Let's learn about Ethereum Top Story via these 95 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Layer 2 Rollups Projects in 2021: A Comparison
Ethereum layer 2 is a collection of solutions that are specifically designed to scale applications by handling transactions off the Ethereum Mainnet, Layer 1.
2. Ethereum killers: Does Their Fame Match Their Claims?
‘Ethereum killers’ are largely a media narrative - with Solana, Polygon, and Harmony as the only outperformers
3. An Opportunity for Clean Energy through the Ethereum Blockchain
The energy industry is consistently catalyzed by innovations and is at present undergoing a double transformation- digitization is changing on the basis of value creation in this emergent sector and second, there is a smart energy transition towards renewables.
4. The Future of PoW Mining After The ETH 2.0 Merge: An Overview
Bitcoin will most likely continue to use PoW. Post ETH 2.0, there is elevated risk of a much lower profitability for current ETH miners going forward.
5. Ethereum Basics - And How It Differs From Other Blockchains
Web3 sucks" - but the technology is still young and evolving.
6. What I Learned Trying to Predict the Price of Cryptocurrencies
A few days ago, I presented a webinar about price predictions for cryptocurrencies. The webinar summarized some of the lessons we have learned building prediction models for crypto-assets in the IntoTheBlock platform. We have a lot of interesting IP and research coming out in this area but I wanted to summarize some key ideas that can result helpful if you are intrigued by the idea of predicting the price of crypto-assets.
7. Rising Gas Fees in the Run-up to Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade
Ethereum gas fees have been on the rise since the beginning of the year. In the latest developments, miners on the world’s second-largest blockchain protocol voted to increase the gas limit from 10 to 12.5 million Gwei. This increase of 25 percent in miner fees contributes to the more than 75 percent rise year-to-date.
8. Ethereum 2.0: Making Sense of Lego Money, Sharding, PoS, and TPS
Ethereum (ETH) which was launched in 2015, and is the second most valuable cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, is known for its high developer activity, alongside certain other cryptos like Cardano (ADA) and Kusamo (KSM).
9. Will Ethereum Ditch Solidity for Vyper?
First things first, it’s called Vyper, not Viper.
10. Ethereum Improvement Proposals 2021: A Brief Overview of Things To Come
A quick guide to the following Ethereum improvements
11. The Liquidity Crisis - Part Two: ETH
Ethereum (ETH) supply is becoming scarce while demand is rising. Here's what you need to know.
12. Ethereum's Client Diversity Problem
Lack of client software diversity could threaten the health of the Ethereum network ahead of the Merge.
13. Smart Contracts are NOT Databases
If it is not going to be used by a smart contract, dump it in an event
14. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are Here to Stay: A Primer
In recent months, a Vincent Van Gogh painting, 45 drawings of a renowned Marvel Comic artist, and a rare digital sword from an online gaming world were stolen. In the traditional criminal network, these items would eventually be sold on the black market.
15. Layer2 Interoperability: StarkEx Vs. Loopring Vs. Hermez Vs. Connext
StarkEx, Loopring, Hermez and Connext use different methods to solve the funding efficiency problem of liquidity providers. Will any of them be a perfect one?
16. What Would Staking Look Like On Ethereum 2.0?
Proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) are the two most widely employed blockchain protocols. Blockchain proponents often indulge in debates to prove which of the two is actually better, never really reaching a consensus (pun intended).
17. Future Expectations: What Will Affect Ethereum Price in 2021?
Today, we will analyze Ethereum's (ETH) value and the various technical, competitive, and regulatory factors that may affect its valuation in the future.
18. WTF Are Blockchain Oracles and How They Make Smart Contracts Smarter
Open blockchain smart contracts does not have the capability to guarantee information reliability outside of their own network, they can only read the data saved on their respective blockchain. Oracles seeks to tackle this problem by providing a best-effort claims about the real world and feeding them to smart contracts in a trusted and secure manner, thus bridging the gap between smart contracts and the real world.
19. Open Zeppelin's Smart Contract Security Puzzle: Ethernaut Level 1 Walkthrough
This is an in-depth series of Blogs around OpenZeppelin's smart contract security puzzles. The aim of blogs is to provide a detailed explanation regarding various concepts of Solidity and EVM required to solve a Puzzle. It is highly recommended to attempt to solve these puzzles before reading further.
