Let's learn about Amazon Web Services via these 96 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Smaller, Faster, and Cheaper Coding Laptops via AWS
My Coding Laptop is Smaller, Faster, and Cheaper than Yours and it lives in an AWS Data Center!
2. 7 Simple Lessons I've Learnt Last Year with AWS
3. 3 Ways to Avoid that Huge Cloudwatch Bill
Anybody with a bit of experience working with AWS has had that time at the start of the month where you get that shockingly high bill in your inbox.
4. Site Reliability Engineering with Amazon Web Services
The top AWS tools for SRE Adoption: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Elastic Load Balancers, Health Checks, GuardDuty, and infrastructure security.
5. How to Upload to Amazon S3 via AWS CLI and NPM scripts
Static websites are a brilliant way to create performant sites. My website is built using Gatsby and hosted on Amazon S3. I have created a simple script to help you quickly upload your site to S3 by running one simple command in your project terminal.
6. How to Get Unlimited Cloud Storage on Telegram App
Unlimited cloud storage for storing photos, videos, and files using the Telegram App. The best alternative to Google Drive and Google Photos.
7. Using Open Source AWS Amplify JS with Cognito to Secure Angular Apps
This article shows how to set up the Cognito UserPools JWT authentication flow and how it will integrate with an Angular Web Application.
8. What Causes Malformed Lambda Proxy Response and How to Fix it
Malformed Lambda proxy response is a common configuration error in a serverless architecture. Learn what causes this error and how to fix it.
9. How to Trigger Lambda with SNS Messaging: Going Serverless with AWS
Do you love event-driven programming? Let's take a look at triggering AWS Lambda functions from AWS SNS messages.
10. What is Cloud Computing for SMBs?
As companies continue to evolve in the digital age, they are starting to readily approach the world of cloud computing.
11. One Stable Credit For Building On All Blockchains
A lot of my recent research has been around cryptocurrency as money - and how stable assets are the core to scaling the industry and building reputation and trust. I believe that creating price stability often through collateralization, whether that’s with fiat currencies like the dollar or pound, cryptocurrencies like ethereum or bitcoin, or commodities like gold and oil, will be essential to many web3 innovations in the coming decade.
12. How to Add Business Context to Every Dollar of Your AWS Bill
In this blog post, I will walk you through the process of how we use nOps to add a business context to our AWS bill.
13. My AWS Cloud Resume Challenge Journey (Part One)
I intend to take my readers on a journey of skills learned, challenges faced, and solutions uncovered along the way as I take on the cloud resume AWS challenge.
14. How to import your MS SQL database to Amazon RDS
I will show you how to create a database in the cloud, connect it to MS SQL, deploy from a database backup.
15. Amazon Kinesis: The AWS Data Streaming Solution
Quick Guide of Amazon Kinesis which contains the Amazon Kinesis Introduction, Top Advantages & Use Cases of Amazon Kinesis.
16. 5 Common Amazon Kinesis Issues
AWS Kinesis is a professional tool that comes with its share of complications. This article will discuss the most common issues and explain how to fix them.
17. Worry if The CPU based Policy Does Not Cut It For You
Imagine you are in the process of migration of a legacy system from the data center to the cloud to make the system scalable. If containerization is not an option you will try cloud-native autoscaling. One of the most commonly used metric to perform autoscaling is CPU utilisation. If your application does not scale well based on this metric this is pretty likely because of more serious issues. Let's see why.
18. AWS Chatbot Magic: Building Conversational AI with AWS Services
AWS offers a range of services that can be used for chatbot development and deployment. The steps outlined in this article show you how.
19. Build a Video On Demand (VOD) Service with AWS Lambda, S3 and CloudFront
With VOD streaming viewers may enjoy accessible media whenever and wherever they choose it. This way you'll keep visitors on the site longer. Learn here how!
20. Amazon Web Services: A Beginner Friendly Overview
As a web developer, I’ve had a lot of experience with Amazon Web Services. I never had the opportunity to thoroughly investigate its goods or gain a thorough understanding of AWS capabilities. The following guide will provide you a quick overview of AWS products.
21. Hey Google, Where's the Search?
Just some of the things that could be easily fixed to make the Google Cloud Platform and Workspace easier to use.
22. The Beginner’s Guide to Serverless Computing
Serverless is a modern computing model that employs Function-as-a-service architecture and manages the backend and scaling automatically with low cost and high concurrency.
23. What does API Gateway Encoding not Enabled mean?
In this quick debugging article, you'll learn what does the error api gateway encoding not enabled mean, and how to handle or debug it.
