Let's learn about Self Help via these 92 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Don't Have Time for the Things You Love? Here's How to Solve That
The surefire way to ensure you always have time for the things you love doin.
2. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 14
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
3. How To Build Your Self Esteem
Self-esteem refers to how we view and respect ourselves. Because it is founded on our views and beliefs about ourselves, changing them can be challenging.
4. Here is How to Fix the P Key on a Keyboard Not Working
There are two common causes of a malfunctioning keyboard. Mechanical failure and software issues.
5. Why We Shouldn’t Confuse Narcissism with Self Love
t is important not to confuse narcissism with self-love because they are two very different things. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inf
6. How to Setup a Better Column-based Habit Tracker in Notion
Not another Column-based Habit Tracker. Try using Relation Property to Track Habits.
7. The Science of Getting Rich: Preface
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of
HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
8. My Experiences with Overcoming Depression
Overcoming depression is a long and challenging process. Here’s what else I have learned.
9. Forget To-do Lists. What About To-learn Lists?
We all have to-do lists. But what about a to-learn list?
A to-learn list is a way to keep track of everything you want to learn.
The beauty of a to-learn lis
10. The Science of Getting: Chapter 3
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
11. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 11 - Be Systematic
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.
12. The Problem with The Waterfall Model of Personal Development
One of the ideas that I find to be flawed is the necessity of taking time to work on yourself before getting into relationships with others.
13. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 9
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
14. In a world full of experts, be a newbie
There’s no such thing as an expert. The experts are just newbies who never stopped learning. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, embrace your inner newbie
15. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Table of Links
The Table of Links to PT Barnum's The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money on HackerNoon.
16. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 10
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
17. 3 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a Developer
It's been over a month now since I last wrote an article here for my blog. I've been struggling a lot with low mood, which has meant that I haven't had the motivation or the energy to produce new content. I have been getting help, which I've found really useful, so I thought I'd share some of the things I've learned in the hope that it might help other developers in a similar position.
18. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 17
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
19. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 13
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
20. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 14
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of
HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series . The table of Links for this book can be found here:
[https://app.hackernoon.com/drafts/0rPO8JkhRaDY0rLVCaVL] (https://app.hackernoon.com/drafts/0rPO8JkhRaDY0rLVCaVL*)
21. How DIY Therapy through Apps is Making Mental Health Management accessible in the Pandemic
Research shows that online therapy for depression is basically as effective as in-person therapy in helping individuals deal with mental health issues.
22. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 2
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
23. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 1
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money, by PT Barnum, is part of the HackerNoon Books series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!
24. Digital Marketing: Best Social Media Platform for Business
The platforms where you may discover the majority of your target audience should be the focus of your initial marketing efforts.
25. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 5
The Art of Money Getting; Or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum
26. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 20
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
27. How to Build Your Financial Intelligence Like Men on Forbes’ Billionaire List
Financial intelligence that’ll put you on Forbes’ billionaire list.
28. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 6
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
29. 10 Podcasts that Will Boost Your Growth in Business & Life
I have two degrees, one in engineering and one in marketing. But I've learned 10x more from listening to podcasts.
30. How to Be a Terrible Engineering Manager
One of the most common mistakes early managers make is to focus on being a "shit shield". Learn why this backfires, and what to do instead.
31. How Not to Ask for Help Online
Let’s go over a few rules of thumb that I believe will take you from apparent scammer to valued community member.
32. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 12
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
33. How to Achieve Hard Things following Brandon Sanderson's Advice
Brandon Sanderson, a bestselling fantasy author, presents a framework to achieve hard things, based on his experience.
34. Lessons I Learnt From Becoming a CEO
As someone who’s been the CEO for years, I think I might be of some help here. Over these years, I saw hundreds of things not working out the way I initially planned but, knowing that I was in the middle of a process kept me going.
35. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 13
You must use your thought as directed in previous chapters, and begin to do what you can do where you are; and you must do ALL that you can do where you are.
