Let's learn about Work Life Balance via these 87 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Passive Income Goal: How I Plan to Make $1,000 USD in Monthly Recurring Revenue This Year
How I plan to make a passive income of $1,000 USD in monthly recurring revenue this year. Check it out!
2. How Many Hours Per Day Do Programmers Actually Work?
What do you think, how long do programmers actually work per day? Most people would say that the answer is 8-9 hours. Some say that they work 12 hours or more per day. While that is somewhere true, it’s not the amount that most programmers actually work, because you can’t consider browsing the web as working, right?
3. How I screwed up myself building my dream startup
I was looking at the doctor’s face, my heart beating super fast, scared of what will come out of his mouth:
4. Building an Arduino Time Tracker Cube with Toggl's Open API
How to build your own Time Tracker out of Cardboard Paper and Toggl's Open APIs
5. Saying No to Your Boss is Never Easy, But Sometimes it's Necessary
It was a Friday morning and I was waiting in the conference room for my manager. We had just achieved a great milestone as a team and delivered a highly critical time sensitive project. It wasn’t an ordinary success as the entire organization was counting on this platform for a mega event.
6. Sustaining Our Creativity through Managing Multiple Projects
Cross-pollination between projects is a reliable method to recharge our creativity.
7. Slogging Insights: A Discussion About the Best Productivity Tools
These are the best productivity tools that make your life a lot easier, as recommended by its everyday users.
8. 5 Tips To Make Work from Home Productive
2020 is a year of unprecedented things. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has already infected more than 2 million people worldwide and it is not slowing down. Because of the mandatory quarantine and social distancing, many people are working from home for the first time in their lives.
9. 5 Important Takeaways From 9 Remote Work Productivity Studies
For the vast majority of people in tech, one of the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the switch to working remotely. If Twitter is anything to go by, for some, this may become a long-term reality, too.
10. How to Escape the Hedonic Treadmill
Remember this: Find meaning in what you do, and start with why. Pleasure will follow.
11. "Can You Hear Me OK?" The Benefits of Remote Work
When I started studying computer science in 2003, working for a Big Tech company was a dream almost impossible to reach for me. I was born and raised in Spain, and that’s also where I went to college. Studying over 5,000 miles away from the tech scene of Silicon Valley had an interesting effect on me, I’d watch Apple’s tech events and Microsoft’s product announcements as if they were Hollywood movies. I could never imagine myself being part of them.
12. Elden Ring is Not Fast-Food Entertainment
Elden Ring might seem difficult at times, but the game’s complex combat system ensures that players can overcome seemingly impossible situations,
13. Why Does Amazon Have Low Pay and Poor Conditions When Jeff Bezos is a Multibillionaire
There are always two sides to every story. In this case, there’s the third side too, my side of the Amazon story.
14. A Morning Walk Can Improve Your Productivity and Boost Cognitive Function
Starting your day with a morning walk has a large positive impact on your productivity.
15. Raising Kids And A Startup
Kids are great. They're funny, smart, beautiful, the light of your life and exhausting. Kind of like a startup...so how does one go about balancing both?
16. How Money Works: Value Created, Reach, and Personal Satisfaction
Choosing a career path that will enable you financial solidity is important. Only if you are not struggling financially you will be able to flourish in life
17. Leadership Lessons from a Dog in Uncertain Times
“Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness?” — Jonathan Safran Foer
18. How to Help Your Employees Maintain Work-life Balance in a Hybrid Landscape
Companies need to adapt to the changes necessary in a hybrid workspace to set employees up for success.
19. All About Anxiety: Is Anxiety A Disability?
Living with anxiety can be difficult and in some regions anxiety is classified as a disability. However, employers can help employees with anxiety work better.
20. How to Plan Your Day: 5 Effective Rules for Scheduling Tasks
Today I will tell you what principles to follow when planning your day. I use these practices myself and it helped to significantly reduce the level of daily stress. I also want to note that I adhere to these rules not only at work, but also in life, and I plan my everyday activities in the same way.
21. Work Culture Toxicity In Tech Field
I have a confession to make: I was on Twitter over the winter holidays when I should have been spending time with my family. What was the trending topic that caught my eye, you might ask? Last minute Christmas gift ideas? Pictures of pets in Santa hats? No, but I wish I could say it was one of those things. Instead, it was about work culture toxicity in tech.
