Let's learn about Kotlin via these 86 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
"Kotlin is a modern, cross-platform, multi-purpose programming language." - Kotlin official press kit
1. Kotlin VS Flutter: Which One Races Ahead
Those days have long passed when cross-platform mobile applications used to have a single avenueâReact Native. Things have changed very fast as people looked for new ways to gain more and more users in the mobile app domain.
2. Dart Vs Kotlin: The Detailed Comparison In 2021
The technology world is an ever-growing and expanding one, which today has many segments of its own. From that, app development is a highly evolving one. Dart Vs. Kotlin is the prime example of this.
3. Don't waste your time handling Android's strings XML files manually!
Have you decided to make your Android app multilingual? I guess that even if you haven't yet, you know about strings.xml and values-XX folders. Localizing your app should be easier than handling XML files. And it can be!
4. How to Create Awesome Loaders on Android with Lottie Animations
Most modern mobile apps carry out asynchronous operations, operations that would require the user to wait while the app is busy. Creating nice interactive loaders that match the purpose of your app will greatly improve the user experience in your app. For example the gif above showcases an example where i used an animation of a washing machine as a loading animation in a laundromat Android application. The process of creating animations on android application as been greatly simplified by the guys at Lottie: https://lottiefiles.com/. In this little article, i would outline the steps required to utilize these animations to make awesome loaders for Android.
5. 5 Emerging Programming Languages With a Bright Future
When it comes to the project and its realization, you should take into consideration lots of aspects. And the choice of the technology stack is one of the crucial things that can define how successful and smooth your project will be. Depending on the idea and requirements of your application, site or product, you may find and select a proper programming language (PL).
6. Live stream an ONVIF Camera on your Android app! đ±
Onvif (stands for: Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a non-profit with the goal of facilitating the development and use of a global open standard for the interface of physical IP-based security productsâââWikipedia
7. 7 Kotlin Libraries Every Developer Should Know
The most common Kotlin libraries that are used for cross-platform and Android development, testing, and documentation are considered in the article.
8. How to Design Pure Functions
Today I am going to talk about how to design Pure Function and help you understand the benefits of pure function.
9. Asynchronous Programming Techniques with Kotlin
An introduction to Kotlin coroutines compared to Futures/Promises such as Reactorâs Mono or Javaâs CompletableFuture
10. Why I love Java
So , I recently completed a course on Coursera named âKotlin for Java Developersâ and therefore I feel I am the right person for one of the most hot trending question âKotlin or Javaâ.
11. 8 Top Programming Languages in 2020 According to TIOBE & Stack Overflow [An Overview]
At the moment, the TIOBE index monitors 265 popular programming languages. The TIOBE includes a language on the list if it matches three key requirements: it is Turing complete, has its own Wikipedia page, and provides more than 5,000 search results on Google.
12. The 4 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020
Technology has made our lives easier with several forms of implementation that are seen in different professional fields. As most individuals began to efficiently program computers, programming
languages with powerful tendencies and functionalities were born.
13. Kotlin VS Java - Android Development
When you think about Android development, chances are one programming language immediately springs to mind and that is Java.
14. Android Material Component: Toolbar vs DisplayCutout
With Android 9 (API level 28), Google officially started supporting whatâs famously known as the notch, a cutout display at the top (because the last two years were the years of the notch?). I canât claim that but with the notch support, most of the brands came out with their version of a cutout display and with that, we as developers need to think about yet another edge case, especially if weâre working with a completely immersive experience.
15. Welcome to the OOP pattern matching: Visitor Pattern
Visitor pattern is dead. Long live to Visitor pattern. (With Kotlin examples)
16. Best Programming Languages to Start Freelancing
Programming has been one of the most in-demand and highly-paid skills for the last two decades, and the demand is only increasing. In addition to this demand and popularity in the market, working as a developer also provides a lot of flexibility. You can work from wherever you want and contribute to projects all around the world. All of these reasons make software development highly compatible with the freelancing lifestyle.
