Let's learn about Software Engineer via these 93 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache. - Elijah Manor
1. What it Means to be a Senior Software Engineer
How can we measure whether an engineer deserves to receive the Senior title? What engineers should do to get to this stage of career development?
2. Will ChatGPT Change Coding Interviews Forever?
Sergio Pereira talks about ChatGPT and how it could affect coding interviews.
[3. 5 Useful Tips to Become a
Successful Software Developer](https://hackernoon.com/5-useful-tips-to-become-a-successful-software-developer)
Want to know some foolproof tips to become a software developer? In this guide, we have covered everything for you to know.
4. How to Start Using Diffblue Cover: Community Edition For Unit Testing
Automating the writing of unit tests, the bugbear of every software developer
5. How Clean Code is Lowering the Quality of Developers
I believe that software development has a problem with mis-promotion, and over-promotion of "Clean Code".
6. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon Contributor Artem Sutulov, Full-Stack Software Engineer
Artem Sutulov is a Full-Stack Software Engineer, currently working for Revolut.
7. How to Get Into Tech and Become a Senior Engineer in 4 Years
As software continues to eat the world, more and more people ask me about "getting into tech," i.e. a successful Software Engineer easily making around $350,000 in total annual compensation. I get asked this a lot because I had very little coding experience when I decided to make a career change into software. Four years after making that decision, I entered Twitter as a Senior Software Engineer with a compensation package I couldn't even dream of making elsewhere. I often look back and refer to my career change as the best decision I made in my life.
8. Two Friendly Tools Of a "10X Engineer"
Hi Everyone, Hope you all Programming geeks are doing well. In today's modern Software Industry, there are two types of engineers:
9. Confessions of a Serial Interviewer
I bombed completely at my first big job interview. It included whiteboard-coding and questions about multithreading and I hadn't prepared nearly enough. Instead of saying I don't know, I ranted on for a good couple of minutes about anything tangential I could come up with, hoping I'd get in the vicinity of the answer–I never did. Fortunately when the ego takes a hit, a willingness to improve kicks in.
10. A 5-Step Guide to Develop a Growth Mindset as a Software Developer
I have outlined five simple steps to develop a growth mindset as a software developer.
11. Software Architecture Basics: From Developer to Software Architect
Journey from a Developer to an Architect Role by expanding the focus and understanding of Software Engineering and solving problems in a group.
12. The 6 Stages of the Software Development Process
The software development lifecycle methodologies (SDLC) or the Systems Development Life Cycle method aids in planning the design process of the software
13. 7 Proven Ways to Assess Coding Skills While Hiring
The main challenge that recruiter's come across while hiring developers is to find qualified candidates. According to a study, it was estimated that 75% of all hiring-related decisions result in a mis-hire. Hence assessing a candidate's coding skills is an essential step in a technical recruiting process.
Well, the first thing that rushes to your mind when you think of recruitment is "RESUME". Can we just rely on those? The answer to that question is an absolute NO.
14. 5 Bad Habits Of Software Developers
There is no hard and fast rule as to how a programmer should program. So, there is nothing wrong if you have your own style of programming.
15. Getting to the Promised Land of Software Engineering
A software engineer navigating the benefits of good communication in a remote workplace
16. Tech Career Stories: From Frontend Developer to Principal Software Engineer
50+ books and resources that help me in my journey in tech.
17. I Became a Software Engineer in 3 Months - Here's How
I became a software engineer in 3 months and I believe you can too. The secret that helped me succeed is showing up every day and doing the work.
18. Asking Questions Makes You Look Smarter
Junior developers are afraid of looking dumb. They think that seeming stupid will hinder their career progression. Nothing could be further from the truth.
19. 7 Tips To Help You Hire Good Software Developers
In order for your company to compete with every other business in your sector, you have to expand. Without that, you'll be left in the dust, as your competition will deliver products with more efficiency, automate the management of their pipelines, and create applications and services that allow them to scale at will.
20. A TypeScript tale - Episode I
The first of a series of articles about TypeScript.
21. Practical Examples of Using ML in Cybersecurity
In this era, technology has become a basic necessity due to its compactness and handiness. This alleviation in the use of technology has also welcomed new problems. One of the most crucial issues is security. Devices contain personal and critical data which is usually misused if it is not secured. This is why the functioning of cybersecurity uses Machine language and Artificial Intelligence. It implements protection tools to create a wall between user and hacker.
