbnb Home Screen UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Category and Airbnb plus sections. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts for better understanding and insight into the overall project.
198. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #7: Pull to Refresh and Infinite Scroll
Here, we are going to implement pull to refresh which will refresh and make API call again to refresh the posts in the Home screen list. Also, we are going to add the Infinite scroll to the bottom of Home screen. The infinite scroll will trigger the request to server which will load more articles into the list.
199. The Major Difference Between PWA and Native Apps
In this article we share our thoughts about difference between PWA and Native Mobile Apps and what best suits business needs.
200. Creating Applications with React Native: 5 Important Tips
React Native is an awesome, open-source framework for creating native, cross-platform mobile applications, but coding in react native can be quite daunting. In this article, we will go over some tips, and techniques when building a React Native application, to make your work easier and more efficient.
201. Car Parking Finder App UI Clone with React Native #2 : Scrolling/Swiping Transition
This tutorial is the second part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the MapView section as well as separated different UI sections for the map screen. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to establish the basis and get insight into the overall project.
202. Why Startups Prefer React Native for Mobile App Development
As per the latest reports; the year 2025 will witness a 5.8 Billion app user base!
203. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #20: Saving Data to Cache
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
204. How React Native Is Shaping Mobile App Development
Are you a mobile app developer looking for more efficient tools for your projects? Mobile app development is getting tougher and tougher as the market continues to grow. As a developer, you need to develop Apps which meet the demands of your users. To achieve this, adopt the right tools, like the React Native development framework.
205. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #10: Save Bookmark Feature
We are going to learn how to bookmark the articles so that we can easily access them in our Bookmark screen later. The process is simple. We are going to save post id to Asyncstorage from the SinglePost screen and then fetch the articles on the bookmark screen. Here, we are going to add the bookmark icon to the SinglePost screen and configure its functionality.
206. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #13: Configuring Firebase Database
In this chapter, we are going to implement the Contact screen. This screen is specially for contacting the developer and writer of articles. The users can use it to send a personal message to the developer. For the implementation, we are going to use two main packages. One is tcomb-form-native and the other is react-native-firebase. The tcomb package is to handle the form validation. And, react-native-firebase to connect react native app to real time firebase database.
207. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #16: Adding Dark Mode
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
208. React Native WebView Plugin Introduction
In React Native, WebViews enable access to any web portal in the mobile app itself. In other words, a web view allows us to open the web URLs inside the app interface. While React Native provides us with a built-it web view component, but we are going to use react-native-webview plugin in this tutorial, since it is more powerful. React Native WebView is a modern, well-supported, and cross-platform WebView for React Native.
209. React Native Vs. Flutter: The Ultimate Comparison
The aim of this article is to provide the readers with the full information on the two frameworks for mobile app development - React Native and Flutter
210. The Best React Component Libraries to Make Your Life Easier
React is an open-source JavaScript library that helps build the user interface for web and mobile apps.
211. What Everyone Is Getting Wrong About React Native Modals
Do you find using modals in React Native to be a bit of a pain? This article teaches you how to get a better development experience with them.
212. iOs App Development Wars: React Native Vs. Swift
A comparison of React Native vs Swift for iOS app development ⚡ Which one is more convenient and practical?
213. Smart Strategy To Create Login Function in React Native Using Powerful Tools
In this post, we will see how an action can be dispatched using Redux on login, and set the app state accordingly.
214. React Native Travel Article App UI Clone #6 : Finish
This tutorial is the sixth part of our React Native Travel Article App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Delimiter dots animation while scrolling the Destination cards in the Destinations section. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts in order to get the knowledge and insight into the overall project.
215. Using Core Node JS Modules in React Native Apps
Some times while creating advanced apps in react-native you may want to encrypt the data you are sending to the web for secured web communication. You may also want to use this module to encrypt the payment related data that is sent to payment gateway .Let’s say you want to use the crypto module to create some encrypted data. It might seem natural to do something like this:
216. [React Native Development] Camping Spots Finder App UI Clone Part I - Map view UI
This inspiration for this tutorial came from a real estate template that enables us to build fully functional ready to deploy mobile applications that anyone can use to build their own React Native application. This tutorial replicates the coding implementations and designs from the Youtube video tutorial by React UI Kit for the Camping Spots Finder App clone. The video tutorial features speed coding with quick implementations which may be difficult for beginners to grasp. So, this tutorial series breaks down the video into different sections. It also provides step by step guide which will be very easy for anyone to grasp and implement their own app.