17. đ Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word
Marvel kotlin sample application using android components architecture in a modular project
18. About Ten Open Source Technologies That Are Changing the World
At the beginning of the year, when I started building Archbee, I evaluated some cool tech out there. Hereâs the list of tech I think will change the world in ways we canât even predict.
19. How To Design Domain Model in Kotlin
Type-safe domain modeling in Kotlin. If it compiles, it works. With Valiktor and Konad
20. Musings: What the tech world saw in Kotlin
According to the latest Octoverse report by Github, Kotlin has seen 2.6x growth in contributions as of September 2018 and is already becoming the go-to programming language for Android development. Understand what has made it inevitable.
21. 3 Best Programming Languages for Java Developers
If you are a Java programmer and are thinking of learning some more programming languages to expand your knowledge and skills, but not sure which programming languages to choose, then you have come to the right place.
22. Using Kotlin Extension Functions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Extension functions allow you to natively implement the "decorator" pattern. There are best practices for using them.
23. Cancelling Coroutines in Kotlin
Sometimes we need to close some thread, and we can't just kill the thread as we need to free resources and close connections.
24. The Easiest Way To Deploy With Gradle
How to easily deploy on Gradle for your Linux server without needing an entire development pipeline that the process normally requires you to have on hand.
25. How to Extend a KMM Shared Module With C/C++ Code
Learn how to embed a simple SHA-256 implementation on C-language in KMM library and use it for iOS andAndroid target platforms.
26. How I Built a Spring Boot Application that Handles Requests for a Telegram Bot
I chose Spring Cloud for the architecture of my Kotlin pet project and it was right. What conclusions have I drawn?
27. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
Using Kotlin at your technical interviews!
28. Using the Two-Pointer Kotlin Approach to Solve for the Container with the Most Water
This problem asks us to find the maximum amount of water that can be stored in a container formed by two lines, on a 2-dimensional plane and the x-axis.
29. IP Address Restoration in Kotlin
This post is about providing a solution in Kotlin for finding all valid IP addresses that can be formed by inserting dots into a given string of digits.
30. A Beginners Guide to Creating a Dialogue with Lottie Animation in Android
How to create a dialogue with Lottie animation and a lot of customization in your Android App
31. Fundamental Coroutine Aspects in Kotlin
Coroutines are lightweight threads providing better use of apps they are operating on.
32. Donât write Android apps like itâs 2009!
33. How to Deploy a Kotlin App to Heroku
In the last 10 years, more and more languages that run on the JVM have been developed but they look and feel nothing like Java. One such language is Kotlin.
34. Improve Your Code Quality With These Useful Kotlin Extensions for Android
Kotlin has many amazing features but one that stands out is extensions. Extensions are used to add functionality to existing classes.
35. Why Jetpack Compose Is Not Ready For You
The New Technology Dilemma
36. Implementation of Turtle Graphics for Android
37. Regex Refresher: Named Groups and Backreferences
This feature helps you to group your regular expressions with name and reference to those groups later in the regex
38. The Easy Way to Create Adapters for Your Next Android Project
Learn how to create any type of adapters in android easily with a lot of customization.
39. Kotlin vs. Java - Which One to Choose for Your Next App?
Kotlin vs java. Which one to choose for your next app? Read this blog to find out the similarities and differences between these two and which one to choose.
40. "Mobile App Development Should be Painless" says Chen Fishbein, Codename One CTO
Interview with Chen Fishbein, co-founder and CTO of Codename One about startup life, cross platform mobile development and the origins of the company
41. A New Android TreeView Implementation
The main goal is to make TreeView easy to use, customize and extend almost without limitation and to be up to date with the new android versions.
42. Kotlin vs. Java: Which Is the Best When It Comes to Null Safety?
Java was incepted when null-safety was not a big concern. Hence, NullPointerException occurrences are common.
43. Building a Kotlin Mobile App with the Salesforce SDK: Synchronizing Data
This is our final post in our three-part series demonstrating using the Salesforce Mobile SDK to build an Android app that works with the Salesforce platform.