22. A Simple Introduction to Software Development
Software development is a very lengthy process. It includes a lot of research and design, which is necessary for the project's success
23. Low-Code Software Engineering: 7 Things to Know
Low-code is transforming how software developers build and deploy software. Here are 7 things to know about low-code software development.
24. 7 Things I’ve Learned as a Software Developer
In this Blog Post, I share some of the things I have learned so far while working as a Software Developer.
25. How I Got Myself FIRED as a Software Developer and How You Can Do It Too
— Hey
— Hi, yeah, so because of budget constraints we decided to replace you
— Uhm, ok
— Ok, thanks
26. "I Write to Learn" Karim Fanous, VP Engineering @ strongDM
Karim Fanous, a software engineer and a Hacker Noon contributor, tells us how he leverages writing to be a better learner, lessons learned and guilty pleasures.
27. How to Transition From a Software Engineer to a Product Manager
It's all about testing and reading market responses.
28. Why Low-Code Won’t Replace Software Engineers Just Yet
Will low-code make software developers redundant? Don't worry. The chances of software engineers being replaced by AI are quite slim.
29. Software Testing Automation in 2022 and Beyond - A Guide
With new technology solutions and digital tools emerging all the time, the state of software testing is constantly changing.
30. The Engineer's Complete Guide to Backlog Grooming📝
Without organization, backlogs get messy quickly, and issues can’t be prioritized.
31. From Software Engineer to Product Manager: My First Month
I’ve just finished my first 30 days as a Product Manager moving from my previous Frontend Developer role in the Oberlo Growth team. I decided it’s also a good time to pause and reflect on all that has happened in my first month.
32. 12 Effective Communication Tips Every Software Engineer Should Imbibe
How to improve your communication skills as a software engineer and increase your effectivity
33. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor David Finson, Software Engineer
I channel that passion by working on open-source projects like the Apifi Java GraphQL framework...
34. Finding Product of Array Except Self
Sergei Golitsyn. Find the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].
The product of any prefix or suffix of nums is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit int
35. How To Break The “Senior Engineer” Career Ceiling
I have met many engineers whose career progression seemingly stops at “senior engineer”. It happens for many reasons:
36. Top 4 Soft Skills Every New Engineer Should Learn
Engineers must have a combination of both technical skills and soft skills. Here are the top 5 soft skills for engineers.
37. How Communication Skills Help Software Engineers Succeed
In reality, software engineers are not necessarily the worst communicators. However, there are a number of reasons why this bias toward engineers exists.
38. How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as a Software Engineer?
In my short stint as a software engineer, I've always been incredibly lucky with the people surrounding me.
39. Love Code and Write Words - Viacheslav Aksenov 2022 Noonies Nominee Writer Interview
Hi! This is a small interview about my path in tech and some advice to beginners.
40. Federico Carrizo’s Proficiency in Software Engineering is Bringing LATAM into the Modern World
Federico Carrizo is the CEO of Treinta, one of the fastest growing startups in Latin America. He started in the world of fintech with Walt Disney.
41. How Generics Differ in Java and C#
Java and C# Generics look very similar but they work differently. The difference is because of how the support for Generics is implemented in these languages.
42. Web Assembly, Automation and Cooking With Noonies Nominee Stanley Lim
Stanley Lim is nominated for 2 awards (Angular and Webdev) for the 2021 Noonies. He is a software engineer at Snap and author of Cirrus CSS.
43. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon Contributor Daniil Sitdikov, Software Engineer
Daniil Sitdikov is a senior software engineer with experience in frontend and backend. In his free time, he enjoys creating experimental pet projects.
44. Build Lasting Confidence by Bridging the 'Confidence Gap'
45. A Principal Software Engineer's Guide to Planning Projects Painlessly
Planning as a principal engineer is all about bringing engineering, business, and people close together. Here are the things to consider.
46. Why Programmers Love Macbooks?
MacOS was first released in 1984, which makes it even older than Windows. At first, it came to light as a graphical user interface, but in 2005 its design and structure were changed to Intel x86 based architecture. Apple’s computers are great pieces of machinery – that’s beyond debate. But why are they so popular among programmers?
47. What To Prepare For A Software Interview
Both interviewees and interviewers can benefit from understanding what to prepare for a software interview and how best to learn about their counterpart.
48. 7 Rules for Writing a Good Commit Message
In this article, we’ll outline a widely accepted yet simple format for good commit messages.
49. Interested in Learning to Program? 13 Reasons to Start Now
Software development is something that is gaining popularity at lightning speed with the development of technology. The demand for regular developers is high compared to most other mainstream professions. But, what are the other reasons for learning to code?
