113 Stories To Learn About Ui Design

22 Feb 2024

Let's learn about Ui Design via these 113 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Improving Design Handoffs: A Guide

To build an awesome and successful digital product you need to do a lot of things. Such as planning, market research, build a prototype, design it, code it, ship it etc. For this whole process, you need to go through lots of handoffs and team communications. One of the more painful handoffs is the Design-to-Development Handoff.

2. Mastering Micro-Copy With ChatGPT

Writing good copy is hard. Using ChatGPT to write good copy can be hard too, but with a few tricks you can get some amazing results.

3. 7 Best UI Components Libraries and Frameworks for React.js in 2022

Here, we'll cover the best UI components libraries and frameworks for React.js that you can follow and utilize in 2022.

4. 6 GUI Design Principles Every Designer Should Know

GUI design has become the best choice of user interface design. Nevertheless, in spite of the unpredictable popularity of GUI, few application programs have good interface design and live up to graphic user interface design principles. Additionally, it’s extremely difficult to use the expertise and existing documents to explain what an excellent and direct-viewing operation interface is.

5. Creating Fitness Application: UX/UI Design Case Study

Hey! I'm Danil and I'm part of the 2muchcoffee team. I have over 6 years of experience in UX/UI design including research, analysis, interaction design, and visual design.

6. 13 Website Design Inspiration for UI/UX Designers

Regardless of whether you're an accomplished website designer or developer or simply a beginner, a website architecture venture's extension can rapidly limit the of assets accessible, making it extreme to track down the correct website design for motivation for your assignment.

7. Reinventing the Python Logo: Interview with a UI Designer

UI designer Jessica Williamson redesigns the Python logo and receives 7000 upvotes on Reddit.

8. UX vs UI vs CX: What’s the Difference?

You might have heard user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and customer experience (CX) being used interchangeably. Even some of the most seasoned and professional marketers and designers confuse these terms.

9. Front-End Developers And Designers: Bridging The Void

I’ve come quite a long way as a web developer and happened to work in different teams and with different designers. Regardless of the number of people and type

10. Truly Reusable Design Systems in Practice: Web Components

Companies like Airbnb, Apple, Uber, and GitHub have changed the ways they design digital products by incorporating their design language and organizing it into a system that can be used across all employees — and even outside of the company.

11. Front-End Development: 5 Reasons You Should Focus on It

A strong User Interface improves the interaction between the user and your website or application, converting potential visitors into customers.

12. Galileo AI - Are UI/UX Designers a Thing of the Past?

Cutting the middleman between product ideation and launch, its convenience and ease-of-access could possibly eliminate the need for human UI designers entirely.

13. The Best React Native UI Component Kits To Use In 2021

React Native was created by Facebook to accelerate and reduce the cost of developing mobile applications. It is clear that React Native is currently the best solution for creating cross-platform mobile applications.

14. Seamless UI and UX Development Allows for Product-led Growth

Walnut allows SaaS companies to demonstrate their products in a brilliant way.

15. How to Implement Dark Mode: 5 Essential Tips to Remember

Here are 5 tips you should keep in mind when implementing dark mode in your apps.

16. What Is The Best Widgets Library In 2022?

An easy-to-use and comprehensive JavaScript framework are of utmost importance if you are a web developer.

17. How to Choose a UI Library for Your Frontend Project

Choosing a UI library for your frontend project can be a challenging task. I will try to help you make this hard decision.

18. How to Add a Custom Font to a React Native Project

I just started learning React Native and I have to admit that, it’s super easy to start with and hot-reloading makes it amazing to develop and reload the application in no time.

19. Learning UX/UI: Developers and Designers

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon Uxcel, an app that teaches you UX/UI. It looked really clean, so I decided to give it a go.

20. 4 UI Design Principles to Follow to Deliver The Best User Experience

UI design is a vital part of any website and it directly affects the conversion rate and user satisfaction. Learn more about UI design and its best practices.

21. Designing an Effective UI: Improve Your eCommerce Website Design

An E-commerce web design that user would find easy to shop. A good design make shopping engaging and easy for the users. And navigation is just the first step.

