Let's learn about Coding Skills via these 229 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How to Store Data in Two Different Databases Simultaneously with Axios and APIs
Storing data to two different databases simultaneously using apis and axios. Here's how to do it.
2. How to Centre an Element in CSS with Tailwind
In this guide, we'll be covering how you can vertically and horizontally center an element or text with tailwind.
3. The Implications of Javascript being a Single-threaded Language
Learn how Javascript async/await works and what it means by Javascript is a single-threaded language.
4. When To Start Applying For Web Developer Jobs
When I was in the process of learning web development, I was always thinking to myself: “Am I ready to start applying for jobs”, “How many things do I need to know before I start applying for jobs”, “When should I start applying for jobs”. These are probably one of the most important questions in your web development career and ones most people struggle with.
5. What is OSGi? - An Intro to The Open Service Gateway Initiative
Have you ever wondered “What OSGi is?”. OSGi stands for Open Service Gateway Initiative, which is a Java framework for developing and deploying modular software
6. Top LeetCode Patterns to Use for FAANG Coding Interviews
Coding patterns like Sliding Window or Two Heaps enhance our “ability to map a new problem to an already known problem.”
7. 10 Best Coding Challenge Sites For Beginners
Coding challenge websites are a great step to take after you learn one language. These will challenge your understanding of your language to deepen it further.
8. Using a NestJS Application with DynamoDB and Serverless Framework on AWS
NestJS is a progressive Node. js framework that helps build server-side applications.
9. From Developer To PM: The Untold Truth About Growing Your Career
Developers with a strong understanding of company strategy rise faster, despite the misconception that engineers should only focus on technical details.
10. 5 Online Web Development Platforms to Learn Web Development
Web development is a major area of IT. It is an umbrella term for anything related to the development of a website, whether for the Internet or the intranet. Many aspects go into web development:
11. How to Choose a web Application Framework
In this article, you will get a chance to look at the criteria you must consider before you choose a framework for your project.
12. Solving the ATM problem with Dynamic Programming
Solving ATM problem with Dynamic Programming
13. How to Use console.log() Like a Pro: A Brief Guide
Using console.log() for JavaScript debugging is the most common practice among developers. But, there is more...
14. The Array Methods Coming to JavaScript in 2022
Javascript is introducing a few new array methods which let us simultaneously copy an array, rather than changing the original. Let's look at how they work.
15. How the TypeScript NonNullable Type Works
The NonNullable type is a utility type in TypeScript which creates a new type, whilst removing all null or undefined elements.
16. The Future Of Web3 Gaming And How To Get Involved
Blockchains represent the future of gaming, and its becoming easier and easier for Web2 developers to jump into Web3 gaming through dedicated sdks.
17. 10 Coding Hacks to Remember in 2023
Let’s take a look at some of the best coding hacks to remember in the new year.
18. Introducing the Map Method in Javascript ES6
The map method is a part of ES6 that is especially useful for React developers. What is it and how does it work? Let's take a look.
19. How to Encrypt and Decrypt with NodeJS
A simple tutorial to learn Encryption in NodeJS.
20. How to tell if your code actually sucks...
There is no better moment for me than starting a brand new project.
21. How Working in a Big Silicon Valley Company Stalled My Career Growth
The problem is, without side projects, open-source contributions, or a blog - I’ve realized I couldn't grow my skills.
22. Stop Using The ‘else’ Keyword in Your Code
If-else keyword built into nearly every programming language and simple conditional logic are easy for anyone to understand. If you are a programmer, you know else keyword. But if you are a good programmer, don’t use this keyword. One of the biggest mistakes I fell into when starting was overusing the else keyword when writing conditionals. I stopped using this keyword in my programs since 5 years ago. Let me explain!
23. Everything You Don't Know About ES Modules
An explanation of ES modules by the exact specification and the node module resolution algorithm.
24. Making Your Code Look Pretty
When you are new to programming, you’re focused on making your code work—not on making it look pretty.
25. My Coding Workflow: How I'm Working From Different Places As A Software Engineer
Coding is not an easy process, especially if you have to be super focused to do it relatively fast and without bugs. Keeping the focus on coding only is quite a difficult challenge, but this story is more about how to make the ultimate setup to code from anywhere with the internet and browser!
26. How to Erase Expired Docs Automatically with MongoDB (TTL index)
Recently I needed to delete some documents that I saved in MongoDB after some time. I can think of a few examples of why we would want to delete data after some time:
27. Reasons to Flatten your Source Code
Our software is a large castle, formed by several layers superimposed and mixed, in order to facilitate its own maintenance, but which, in fact, end up creating
28. How to Use mdx-bundler with Next.js
A short post on how to get started with mdx-bundler in Next.js
29. The Factory Method pattern in TypeScript
The Factory Method pattern is a design pattern that is used to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.
30. Smalltalk Isn't Dead: Here's Why You Should Use It
Here are the reasons why Smalltalk isn't dead.
31. The Mighty App Developer vs a Pesky Bug
A year ago, I, the almighty mobile application developer, was brought down by a pesky bug that was causing my precious creation to crash frequently for users.
32. Golden Rules of Code Reviews
Whether you are code reviewing at work, on an Open Source project, or in a university classroom, these five tips will help you, help the code Author, and help t
33. Understanding the Vim. Repeat Function
A cursory look at how the Vim Repeat Function makes your coding life easier.
34. Thinking Critically About Monorepos and Why Its an Unhealthy Engineering Practice
Over the past few months, I've seen more and more engineering teams move away from using monoliths. In this blog I explain why this is a good thing.
35. Python Tutorial: Recursive Function Debunked
This Python Tutorial about the Recursive Function outlines the basic principles and methods to use recursion as a method of automating your software.
36. Coding Is the New Literacy: 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code
37. Learn How to Pass Arguments to Events in Svelte in Just 4 Steps
It's common to want to add an argument or parameter to a function called in a Svelte event, but it doesn't work exactly how you'd think.
38. Using the Two-Pointer Kotlin Approach to Solve for the Container with the Most Water
This problem asks us to find the maximum amount of water that can be stored in a container formed by two lines, on a 2-dimensional plane and the x-axis.
