Let's learn about Decentralized Internet via these 834 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
How can we make the internet work for the end user?
1. Version 0.3.19: A Poem
2. Social DAOs: An Essential Guide
The best overview of all social DAOs that you haven't heard about yet to understand how social DAOs actually work, what they have in common and what's different
3. Why The Metaverse will be Bigger than Facebook and Google Combined
What is the metaverse and what blockchain-based games are pioneering the way to make metaverse happen? Read that and more in the interview with Mickey Maler.
4. UST/Luna Meltdown & The Lessons That I've Learned So Far
The lessons that i've learned from UST/Luna meltdown.
5. [Writing Prompt] Decentralized Internet Interview Questions List
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
6. 4 Defi Platforms with NFT Gaming to Watch in 2022
The most prevalent Defi and NFT adoption was from the gaming industry. Dozens of platforms were conceived within and before 2021.
7. Play2Earn for Beginners: Where to Start
How to start playing with the new Play2Earn/GameFi games like Axie Infinity, Ember Sword and more as well as how to analyse these games for your research.
8. An Introduction to Decentralized Currencies
9. Oana Batran, Chainge Finance CBO, on the World’s First Decentralized Exchange App
Chainge Finance talks about the advantages of Decentralized Exchanges.
10. 12 Best IDO Launchpads in 2022
IDO launchpads have a pivotal place in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.
11. 3 Best Cross-Chain Solutions To Use In 2021/2022
Here you can find 3 the best working Cross-Chain solutions in a current DeFi market.
12. 4 Must-Have Crypto Browser Extensions
Top crypto browser extensions to help you in your crypto journey.
13. Lazerpay: An African Decentralised Dream
African startup called Lazerpay is the blockchain and web3 solution to Africans banking problems since colonisation. They are a decentralised finance company.
14. How to Write Smart Contracts on Bitcoin
How smart are 'smart contracts,' really?
15. 7 Dapp Platforms to Follow in 2021
Polygon, ZKSync, and Arbitrum are just some of the dApp platforms you should be following in 2021.
16. An Introduction to The Bounty Economy
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are creating their own micro-economies, issuing bounties to members to complete tasks to achieve their mission.
17. Alexa.com is DEAD: F*CK the Alternatives!
Looking for Alexa.com "alternatives"? Good luck with that!
18. The 'UNKNOWN' Bug On Uniswap Continues to Plague The Platform
Uniswap is probably one of the most popular decentralized exchanges for listing projects but a severe bug could cause Uniswap and its users significant issues.
19. Elon Musk and Twitter: Really, Why So Serious?
It’s not about being the richest man in the world, but if we’re going to be honest, it kinda is.
20. Cybersecurity in Web3: How to Jump on the Bandwagon Safely
The article addresses common cybersecurity vulnerabilities identified during smart contract audits, social engineering's role in web3-related cyber fraud, etc.
21. Subnets are Solving the Crypto Scalability Problem
The crypto industry has run into serious scalability issues. But subnets provide the best possible answer to resolve it once and for all.
22. CBDCs Are A Very Bad Idea
Learn the risks that Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) pose to your monetary freedom and privacy.
23. How To Stake ETH 2.0 Without Running a Node and 32 ETH
How to stake eth without running a node, defi solutions, staking
24. The Objective Need for Decentralization: Reality Consensus
The main goal of network technology is the creation of human consensus. This is the REQUIRED step for ANY collaboration to occur. We MUST decentralize the web!
25. How to Solve "Struct Containing a (Nested) Mapping Cannot be Constructed" in Solidity
How to Solve "Struct Containing a (Nested) Mapping Cannot be Constructed" in Solidity
26. The Decentralized Gaming Evolution
As the players are growing every day, the gaming companies should also care to fulfill the growing demands. So according to the pace of the technology developer
27. Is "Balkanized" Internet The Dark Future of Decentralized Internet?
There’s a thin line between decentralization and the “balkanization” of the internet.
28. Decentralized Uber: Here's How I Built It With Status.im, Waku, and Vue.js
Write a decentralized Uber using Status.im Waku and Vue.js
29. Why YouTube’s biggest competition will come from decentralized video platforms
YouTube creators and users are fleeing to decentralized, blockchain-based platforms, which offer greater choice and less exploitation.
30. 4EVERLAND's Bucket API for Decentralized Object Storage
A guide to use 4EVERLAND's bucket API for decentralized object storage.
31. How Putting your Book on a Blockchain can Change your Career Overnight
Bend your mind around decentralized publishing with these success stories
32. Web 3.0: A Poem
Cryptographically, the brave may not live forever,
but the cautious do not live at all.
33. 5 New NFT Platforms Riding Crypto’s Latest Wave
Here are five new platforms hoping to become mainstays of the burgeoning NFT landscape.
34. Introducing a New NFT Project Based on Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin
Art101 announced a Vitalik Buterin NFT collection 'Based Vitalik'
35. A Brief Introduction to Ethereum Swarm
The idea for Swarm came from Gavin Wood, one of the founders of Ethereum.
36. 6 Common Crypto Scams to AVOID in 2022
With cryptocurrency being more popular than ever before, crypto scams are rapidly making their way into every corner of the crypto world.
37. YellowCard, The Crypto Ambition of Africa
This article is about a Web3 company called YellowCard that has a crypto exchange app platform for bitcoin, ethereum and others, based for the African market.
38. Understanding DAO: A Basic Explanation
DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations is the new form to organize communities and work. here's the basic explanation of DAOs
39. A Decentralized "Internet of Blockchains:" Blocknet Protocol
Blocknet is moving to the v18 base chain and gearing up to support business customers with the release of XRouter 1.0. In this article, I take a look at the inner workings of the Blocknet Protocol and what it offers.
40. How Starlink is Disrupting the Internet
Starlink, by SpaceX, will provide internet from the constellation of low Earth orbit satellites with low latency and high speed compared to submarine cables.
41. Are NFT Marketplaces Really Decentralized?
Are NFT marketplaces really centralized or decentralized?
42. The Multiverse of Madness: Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Inflation & Bitcoin
Warren Buffett vs. Elon Musk - Inflation vs. Bitcoin
43. Understanding Metaverse: A Basic Explanation
What is metaverse - a simple, basic explanation. How metaverse will impact the world?
44. What are the differences between Bitcoin and XRP?
Bitcoin's maximum supply is 21 million and XRP's maximum supply is 100 billion. The difference is that all XRP were created on the first day...
45. How to Solve Level 3 of the Ethernaut Game
In level 3 you have to play a game: coin flip. To complete this level you'll need to guess the correct outcome of a coin flip 10 times in a row
46. The Illusion of Decentralization
Back in the 1990’s, then-chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan used the phrase “irrational exuberance” to describe the rapid and relentless rise of stock markets amidst a preponderance of data that should have tempered market mania. Setting aside Greenspan’s role in stimulating such “irrational exuberance” via interest rate driven monetary policy, it seems as though his phrase is ripe for recycling when looking at the current fever for “decentralization”; particularly, decentralization as it would apply to blockchain, Web 3.0, and cryptocurrencies. Can blockchain as a foundation of Web 3.0 really be decentralized?
47. Ethereum is Supposed to go PoS (Proof of Stake) in 2022 Which Will Make it More Scalable
This article talks about DAOs, ethereum scaling and why DAOs will be the future of governance.
48. Why Did Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer Stocks Drop by 60% in 6 Months?
The “pillars” of our freelance industry have collapsed spectacularly!
49. What Elon Musk's Twitter Purchase Means For DOGE
Dogecoin's price jumped as high as $0.1428, marking a 12 percent rise in its price in 24 hours.
50. 10 Best No-Code NFT Avatar Creators
In this article, we’ll explain 10 best avatar maker and Top NFT Avatar creators that you can use to make your NFT avatars without coding.
51. Top Platforms to Launch an NFT Collection for Digital Content Creators
Creators with zero to little coding experience can leverage any of these platforms to build an NFT collection, unlike many other currently available solutions.
52. Self-Sovereign Identity, smart contracts and Web 3.0
Decentralized, self-sovereign authentication and authorization of users in web projects using smart-contracts and public blockchains in Web 3.0
53. Choosing a DeFi-Friendly Crypto Exchange
DeFi, or decentralized finance is a $70 billion independent financial services industry.
54. A Decentralized internet is Unviable / Web 3 Developers are Clowns: Do these Opinions Hold any Salt?
In the beginning, God created Web 1.0 (No offense, Tim Berners-Lee). Then Web 2.0 followed. The age of the third web is now upon us but there is a divide...
55. Taking Away The Metaverse from Mark Zuckerberg: Billionaire Brothers Strike Back
Mark Zuckerberg and brothers Winklevoss are fighting for their vision of Web3.0 - or is it just the next stage of old rivalry?
56. How to Make an NFT: Minting, Trading, and Monetizing for Beginners
A non-fungible token is verifiably distinct from another one. So, NFTs offer a way to manage provenance, ownership and transfer of unique items.
57. Closing The Gap Between Companies & DAOs
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are a utopian idea. Today’s organizations - corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations - have a jurisdiction. DAOs are everywhere and nowhere. Today’s organizations embrace hierarchy and have governing boards and managers. DAOs are flat and they make decisions either by number of votes from token-holders (participatory DAOs) or by the rules of the code itself (algorithmic DAOs). Today’s organizations require people to routinely conduct legally-required functions, such as paying employees or buying insurance. DAO users and counter-parties are compensated automatically through smart contracts.
58. The Quickest and Most Secure Way to Run Your Blockchain Node
This article tells you the quickest approach to running a blockchain node. You can save yourself a lot of time reading it!
59. B1 and Chintai are Mainstreaming Blockchain in Traditional Finance
Block.one (now rebranded as B1) is making big moves in the crypto space with an upcoming IPO and newly announced exchange, Bullish.