20. What Should We Expect From The Upcoming Release of Ethereum 2.0?
Ethereum 2.0 it's coming this year but let's start with the beginning. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency proposed in 2013 and launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, a Russian-Canadian programmer. Ethereum introduced smart contracts based on blockchain technology which enables users to perform trustworthy transactions without the need for a third-party.
21. How Ethereum's 44% Price Drop in USD value Shocked the dapp Ecosystem [An Analysis]
The Covid-19-fueled sell-off across financial and investment asset classes on 12 March 2020 resulted in the largest ever day fall in the Ethereum price – from $195 down to $110 – that‘s a 44% drop.
22. How To Stake ETH 2.0 Without Running a Node and 32 ETH
How to stake eth without running a node, defi solutions, staking
23. How Rust and Elixir Read Ethereum and other EVM Smart Contracts: Functional Programming & Blockchain
I am going to show the function of reading Ethereum Smart Contract by Elixir&Rust in this article
24. Implementing an ERC721 Market [A How-To Guide]
Put tokenized items for sale in a decentralized classifieds board
25. Turning 2k to 2M in 16 Months: My Story on Branding, Opportunities, and Technical Analyses
My journey from turning 2k to $2m+ in 16 Months Using Brand, Opportunity, and Technical Analysis. Stacking Ethereum and Bitcoin and working hard.
26. Ethereum Vs. Bitcoin: Whose Side Are The Machines On?
27. Bitcoin UTXO vs Ethereum's Account-Based Blockchain Transactions: Explained Simply
Bitcoin and Ethereum differ in many ways. In this article, I will cover one of their differences: the way they keep track of what coins a user owns.
28. EIP-1559 Explained With the Story of the Crypto Village
Ethereum Investment Proposal EIP-1559 explained with a story of a crypto village
29. ZKSwap Tech Review: SKALE – An Elastic, Decentralized Sidechain Network
SKALE's years of hard work have offered itself a relatively stable advantage, but it still needs to catch up in ecological construction.
30. Ethereum: The EIP- 1559 Narrative
A debate on whether EIP - 1559 will enhance users' experiences on the Ethereum network.
Which side of the argument is more plausible? Only time will tell!
31. Build A Social Authentication dApp on Ethereum using Next.js and Next-Auth-js
Learn how to implement a Dapp for Ethereum using Next.js
32. Notes on Ethereum Governance and UI/UX Usability in dApps
While most of blockchain and Ethereum in particular, developers only focus on building and testing their DApps, they often forget the end users or customers. That means, they underestimate the importance of UI/UX and governance in their product commercialization and success. To that end, this article sheds more lights on best practices for successfully building Ethereum based on User Interface (UI)/User Experience (UX) and governance.
33. An Introductory Guide to Ethereum and Dai
The birth of Bitcoin (BTC) over a decade ago has opened doors to many other cryptocurrencies. Although it still reigns as the most popular and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Ethereum is trailing behind steadily while Dai is also rising in popularity. In this simple guide to Ethereum and Dai, we’ll take a closer look to understand both cryptocurrencies better.
34. Using PRüF to enhance legacy ERC721 NFT’s with extended capabilities
Using PRüF to enhance legacy ERC721 NFT’s with extended capabilities
35. Looking Back At The Companies That Led To The ICO Boom
One popular narrative about 2017's ICO mania says it was fueled by naive investors duped into throwing money at projects that were either incapable or had no intention, of delivering.
36. Demystifying Swarm: A censorship-resistant digital infrastructure
Swarm is a decentralized network of nodes that can store and exchange data with censorship-resistance at its core. It is open, neutral, borderless, secure and private with zero-downtime. Last but not least, it’s free.
37. GAS in Ethereum: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
Initially, Ethereum was not created as a payment system, but rather as a tool for creating decentralized applications (DApps), in which any operation is managed through smart contracts.
38. 3 Takeaways from The 3rd Ethereum Community Conference
Bunch of limes are on their way back from Paris where EthCC had just taken place – one of the biggest Ethereum conferences in Europe. Neither the bad weather nor the global virus panic stopped the brightest minds in the Ethereum space to get together once again, sharing knowledge brainstorming and having a good time pushing the technology further.
