Let's learn about Pandemic via these 86 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Open Source Validation Tests for Open Source COVID-19 Ventilator Projects
Right now, there are over 40 open-source ventilator projects seeking to save lives by providing last-resort ventilators when there are not enough officially approved ventilators. Some are better than others. The biggest gap between where they are today and being able to save lives tomorrow is testing.
2. How Unemployment Benefits Systems Are Failing During The Pandemic
Long wait times, passwords sent by mail, and shutdowns thwart applicants
3. We created a Covid19 tracking dashboard
So my former coding partner Collins from Microverse and I decided to create a simple dashboard to track the novel coronavirus. This dashboard which is live here offers the following features that differentiate it from the others:
4. Corona Virus, But Pixelated
5. "FOMO" In A Post Pandemic World
Covid-19 made people miss out on their normal life, let's find out how they are trying to recover in a post-pandemic world that is opening up in the aftermath.
6. Why is Starbucks Korea Doing So Well Despite the Pandemic?
Recently there was this news where a single customer decided to buy a bunch of americanos (roughly $1071 worth) just to buy 17 "summer bags" that was launched by Starbucks Korea. This event just to show how Starbucks Korea succeeds in bring customers to their doorstep despite the pandemic.
7. How To Scrape Wikipedia By Using Puppeteer and Nodejs
Scraping Wikipedia for data using Puppeteer and Node
8. How to Get the Most Out of Your TWS5 F9 Headphone
Charter Spectrum is one of the largest and most reliable AI- Artifical Intelligence service providers in the United States. Spectrum Internet prices are affordable and their high-speed internet provides consistently reliable download speeds. Spectrum’s download speed is usually faster when compared with other internet providers. You can compare the current plans, speeds and prices that Spectrum Internet has available this month.
To adhere to social distancing guidelines and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it isn’t a good idea to have a technician install your Spectrum Internet service for you.
It is easy to do the installation yourself if a cable was previously connected to your home. This prevents you and your family from being exposed to the novel coronavirus, and you will avoid the additional expense incurred when a technician installs it. However, you will need some help and guidance on how to do self-installation, especially if it is your first time doing this.
Consider this being an excellent opportunity for you to lahore smart city how to do a technical installation. You won’t have to adjust your schedule to accommodate the installation time since you will do it at your own convenience. If you get stuck at any time during the process, Charter Communications customer support will help you through the installation process.
The Spectrum Internet self-installation kit is fairly easy to use, since it comes with easy step by step instructions. The package has everything you need to know during the installation of the internet service. You should confirm that the kit has every item required before you start. That way you won't have to stop in the middle of the process because an item is missing.
10. Fighting Against a Pandemic of Dread
The psychological toll of this global pandemic is multi-layered, pointing us towards a reckoning with deeper layers of our psyche.
11. As the Pandemic Rages, Lifecycle Events Must Go On… in the Metaverse
The COVID-19 zeitgeist seems to be moving away from masks and restrictions, as many U.S. states lift mask mandates and ease restrictions.
12. How the Pandemic Hacked the Way We Eat Breakfast [Infographic]
A look at how the pandemic shifted American breakfast trends.
13. Thinking About Getting a Standing Desk? Read This.
Standing desks can better your relationship with working from home and add more options to how you work.
14. Surviving Coronavirus Pandemic: A Guide for Startups
Yes, we’re witnessing a crisis unfolding. Not only people get gripped by the coronavirus fear. It’s like a stroke for most businesses — some will recover, some won’t.
15. How Robots Are Helping To Battle The Pandemic
The battle against the coronavirus pandemic, for example, has recently proven to be a valuable use-case.
16. How Covid-19 Has Affected Entrepreneurs Too
We are aware of how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the labor market and is killing the middle class. However, here I want to talk about how it is also keeping entrepreneurs on their toes. They are as we speak planning for the ‘new normal’ with every update that comes their way.
