Let's learn about Django via these 95 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. The Smart Way to Clone Django Instances
How to implement proper reusable clone for Django model instances with related objects.
2. How to Install Django and Python 3+ on Raspberry Pi
Don't waste time! Learn how to install Django and Python quickly with this tutorial!
3. Top 10 Python Frameworks Ranked on Github
Here is a list of the ten highest-ranked Python frameworks on GitHub.
4. Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin — Django Tips
How To Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin?
5. How To Use Django as Your SaaS Framework
The Django Framework has been a popular choice for web development with Python for many years. And for good reason: it leverages Python's ease of modularity to offer a very flexible solution for a variety of applications.
6. Django, Celery, Redis and Flower Implementation
Here I’m assuming you already have your basic Django project setup. And, already know what Celery is? if not, I’ll suggest getting a basic understanding of it here. So let’s just directly jump into the steps.
7. Top 5 Resources to Learn Django
I've been using Django for a little less than a year already if I'm not mistaken and I'd like to share the top resources I use when I'm running on a roadblock or if I'm trying to implement something that I haven't implemented yet.
8. Netflix Tech Stack Has No Chill: How To Account for 15% of the World's Bandwidth
Disclaimer: This is NOT a press release by Netflix. Just my honest review of tech that helps us binge great content without hassle.
9. OpenAPI 3.0 Schema with Swagger UI for Django RESTful App
Let’s use drf-spectacular to simplify creation of beautiful docs for your Django application according to the OpenAPI Specification version 3. Sounds easy? It wasn’t for me…
10. Python Django 3.0 Release: Will Help Developers Improve Applications in 2020
The programming language Python is famous for quite many reasons. It is loved by enterprises, developers, researchers all over the world. Be it enterprise development, machine learning or anything else, Python has more than a few applications in the present-day world. It has not just been able to impress users with its flexibility, ease of understanding, uncomplicated implementation and abundance of libraries, but also its frameworks that developers are falling in love with instantly.
11. Build your Own ORM from Scratch With Python
curious about how ORM works! read this tutorial and make one from scratch using python programming language.
12. How to create a new project in Django
Django is a web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.Using it you can create many cool projects. It was designed to make common web development tasks fast and easy.
13. Full Production Django Docker Configuration
The current software development ecosystem moves fast and it seems older frameworks like Django or Rails becoming absolute, but it is a huge underestimation! Django is one of the unique frameworks that I like to use - first of all because it contains everything in it, with just a few simple configurations.
14. Top 3 Free Resources to Learn Django in 2022
This blog post provides an introduction to the Django framework as well as a handpicked list of free resources to learn this framework.
15. Tell Us Why Django is Everyone’s Favorite Backend Web Framework [Writing Prompt]
Draw some inspiration from the list of topics in this article and start writing about your experience with web development in Django.
16. When You Shouldn't Use Async in Python
What comes to a Python developer’s mind when he needs to write an I/O bound application? Of course async. Why? Usually, because it’s a trend. And I’ve seen this
17. Django vs. Laravel: A Beginners Guide
Django is a straightforward option to pick up and offers a backend customized according to the users' needs.
18. A Beginner's Guide to Deploying Django Model Changes to Production
How to deploy Django application to production if there are many instances of your application and a separate process for running migrations.
19. Simplify Custom User Models by Open-Sourcing Django-Swap-User
if you are tired of copying a custom user model from one project to other ones—use this package. It will do it all for you!
20. 7 Database Optimization Best Practices for Django Developers
In this article, we will be discussing the ways to optimize the database for speed in Django applications.
21. How To Optimize Images in Django Using ImageEngine
Learn how to optimize images in Django using an easy-to-use ImageCDN. ImageEngine automatically serves your images in next-gen formats on the global CDN.
22. How to Make Things Less Complicated With Django Model Managers
Learn how Django model managers can simplify your code and make complex queries and model-level operations easier to manage.
23. You Need Django Signals Right Now — Here's Why
Django signals are a powerful tool for executing code based on certain events in your Django application.
24. Introducing Myself
I have stumble upon this site looking for some solutions for my Django problem, and I loved it. I decided to signup and share my views on technology and apps development. I'm like 5 years experience PHP and JavaScript developer, although in that time I have developed one Angulajs mobile app.
25. Django Vs Laravel: The Ultimate Comparison Guide (2022)
Are you looking for a comparison and an ultimate guide for Django vs laravel? You got the final destinations with features and benchmarks.