60. Proof of Work is a Tried and True Solution
Gold is the original Proof of Work to back a currency.
61. The Top 7 Metaverses That You Can Try Right Now
Everybody's talking about Metaverse. Here are top crypto metaverses that you can try right now!
62. Brave Browser, Brendan Eich, Digital Privacy, Web 3.0 and the Battle Against Surveillance Capitalism
After becoming more and more paranoid about Google and other tech companies tracking me online, I learned about alternative options to more private web browsers.
63. Is Satoshi Nakamoto Back?
Is Satoshi Nakamoto returned? Let's see what he done now!
64. 5 Best Audit and KYC Solutions for DeFi Projects
As DeFi, and crypto in general, keep getting global recognition, developers have had to comply with KYC and AML regulations in certain jurisdictions.
65. Decentralized Storage Could Be Blockchain's Killer Application
The distributed architecture of these novel storage solutions makes them immune to censorship, service failure, and data theft. With decentralized cloud storage
66. How to Import Crypto APIs into Excel
This is a step-by-step guide to integrating crypto APIs in Excel.
67. Here's-My-Private-Key Scam in Crypto: How It Traps Unsuspecting Users
A new form of scams that trick everyone with poor basis of knowledge of blockchain world.
68. How to Make Money in a Falling Market
The best way not to lose but also to make money in a falling market is to hedge your purchases with short positions on a margin platform.
69. Does Web 3.0 Need Web Servers?
Internet censorship doesn't only affect those breaking the law. The decentralized browser DeBot Contest on Free TON is working towards an alternative.
70. Ethereum 2.0 - 5 Things About the Change You Don't Know
Learn what the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade means, how it works, and what changes it means for the Ethereum blockchain
71. Is it Possible to Create a Decentralized Internet? This Startup, and its "Farmers" Think So.
The internet is now almost entirely centralized.
72. Top 7 Investment Firms Leading NFT Venture Rounds
Who invests in NFT? Here's the list of the top VCs and investors who invest in NFT, metaverse, play2earn industry.
73. My 5 Favorite Proof of Work Cryptocurrencies
Proof of Work is an important aspect of the cryptocurrency solution. Here are my favorite Proof of Work cryptocurrencies.
74. Zero-Cost Blockchain Transactions Are A Reality on Polkadot
Maybe this one: Read the cases where a zero-fee transaction in Polkadot makes sense, as well as how to actually implement them while protecting yourself against
75. #DeFi - All of The Problems, Some of The Solutions
However, there are some things that keep DeFi from popularizing despite its many benefits.
76. Code A Minimalistic NFT Smart Contract in Solidity On Ethereum: A How-To Guide
How to code a minimalistic NFT contract on the Ethereum blockchain in Solidity
77. Web 3.0 For Businesses: A Beginner's Guide
Web 3.0 may be the next frontier of the Internet, but many know little about it. Read to learn everything about Web 3.0 and its implications for businesses.
78. LUNA's Crash and Scams in Desperate Times of Crypto
Diving deeper into the TerraLUNA crash, and a fair warning against internet scams that may become more frequent as time gets more desperate.
79. Top 5 NFT Play-to-Earn Marketplaces to Follow in 2022
Play-to-earn (P2E) gaming, as a business model, lets gamers earn rewards (often in the form of crypto) for playing games.
80. Is the US Going to BAN Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is more popular than ever before, and it’s worrying a lot of people in Washington.
81. How to connect MetaMask with the EOS blockchain
Little guide how to connect EOS blockchain with the wallet MetaMask.
82. The Great Presidential Crypto Debate with Polk, Nixon, Jackson, and Washington
How would the presidents from the past reflect upon and react to the brave new world of cryptocurrency and money decentralization?
83. Web 1.0 to Web4: A Brief History of The Evolution of Internet Technologies
The Internet has come a long way from Web 1.0 to Web 4.0
84. What are Cross-Chain Swaps?
A cross-chain swap is a complete decentralized mechanism of exchanging your tokens for other non-native tokens.
85. Security in The Sea of Decentralized Finance
How do you avoid losing funds due to your own negligence.
86. How To Mint Your First NFT (Non-Fungible Token) For Free
How to create and mint NFT (non-fungible token) for free at Opensea, Rariable and Mintable. How to promote and sell NFT tokens
87. How Can You Earn Interest with Cryptocurrency?
In many ways, cryptocurrency is starting to replace the ways people increase their wealth, earn interest, and even earn a passive income!
88. Learn the blockchain basics - Part 1: Determinism
The first episode of this series describes Determinism.
This article will explain the most fundamental principle each and every blockchain follows by design.
89. The Decentralised Internet Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Here we are with the final announcement of the #Decentralized-Internet writing contest winners!
90. Is Decentralisation Even Real?
What does decentralisation mean in the context of blockchain, and where is it relevant for end consumers. See how the industry is evolving.
91. How to Build an Ethereum Transaction App with React and Solidity: Part 2
Following part one of this tutorial, we will be building the frontend side of this project.
92. Hiding Secrets: Steganography in Digital Arts and NFTs
The Da Vinci code for the NFT art generation is called steganography. Artists must use new techniques for hiding their secrets inside their artworks.
93. 5 Ways to Make Money In Crypto
The pandemic has changed the rules of the game, not only for business, but in fact, has affected everyone. The words quarantine and remote work have become commonplace in our everyday life. Those companies that could not switch to remote operation suffered losses or were completely liquidated.
94. A Beginner's Guide To The Liquid Network
Liquid Network is a layer-2 solution that offers fast, confidential, and cheap Bitcoin transactions for retail and institutional investors.
95. The #Decentralized-Internet Writing Contest
The decentralized internet writing competition offers $3,500 in monthly prizes from HackerNoon and Free TON.
96. 6 Ways The Internet of Value Can Benefit the World Economy
The Internet of Value is a concept proposed by Ripple which envisions a world where value moves and is exchanged like information is exchanged today...
97. Why Is BTC Over $50k While Other Cryptocurrencies Struggle To Cross $1: A Deep Dive
the majority of digital coins on the market are issued by private blockchain corporations, there are several factors that count towards the value of crypto
98. Cross-Chain Bridges: Are They Worth The Risk?
Cross-chain bridges may be growing in popularity, but their use poses significant risks to users.
99. RichQUACK Aims to Combat Inflation via Token Burns & Staking
In this post we'll look at RichQUACK, its features and the teams plans for growing it's ecosystem.
100. A Game-Changing Blockchain Startup for DApp Development with No Code
Bunzz is the world's first platform that allows software developers and businesses to develop DApps (Decentralized Applications) in a few minutes without knowin
101. NFTs Can Bring Immutability and Transparency to the Halal Supply Chain
By integrating immutable NFT technology within the halal supply chain, consumers can investigate and ensure increased confidence in the origin of halal foods.
102. In the 90s, Web 1.0 was Running on a Fully Decentralized Infrastructure
How Ethereum’s composability created the most innovative ecosystem to date.
103. The Perfect Culprit: Is Crypto or the Banking System Funding Terror?
It is the financial system that could be easily corrupt and not the crypto one in funding terror all over the world.
104. 5 Exchanges Where You Can Trade Crypto Options
In this post we’ll look at five exchanges that enable investors to trade crypto options, as well as the features and fees involved.
105. The Current State of Cryptocurrencies in Africa
In a Yahoo finance publication, Nigeria, Africa's largest economy, ranked number one for countries using cryptocurrencies the most. This was while the country plunged deep into a recession in 2020.
106. Slow Rug Pulls: The Wild Nature of Cryptocurrency Projects
Generally, rug pull projects are those crypto projects whose developers have put little effort into them.Then developer abandons the project with investor funds
107. From FireChat to Starlink: The Best Attempts to Decentralize the Internet
In this article, we look at the past, present, and future of internet decentralization efforts. We'll explore how projects such as FireChat and Starlink.
108. Crypto-Cards 2021: Bitpay Vs. Wirex Vs. CryptoPay Vs. TTM Bank
Why can 2021 redefine how we use crypto cards?
109. Decentralization of the Internet: The Frontier of the Internet
Developers and tech entrepreneurs have created a silent but consistent mission to try and decentralize the internet. The goal is to make it a safer place for people to transact and communicate.
110. 5 Crypto Compounding Projects to Look at in 2022
Compounding is a sure way to bolster your earnings in the long run, especially if you are invested in long-term income-earning pathways.
111. Decentralized Web (DeWeb Tokens) 101 – The next big thing?
Over the last years, but especially the last months, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) emerged to a popular and highly hyped niche within the crypto space.
112. When DeFi Meets TradeFi: Comdex Co-founder, Abhishek Singh, Discusses Commodities In Crypto
A discussion with Abhishek Singh, Co-founder and CEO of Comdex on the recent crypto crash, features of a robust DeFi infrastructure layer, and much more.
113. Who Showed Up to Dogepalooza and Who Cares? (Much Surprise)
What happened at the first-ever Dogecoin-themed charity music festival Dogepalooza? Hear it from the perspective of one of the performers there, Rito Rhymes.
114. How to Find a Job in Crypto and Blockchain in 2022
Interested in crypto jobs? Understand the market and learn the 15 best ways you can find opportunities
115. Introducing $NOIR, the World’s first Phygital Wine Token
NOIR New Moon, a Sparkling Rosé produced using the Méthode Traditionnelle technique, will be offered exclusively as 777 dynamically priced $NOIR tokens..
116. DAOs - Blockchains Final Frontier
Prosperity not created by capitalism but through cooperation.
117. The Crypto Economy is Too Conservative and it’s Your Fault
This may be crypto’s largest problem right now: It rewards repetition, instead of innovation. Here's what you can do to help.