17. Channeling the Ripples of Crisis Towards Mastering Remote Work
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is facing an unprecedented crisis and are being forced to quickly adjust to a new way of working. All organisations — large and small are facing a trial by fire against drops in productivity with remote work tools as their arsenal.
18. After Six Months, I Ended My Pandemic Startup
Back in July, I launched Wisherie.co. It was a barter network rooted in the passion economy and improving mental health. My hypothesis, based on my own Great Recession experience, was that bartering during the Pandemic would provide the opportunity for professionals (mainly jobseekers and freelancers) to help small businesses while at the same time offering networking and professional development.
19. Hacking Your Psyche To Prevent Isolation Fatigue
Americans have been reporting increased feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and even hopelessness at least once per week since the start of the COVID pandemic. In fact, at the end of April, 3 in 4 American adults expected a second wave of the virus and supported continued social distancing.
20. Employee Training Amid The Pandemic: The Tools You Need to Succeed
The idea of "employee training" is adapting to global pandemic working requirements using authoring tools, learning management systems & web conferencing tools.
21. Business Digitalization Introduces Additional Cyber Threats To Be Aware Of
This new wave of business digitalization increased the number of cyber attacks - the so-called cyber pandemic began.
22. Mental Health Awareness Month: How to Maintain Good Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stress, anxiety, and fear are normal responses to actual or perceived threats, especially when confronted with uncertain situations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
23. Coping With Loneliness While Working From Home
Here are 6 ways to battle the feeling of isolation and loneliness while working from home.
24. E-Commerce as the Cake, Not the Cherry on the Cake
E-Commerce has spiraled due to the pandemic environment, leading to irreversibly enhanced online shopping.
25. What These 4 Charities Are Doing to Fight Hunger Doing the Pandemic
We spoke to four food security organizations in Colombia, Portugal, South Africa, and the United States to better understand the challenges facing organizations
26. Benefits of Digital Transformation: Why Do We Need It Now More Than Ever?
How digital transformation improves the analysis of business performance, affects higher accuracy results, increases the flexibility in data management and more
27. Tips For Conducting A Remote Presentation
Like many others, my workplace has been conducting business remotely most of the year.
28. NFTs: Where do we Go From Here?
The rise of the NFT market is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which played a key role in the rise of NFT
29. Food Tech Stories: Why Meal Kit Delivery Business Has Great Potential
How many of us have the time to come up with a freshly prepared meal each day? Only a handful of people. How many of us dream of having mom’s home-cooked meals each day? All of us. Sadly, but instead of taking the time to make the dinner or lunch by ourselves, we opt out to order a take-away. There’s nothing bad in food deliveries or takeaways, but these meals are far from being those comfort food classics that can warm you up on a winter's night and take your worries away.
30. Why One State's Testing Procedures Vary From a Neighbor's?
We want to know the ways one state’s testing procedures may vary from a neighbor’s, and the reasons why.
31. The Survival Of Urban Areas
Through millennia of plagues, wars, and natural disasters, cities have borne witness to and magnified human suffering and death.
32. How Developers Are Feeling In Challenging Time Of Pandemic
A study into wellbeing and productivity of software developers during the pandemic is now being replicated after a year of working from home.
33. What Problems Hackathons Can Help Solve In Our Pandemic-Hit World
The unprecedented challenge motivates thousands of tech specialists to join hackathon teams and create something meaningful for millions during COVID
34. Cybersecurity in The Post-Pandemic Economy
COVID-19 has brought millions of people onto the internet for much longer stretches of time. These new practices and habits on such a large scale is bringing new weak links in the chain that keeps us safe on the internet. Huge amounts of growth of work from home tech, online cloud services, and customer facing networks are starting to open doors for cyberattackers to walk in.
35. World’s First Indoor Drone Combats COVID-19 And Delivers 99% Disinfection Rate
The Aertos drones are able to fly stably indoors without external reference like GPS
36. Online Unemployment Systems Are Showing Signals of Strain
Newly laid-off workers face crashes, long load times, and messages offering phone callbacks as states struggle to adjust
37. The Open Source Ventilator Game Has Changed: AmboVent and Medtronic COVID-19 Ventilators Open Source
Today in the world of open-source ventilators, the game changed.