24. Evaluating Cloud Backup Solutions: AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud
Source: Pixabay
25. Let's Export Cloudwatch Logs to ELK
Cloudwatch is an AWS service that allows storage and monitoring of your application logs from an array of AWS services. This can be really useful for creating alerts to notify developers when a certain threshold of errors has been hit, but sometimes we might need to deeply analyse our logs, not only to spot errors but to find insights into our application and improve performance. This is where an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack can really outperform Cloudwatch. ELK allows us to collate data from any source, in any format, and to analyse, search and visualise the data in real time.
26. OpenSearch From a Serverless Perspective
What is OpenSearch in a nutshell? What's the history between Elasticsearch vs OpenSearch? The role of AOS in serverless architectures, setting up & monitoring.
27. How to sample AppSync resolver logs
AppSync has built-in logging integration with CloudWatch Logs (see here for more details on the logging options).
28. AWS/Azure/Google Certifications are More Important than Linux Certs
Skip the Linux certs and go with AWS/Azure/Google certification instead. These days, pretty much every cloud provider has their own version of Linux.
29. How to Handle EC2 Credentials: Best Practices and Common Mistakes
When using the AWS CLI on an EC2 instance for accessing AWS resources like your S3 buckets(S3 is a storage provider on AWS), you might encounter a permission error and prompted to run aws configure as shown here:
30. How To Create an AWS S3 Bucket
What's AWS S3?
31. Cloud Management and Hybrid Cloud Model Explained
In this blog, we will explore the relevance of cloud service models.
32. Cross-selling in eCommerce Matters: A Technical Guide for Upselling Online
Cross-selling and upselling are key areas to focus on with an eCommerce business, and this article will teach you how to implement upselling on your storefront.
33. Amazon's Financial Future: Expansion Plans, Leveraging AWS, and Investment in Customer Loyalty
Amazon reports slower-than-expected Q4 growth, but Prime and AWS boost revenue. The company removed 18000 job roles but aims for long-term growth.
34. Why Is Amazon AWS Data Lake Gaining Popularity?
The exact difference between the Data Warehouse and AWS Data Lake.
35. An Introduction to the Main AWS Storage Services
Learn about different storage types available in AWS and when to use each.
36. Paying Attention To Green Computing Is Worthwhile For Environmental Concerns
Data centers now encounter 1.5% of overall electricity utilization in the United States. This is an overview of the environmental benefits of cloud computing.
37. Receiving and Handling Emails with AWS and Amazon SES
If you have B2C applications, you have to deal with support tickets and emails. According to user size, it can be difficult to handle emails with a person or manage same email address with multiple people for support mails.
38. A Beginner's Guide to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Amazon EC2 is a service that allows you businesses to run their application in AWS cloud. You can easily set up a virtual machine and perform all your computation on it. In this post, we will teach you the basics of Amazon EC2.
39. 12 Strategies to Reduce Amazon S3 Costs
Amazon Simple Storage Service or Amazon S3 is a service designed to house storage for the internet. In this article, we'll talk through all the strategies you can use to reduce Amazon S3 costs.
40. Introduction to AWS S3 Pricing and How to Optimize Expenditure
In this AWS S3 Pricing and Cost Optimization Guide, you’ll learn about S3 pricing and cost factors, storage classes and how you can save money.
41. Auto Scaling in Cloud Computing with AWS: Top 4 Advantages
In this article I have mentioned what auto-scaling is all about and what benefits it holds in a cloud computing environment, especially with respect to Amazon.
42. Creating an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Using an EC2 Instance on Ubuntu
Docker allows developers to package applications in containers. This article will show you how to create your own container, upload it to the repository.
43. Tips To Secure Your AWS Account
It is no news that Cloud Computing technology has come to stay.
44. An Introduction to the AWS Scheduled Lambda Function
A solution using CloudWatch rules and alternative solutions.
45. AWS Guides: How to Create an Instance in Ec2
Amazon Web Services (AWS)is an online cloud computing platform Amazon. This guide will explain how to create an instance in Ec2.
46. How to Deploy a Java Springboot App with MYSQL in AWS for Free
This tutorial explains how to deploy a Java Springboot app in AWS Free Tier
47. How to Perform Sentiment Analysis with Amazon Comprehend
How to analyze the sentiments from a text using AWS services like Amazon Comprehend, AWS IAM, AWS Lambda, and Amazon S3.
48. To Migrate To Amazon RDS Or Not, Is The Question
When does migrating to Amazon RDS make sense and when it does not
49. Cloud-Native Autoscaling in AWS
Imagine the situation, you have a legacy system partially migrated to multiple services and used by the relatively small amount of concurrent users. And one day stakeholders want to create an open API and expose the system to external clients with the load significantly higher than the existing system can handle, and it should be scalable to handle in the future even more.