118. The One True Metaverse Shall Be Decentralized
There are many attempts at the metaverse, but building a real metaverse isn't that simple
119. DecentraMind for Web 3.0 or Against It? — Interview with Mikhail Danieli
DecentraMind by Web 3.0 or for it? — interview with Mikhail Danieli, project visionary and ambassador about the future of the platform and the company.
120. Down with the Registration!
Sef-sovereign Identities can help minimize the consequences of data leaks by keeping personal data personal.
121. Building a Classic Web3 NFT Minting Dapp With React and Solidity: Part 2
In PART ONE of this tutorial, we coded the smart contract part of this application with Solidity, now it's time we merge it up with ReactJs.
122. Don’t Buy Cryptocurrencies (Earn them)
Five easy ways to earn cryptocurrency, without spending a penny. From getting a job, to winning contests, you don't need to code to be involved in blockchain.
123. The Coronavirus Cover-Up: A Closer Look At Internet Censorship in China
I am writing this in transit between Helsinki and Vilnius. I’ve got a mask on, and it’s uncomfortable. But I shouldn’t complain - the mask itself was a godsend - given the nationwide shortage of masks, hand sanitiser and antibacterial wipes in Singapore.
124. How to Start Investing in NFTs: For Complete Beginners
How does investing in NFTs work? This guide will cover all you need to know to get started.
125. How this Web3 Project is Unlocking a Trillion-Dollar Data Economy with Data NFTs
Learn why data could become the most promising NFT utility that sets the foundation for a valuable trend: Data Finance (DataFi).
126. 10 DeFi Projects to Keep Your Eye On in 2021
DeFi can change the financial landscape. Here is a list of the 10 best DeFi projects to watch out for.
127. Top 10 Ethereum NFT Projects to Follow in 2022
Decentraland, Gods Unchained, and Cryptodads are among the best Ethereum NFT projects to follow in 2022.
128. Learn the Blockchain Basics With Sovryn: An Outline
Learn the Blockchain Basics With Sovryn is a technological series about blockchain technology, written in plain English with the aim to foster basic knowledge.
129. Here's How to Build a Decentralized Internet
The philosophy of how to build a fully decentralized internet. Web3.0 needs interoperability, open source and better economic designs to succeed Web2.0
130. ThoughtSlime on Why All NFTs are a Scam
A contrarian POV on NFTs from ThoughtSlime
131. DeSci: Decentralized Science as Our Chance to Recover the Real Science
DeSci is an approach to organize scientific ecosystem in a decentralized way to have the real science done by the people, for the people.
132. How The Metaverse Relies on The Data Economy
The Metaverse isn't just built on the Data Economy, the Data Economy is the Metaverse.
133. How to Transition from Full-Stack Developer to Web3 Pioneer in 2022
Looking to dive into Web3 development? Here is an intro and quick example of how full-stack developers can get started in the decentralized web.
134. IOTA vs. IoTeX: The Battle of the IoT Blockchains
The blockchain that connects the internet of things will be worth $1 trillion. The top two contenders? IoTeX and IOTA. Read on to find out which will end on top
135. ERC20 Infinite Approval: A Battle Between Convenience and Security
In order to save money and time, many users choose infinite approval when needed. As a result, they do not know the day when they suddenly find that their token has been transferred away.
136. 3 Best Metaverse Games to Follow in 2022
Almost everyone in the P2E space is already aware of the big names like Axie Infinity, Gods Unchained, and The Sandbox, but there are many others to follow too.
137. Cross-layer Interoperability: The Future Of Interconnected Layer 2 Ecosystem
Welcome to the world of cross-chain and cross-layer interoperability, building the future of the interconnected multi-chain and multi-layer ecosystem.
138. Top 6 Crypto Launchpads in 2021
Want to discover promising early-stage crypto projects? Crypto launchpads are platforms that provide an early access to token sale rounds of vetted projects.
139. I Stopped Developing iOS Apps and Switched to Web App Development After 12 Years on The App Store
After twelve years on the App Store, I've decided it's time to go all-in on the web and would like to share what that means and outline the tradeoffs involved.
140. Introduction to Cryptographic Hash Functions
Cryptographic Hash Functions are a class of hash functions that are cryptographically secure. From password authentication and integrity verification to blockchain—these functions are used in a multitude of applications.
141. How I Made a Fortune from the 2020 Bear Market
A brief overview of how Ben Knaus went all in during the 2020 Bear market. And how in 2021 those risks turned to huge rewards. Also 7 rules for bear marets
142. An Analysis of the Cryptoskulls NFT Project in 2022
A brief summary of the paraboolic rise of the CryptoSkulls NFT collection.
143. 4 DeFi Protocols that Will Build the Future of Finance
There is a protocol arms race in DeFi right now. Yet due to DeFi’s composability, an advance boosts the whole ecosystem, not just one protocol.
144. Why Do We Urgently Need Web 3.0?
Mass censorship and de-platforming have been normalized at such break-neck speed that a new totalitarian milestone appears almost every month. Fortunately, cryptocurrencies have already paved the road ahead for a brighter, less surveilled future, leading to Web 3.0.
145. Top 5 Smart Contract Platforms on Polkadot for building DApps (A Developer's Guide)
Here is a detailed review of 5 best developer-oriented smart contract platforms on Polkadot that you can use to build Web3 DApps. Check it out!
146. What Happened to Solana (SOL)?
Solana (SOL), a fast emerging blockchain project, has caught the attention of investors in the crypto space in recent weeks.
147. How Blockchain can Disrupt the Restaurant Industry
This article talks about blockchain and restaurant tech to disrupt and uplift the restaurant industry after COVID-19.
148. Greed Threatens to Destroy Dogecoin, But the Motto May Be Redemption
#DoOnlyGoodEveryday is just an awesome motto. One I can embrace. Greed threatens to destroy #dogecoin but I cling to the motto. The community has been around for years. It has shown resilience. They believe the motto Do Only Good Everyday. They were doing it when dogecoin was going for less than a penny.
149. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Web 3.0
Decentralized architecture is new and still evolving. I’ll start by outlining some general concepts and definitions so we’re on the same page semantically.
150. Fixing Broken NFTs With IPFS and Filecoin
Many NFTs on the market today have design flaws that compromise their integrity and permanence. Learn how we can fix that using IPFS and Filecoin!
151. How To Own A Piece Of The New Web With Web 3.0
Web 3 is the latest wave of the internet that is already changing how users utilize and interact with the web.
152. 6 Ways to Start Using NFTs in Your Business
NFTs are on the rise. Learn how to use NFTs for your business and exploit this new technology for massive commercial gains.
153. Is Decentralized Internet the Future of VPN & TCP/IP?
Internet censorship is a contentious topic all over the world today. While some advocate it as a safety net restricting access to the dark and illegal portions of the internet, others consider it to be merely a tool used by governments and authorities to conceal information from citizens for religious or political purposes.
154. How to Build a Profitable NFT Marketplace with React, Solidity, and CometChat
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a profitable and well-designed NFT marketplace with chat functionality.
155. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 3 : Hashing Functions
With the third episode of our shared journey, we will uncover the meaning of the hashing function, share a ride on the Avalanche effect, and much more!
156. How to Model In-Game NFT Token Economics for Digital Games
This article talks about NFT based games and how developers can model an NFT based in-game token economics for their decentralized gaming offering.
157. My Favourite Scams these days (Cryptocurrencies, Mining, Forex and NFT scams) — 2021 deep dive
My deep dive into the world of novadays crypto and related scammers. Bit fun and highly educational.
158. Revisiting Making Money in Crypto
Making money in crypto using strategies from The Richest Man in Babylon.
159. The Evolution of Casinos in the Age of Decentralized Internet
A brief look into how traditional casinos are slowly getting replaced by a completely virtual but immersive experience, driven by blockchain technology
160. DeFi: It's Time We Really Started Looking At Blockchains Beyond Ethereum
The mother of DeFi is Etheurem, but the true DeFi platform the world needs now is Bitcoin-based, which follows the original idea of Satoshi Nakomoto.
161. Power of Proposals: Understanding SORA's Decentralized Development Process
SORA is a decentralized central bank that includes a decentralized development process that uses RFP to implement new developments in the network
162. How I Built A Smart Contract That Pays People Automatically
Learn how an Ethereum smart contract can pay your kids, employees, or whomever quickly, fairly, and automatically. No more banks, no more headaches.
163. How You Can Invest in the Metaverse Today
Wondering how you can invest in the emerging metaverse industry? It's actually easier than you think, and I'll walk you through the 3 main options!
164. Telegram Bots Have Helped Pave The Way for dApps
2020 is shaping up to be the year of dApps! New communities are forming around cryptocurrency and they are asking for just one thing: decentralization. All the services and platforms you are accessing online right now can be decentralized in one way or another.
165. How Do Yield Aggregators Work?
The main profit generators in DeFi are decentralized exchanges and loan services. Yield Aggregator optimizes the ways to get this profit for maximum efficiency.
166. True Meaning of DAOs - Bitcoin as Business
Understand how the first and most succesful DAO works, and how Bitcoin can host Web 3.0 applications, dApps, NFTs, and DAOs in the future.
167. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 4: The 51% Attack
This episode we will cover two potential risks of PoW blockchains that are related but are frequently misrepresented: the double-spend fraud and the 51% attack.
168. An Algorithmic Decentralized Central Bank: Eliminating Irrational Token Allocation with SORA
For this article, we focus in particular on the macroeconomy, tokenomics, macrotokenomics, governance, and decentralized applications
169. Learn the blockchain basics - Part 2 : "Mining", "Miners", and the Proof of Work Algorithm
The second episode of this series describes the Proof of Work algorithm.
After reading this article, you should have a basic understanding of the PoW algorithm.
170. DeFi on Bitcoin: How Sovryn is Answering The Final Criticism Against Bitcoin
Unbank banking and make the underbanked financially sovereign. After all, a major part of freedom is being able to freely use your own assets.