38. How To Make Millions With Unemployment Sites That Don't Work
In at least one case, that same company is now getting pandemic-relatedcontracts
39. What Was Different About The 2020 Census And Its Challenges
The count is going mostly digital for the first time. Oh, and there’s a pandemic
40. The Case for Hibernation: Has Bitcoin Taken us to the Latest Crypto Winter?
Is Bitcoin set to hibernate between halving events? Or will adoption levels help to improve the cryptocurrency's outlook?
41. How Remote Working Will Reshape the World by 2030
14 predictions when it comes to remote work in 2030. Working from anywhere is far more than a workplace trend; it is shaping the decade and future state of work
42. We Are All Responsible for Misinformation Management
Over the last few months misinformation has been spreading almost as quickly as the coronavirus. Social media has been inundated with false claims and misleading statements.
43. Augmented Reality in Education: The New Necessity During a Pandemic
Amid the COVID crisis, the education industry is going through a constant transformation. The things which were optional a few months back have become the need of the hour. Augmented reality in education has existed for many years but its real power has been unveiled in 2020.
44. How Buffett Is Hedging Against The Endless Pandemic
Where would you invest in an endless world of the pandemic?
45. Starting an Online Fitness Business
As per the survey, the global fitness industry was valued near $100 billion in 2019 as more and more people were becoming more cautious about their health. Since physical activities are closely linked with well-being, in recent years strategies are being planned for improving the sedentary lifestyle. Fitness centers help in providing personalized training in which the trainers will invest their time in accomplishing fitness goals.
46. Lets Modularize the Open Source Ventilator Problem
by Robert L. Read and Nariman Poushin
47. Unionize or Die: The Next Great Depression in an Age of Pandemic
The alarm you set last night chimes lightly on your nightstand. Morning light peeks through the window as the sound of the neighbors starting their day reverberates around the apartment complex. Spring air mixed with car emission wafts through the screen door as you gather yourself for the day ahead. Your work bag packed with lunch and your uniform in tow, you begin the commute to your first job, hoping the charge on your phone will last the bus ride.
48. COVID Vaccine Rash: Managing The Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID 19 Vaccine is associated with a rare side effect: skin rashes from the shot can occur alongside other side effects. Find out more here.
49. Access to Coronovirus Testing Will Depend On Your Location
Five scenarios that show the differences in states’ testing algorithms
50. Self-Reliance Is The Only Way Forward In A Post-Pandemic World
If one of the latest reports by The Economist is to be believed, a major consequence of the pandemic would be the integration of data-enabled services into broader aspects of life. Contrary to popular opinion, digital transformation is more about people and less about technology. Buy as much technology as you can; the ability to adopt it would depend on developing the right skills, future-proofing your potential, and being open to learning new things.
[51. Here's How I Used The Golden Ratio To Make Winning Investments During The
COVID19 Pandemic](https://hackernoon.com/heres-how-i-used-the-golden-ratio-to-make-winning-investments-during-the-covid19-pandemic-3n3v3zj0)
When my organization decided to shift to work-from-home culture soon after coronavirus pandemic struck earlier this year, I've asked to work from home. I was happy to save a lot of time commuting to the office —and score some extra hours in each day to revisit and amplify my visual and UX Design skills.
52. Are Time Clock Machines With Fingerprints Legit?
You don’t always have to give your boss the finger
53. Introducing Immunify.life.
In recent years, team members from the Immunify.life team have conducted critical research opportunities in improved healthcare.
54. How Pandemic Testing Protocols Vary Across The USA
To determine how testing protocols for COVID-19 vary across the United States, we sent requests under public records laws to all 50 states, New York City, and Washington, D.C. The requests were sent to health departments the week of March 16 and were identical. The database below contains responses we have received, as well as publicly available guidance from some jurisdictions.