39. 10 Trends That Every Tech Recruiter Needs to Know in 2022
If you are a part of the IT recruitment industry, then you cannot walk past these 10 recruitment trends shaping your industry.
40. Activate: Beast Mode
There’s an astronomical difference between simply writing code and being a great developer.
41. Exploring Javascript Console Object
The specifics of how console object works vary from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided.
42. A Q&A With Ashwin Kumar Uppala, Coach at Major League Hacking, on "Learning in Public" for New Devs
Hear Ashwin Kumar Uppala's story - Coach at Major League Hacking and Twilio Developer Searchlight Honoree
43. Finally, I' m Not Coding on a 5-Year-Old Chromebook Anymore
Recently I got a nice computer, but before I was using a very old Chromebook. I talk about my experiences trying to set up a coding environment.
44. Using HTML And CSS To Create An Image Slider
In this section, we learn how to create an image slider using HTML and CSS that would be great on the front page of your website as a visual element.
45. Demystifying SOLID Programming (Part 1): Single Responsibility Principle
We dive deep into the first principle of SOLID programming, the Single responsible principle. It states "A class should have one and only one reason to change"
46. The Code Is the Documentation; a Paradox That Rings True
The first time I heard someone say: “the code is the documentation”, I thought it sounded completely wrong, like a lazy excuse for not producing documentation.
47. What the FORK Are You Doing to That Repository?!
Today, we're going to talk about one of the most important features of GitHub, and that's forking. First of all, what does it mean?
48. Using Apps Script to Count Checkboxes in Google Sheets
Automatically, Count the checkboxes in your spreadsheet column with the Google Apps script.
49. Run Executable Applications In the Cloud with Team Code
How to quickly set up GitLab-ce in minutes using Tin? Just follow six steps...
50. 10 Common Coding Mistakes Data Scientists Should Watch Out For
A look at common mistakes that data scientists make in the process of service delivery.
51. The Lack of Internal State and How it Makes Your Classes Easier to Test and Refactor
You likely often hear that test-driven development (TDD) or just writing tests can make your code better.
52. In Vietnam, Coin 98, Solana, and Sentre to launch the Break The Web 3.0 Ice Coding Camp
The Solana Foundation, in collaboration with Coin98 and Sentre, is thrilled to host an event, "Break the Web 3.0 ice with Solana", in Vietnam.
53. 5 Git Tips You Should Try For Better Workflow
No matter how experienced you are, Git will always find a way to surprise you. It is loaded with neat tricks that have the power to make your daily coding routi
54. My Cat, FastAPI and a Template
I really liked FastAPI. So, I decided to read all its docs, and instead of having study notes, memos, or whatever, I wrote it all as a template
55. Assure Superb Quality of Ruby On Rails App Through Code Auditing
This article is all about code auditing and how it helps in refining application code. It also explains the different types of code reviews and how they are use
56. The Various Kinds of Software Tests
In this post, I discuss automated and manual tests, and 2 common types of tests: functional and non-functional.
57. Tips, Tools, and Best Practices for Optimizing Unit Testing in JavaScript
Learn how to improve the performance of your JavaScript unit tests with this comprehensive guide.
58. Exploring Jaccard's Similarity Coefficient
The Jaccard index is a measure of similarity. It measures the similarity between two sets of information.
59. 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Start Coding Early
Teaching our youth to code means empowering future leaders and creators with the capacity to understand and respond to the demands of today and tomorrow.
60. Folder Structure of Angular Applications
Today we are discussing another angular topic which is the folder structure of angular applications.
61. Why Your Coding Portfolio Needs Libraries and Packages
Building a job-ready portfolio of coding projects doesn't happen overnight, here's why you should include libraries and packages in yours.
62. The Meticulous Coding Strategy Applied to Metabase Issue #14782
This short article describes the application of the meticulous approach to coding to a real-life problem.
63. Build Your Own Programming Language Part III: Improving Lexical Analysis with Regex Lookaheads
Lookaheads and lookbehinds allow you to create your own ^ and $ sub-expressions
64. Creating a Strong Code Quality Culture in Your Organization
Learn how to build a culture of code quality to improve maintainability, scalability, and efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.
65. Want to Hire Remote Developers? Here's How to do it Successfully
How to hire remote developers: · Essential skills for remote work · How can we evaluate skills · What else to pay attention to
66. How to Create an Azure API Management Instance using Bicep Lang via Azure DevOps
The more I use Bicep, the more I love it. This is what ARM Templates should have been.
67. How to Use a Hook in a Class Component
Did you know that you can use hooks in class components?
OK, I'm lying, kind of. You can't use a hook directly in a class component, but you can use a hook in
68. The Current Reality and Future Possibilities of AI-Powered Coding
AI can support with coding but it doesn't always perform well.
69. The Rational Software Engineer: Navigating a Career Change
How to change your career as a software engineer inside the field and outside the field in a smart way.
70. Using PhpStorm, Docker and Xdebug 3 on PHP 8.1
How to configure PhpStorm and Xdebug to run PHP in Docker for php-fpm, cli and daemon worker processes in 2022.
71. Rust Is On A Roll
I plan to use Rust as a replacement for Python for writing automation, especially any complex-calculable tasks. Here are the reasons why.
72. How to Use Rest Parameters in JavaScript
This short article will cover Rest parameters and how to use them in JavaScript programming.
73. Continuous Integration (CI) Branching Strategies: What You Need to Know
When you have multiple developers working on the same code, you may face a lot of challenges when merging. That's where branches come in.
74. How To Get Your Kids Coding: A Quick Guide for Moms & Dads
Coding for kids is one of the hottest topics among many parents and teachers right now. Here, I'll explain the benefits of learning to code at a young age.
75. Learn All About String Interpolation in Swift
A lot of the time, we'll encounter a situation in which we'll need to insert some values inside a string.
76. Understanding Basic Programming Concepts: Objects & Processes
Through my studies I get exposed to a lot of programming. This is useful to solve technical problems, but I also like to think how the concepts can be applied to different domains and everyday life.
77. 5 to 23 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview
How to prep for coding interviews by using patterns to figure out how to guess the most likely questions to be asked in many programming job interviews.
