Let's learn about Future Of Work via these 194 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
The future of work is right around the corner. Find out more about here.
1. 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Start Coding Early
Teaching our youth to code means empowering future leaders and creators with the capacity to understand and respond to the demands of today and tomorrow.
2. Cats, Computers, & Working From Home Fails
Top writers and editors at Hackernoon share their working from home fails with fluffy individuals jealous for attention otherwise known as cats.
3. Is the Programming Market Oversaturated?
Every so often I hear that the programming market will be saturated eventually and we are all going to end up on the streets. Is this really true?
4. Lessons Learned from Working Remotely for 2+ Years
I've been working remotely for +2 years now and I've learned a lot about it. Here are 4 lessons I've learned working remotely so far.
5. How AI/ChatGPT Dreams in 2022
with large language models (like chatGPT), and AI art generation - everything we know about tech in the next few years, maybe changing drastically.
6. The Remote Work Revolution Made It Clear That The Emperor Has No Clothes
Remote Workers! You have been invited here today because you have been identified as a remote leader or worker in the culture war for the future of work Join Us
7. Top 6 Jobs in the Metaverse
The Metaverse is becoming a reality faster than ever before, and soon enough, it will be a place for all of us to work and earn money as well!
8. Brace Yourselves, The “Great Resignation” Is Coming
Bloomberg says everybody's going to quit their jobs soon. So, where Do We remote from here?
9. Future of Work: The Top Five Emerging Trends
Remote Desktop Services (RDS) by Ace Cloud Hosting allows multiple users to access their desktop sessions simultaneously from anywhere at anytime. Try now!
10. The Future of Work: On-site Work vs Remote Work vs Hybrid Work
Learn the pros and cons of remote work, on site work, and hybrid work. how to find your best work environment.
11. Navigating the Future: What Jobs Will Look Like in the Face of an Impending AI Revolution
AI is changing the tech industry and a lot remains to be prepared for the major shift. Jobs will be lost but history assures the creation of more.
12. We Should All Learn How To Code, Period!
One day we will all be developers, won't be?
13. It's No Longer "The Future of Work", DAOs Are Already Here
The future is now, it's 2020 and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are experiencing a Cambrian explosion.
Typically in an enterprise, you have top-down hierarchies as the mechanism of control. Let's look at a quick example of how a DAO works differently in action.
Imagine you’re building a startup, except at this startup, there is a clear sense of organization without humans organizing other humans. It all runs organically, and it's generative in nature, meaning it evolves, innovates and experiences high growth from within.
Leaderless leadership!
How is such a way of working together achieved?
Through active participation from interested parties who share common values, missions and objectives. People-driven autonomous organizations happen mostly through voting on decisions that are proposed by other community members.
You can propose, vote and discuss decisions as a team without having to have a singular authority to report to. Resulting in new ideas being seeded and proposed from within the organization to solve mission-critical challenges that the DAO is facing.
It's really a synthesis of innovation and ambition, it's great!
With that said there are certainly some balanced benefits and drawbacks about this model that we should explore.
For the moment DAOs function in a fairly binary nature, you vote on proposals that you or others have submitted, typically these votes take place on blockchains by signing a transaction with your crypto wallet. That means the current state of DAOs is experiencing the highest growth in the blockchain industry. So whilst DAOs are now, they might be somewhat gravitating around the future of money.
However crypto-centric it is right now, it is definitely laying out an exceptional framework that any organization type could be built upon. We are seeing many other non-crypto DAOs emerge too, using platforms like Aragon to create a DAO in minutes on the blockchain. This is achieved by creating a Governance Token on the Ethereum blockchain. When users hold these Governance Tokens they can vote on proposals put forward to the community.
These communities can even have treasuries where the DAO can organize their finances. For example, members that hold these Governance Tokens can suggest making a payment, creating a vote inside the community so it can be approved or denied collectively.
There are many lessons to learn about how to coordinate large groups of self-interested people.
I recently wrote an article, "Failure shows us the way", where I outlined my thesis on how I think we can even coordinate groups who don't explicitly share the same values, they instead just share the same mission. It's going to be very interesting to see what unfolds with the DAOs that are experimenting right now.
Why are DAOs exploding right now?
Basically there is an entire unstoppable movement happening because of projects offering up a Governance Token as a bonus to those who are using some Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications.
I've heard many stories from folks achieving incredible results in less than 5 days. For example, "With YFI I earned like $3.5k on $24k", one community member shared with me.
That example is a 14.58% increase in capital in just five days, no wonder it's getting attention.
Wait, how are people making money from these Governance Tokens?
In the DeFi world, there is a new meme known as Yield Farming 👨🌾 its technical name is Liquidity Mining.
This is where a user deposits crypto stablecoins like USDC, DAI & USDT to earn a reasonably safe and secure return, which lately seems to be roughly 8% APY. As well as this, these DeFi applications which have newly formed their own DAOs to oversee their protocols, are rewarding users with Governance Tokens when they have funds deposited into their various DeFi products.