50. linking kubernetes clusters to vpcs on aws
What is the best way to connect Kubernetes clusters running across multiple AWS VPCS?
51. Amazon ML Services: A Deep Dive Into AWS SageMaker
SageMaker is a fully managed service that enables developers to build, train, test and deploy machine learning models at scale.
52. Using AWS Lambda to Reduce NodeJS App Size
Tips on how to reduce your node app size and the benefits of doing this.
53. Well-Architected Microservices
This is a list of items that has helped me to build, run and scale microservices efficiently and securely.
54. Amazon Honeycode: A No-Code Platform With Big Promise
How I created a web and mobile application within an hour without coding
55. How to Provide Developer API Access for your SaaS Product Users
Here’s how we used AWS Cognito’s authorizer to enable users to have developer API access restricted to their user data using Client Id/Secret.
56. AWS Lightsail: The Why, Hows, and Whats
Lightsail is an easy-to-use alternative to EC2, offering everything you need to build websites and simple web applications.
57. Amazon Advertising Is Unstoppable
Read this post for insight into why Amazon Advertising is flourishing -- and how Apple and Google are playing into Amazon's hands.
58. A List of AWS Benefits for Startups
The global pandemic now may have hit many sectors of the economy, but it doesn’t appear to have hampered the cloud computing market. According to the latest forecast from Gartner, the public cloud market is likely to grow 6.4% in 2020 to reach $ 242.7 billion.
59. How to Choose the Right Web Hosting For Your Business
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “Web Hosting”?
60. An Intro to the 7 Rs of Cloud Migration Strategy
Cloud migration strategies are high-level plans adopted by an organization to move their existing on-premise workloads and data to cloud environments
61. How to Deploy Modern Apps with AWS Amplify
Deploying a web app to AWS Amplify provides a way to host your frontend web app on the internet using its services for free which provisions a URL you can share
62. 3 Risk-Mitigation Lessons That We Learned The Hard Way This Year
What do in-flight refueling maneuvers and cloud-to-cloud migration have in common?
63. A Complete Guide To The Machine Learning Tools On AWS
In this article, we will take a look at each one of the machine learning tools offered by AWS and understand the type of problems they try to solve for their customers.
64. Serverless Architecture: Lambda Triggers and Design Patterns [Part 2]
This is part of a series of articles discussing strategies to implement serverless architectural design patterns. We continue to follow this literature review. Although we use AWS serverless services to illustrate concepts, they can be applied in different cloud providers.
65. AWS Vs. Azure: Key Differences and Business Benefits
The Big Three, Amazon, Azure, and Google, are driving the cloud computing market. The variety of opportunities they offer to businesses is endless which makes the decision even more difficult — which cloud will benefit my business the most?
66. An Introduction to AWS SSO VS Cross-account Role-based IAM Access
Considered to be the best practices in AWS, one of the most popular ways to maximize AWS's potential is to utilize multiple accounts.
67. You are Not Using the Right AI/ML API: Here’s Why
Companies are increasingly using Artificial Intelligence services, especially when it comes to automating internal processes or improving their customers'...
68. How We Kept Datadog From Blowing Up Our AWS Bill
A deep dive into how AWS billing works and an intricate series of steps to discover the location of the firehose of data
69. Let’s Talk About Cloud Computing
In this article, I propose to understand what cloud technologies are, to see their differences from solutions, to consider these key characteristics and models.
70. Everything Business Owners Need to Know About Web Hosting
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term “Web Hosting”?
71. An Introduction to AWS VPC
VPC is the topic that flies under the radar of many Software Developers, despite being present in every AWS account (well, maybe not for accounts created before 2009...but that's unlikely). There are a few reasons for this I can think of:
72. How to Make Your WordPress Site Safe and Fast With Amazon Cloudfront
How to make your WordPress site safe and fast by using Amazon CloudFront to keep your site private and harder for malicious actors to access and tamper with.
73. Amazon Dropshipping (2021) - Complete Step-By-Step Guide
A complete step-by-step guide on how to get started with Dropshipping on Amazon.
74. An Introduction to Infrastructures for WEB projects in AWS
Let's review a particular project in detail and the cost of infrastructure maintenance. And so, we have an internal WEB application that consists of a static website on React, a backend on Go, and a database DynamoDB. All code is stored on Github and for CI/CD we use Github Actions. The infrastructure code is defined in Terraform.
75. An In-Depth Guide to AWS Lambda Error Handling
In this article, we'll be discussing everything you need to know about the basics of AWS Lambda error handling.