78. Important Tips for Using React Query: Part 1
I’ve been using React Query in real world applications for over 8 months now, and I want to share with you some of the things I found useful when using it
79. Here are Some of the Most Useful Coding Sites for Beginners
If you have ever picked up a controller and guided a digital avatar through their own adventure then you may wonder what actually goes into creating a video game. Video games are of course one of the fastest-growing sources of entertainment and they are becoming so important in this day and age. Educational and training programs are now utilising them as tools and it is more important than ever to recognise how useful they can be. If you want to find out more about gaming and coding then simply take a look below.
80. The RTK Query, API Splitting Approach, and the Nuances of "Making Life Simpler"
RTK Query is definitely a cool library however it’s sadly not applicable to all of the use cases possible with an API.
81. A Better Way to Pass Technical Interviews
To LeetCode or not to LeetCode? What if you don't want to practice 100s of coding questions before your next coding interview?
82. How to Use foreach() to Iterate Through an Array in JavaScript
Knowing how to use forEach in JavaScript is an important first step in writing code that is optimized for speed and efficiency.
83. Taking Your First Steps Towards Guix Home
A step by step guide on installing and configuring software for use with Guix Home.
84. Introducing Docketeer 3.0: A Helpful Tool to Manage Docker Containers
Docketeer is an open-source, distributed, monitoring service for maintaining Docker container health
85. The Magic of Iterators: Build Python range() in JavaScript
How to build the beloved Python range() in JavaScript by using Iterators.
86. Why Leading US Tech Companies Look for Skills and Not Degrees
Online education and coding boot camps may soon wipe out the need for formal degrees as hiring managers look for developers with relevant skills and experience.
87. 3 Key Questions You Need To Answer Before You Push That Code
Before you commit that code and push it to the server deployment, ask yourself these three questions.
88. What is Variable Naming, You Ask? Here's How it Could Save Your Life
Variable naming saves lives: here's a real life example.
89. ChatGPT Will Change Cybersecurity…but How?
It's not unusual for AI to suggest insecure code. We need to train against this.
90. Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2: Handling Performance Issues
All Magento 2 migration pitfalls are revealed in the article, it helps you decide whether to switch from Magento 1 to Magento 2.
91. Leveling Up Your dbt Tests in 7 Steps
Dbt tests are great, but sometimes might not go far enough. When and how can you level up your dbt testing capabilities?
92. How to Build The Flames Love Calculator Game in C#
Discover the true spark of your love with this fun and romantic game! Enter your name and the name of your partner, and let Flame Game do the rest.
93. The 3-Step Process to Hiring a Software Engineer For Your Startup
The standard coding interview gauges coding prowess the same way an IQ test gauges intelligence. Basically, barely at all.
94. Fundamental Concepts of Angular
Fundamental Concepts of Angular for beginners to advanced level developers.
95. Can Your Child Code?
Over the next fifty years, your child will hear one consistent question throughout their working life, “Can you code?”
96. 6 Simple Steps to Import a Project to Azure Repos from Git
This article will explain how to import a project from Git to Azure Repos in 6 easy steps.
97. Do not Troll Your Teammates: 5 Key Rules for Reviewing Code
Code review is an essential step needed for effective software development.
98. How to Create Your ESLint Plugin in Typescript With a Template, Tests, and Publication
Step by step guide to write eslint plugin using typescript with tests and template
99. The Unsung Peer-to-Peer Review
The benefits of peer-to-peer reviews accrue to both the organization and the individuals.
100. How to Build a Customer Service Chatbot with Python, Flask, and Pinecone
What if a customer asks a question, you could easily find previously asked similar questions and answers that could help them?
101. 6 DevOps Trends in 2022 That DevOps Engineers Should Adopt
The role of DevOps engineers, their responsibilities, growth opportunities, a set of important soft & hard skills, and most importantly, DevOps trends in 2022.
102. Coding Helps Develops Resilience - Here's How
Without a healthy dose of resilience, it’s unlikely that any project or task will get done. You could argue that resilience is more important than talent or IQ! As Albert Einstein famously said, “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
103. 5 Best Practices for Writing Efficient Python Code
In this article, we'll discuss some basic principles of coding in python that can help you optimize your programs' performance.
104. What is the Lisk Codec and How Well Does it Perform?
Serializing is the process of encoding information into bytes. Much fun! but oh so instrumental in blockchain.
105. The Myths and Realities of Bug-Free Code
106. Applying John Wooden's "Whole-Part Method" Approach To Programming
Recycle the programming projects you complete: iterate on them and create your own mini-projects along the way. Here’s how.
107. Using CSS to Create a GIF Animation
Using CSS animation to generate the content required for an animated GIF
108. Beyond Coding: The 5 Must-Have Skills to Have If You Want to Become a Senior Programmer
Creating code is only a small part of what programmers do. To become a complete senior dev, you must master also these 5 other skills.
109. What Fixing a Bug Looks Like
It’s impossible to write code without bugs— you always start with something, test it, and repair whatever is wrong.
110. How to Become a 10x Dev: An Essential Guide
The ultimate guide to becoming a 10x Dev - or what kind of devs I'm hiring (and promoting) as a VP of Engineering?
111. Detecting Linked List Cycle. (LeetCode)
Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it.
112. How to Build a Responsive Rails App with Hotwire
Building single page application with Ruby on Rails? Check out Hotwire. It utilizes server side rendering to send HTML over the wire. by Aleksandr Ulanov
113. What Is the Difference Between the Created and Mounted in Vue?
Both created and mounted seem to do the same thing in Vue, but there are differences. Let's look at when to use created and mounted in Vue.
114. 7 Ways to Maintain and Write Better Code
Writing and maintaining code is necessary because you want to make it easily understandable for people. So here are some of my tips on how you can write better code and maintain it.
115. Software Engineers use Code Reviews to Improve Product Quality
Software engineers need to do code reviews in order to improve overall product quality and learn from each other. Code review process has a set of best practices like any other complex processes. Check best practices below. Do you follow them on your current project?
116. Text Editor vs IDE: Which is Best for Beginner Programmers?
As a newbie coder, using a text editor is preferable because when we use a text editor, we learn many things. On the other hand, an IDE makes it easy to code.
117. Learning Python: A Cheatsheet for Beginners🔥
If you are looking to learn python, then this is a great post for you.