DeFi and Bitcoin.
171. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 5: Why Blockchains Fork?
Forking is only one way of updating a blockchain, but it's an important one in the tricky context of decentralized networks. So, fork and reach further!
172. Becoming a Day Trader - Interview and Introduction to the Trading Products
Day trading is like a fascinating game that rolls chess, poker, and gaming into an exciting package, adds the adrenaline rush of a roller coaster, and flavors it with a few dashes of lemon and a pinch of salt.
173. Invest In Bitclout? I'm NOT Buying It!
The legal and accounting risk of BitClout is way too high for me to participate.
174. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 9: Blockchain Around the World
The blockchain is a cryptography-focused architecture based on the internet protocol, powered by networked computer servers that do not need to be set up by developers.
175. 5 Polkadot Projects Worth Checking Out [April 2021]
Learn more about the 5 best Polkadot ecosystem projects in 2021; featuring Acala, Moonbeam, PolkaBTC, Darwinia and PolkaFoundry.
176. $SHIB: My Journey Through the Deepest Recesses & High Command of a $10 Billion Decentralized Army
This is the story of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency phenomenon, where meme coin mania meets the future of finance and the decentralized internet.
177. The Ultimate Guide to Crypto Tokens
You have probably heard lately the terms tokens, crypto tokens, and cryptocurrencies. In this article, I will cover in depth what crypto tokens are, how they are created, what they are used for and how they differ from cryptocurrencies along with the most common questions around this topic.
178. 10 Affordable NFT Projects You Should Know About In 2022
In this post we'll look at 10 affordable NFT projects on the Ethereum blockchain.
179. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 7: What is Inside A Bitcoin Block?
A guide to the initial elements of a blockchain explorer and the different parts of a Bitcoin block.
180. Tokenomics of different stablecoins
How different types of stablecoins differ and how they function, why are they stable and are they even stable at all?
181. The Fascinating Science of the Dollar
To evaluate a potential central bank digital currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System published a document in January 2022 titled Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation. The paper purports to summarize the current state of domestic payments systems, and further discuss the different types of digital payment methods and assets that have emerged in recent years, including stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies. The authors have requested feedback via an online form that poses more than twenty-two questions due by May 20th, 2022. Since meaningful responses require more than the five-thousand characters allowed by the twenty field response form - and some sections actually contain more than one question, we are publishing thoughts and observations on it here instead, while further addressing some of the shortfalls in the framing and positioning of the paper, and consequent request for comment.
182. How the NFT Breathes New Life Into Branded Content Marketing
How companies can protect their branded content and take their brand marketing to the next level by tapping into the NFT space.
183. How We're Building an Open-Source Google Photos Alternative with React Native
We built an opensource alternative of Google Photos using react-native, to showcase the project "box", which aims to liberate people's data and privacy by web3
184. Passive Income Part 1: Drip Network
In this multi part series I'll be delving into the Defi playground with a few low cost entries and revealing my experiences. Part 1 looks at the Drip Network
185. HBAL703: A Poem
A day near Loon's noon would never end without Fête de Nuit's annetna, longitudinal ones seemed—deemed more minimum from a helium point.
186. Blockchain Is Eating The World
Checking out these top blockchain applications and use-cases to see how blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries.
187. The Other Side of Moderating the Metaverse
Exploring what it entails to be a moderator in a Web3 metaverse in the future by taking lessons from gaming and social media mods today
188. The Web3 Games Blockchain Network Based on Substrate
The Substrate blockchain framework has made substantial progress in the development of the Web3 Gaming Blockchain with ParaState.
189. This Self-Proclaimed Art Illiterate Person Builds Web3 Products for Coinbase
Meet Noonies 2021Nominee Gagan Gehani
190. The Workings of Web3 Technology
It is likely that many of you still do not know exactly how the web3 technology works, so here we are to explain it.
191. Cross-Chain Technology Hopes To Solve Blockchain Scalability Issues
Recently, developers found ways to address the issues and allow communications with the different Blockchain. The solution lies within cross-chain technology!
192. The Decentralized Web is Here to Stay
Imagine ecentralized YouTube, Facebook, Gmail. Are we there yet and what will the decentralized web for developers look like once it all finishes maturing?
193. Be Happy on Social Media Again!
Bluesky 🙏🏻 vs Mastodon 👎🏻
194. Industry-Specific NFTs Will Bring Next-Level Growth
NFTs are quickly breaking out into the real world in surprising ways.
195. Tatiana: A Love Letter from HackerNoon's Best Crypto Journalist of 2021
The story behind the victory as best crypto journalist 2021
196. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: An Intersection of Data Verification and Privacy
Dive into the world of zero-knowledge proofs & learn about the challenges and opportunities that will arise by combining them with oracles.
197. Despite the Bearish Sentiment, There are Still Ways to Make Quick Gains with IDOs
There are still ways to make quick gains in the crytpo market with IDOs despite the market being bearish in the last few months thanks to disruptions.
198. What do NFTs Mean for the Movie Industry?
NFTs are making their way into the film and television space.
here is how it is reshaping the movie business.
199. Web3: The Internet of the Free
200. The Spatial Web is Coming... Web 3.0 is About to Take a Giant Leap - Part 4
Anything that wants to be recognized will have to be included in this Web 3.0 network. Every protocol, platform, interaction, messaging, data distribution, 1st
201. Top Platforms to Tokenize Your Investment Assets
how tokenization is transforming the entire investment ecosystem including traditional venture investment and start up markets
202. From the Genesis of Social Networks and Beyond
Social media networks are an interesting space to watch over the next few years because of Web 3 and the decentralisation of the internet changing things.
203. Differences Between Non-Fungible Tokens and Security Tokens
some NFTs may function as security tokens without the knowledge of the buyer, but how do you distinguish NFTs from security tokens
204. Decentralizing Art Will Give A Big Boost To The Creator Economy
For many years, artists and cultural centers face difficulties in claiming ownership of their products and their products are quickly reproduced and resold multiple times. The original authors do not even get a commission. This has lead to an increased need for social protection, better and more open access to relative markets, better exposure to artists, their products and, those in cultural centers.
205. The News DAO?
Form a News DAO against the usual news agencies where we can find out the truth about things, without censorship from the 'owners'.
206. The Future of the Internet Lies in Decentralization: Dr. Zamboglou
A decentralized internet is coming to guide society away from persistent scarcity and towards unlimited abundance.
207. Bitcoin in Times of War
The decentralized, permissionless nature of Bitcoin really does make it a beast that cannot be brought down that easily. This is a crucial aspect of Bitcoin as
208. Decentralizing The Future
With mega-corporations dominating the marketplace, can the average person still create an innovative new digital product and compete in this day and age?
209. How Is Cryptocurrency Regulated In The US?
This article will discuss the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States and how it could change in the future with more intervention
210. Cryptocurrency: Redefining Trust and Money
This article lays out a high-level outline of the building blocks of a revolutionary technology called cryptocurrency. Read on to find out about cryptocurrency
211. Why Security Tokens Thrive In The Developing World
Security tokens may not be nearly as exciting as NFTs and other crypto investments but they're not to be ignored, especially in the developing world's youth.
212. Barlow's Declaration of Independence of the Metaverse
Governments of the Old Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, we are the inhabitants of the Metaverse, the new home of free minds.
213. The Need of Education for the Decentralized Internet with Renjit Philip
Hacker Noon's Decentralized Internet interview with Renjit Philip.
214. BFT Consensus: Will Your Car Full of Passengers Turn Right, Left, or Fly Over a Cliff?
Deep dive BFT consensus in governance and its significance; SMV smart contracts and transparent voting processes and finding a majority consensus.
215. Meet DeFi. The Changer of Life.
These days, if you mention that ‘decentralized finance (DeFi) is revolutionary’ you may get more than a couple of eye-rolls.
216. What Can You Do to Make Reddit Aware of Your Game? A Real Experience
In this article, you will find how to promote your game on Reddit, how to get karma, and what subreddits you can use for this. All you need is this article.
217. Perpetual Swaps - Origins in CEX, with a Future in DeFi!
Perpetual Swaps, the single biggest primitive still missing from the Bitcoin DeFi puzzle, are coming to Bitcoin-based DeFi thanks to Sovryn.
218. 'Using Public Infrastructure to Handle Ownership Rights': Interview with Sillytuna
Decentralized internet interview with Sillytuna.
219. Exploring NFT Galleries with Benjamin Agostini
In this NFC interview, we spoke with Benjamin Agostini, Co-Founder of TheSafeBox.io. We discussed NFT art and galleries, and the future of NFTs and marketing.
220. An Overview of The Wasted Lands: NFT Heroes & Play-to-Earn Combat
The Wasted Lands is a play-to-earn (p2e) strategy game with a puzzle based, match-3 combat system.
221. How to Pin Data onto IPFS to Create a Decentralized Storage Network
Learn more about how you can pin data onto IPFS in seconds, at a fraction of the cost of existing services by using decentralized storage and Filebase's S3-API.
222. KW-726: A Poem
“2029 feels like a pivotal year.
I'd be surprised if we don't have AGI by then.”
223. Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol - Part 4 - IEEE
Original internet protocols are too limiting for the network capabilities needed to move forward with XR Tech. IEEE new core standards have been established.
224. How to Code Your First Smart Contract with Solidity
In this tutorial and the subsequent ones, I will be journeying you through the world of web3.0 development starting with how to build your first smart contract
225. Digital Identity: A Fad or the Future?
With rising concerns regarding user personal data safety and online privacy, a lot is riding on the proper implementation of the Web3 concept.
226. Is Proof-of-Stake the Savior of Cryptocurrency's Future?
Learn the benefits of Proof-of-Stake blockchains and why they matter for cryptocurrency's future.
227. Risk Control Lies at the Core of Lending Platforms - Unhashed #13
Unhashed is a QnA series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.