22. Some of the Most Common UX/UI Mistakes

The software market is suffocated with new mobile and web apps monthly. That’s why the focus has moved on ensuring a client-centered and visible UI/UX design.

23. How to WOW Users With Intuitive UX Design

70% of online businesses fail because of bad usability. The solution to this challenge is an approach known as Intuitive UX Design

24. The No-Code Movement And What It Means For Agencies

Building things online without any coding skills is barely a new thing - Shopify, Wix, Squarespace and many others have been around for years, allowing users to create e-commerce websites, personal portfolios, and corporates homepages all within the browser, only with basic tech knowledge.

25. Everything You Need To Know About Angular Material Components

A good UI design also increases user interaction on your website and makes it easy for users to get things done.

26. My Experience With Dating Apps - Take One

My first experience using various apps to meet people.

27. Who is a Product and UI/UX Designer? What is Their Role and Importance

Hi, today I would like to tell you what the difference is between outwardly very similar professions. they have similarities, but in essence they are completely

28. The Basic UX Design Tradeoffs for Navigation Menus

Navigation menus are one of the most-viewed and most-clicked-on pieces of interface. Let’s look at some principles of nav design that will help our users have a better experience.

29. Why we Decided to Open Source our Company

I like getting things done quickly, not just for the sense of accomplishment, but because I know I can also move on to other projects and collaborations in the wings. Since I was a kid, however, I heard that speed was dangerous, that it inherently meant cutting corners. “Isn’t it good enough?” I’d ask my mom after a quick, hacked attempt at making my bed. “If you’re going to do something, do it well,” she said. I thought my bed was perfectly fine. She did not.

30. Lightweight CSS Animations with Figma & Figmotion

How web designers and developers can collaborate in Figma to create lightweight animations in CSS, HTML, and SVGs.

31. 🖥 The Ethical User Interface

What makes the user interface ethical? Give the user enough options, that they keep their autonomy. But not too many, that they become paralysed by choice.

32. How the eBay Homepage has Changed Over the Past 21 Years

eBay is a multinational e-commerce platform. It facilitates consumer to consumer and business to consumer sales through its website. eBay was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar.

33. 8 Chrome Extensions for UI/UX Designers

I have compiled eight chrome extensions to help get the job done faster and more productive.

34. 6 Tips to Stay Within Budget While Designing a Website

How to get prepared before designing the website? Here are 6 easy tips we have benefited from.

35. Designing a Dashboard? - Don't Make These 6 Common Mistakes

Dashboards are an integral part of enterprise applications. When you design such an important element, keep some of the following tips in mind.

36. What is Design Debt and Why is it Important?

Design debt is a common yet rarely discussed problem startups face in iterative and incremental software development. Learn what it is, where it comes from, and why it is so important to prevent it.

37. Why Creative Navy Awarded a $20,000 Grant to Sophie App

Sophie App is designed to help vulnerable groups escape violent situations unharmed. It can alert the authorities and trusted contacts in a discrete manner.

38. Top 21 Chrome Extensions for Designers and Developers in 2023

Explore a list of 21 functional Chrome extensions.

39. How to Start Applying Psychology in Product Design

The best designs exist to help users complete their tasks smoothly and efficiently, and they do so discreetly while remaining completely inconspicuous.

40. User Experience Vs. User Interface: Understanding the Difference

When it comes to designing applications, modern businesses that want to be competitive realize the need to provide exemplary user experience, while also regarding user experience as the ultimate factor for success.

41. You Can’t Be a Good Web3 Designer Without Real Interest in Web3

My name is Andrii Bondar. I'm a product designer working on the zkSync project, a layer 2 solution for scaling the Ethereum blockchain.

42. Red Light! Green Light! Stop Hurting Your Users!

Color is one of the most important tools for creating user interfaces that don't suck, so stop doing it wrong.

43. 7 Top UI Component Libraries and Frameworks: ReactJS in 2022

Check out the Best 7 UI components libraries and frameworks of the popular JS framework ReactJS you should follow in 2022 to build an application with better UI

44. Augmented Reality in Top 5 Apps 2020

Augmented reality is often presented as something futuristic, but it exists around us for a long time.

45. Seven Deadly Sins You Can Make in Mobile App Design

There are too many examples when an app brings more annoyance than value. We’ve picked four of them and figured out the design sins they committed.