118. A Git Workflow Guide for Code Newbies
What is Git and how do you use it? Learn about Git in this intro to programming article.
119. 5 Most In-Demand Tech Skills to Learn and Empower Your Tech Career
If you want to empower your tech career or if you want to switch into a tech career, here are the most in-demand tech skills you can learn.
120. Why Side Projects Are Important
To some, the idea of side projects is an unwelcomed distraction. They
have what they need to do, and they need to get it done before the next
thing. For others, side projects are a key motivation of the day-to-
121. Code Review: It's Bad, Expensive, and Ineffective [in most cases]
I am reviewing a practice we’re all aware of: code review.
122. 3 Easy Steps to Change Main Git Branch on Heroku
I just saw that Heroku created the ability to git push heroku from main instead of master. Since I've been wanting to change my Git repos away from master anyway, I thought I'd check it out myself. Luckily, it was extremely simple.
123. The Pros and Cons To Losing Yourself in a Problem
You find yourself fully committed to solving a problem, you think if I just do x then it's smooth sailings and it'll all be done. A couple hours pass and you've nailed x, but actually y and z seem pretty challenging, and now you have to fix x in order to make y and z as slick as possible.
124. "Code for 15 mins a day" and Other Tips To Become A Better Developer
I've read dozen of articles on how to become a better developer in the past year. So, to share what I've learned, here are 7 ways to become a better developer.
125. Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Learning to Code
Learning to code can be a challenging and rewarding journey, but it's not without its pitfalls. However, with a little knowledge and planning, these common
126. How To Create a Python Data Engineering Project with a Pipeline Pattern
In this article, we cover how to use pipeline patterns in python data engineering projects. Create a functional pipeline, install fastcore, and other steps.
127. How to Call Multiple Microservices in Parallel
We can call microservices in parallel, storing results in the form of feature objects in one more list and then combine the result of all features.
128. I want to be a Web Developer, but where do I start?
The demand for experienced web developers grows steady for years. Learn how you can become a web developer yourself with these simple tips.
129. Move All Negative Elements To End
In this article, we’ll discuss in-depth, how to move all negative elements to end. We’ll also discuss 2 approaches to solve the below problem.
130. How to Install Django and Python 3+ on Raspberry Pi
Don't waste time! Learn how to install Django and Python quickly with this tutorial!
131. How to Nail Your Next Coding Interview
The room is silent except for the buzzing of the fluorescent lights. The judges across the table are staring at you, expressionless. Some have pen and paper, some don't. They're all staring at you. Your mouth is so dry it feels like you've been eating sawdust all day. You grab the marker and head for the whiteboard. One judge is staring at a laptop. It's time to show them a quicksort.
132. 10 Key Skills Every Data Engineer Needs
Bridging the gap between Application Developers and Data Scientists, the demand for Data Engineers rose up to 50% in 2020, especially due to increase in investments in AI-based SaaS products.
133. Simplify CSS With a Few Easy Rules
Maintaining CSS may be a real problem when developing a project.
134. 4 Coding Practices I’ve Picked Up Working for a Startup
Coding practices to pick up when starting out as a software engineer at a startup
135. 10 GitHub Repositories to Follow
GitHub is a well-known platform to share all kinds of technologies. The following article contains the 10 most widely used GitHub repositories.
136. 10 Expert Tips for Improving Code Reviews: A Guide for Developers
Code reviews are an essential part of the software development process. In this article, we'll discuss 10 best practices for conducting effective code reviews,
137. Functional Programming is not What Makes Haskell Great
This post is substantially directed to non Haskellers. Haskell frequently appears on hackernews or /r/programming but the content is commonly evangelizing some aspect of functional programming, strong types, and purity.
138. How to Write Your First PHP Code
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor and is a widely-used, open source server-side scripting language.
139. 11 Books Every Software Developer Should Read
Here is a list of some of the best books new software developers can learn from.
140. Here are Some of the Most Useful Coding Sites for Beginners
If you have ever picked up a controller and guided a digital avatar through their own adventure then you may wonder what actually goes into creating a video game. Video games are of course one of the fastest-growing sources of entertainment and they are becoming so important in this day and age. Educational and training programs are now utilising them as tools and it is more important than ever to recognise how useful they can be. If you want to find out more about gaming and coding then simply take a look below.
141. Devs - Documentation IS Important
Should you write software documentation? This article covers best practices of writing docs in a team or as a solo engineer.
142. How to Keep Your Code SOLID
S.O.L.I.D principles are general guidelines for writing clean code in object-oriented programming
143. 5 Ways to Get Kids Interested in Stem
Studying STEM has become crucial for students who want to be part of an innovative, rapidly growing industry with excellent career prospects.
144. Using AWS Lambda to Reduce NodeJS App Size
Tips on how to reduce your node app size and the benefits of doing this.
145. The Best Online Platforms to Learn Something New, Today!
Read this post to know the best Online Learning Platforms to Acquire New Skills And Enhance Existing Ones.
146. 3 Things I Learned in 1 Year Working with Functional Programming
Just like the great majority of programming-related courses, I was introduced to programming with the object-oriented paradigm (OOP). Even though many languages are multi-paradigm, like Python, C++, JavaScript and Ruby, we still have OOP as the norm.
147. A Guide to Deploying Jaeger on Kubernetes in Production
Logs, metrics, and traces are the three pillars of the Observability world. The distributed tracing world, in particular, has seen a lot of innovation in recent months, with OpenTelemetry standardization and with Jaeger open source project graduating from the CNCF incubation.
148. Is No-Code Testing Actually Possible?
Testing accounts for over a quarter of development timelines. Automated codeless testing can help remove bottlenecks bringing your software to market quicker.
149. 5 Tricks To Get Better At Coding
Coding is hard! As time passed, I improved my skills and learned some tricks that made me better at coding!
150. How to Deploy a React Application With Firebase Hosting
In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can deploy react applications within a few minutes by using Firebase.
151. 4 Ways to Hack a Career in Code, Faster
Learning to program can be brutal. You never know if you’re learning the right things, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by how much content there is to learn. That brings up a good thought: How do you know when you’ve learned enough to start applying for jobs?