This has added rocket fuel to the DeFi community, with an explosive $3 Billion USD flowing into projects in just the last couple of weeks. This doesn't stop here either, there are many more DAO innovations that will be made known during this wave of Governance Tokens. One example is Referral Yield Farming, where you can earn Governance Tokens for referring people to DeFi platforms without having to deposit any funds of your own.
14. The Zoom Boom's Impact on Innovation, Infrastructure, and Mental Health
The corona virus has challenged all aspects of our lives. Healthcare not with standing, one of the biggest challenges has been in trying to keep as much of our lives as possible running as normal. Technology might already have altered the way we work, rest and play for good– but it’s been even more crucial during a period where people are working from home and avoiding large gatherings in the US and the rest of the world. In this post, we’ll look at how tech industry is rising to the corona virus challenge to keep the world moving.
15. Why Low-Code Will Never Replace Developers
Simply put, psychology defines our decisions (professional, personal) as being fear-based or love-based. We either choose something out of enjoyment, for making us feel good, rewarded (all under the umbrella of love) or out of insecurity, FOMO etc. (fear-based).
16. How the Job Market Is Being Misrepresented to You
Here are some ways job seekers are misinformed about the job market.
17. Three Lessons We Can Learn from George Floyd’s Case and Its Impact.
There is always a breaking point in anything that tests people’s limitations. Some take action to make a change. Others become tolerant. Still, some become wiser. We saw this happen in the face of the merciless pandemic (in this case COVID-19), which broke plans for billions and deprived millions of their family members, friends, relatives, and loved ones.
18. Can Remote Work Lead to a Greener Environment?
“Is remote work more environmentally friendly?
19. Will AI Put Product Managers Out of Work?
Many people believe that AI might eventually take over our jobs. But is this really true? Can AI do everything as well as humans can?
20. 56% of Apple Staff Consider Quitting After Launch of "Hybrid-Working" Pilot
Apple CEO Tim Cook might want to call it a day with the “hybrid-working pilot.”
21. How to Escape the Hedonic Treadmill
Remember this: Find meaning in what you do, and start with why. Pleasure will follow.
22. Working with Job Recruiters: Everything You Might Want to Know
This is everything you might want to know about job recruiters from a 20-plus-year veteran of the recruiting industry.
23. Freelance Marketplace 2.0: Where Future of Work Happens
Unless you have been living under a rock, you have most likely heard of the term “freelance economy” — which currently makes up 35% of the U.S. workforce and is projected to reach 50.9% by 2027.
24. Learning About Low-Code? Here's Where to Start
The list of no-code & low-code tools grows longer by the day. What’s the right place to start?
25. US Only vs. Work From Anywhere Remote Jobs Problem
Remote work is global or it’s not remote work at all!
26. Why Metaverse is the Digital Creative Renaissance
We are here to make a guide on ten opportunities for creators in the upcoming Metaverse and discover what are Web 3.0, MetaFi and Create2Earn.
27. How a 1950s Career 'Theory' Blinds Us To Today's Realities of Work
The idea of a good career path or a career trajectory is deeply embedded in our beliefs about how work should be. While it would be amazing if this was a reality that people could count on, I believe that it is a product of a unique moment in history.
28. How AI can Improve HR Processes for Small Businesses
Amost 90% of businesses already use AI in some capacity for HR management. Here's how small businesses can integrate AI into their their company models.
29. Talent for Tech? Job Tips From 5 Top Women in Tech
As the technology sector expands, there are exponential opportunities for people from all backgrounds and disciplines to carve out new careers for yourself.
30. Impact of Automation on the Future of Work
Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the nature of jobs and many believe that robots will completely put humans out of work in the coming years.
31. Replacing Manual Labor With Robotics Manufacturing Lines
Let's look into some case studies to find out should our manufacturing lines stay manual, or be automated.
32. Practice This Second Order Thinking Hack to Start Making Better Decisions
While making decisions, how often do we optimise for long term gain at the cost of short term pain? A good process for making decisions requires second order thinking which unravels the implications of our decisions by thinking about its consequences in the future. It requires solving problems in a manner that avoids unintentional and unforeseen outcomes.
33. The Decentralized Internet as the First Step Toward Post-Money Economy
Post-money economy simulator in the form of a free fictional game based on gift economy that tests the hypothesis of having a market system without any exchange
34. How Companies Should Act When Employees Work Two Full-Time Jobs
The pandemic has changed the rules of the game, influencing how we take care of our health, our leisure, and especially how we work.
35. Solving for the Impersonality of the Calendly Booking Page
It’s obvious that Calendly is one of the most convenient calendar scheduling tools on the market. It’s a convenient virtual assistant that breezes through technical aspects of scheduling. With time zones, availability preferences, and automated links immediately generated, it’s saved people a lot of time (and sanity).