22. Remote Work, Different Timezones, and Bear Chronotypes
In 9 to 5 office jobs, most meetings are scheduled mid-morning, which is the most productive time for Bears, effectively reducing peak performance time by half.
23. Escape the Digital Grind: How Wellness Retreats Offer a Refreshing Break
A story on wellness retreats and their benefits in today's digital age. How technology takes a toll on us and what to do about it.
24. Meet Code Daddy and Full Stack Developer, Clint Veasey
My latest HackerNoon Top Story was about my most pressing concern in life and the giant that towers over my internal psychological geography: my firstborn Son.
25. The Cause of the Troubles
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
26. How to Maximize What You Love by Minimizing What You Hate
Last year I posted an article about how to find the things that you love. This year I collected more metrics and I learned how to make my day better.
27. Burnout - This is definitely NOT fine
Sometimes it is difficult for us to simply accept that we're experiencing burnout, so it is important to be informed and aware that it exists.
28. Meet the Writer: Hacker Noon's Contributor Elay Romanov of Daiger
A conversation with the COO and partner of Daiger
29. Why Social Media Makes it Hard to Rest
Only when there is something worth sharing do we think we are worth resting.
30. Sweat Economy's Sweatcoin Leads the Way in Web3 Adoption, With 44.25% YoY Increase in New Signups
A new survey from Sweat Economy highlights the growing trend of incentivized Web3 solutions and their impact on the fitness industry.
31. The Elusive Work-Life Balance
The quest to achieve a work-life-balance is never-ending, but if you understand the problem, the solution isn't that far away.
32. Getting Started With the Cult of Cognitive Walking
Doing our best creative work sometimes means tricking ourselves into leaving our minds alone. Here are six things to try while walking to achieve this.
33. Coronavirus Ushered in the Work-From-Home era, and It’s Here to Stay
A work revolution has been a long time coming, but who would have thought it would take a pandemic to finally usher it in.
34. Five Lessons Learned After Five Years In The Workforce
The workforce is different from anything in education. Of all the differences here are five lessons learned after half a decade since the author's graduation.
35. This Is Software Engineer's Nightmare
This is a true story of a software job turning into HELL.
36. Entrepreneurs Are Not Robots: How to Prevent Burnout and Not Harm Your Business
Entrepreneurs Are Not Robots, and in the fast speed of work, we tend to forget it. We have to work harder to succeed but it's vital to care about mental health.
37. How To Reduce Workplace Stress
Work is a big part of our life. Done well, it can be a source of joy. But when managed poorly, it can often lead to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction at work
38. How To Be a Responsible Employer and a Leader in Times of Workplace Crisis
Based on the type of work you are doing and the capacity in which your workers operate, any or more of the following occupational injuries can occur to your employees.
39. Mums in Tech: Career and Family Need not Follow XOR (Exclusive OR) Logic
Last Wednesday I’ve joined an event called Mums in Tech, how to balance work & family — Webinar + Virtual Networking, which was held by Women In Tech and hosted by Remo.
40. How Remote Work Saved My Mental Health
Remote work means finding a balance between your job, passions, and yourself. People can still be productive without working from nine to six.
41. Why Burnout Syndrome Is More Common Among Software Developers
Indicators for burnout risk of software developers can be measured at an early stage with analytical software-based methods and allow for timely countermeasures
42. The Quintessential Work of Remote Developers
Building and supporting software does not require you to be in the office every day. Companies like GitLab, Digital Ocean, CircleCI, InVision, and Stripe have realized that remote work gives them a recruiting and productivity advantage over the competition.
43. Nothing in Life is Humdrum
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter X: Nothing in Life is Humdrum
44. Creative Ways Companies are Keeping Teams Sane And Connected Through WFH Mandate
Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote employees and Work from Home arrangements were becoming increasingly common. An Owl Labs 2019 State of Remote Work Report found that 54% of U.S. workers work remotely at least once per month, 48% work remotely at least once per week, and 30% work remotely full-time. Global Workplace Analytics is forecasting a 25-30% increase in working remotely with adoption increasing proportionately with the amount of time we spend in shelter at home and work from home conditions due to COVID-19.