152. 8 Essential Tips To Make Your JavaScript Code Perform Faster
JavaScript has ranked as the most popular language in the world by the StackOverflow survey for the seventh year in a row. With the rising popularity of JavaScript, it is clear that it is the most used language for coding frontend applications. It is interesting to note that visitors to websites, lose interest or leave your website if the content doesn’t load within two seconds. The two seconds benchmark is hard to keep up with and that means you need to optimize your JavaScript code for better performance. In this blog post, we will learn some quick tips that you can follow to keep you JavaScript code concise and improve the overall performance of your application. Alright, let’s dive in.
153. Who Are You Writing That Code For Anyway?
Special thanks to a number of people who reviewed this article and gave useful feedback and suggestions to me: Anya Roltsch, Frank Schubert, Olga Hollister, Ravi Varshney, Ashansu Pant, Marcus Blankenship, Sandra Jones, Taylor Davenport.
154. Modernizing Legacy Code in Production
Rewriting apps is easy. Doing it while preserving compatibility... That's a bit hard. Doing it live in production. That's the big challenge!
155. My Challenge to Excel Users: I Dare you to Learn How to Code
What if, instead of starting that next Excel spreadsheet, you tried your hand at trying to write some code to do the exact same thing?
156. A Step-by-Step Introduction to CSS Preprocessors with VS Code
It is fun to build cool and good looking pages when you know CSS like the back of your hand. But when you have a few hundred lines of code, this is exactly when things begin to get complicated and messy. This is where CSS preprocessors come to play, helping you to manage and improve the maintainability of your code.
157. How To Remember Design Patterns
Here's a list of some of the book's design patterns, their definition, and what made me remember them. Each one of those principles solves a particular problem.
158. Introduction to Local Variable Type Inferences: Declare Var, Not War
In this article, I will try to explain Java 10 new feature local variable type inference using reserved type name var.
159. How Do You Find the Longest Common Subsequence of Two Strings in Java?
Strings are nothing but a combination of characters, and working on strings is a common part of a programmer’s life.
160. Code like You're Building a Lego Castle
The article compares coding to building a castle with Legos and emphasizes the importance of following best practices to avoid mistakes and build a sturdy code.
161. What is Scala and Should it be Your First Programming Language?
In the early 2000s, the future of Java looked doubtful. Other programming languages had emerged, and Java no longer looked as attractive as it once had, even though it was still very widely used. Along came Scala.
162. How to Create a Blazor Component Without Lifecycle Methods
In this blog post, I am going to share how I created a Blazor component without life-cycle methods and razor file syntax. We could also say this as class only component approach but without life-cycle methods. Many of them might knew this way of component rendering, but I felt like sharing this would help other folks who doesn’t know. I found this approach after going through various components used in Blazor source code.
163. Simple Tips to Boost Your Productivity in 2021 (Part 2)
Another ten productivity tips for programmers to help improve workflow and efficiency in 2021.
164. Learning Rust in Lockdown
The COVID19 lockdown has been a pretty challenging time for everyone. Staying sane without the social interactions we normally have can be difficult. I took the time to learn a new programming language. This served several purposes.
165. Should you Learn Assembly to Become a Better Programmer?
Are you going to be writing code anytime soon in assembly? Maybe not, as
it has very niche use cases. So then why should you bother learning it? Well, before we answer that, let’s take a small look into what assembly even is to better understand how it could help you.
166. 4 Tips & Tricks That Will Make Your ReactJS Code More Clear and Reliable
Here is a list of amazing tricks that you can use to improve your React application quickly without changing too much about your processes or too much effort.
167. Go: Handling JSON in MySQL
168. I Increased My Typing Speed From 40 to 120 Wpm. Here’s How.
How making regular practice and working on small things like finger placement can help improve your typing speed from 40wpm all the way up to 120wpm.
169. How to Crack Coding Interviews? Tips, Topics, and Skills
Wondering how to prepare for coding interviews? Here is your guide to prepare and crack your next interview with important topics, skills, and tips
170. Practice Coding Like An Expert With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Keep things interesting and practice coding through different methods such as tutorials, quizzes or developing your own projects.
171. 7 Ways to Make Side Income as a Web Developer👨💻💸
Want to know how to make side income as a web developer? Then this article is for you. Here you'll get to know which are the best ways to earn well.
172. I'm Too Old to Learn to Code, Right?
Coding is for kids. At least that’s what some people say. But is there room for adults to learn too? Of course there is, find out more.
173. Logical Replication: Real-time Web Updates From Your PostgreSQL Database
I wrote a small open-source library that combines dotNetify with PostgreSQL logical replication.
174. How to Add a Custom Font to a React Native Project
I just started learning React Native and I have to admit that, it’s super easy to start with and hot-reloading makes it amazing to develop and reload the application in no time.
175. Everything About the Best Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) Tools in 2022
DevOps practices are spreading , and many companies every day are implementing CI/CD process. The blog talks about the top 10 CI/CD tools. Learn more.
176. Introduction to Git: Basic Commands Everyone Should Know
In the previous article, we talked about the basic concepts of Git every developer should know. In this article, I will be explaining to you what Git is, and the basic commands to get you up and running. Let’s get started!
177. The Most Common Coding Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
There are many mistakes a new programmer can make. Today, you
will learn the most common mistakes that beginners make, and how you can avoid them.
178. 5 Tips for a Novice React Developer
There's a lot to learn when you're a new React Developer. These 5 Intro Tips will help you avoid simple mistakes many new developers make when starting out.
179. Flask vs Django: Which Should You Learn?
Looking for a Flask vs Django comparison? This article compares the two popular Python frameworks for web, apps, APIs, and backend development.
180. Why You Can Sometimes Use git push -f: Rewriting Code Repository History
One of the first admonitions that a young Padawan gets together with access to git repositories is: “never use git push -f”. Since this is one of the hundreds of maxims that a novice software engineer needs to learn, no one takes the time to clarify why this should not be done. It’s like with babies and fire: “matches are not toys for children”, and that’s it. But we grow and develop both as people and as professionals, and one day the question “actually, why?” may arise.