228. In Decentralized AI We Trust
End-users enjoy free products provided by central authorities but do not realize they are manipulating our behaviors and making a good fortune from our data.
229. Two Factor Authentication - The Deep State Tool That Supports Mass Technology Dysfunction
2FA is the initial, mandatory stage of ongoing privacy intrusions that are unwarranted and Orwellian. Alternatives now exist.
230. Inery Aims to Eliminate Entry Barriers to Web3, Blockchain
Web3 Infrastructure is seriously lacking in one department - data systems. Inery addresses the issues of centralized data management
231. The Spatial Web is Coming... How Smart Technologies Function Within the Spatial Web - Part 3
How the spacial web protocol is being designed and the three tiers of computing technology that provide the backbone of the new system's infrastructure.
232. The Metaverse Will Bring Our Civilization to a New Level
Users can launch a metaverse with a 3D world, NFTs, play-to-earn & build communities to earn, and take community engagement to a new dimension on web3.0.
233. Talking Crypto and DeFi Portfolio Management with Narek Gevorgyan - Founder at CoinStats
CoinStats is shaping up to be our users’ go-to destination for all things crypto and DeFi.
234. My Thoughts on BitClout After Many Weeks of Activity
On April 8th, 2021, I kept seeing BitClout (now DeSo) trending on Twitter and this is when I decided to make an account. Part of me was intwined with the idea and thought it could potentially, maybe quite possibly become something. However, since the beginning, I was also one of BitClout's most vocal critics.
235. Alien Worlds Co-Founder Sarojini McKenna on DAOs Disguised as Vegetables
Why DAOs are like vegetables.
236. Decentralised Social Networks Are the Future of Web 3.0
The role of decentralised social networks in addressing the numerous problems that big tech is currently facing is becoming increasingly important.
237. FTX Raised $1bn With This Pitch Deck in 2021. Let’s Review It!
FTX raised $1bn in 2021. Let's review their Pitch Deck and understand what Web3 and crypto projects can use for their investment rounds!
238. 'Standardization Is the Biggest Challenge': Decentralized Internet Interview with Paul Macklin
Why will the decentralized internet be adopted with Paul Macklin.
239. Shaping the Future of Entertainment: Web3.0 and Play-to-Earn Games
The combination of these two forces will significantly impact the future of entertainment.
240. The Case for NFT-Based Fractional Ownership of Domain Names
Building a valuable domain portfolio can be challenging primarily because most of the premium names have been taken. Fractionalization of domains can help
241. Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol - Part 2 - HSTP
HSTP bridges all Smart Technologies including all data and entities within each space, to facilitate a truly augmented technological experience.
242. Meet the Writer: Hacker Noon's Contributor Denise Holt, Futurist, Advisor, Founder
Denise Holt talks spatial web, writing, and more.
243. Inside the Curve Wars: DeFi Bribes
What role do token bribes play in defi curve war?
244. At Gateway to Cosmos, Prague was the Center of the Blockchain Multiverse
Read more about:
- Risks in DAO governance
- Smart contracts in JavaScript
- Fast and secure interoperability
245. Revault Networks Integrates With Orbs Layer-3 technology to Become "Google" for Blockchain Vaults
Revault is the first DeFi protocol to integrate with Orbs’ layer-3 technology. The technology locates and puts money into the strongest vaults automatically.
246. Access Denied Unless Netizens Opt-in
I live in a "Democracy" where the voice of the people gets constantly censored. We constantly live in a fear that if we raise our voices and speak anything against the supreme leaders in the country, we are looking at dozens of charges, fines, or jail time.
247. Trust Minimization and Decentralized Internet: Interview with Josekrypto
Decentralization is one of the most important aspects of the internet, and it is something that we should all fight to protect. It ensures that the power remain
248. When I First Heard Of Bitcoin
The first time we all heard of Blockchain many years ago probably didn't hint at the potential that the cryptocurrency has shown to demonstrate in recent years
249. The Race for Building the DeFi Ecosystem on Cardano
Lennon Qualmann talks about AdaSwap and the future of the Cardano blockchain network.
250. Cake DeFi Announces $58 Million in Crypto Assets Rewards to its Users in Q2 2022
Cake DeFi just published and details the progress the company made in the quarter. The platform reported to pay 58 million in payouts.
251. Lonero Needs the Hackernoon Community's Help
Hello World! It is about time, time that we asked you guys for help! I'm not talking about e-begging. What I'm talking about is that we want to stage a new site on StackOverFlow, but nobody knows about our proposal yet!
252. Bite-Sized Blockchain Guides Part 1: What is a Blockchain?
In this series, we will talk about everything from blockchain basics to building a complex DAPP.
253. Building a Startup that Lets you Stake on the Future - Interview with Noonies Nominee Lucien
This is my testimony, my deep soul dive into who I am and where I stand for, being nominated for the 2022 NOONIES. Makes me proud. Vote for me to get more of me
254. Let’s Play Ethermore: Part 2 – The Liberation of Ecnanib Hold
This gameplay video also showcases a recently added feature of status effects and how they look in our quests.
255. Can I Trust You? Ensuring Honesty in Decentralized Systems: Oracle Manipulation & OEV
Dominik Muhs, Senior Security Engineer from ConsenSys Diligence, dives deep into the world of oracles.
256. Terra Approaches Tesla in Terms of Bitcoin Reserves
Soon Terra can have more Bitcoins than Tesla. Moreover, in long term, it can get more Bitcoins than Microstrategy.
257. Why Compliance and Data Protection is Important in the Blockchain Space
Interview discussing why compliance and data protection is important in the blockchain space
258. “Decentralization at It’s Core Is About Protecting Values”
This interview is part of the HackerNoon Decentralized Internet Writing Contest.
259. Is Decentralization of The Internet a Reality or Utopia?
The advent of Web3 has been predicted for several years, but is a new iteration of the Internet a common practice already?
260. Crypto Assets Are Primarily Communication Networks
When I was in college there was a joke going around that the easiest way to piss off the physics professor was to ask him “what is gravity?”, upon which the professor would launch into a 45 minute diatribe on gravitons and the latest advances at CERN; but the truth is, we don’t really know. The best we can answer the question is that gravity is a force, but anything beyond that is currently conjecture. The same principle applies to Bitcoin.
261. How We Manage Our Sub-Governance During The COVID Pandemic
Since the beginning of the pandemic, everyone has worked remotely, even Sub-governance in Free TON. Initially, the team had some difficulties, but they managed to solve them. What difficulties Sub-governance faced in Free, what communication platforms did the team like and what the participants did to improve their work efficiency, read in the blog.
262. WingRiders DEX Aims to Address Scalability Issues Faced by Ethereum Dapps
Scalability is currently one of the largest concerns for the Ethereum network. The network still suffers from slow transactions and high gas costs.
263. A Look Into Layer 2 DEXs - Will ZKSwap Stand Out?
A look into layer2 Dex
264. "We have a long way to go and that’s what makes the DeFi space exciting." - Adrian Peng
The article discusses digital asset management and how cross-chain asset management is crucial for investors to tap emerging technologies.
265. Introducing dApps and Crypto Exchanges
Crypto exchanges are platforms that allow users to trade cryptocurrencies.
266. The BAYC VMA Video Is Everything That's Wrong With The Metaverse
The Snoop Dogg/ Eminem BAYC video was a mess, and Paula Abdul did it better in 1988.
267. A Promising Future with More Opportunities: Decentralized Internet Interview with Kushagra
This interview is part of the #Decentralized-Internet writing contest!
268. Solving Centralization Issues With Decentralized Technology
In a world where centralization has become the norm across many aspects of life, many issues reside, especially concerning the internet.
269. Shortage.Finance Review: A Safe Asset-Backed by Ethereum
Shortage.finance brands itself as a decentralized, safe asset-backed by Ethereum.
270. Why the Metaverse is Inevitable
What is a Metaverse, and why does - among others - Facebook and Mr Zuckerbucks believe they’re going to be so big? Well, my enlightenment seeking friend...
271. True Meaning Of DAOs — Understanding A New, Emerging Phenomenon
DAOs set out to replace organizations as we know them today with an approach of openness and decentralization. But what are DAOs really?
272. An Intro to GameFi: Gaming Meets Decentralized Finance
GameFi concept (derived from ‘DeFi’ (decentralized finances) and ‘game’) was introduced in September 2020 by Andre Cronje, Yearn.Finance core contributors and ‘Father of DeFi’. But is GameFi the next big thing?
273. Demystifying Decentralization: Separating Fact from Fiction
The most used & abused buzzword of the entire crypto industry so far has been decentralization.
274. Manifold Accused Of Classic ‘Pump-and-Dump’ Amid Bungled Pak NFT Drop
Twitter users allege Manifold is guilty of perpetrating a classic crypto “pump-and-dump” following its latest NFT drop.
275. How to Trade Crypto on Uniswap for Beginners
Uniswap is a decentralized finance platform that allows users to buy, sell, or trade digital assets such as Ether (ETH), ERC20 tokens, and DAI stable coins.
276. What an Electronics Store's Epic Fail Taught me about Consumer Rights
It was that dreaded time. This is usually a time that many people wait for, but not me. I didn't need an upgrade. My phone's battery was draining like crazy and it has been a while. We all know that phone vendors started making phones less "tinkerer friendly" by sealing them up, so the batteries aren't easily replaced. An urban myth (that is actually quite true), is that phones push software updates over time that actually make your phone slower until the phone seems almost unusable. Even opting out of phone updates in the past (every chance I get), that inevitable pop-up always comes up. My rant aside, it was time for me to upgrade to a new phone.
277. Tech isn’t the Barrier to NFT-Game Interoperability
NFTs can be the key to interoperable in-game assets, but the real reason why this is yet to happen is the business interest of their developers.