36. The New Future of Work Paradigm
The New Future of Work Paradigm
37. We Need to Talk About the Unionization of Tech Workers
Few times in the history of workers’ movements has one workforce had so much sway over their conditions.
38. What Will No-Code Job Titles Look Like in the Future?
The other day we were reached out to on Twitter about what titles, responsibilities, and skillsets are required for no-coders in the future?
39. Google Employees Consider Other Jobs Following Company's Return-to-Office Plans
Google employees, dissatisfied with return-to-office plans, have begun to seek alternative employment should these plans be carried out.
40. Is BoTW Link the Richest Link of All?
Is the Link from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BoTW) the richest Link of all? The answer, delving into economics, is unsurprisingly complicated.
41. Tang Ping: The Chinese Version of The Great Resignation
Is the Great Resignation a global phenomenon?
42. Five Predictions for The New Normal
The virtual world is going to be where we LIVE. How will this change the economic dynamics, gravity, and equilibrium in the physical world? In search of the answers, I shaped these predictions for investing and living.
43. Build to Rent DAO: Pioneering the Concept of 'Rent-to-Earn'
Real estate tokenization system allows users to rent objects from a decentralized autonomous organization or DAO instead of buying it.
44. The Great Resignation From a Different Angle: Motivation vs. Compensation
The Great Resignation vs. The "Passion Economy": Millions of people AREN'T GETTING FIRED, they quit.
45. Best Working Environments for Devs: A Hierarchy of Needs
Developing and coding are incredibly tough. There are hundreds upon thousands of lines of code, and a single error can leave you trawling to find what exactly went wrong and why.
46. 5 Things To Ask About the Engineering Team to Avoid Taking a Job From Hell
Anyone with enough job experience knows that some jobs can leave you completely exhausted at the end of the day — while others make you excited, proud, and willing to do more. Sometimes people experience these opposite effects from jobs that are in fact quite similar in terms of responsibilities. So what can account for this difference?
47. RE: "Automation, AI, and the Future of Jobs"
Innovation in artificial intelligence influences the labour market.
48. An In-depth Guide to Depop Bots
Here’s everything you need to know about depop bots.
49. Baltic Women In Tech To Watch
I’ve spent 10 years of my life while working as a stylist and fashion editor in the international fashion magazine L'Officiel. I've also just finished a fullstack program, and my friends are confused.
50. Leadership Lessons from a Dog in Uncertain Times
“Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness?” — Jonathan Safran Foer
51. The Pursuit of Dopeness
New decade, new you. (Okay it’s usually a new year, not a decade but you get the picture.
52. 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools to Simplify Your Life: No Cost Required
Dead-simple AI tools to help you in your daily life.
53. 82% of Verified TikTok Professionals in the U.S. are Looking for a New Job
Social media companies, which have long relied on their cool factor as trendy or best places to work, may have a talent-retention problem.
54. How Leaders at O'Reilly Media, Ebay, and Talespin See the New Way of Working
Ever since the pandemic began, and workforces went home to begin a long period of remote work (which has yet to fully end), we’ve been inundated with think-pieces discussing the “New Ways of Working”. Supposedly, the Old World is never coming back, and we all have to adapt to the reality forced upon use by COVID, or be left behind. I tend to agree.
55. 5 Important Things We Should Stop Neglecting When Hiring
The peril of vague job descriptions
56. 5 Benefits of Project Planning and Management
Here are some of the reasons you should create a plan and layout your project before you get started.
57. What Should You Do If Upwork Sends You a “Dear John” Letter?
"We are contacting you to let you know we have suspended your access to Upwork indefinitely."
58. Five Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for the Return to the Office
The crisis has turned the corporate world upside down. Most office workers — including me — have been working from home for more than two months.
59. USAF's New Strategy for Future Tech
Key takeaways from Dr. Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics — at Air Force Techstars 2020 Demo Day:
60. 5 Technology Jobs You Can Apply For in 2030
Little by little, advances in technology and science are setting the scene for the next industrial revolution, which will change our world and lives in unimaginable ways.
61. COVID-19 State of Work: How is everyone coping with sudden remoteness? 🤔
I am sure you would have thought to yourself, "How has COVID-19 impacted our lives?" Particularly, just like me, you would be curious to know the impact on our work-life.
62. Tara Vasdani on Choosing Remote: It's Avant Garde & It's the Future of Work
We talked to Tara Vasdani, the first Canadian lawyer to serve a Statement of Claim using Instagram, a writer for Canadian Lawyer and The Lawyer’s Daily, and founder of Remote Law Canada
63. Top 10 Gifts for Graphic Designers
These gift ideas will help you surprise graphic designers and show your appreciation of their work.
64. We Just Had Our First Virtual Reality Status Meeting
Just about everyone who can is working from home now. And while we're lucky to work in an industry that already works from home regularly and easily, there are still some aspects of being in an office that are difficult to replace. One of them is the stand-up meeting.
65. The Future of Education in the 21st Century
We need a new metaphor for the school in the 21st century as the factory metaphor is no longer relevant in this new era of information and automation.