46. Design Battle: Visual Design vs Functional Design

Sometimes, designers get confused on which design styles to apply to their work. It all depends on what the work is for and who the target audience is.

47. How to Choose the Perfect Font for Your Website and Advertisements

Finding the perfect font for a project can be a challenge. It can take a long time to select the correct font. To make the right choice, there are a few things

48. How To Pick The Right Stock Photo For Your Next Design Project

We all love beautiful pictures

49. How We Redesigned WellSpeak App And Win A Design Award

WellSpeak team shares insights on how to design a mobile application for free and win the nomination “best of apps design 2020 in Ukraine”

50. F is for Fendi: How Luxury Brands Cater to Gen Z via Social Media

Italian fashion house Fendi has seen major success over the past few years launching innovative digital campaigns.

51. How User Experience Is Crucial for Mass Adoption of Blockchain Technology

User experience, or UX, refers to how easily users interact with a product or service. In blockchain technology, a positive user experience can be critical for its adoption because it can determine how readily people are willing to use the technology.

52. The Main Principle of Designing Interactive Environments

What interactivity means and why you need it to make immersive products. We’ll also cover what constitutes immersion, and why “user” is an objectifying term.

53. A Self-Learner’s Guide to Combating UX Research & Design Misinformation

UX education is saturated and it has become increasingly difficult to filter out the bad sources. Here’s how we can fix that.

54. Developing An Android App With a UI-First Approach

The real-life experience of Sigma Software's team using UI first in mind when developing an app.

55. Every UX Designer Needs To Learn Prototyping

This article covers the definition of prototyping for UX design, when to create your first prototype, and the principles of prototyping.

56. How the YouTube Homepage has Changed in the Past 15 Years

YouTube is an online video-sharing platform. It was created in February 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. In November 2006, Google bought the platform for US$1.65 Billion. The platform allows users to upload, view, share, rate, comment on videos, report, add to playlists, and subscribe to other users.

57. Type Identity and its Impact on API Design

When designing an API, it's easy to use public types that denote resource identity to allow actions on a resource.

58. Are UX And UI Equally Important: What Experts Have To Say

This Slack discussion by Sadia Mehmood, Muhammad Bilal, Akasha Rose, anthony watson and Shahmeer Khan occurred in slogging's official #introductions channel, and has been edited for readability.

59. 10 WordPress Pricing Table Plugins that Rock

In this listicle, I would like to cover the features you need for creating a WordPress pricing table. Read on to know the best WP pricing table plugins.

60. Adding Light and Dark Modes, with a Toggle Switch, to Your Website

I've recently rebranded and redesigned the look and feel of my website. As a part of that redesign, I've implemented both a light and a dark theme. Here's how.

61. UI Comparison: Sushiswap VS Uniswap

Uniswap is the gold standard for token swapping, it’s the way most people swap ERC-20 tokens in a decentralized way. In 2020 SushiSwap forked Uniswap and since their UI’s have diverged.

62. The Dos and Don'ts of Designing Chat Messaging UIs for Your App

Get valuable insights on designing user-friendly in-app chat UIs. Learn the dos and don'ts, best practices, and tips on simplifying, enhancing UX with color and

63. 5 Common UX Myths That You Should Know

We love creating artworks. We've been doing it since the early ages be it the cave paintings in Altamira or Ajanta, we have an innate desire to express and depict the world as we see it. Illustrations, on the other hand, are more than just expressions, they serve as a way to communicate to a much larger audience using a familiar visual language. In a digital age, illustrations are a powerful tool to visually express a piece of text, to empathize with the user, to simplify complex processes and even to bring delight.

65. Website Redesign Strategy With a 9 Stage Timeline

The redesign process is explained in detail, with 9 stage timeline. Go step by step with this guide.

66. Website Design or its Copy: Which Should Come First?

A design-first approach or a copy-first approach may seem the easier choice. But the winning combo is a process of design+copy.

67. Mobile UI Design: 5 Basic App Screen Types You Must Know About

There are five main app screen types that you should be aware of when you design your UI. These are the most likely to occur and make the strongest impression.