278. Maximizing Capital Efficiency on DEXs Will Improve Global Adoption
Capital preservation whilst engaging in DeFi is important for crypto investors, however high slippage on DEX's can cause users to pay more than they should.
279. Only 13% Of the Tech Professionals Are Buying in the Metaverse Real Estate, a Study Shows
Few people are buying virtual real estate in the metaverse, according to a survey from the professional social network Blind.
280. Buying Virtual Property: 4 Key Principles to Consider
How should investors value virtual property and do the principles of physical property valuation apply to virtual property?
281. Inside Open Collective's Effort to Become Decentralized for Global Public Good
A pathway for companies to exit to community using curve bonded crowdfunding by aligning incentives to produce socially-beneficial behaviors and outcomes.
282. DOGAMI is Bringing Dog Avatars into The Ethereum Metaverse with The Sandbox
The Sandbox has partnered with the Tezos-powered mass-market play-to-earn NFT DOGAMI game to bring its dog avatars into the Metaverse.
283. Decentralized Internet Interview
Hi, I’m Allan Mang’eni, a software Engineer and Blockchain Enthusiast based in Nairobi Kenya. Currently, I work as the Dev lead for Wengi Web.
284. Spielworks Launches Season One of its Wombat Dungeon Master NFT Game
Season One of the Wombat Dungeon Master NFT game has launched and the Genesis item pack sold out in only a second. We'll take a deeper look at the NFT RPG Game.
285. NFT Copyright Protection for Beginners
Demystifying ownership and legality of NFTs. What NFTs are--they are representation of ownership. But what does it mean for copyrights?
286. Why Deflationary Stablecoin Projects are the Future of DeFi
Similar to fiat-backed stablecoins, cryptocurrencies-backed stablecoins are issued with cryptocurrencies as collateral. Unlike fiat collateralization, which is usually done off the blockchain, the cryptocurrency or crypto asset used to back this type of stablecoin is done on the blockchain using smart contracts in a more decentralized manner.
287. Intuitive Oracles and Incubators As The Vehicles for Launching Crypto-Projects: Robyn Linn Explains
Help developers launch and manage their projects and help investors make more educated decisions
288. Once Upon a Time in DeFi
Before I tell you how The Price PureFi has saved the Kingdom of DeFi, here is a story of how it all began.
289. Fact or Cap: NFTs are the Future
One degen's take on NFTs, web3, and the future of decentralized assets.
290. Top 5 Crypto + Bitcoin Podcasts: 2021/2022
If you're looking to learn more about Bitcoin and Blockchain, then podcasts are a great tool. Check out these top 5 recommendations for where to get started!
The hashtag started with this tweet 13 years ago.
292. Decentralized Learning: Debunking Myths About Education
Blockchain will help revolutionize the education system. The concept of "Ongoing Learning Journeys" will change the way have been seeing learning and education.
293. Crypto Adoption in Europe Lags Behind Rest of the World
In this slogging thread, our community discusses their thoughts on crypto adoption and the current European ranking on the topic.
294. Tavern Lecture Two: A Fantastical Discourse on NFTs, Tokens, Milk, and an Inebriated NFT Avatar
Discussions intended to impart knowledge to the reader about a variety of topics related to the emerging fields of blockchain gaming, Metaverses and NFTs.
295. An Interview with Decentralized Zero Knowledge's Rami Akeela and Weikeng Chen
ZKP in a decentralized world
296. Banks Make Money Off you, Not for You - Unhashed #16
Sean Rach, the co-founder of a not-for-profit finance service platform hi, talks about the digital finance ecosystem and the evolution of the crypto markets.
297. Protect Your Crypto Wallets With InfoSec - The Three-Tier Wallet System and Crypto-Hygiene
Securing your wallets is essential when protecting digital assets against cyberattacks. Let me share how to use cybersecurity skills to boost crypto-security!
298. Startup Interview With Mitja Goroshevsky - Co-Founder and CTO of TON Labs
Mitja Goroshevsky, the Co-Founder and CTO of TON Labs, where I focus on developing core technical infrastructure for Free TON
299. The Spice Must Flow: Why Crypto Brokers Spent $3Million to Buy a Rare Dune Book
Cryto investors use DAO built on the the Ethereum blockchain to purchase million dollar copy of Jodorowsky's Dune
300. Future Expectations: What Will Affect Ethereum Price in 2021?
Today, we will analyze Ethereum's (ETH) value and the various technical, competitive, and regulatory factors that may affect its valuation in the future.
301. Successful Decentralization Lives Right Under Our Nose
The successful decentralization of the Internet is a profound example to help other channels proceed in the same direction (social media included).
302. Transparent Food Poverty Donation Solution Moves to Implement UK Pilot
Human Venture provide a dignified, everyday solution for financial support to over a thousand families, now they bring their innovative solution to the UK.
303. What Makes Decentralized Storage the Future of Online Storage Market
Decentralized storage is a promising development, and its rapid implementation in 2021-2022 shows promise for the tech systems powering these networks.
304. The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest 2022: March Results Announced
Hey Hackers! The wait is over! Here we are with the results announcement for The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest, March 2022 sponsored by QuickNode.
305. To Dox or Not Dox: Is Anonymity in Crypto a Farce?
Crypto enthusiasts attribute different meanings to decentralization and anonymity. This article examines these two pillars and the various arguments around them
306. Deeper Network's Connect And IDO Launch: the Latest News
Deeper Network, which is building the decentralized internet infrastructure for the Web 3.0, has broken Indiegogo records by raising over $1 million to become the most successful blockchain project in the history of the crowdfunding platform.
307. Top Tools to Use for DeFi Projects
New Defi-based platforms have been coming up recently, providing tools for analyzing and investing in Defi and decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.
308. The SANDBOX Will Lead The Decentralized Storytelling Revolution
Blockchain gaming and platforms like The Sandbox will open up game development to a wider audience of storytellers than ever before. Viva La Revolution!
309. Big Brother Sets Eyes on Crypto
Will Big Brother shut down the DeFi movement just as it's gaining ground?
310. GitHub is Amazing, but its Terms of Service is Extremely Concerning
Lots of websites have a termination clause, even Hackernoon, however, when it comes to the case of open source software this can be extremely concerning. The reason goes much deeper than you think.
311. How Decentralised Prediction Markets (DPMs) Tap into the Wisdom of the Crowds
DPMs and the liberation of speculative markets
312. What You Need To Know About Metaverses Now
What is Metaverse - a simple explanation. And what you need to know about metaverses
313. The Luna & Ust Crash: Fall of an Ecosystem left with only 1 Winner
The Luna Story: the sudden rise and fall of a cryptocurrency ecosystem that left only one winner in the clamourous aftermath of a sudden market crash.
314. The Question of Ethics in Decentralization
The importance of ethics in a decentralized world.
315. Miner Extractable Value (MEV): The Biggest Thorn in DeFi
Miner Extractable Value (MEV) is one of the pain points for those who use DeFi products. Here are some possible outcomes if this doesn't get addressed.
316. What are Quantum-Resistant Blockchains?
What are quantum-resistant blockchains? How will quantum-resistant blockchains change the crypto world? Read this article to get answers to these questions.
317. Peeking at The Future of The Metaverse
The money pouring into the metaverse is building the virtual infrastructure for a space that could lay the foundations for the bulk of future human activities.
318. How Are DAOs Changing the Way We Live and Work?
The level of transparency that DAOs provide could lead to better relationships between organizations and their members, workers, and even the general public.
319. The Blockchain Social Experiment: Enforced Logic
The blockchain community is not united in the strive of decentralization, as many groups and projects also exist with a more centralized architecture.
320. Top 5 Solana NFT Marketplaces in 2022
The 5 Best Solana NFT Marketplaces for a variety of applications.
321. Decentralized Autonomous Organization - Core Concepts
Core concepts of a DAO. Will it be the next crypto trend? xDAO project.
322. An Intro to Web3 and Why You Should Give a Damn
With blockchain, Web3 users get more freedom, privacy and access to the same social services without fear of their data being used without their permission.
323. 7 Blockchain Fun Facts You Ignored
With the Crypto Market crashed, now's a good time to refresh yourself on small facts about the space while it recovers and stabilises in the meanwhile.
324. Reviewing the Terra White Paper in 2022
There has been a lot of talk about the stablecoin architecture of the Terra-Luna ecosystem, to separate crystallize the facts I summarize the whitepaper here.
325. How To Write a Whitepaper — The Decentralised Way
We dissect the evolution of the whitepaper, what these papers mean to crypto and blockchain platforms, and why decentralization should be more than a buzzword.
[326. Nigerian Contemporary Art:
The NFT Marketplace and People that Don’t Know How to Quit](https://hackernoon.com/nigerian-contemporary-art-the-nft-marketplace-and-people-that-dont-know-how-to-quit)
The concept of governance has evolved extensively. This is evident in the evolution from the first ‘city-state’ notion of it practiced in Greece (born out of necessity and aided by the Mediterranean geography) to a largely democratic system, attainable in most parts of civilized society today.
327. 3.6 Million Websites Went Offline Due To a Fire: Decentralization Prevents That
Recently, the cloud computing company and hosting provider OVH has had a fire that caused nearly 3.6 million websites to go offline. Some of the websites effected was a government site for the French government, and even a cryptocurrency exchange. According to Reuters, many of those sites were told to, "activate their disaster recovery plans following the blaze."
328. Hubble Protocol, a DeFi project on Solana Raises $10 Million Led By Crypto.com Capital, DCG and CMS
Hubble Protocol, a decentralized finance (DeFi) application on the Solana network, raises $10 million to develop infrastructure on Solana.
329. Now Is the Right Time for Entrepreneurs to Embrace Web 3.0
Web 3.0 democratizes the ability to build businesses that hold value, so entrepreneurs can offer services like finance, insurance and banking solutions
330. IPFS – The New Internet's Protocol
IPFS can be seen as a new decentralized Internet infrastructure on which various applications can be built in a secure & resilient way.
