Let's learn about Jobs via these 84 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. 5 Futuristic Jobs of The Metaverse
The infinite possibilities of the metaverse will produce boundless new jobs, in the same way the internet did over 30 years ago.
2. Tech Layoffs: What do They Mean for Budding Developers?
So we're officially in a recession, and now the question is, "what does a recession mean to me as a brand-new developer?".
3. Are Cybersecurity Careers Future Proof?
Are the cybersecurity careers of tomorrow still going to be there in the face of relentless automation?
4. Top 10 Job Boards Where You Can Find Your Next Software Engineering Job
I’ve compiled just a few of the best places for you to look for new job openings.
5. How to Plan your First 90 Days as a New Product Manager
There is always that new product manager who is wondering what the next 3 months will look like. The successes, learnings, adaptations, expectations, and the list goes on and on.
6. The Best Developers Rarely get the job, "It’s like Tinder for jobs"
Learn how recruiters review your profile and get more job interviews (for a Software Developer role).
7. What The Job Market Looks Like Now For Software Engineers
Software engineers seem to be in demand, but there are a lot of contradictory threads and information out there. Articles have even come out that question whether you really want to actually be a software engineer or whether you want to actually use your software engineering skills to create your own systems.
8. How Useful are Certificates from Coursera, edX, and Udemy?
9. How to Crack Coding Interviews? Tips, Topics, and Skills
Wondering how to prepare for coding interviews? Here is your guide to prepare and crack your next interview with important topics, skills, and tips
10. The Ten Top Cities for Highest Cloud Engineering Salaries
A high salary can make you feel like you’re on cloud nine. For cloud engineers, jobs with these sky-high paychecks are in no short supply. In fact, the number of cloud engineer jobs on Indeed.com increased by over 55% between May 2017 and May 2019. And candidate interest is also skyrocketing: The number of people searching for cloud engineer jobs increased by over 52% in that same time period.
11. Why and How to Hire Ukrainian Developers
Is the war really an obstacle to the timely performance of quality work?
12. How to Ace Your Interview Assignment to Land Your Next Front-end Job
Let’s have a quick look at how to make your next front-end interview assignment look as good as possible.
13. 5 Upwork Alternative Websites for Freelancers
This article introduces 5 Upwork alternative websites for freelancers looking for work in niche fields or people looking for entry-level micro work. With struggling economies in many countries, more and more people are turning to online freelancing as an additional source of income. Upwork is one of the most popular websites for freelancers. However, if you aren’t really getting many leads from that site, there are tons of upwork alternative sites you can try.
14. Lessons From My First Software Engineering Job
First steps from freelancing to leading large projects. Tips on getting the most out of your first job. Application process, mentoring, career, soft skills.
15. The New Future of Work Paradigm
The New Future of Work Paradigm
16. AI May Be Coming for Your Job: What You Need to Do to Stop It
It is only a matter of time, AI will surely take over human jobs in many sectors. To mitigate the inevitable disruption by this Technology, upskilling is needed
17. How to Find Jobs in the Web3 Industry
No experience with coding? No problem. There’s lots of room in web3. Here's a few tips for job searching in the space.
18. Check Out the Top Jobs of the Metaverse!
What jobs are possible in the future of a metaverse?
19. Simple Steps to Get a Web3 Developer Job
The world of work is changing, and more and more businesses are looking for employees with web3 skills. Here is where you can find job openings online.
20. HackerNoon is Looking for Sales Superstars. Apply Now!
Hello World! This is Sidra, Business Development Representative from HackerNoon's smart and lean Sales team. Today, I'm here with exciting news - WE ARE HIRING!
21. Tech Jobs Are Among The Best Paying Jobs In 2021
Tech jobs have gained an increasingly important status in the modern world. See what type of jobs are among the best paying ones.
22. Job Mobility Slows Amidst Recession Fears and Tech Layoffs
The Great Resignation might be waning among knowledge workers. Enter: The Great Disengagement.
23. Hacking Remote Work for Pay Equity
A look at the modern day pay gap and work from home trends.
24. 5 Technology Jobs You Can Apply For in 2030
Little by little, advances in technology and science are setting the scene for the next industrial revolution, which will change our world and lives in unimaginable ways.
25. What is a Data Reliability Engineer?
With each day, enterprises increasingly rely on data to make decisions.
26. What the Heck is Happening in the Cryptocurrency Job Market?
The State of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Job Market in 2019-2020
27. 15 Secrets Every Job Seeker Needs to Know
There are a lot of things that job seekers need to know in order to be successful in their search. However, there are some secrets that can be even more helpful
28. The Basics Of Getting A Job
Getting hired needs applicants to complete some steps; writing resume/CV, cover letter, popular interview questions, general interview advice, choosing a job.
29. An Obsession that Could Cost Thousands of Jobs
35,000 people around the world work for the Gupta Family Group of companies. Sanjeev Gupta, the Chair, has invested millions into the UK and other countries, most often in the manufacturing sector.