217. Car Parking Finder App UI Clone with React Native #1 : Map View
This Car Parking Finder App UI clone tutorial series was inspired by the React Native App Templates that provides us with a dynamic, fully-coded starter kit written in React Native that anyone can use to build their own store locator React Native application or initiate their own startup.
218. React Native vs Flutter 2020: A Detailed Comparison
219. Add video conferencing to your React App with 100ms
What is the better Agora alternative for video conferencing? What other solutions bring on the table when compared to Agora. Read how I created an app.
220. How to Build Landmark Recognition App with React Native and Vision AI
In this article, we cover the second part of our two part series. We will create a React Native application that makes use of the Firebase Cloud Function that we created in the first part. Here I will cover building the application in detail. If you want to skip ahead to the finish line, the full code is available here.
221. React Native is The Perfect Choice for Your Next Mobile App: Here's Why
In this article, we will talk about why React Native is one of the best technologies currently in the market for app development.
222. Understanding the useState hook in React with Basic Usage
useState is a React hook function that allows us to use state and other React features without writing a class. In React every function name begins with "use".
223. React Native Plant App UI #4 : Illustration Slider and Animated Steps
This tutorial is the fourth part of our React Native Plant App tutorial series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented as well as sectioned out some of the UI sections of the Welcome screen. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get insight and knowledge of the overall project.
224. The Difference Between Web Apps and Websites Explained
In this article, you will learn all about the difference between a website and a web application, the intricacies and how much it costs to develop both options.
225. How We Helped Bring Hermes to iOS in React Native 0.64
For a long time Hermes was exclusive to Android – it was optimized for running React Native apps on Android only. Now it’s finally available on iOS as well.
226. Showing Video Ads in React Native - Part 2: Android (including Audio Play)
This is a step by step guide on how to show video ads in react native on Android devices with audio play and other relevant features to monetise your app easily
227. React Native Car Parking Finder App UI Clone #6: Implementing Modal View
This tutorial is the sixth part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the last part, we successfully implemented the Header section in our map screen as well as organized our code. In this part of the tutorial series, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through all the previous parts of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight and development of the project.
228. Airbnb UI Clone with React Native Part #2 : Recommended Homes View
This tutorial is the second part of our Airbnb Home Screen UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the bottom tab bar and the search bar at the top. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part for better understanding and insight into the overall project.
229. React Native Plant App UI #3 : Implementing Welcome Screen
This tutorial is the third part of our React Native Plant App tutorial series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented all the components in our './components' folder. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get insight and knowledge of the overall project.
230. React Native Plant App UI #5 : Terms of Service Modal
This tutorial is the fifth part of our React Native Plant App tutorial series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Illustrations section with the image slider and Steps section with animated Delimiter dots. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get insight and knowledge of the overall project.
231. React Native Car Parking Finder App UI Clone #7: Hours Section Dropdown
This tutorial is the seventh and final part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the last part, we successfully implemented the Modal view which represents the extended parking spot card information. In this part of the tutorial series, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through all the previous parts of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight and development of the project.
232. The FAQs of React Native
React Native is a framework created by Facebook that is used for building native apps using React. It is mainly used for developing applications for Android, iOS, and Web. It an open-source framework. So, today we will be checking out the 13 most asked React Native questions.
233. Airbnb UI Clone with React Native Part #4 : Animate Top Tag Section
This tutorial is the fourth part of our Airbnb Home Screen UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Home Around The World sections with home packages. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts for better insight and knowledge of the overall project.
234. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #1 : Setting up Menu Bar
This tutorial series was inspired by the React Native Eccomerce template which helps us build some awesome and powerful ready to deploy eCommerce applications that anyone can use to build eCommerce startups or sell the application templates. We all know about the Amazon app which allows customers to select from thousands of products and purchase from anywhere across the globe. The UI of the Amazon app is very appealing and well-structured.
235. Enhancing React Native Applications with MOXY Boilerplate
236. React Native Plant App UI #1 : jump Started
This React Native Plant App UI clone tutorial series was inspired by the React Native Templates that provides a wide variety of mobile application templates written in React Native and powered by universal features and design. These app templates allow us to implement our own apps and even start our own startups. Some of the examples of apps that we can build using these templates are real estate properties, restaurants, bars, cars, dealerships, e-commerce products, marketplace used products, hotels, travel locations, etc.
237. The Complete Guide for using Redux in React Native
Redux is a popular React and React Native state management library, meant to be used in complex React and React Native apps where sharing state between multi-level components can get extremely difficult to manage. In this article we are going to learn how to use Redux with React Hooks by building a real React Native app.
Thank you for checking out the 237 most read stories about React Native on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.