45. 23 Creative Ideas to Boost Employee Retention at a Low Cost
Here are 23 employee incentive ideas that small businesses can start using today including letting employees listen to music, sending thank you notes, and more.
46. Getting Off the Beaten Path Is NOT EASY, BUT it Is Rewarding
If you want freedom, security, and privacy, it's possible and worth the investment.
47. Asynchronous Communications Can Help Reclaim Lost Time
Have you ever felt like having done nothing after a full day of work? Do you find yourself going away from the office so you can finally get things done? Good news: you’re not alone. Bad news: this may be linked to how you communicate at work!
48. Refactor Your Work Life — From Home 😉
TL;DR: It's time to spring clean your work-life, and make space for joy. Get rid of extraneous work, add a bit of mindfulness, and the WFH world is yours. You can do this regardless of who you are, but if you are the CEO or in a managerial position, the imperative is much higher.
49. 3 Life Lessons From John Grisham’s Writing Habits
Adopting a stoic mindset, employing consistent habits, learning to enjoy improving in our craft could bring meaningful insights into our efforts.
50. How to Master Your Work From Home Routine
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily routines around the world, and many find themselves working from home for the unforeseeable future.
51. How To Work Smarter With Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson’s law says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Work complicates to fill available time, but if you wait until the last mi
52. Is Experiencing a Burnout Good or Bad?
A fast-paced world and burnouts go hand in hand.
53. Will 2020 Be The Year You Finally Quit Your Job?
Every year, every month, every day — I kept telling myself that I will, one day, follow my dreams. This is the story of how I finally took action and quit my job.
My job was just another regular corporate job at a decent company. However, I always felt that there was so much more I could do. The daily commutes, the pointless meetings, the high pressure projects drained my energy, my soul, my body and mostly, my mind. In addition to this, over the course of the last few years, I dealt with bullying, dealt with aggressive co-workers, with unrealistic deadlines, under-appreciation of hard work. I overcame each challenge and towards the end of 2019, I started seriously contemplating how I was living life.
54. Productivity Hacks: 5 Tips for Software Engineers and Knowledge Workers
Everyone seems to be strapped for time these days and desperate to get more done in less time. I'm in the same boat. Here's to achieve more by doing less.
55. Why I'll never work 9-5 again
I'm not going to get preachy or anything.
56. Market Scenarios: Bitcoin Could Reach $25,000 Soon
Travel is one of the most critical aspects of the global economy. The international community and global economy were built on the ability of people to move from place to place and access lands unknown. It is part of what makes the world what it is today.
57. End The "Not Another Meeting" Discussions: There's A Better Way To Hold Efficient Meetings
It turns out there is a way to hold better meetings. If you want them to be more efficient and productive, there are a few simple things your meetings need to b
58. The Valley is Dead for Devs. Time to Move to Switzerland?
Silicon Valley is dead for Software Developers.
59. Ignore Your Boss After Work: Belgium Now on a 4-Day Work Week
In this slogging thread, our startup hustle channel took the chance to discuss the news of the most recent work conditions in Belgium.
60. How Will the Metaverse Change the Way You Live and Work in 2022?
The metaverse has created an uproar with its announcement. Everyone is questioning - where do we go from there? Here's my take on this fantastical idea.
61. How to Achieve Hard Things following Brandon Sanderson's Advice
Brandon Sanderson, a bestselling fantasy author, presents a framework to achieve hard things, based on his experience.
62. The Future of Work: On-site Work vs Remote Work vs Hybrid Work
Learn the pros and cons of remote work, on site work, and hybrid work. how to find your best work environment.
63. Future of Work Post-Pandemic: What Will Our Days Look Like?
The predictions of post-COVID future paint all sorts of wild images, from empty and sterile offices to work-from-home utopias. Without any in-depth analysis, it’s clear none of those extremes will come true. However, what’s also clear is that there will be an impact. In fact, some changes are already in motion, so a good way to be prepared for them is to recognize the ones that matter.
64. Harnessing the Power of Shutdown Rituals
Do you have a clean break from work at the end of the day? Or does your work life tend to bleed into your personal life, creating a sense of never-ending stress
65. How I Run My Company While Traveling
Traveling the world while working is THE dream.
66. Four Things to do Before and After You're Laid Off
One of the hardest things to deal with about a layoff is that it is unexpected for the person laid off. Take these steps to deal with it if /when it happens.