26. 5 Python Frameworks to Leverage for your Next App
27. A Guide to Protecting your Django Secret and OAuth Keys
If you've stumbled upon my article, I assume you are working on a Django project and are wondering how to secure your project information, more importantly, security keys. If so, you've come to the right place as I am about to teach you the best method of doing it.
28. How I Got 15,000+ Requests on My Learn to Code App in Less Than 24 Hours!
It was a warm evening in April in the northern plains of India, I was sitting at my desk with a slight discomfort for I could not figure out the solution of a Foobar Level 4 problem because well, my high school was closed ( still is! ).
29. Say No to Python/Django - Use PHP/JQuery Instead
Say no to Python/Django!!!
30. App Based Template Loading in Django
Sometimes in Django you wish to override a small piece of a template and then refer back to that original template. However, in default Django, once you override that template, you can not refer back to it with the extends tag. This means you have to copy and paste a lot of code you would rather not maintain. So it would be nice if you had an extends tag that worked like:
31. How to Delete a Table from a Django Model on Production
Simple case of deployment Django migration to production in a few steps. This is table/model removal.
32. Writing Your Own Flask(like) Framework
How does defining something as simple as app.route handle HTTP Requests? How does app.run create a server and maintain it?
33. 12 Essential Django Programming Tips for Developers
It’s been about 6 years since I started working with Django, and through all these years I’ve made some personal customizations in Django’s structure.
34. Implementing Google Authentication and Fetching Mails from Scratch Using Python Django
Google Authentication and Fetching mails from scratch means without using any module which has already set up this authentication process.
35. 5 Best Django and Python Web Development Courses for Beginners to become a Python Web Developer
If you are looking for the best online courses to learn Django, Flask, and Python web development, then you have come to the right place.
36. 7 Most Common Mistakes That Django Developers Make
Django is powerful web framework, but with power comes responsibility. In this article, we will cover common mistakes that are even seasoned Django developers make, yet most successful Django projects need to deal with these sooner or later.
37. Opinionated or Not: Choosing the Right Framework for the Job
There’s a foundational question that every project starts with: accept the freedom to roll your own solutions along with the burdens that go with it, or take the chance to use sensible defaults that allow you to move quickly, but hide a multitude of decisions and set you on a prescriptive path.
38. Angular and Django Integration in One Project
For those times, when you ought to do things which you don’t want to do.
39. How to Decide Between Flask and Django For Your Next Idea
Confused between Django and Flask? Read out the differences between the two and decide to go with Flask or Django development services.
40. How to Build a RESTAPI with Django
41. The Best Front-End Frameworks for UI/UX: Future-Proof Careers
The Best Front-end frameworks are future-proof and supply the best design solution to the UI experts. There are diverse options in the market for C++ and Java
42. Deleting a Column from a Django Model on Production
How to safely remove a column in Django on a production with more than 1 pod
43. How to Create a Responsive Table with HTMX and Django
A guide on how to create a responsive table inside your web applications using both Django and htmx to create such a system to process your website's data.
44. How to Simplify Your Workflow With Pre-Commit Hooks
Pre-commit is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you catch these issues before they make it into your codebase. It is a git hook script.
45. 19 Top Websites Built With Django Web Framework
Softformance has published a list of the most popular Django-based websites built with Django web framework. Softformance used to use Plone CMS – Python and Zop
46. Django vs Laravel: An In-Depth Comparison
Confused between Laravel and Django to learn a backend framework?
This article gives a clear perspective of the frameworks and technology.
47. How To Build Location-Based App with Geo🌎Django
Working with Geo🌎Django
GeoDjango is a built-in application that is included as a contrib module in Django. It’s actually a complete framework itself that can
48. Maximize the Performance of Your Django App with these Techniques
Learn about caching, database optimization, minimizing queries, using CDN, profiling & monitoring, and more. Boost your app's speed and efficiency today!
49. How to Bring Live-Reloading Back to a Django And React Project
This article is a prequel of sorts to my earlier 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020 article. That article covers how to get started with JWT authentication in a typical React and Django Rest Framework project, and it does that well enough. There's just one major annoyance with it - I couldn't figure out how to get live reloading working! So for every change made to the frontend, we had to shut down the dev server, rebuild the React bundle, and start it up again. Talk about tedious!
50. What is Django Used For? The Six Most Common Applications
Django is a web app framework based upon Python, but is not a part of Python. Python being open-source language, easy to learn and adapt, has become the programming language of choice for beginners as well as seasoned developers in recent years. Django was created to support web application development, web APIs, web services. Thanks to rising popularity of Python, Django too became a framework of choice for python developers.