68. Improve User Experience with Personas [Infographic]

In the world of future UI design trends for digital products, personas play an important role as a technique in the hands of the UI/UX designers. User experience is a metric that has evolved in recent years for websites or mobile apps.

69. How to Become a UI Developer

After sharing my post describing what a UI Developer is, I got some requests to write another post specifically about how to get a UI Developer job. It's certainly not an obvious path. My first job out of college was working for my alma mater in the Art Department media lab, during which time all I knew was that I wanted to transition into web development.

70. Top 7 Tips To Become A UI/UX Pro

Tips & resources to help you get started

71. How Learning from the Physical World Can Help Us Design Virtual Reality Experiences

The principles we use to create effective VR and AR interactions have existed for as long as we have walked this earth.

Short answer — it’s risky, but it can also work depending on how you do it in terms of UX.

73. Codeless Product Demos is the Key to Closing Deals for the Sales Team in 2021

This article talks about product demo and why codeless product demo creation is critical for sales teams to get leads.

74. Starting My Dream Project: Building the Chat GUI for a Conversational AI

This is the first entry to a long series of entries of how I will create a new and unique Artificial Intelligence accommodated assistant.

75. Best Online Platform Material Design Guidelines for 2021

Image courtesy of Pexels

76. An Introduction to Design Thinking

Some of the most common approaches to solve a problem are situational or context-specific. For example, in the field of structural engineering, most of the challenges are solved by applying time tested rules in the field of civil engineering. For a problem that is considered less severe, a common approach is a trial by error. Mission-critical requirements and issues are solved by using a well-defined set of steps and strategies. The first reaction to solve any problem is to compartmentalize the problem into something which was solved earlier. The mind likes the comfort of the known after all. This is our primordial nature. These approaches have served us since time immemorial and will continue to do so. A common thread running through all these problems is they are well known, and they have been faced before plus they are well documented

77. Top 11 Best User Interface Design Benefits for Online Educational Platforms

It’s no longer news that the methods of sharing knowledge are changing. Well, that’s where online platforms come in. They host many of these educational service providers. They also ensure that students can get access to technologically-advanced education in the comfort of their homes.

78. Desktop-First: Because The Future Of Remote Work Starts With The Desktop

The Future Of Remote Work Starts With The Desktop

79. 6 Principles of Dark UI Design

Color is not the only thing to consider while speaking on the fundamental black UI design principles.

80. How To Make Marvelous Microcopy: 7 Surefire Tips

Good microcopy is one of the fastest ways to improve an interface. Try doing an audit on your UI with these tips to see how it stands up.

81. A Guide to Bidirectional Scrolling in Responsive Designs

Incessant scrolling while using an application is perceived as a flaw on both mobile and desktop. To address this concern, a shift to horizontal scrolling of elements is in trend now.

82. 9 Website Design Tips To Get Things Rolling

While website design isn't rocket science, there are a few stellar points you should keep in mind while designing a website.

83. How To Design Web and Mobile Apps for Inclusivity

There's been a lot of talking about inclusive web design in the past few years and that's great, as long as it's not only used as a keyword to boost SEO but is actually being considered by design teams.

84. A Comprehensive List of Free Fonts for Designers

This comprehensive list includes a wide range of options, from elegant serifs to modern sans-serifs, so you’re sure to find something that fits your project.

Check out the fresh and rocking web design trends in 2022...!!

86. JavaScript Pie vs Bar Charts: Choose the Right Data Visualization Tool

Did you know that approximately 65% of people are visual learners? Hence, for most of us, pictures are easier to understand than text. For instance, the incumbent U.S. President prefers the information accompanied by visual aids like maps, charts, graphs, and photos, according to Reuters.

87. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #18: Changing Theme Functionality

88. Crucial Mobile UI/UX Design Mistakes to Avoid at Any Cost

With the inflow of so many mobile app development companies, developing an app seems to be a cakewalk. You just need to contact an app development firm and the rest is taken care of by them.

With 2021 around the corner, let's take a look back at some of this year's leading trends in web design.