39. ETHEREUM 2.0 AND CHAINLINK: The Story So Far And What To Expect In 2020
When investing into cryptocurrency you want to look for projects that will make the biggest changes within an industry. This is why I prefer coins like ETH, BAT, LINK, XLM, ONT and NEO.
40. The Ethereum Merge Has Come and Gone. What Now?
Many are talking about Ethereum Merge, however, not everyone is aware of it. Here's what Ethereum merge is and what we can expect in the future.
41. DeFi Investor Options Trump Legacy Finance
DeFi shows no signs of stopping. Currently there is more than $176 billion worth of total value locked (TVL) in DeFi, representing a nearly 30 times increase compared to the same point last year.
42. Understanding Ownership and Access Control in Solidity [A Detailed Guide]
From the simple to the complex, with the code to reuse.
43. What the heck is EIP-1559?
What is EIP-1559? Will this improvement proposal makes the transaction fees lower and the transaction speeds faster? Read on to learn more!
44. HELP! I'm Trying To HODL During A Quarantine Pregnancy!
HOLDCommunity is like no other crypto and it's changing lives and wealth as we know it.
45. Ethereum's Layer 2: The Story So Far And What To Expect Next
Ethereum is scaling. Why do we need Layer 2 and what does the near future promise
46. AppliedZKP zkEVM Circuit Code: A Guide
This text aims to provide an easy guide to the basic framework and logic of the AppliedZKP zkEVM code base.
47. Future of VC in the Web3.0 era: A Race To Investing In DAOs
Decentralized fundraising and the ability to raise money “independently” from VCs and funds has always been a deeply rooted ideal in the crypto sphere.
48. Understanding the Ethereum Gas Limit Debate
Due to a clogged network, Ethereum just got an expansion — but at what cost? Here's everything you need to know about the ethereum gas limit debate.
49. How To Build a Minimalistic Ethereum Wallet in Python [Part 1]
In this article, we are going to build a simple Ethereum wallet from scratch using Python. During the process, we will use some cryptography and try to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. In part 1, we will generate a key pair which is compatible with the Ethereum protocol, obtain the Ethereum address from the public key and encrypt the private key using a password.
50. Could The Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade Lead To The Flippening?
The second-largest cryptocurrency in the world is implementing a network upgrade, which completely changes its value proposition as a financial asset.
51. A Linked List Implementation for Ethereum [Deep Dive]
In this article I’ll introduce an implementation for Singly and Doubly Linked Lists, which you can reuse or modify for your own purposes. All the code is available in github or as an npm package.
52. Will Casper Network Boost Ethereum Before ETH2.0 Goes Live?
How Can Casper Network Make Up for ETH 2.0 Delays
53. Ethereum Hardfork: Fundamental Changes Coming To The Second Largest Crypto
The famous EIP-1559, one of the most anticipated updates for Ethereum and the entire cryptocurrency industry in 2021, is finally set to roll out on August 4.
54. EVM-Puzzles: Learn Ethereum By Solving Interactive Puzzles
Demystifying the EVM Through Interactive Puzzles - A Walkthrough.
55. Exploring Popular zkEVM Solutions: AppliedZKP, Matter Labs, Hermez, and Sin7Y
zkEVM is said to be the crown jewel of Ethereum scaling schemes. Our 5th article compares and contrasts popular zkEVM solutions and proposes several questions.
56. What Makes A Language Suitable For Writing Smart Contracts?
Universal languages like Javascript, C++, Java, and SQL can help you to write a smart contract but a developer with knowledge of universal languages is only one component of a smart contract where smart contracts need a platform for execution.
57. Identifying Smart Contract Orchestration Patterns in Solidity
All but the simplest of Ethereum applications are composed of several smart contracts. This is because of a hard limit of 24KB in any deployed contract, and because your sanity will slip away as the complexity of a smart contract grows.
58. Cross-Blockchain Implementation on A Decentralized Service Node Network
Blocknet Protocol is a blockchain-agnostic platform designed to help developers launch new applications using features from various blockchains. If developers want to build on EOS but use smart contracts from Ethereum, they can with Blocknet.