51. Pre-Deployment Checklist: Django Web Security
You already know web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information. So, in this post we are going to check Django security vulnerabilities and how to fix them.
52. How To Decode Django Sessions in PostgreSQL
When solving a problem that requires you to link a user's session data to their actual user object, Postgres comes in handy.
53. How to Improve Django 3.1 View Performance with Async Support
Django 3.1 provides support for asynchronous views, allowing developers to make significant performance improvements.
54. 10 Questions for Aswin Ganesh, Noonie Nominee for Functional Programming
The 2020 #Noonies are here! And they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Aswin Ganesh from India, who’s has been nominated for Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Functional Programming category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world in 10 questions, from the perspective of Aswin.
55. 7 Reasons Why Django Framework is a Perfect Framework for Startups
The programming language and the main framework are often crucial for startups. Here is why we think Django is a wise choice.
56. The Developer's Guide to Preparing Django Applications for Production
Configuration of production and development settings in Django.
Can we read from different databases? What about getting notifications on view exceptions?
57. Django And Asynchronous Support: A Never Ending Story
Last year, when Django 3.0 came out there was a lot of buzz in the developer community about how Django 3.0 has support for asynchronous now but what does that mean for most developers? I guess we'll find out.
58. Managing Django Media & Static Files on Heroku with Bucketeer
Prepare your Heroku-deployed Django application to be closer to production-ready by implementing public & private storage backends for media & static files.
59. Running Geo Django on ElasticBeanstalk
I want to tell you this story because I wasted about 14 hours to realize how to achieve it correctly.
60. How to Use the Django Templating System Efficiently
The Django template system is available to users (programmers) using the Django framework for creating web applications.
61. Serverless Python Google Cloud Platform: Hosting Django on Cloud Run
Learn about the basics of Serverless, Docker and deploying a Django (Python) application to Cloud Run, a serverless offering by Google Cloud Platform
62. How To Scale Django/Postgres With PgBouncer on Heroku
Do you have an app on Heroku using Postgres? Are you running out of database connections?
63. Six Django Template Tags Not Often Presented in Tutorials
This article is for those who don't read the documentation, and I, who had the Dash app for a few months now, which I never tinkered until last night.
64. Streamlining Your Django Development Environment with Docker Containers
Learn how to containerize an entire Django project from the ground up, including a Postgres database, Redis cache server, Caddy, and Celery instances.
65. How to Deploy a Django Application on AWS with Terraform
The final goal of this guide is to create a scalable and reproducible setup of the Django Web Application on AWS using Terraform.
66. Caching in Django: Everything You Need to Know
Optimize your website for lightning-fast speed with caching. Reduce processing overhead and improve response time, and discover the power of caching today.
67. Business Engagement Models for Software Founders
Businesses are looking for ways to develop software that will help receive a product of the highest quality at the same time.
68. A Deeper Look into Our Design Process for SaaS Applications
We develop a custom product design process that takes UX and UI into account and allows us to build effective software products.
69. Social Networking website in Django (Cloudinary + Sendgrid)
Did you know that almost every person on our planet is a user of at least five types of social networking sites? Facebook alone, the most popular social network website, has 2.375 billion users.
70. Ruby vs Python: Which is Better for Your Application Development?
Ruby and Python are some of the most commonly used programming languages for web application development. According to the Stack Overflow’s annual survey conducted among 90,000 developers worldwide, Ruby and Python were in the Top 15 most in-demand programming languages in 2019. It’s quite something considering that there are about 700 programming languages in the world!
71. Django Boundaries - Models and Views are Not Enough
"The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines." This is what Django says and that is actually true indeed.
72. 5 Most Marketable Python Frameworks You Should Learn
Web development has emerged as a rapidly developing field in the past few years and as the knowledge of various tools and languages used in web development is increasing, so is the number of individuals in this field thereby making a tough competition. Python has emerged as a mightily popular language in almost all fields of Computer Science and there are a large number of in-demand Python frameworks available like Django, Flask that might allow you to get an edge over other Web Developers in the community.
73. Flask vs Django: Which Should You Learn?
Looking for a Flask vs Django comparison? This article compares the two popular Python frameworks for web, apps, APIs, and backend development.
74. How to Choose a Technical Partner for Your Business
A golden rule is: “Don’t start a partnership before you plan an exit plan.”