90. Advancing Online Education in Singapore: A Northell Case Study

Modern education is becoming more and more digitized: while even ten years ago notebooks and printed materials were necessary for studying, all you need today is alaptop and an Internet connection. Various classroom management systems are now used for the education of all levels, from primary schools to corporate training. It is a sure way to make the learning process more efficient —  for example, taking quizzes and tests online helps automate grading and provide immediate access to the student’s performance.

91. What Product Designers Can Learn From A Luggage Business

The classic, timeless design principles I learned and use today can be seen everywhere from the phones that we use and even the luggage that we take for granted

92. UI vs UX Design: What are the Major Differences?

What is UI and UX Design? Difference between them and their importance in the filed of designing a website or mobile app.

93. Making Front End Development a Piece of Cake with Webix

What can help you to speed up the development process, and why is it Webix? Let's find out in the article!

94. 7 Common App Development Mistakes RetroCube Suggested That You Should Avoid

Are you new to app development? Want to create an app like a pro? Then it will help if you research a little and learn about the app development in detail.

95. UX Design Patterns: Hacks For Better Transparency And Feedback In FinTech Apps

What are the problems regarding transparency and feedback in FinTech applications? Which UX design patterns can be used to address them? Find out!

96. How Does User Experience Leave A Footprint On Your Business?

Everything boils down to customer experience today. Whether it is a mobile application or a website, there is absolutely no way you can turn a blind eye to UX and UI.

97. How to Find Ideas for Web Design

Learn how to look for ideas properly so you don’t waste time and energy in the future.

98. Get Over 50+ Free Icons for Your Projects Here

Designing resources are heavily priced everywhere. But here I am sharing some resources using which you can get more than 10 Million+ Free Icons.

99. Using Interaction Techniques in UX to Influence The Design Of Your Project

A Click Is Still a Click — Interaction Techniques in UX. How different interaction types influence user experience.

100. Debunking 5 Common UX Design Myths

There have been a number of misconceptions and myths about UX. And these things lead to inaccurate assumptions which affect design and usability choices.

101. Devised for Design: Top FIGMA Plugins

Figma has been top of its game since its launch in 2016. Here's a list of our team's 12 most used plugins.

102. An In-Depth Look at Image Scaling Concepts

Considerations upon image sizing for web display

103. Introduction to Design Systems for UX/UI Designers

For junior designers - those who have just started studying UX / UI design systems and those who have been working in this field for up to 1-2 years. The main goal of this article is to introduce you to the basic components of system design, to give you a basic introduction to this concept and to revise the material by demonstrating several examples of design systems that are already used by large companies.

104. Best Practices for Designing a User-Centric Dashboard

The importance of user experience is more emphasized than ever. As a result, the number and variety of dashboard tools is on the rise. These tools are used as an essential piece in any good customer experience strategy.

105. The Best React Frameworks to Help you Get to Production Faster

106. Essential Guide to User Onboarding UI Patterns

There’s a popular user experience quote: “A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.” While clever, that statement is far from the truth.

107. How I Redesigned my Entire B2B SaaS App in 30 days

Instagram is currently one of the most popular platforms and has seen an explosion of business accounts, ad money spent and even purchases made directly in the app in the last year. Businesses of all sizes are flocking to the platform to get in on a piece of the action. The popularity of Instagram is what makes it a great marketing tool but it is what also makes it difficult to stand out and reach potential customers. Hashtags are a social media concept that is heavily used on Instagram to help classify posts and allow users to get their content in front of more people than just their followers.

108. Illustrations in Web Design: 11 Examples For Your Inspiration

Are you aware of all the opportunities that illustrations give?

The ultimate design digest with fresh news, trends overview, and the best cases from the Awesomic team. Find out what was popular in March and check out memes!

110. Top Mobile App UI Design: 2021 Edition

Top User Interface Mobile Application Design 2021.

111. How To Design A Large Website Similar To Alibaba

In this article, I’ll show you the UX/UI design stages you can't find anywhere else. And a result, we'll see a complete dynamic prototype. Let's start!

112. Top 12 React Datepickers to Consider for Your Next Web Dev Project

Check out our range of React datepickers and pick your best date or time picker here.

What are the best website design trends in 2021? We covered most of the significant trends, like frosted glass, comfortable color palettes, and more.

Thank you for checking out the 113 most read stories about Ui Design on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.