331. The Unfulfilled Promise of Blockchain and the Key to Unleashing Its Potential
Solving the Blockchain Trilemma to Unlock Real Business Value.
332. Signup or Login with Web3.0 Wallet to HackerNoon
HackerNoon now supports logging in with your web3 ethereum wallet!
333. The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest by QuickNode and HackerNoon
Hey, Hackers! The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest has just got BIGGER! HackerNoon is excited to host the contest in collaboration with QuickNode!
334. Optim Finance is Bringing Single Asset Vaults and Staking to Ardana's dUSD Stablecoin on Cardano
Ardana’s on-chain asset-backed stablecoin is integrating with yield aggregation protocol to provide a DeFi suite to users on Cardano.
335. Ignite Tournaments raises $10 Million for Building Play-to-Earn Esports Tournament Infrastructure
Ignite Tournaments has raised $10 million in funding from key investors to develop the world's first mobile play-to-earn ("P2E") esports tournament.
336. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Emmanuel Awosika, Freelance Blockchain Writer
'I think the centralized internet has been useful, especially in the post-2000s era.'
337. Web3 and Beyond: Decentralizing the Internet Can Increase Your Productivity
Consider how society has changed because of the Internet. In this article, I'll explain how the web has evolved, where it's going next, and why it's important.
338. How Web3.0 Will Change the Way We Think of the Internet
What is Web3.0? How it's different from the previous versions of the internet, and what can we do with it?
339. Object Storage: A Beginner's Guide
You're chowing down at Thanksgiving dinner, talking about cloud storage, when your grandmother asks, "What the heck is object storage?”
340. A Quick Intro to Testing DApps (decentralized applications)
If you’re a test engineer and you’re keen to get involved in Web3, it can be hard to know where to start. Here's an introduction
341. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition 2021: October Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers! October has been a great month! We received some superb decentalized-internet stories, and now it is time to celebrate our contributors
342. GameFi Platform DEA signs Partnership Agreement with Angkor Tiger FC to Promote Gaming Guild
Angkor Tiger FC will engage in DEA’s Play-to-Earn ecosystem as a “gaming guild”.
343. How to Democratize E-Signatures Using Blockchain Technology
We democratize digital e-signatures and make them public, so that all participants can unambiguously identify the contractors
344. 5 Female Empowerment NFT Projects Breaking Bias in the Cryptosphere
World of Woman NFT Project has surpassed 300 million in trading volume, here's why celebrities are jumping into it
345. DeFi and the Rise of Stablecoins
In the last few years, Bitcoin has had an unexpected competitor - stablecoins.
346. Eliminating Polarization in Web3
A decentralized Sybil-resistant social media network could soothe the polarization issue and clarify how the community truly thinks and feels
347. Project Management for DeFi Protocols: An Overview
How to set up a DAO over the protocol or DeFi project? In this article we describe a necessary steps to make your project secured and decentrlaized
348. The Need for a Decentralized Untainted and Uncontrolled Internet
Dесеntrаlіzеd internet dеvеlорmеnt will be thе kеу tо future humаn іnnоvаtіоns.
349. Polkadex is Launching the First Cross-Chain Orderbook based DEX with the release of Thea
Polkadex’s is launching Thea, an Interoperable layer that connects the Polkadex blockchain to Ethereum and other blockchains.
350. Steps Toward a Decentralized Society
While many of the ideas conjured today are outlandish, real use cases are likely to appear in the near future.
351. How Launchpads are Helping NEAR Protocol Grow Exponentially
GONEAR is a launchpad and Initial NFT Offering (INO) platform built on the NEAR protocol.
352. A Brief Look at of Some of the Richest NFT Collectors of all Time
As you may know, Apollo42 tracks top NFT traders based on profit made. Notably, that means the top wallet holders are sure to stand out among the rest. We took the time to examine these top traders so you can learn a little more about stories and people behind those shocking NFT profits.
353. The Meta-Morphosis of NFTs: What's Next for the Metaverse?
Do you have NFTs? Now is the time to use them in the metaverse!
354. How the Metaverse will Affect Meetings and Events
Corporate events are one of the areas where the metaverse is predicted to have a particularly large influence.
355. The Biggest Challenge Decentraland Faces in 2023
There would be no metaverse without people in it. People are all this is about. And today, I just wanted to share an interview with Melanie Arakaki.
356. Reinventing Rarity by the Foot with TiptoePunks NFTs
TiptoePunks NFTs add an interlocking feature to address the role of luck in scarcity.
357. An Intro to Web3 Multi-Chain Trading
Yellow Network offers to interconnect multiple scattered exchanges in one automated non-custodial trading hub, providing a user with the aggregated liquidity.
358. Develop XR With Oracle Cloud Ep 2: Property Graphs, Data Visualization, and Metaverse
Develop XR applications and experiences with Oracle, explore Property Graphs and Analytics, Data Visualization, and Metaverse collaboration.
359. WTF is Web3?
Web3 is just the continued evolution of the internet. It takes the ideals of Web1, the creative and social elements of Web2, and adds decentralization.
360. How Blockchains Work: A Brief Introduction and Must-Know Terms
Understanding how the Blockchain, peer to peer computing, distributed ledgers, fault tolerance and more all work together to create a secure system now.
361. How to Get a Stablecoin Loan: A Beginners Guide
Review the criteria a project can use to choose a lending platform. Steps that users need to follow to take out a stablecoin loan.
362. Gaming Giant Ubisoft Invests in RebelBots P2E Game During $2M Private Token Sale
Rebel Bots announced today it has secured investments from top tier investors including Ubisoft, Overwolf, and Makers Fund, via a $2M private token sale.
363. How Blockchain Technology Is Being Used In Clearance & ICT Services
The financial sector has shown an increasing interest in blockchain technology. The technology has already seen adoption by traditional finance firms.
364. BitClout Creator Coins: A Decentralized Way to Engage with Followers
Are creator coins a good or bad idea? Let’s dive in to see how BitClout is boosting the creator economy with social tokens.
365. AI And Machine Learning Are Our Best Bet To Keep Saving The World From Climate Catastrophe
Many equations apply to Nuclear Fusion including the Maximum Entropy Principle. Fusion increases entropy. Think of unsolved equations relating to Nuclear Fusion as hardness problems. Whoever solves these problems or contributed towards software that solves these problems, helped achieve one of the biggest tasks in modern engineering and physics this century. I will be honest, many of us (including a certain somebody) want to win the race. Many of us are also removing obstacles from the obstacle course.
366. Warner Music Partners with Splinterlands to Bring Play-2-Earn Arcade Style Blockchain Games
Warner Music has partnered with Splinterlands to tap the GameFi and Play-to-Earn by collaborating to allow artists to create and develop the play-2-earn game.
367. West Ham United Partners with Fetch.ai to Increase Awareness about Artificial Intelligence
The men's and women's teams of West Ham United have named Fetch.ai as their first official artificial intelligence partner.
368. Social Media Networks are Coming to the Blockchain
Learn what decentralized social media networks mean, how they work, and what benefits they offer to users.
369. Intro to dApps: A Beginners Guide to Decentralized Applications
A decentralized app (dApp) is a digital application or a program that resides and executes on a blockchain or peer-to-peer network of computers
370. Why the Metaverse is Broken and How it Can be Fixed — Chapter 1
The metaverse is already broken so it's time to sweep the broken dream under the carpet and start again.
371. Sta(c)king on Bitcoin For Building A New Decentralized Internet
Bitcoin — the king of cryptocurrencies — uses the Proof of Work POW consensus algorithm to secure its network.
372. Ethereum's Client Diversity Problem
Lack of client software diversity could threaten the health of the Ethereum network ahead of the Merge.
373. dHEDGE Integrates Uniswap to Enable Yield Farming & Staking
dHEDGE partners with Uniswap to add new investment options for asset managers.
374. This Intelligent AI OS Is Removing the Barrier to Entry for Building AI Apps
What if there was an opportunity to easily build an intelligent AI app, using a developer kit without the huge cost and time? VERSES Technologies has it!
375. How to Keep Yourself Safe from Filthy, Dirty Coins
With the news that January trading volume on decentralized exchanges reached an all-time high (above 55 billion - can you imagine?), unfortunately, an increased risk of money laundering (ML) occurred as well.
376. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - A Deeper Dive
An introductory dive into DIDs.
This article follows the Rosseta standards and technological W3C descriptions.
377. ETH vs XTZ/DUN vs TON vs AVAX vs SOL: A tale of 'Optimistic Finality'
TL;DR: While Ethereum upgrades are still pending (4 years and counting by my watch!), Free TON and Solana are the most advanced, usable blockchain platforms to date. However, Free TON offers more rigid data from real-world battle testing, compared to theoretical figures advertised on Solana.
378. Modpol is a Self-Governance Toolkit for Communities in Online Worlds
What if our online communities had the tools to practice a fuller range of self-organized possibilities?
379. What is Wrapped BTC and ETH (WBTC and WETH)?
A wrapped token is a digital form of tokenised blockchains that support smart contracts such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot and Binance Chain.
380. Decentralization and Crypto: The Perfect Match
Cryptos and decentralization survive in a symbiotic relationship and have gathered enough economic momentum to transform how we spend and transact money.
381. There’s No Quick-Fix to Poor DeFi Accessibility, But There’s Hope: ReSource Co-Founder, David Casey
We caught up with David Casey, Co-founder and CEO of ReSource Protocol, for a quick chat where we tried to pick his brains as much as possible. And as expected, we received some amazing insights from him regarding the crypto and DeFi industry. He spoke about the ReSource Protocol, the problem they are trying to solve, and more. In addition, David also shared his thoughts on stablecoins and their future. He also mentioned a few developments in the crypto, DeFi, and NFT space that have caught his attention.