75. Deploying a Django Project to PythonAnywhere - A How-To Guide
When I was first starting with Django, one of the most challenging obstacles I faced was deploying my application. In this tutorial, I will show you guys how to deploy your Django applications to PythonAnywhere and hopefully help you avoid the pitfalls I made.
76. Flask vs Django in Real World Applications
Deciding between Flask vs Django can be easier task when acknowledging the use cases for both frameworks. So, in this article, we define where and what to use.
77. Setting up Subscriptions And Recurring Payments Using Django and Stripe
If you are familiar with Stripe, you know how big of a player they are in the online payment processing field. Their API not only allows programmers to easily create one-time payments for sites such as e-commerce stores, but also provides quick integrations for monthly subscriptions and routing payouts. If new to Django and Stripe, check out our recent article on integrating one time payments. Otherwise, let's get into setting up monthly payments with Django and Stripe.
Why a Monthly Subscription?
78. Ad Hoc Environments for Django Applications With ECS, Terraform and GitHub Actions
This article will show how software development teams can build on-demand environments for dog-food testing, quality review, internal and external demos and oth
79. Togayo: A Reconfigurable IoT Platform
An open-source IoT platform that uses microcontroller reconfiguration, capability-based peripherals, GraphQL, TimescaleDB, entity component system, and more.
80. How to Create Github Actions to Run Tests With Docker Services
Example with Django / Python and PostgreSQL.
81. How to add tags to your models in Django: Django Packages Series #1
Welcome to the first post of Django Package Series. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add tagging functionality to your models.
82. How To Deploy A Secure Django Application on Kubernetes
Deploy Django on Kubernetes in a few clicks without even Dockerizing your application.
83. Building Your First Startup with Python and Node.js
This article is for business owners willing to launch their first product. In this material, we will discuss and try to compare two popular backend solutions.
84. Price Tracker Application with Django: Crawling Discounts From Ebay
What's up Hackers!
85. How Big the Demand for Python in 2019 is, or, Why Python Has Suddenly Become So Popular
If you’ve decided to adopt Python for your software development, it’s crucial to know whether Python has a good chance to remain important to the industry in the years ahead.
86. Python Deep Dives: Multiple Inheritances And Mixin Classes
I recently revisited three old posts on Django class-based views that I wrote for this blog, updating them to Django 3.0 (you can find them here and noticed once again that the code base uses mixin classes to increase code reuse. I also realised that mixins are not very popular in Python, so I decided to explore them, brushing up my knowledge of the OOP theory in the meanwhile.
87. Implement real-time updates with Django REST Framework: Building Cryptocurrency API
It is time to create another cool project using Django and REST Framework.
88. How to Add Websockets to a Django App without Extra Dependencies
Now that Django 3.0 ships with ASGI support out of the box, adding Websockets to your Django app requires no extra dependencies. In this post, you'll learn how to handle Websockets with Django by extending the default ASGI application. We'll go over how to handle Websocket connections, send and receive data, and implement the business logic in a sample ASGI application.
89. Django Tutorial: Creating a Range-Slider Filter
In this tutorial, we are going to create a nice crispy range slider using django-crispy-forms for an integer filter provided by django-filters.
90. How To Compare Documents Similarity using Python and NLP Techniques
In this post we are going to build a web application which will compare the similarity between two documents. We will learn the very basics of natural language processing (NLP) which is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language.
91. A Guide On Building a Django-Oscar Application with a Dashboard
Learning Django-Oscar can be cumbersome. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a brand new Oscar app with a dashboard.
92. An Introduction to Web Stacks
Having recently worked with young web developers who were exposed for the first time to proper production infrastructure, I received many questions about the various components that one can find in the architecture of a "Web service". These questions clearly expressed the
confusion (and sometimes the frustration) of developers who understand
how to create endpoints in a high-level language such as Node.js or Python, but were never introduced to the complexity of what happens
between the user's browser and their framework of choice. Most of the
time they don't know why the framework itself is there in the first place.
93. Django Tutorials: Building a Web App from Scratch
A Django CRUD web app tutorial featuring User Authentication, CRUD operations, and Markdown support.
94. 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020
ReactJS is a fantastic frontend framework, and Django is a fantastic backend framework. However, as usual when dealing with anything of more than trivial complexity, it isn’t easy to get the two to place nicely together. It's not like taping a banana to a wall.
95. 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020
ReactJS is a fantastic frontend framework, and Django is a fantastic backend framework. However, as usual when dealing with anything of more than trivial complexity, it isn’t easy to get the two to place nicely together. It's not like taping a banana to a wall.
Thank you for checking out the 95 most read stories about Django on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.