Let's learn about Data Structures via these 87 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. The ATM Problem: Why the Greedy Algorithm Isn't an Optimal Solution
Solution to a popular Interview problem: Solve ATM task with Greedy Algorithm
2. How to Solve "Struct Containing a (Nested) Mapping Cannot be Constructed" in Solidity
How to Solve "Struct Containing a (Nested) Mapping Cannot be Constructed" in Solidity
3. Java Algorithms: First Missing Positive (LeetCode)
The First Missing Positive problem is an algorithm problem that requires finding the smallest positive integer that is not present in a given unsorted array of
4. Validate Binary Search Tree Blind 75 LeetCode Question
Given the root of a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST
5. How To Merge Two Sorted Lists
We can use LinkedList to merge both sorted lists, though there are considerations to doing it single or double-linked that may complicate the operation.
6. Algorithms and Data Structures
Well, this is where you are separated by the ones who are good or excellent software developers. In this case, I will tell you that at the beginning or at least in my case and I know that most of the time and for most people who I know, you will feel like an incompetent or an idiot. Basically, how is it possible that I cannot understand this and then you get frustrated.
7. How to Remove Duplicates in Go Slices
Different ways to remove duplicates in slices in Go, a powerful language whose lack of tools makes learning this necessary if you want to make full use of it.
8. How to Find the Longest Substring without Repeating Characters
The Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters problem is to find the longest substring of a given string where no characters repeat.
9. The Biggest Features in ES2020/ES2021
ES2020/ES2021, New ES2020/ES2021 features you might have missed
10. Creating A Data Science Pipeline That Works Correctly
An easy, automated, repeatable way to check your data science solution is doing exactly what it's designed to do.
11. 30 Days DSA Interview Preparation Plan
All data structures and algorithms concepts and solutions to various problems in Python3 stored in a structured manner to prepare for coding interviews.
12. Java Algorithms: Coding a Binary Tree Right Side View (LeetCode)
In this article, you will learn how to code a Binary Tree Right side view in LeetCode.
13. Kth Largest Element in an Array - Quickselect Using Lomuto Partitioning Scheme.
Solving k-th largest element in the array using heap and quickselect
14. How to Write Smart Contracts for Merkle Tree Using Solidity
A Merkle tree is a data structure hierarchy used to verify if a particular data is part of a dataset without expending too many resources.
15. Different Types of Graphs in Data Structure
Learn about different types of graphs in the data structure. Graphs in the data structure can be of various types, read this article to know more.
16. The Ultimate Guide to Data Structures & Algorithms for Beginners
The need of the hour, especially in the corporate world, is to find professionals who have sufficient knowledge about data structures and algorithms.
17. Java Algorithms: Merge k Sorted Lists (LeetCode)
An easy approach to the hard leetcode problem Merge k Sorted Lists from that many people using Java Algorithms will need to learn in order to be effective.
18. Hadoop Across Multiple Data Centers
Hadoop cluster across multiple data centers
19. How to use Redis HyperLogLog
How to use Redis HyperLogLog data structure to store millions of unique items.
20. Why Your Business Requires Data Driven Growth-Marketing?
Need rapid surge in digital marketing? Entrepreneur and agile startups can now easily reach their target audience due to data driven growth-marketing analytics.
21. How to Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) - Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
A trie (pronounced as “try”) or prefix tree is a tree data structure used to efficiently store and retrieve keys in a dataset of strings.
22. Build an Array from Scratch in Javascript
In the last post Arrays in JS, we learned about what arrays are, how we can store data in them and some methods which can be used on the array to get certain results.
23. Merge Intervals in Java Algorithms (LeetCode)
Returning an array of the non-overlapping intervals that span every input interval.
24. The Future of the Internet Through the Web 3.0 Lens
Jules Verne, John Brunner, Arthur Clarke, William Gibson, George Orwell — it’s a short list of writers who predicted the future in their books. They’ve written about social and technical changes that will take place in human society. Here we are, facing those changes good or bad.
25. Blockchain: What the Hell is a Merkle Tree?
26. Data Gathering Methods: How to Crawl, Scrape, and Parse Data Online
The internet is a treasure trove of valuable information. Read this article to find out how web crawling, scraping, and parsing can help you.
27. An Intro to Algorithms and Data Structures (Javascript Edition)
Understanding algorithms and data structures are crucial to enhancing your performance 10x more than your peers who don't. This is because you analyze problems.
28. How to Implement Heap in Data Structure
Heap data structure is a balanced binary tree data structure where the child node is placed in comparison to the root node and then arranged accordingly.
29. 5 Steps to Improve Your Data Structure and Algorithm Skills
Learn 5 steps to Improve DSA skills. Data structure and algorithms are the most important skills to be prepared for an interview at a top product-based company
30. 7 Essential Tips for Competitive Programming and DSA
I had to quit DSA and CP within a month because of the overwhelming exhaustion, This blog discusses mistakes that I made while learning DSA and CP.