30. How to Become a Game Developer in 2022
Are you planning on becoming a Game Developer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a Game Developer in 2022.
31. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 3 of 5: Portfolios & GitHubs
With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers
32. What “The Future of Work” Means For Jobseekers
Here's what to understand about the "future of work" particularly for jobseekers.
33. You should shadow your dream job to launch your dream career
A blog post all about how I went on a job shadow with a web developer and software developer. I learned about APIS, javascript, and object oriented programming.
34. The growing pains of becoming an Intermediate developer
35. 15 Best Places to Find a Remote Software Developer Job
Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the shift towards flexible living, and software development is no exception.
36. The Best Way to Find Software Developer Jobs in Switzerland
If you want to find a job in Switzerland - This step by step guide tells you: how to find job, what is important when applying and what are the formalities!
37. 9 Things You Might Be Missing From Your Job Search Strategy
A successful "Job Hunt" is a combination of Strategy, Marketing, and Sales tasks.
38. The Noonification: Uber Still Cant Turn a Profit (10/25/2022)
10/25/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
39. Finding Opportunities In The Metaverse
Like the internet, we are seeing a revolution with the Metaverse. This new metaverse will create opportunities for people to get new jobs across the world.
40. How To Make Millions With Unemployment Sites That Don't Work
In at least one case, that same company is now getting pandemic-relatedcontracts
41. Future-Proof Your Career by Building a Strong Online Presence
Having a strong online presence accelerates your career and gives you optionality. Yet, many knowledge workers are getting left behind.
42. How the Cannabis Industry is Changing the Job Market
A look at some of the notable jobs in the booming legal cannabis industry.
43. Why Giving Developers The Freedom Of Choice Is Not Easy
It’s a fact that software developers are in great demand these days, to say the least… The growing need for building more tech products vs. well-trained resources is out of balance.
44. Want to Break into Product Management? – Here's How I Started
To become a product manager, I had to first ascertain what transferrable skills I had that would be relevant in product management and was ready to develop new ones that I did not yet have.
45. HR by Spreadsheet vs. HR by Algorithm
If you are a human resources manager, your job is obsolete — you are no longer needed. It is only a matter of time before you are shown the door. Automation in human resources — the process of enhancing the efficiency of the HR departments by freeing employees from tedious manual tasks — is already here.
46. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 2 of 5: Companies & Interviews
With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers
47. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 4 of 5: Applying & Job Hunting
With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers
48. Adopt a DevOps Culture Before Looking for DevOps Engineers
Job specs for DevOps engineer jobs often mention a vast variety of duties and responsibilities. Are they hiring for a single role or a whole team?
49. AWS Career Paths: Top 5 Jobs You Can Get With an AWS Certification
AWS certification has been rated as one of the most valuable IT certifications globally. One of the key reasons behind this is the huge popularity of AWS systems, and its wide prevalence in the cloud industry.
50. Looking Back on My 2022: A Year in Review
51. A Short History of Graphic Design Jobs
Graphic Designers and Artists are in high demand, but with advancements in software and the growth of the internet some fear that these jobs will die off.
52. What Will the Jobs of the Future Look Like?
A look at what the jobs of the future will look like
53. 5 Best Career Path for Experienced Java Developers
If you are an experienced developer or a senior Java programmer, like someone with more than 5 to 8 years of experience, and wondering how to get to the next level, then you have come to the right place.
54. What Will the Gig Economy be like in 2022?
Any sort of work that doesn't really need an everyday occupation is viewed as a Gig Economy.
55. If your goal is to be a software engineer, you've set the bar too low
When I started coding, it was partially because I thought it’d be cool to make a computer do my bidding.
56. How I got a Job at Facebook as a Machine Learning Engineer
It was August last year and I was in the process of giving interviews. By that point in time, I was already interviewing for Google India and Amazon India for Machine Learning and Data Science roles respectively. And then my senior advised me to apply for a role in Facebook London.
57. The Secrets of Success: How Young Men Can Make Their Fortune
One Thousand Ways to Make Money, November 2017 by Page Fox is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
58. How to Land an Internship at Zomato by Cold Messaging on LinkedIn
This blog covers everything from the importance of LinkedIn in getting an internship to a detailed hiring process I went through to get an internship at Zomato.
59. A Look at the Trends in Developer Jobs: A Meta Analysis of Stack Overflow Surveys
I'm really interested in the trends we see in the software engineering job market.
60. 13 Highest paying Tech Jobs Software Engineers can aim to increase their Pay
If you are a computer science graduate or someone who is thinking of
making a career in the software development world or an experienced
programmer who is thinking about his next career move but not so sure
which field you should go then you have a come to the right place.
61. 7 Ways to Effectively Onboard Yourself in Your New Job
Finally, your onboarding experience won’t be without its challenges. Be kind to yourself when the going gets tough.