59. Why the Ethereum Price has Dropped: Speculations and Dips
Ethereum is a very popular coin, but before you invest in the coin, read this detailed analysis of the price changes that make ETH very peculiar to investors.
60. Unstoppable Domains: Opera Browser Integrates .Crypto Domain Extension for Android App #Zilliqa
Opera will integrate Unstoppable Domains ".crypto" domain into their android version of their mobile browser, allowing users to create and access decentralized websites.
61. Global Debt, Ethereum, and a New Open Financial System [Analyzed]
It’s time to pay attention. Ray Dalio, Conspiracy Theorists, Gold Bugs, Bitcoin Maximalists and even the Chinese Government all have one thing in common. They believe that the existing Global Financial System is in for a paramount change in the near future.
62. Building an Energy Market on the Blockchain: Evaluation, Wireframing, and Implementation
Including Solidity smart contracts to get you started.
63. Could Cryptocurrencies Finally Go Viral in 2020?
2020 is the best time to talk about mass user adoption in crypto. After a decade of development and innovation, a year of hype, and two years of stagnation, now is finally the time to “reap the fruits” of our efforts.
64. London Hard Fork: Impact and Implications of EIP-1559
Effects and implications of the London Hard Fork EIP 1559
65. An Intro to ENS (Ethereum Name Services) and Why You Should Get One
Many people ask me about a simple way to get involved in the brave new world of Web3, Decentralized apps, and blockchains in general. I have now learnt that the
66. 5 Reasons Why Layer 2 Solutions Will Overhaul FinTech As We Know It
Karl Hedin, Lead Developer at ZKSwap Europe has spoken at Dcentral about one of the most important topics in crypto today: layer2 chains and applications.
67. Bitcoin Price Smashing The $20k Mark Should Make Ethereum Fans Rejoice More
68. The Ethereum Roadmap - From The Merge to The Splurge
The Merge is a huge event, however, it is the first of five prime upgrades coming to Ethereum followed by The Surge, The Verge, The Purge and The Splurge.
69. The Overfitting Challenge in Blockchain Analysis
Machine learning models tend to overfit when used with blockchain datasets. What is overfitting and how to address it?
70. The Ethereum Merge
A breakdown of the Ethereum Merge. What is ETH 2.0 and what it means for the Web3 industry
71. Queen Elizabeth’s death inundates the crypto world with Innumerable NFTs and Meme Coins
The death of Queen Elizabeth has sparked the invention of innumerable so-called “meme coins” looking to capitalize on this misfortune occasion.
72. I Proposed a Blockchain Solution During an Interview...
The other day, I interviewed for a supervisor role within a top domain name registrar. Although most of the requirements are something I’ve already done before, it should prove an interesting diversion and provide funds to fuel my other ventures into creating passive income.
73. Connecting The Dots Between Blockchain and Sustainability
Growing up in South Africa, the team at Wildcards witnessed first-hand the impact of poaching, pollution, poisoning and other forms of destructive human behavior leading to the extinction and endangerment of hundreds of animal species.
74. How Not To Run Out of Gas in Ethereum
75. How Ethereum & Chainlink Will Change Blockchain Technology
Ethereum 2.0 is just around the corner, with a rumored release on Ethereum's 5th Anniversary on July 30th 2020.
Nothing lasts forever, but the current crop of economic “isms” all believe that national economies must and can grow ad infinitum.
77. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: The Simplest Explanation on the Internet
history, concepts, principles, technical implementation, and development status of zero-knowledge proofs in the simplest language ever
78. Optimistic Rollups and Ethereum's Layer-2 Solutions: Examining Arbitrum's Security Mechanism
Deep dive into the security mechanism of Arbitrum, Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution
79. The Crypto Challenge To The Amazons & The Microsofts in The Computing Storage Market
Following the invention of the Internet by Robert Kahn in 1983, there are multiple developments that have focused on improving the Internet. The most remarkable improvement that has taken place is the decentralization of the Internet. The development has been massive enough to the extent of transforming different activities in modern society ranging from governance, law and trust to finance, health tech and fractional ownership.