76. 17 of the Best Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Web Developers to Learn
This article will give you a basic understanding of the main AWS features and will be useful for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the platform
77. I made AWS Lose Money - Here's How!
This is a short series that I wanted to share for a long time about the basics of “Cost Optimization” on AWS.
78. Everything You Need to Know About AWS DynamoDB
AWS DynamoDB changed the database game in Serverless and continues to do so, as its design repeatedly proves its huge value.
79. Using DAL For Migration From DynamoDB to Spanner and Bigtable
Game changers emerge when you are deep in the trenches laying the foundation.
80. In-Depth Guide to Connecting your AWS and Microsoft Azure Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
Let’s say that you have spent the last 2 years developing your enterprise services in either of the two cloud providers and now you decide to start using the other one. A possible scenario that would bring about such a requirement could be a migration from one cloud service provided to the other.
81. Should You Even Use A Regular Web Hosting Anymore?
Nowadays, almost all the websites that are out there are using just regular web hosting. That seems pretty normal, but in days where cloud hosting companies like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud are getting very popular, the question that comes in mind is Should we even use regular web hosting anymore or we should turn to the cloud. Just think about it, they’re often much cheaper and have support technologies that regular web hostings don’t.
82. How to Set Up Authentication With AWS Amplify in Next
Authentication is a way for applications to confirm user identity before granting permission or entry to a website.
83. An Introduction to Microservices and Serverless
The concept of a microservice perfectly fits the structure of a serverless function, which easily enables deployment and runtime isolation for different services. On the storage side, services such as DynamoDB also make it easier to have independent databases for each microservice and scale them independently (when required or desirable).
84. How To Successfully Migrate Data From DynamoDB To Bigtable And Spanner
Being informed and relevant aren’t enough to catch a moving target that’s disappearing every 24 hours.
85. The Complete Beginners Guide to AWS S3
In this tutorial, we'll get to learn how to use the AWS S3. First, learn what is S3, the core parts of S3 that are the Buckets, Access Point, and Objects.
86. The Technologies Set to Redefine Cloud Computing This Decade
For many years, enterprise cloud computing has been a careful balance
– and sometimes an epic battle – between what is possible and what is
practical on the ground. This dichotomy has led to a lot of confusion,
which in turn can hold back development.
87. Does Amazon Promote Their Brands Ahead of the Competition?
About 40 percent of online purchases in the United States take place on Amazon.com.
88. How To Create an AWS Account For Personal Use
If you're new to Ruby on Rails development sooner or later you'll have to create an Amazon AWS account. And if you already have any experience you know what I meant.
89. 10 AI Development Companies Leading AI Innovation in 2023
Artificial intelligence is a technology that surprised the world by evolving from a fictional tale in movies to now having a ubiquitous influence in every sphere of human life.
90. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Anywhere: A New ECS Function
Amazon ECS Anywhere gives customers the ability to run Amazon ECS on any infrastructure using the same cloud-based, fully managed, highly scalable container orchestration service and control plane they use in AWS today.
91. Essential Guide to Accessing Your AWS Account
Hey there. You just created your first AWS account, and you can't wait to dive into all the exciting services and technologies that AWS has to offer you to start to build the next big thing. But, wait for a second... are you going to log-in with your root account credentials? Or it's better to generate a new user? Or maybe use a role?
92. Deploying Payment Processing Infrastructure to AWS: Corefy's Experience
Hi all! I'm Dmytro Dziubenko, Co-founder & CTO of Corefy, a white label SaaS platform that empowers clients to launch their own payment systems in a few clicks. Our platform helps numerous payment providers and companies successfully cover all their payment acceptance needs. The key value of our platform for clients is that it eliminates the difficulties of payment provider integrations. After a single integration with us, clients get access to hundreds of ready-made integrations with PSPs and acquirers worldwide, allowing them to connect any payment method easily.
93. Designer to Developer Handoff: How to Build a React Component from a Figma Design File
AWS Amplify allows you to build an application from Figma and import the components into React. With the help of Amplify, the tool creates reusable components
94. Introduction to AWS Log Insights as CloudWatch Metrics
A step-by-step description of how to create an AWS Lambda to convert Cloudwatch LogInsights into metrics
95. An Encryption Deep Dive - Part Four [AWS Encryption Services]
96. Growth Hacking for Remote and International Developers – Part II [Podcast Transcript]
Chris Hickman and Jon Christensen of Kelsus and Rich Staats of Secret Stache continue their discussion on growing high-performing remote and international engineering teams.
Thank you for checking out the 96 most read stories about Amazon Web Services on HackerNoon.
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