66. WFH Will Remain Crucial for Business Success, Even After the Pandemic Ends
The work from home (WFH) phenomenon has exploded over the past few years, and it’s culminated during the current pandemic. Many are even saying that the novel coronavirus has thrown us into the largest WFH experiment on earth. But it’s time to face the truth that remote work is no
longer an experiment. Nor is it a trend, a fad, or “the future of work.”
67. Automation, AI, and the Future of Jobs
Billions of people will not have the luck, means, or stamina to keep retraining and hold non-automatized jobs. Can our society future-proof itself?
68. The Controversy of Naming Upwork TIME's 100 Most Influential Companies of 2022
Instead of high-fiving Upwork, I will give you five reasons why this naming is controversial.
69. Do Job Seekers Deserve Pay for Going on Job Interviews?
Pay for Job seekers will force the management of companies to better attention to the interview process. Allowing them save time and optimize the process.
70. AI in Five, Fifty and Five Hundred Years — Part Two — Fifty Years
Check out part one of this series for what the next five to fifteen years looks like in AI. In part two we get super sci-fi and see if our crystal ball can reach 50 years into the future.
71. The Unbundled Work Era: The Time Is Now
The internet and rise of micro-entrepreneurship
72. OnlyFans’ Truth Laid Bare: The Marriage of Sex, Money, Tech and Power
Sex, money, tech and power. OnlyFans, a social media platform created to share explicit content against tips, finds a way to merge all four.
73. Why We Spend So Much Time at Work on Things that Don't Matter
We focus on trivia at the expense of more important issues. Why does this happen and what we can do about it?
74. How to Keep a Team During The Great Resignation
Few reasons why people leave their jobs and several ways to save your current team during the Great Resignation.
75. Forget Quiet Quitting, fatFIRE is the Newest Workplace Trend
All the talk about quiet quitting makes it seem like everyone hates their jobs and is just sleepwalking through the workday, but that’s not the case -here's why
76. Community Designers: The New Heroes in the Web3 Multiverse of Madness
Why the power is shifting from product-driven to community-driven?#CommunityDesign matters for web3 builders.
77. Bracing Ourselves for an Uncertain Future in the World of AI & Automation
Should workers worry about automation and AI? Many workers, policy makers, and researchers are asking themselves exactly this question. Let's read this story.
78. Why are Document Creation Apps the Darlings of Salesforce Users
Document creation apps solve ultimate problems of different professionals in companies from the sales, customer success & support and legal to the management.
79. 11 AI-Powered Tools For Business
AI tools can handle repetitive tasks much more efficiently than humans.
80. How Will the Metaverse Change the Way You Live and Work in 2022?
The metaverse has created an uproar with its announcement. Everyone is questioning - where do we go from there? Here's my take on this fantastical idea.
81. Three Best Practices for Tackling AI Bias in Recruitment
The use of AI-powered recruitment software is an exciting trend, but then what steps have been placed to curb the emergence of bias? This article shares some.
82. Desktop-First: Because The Future Of Remote Work Starts With The Desktop
The Future Of Remote Work Starts With The Desktop
83. 8 Ways Startups Are Changing The Way Businesses Work
The new era of highly connected and interactive technology is changing not only how business employees interact with customers, but also how they interact with each other, and with their company.
84. Upwork Freelancers Under BlackRock: The Masters of the Freelance Universe
The future of work is remote. But, now that you know who holds the keys to your freelance future, how do you feel about it?
85. Automate All Production: Leisure, Not Work, Is Our Goal
Work should be a vocation.
86. Why Augmented Reality is the Future of the Work Environment
Augmented Reality (AR) is transforming the way we work. The rapid growth of computing power and the maturation of 5G capabilities are feeding the development of AR technologies, and making AR systems more flexible and accessible for use in the workplace. These use cases include boosting worker productivity, enhancing collaboration, and increasing workplace safety.
87. How the Future of Automation Will Drive Innovation
Automation is an exciting prospect. Who doesn’t like the idea of having menial tasks completed quicker and more effectively than they could have been by a human?
88. How the Quest for AI Could Make Us More Human
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a dominant part of everyday life. Whether you are aware of it or not, intelligent algorithms are all around us, trying to predict and understand you so they can help make your life easier in some way.
89. How Money Works: Value Created, Reach, and Personal Satisfaction
Choosing a career path that will enable you financial solidity is important. Only if you are not struggling financially you will be able to flourish in life
90. Post COVID-19: Are We Moving Into A Touchless World?
Perhaps dating back to the beginning of humankind, we have reached out to touch someone. Not just one of the best advertising slogans of modern history, handshakes, hugs, and kisses are ways we touch someone to convey welcome, partnership, love, friendship, empathy, acceptance, and countless other emotions with acquaintances and loved ones. With the threat of virus transmissions now at the forefront of people’s minds, is there a place for the human touch in our future?