50. Investment Management Software Streamlines Processes for Real Estate Investors and Managers
Agora Real is an investment management system for real estate investors and managers.
51. How to Set up a Framework: A Developer’s Guide
New developers often don’t know how to set up a framework for smart contract development to make the process as efficient and secure as possible.
52. Four Reasons Why Programmers Are Naturally Inclined to Become Good Writers
Using programming as a mindset
53. 8 Things That Helped Me Improve My Software Skills
8 painfully learnt ideas about software engineering that may challenge your assumptions and help you get better faster
54. What Startup Equity Compensation Means For Developers: Part I
It’s not a secret that most founders get most of the equity because they quit their jobs, fundraise money, or put on their own to start a venture.
55. Inside Business Insider's Story About a Failed American Tech Dream
We've all been there at one point in our careers, haven't we?
56. 3 Software Engineering Podcasts You Didn't Know You Needed
Here are 3 amazing software engineering podcasts recommendations that will help you become a better software engineer.
57. Software Engineers Are the Heroes the Planet Needs to Halt Climate Change
Engineers all over the world are beginning to mobilize under a unified mission of moving the needle towards an emissions-free planet.
58. Vagrant with Oracle Database: For When You Need More Than a Container Image!
I’ve written about my love for Vagrant a few times already here, today I will show the steps to getting an Oracle Database with Vagrant.
59. Top 3 Metrics For Engineering Team Performance
What’s the overall performance of your engineering team? Let’s look at how we can improve your team’s performance.
60. 3 Non-Technical Qualities of a Great Software Engineer
There are many software engineer qualities that will make you stand out. Among them, these 3 are crucial for you to become a great software engineer and leave t
61. How Much Money Do 'Normal' Software Engineers Make?
It seems all the rage for FAANG employees share their $300k, total comp salary packages, but what about the regular Joe/Joann's living outside of the Silicon Valley bubble? How do they compare?
62. Identify Your Investment Risk Profile, Develop a Winning Strategy, Work It
If you learned how to save money successfully, sooner or later, many of us will be faced the question: “How can we invest our hard-earned money profitably — assets like shares, stocks, bonds, funds, certificates or gold?”
63. Running Great Tech Interviews: The Art of the Follow-up Question
This article gives sample software engineering interview questions, as well as my approach to conducting efficient interviews.
64. Time Value of Money: A Financial Management System for Developers
If money has time value, does time have monetary value?
65. Keep Sharing Context: How to Enable Better and Faster Product Decisions
“So, what do you think?” — says the Product Manager after a product strategy presentation to his team
66. Manage Your Investment Portfolio Like a Pro: A How-To Guide
You don't have to be a financial expert to manage your investments yourself.
67. Meet the Writer: Matt Sokola on Helping People Feel Less Lonely on their Programming Journey
Matt Sokola is a software engineer whose latest Hacker Noon Top story was on building a clone of the 2048 game with React and TypeScript.
68. Incident Management Process: How to Train For The Tech-Fu
A well-known expression states “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst” — I was repeating it to myself over and over again while traveling between countries and offices with my 6 hours long, 220 slides, just-theory-no-practice incident management training. It was a fantastic experience, and I got great feedback. But today, three years later, I think it was one of the most stupid ideas of mine.
69. 15 Things I Wish I'd Known As a Junior Developer
What Is the Difference Between a Junior and a Senior Software Developer?
70. The Fine Balance Between Internal Product Vs. Customer-Facing - Tales From a Software Engineer
Get the inside outs of working as a software engineer on internal products
vs customer-facing application for e-commerce companies in this 1950+ word post.
71. Importance and Method of Naming in Software Engineering
Having self-explanatory names can significantly improve the maintainability of a software without putting any significant effort.
72. A Conversation With Amazon Software Engineer Anam Alvi
Anam Alvi is a software engineer working in Amazon's security division. Read her story from growing up in Toronto to joining Hackathons across the country.
73. Ali Ragimov Revolutionized a Popular Streaming Service With a Web-Based Media Player
Ali Ragimov created a customer media player based on Shaka Player for Okko, a Russian streaming platform.
74. Revealing The Secrets of Top Software Engineers
One of the largest misconceptions about succeeding as a software engineer is that people think if they simply work hard, they will become successful and will receive the recognition they deserve. They couldn’t be further from the truth.