181. If it Looks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck, But Needs Batteries - You Have the Wrong Abstraction
Liskov’s Substitution Principle | SOLID as a Rock
182. 9 Functional Programming Concepts Everyone Should Know
This article will introduce functional programming concepts that every programmer should know. Let's begin by defining what functional programming is (FP from now on). FP is a programming paradigm where software is written by applying and composing functions. A paradigm is a "Philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind." In other words, FP is a way for us to think of problems as a matter of interconnecting functions.
183. From Cook to Code: My Journey of Becoming a Software Engineer
After graduating high school with a degree in Food Technology, I dove headfirst into the world of restaurants and hospitality.
184. Following George Pólya’s Methods of Problem-solving. How It Might Help You In The Process of Coding.
When my coding instructor started teaching the topic ‘Approaching Solution Of A Problem’ , he introduced George Pólya’s methods of problem-solving to us.
185. How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems
Getting better at problem-solving requires more than just reps. It’s also how you go about it. We discuss How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems.
186. Code Trashing Symptom
There are a set of skills and qualities which make the ideal software
developer we are all searching to be or searching for to employ. However, right now I am going to emphasize the importance of a quality that is mostly found in senior developers.
187. 10 Common Behavioral Mistakes Novice Programmers Make
The mistakes of novice programmers, those who are just learning or just starting to work, are very similar to each other. Many of them can be called not mistakes, but behavioral features, stages all beginners go through. We as Java course creators are interested in this topic, so we interviewed opinion leaders and collected the most common, in their view, examples of such behavioral errors in order to … shorten their duration for future software developers. If you start noticing such behavioral mistakes early and try to fix them, your path to mastery will be shorter and your work will be more efficient.
188. The Right Way to Learn to Program
How to learn programming topics efficiently and effectively.
189. How to Design Pure Functions
Today I am going to talk about how to design Pure Function and help you understand the benefits of pure function.
190. Top 3 Coding Challenges for Expert-Level React Developers
If you need to prove that you're a React Expert to any prospective employers, the following React concepts are likely to be tested by them and are worth knowing
191. What Programming Language Should I Learn First?
As an absolute beginner, which programming language should I learn first?
192. Throwing Top Engineering Internship Myths out the Window
Internships are not about coffee runs, you can get a great experience that can make you stand out when applying for your first job out of University.
193. Explaining Important Skills For Hero Developers Using Lego Bricks
Programming is like building Lego bricks. Any developer can pick a brand new Lego set and build it following the instructions. This is very easy. Think of it as coding school assignments or entry level tutorials.
194. How to Improve Website and Rendering Speed with JavaScript Code Optimization
Poorly written code will surely slow down your website loading speed. To enhance the website's performance, let's consider JavaScript code optimization tactics.
195. The Best Free Resources To Learn Web Development
I have found some of the biggest, best, and most interactive platforms where you can learn web development for free online.
196. How to Use Kong for Full-stack Application Deployments with Kubernetes
Kubernetes has become the name of the game when it comes to container orchestration. It allows teams to deploy and scale applications to meet changes in demand while providing a great developer experience.
197. Why It is Important to Monitor Code Quality
Code is a book and what the reader gets out of this book will depend on how the code is written.
198. The Meaning of Functions in Julia
When I first learned about the Julia programming language, there were a few things that gave me the "wat" moments. One of those surprises involves both the naming and meaning of functions.
199. What is the Lisk Codec and How Well Does it Perform?
Serializing is the process of encoding information into bytes. Much fun! but oh so instrumental in blockchain.
200. 6 First Steps to Break Into Web Development - Learn with SkillUp
Let’s answer the question “How to Become a Web Developer?” once and for all.
201. Design and Simulation of a Green Energy Grid
Wondering how we'll transition to green energy? This article presents a simulation of the UK's grid, and explains how we might model different energy sources.
202. How To Design a Tribute Page with Basic HTML5 & CSS3
Let us discuss (or understand) the components of the Tribute page that I built with HTML5 & CSS3 in a step-by-step guide.
203. String Definition: What It Means In The World Of Computer Programming
If you are a budding programmer or if you are appearing for an interview, it is essential for you to brush up on your programming basics at regular intervals.
204. How to Learn Any Programming Language
All it takes to master any programming language is the right learning plan.
205. How to Retrofit ExpressionEngine 1 and 2 for PHP 7
ExpressionEngine 1.x and 2.x are really solid, but they definitely do not work on PHP 7. Because I went through this process a couple times, I’ve now documented
206. 8 Free Online Games to Help You Learn Coding
To learn coding is not just being familiar or comfortable with the syntax but to understand the logic and improve logical and analytical skills. Every programming language has advantages and disadvantages but the basics are the same to a certain extent. We all know that the best method to learn a programming language is writing codes in it. It is also known that the key developers not just write the code but enjoy doing it. If the basics are not sorted, advanced programming tends to be boring.
207. Vanilla JS to Jquery: The Noobs Guide
I have been haunted and daunted by Javascript for almost a decade i.e. 10+ Years. These years do make a history for me in programming. Today while teaching one of my newly made friends on a quick course to programming, I stumbled upon some things that I should share and that is Javascript. Let us try to understand it with some examples.
208. Learn to Code, Make Money: How to Turn Programming Skills Into Income
With the number of career paths available for a programmer, many programmers choose the 9-6 job and have a goal to get a job in FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) without realizing or probably not aware of these alternatives ways. Earn money with Coding Skills is actually quite easy than acquiring those skills so if you have the coding skills, you are halfway there. We live in a digital world and it doesn't run without a proper code.
209. Django vs Laravel: An In-Depth Comparison
Confused between Laravel and Django to learn a backend framework?
This article gives a clear perspective of the frameworks and technology.
210. Using the Spread Operator in JavaScript
This article will cover the spread operator and how you can use them in your day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
211. Git Tutorial: How To See Your Most Used Git Commands Using a Script
Git has many commands but you can be productive with just a few. I used a script to fetch my most git commands sorted by the number of their occurrences.
212. A Basic Guide to Event Handling in Vue
Events are an important part of any framework, and Vue is no exception. Let's look at how events work in Vue in this cheatsheet.