62. Make your Product Ready to Scale Using Laravel Queues
This guide is for all PHP developers that need a deeper understanding of how to introduce background Jobs in a Laravel application.
63. Trapped Under a Rubble of Debt and Stuck in a Foreign Country
L. was trapped. She was ineligible for government assistance and her visa status limits her to U.S. jobs approved by her visa sponsor...
64. Layoffs: Making Sense of Your Future
Hello Everyone,
65. 10 Tips to Avoid Being Scammed by Fake Job Ads
Cybercriminals are flooding the internet with fake job ads and even bogus company hiring websites.
66. AI Hotspots Across the US: Where AI Pros Are Thriving
Whether you used GPS to get to work or added a recommended add-on item to your online shopping cart, AI has likely touched your life in one way or another this very day. But does the increasing presence of AI in our day-to-day actually benefit us in more than just adding convenience to our lives? For tech pros, the answer is likely yes.
67. Is Automation Jeopardizing Our Future?
Is automation jeopardizing our future? What's its impact on our future and the job market? And how can we cope up?
68. An Anthology of Places and Tools That Can Help You To Find Remote Software Engineering Jobs
Working remotely is no longer just a dream. If you can afford a decent laptop and access to the internet, combine it with solid work skills and that gives you a pretty good chance to find a remote job. Professionals in many industries including entrepreneurs, marketers, writers and of course software engineers have already chosen this route.
69. My Terrible Experience Applying for a Job at Crossover for Work
Crossover for Work advertises dozens of jobs all the time, many of them highly paid, many for senior developers and architects. Everyone works from home.
70. Popular Online Courses: The Best One To Enhance Your Copywriting
Learn and enhance your copywriting, with the best online courses available.
71. Introducing The Cosmos Jobs Board Built on The Promise Protocol
Discover how Interchain Foundation intends to support the Internet of People in addition to the Internet of Blockchains.As we well know, the goal of Cosmos Network since its birth has always been to become the “Internet of Blockchains”, thus bringing in the crypto industry the missing piece for true mass adoption.
72. A Look at the Healthcare Jobs of the Future
A look at the healthcare prediction trends of the future and how it's been accelerated by COVID-19.
73. The Importance of Upskilling in Today's Digital Landscape: A Look at the Latest Trends
This is making it increasingly important for individuals to develop these skills if they want to remain competitive in the job market.
74. Job Hunting for Newbies
Looking for work can be challenging, especially if you don't know where to start. Thinking of you, we decided to share a few hacks to help you nail the job.
75. This Company Got a Huge Loan and Then Moved Its Plant to Another Country
Nevertheless, the plant’s managers announced that all production would move to FreightCar’s new facility in Mexico...
76. Unionize or Die: The Next Great Depression in an Age of Pandemic
The alarm you set last night chimes lightly on your nightstand. Morning light peeks through the window as the sound of the neighbors starting their day reverberates around the apartment complex. Spring air mixed with car emission wafts through the screen door as you gather yourself for the day ahead. Your work bag packed with lunch and your uniform in tow, you begin the commute to your first job, hoping the charge on your phone will last the bus ride.
77. What Companies are Hiring for the Metaverse?
The metaverse seems to have created its own job market. With companies like Meta, Nike, or Gucci investing millions the need for metaverse workers is rising
78. Reopening the Economy: Only the Paranoid Survive
The great lock down has helped to slow the spread of Covid-19. But it also came at a great cost to the global economy. Unlike a recession, many nonessential businesses have been closed with no clear timetable to reopen. The initial jobless claims in the US have swelled to more than 26 million since mid-March. While we see some glimmers of hope, we are not out of the woods yet. Businesses are anxious to reopen but we are also concerned with the health risks associated with it. The dilemma is if we reopen too quickly, we might risk triggering a second wave of Coronavirus which could be even worse.
79. Find A Job in Crypto: CoinMarketCap Vs. AngelList Vs. Indeed
Market sentiments cooled down, but not the opportunities in the crypto industry. Let's check the main crypto job opportunities and how to find vacancies there.
80. Why AI Will Bring an Explosion of New Jobs
AI terrifies a lot of people.
81. Not All The Companies Are The Same
In the context of the coronavirus crisis, many companies began experiencing cash flow shortfalls. In order to avoid the liquidity problem, which eventually may turn into a solvency issue, businesses were forced to cut their operational costs.
82. On Career and Passion: Letters to my Daughter
There is an eternal conflict between our internal passions and the external needs of the workforce. Accept this struggle and strive to find meaning.
83. This Job Training Program Is Helping People With Autism Fight Cybercrime
For the better part of a year, the 25-year-old wouldn’t respond when spoken to, his father said, and his blue, wide-set eyes revealed little cognition.
84. How to Work in Tech Without Technical Experience
Learn what are the best entry level IT jobs. I describe briefly what QA engineer, product owner, scrum master, UX/UI designer, CSM and technical writer do. It's
Thank you for checking out the 84 most read stories about Jobs on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.