91. Can’t Buy Me Love: An Argument for Implementing Illiquidity
Mapping human values into code. Hint: its hard to measure them in bitcoin.
92. The “Techxodus” Is Real: Is Tech Done With The Bay Area?
California has experienced increased outbound migration over the past few years with more and more people working remotely.
93. An In-Depth Response to Sam Altman's "American Equity"
Sam Altman, CEO, and founder of OpenAI, published an essay with HackerNoon in 2017 titled American Equity where he makes the case for a Universal Basic Income.
94. Meet Aiko and Aiden: The World’s First AI Interns
Aiko and Aiden are the world's first AI Interns to be hired.
95. 59% of Employees Want More Mental Health Support at Work
About 3 in 5 professionals in the US (59%) do not believe their employer supports their mental health, according to a survey of 3,269 professionals.
96. Worrying About The New Normal? Let's Focus On Making Remote Work Exceptional Instead.
There are many contenders for the Oxford Word of the Year in 2020. The award - which can also be a phrase - is awarded as a reflection of the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year.
97. Is Automation Jeopardizing Our Future?
Is automation jeopardizing our future? What's its impact on our future and the job market? And how can we cope up?
98. 2023 is the Perfect Time to Hire Web3 Talent
In spite of the recent layoffs, the crypto job market has shown great potential since the past few years.
99. The Working from Home Puzzle
Working from home — WFH in short — is one of the most debated topics these days. Recent events have compelled many organizations to close their offices and force their employees to work from home. All aspects of the working experience are now being done remotely.
100. Workplaces of the Future: Desktop as a Service (DaaS)
It’s the era of virtualization. Everything from server resources to applications is being virtualized to optimize the IT infrastructure and give it more flexibility. Desktop virtualization is a part of the same bunch, where desktops are virtualized and provided to users over the Internet. The technology used for desktop virtualization is known as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
101. AI's Working Man Displacement
Photo by Craig Sybert on Unsplash
102. 5 Tips To Make Work from Home Productive
2020 is a year of unprecedented things. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has already infected more than 2 million people worldwide and it is not slowing down. Because of the mandatory quarantine and social distancing, many people are working from home for the first time in their lives.
103. 25 Questions Candidates Should Ask in an Interview for Remote Work
Remote interviews allow companies same time and money on travel expenses, while determining whether a candidate should be hired.
104. The Pointless TaskMaster: Why Product Management Might be a BS Job
Explore the concept of the Bullshit job made popular by David Graeber – see how it applies to Product Management.
105. What Google Search Data Can Tell Us About The Future Of Careers
On August 15th 2019, high school students in the UK received their A-level results.
106. Is Giving Up Your Office the Right Thing to Do During COVID-19?
The novel coronavirus. COVID-19. Remote working is the new norm, get used to it. Digitalization is the only way to keep the lights on. Looming economic recession. — Yeah, you might be familiar with these phrases already. We all are. But the big question that’s on every digital business owner’s mind right now is, “Should I vacate my office and save on the lease now that my employees are working remotely?” The short answer to this question is, “It depends.” Here’s why.
[107. AI in the workplace.
Why machine learning is not coming after your job.](https://hackernoon.com/ai-in-the-workplace-why-machine-learning-is-not-coming-after-your-job-v81k3w69)
2020 is the year that cars would fly, time-travel would be possible, and life could be extended indefinitely, at least according to science fiction. Fiction through the effort of researchers and the stampede of scientific development has a tendency lately to become real. Artificial Intelligence is not one of those things.
108. Dystopian Unfolding: A Remote Chat with a Mad Scientist
I remote-chat this afternoon with Marco Helmut Sobol, a veteran game developer with roots in the late 1980's, also a serial founder in the games industry, and technologist.
109. Life after the Pandemic: IT Outsourcing Trends in 2020
110. Shine at Work: 8 Tips to Get Noticed
What matters is how you operate, how you interact with others, or how you look beyond the outcomes to generate value.
111. AI for Call Centers: It is Not Human Vs. Algorithms
Call agents and AI work better as a team.
112. Poll Finds About 1 in 3 Professionals Use Cannabis at Work
Companies might have another concern to navigate: drug use.
113. "Working From Home is a Learning Experience For Everyone" - Kenny Su
Gradually and already palpably, Covid-19 is setting the global economy to the new order. Apart from delving financial institutions into a slump not visible since the Second World War, and it caused a dramatic digital surge which is set to transform organizational practices once and for all. That’s what McKinsey report points at: same organizational principles that applied before can no longer be sustained, and the flatter, more agile and empowered structure has to be brought into force. All of that lays down the ground for new rules and opens a completely new paradigm in which organizations have to withstand.
114. Is Cloud Computing Really More Sustainable?
We've all heard the environmental benefits of cloud computing, but there are some cons as well. Is the cloud really more sustainable?
115. The Tech Worker's Pandemic Advantage
This economy’s income inequality is well documented. The pandemic has begun to accelerate the widening of this gap. Those who are able to work
during a lockdown are HEAVILY advantaged. Now that it appears the United States has squandered the benefits of a lockdown, one has to accept the fact there will be more lockdowns.