44. How I Built a Budget Tracker with Jetpack Compose
Usually, I use Google Sheets to keep track of my income/expenses so I decided to build an app, using Compose, that would do the same.
45. Understanding Fragments in Android: Part 2
In this article, we will analyze the interesting points of the Fragment API, I think that it will be of interest to all developers who develop an application.
46. 7 Reasons to Use Automated Tests in Selenium, JUnit5, and Gauge Framework
Using automated tests to optimize your web application using Selenium, JUnit5, and Gauge Framework.
47. Building a Kotlin Mobile App with the Salesforce SDK: Editing and Creating Data - Part 2
48. An Essential Guide to Polyglot Cloud Native Debugging: Beyond APM and Logging
Cloud native debugging is a tedious process of sifting through logs and analyzing dashboards. Continuous observability enables last mile investigation
49. Loading and Caching Images with Just One Annotation in Android
When we are developing an android application it is common to come across a situation where we want to show an image somewhere in the app.The easiest way to handle this is to bundle the image along with the app but the downside to it would be increasing the size of the app. It is not feasible if the application needs to display a lot of high resolution images.So, the next best thing is to host the image in some server and download it from there when the app starts. This is where image caching plays a very important role. We download the image once and store it in our cache and reuse it whenever required. This post will show how we can do that using just one annotation using the ColdStorage library.
50. How to Sync Mobile Development Teams with Kotlin Multiplatform
The use of mobile apps is increasing, and the demand for app development is contributing to its growth.
51. How to Build a Language Learning App with Compose â Part 1
This is the first article, in a new series where Iâll be sharing my journey of building an app for learning a language with Jetpack Compose.
52. Love Code and Write Words - Viacheslav Aksenov 2022 Noonies Nominee Writer Interview
Hi! This is a small interview about my path in tech and some advice to beginners.
53. Android CodeView: How To Highlight Text And Where You Can Apply It
New ideas about how to use the Android CodeView library easily to do implement features that can be used in any app not just Code Editor's or IDE's
54. First Steps With Kotlin Coroutines
The guide to start using coroutines for asynchronous programming to prevent blocking threads and efficiently utilize CPU resources.
55. Learning the Fundamentals of Coroutines: Part 1
In this article, we learned about the 4 building blocks of coroutines: suspend, CoroutineCoxtext, CoroutineScope and CoroutineDispatcher.
56. The Central Declaration of Dependencies for Android Developers
A version catalog is a replacement for the previous patterns, supported by Gradle, without the drawbacks of the previous approaches.
57. Building a Raspberry Pi + ESP32 Drone: My First Steps Into Robotics
A journey from a web developer to a drone maker, with all of the problems and solutions that come with making a drone using a Raspberry Pi and ESP32.
58. 10 Most Sought-After Programming Languages You Should Learn In 2021
If you are working on any technology and want to know which programming language is best for you then you can follow this article.
59. Kotlin Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (A Recursive Solution and Without Using Recursion)
This post is about preorder traversal of a binary tree, a method of traversing the tree in which the current node is visited before its children.
60. Custom Controller Annotation with Spring Boot
How to create your custom annotation for request routing for Spring Boot? Custom BeanPostProcessor helps to parse and register target methods.
61. Kotlin Vs Java : What's The Best Choice for Mobile App Development?
Have a great idea for your mobile app development? Then it's the right time to bring into action by searching for the right technology for your app development. And when it comes to mobile and web app development, then most of the businesses look forward to choosing the most affordable and effective option for their project development.
62. Kotlin Nullables: How to Compose Them Right
How to compose independently computed Kotlin nullables, in an easy and clean way
at JUNCTION 2020 HACKATHON](https://hackernoon.com/make-conversational-ai-work-at-junction-2020-hackathon-pts3egp)
64. How I'm Engineering a Versioned Database Storage Engine for Byte-Addressable NVM
Feel free to contribute on GitHub đ
65. Ditch the Notification and Show an Activity on Your Android Lock Screen Instead
Today weâre gonna learn how to show a full screen activity instead of a notification when the device is locked.