55. Will Google's and Apple's Contact Tracing Preserve Privacy?
The proposed system is anonymous but vulnerable to trolls and spoofing
56. A Much-Needed Truce Between Uber Drivers and Taxis
In this slogging thread, we discussed the possibility of an agreement between Uber and taxi drivers in NYC.
57. 5 Ways To Earn an Income During the Pandemic
One global recession in a single generation drives major changes in the economy and business landscape. Imagine dealing with two.
Millennials (born between 1981 to 1996) are more affected by the 2009 recession and COVID-19 pandemic since their financial footing is much worse than their predecessors.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) deems that the economic toll due to the lockdown is much worse than the Great Depression.
58. Predictive Analytics and Patient Personalisation
Let’s explore how technology can help global healthcare providers to recover from such a significant historical event.
59. Digital Mindfulness vs the Real Thing During the Pandemic: Digital Age’s Impact
How the mindfulness movement changed over the course of the pandemic.
60. COVID19 Can Reach 1 Million Cases in 4 days : What Next?
By now almost every country has either had cases confirmed within their borders or has set some legal structure in place to battle the spread of the Corona Virus. The United States leads the world with the most cases, currently sitting at over 160K cases confirmed. My twitter feed is saturated with posts about this global pandemic. People are posting about their struggles, their joys, their opinions and occasionally about the facts. It seems this Virus is all that matters right now in the world. But I want to encourage you through this post — there is more to life.
61. 7 Positive Impacts to look forward to post the COVID-19 pandemic
Three months into 2020, and we already have "Can we uninstall 2020, this version has a virus in it" memes swarming us in social media. With countries and cities getting into lockdowns and lives pulled into a standstill, Coronavirus, or more sophisticatedly titled as COVID-19, has made communities stay away from each other for survival.
62. COVID-19 Tracing: Protect Your Privacy
As the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, life for some around the world is beginning to look a little more like it did before, except with some more distancing, and more people wearing masks. What doesn’t look the same, is how technology is being used to monitor and track cases, infection rates, and outbreaks.
63. 3 Ways We Can Use Geospatial Data To Fight Global Pandemics
The Novel Corona Virus or the COVID-19 is wreaking havoc and it is not the first or last of such infectious diseases we have to face. In the recent past, we have also seen massive outbreaks of new infectious diseases like MERS, SARS, Zika Virus, Ebola Virus, H1N1 Swine Flu, Bird Flu, and many others. We currently also have different epidemics like Polio, Aids, Dengue, etc. in different parts of the world.
64. FinTech’s New Normal - The Post Pandemic Landscape
Want to find out what's next in FinTech and the importance of scalable, reliable technologies in the sector? Abstract from new 'FinTech Trends in 2021 Report'.
65. From Travel to Virtual: How We Pivoted in The Pandemic Era
We never could have predicted the events of 2020 that would shape our world and change the global corporate workforce as we know it. For a corporate culture agency specializing in corporate retreats and travel, the closing of borders and grounding of flights was daunting, to say the least. However, we chose to rise to the challenge and pivoted from connecting people through travel, to doing so in the virtual world when that became the only option.
66. 22 Video Games that Got Us Through the Pandemic
When lockdown restrictions came into effect, lots of people turned to gaming as an escape, or just simply a way to pass the time.
67. Don't Fall For These Ads With Misinformation Even Though Facebook Approves Them
While vowing to police COVID-19 misinformation on its platform, Facebook let advertisers target users interested in “pseudoscience”.
68. Serving Nonprofits Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stories from around the TechSoup Global Network
69. How Are Gig Workers Coping During the Crisis
Workers fight for hazard pay, protective equipment, and better sick leave
70. Learn How to Crack the Code of Emotional Intelligence
The definition of Emotional Intelligence states that it is: ”the ability to perceive, understand and influence our own and others’ emotions, across a range of contexts, to guide our current thinking and actions, to help us to achieve our goals”.