116. Releases: The Last Frontier of Standardization
As software engineers, we strive to better our craft and leave a lasting mark on the organizations we work for. Throughout our careers, we balance two types of knowledge: the combination of business domain and technical stack is our bread and butter. Sometimes we might value the business domain over the technical stack and vice versa as we expand our toolkit. For example, we might work at a financial institution (let’s call it Acme Investment Bank) for a broad domain, but where the tech stack is not bleeding edge. On the other hand, we might roll the dice and work for a firm that has a bleeding-edge tech stack but where the domain is very specific, like a company that sells wine to your pets.
117. Business Process Automation Is Key to the Success of the Future Workforce
The tech pace has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow. This is what is going on today: the COVID-19 pandemic is creating havoc in almost every industry. Businesses are moving towards digitization and preparing themselves for adopting new ways of operating and serving customers once they reach a safe situation.
118. How Leaders Inspire and Lead Remote Teams
Leading and motivating remote teams will be crucial to being a successful leader in this new hybrid world. Let’s explore how to be a good leader today.
119. The Freud Trilogy in the New Remote Work World
What Would Sigmund Freud Do In The Remote Work World?
120. Twitter Employees Fear Elon Musk's Takeover Will Ruin Company Culture
Despite being a longtime lightning rod for controversy, even Twitter employees were caught off-guard by recent events.
121. 12 Productivity Hacks to Help Makers Maintain Laser Focus
Most makers, founders, side-hustlers, and hackers have a tonne of responsibilities outside of their their personal projects: full-time jobs, friends and families, school.
122. Metaverse Imaginaries, Sci Fi Vignette #1: The Future of Work, Land, Investing in the Metaverse
Science Fiction vignette about the future of the metaverse. This vignette is about virtual employees, virtual land, running businesses and investing.
123. Babysitter Managers Are in Trouble and They Know It
The motivations to return to work might have less to do with worker productivity and more to do with middle managers trying to justify their existence.
124. The Deep Work Hypothesis and its Limitations
Deep work, although a crucial skill in our current economy, is not enough to thrive in our jobs.
125. 10 Skills You Need For Your Post-Pandemic Career
Ever since the pandemic began, and workforces went home for what turned out to be a long period of remote work (which has yet to fully end), we’ve been asking ourselves a lot of questions about the future of work. How are we adapting to this new environment? Do we need new skills? Will technology help us or hurt us over the long term? Is it OK to prioritise a healthier work-life balance when the world seems to be ending? What careers will be on the ascent when this is over, and which ones should be avoided?
126. An Imaginary Day in the Life of an Engineer in the Metaverse - A Sci Fi Vignette
A near future sci fi scenario about how the metaverse will be used in the future of work, for those with "regular" types of jobs.
127. How AI Serves as a Cognitive Collaborator to Employees
AIs are becoming entrenched in everyday business operations, serving as cognitive collaborators to employees
128. The 13 Highest Paying Cities for Software Engineers in the U.S Midwest
Among the top 100 best-paying cities for software engineers in the U.S., 13 are in the Midwest, as reported by over 5 million verified professionals on Blind.
129. The Great Resignation is Happening Fast. How can AI help?
The Great Resignation is already fast-forwarding mass adaption of AI, both to support current employees and to compensate for the ongoing labor shortage.
130. My Journey Coauthoring a Novel With ChatGPT (Part 1)
I have started coauthoring a novel with ChatGPT. I am reporting about my experiences with this new technology, and how it can make authors more productive.
131. How Dropshipping Technologies Will Change the Future
How Dropshipping, or reselling goods directly from the supplier can change the future of selling products online thanks to the technologies that enable it.
132. Stand Up And Choose To Make A Difference
The system we grew up with is a mess.
133. Job Mobility Slows Amidst Recession Fears and Tech Layoffs
The Great Resignation might be waning among knowledge workers. Enter: The Great Disengagement.
134. Check Out the Principles and Best Practices of Infrastructure as Code for 2023
Infrastructure-as-code is a very important concept to understand in the DevOps world today.
135. This AI Helps to Combat Mindless Internet Scrolling
Humans are ineffective at doing the internet. AI might be 30x faster at searching information on the internet. Sentinel is our take on providing the solution,
136. 5 Reasons Remote Working is Here to Stay Even After COVID-19
Learn about the research-proven positive impact of remote working and discover why the trend for telecommuting keeps growing.
137. Courier is Moving to Remote-first: Here's Why
We wrote a blog post about why Courier would never be permanently remote. This post covers why we changed our minds and Courier is now a remote-first company.
138. The Inevitable Growth of Post-Pandemic Gig Economy
Some gig jobs flourished directly as a result of the pandemic. As the US moves beyond COVID-19, freelance will play an important role in recovery.