66. 'I Build Software to Solve Problems': Noonies Nominee Amr Hesham
Amr Hesham has been nominated as HackerNoon contributor of the year, Kotlin.
67. 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring An App Development Company
Choosing the right app development company is critical to your project's success. Here are 7 mistakes you should avoid while hiring a development partner.
68. The Interconnection of Functional Interfaces in Java and Kotlin
Functional interface in kotlin and how to declare and use them in kotlin and java too
69. Autofill Fields with a Kotlin Script
Despite the fact that within the framework of the whole project, they seem microscopic. Try to optimize the launch of your application by autocomplete fields.
70. In-Depth Guide to Plugin Architectures with Spring, Consul, and Camel
For the past couple of months I've been working on a data management tool I'm calling OpenDMP. As I've started adding more features, I've run into a scalability issue a bit sooner than I had expected and so I decided to tackle what is hopefully the biggest remaining piece of the project's system architecture.
71. Building a Kotlin Mobile App with the Salesforce SDK - Part 1
Nowadays, users expect mobile apps to act as counterparts to the websites and platforms they use on the web.
72. Creating a Simple gRPC Service on the Client Side
Standard schema validation allows delegating the validation to a third-party library and being done with it. Without one, we must fall back to manual validation
73. What it's Like to Migrate a Backend Service From Spring Boot to Vert.X
A practical example of the gains and pitfalls in migrating existing Sprint Boot logic to Vert.x with considerations to the experience and process involved.
74. Android CodeView Introduction: How To Create Code Editor Application
Hi I am Amr Hesham a Software Engineer, I am interested in Android Development and Compiler Design đ
75. Senior Engineer`s Opinion: Why Does Scala Win Against Kotlin?
This article is based on a story of one of our developers, ex Java now Scala developer, who decided to follow the Scala path because he found writing in Scala extremely developing and interesting.
76. Improving the Caching Game on Android in Kotlin
When we develop our applications we mostly have the best internet connections and we tend to not think about the number of requests the app will make to out back end server once it is live in production.
77. Five In-Demand Programming Languages In 2021
For a tech newbie striving to learn programming, it might be a bit complicated to figure out which technology to choose. Let me help you out.
78. Hashicorp Vault max_ttl Killed My Spring App
How to ensure that expiring Spring Cloud Vault dynamic database secrets are renewed, when reaching Hashicorp Vaultâs max_ttl
79. I Created A Custom Android Color Picker
I've spent the last year creating this simple timer app to give the user control over all the UI colors using dynamic UI colors support.
80. How to Use Kotlin to Solve Coding Problems
I have talked to many Android developers, and most of them are excited about Kotlin. So am I. When I just started learning Kotlin, I was solving Kotlin Koans, and along with other great features, I was impressed with the power of functions for performing operations on collections. Since then, I spent three years writing Kotlin code but rarely utilised all the potential of the language.
81. Accelerating Development with Kotlin Multiplatform
Disclosure: Sam is Engineering Manager at Touchlab, a mobile innovation consultancy based in NYC with expertise in Kotlin Multiplatform.
82. Heavy Rotation of Relational Hashicorp Vault Database Secrets in Spring
Rotate Expiring Spring Cloud Vault Database Credentials Without Downtime
83. Functor Applicative and Monads
I am putting my understanding about functor,Applicative and Monad after spending few days to find out what monad is . Here is what I found. I am using Kotlin to explain with examples
84. Gradle, Bazel and gRPC: A Song of Ice and Fire
Really sorry for the cheesy title. No Game of Thrones jokes below. Promise.
85. Go From Simply a Java Programmer to Polyglot Coder with These JVM Languages
Three programming languages Java developers should learn in 2021 and the reasons why.
86. 5 Great Java Courses for Android Developers
They are definitely the top notch in Android development for now. Letâs make it easy for you and review some beneficial courses for future Android developers.
Thank you for checking out the 86 most read stories about Kotlin on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.