71. Crypto Weekly #3 - How the World Will Change After a Pandemic And Blockchain’s Role in It
We’re all living in this strange new reality right now and adjusting our schedules, our jobs, and our very livelihoods. And while things will certainly go back to normal soon, for now, well, now’s a great time to review how this new economy affects the blockchain industry, and what changes will come once the pandemic is resolved.
72. "We Know About AI's Ability To Remember, But Forget About Its Ability To Forget." - Valeria Sadovykh
As our world approaches the time where artificial intelligence becomes as widespread as electricity, we sat down with Valeria Sadovykh, a leading expert in the decision making and decision intelligence aspects of AI. Valeria holds a Ph.D. from the University of Auckland Business School and has over 10 years of experience focusing her efforts on emerging technologies with PwC in New Zealand, Singapore, and the US.
73. What the West Can Learn From Vietnam’s Response to Covid-19
Thank you so much for the outpouring support for my story. It's been viewed ~50k times and shared by hundreds. You can comment below with Hacker Noon's brand new commenting system, or join the conversation in various places around the internet:
74. Empowered Contact Tracing Applications for Tackling Covid-19 Proliferation
It goes without saying that China has had the first laugh when it comes to stemming the usurped growth of the covid-19 pandemic.
75. The Remote Work Era: New Trends To Follow
Could the forced remote work of COVID19 bring about new growth and a more fair work-life balance?
76. Technology Saved Our Quarantine
The HackerNoon community discussed how technology kept people connected when quarantine was trying to disconnect them.
77. How To Start an Online Store Without Taking The Knock
Pandemic has affected more than 200 countries throughout the world. It impacted the global economy severely and global stock markets have suffered drastic falls due to the outbreak. According to Statista, almost 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars have been lost in economic output. People got locked down in their homes and that was the only way to stay safe from the deadly virus. Stores, restaurants and shopping malls were closed and there was no business at all.
78. Unemployment Insurance Fraud Rose During the Pandemic
A ProPublica investigation reveals that much of the fraud has been organized — both in the U.S. and abroad.
79. Last Remaining COVID Restriction in England Could be Gone in Weeks
In this slogging thread, we discuss government policy surrounding Covid-19. We look at the UK governments recent policy to scrap isolation after a positive test
80. How COVID-19 is Accelerating the Move to Branchless Banking
The only valid and safe method of banking left is digital banking. As the world shuts down and we brace for our new normal, one reality still exists. We still need our money. And the way we need to access and use it now relies on digital banking more than ever.
81. Already Struggling with School? The Pandemic Made it Worse.
The Pandemic Didn’t Start Educational Disparities—but It Has Made Them Worse. Vulnerable students get hit the hardest via online learning.
82. How Technology Companies Have Reinvented Their Business Models During Pandemic Times
The primary misunderstanding about business innovation, which leads to inaction is believing that reinventing or innovating your business starts from technical implementations.
83. COVID-19 “Build Your Own Opinion” Toolkit
“Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.” — Hippocrates
84. 10 Business Models, 10 Companies, 10 New Ways of Working In A Pandemic
Covid-19 has revealed and keeps revealing holes in the economic and healthcare infrastructures worldwide as it spread and invades countries mercilessly. The gap between the rich and poor has become more obvious, especially in well-developed countries. The number of job losses in two weeks exceeded 10 million in the U.S. alone.
85. COVIDSafe App By The Australian Government: Make Sure Your Data Is Safe
★This Article documented the Australian Department of Health (DoH) COVID-19 contact tracing App, How it holds personal data of the Australian and Immigrant, data stored on the cloud and it covers the threats and risks to the security, location, and privacy of its Australian citizen.
86. Genius Tool To Predict Number Of Covid Cases: Leading Time-Series Multi-Step Models
Predict Number of Active Cases by Covid-19 Pandemic based on Medical Facilities (Volume of Testing, ICU beds, Ventilators, Isolation Units, etc) using Multi-variate LSTM based Multi-Step Forecasting Models
Thank you for checking out the 86 most read stories about Pandemic on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.