139. How To Win the “Learning War” for Talent as a Startup
Growth and learning is the #1 reason to take a job in a startup. The economy of longer life leads to frequent job changes and the unprecedented rate of skills obsolescence, which require new approaches to creating learning experiences.
140. 4 Ways to Introduce New Technology to Work
Every day, there are new tools that come into the market to make us more productive. More so since the global pandemic took hold.
141. Smell Detection: Does Digital Scent Technology Pass the “Smell” Test?
It’s really exciting how the technology we use to do our work and make our lives easier just keeps getting better. I’m pleased that Siri and Alexa know me on a first-name basis. Amazon can often predict what program I want to watch, a book I’d like to read, or clothes I’d like to buy. Roomba has figured out just the right places to vacuum, and I simply have to pick up my iPhone and it can recognize me automatically. Now that’s great service!
142. Digital Workspaces: Hacking the Future of Work
A look at how to engage in the future of work through digital workspaces
143. How to Hire and Build A Successful Remote Startup Team
Hiring a remote team can help you create a more diverse workplace, which can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table.
144. Web3 isn't just the Internet: It's a Prelude to Greater Freedom Online
web3 isn't just about "the web". It contains more than "web2" with extra features. It changes how we work in the future.
145. What “The Future of Work” Means For Jobseekers
Here's what to understand about the "future of work" particularly for jobseekers.
146. Don't Stop at Writing Code, Create Business Value
Knowing the business needs/problems can help engineers to grow faster. If you don’t know WHAT and WHY, you can’t think of HOW.
147. Freelancing vs. The Gig Economy
Is it too much to say that the gig economy’s good name is damaged beyond repair?
148. "Challenge Our Comfort Zones, Indulge in Our Passions" Taylor Smith, Cofounder and CEO at Blueboard
Meet Taylor Smith, Cofounder and CEO at Blueboard - a rewards & recognition platform sending top talent on awesome experiences - like learning to surf.
149. How Web3 Can Free the Future of Work for You
A look at the promising future of work in the world of Web3 and its impact to the self sovereign worker
150. How to Optimize Your Remote Workforce Using Big Data Analytics
Optimizing your remote workforce can easily be done using the help of big data analytics, as it can easily point towards time management issues and overwork.
151. One Simple Hack For Making Remote Work Great: Trust
Remote work is on everyone’s minds right now. If you are fortunate enough to still have a job right now chances are you are doing it remotely. And you’ve probably learned that you can do your job pretty well from home - just as well as you did in the office if not better. And why is that? It’s certainly not because of the added stress of a pandemic. Could it be because your management team actually trusts you to get it done?
152. 4 Data Protection Tips for Remote Teams
With remote work becoming more popular, it is easier than ever for companies to have data stolen. Read here for 4 data protection tips for remote teams.
153. Successful Commerce after COVID-19: Transformation is Key
Eight industries that are proof that thriving (and not only surviving) is pretty much entirely possible for many business sectors in times of a pandemic.
154. Technology or Strategy: How Is the Workplace Being Reimagined?
The traditional workspace is gradually changing to a remote workspace. But what is driving the transformation of remote workspaces, technology or strategy?
155. When Things Go Wrong, What Happens to Total Compensation?
There is an agreement that if you do your job properly, you will be compensated for it. But what happens to total compensation when things go badly wrong?
156. What Will the Jobs of the Future Look Like?
A look at what the jobs of the future will look like
157. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?
Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.
158. 5 Things I’ve Learnt From Working at Web3 Startups
Funded by VCs, the promise of remote work and lots and lots of networking parties- sounds like quite a dream right? Kinda. But also not really.
159. 10 Ways to Prevent Burnout While Working From Home
While working from home has many benefits, it also has the potential for certain drawbacks. Burnout is a serious risk while working from home.
160. How Augmented Reality Is Transforming Workplace Training
This article explores the potential benefits of augmented reality (AR) in workplace training. AR provides a more engaging and practical learning experience.
161. Building the Next Generation: What are the Skills of the Future?
A discussion on the skills children should develop to face tomorrow’s challenges.
162. What Does Total Compensation Really Mean?
It is common to think of compensation purely as salary – money you get paid for the work you do. But many people get compensated with more than just salary.
163. Why Launching a New Project with a Remote Team Is a Good Idea
Having a remote team in the project will lower expenses and make hiring easier. It will lead to many operational challenges too. Let's see how to address them.
164. How to Stop Micromanaging Remote Workers
With the adoption of remote work by a greater percentage of the workforce post-pandemic, most companies face issues that were not necessarily present before now
165. How to Attract and Retain Top Talents for the Future of Work
The future of work belongs to the employees. Organizations have to pattern their attraction and retention strategies to attract global top talents.
166. Top Ten Things Affecting Your Remote Team Culture In 2022
An overview of the top ten things affecting your remote team culture in 2022.
167. Exploring the Future of Employer/Employee Relationships in Web3
The increasing desire for reduced reliance on corporate identities that require very staunch employer-employee relationships is something that Web3 can enable.