67. 3 Fitness Apps That Get Me Going
3 apps to enhance your fitness routine, from a fitness lover
68. COVID-19: How the Pandemic has Impacted HackerNoon Staff
In this slogging post, the team at HackerNoon discuss how the Covid-19 Pandemic has not only impacted our work life but our lives in general.
69. Building the Next Generation: What are the Skills of the Future?
A discussion on the skills children should develop to face tomorrow’s challenges.
70. The Pursuit of Dopeness
New decade, new you. (Okay it’s usually a new year, not a decade but you get the picture.
71. No Place for Women in IT? My Experience
I want to talk about some stereotypes related to women in IT. I would very much like to hear everyone's opinion, and see what your attitude to girls in IT
72. How to Maintain Productivity with a Flexible Work Schedule
Increased productivity and greater employee satisfaction are the key benefits of flexible working hours for employers.
73. Life’s Ultimate Hack is Embracing Your Inner Childlike Lunatic
Let's explore the scientific and psychological benefits of embracing our inner foolishness and why it's important to be a little bit silly every now and then.
74. Improving Focus and Productivity Using the Pomodoro Technique
Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and while you've completed tasks, you don't feel you accomplished what you set out to do? Are you're working hard at a list of tasks that you're trying to finish but you're not able to give 100%? Do you have no idea where time has gone and you have nothing to showcase your work? Do you procrastinate? Do you lose time in your day scrolling social media feeds, your inbox or YouTube? There may be a solution that could help you. The Pomodoro Technique and it could transform your life.
75. How To Find Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is always a struggle at every stage of our life. How to make work-life balance work? By understanding that it isn't a state, but a journey.
76. Solving Post-Pandemic Burnout: How to Make Sabbaticals More Feasible
With all the insanity of the last year, Summer 2021 has seen plenty of people quitting their jobs. The only question is how to afford that change. Here's how.
77. 7 Ways MSPs Can Manage a Remote Workforce
With issues like Great resignation coming into prominence MSPs need to create proper remote workforce management strategies to grow. Here’s how to do so.
78. 5 things every employee wants in a workplace wellness program
It’s a well-known fact that businesses today are worried about their employees' wellbeing. Solid, upbeat employees commonly create more significant levels of profitability than unfortunate workers, and therefore, more business achievement. That is the reason it's nothing unexpected that business wellbeing programs have gotten staggeringly
famous during the most recent couple of years. Numerous employees are receiving the rewards too.
79. A Smart Solution For Those Who've Resolved to Travel in 2020
Everyday, we're working as developers, social media specialist, SEO specialists and we really enjoy our jobs.
80. Ultimate Resources List for Remote Workers
Working remotely has been a trending topic for the last couple of years. But now, more than ever, working remotely has become almost a standard in the tech industry. Have you ever wondered why? If you think about it, working remotely saves money for both, the employer and the employee.
81. Emancipation Starts in the Kitchen
What is the link between industrial/organizational psychology and modern kitchen layouts? It all started with Lillian Gilbreth.
82. How I Force Myself to Work
No one seems to be immune to procrastinating, myself included. Some
people get drawn into social media, for others it's YouTube or
ProductHunt. I, however, tend to lose whole days on Wikipedia and
development communities. Everyone has their poison. If you really are
one of these odd people who don't know what procrastination is, check
out this video:
83. Work Interrupted: Context Switching Is A Mind Killer
Our human brains cannot correctly control multitasking and context switching, affecting our productivity and well-being.
84. The Deep Work Hypothesis and its Limitations
Deep work, although a crucial skill in our current economy, is not enough to thrive in our jobs.
85. Mindful Work: Capturing, Prioritizing and Working on Tasks Effectively
We owe it to ourselves to try to find a productivity approach that works for us.
86. 9 Ways to Master Remote Team Communication Skills
When you work remotely, your colleagues can only hear you on calls and talk to you over Slack or e-mail. There’s no physical interaction. They can’t see you working at your desk, in the conference room for the meeting, and they especially can’t do a casual chat on their way to the coffee machine.
87. The One-Minute Exercise Approach Changed My Life
It may be nothing comparing with the radical discovery in science, but the switch in thinking can save us money and time we spend on our health.
Thank you for checking out the 87 most read stories about Work Life Balance on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.