213. Learning to Code: Is It Really That Difficult?
Skills like coding scares a lot of people. The media has made it seem like writing computer code is a genius-level activity, as weird symbols race across the screen and techno music blares in the background.But the truth is that, coding is actually pretty easy.I’m not saying this to dismiss the work of brilliant programmers. A skill can simultaneously be fairly easy to get the basics in, while also being really difficult to master. Everyone learns to write, few people learn to write well. There’s no contradiction, therefore, in saying that basic literacy is an “easy” skill to acquire (in that the vast majority of us are able to do it), without dismissing the efforts of talented writers.Nor am I saying this to mock people who are trying to learn programming and find it frustrating.Rather, I say coding is easy because I believe that almost all people, even if they don’t see themselves as particularly smart, have the ability to learn to write simple programs. That they don’t is mostly due to some structural barriers than any intrinsic difficulty with the skill itself.My Experience CodingI started learning how to write code since I was 14. I’ve read a couple of O’Rielly books on programming, took even free courses on Coursera and Udemy. Watch thousands of hours on programming related videos on YouTube. I remember even working through the content of a Computer Science Degree online (which is totally unnecessary if you want to learn to code,by the way).If you take a closer look, in some ways... my background may seem to disqualify me about making statements on the ease of coding. However, I can say without a single doubt, that subjects like Accounting, Physics, Engineering and even Law are more difficult than programming.Most math you learn in high-school is more difficult too, believe it; although you usually get wayyyyy more practice with algebra than writing code, which leads to a misperception as to which is more difficult.Why Coding Feels HardLearning to code is hard for a couple reasons:Installing new languages can be super frustrating. This is the first activity for a wanna-be programmer. This can create the misperception that programming is really hard because newbies extrapolate the difficulty of getting set up to how it weill be every moment after.Also, there are waayyyyyyyy too many languages, frameworks tools, libraries and plug-ins. Starting programming is super overwhelming because there are a stadezillion things to learn and you have no idea where to start.The first moments of programming are the hardest. Getting set up is annoyingly difficult and often requires learning a new way of working with computers even before you write a single line of code.Consider the instructions for installing most languages:“Open the terminal or command prompt. Type in a case-sensitive exact set of instructions to download and install the language. Use GitHub. Homebrew. Versions matter too. Are you running 32 or 64 bit? ‘Cause if you’re not sure it will crash with a cryptic error message and you’ll feel like an idiot.”These tools are learnable, like everything else, but they reinforce the impression given by the media that coding is mostly using elite tools with weird, unfriendly user interfaces. When people see coding they imagine parsing the green-streaming letters on computer screens like the movie, The Matrix; whereas the truth is a lot more like following a recipe along step-by-step.How Do You Get Over the Initial Difficulties?There’s a few ways you can do this. My favorite is to just go to the language or technology official documentation, that will tell you exactly how to set up step-by-step.Alternatively, you can dive into internet tutorials (why do you think platforms like YouTube, Quora exists?), but recognize that sometimes they are aimed at already-proficient programmers, who know what OOP and GitHub are, and are fluent with writing commands into Terminal.If you get one of these, you can try to follow it, but don’t feel bad if you screw it up. It’s frustrating and it doesn’t mean all coding will be like this.Another option is to avoid setup at all. Just use some coding tutorial website that teach you to code without needing any installation. I like this too, but sometimes you can’t actually build the thing you want to build with these apps. However, if you hate the setup, that’s where I’d start.Most important, however, is to remember that I told you this. When you try to learn to code, it will be frustrating to get set up, and just accept that this is a small price to pay. Soon it will be easier and you’ll do stuff that is cool. Don’t feel dumb because you get stuck here, I still do and I’ve been writing code for years.What Language/Framework/Library Should I Start With?This seems like a good question to ask, but, I’d argue, it’s actually the wrong way to think about learning programming.First, despite the fact that programmers often boast about how many languages they know, recognize that most languages are only superficially different. Yes, I know all about language design, so don’t tell me about the importance of scripting versus compiling, or whether a language is strongly or weakly typed. Those things matter, but they’re details.The basics of nearly all languages and tools are the same. Variables. Loops. Functions. Pointers. Data Types. OOP. Modules. These concepts exist in almost all programming languages. If you pick a mainstream language, you’ll learn these in mostly the same way, so it doesn’t matter if you pick Python, JavaScript, C++, Java or even PHP.The place languages do matter is what you want to use them for.Want to write iPhone apps? Swift or Objective C are the languages of choice. Need to create web pages? JavaScript is going to come in handy. Yes, you can use almost any language for any task if you tinker with it and get the right plug-ins. However, some languages are easier to get started with certain types of projects than others.Therefore, the first question to ask is not: which language should I learn, but, which project should I start with?What Should Be Your First Project?I recommend starting your programming adventure, even before you write a single line of code, with a decision about a concrete programming project you’d like to create.This serves a couple purposes:It narrows down the language/framework choices considerably. Once you know you’re building a website, you’re already leaning towards tools that were designed with that goal in mind.Everything you learn is connected to a destination. Transfer of learning is notoriously difficult. Learning directly by building, works better than learning something and just hoping it will help you later.You can work on something you think is cool. If you think it would be cool to make an interactive website, do that. If you’d prefer a game, do that. If you’d prefer to automate some tedious work, do that instead. Do what you feel is cool and you’ll be motivated to stick to it.In general, smaller is better when it comes to projects. Deciding to start with making the next Google is ambitious, but probably will get you stuck in the weeds before you make much progress.If your true ambitious are huge, it’s often best to work on a toy project first. Many experienced programmers still do this when they are entering a new territory of programming. Toy projects take the essential ideas of programming, but turn it into something you can do in a few days or weeks, instead of years.Examples of good projects include:A basic terminal text-adventure game. No graphics, but still requires learning concepts like loops, variables, input-output processing.A simple website. Start with just displaying a static page. Maybe add in comments, users, photos or interactive elements as you learn more.A simple app. What’s something dead-simple you’d like to have on your phone? It can be stupid to start, don’t worry.A script for automating a tedious task.In general, programs are easier when they involve no multimedia content (websites are a bit of an exception), so if you’re making a game, for instance, a text game tends to be easier than one with