75. 5 Important Lessons I Learnt As A Software Engineer
Recently I completed 2 years as a full-time software engineer. I started working since December 2017 at a company name Hullo.ai which was a small 10 people startup where I had to work on a multitude of things. In my first month, I had to write a Go server and dockerize it. My learning curve for the first month was something like this.
76. Understanding Virtual Functions in C++
Virtual functions are normal C++ methods with virtual keyword. Checkout the working and implementation of these methods in this blog.
77. The Best Error Ever: Firebase Errors for Humans
I'm working on a system for positive behavioral recognition and metrics using Firebase and React. This is a hobby/side project that I work on usually on nights and weekends.
78. 3 Best Programming Languages for Java Developers
If you are a Java programmer and are thinking of learning some more programming languages to expand your knowledge and skills, but not sure which programming languages to choose, then you have come to the right place.
79. Five Common Reasons Why Data Integration Projects Fail
It’s 3 AM. My alarm goes off and I groggily climb out of bed and crack open my laptop. One of our biggest customers needs their data delivered by 9 AM, and I’m getting up before sunrise to triple-check every data point before their delivery. Our data platform was built with hundreds of data audits, but this customer’s delivery was just too complex to feel 100% confident that we’ve captured all potential issues. This scenario would soon become a typical morning for me. Wake up. Coffee. Pray to the data gods for an inbox without 500 Zendesk ticket escalations.
80. The Complete Guide to Becoming a Software Architect
"I want to become a solution architect. What are the resources to learn more about architecture?" - We are all asking the wrong question.
81. 8 Places to Learn System Design and Software Architecture for Technical Interviews
Hello folks, if you are preparing for System design Interview and looking for best resources to master Software design and System design then you have come to the right place.
82. 50 Highest-Paying Cities in the United States for Software Engineers
Based on salaries and total compensation packages, Blind curated a list of the top 50 highest - paying cities for software engineers in the United States.
83. How To Master Elasticsearch Query DSL
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
84. Data Science Careers: What to Expect in the Future
In the fall of 2012, I remember my mother telling me about an article that said data scientists are the new, sexy profession. The moment stuck with me because nobody wants to hear their parents utter the word, “sexy”. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this Harvard Business Review article is claimed to be the catalyst for the huge onslaught of students entering the data science field. This wave of “data enthusiasm” would come to have a heavy influence on my own career trajectory.
85. [My Learnings] From Writing My First Line of Code to a $226K Job Offer in 8 Months
I got offers from Google, Lyft, Yelp, cloud unicorn Rubrik, IBM Artificial Intelligence, and JP Morgan Chase. My story may help you in your job search
86. Developer or Engineer? Does It Make a Difference?
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1:
87. Overwelming Formula For Goal Achievement As a Tech Lead In 90 Days
Recently, I read a blog post titled "VPE and CTO — The first 90 days". It’s a brief article in which James Turnbull shows a mind map with four areas that “every new technical leader needs to, at least, think about and explore when starting at a new organization.”
88. AppOps with Kubernetes and Devtron: The Perfect Fit
Kubernetes needs no introduction in this cloud-native world. It was born when I was a middle-aged man. Years later, I am still as young as earlier (take with a pinch of salt) while Kubernetes grew out to be a fine tool that outperformed other platforms in enabling operational efficiency and application resilience.
89. Deep Dive Into Creating Node Project With Clean Architecture
(Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash)
90. AppOps with Kubernetes and Devtron: The Perfect Fit
Kubernetes needs no introduction in this cloud-native world. It was born when I was a middle-aged man. Years later, I am still as young as earlier (take with a pinch of salt) while Kubernetes grew out to be a fine tool that outperformed other platforms in enabling operational efficiency and application resilience.
91. 40 Best Websites to Learn Programming Online Right Now
If you’re new to coding, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are a ton of great resources on the web to help brand new programmers learn programming from scratch. In fact, some of the best programmers in the industry are autodidacts with no formal degree in computer science.
92. Sharing My Learnings After Leaving a Big Tech Company
Ex-Google TechLead explains his learnings from leaving Google.
93. How I Got a Job at Google (as a Software Engineer)
Ex-Google Tech Lead explains how he landed a job offer at Google as a software engineer. Get your beautiful website started at http://squarespace.com/techlead, use code TECHLEAD for 10% off.
The road to Google took me a brutal 10 years to travel. Even still, most never make it. I share the story about the path I took that led me to success, and all the failures and missteps on the way there. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you for checking out the 93 most read stories about Software Engineer on HackerNoon.
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