80. Ethereum dApps grow 104% as DeFi Activity Jumps 294%. EOS slows & TRON is Still Las Vegas [Analysis]
We’re moving rapidly into Spring and so it’s time for DappRadar to take a look at how the dapp ecosystem has grown during February 2020. We’ve evaluated data from the dapps running on the three main smart contract Blockchains – Ethereum, EOS, and TRON.
81. Here's How and Why We're Building A Decentralized Caching Layer on Ethereum
The Graph project is building a decentralized data network to enable fast access to Ethereum and IPFS data for Dapps.
82. Bitcoin Price Frictions Explained in 5 Simple Futures and Blockchain Signals
In recent days, Bitcoin has been struggling to break different levels above the $7000 mark. From the COVID-19 crisis to the anticipation surrounding the Bitcoin halving event, there are plenty of macro factors that can be associated with the increasing price resistance.
83. Blockchain Bridges And Interoperability: Overview, Roles, and Integrations
To resolve the issue of non-interoperability, a cornerstone technology of blockchain has been developed — the bridge.
84. Understanding Token Standards in Ethereum Part-II (ERC721)
This story is the second part of my ERC series, in this post, you will get a complete understanding of the NFT contracts. Development, working etc.
85. A System for Maintaining Account Valuation: My Stablecoin Patent
(fig. 1 - Patent number 10121126 is readable here)
86. Why the Ethereum Merge Could Be Pivotal for DeFi and Crypto
The Ethereum Merge is a significant event in blockchain history that has been heavily hyped by many individuals and investors, including financial experts. After years of development, the gigantic Ethereum upgrade known as the Merge has finally happened, switching the digital machinery at the core of the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value to a considerably more energy-efficient system.
87. Ethereum Tokenomics 2021: Impact of Eth2, EIP 1559, and L2 Scaling Solutions on Demand/Supply
Huge changes for Ethereum are on the horizon. We have Eth2, EIP 1559, and Layer 2 scaling. Here, we explore how they influence ETH tokenomics and price.
88. Smart Contracts and Real Estate: The Past, Present, and the Future
Very little has changed the last couple of decades when it comes to real estate practices. Buying and selling a home today is much like what it was fifty years ago. It's more or less the same process as when our grandparents' generations purchased and sold homes.
89. Uniswap Overtakes Coinbase - How DEXs Are Back And Why Uniswap Is The Flag Bearer of DeFi
Nothing in this document constitutes financial advice.
90. How To Set up Your Own Ethereum Development Environment [A Step by Step Guide]
Setting up your dev environment for Ethereum development takes just a few minutes. It’s important to have a basic understanding of a few general concepts before we start writing code.
91. Most Effective Methods of Optimizing Gas When Minting NFTs on Ethereum
NFT collections are bundles of unique digital objects founded on a single principle and have become enormously popular in the crypto market of late. The variety of blockchains that NFT collections have been launched on in 2022 has noticeably increased, but Ethereum remains the most popular by far.
92. Tapping Into Ethereum Grandpa's Curious Consciousness with Dmitry Buterin
Tapping into Ethereum Grandpa's Curious Consciousness with Dmitry Buterin
93. Enable Full Blockchain API access By Removing The Middle-Man on Ethereum and EVM-Based Blockchains
The problem in accessing of Ethereum blockchain, the 'gatekeepers' to writing on the blockchain, the ultimate solution and allowing (no OS) device access
94. Eternal Storage : Building Dapps For the Future
TLDR: Eternal Storage provides the stable and flexible base needed to build and maintain long-lived decentralized applications.
95. Examining Ethereum Under A Microscope: Is There Really a Method to the Madness?
tldr; Below is a hefty and yet still somehow high-level overview of Ethereum. The roughly 5-year-old project has emerged as one of the most exciting and proven projects in the cryptocurrency space while somehow still encompassing the most risk and arguably, upside of any crypto-project. This dichotomy has allowed Ethereum to act as a sort of magic mirror for those in the industry. Fanboys and detractors alike can look into the project and see what they want to see: the 2nd-most successful crypto-project with product-market fit and an army of developers behind it or a nascent, experimental Frankenstein so complicated it would make Rube Goldberg blush.
Thank you for checking out the 95 most read stories about Ethereum Top Story on HackerNoon.
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