graphics, if only because making all the graphics can take time.Similarly, different core activities have different difficulties. Arithmetic and simple calculations done repeatedly are easiest. Processing text for exact patterns is a bit harder. Processing text for vague patterns is harder still. Processing, speech, photos and video is even harder.If you do end up picking an initial project that turns out to be super difficult, it’s okay to scale back. “Make an application that calculates my mortgage payments” is much, much easier than “Make an application that can tell you what someone’s hairstyle is from a photo.” It’s often not obvious that this is the case in the beginning, so don’t worry if you accidentally pick a “hard” problem to start with, you can adjust it later to something easier.Which Resources Should You Use?Once you’ve picked a project, the next step is to get some resources to help. This is a step many people worry over endlessly, but like the language choice, it’s a lot less important (and depends more on your goals) than you think.I won’t list specific resources, because there are so many good ones that my suggestions are going to leave out some of the best. Instead, here’s three strategies for finding good resources:Get a book that teaches you the language + project you want. There should be a computer section in your city’s bookstore or library, you can just pick any of those. I personally like O’Reilly (they publish the best software development books), but there are lots of good ones. (If you haven’t figured out which language yet, just DuckDuckGo your type of project and look for suggestions.) I read the Self-taught programmer by Cory Altoff, the first time I wanted to learn Python.Attend a MOOC. Coursera, edX, MIT, Harvard, FreeCodeCamp and others all teach computer programming online. Once again, the thing that matters most isn’t the exact class, but whether it teaches the language/project domain you care about.Stressing over which book or course to pick is the wrong thing to worry about. The main thing to do is to use the book or course to learn enough to start tinkering on your project, not to master programming on its own. Starting your project before your ready is definitely the way you should feel about it.Do What Real Programmers Do and Ask DuckDuckGo/StackOverflow/GoogleOnce you actually get started writing code, you’re going to encounter many, many situations where you either don’t know how to do something, or you learned how to do it before and you’ve forgotten.In these situations, you should do what real programmers do: ask DuckDuckGo/Google/StackOverflow. This isn’t a shameful activity, but a part of real programming. I’ve been coding for years, but I always forget silly syntactical things and so I find myself duckduckgoing regular expressions over and over again. It’s not bad, it’s just part of the process.Once you’ve gotten yourself installed, you’ve learned a bit with your book to know the basics and have started working on your first project, you’ll learn the rest by googling and adding to your library of programming knowledge. Computer science theories, detailed understandings of the language you’re working with or advanced design patterns can wait until you’ve finished a few real projects and feel like you can code something.Notice #1: Don’t Copy-and-PasteA first piece of advice when it comes to this step is to never copy-and-paste. Copy-and-pasting is bad because you don’t try to understand the code you’re copying. If you have to transcribe, in contrast, you naturally ask yourself, “why this? why not something else?” Even if you don’t have a great answer immediately, typing things for yourself will open your mind up to the answer whereas copy-and-pasting shuts down thinking.Notice #2: Try it Yourself Before Looking for a SolutionA second piece of advice is to always try to solve something yourself before looking up how someone else does it. Most problems have many, many ways they can be solved. The challenge is that expert programmers often know a particularly concise, clever way, but that often isn’t the “obvious” way.This can lead to a trap where you see a clever solution that employs tricky syntax, think that there was no way you would have guessed that solution, and believe you couldn’t have solved it on your own. That’s usually not true, yet it’s an unfortunate side effect of looking up solutions before trying to find your own.Summary of AdvThisisting up is frustrating.
214. Building A Page Scroll in JavaScript
To understand scroll in Javascript, we cover an example to understand scroll position, animate on scroll, and navigation, etc.
215. You Need Django Signals Right Now — Here's Why
Django signals are a powerful tool for executing code based on certain events in your Django application.
216. I Want To Become A Developer. Where Do I Start?
Starting out as a developer is hard. In this article, I share 5 beginner tips with you that will help make your life easier when you're first starting out.
217. A Guide to Setting up Laravel in Ubuntu
Laravel is a very popular open-source PHP framework aimed at easy development of applications. If you are looking for a new PHP framework, you should give Laravel a try.
218. Learning Journey in Tech : Decision Matrix for selecting a school.
Here are 13 key things to think about when you are deciding which coding bootcamp to join.
219. Gradual Code Releases: An In-House Kubernetes Canary Controller
Our short-term strategy involved developing an in-house Canary deployment process powered by a custom Kubernetes controller.
220. SOLID Design: Interface Segregation Principle in C++
Interface Segregation Principle in C++ is the fourth & by far the simplest design principle of a series SOLID as a Rock design principles. The SOLID design principles focus on developing software that is easy to maintainable, reusable & extendable. In this article, we will see a code violating ISP, a solution to the same code, guideline & benefits of ISP.
221. 15 Things I Wish I'd Known As a Junior Developer
What Is the Difference Between a Junior and a Senior Software Developer?
222. The Essential Guide to Declarative Schemas in Magento 2 [Part 2]
In part 1 of this article, we discussed what declarative schemes are, why you should use declarative schemes instead of install/upgrade scripts, how to create, edit, and eventually delete a declarative. If you haven't already read the first part, I suggest you take a moment to read it before you begin this article.
223. Data Science vs Artificial Intelligence. Here’s the Difference
What are the differences between the contributions of a data scientist and an Artificial Intelligence engineer? Let us compare job roles and the benefits.
224. Handling Node.JS as an Asynchronous Application with Error Handling
In this article, you will learn how to implement the following coding practices to differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls.
225. Build Smooth Page Transitions with React and GSAP
Check out what you'll be able to do here
226. Top 12 FAQs About PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database management
system (ORDBMS) available for all major platforms including Linux, UNIX,
Windows, and OS X. It allows you to add custom functions developed using different programming languages such as C/C++, Java, etc. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or Web services with many concurrent users. It is the default database for macOS Server.
227. What is Lexical Functional Programming ?
Lexical functional programming - jargon and naming convention. How to standardize descriptive names?
228. Gremlin vs Cypher vs nGQL: Graph Query Language Comparison
In September 2019, Graph Query Language is accepted as a new database query language in a vote by the International SQL Standards Committee. The unification of GQL takes time.
229. Data Structures and Algorithms: 20 Problem-Solving Techniques
This is the article I wish I had read when I started coding. I will dive deep into 20 problem-solving techniques that you must know to excel at your next interview.
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