31. Fundamentals of Data Structures [Part 1]
A trip down memory lane avid reader. Let's take a walk through the core of it all: data structures. What are they and why are they so important? A 'hello' to a reader that might have missed our talk on Memory management, where we delved into what happens to our code in variable assignment. Do take a look, even if it's a refresher you're looking for.
32. Merging Datasets from Different Timescales
One of the trickiest situations in machine learning is when you have to deal with datasets coming from different time scales.
33. Useful Resources for Data Structure & Algorithm Practice
These four resources may be useful for learning about data structures and practicing making algorithms for your advanced programming needs in your work.
34. Exploring the CAP Theorem: The Ultimate Battle of Trade-Offs in Distributed Systems
Consistency, availability, and partition tolerance are the three musketeers of distributed systems. They ensure that your system operates correctly.
35. Data Structures and Algorithms: How I Failed a Google Interview
Learn about why data structures and algorithms are important, and why I failed a Google interview.
36. A High Level Explanation of Data Types for Decision Makers
There are three different types of data: structured data, semi structured data, and unstructured data.
37. How Companies like Netflix Deliver Content Around the World
Have you ever wondered how companies like Netflix or Spotify is able to delivery videos or songs to you at what seems like lightning fast speed !?
38. How to Check If Your Point Is Reachable: A JavaScript Algorithms Guide
39. How to Remove Nth Node From End of List — Blind 75 LeetCode Question
Remove Nth Node From End of List is a problem where given a linked list, the goal is to remove the nth node from the end of the list and return the updated list
40. Multiply Strings (LeetCode): An Out of the Box Solution In JavaScript
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2, also represented as a string.
41. How to Build a Versatile Traverse Function from Scratch
Learn how to create your own traverse function in under 5 minutes.
42. Understanding the Main Differences between Structured and Unstructured Data
In this, I explore structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data, as well as how to convert unstructured data, and AI’s impact on data management.
43. DeFi Meets NFT With $MEGA Yield Farming in The MCP3D Decentralized City
Recent months demonstrated explosive growth of Decentralized Finance with $13B+ in total value locked. Normally, games are the first thing to take off on new platforms, and seems like DeFi is not an exception here.
44. Watch Out for Deceitful Data
Nowadays, most assertions need to be backed with data, as such, it is not uncommon to encounter data that has been manipulated in some way to validate a story.
45. Clone Graph Blind75 LeetCode Problem
Clone Graph Blind75 LeetCode Problem
46. 4 Tips To Become A Successful Entry-Level Data Analyst
Companies across every industry rely on big data to make strategic decisions about their business, which is why data analyst roles are constantly in demand.
47. How to Solve Number of Islands From Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
We will learn how to solve "Number of Islands" from Blind 75 LeetCode Questions.
48. What Are Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)?
In a world where most of the apps that we use on the internet are collaborative in nature, conflicts in data are common. Is there a way to avoid it?
49. An Introduction to Data Automation for Business Efficiency
In today’s competitive business landscape, data automation has become necessary for business sustainability. Despite the necessity, it also comes with a few challenges--collecting, cleaning, andputting it together--to get meaningful insights.
50. Data Backup Strategy To Reduce Data Loss
Backing up the data is one of the most important processes for businesses. It requires creating a copy of all your data and storing it.
51. Linked List Implementation With Examples and Animation
A linked list is one of the most basic data structures in computer science. In this article, we will go through the following topics:
52. Data Quality: Its Definitions And How to Improve It
Utilizing quality data is essential for business operations. This article explores data quality definitions and how to maintain it for everyday use.
53. Poor Data Quality is the Bane of Machine Learning Models
An examination of the importance of data quality, how it can present itself in a dataset, and how it can impact machine learning models.
54. Filtering Dictionary In Python 3
Originally published on melvinkoh.me
55. Top 3 Coding Challenges for Mid-level JavaScript developers
If you have a considerable amount of experience with JavaScript, you are expected to solve complex coding challenges.
56. Creating a C++ Program To Do Binary Subtraction
Understand how to do binary subtraction in data structures. Binary subtraction is one of the four arithmetic operations where we perform the subtraction method.
57. How to Maintain Good Network Infrastructure to Keep Data Flowing at Your Nonprofit
It's imperative for your nonprofit to have a good network infrastructure. Here are a few tips to make sure it's the best it could be.
58. A Complete Introduction to Graph Data Structure
Data structures are important for storing data in efficient ways. In this article, we will discuss the Graph Data Structure: definition, types and examples.
59. 9 Best Data Integration Software in 2022
Every business needs to collect, manage, integrate, and analyze data collected from various sources. Data integration software can help!
60. Probabilistic Data Structures And Algorithms In Big Data
Probabilistic data structures allow you to conquer the beast and give you an estimated view of some data characteristics
61. The Guide To Lisk Tree with Use Cases
If you are interested in blockchains and cryptocurrencies, it is likely that you may have stumbled across Merkle trees (also known as hash trees).