168. The Future Of Work Is Here: How Slack Is Revolutionizing the Virtual Office!
Know how Slack is revolutionizing the future of work and helping to improve the productivity of employees.
169. What Are Some of the Top Use Cases of VR at Work?
As more companies invest in VR hardware and software, it's also starting to carve out its place in traditional office settings. Here are the top uses at work.
170. Why Asynchronous Communication is Important in Remote Work
In this article, You will learn the benefits of asynchronous communication for remote workers.
171. The Participate-to-Earn Business Model and How it Impacts Web3
Just how sustainable are play-to-earn and participate-to-earn business models in web3? What risks do they pose to users?
172. Valuable Employee Training Programs To Get Back on Track in 2021
In 2021, there’s both a need and an opportunity for employee training. Here is a reflection on what actually motivates employees to complete the training.
173. Your Old Employer Might be Your Best Bet for a New Job
The coworker that just left the company may be back, and they might return sooner than expected.
174. 10 Ways to Promote Wellness in the Workplace
I am sharing 10 practical ways to embrace mindfulness, focus on wellness, and maintain your mental well-being while in the office.
175. Understanding Stock As a Component of Total Compensation
Stock options. Many employees of startups and corporations get to hear this term when their compensation is being discussed.
176. The World as we Know it is Over
The next few years will present some of the biggest challenges and opportunities of this generation. Are you ready for this change?
177. Agent Smith, Take Me Back to The 9-to-5 Matrix
Freedom is the most expensive word in freelancing.
178. How to Use a Laptop as a Monitor to Boost Productivity
In the following sections, we will discuss how we can use an additional monitor alongside our laptop using a cable, and how to find the right cable.
179. 5 Ways That AR and VR Support Remote Workers
The corporate world is quickly becoming digitised. From immersive communication to VR training, find out how AR/VR technology is transforming the workplace.
180. Remote Hiring: Current Assessments, Processes Woefully Inadequate
It’s official. Remote work is here to stay. At Woven (where I work, in the interests of full disclosure) we were not surprised. The signs were there all along. But as COVID-19 forced everyone on that corner, the suddenly remote companies are put in a position where suddenly, they can’t trust their process to work as well as it used to.
181. A Functional Metaverse and the Future of Work
“Meta-optimists” are convinced that as we move into 2023, it will be a time when the Metaverse will gain acceptance and wide adoption.
182. How Shortage of Labor Will Create More AI & Automation Careers
Automation and artificial intelligence technology are beginning to make seismic shifts in the way that things are done in today’s world. From making certain processes more streamlined to replacing humans with machinery, these forms of technology are ushering in a new age of productivity, optimization, and efficiency.
183. The Challenges for DAO Adoption: Hype Cycle, Orientation, Free for Alls, and Unclear Incentives
Are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) ready to go mainstream? We'll unpack key challenges and solutions and survey the state of DAO tooling.
184. Hybrid Work: What Is the Future of the Corporate Meeting Room?
It is important that all companies acquire a good, functional, responsive meeting room that encompasses all the necessary solutions to support hybrid work.
185. Did You Quit Your Job to Face an Even Worse Boss?
The science behind becoming your own personal tyrant
186. Automation Isn’t Really a Bad Thing for Employees
Learn more about automation, its role in today’s workforce and whether it will have positive or negative implications for American workers.
187. How to Navigate Disasters in Tech (Part 1)
Here is a short collection of tech horror stories, their underlying causes, and ideas on how to build better more ethical tech products and services.
188. How to Write a Good BYOD Security Policy
Like its name says, Bring Your Own Device or BYOD, is the practice of letting employees use their own devices at work. Many businesses have already started implementing BYOD policies because they offer greater flexibility and improve employees’ productivity.
189. Metaverse Opportunities For Businesses
Why the new metaverse may produce new opportunities for businesses because of its unique technologies making opportunities for them to exploit and benefit from
190. How to Decide Whether to Leave or Stay at Your Current Workplace During the Great Resignation
Use this checklist to see if your workspace is a good place to be, or if it's time to move on.
191. Building a Team With a Decentralized Mindset to Empower Web3 Communities
In traditional roles the employees are accountable to a hierarchy of managers and those who have the power to make decisions from within the organization. Web3 turns this on its head and now projects within a more decentralized world are accountable to the community first, essentially reversing the power structure that employees would be familiar with.
192. Meet Tobias, the Creator of DALL·E's Game
Tobias W. Kaiser, the creator of DALL·E's Game, speaks to HackerNoon about Web3, technology, and DAO.
193. Remote Usability Testing Tools, Here's What to Look For
In this blog, you come to realize remote working usability checking out is a notable manner to check your product earlier than and after launch!
194. How to Maintain Productivity with a Flexible Work Schedule
Increased productivity and greater employee satisfaction are the key benefits of flexible working hours for employers.
Thank you for checking out the 194 most read stories about Future Of Work on HackerNoon.
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