36. 5 Techniques to Combat Morning Anxiety
The way you wake up will influence your performance, how you communicate, and how effective you will be in setting boundaries and achieving your targets.
37. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 12
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series
38. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 16
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
39. Why Goal Setting is Important and How to Set Goals
Goal setting is the seemingly simple process of committing yourself to a milestone in future. This is important both in professional and personal fronts.
40. How to Make a Receiving Set for $5.00 or less
The following set is inexpensive, and with this cheap, little portable receptor you can get the Morse code from stations a hundred miles distant.
41. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 7
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.
42. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 10
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
43. Heterodyne or Beat Long wave Telegraph Receiving Set?
In 2002, there were four different ways used to break up the continuous waves of a wireless telegraph transmitter into groups. Let's discuss them.
44. The Empathic Importance of Explaining The Magic Behind Your Code in Laymen's Terms
Have you ever had that conversation with a parent when you try to
face-time, and you’re the one face-timing whilst they’re the one giving
you a close up of their ear, muttering words of confusion and
45. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 8
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
46. The Radio Amateur's Hand Book - Table of Links
The Radio Amateur's Hand Book, by A. Frederick Collins, is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.
47. Four Possible Ways to React to Other People's Happiness or Misery
Schadenfreude, Compassion, Envy and Mudita: explaining how we react to other people's fortunes or misery
48. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 15
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
49. 10 Ideas to Create a Daily Writing Habit
This writing discusses ways to reduce barriers to creating a daily writing habit.
[50. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Part 3 -
Avoid Debt](https://hackernoon.com/the-art-of-money-getting-or-golden-rules-for-making-money-part-3-avoid-debt)
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of [HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series]
51. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 19
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
52. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 17
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of
HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series . The table of Links for this book can be found here:
[https://app.hackernoon.com/drafts/0rPO8JkhRaDY0rLVCaVL] (https://app.hackernoon.com/drafts/0rPO8JkhRaDY0rLVCaVL*)
53. 3 Life Lessons From John Grisham’s Writing Habits
Adopting a stoic mindset, employing consistent habits, learning to enjoy improving in our craft could bring meaningful insights into our efforts.
54. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 18
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T Barnum
55. The Art of Money-Making - Chapter 10: Do Not Scatter Your Powers
Engage in one kind of business only, and stick to it faithfully until you succeed, or until your experience shows that you should abandon it.
56. What is Financial Literacy and Why is it Important?
In today’s increasingly complex world, being financially literate can be the difference between a comfortable happy life and one full of problems and stress.
57. A Hacker's Awakening: Ep.01 - Being Free While Feeling Caged and Yearning for a Victory
The following are various emails, posts, messages, and tweets I've had on social media and privately (my side, only paraphrasing their side without permission) in the last 24 hours.
58. How to Act Agile in Every Day Life
Agile can be defined as the ability to move quickly and easily. However, for those in tech they might associate agile with something else entirely. Agile methodology is a popular framework for managing software development projects. More specifically, it is a style of project management where you develop a product in short cycles (or sprints- see above image), providing flexibility for revisions as necessary. It requires constant improvement through these iterations of testing and reflection. A finished product is better than a perfect project.
59. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 4 - Persevere
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
60. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 4
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
61. I Asked 100 People What They Learned From Lockdown: Here's What They Said
I asked 100 people on reddit what fundamental lessons they learned as a result of quarantine, hopefully you can get some insight on how other people have been
62. How Technological Breakthroughs Are Powering Psychotherapy
A few years back, maybe you did not envisage there would be this tremendous transformation that has taken place in psychotherapy; neither did I. Breakthroughs in technology have afforded us the opportunity of accessing online therapy from the comfort of our homes and in real-time.
63. How Password Issues Plague Help Desk Calls
A article on passwords, password security, and how businesses can train employees to handle passwords themselves.
64. 15 Apps that Can Make You Productive
Here, 15 amazing apps have been listed for increasing our productivity.
65. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 15
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
66. How A Vacuum Tube Can Be Used as A Radio Amplifier
A Vacuum tube is more sensitive than a crystal detector because it rectifies the oscillating current in receiving circuits and works as an amplifier all at once
67. The Science of Getting Rich: Chapter 16
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Blog Post series.
68. 3 Ways to Strengthen Your Will Power and Get Back Control of Your Life
3 ways to strengthen your will power and get back control of your life
69. Intermediate and Long wave Regenerative Receiving Sets
All receiving sets that receive over a range of wave lengths of from 150 meters to 3,000 meters are called intermediate wave sets.
70. Building a 100 Mile C.W. Telegraph Set
if you have alternating current service in your home you can install a long-distance continuous wave telegraph transmitter
71. There is a Striking Resemblance Between Sound Waves
There is a strikingly close resemblance between sound waves and the way they are set up in the air by a mechanically vibrating body.
72. Electricity, What a Concept!
It is easy to understand how electricity behaves and what it does if you get the right idea of it at the start.
73. The Radio Amateur's Hand Book: Introduction
Before delving into the mysteries of receiving and sending messages without wires, we look at the history of the art and its present-day applications.
74. What’s Up with Short Wave Regenerative Receiving Sets?
A short wave receiving set is one that will receive a range of wave lengths of from 150 to 600 meters.
75. Among Several Hundred Thousand Interested in Telephony
There are two distinct kinds of wireless systems and these are: the wireless telegraph system, and the wireless telephone system.
76. How I Hacked My Own Body to Beat “Inflamm-aging”
Just one simple step and I was better. Therefore, I invested in it and started to build up some habits from the book.
77. Dissecting Vacuum Tube Transmitters
To make a tube set up powerful oscillations then, it is only necessary that an oscillation circuit shall be provided.
78. All About Anxiety: Is Anxiety A Disability?
Living with anxiety can be difficult and in some regions anxiety is classified as a disability. However, employers can help employees with anxiety work better.
79. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Introduction
In the United States, where we have more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money.
80. A Simple Vacuum Tube Detector Receiver
Though the vacuum tube detector has more complicated circuits than a crystal detector, it doesn't require constant adjustment like the crystal detector.
81. How to Send Wireless Telegraphs with Continuous Waves
Sending wireless telegraph messages by continuous waves has many features that rank it above sending them by periodic waves.
82. What Headphones and Loud Speakers Were like in 2002
Wireless Headphones.--A telephone receiver for a wireless receiving set is made exactly on the same principle as an ordinary Bell telephone receiver.
83. Crystal Detectors and Telephonic Speech
With a crystal detector receiving set you can receive either telegraphic dots and dashes or telephonic speech and music.
84. The Operation of Vacuum Tube Receptors
To understand how a vacuum tube acts as a detector and as an amplifier you must first know what electrons are.
85. A Practical Guides for Putting Up Your Aerial Receivers
An aerial for receiving does not have to be nearly as well made or put up as one for sending.
86. Making Wireless Telephone Transmitting Sets
In time past, the most difficult of all electrical apparatus for the amateur to make, install and work was the wireless telephone.
87. Goal Congruence and The Importance of Aligning With Who You Are
Goal Congruence: Align With Who You Are
88. Telegraphs in the 80s
A wireless telegraph transmitting set can be installed for a very small amount of money provided you are content with one that has a limited range.
89. Regenerative Amplification and Receiving Sets
While a vacuum tube detector has an amplifying action of its own, its action can be further increased by making radio frequency currents react on the detector.
90. How to Overcome the Problem of Time
Whenever you say “I don’t have time,” you are sending a message about how you prioritize and organize your own life. Stop using this phrase.
91. Green Lights at the End of a Dock: The Secret to Happiness by Jay Gatsby and Richard Curtis
My first experience with time travel was when I was 21 years old.
92. How Transmitting and Receiving Sets Work
The easiest way to know how a wireless transmitter sends out electric waves and how a wireless receptor receives them is to consider each one separately.
Thank you for checking out the 92 most read stories about Self Help on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.