62. How to Prepare Yourself For Data Structures and Algorithms Interviews at FAANG
Written By Esco Obong (@escobyte on Twitter), Senior Software Engineer @Uber, Founder of Algorythm study group on Facebook and Black Software Engineers Career Support Group on LinkedIn.
63. Space and Time Receives $20 Million in Strategic Investment Led by Microsoft's M12
Space and Time, a Web3 native data platform that has raised $20 million in strategic capital from notable investors led by Microsoft's M12 fund.
64. How To Search An Element In Sorted Matrix In Linear Time
65. The Pain Points of Scaling Data Science
While building a machine learning model, data scaling in machine learning is the most significant element through data pre-processing. Scaling may recognize the difference between a model of poor machine learning and a stronger one.
66. 5 Books You Can Read to Boost Your Computer Science Knowledge
Make use of your downtime and read something good!
67. The Missing Link: Why Are Linked Lists Useful in Software?
I like to start off Metaphysically then move down into the specifics of something. So then why are Linked Lists useful in software? Well I’ll answer with the question “Why have belongings if you have no place to store them?”; What good are your belongings if you cannot keep them anywhere?
68. How I got a Job at Facebook as a Machine Learning Engineer
It was August last year and I was in the process of giving interviews. By that point in time, I was already interviewing for Google India and Amazon India for Machine Learning and Data Science roles respectively. And then my senior advised me to apply for a role in Facebook London.
69. Are MySQL replications as smooth as you think they are?
What are you actually missing out on in MySQL replication? It appears easy, but to debug the problem caused by it takes a lot of time. So, here's your answer.
70. A Node of Truth For Making Graphs
When you are learning software you will have to pick and choose what. There is just too much to learn it all. So much is really cool and fulfilling but some of it is more tedious and feels like busy work. However there are things you will have to know; the fundamentals are a requirement no matter what you choose. Whether its Machine Learning and Neural Networks or Web Development and REST APIs you will need to know the fundamentals for both.
71. Lists in Python: Mutability, Utility, and Accessibility
A list is a sequence in python. The dictionary meaning of list is “a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively”. There is no much difference in its dictionary meaning and its uses in Python while writing a program.
72. The Big O Notation in JavaScript
Understanding the Bachmann-Landau notation
73. Understanding LinkedList Data Structure in Ruby
If you are familiar with data structures you may have heard about a LinkedList.
74. Prefix Sums and How They Can be Used to Solve Coding Problems
In this post, we will look at prefix sums and how they can be used to solve a common coding problem, that is, calculating the sum of an array (segment). This article will use Java for the code samples but the concept should apply to most programming languages.
75. 14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question
The process of preparing for coding interviews is anxiety-inducing for many developers. There’s so much material to cover, and often much of it feels irrelevant to what devs are doing in their day jobs, which only adds to the stress.
76. Manacher’s Algorithm Explained— Longest Palindromic Substring
Manacher’s Algorithm helps us find the longest palindromic substring in the given string. It optimizes over the brute force solution by using some insights into how palindromes work. How? Let’s see!
77. Graph Representation in C++ (Job Interview Cheatsheet)
Update: you can watch a video on Graph Representation in C++ here:
78. Convert Formatted Text Into a Data Structure Using Parsing
Parsing is a process of converting formatted text into a data structure. A data structure type can be any suitable representation of the information engraved in the source text.
79. Data Storage Security: 5 Best Practices to Secure Your Data
Data is undoubtedly one of the most valuable assets of an organization. With easy-to-use and affordable options such as cloud-based storage environments, storing huge amounts of data in one place has become almost hassle-free. However, space is not the only concern for businesses any more.
80. Where Visuals And Algorithms Collide: How Unrelated Algorithms Produce Intuitive Markings
A nautilus seashell with a perfect spiral is the product of specific DNA that coded for its existence.
81. 4 Ways Data Science Helps Streamline Business Operations
Data Science has changed the way organizations collect, analyze, and process different types of information.
82. The Ultimate Strategy to Preparing for the Coding Interview
How to do faster preparation for coding interviews?
83. CS Data Structures: Fixed Array
A fixed array is an array that has a max amount of items. Such arrays are used when the programmer knows how many elements an array should hold.
84. Applying Criminology Theories to Data Management: "The Broken Window Theory: and "The Perfect Storm"
What can be done to prevent “Broken Windows” in the primary data source? How can we effectively fix existing “Broken Windows"?
85. What is a Lisk Tree and What are its Use Cases?
If you are interested in blockchains and cryptocurrencies, it is likely that you may have stumbled across Merkle trees (also known as hash trees).
86. Rusty Chains: A Basic Blockchain Implementation Written in Pure Rust
A hands-on tutorial on blockchain basics, taxonomy and Rust.
87. Syncing Data from Coda to Google Sheets And Vice Versa with Google Apps Script [A How-To Guide]
Last year I published a tutorial on how to sync data between two Coda docs and data between two Google Sheets. What was missing from the tutorial was how to sync data between a Coda doc and a Google Sheet.
Thank you for checking out the 87 most read stories about Data Structures on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.