382. What’s Coming Next for Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)?
A deep dive into Bored Ape Yacht Club's story, and it's coming Otherside metaverse.
383. DINO (Decentralized In Name Only) Vs. True Decentralization
comparing centralization, partial (in name only) decentralization and true decentralization / the problems with blockchains / the single point of failure...
384. What are dApps (Decentralized Applications) and why are they needed?
DApps appeared a long time ago and at first were actually ignored by the cryptocurrency community, but now the situation has changed.
385. Decentralized Social Media: Is Bluesky Twitter’s Evil Twin?
Imagine using your Twitter account to start a conversation on Facebook. That's insane, I know, but the fediverse makes it possible.
386. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition 2021: November Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! This is the second last announcement of the HackerNoon Decentralized Internet Contest, 2021.
387. 8 Ways Blockchain Will Change E-Commerce Forever
Blockchain has disrupted the financial industry in a big way. Now it seems that the Ecommerce industry is next in line for blockchain evolution.
388. The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest 2022: April Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers! Here we are again with the #Decentralized-Internet writing contest winners for the month of April!
389. Brace Yourselves, The ‘Crypto Winter’ is Coming...
"The last so-called crypto winter ran from 2018 into the fall of 2020 as the value of cryptocurrencies plunged and layoffs were rife."
390. Moving Beyond the Physical Data Centers: Decentralized Internet Interview
Tigerchop's views on Decentralized Internet.
391. 2021 - One Year in EOS
The rewind article about what happened in 2021 about EOS blockchain!
392. Welcome to the Age of the Decentralized Storage Systems
The decentralized and distributed file storage system, like others, has its strengths and weakness.
393. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition: July Results Announced
Hey Hackers! July had been a great month! We got many superb #decentalized-internet stories, and now it is time to celebrate our contributors!
394. "Good, long-term investments tend to be backed by real cash flows" - Nigel Hughes
The article discusses the issue that regulations are coming to stablecoins and that Tether is to be blamed for it due to non-transparency in operations.
395. Web3 Enables Users to Create and Own their Web Experience
Fetch.ai is an AI-powered blockchain that allows businesses and individuals to use multi-agent system-based solutions to solve complex problems or coordination.
396. Storage Incentives and The Evolution of Decentralization: An Interview with Viktor Tron
In this blog, Viktor Trón talks in-depth about storage incentives - what they are, how they work, and why they are so important.
397. DeFi is Now a $100 Billion Industry
Let's look at what DeFi is before we dive into analyzing how decentralized finance (DeFi) came to be an over $100 billion industry in just a few years.
398. Is There a Future for Cryptocurrencies Without Privacy Features?
Many people think that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other public blockchains all offer privacy by default. Unfortunately, that is not the case
399. From the Origins of the Internet to Decentralized Web 3.0
Read about the history and underlying Web1.0 and 2.0 technologies. Let the article provide you with a vision about the decentralized internet future of Web 3.0.
400. 7th US President Andrew Jackson's Thoughts on Cryptocurrency
What we can learn about the decentralization of money and decentralization from the 7th US President.
401. The Next Phase of Crypto Will be The Age of dApps
This article talks about Polkadot, blockchain data transfer and substrate projects.
402. An Intro to Solace De-Fi Insurance Protocol
Solace, a risk management insurance protocol for decentralized finance, has launched after eight months in development and four months on the testnets.
403. DeFi Godfathers Andre Cronje and Anton Nell Step Down, Leaving Associated Tokens in Freefall
DeFi leaders Andre Cronje and senior solutions architect Antone Nell close their chapter in the crypto/defi space.
404. How NFT Projects are Revolutionizing the Music Industry
A brief look into the implementation of NFTs in the music industry.
405. Helium Network: A Decentralized but Connected Future
Discover what Helium, the "people's network," offers communities worldwide—as a rapidly growing data solution and potential solve for the supply chain crisis.
406. Inflationary cryptocurrency and domain based identity: A recipe for a decentralized social network
We need to leverage the domain names system and cryptocurrencies to implement an open decentralized global social network.
407. Hackers Are Stealing NFTs, and It’s Not As Easy as You Think
Unfortunately, even though NFTs are relatively new, there’s already been an issue of hackers stealing non-fungible tokens. Here's a closer look.
408. Solana’s Rise is Thanks to Low Gas Fees and the SolPunks NFT Collection
The Solana blockchain has recently earned a glowing reputation for its ability to serve the NFT industry better than Ethereum.
409. Bitcoin Dodging Doge as Doge Dodges Bit by Bit
An argument for a marketplace of currencies on the bitcoin standard
410. Why Understanding Digital Wallets is Key for Central Banks Desiring Widespread CBDC Implementation
Governments must identify, discuss, and ideate their wallet choices when thinking about CBDCs, incorporating key policy considerations for true defi for all.
411. Stop Trying to Define The Metaverse
The metaverse is not an equation. It cannot be described in only one set of terms. So stop wasting time and just build the damned thing.
412. How Blockchain Technology can Change Whisky Investment
Whisky, often also referred to as “Liquid Gold”, has long been a traded commodity. Trading spirits in wooden casks, where the spirits’ value increases as a vintage item, are relatively stable investments but have been limited to smaller elite communities of investors who can afford the costs and have the connection with distilleries or people in the spirits business. This has not only created a huge barrier of entry into whisky investment, but also effectively barred a larger community of collectors and whisky lovers from participating.
413. The Internet Computer Uniquely Enables Web3
The Internet Computer uniquely enables developers to build completely decentralized platforms.
414. The Facebook Outage Proved a Need for Greater Decentralization
With the internet become more and more vulnerable to outages and crashes, will the answer to more stability come in the form of more decentralisation?
415. Itheum a Web3 Data Brokerage Platform After Raising $1.5 Million is Launching on Elrond
Web3 Data Brokerage Platform is listing on Elrond’s Maiar Platform - A new Web3 Metaverse Ecosystem.
416. Using DAOs for Shareholder Activism to Overcome Traditional Corporate Governance
DAOs can improve the nature of corporate governance and empower activist investors to push for change at organizations.
417. This App Measures the Value of an NFT Based on its Environmental Impact
I built an app that measures the value of an NFT based on its environmental impact, rather than its artistic value.
418. A Complete Look at Drops, NFT-Backed Loans and NFT Staking
NFT Loans allows borrowers to use the NFTs they own to access the liquidity they need - in a safe, secure and anonymous way. We'll look into this system more.
419. Delphi Digital, Arrington Capital, Gnosis and Flow Ventures Invest $3.5 million in Azuro
Azuro raised $3.5 million in a seed round from Gnosis, Flow Ventures, Polymorphic Capital, Ethereal Ventures, Delhi Digital, Arrington Capital, and Meta Cartel
420. WingRiders is Using Cardano to Build a DEX Based on DAG-Based Technology.
In this story we’ll look at the evolution of decentralized exchanges as well as the EUTXO protocol and the WingRiders platform.
421. The Weirdest Non-Fungible Crypto News Stories of 2021
Let's kick off 2022 by taking a quick peak over our collective shoulders at the weird and wonderful crypto/blockchain stories from last year, shall we?
422. Crypto is Struggling to Become the Alternative Financial System We Thought it Would Be
This is the information that holds the key to thr next level of growth and adoption for the crypto industry. Crypto meets branding.
423. DeFi: The Disruption Felt 'Round the World'
Legacy banks have held the power for too long. Decentralized Finance put the power back into the hands of the people.
424. How to Increase Your Portfolio Returns by up to 30% By Making Investment Decisions as a Community
What’s better for a crypto investor’s ROI: building a portfolio alone or making decisions after a group discussion?
425. Your Personal Data: Its True Value, Power, and Why It Really Is The New Oil
426. Where and How to Advertise NFTs?
Here some good NFT marketing tools to share our NFTs and made public to more people.
427. Moviegoers Will Inspire New Growth in the NFT Collectibles Market
The growth of NFTs is mind-blowing. Here we explore the largest untapped market in the NFT landscape, movies-oriented collections.
428. What is Web 3.0 and How It Can Transform the Internet
What is Web 3.0 and How Can It Transform the Internet?
429. An Introduction to Web5: A New Decentralized Web Venture
Web3 Vs Web5 | Web3 To Web5 Evolution: Web5 Development the New Decentralized Web Venture. Web5 or Web3 which is better?
430. Why DeFi Option Vaults Should Not Charge Fees
DeFi Options vaults have become a billion-dollar opportunity. However, whether DeFi options vaults should charge fees to investors?
431. DeFiChain goes Live with ‘Fort Canning Road’ Hard Fork
The Fort Canning Road hard fork signals the release of code modifications that will correct the premium pricing problem that has been plaguing dToken.
432. SHA-256, A Poem
A Poem on SHA-256,
433. DeFi Funds: Protect Yourself from these 3 Risks Today
These 3 avoidable risks are common amongst Crypto Hedge and DeFi funds
434. Solana Supercharges Crypto On The Go By Launching Web 3 Smartphone
The launch of the Saga by Solana could catapult Solana into the league of the big tech, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Samsung and Apple.
435. Cere Announces Gasless Integration with Biconomy to Enable Cheaper and Robust NFTs
Cere Network and Biconomy Integrate to enable Cheaper and Faster NFTs.
436. Fueling The Creator Economy With A Partnership with Kakao's Klaytn And An Incubator Program
NFTs which you are already familiar with, has a huge range of possibilities for business, influencers, creative artists, freelancers, brands to capitalise on something that wasn't possible before. Seamlessly across borders, anybody can monetise "memberships" and gives "hodlers" incentives for being part of a community.
437. OCEARCH NPO Partners with Rogue Sharks Solana NFT Project to Help Save our Oceans
OCEARCH and Rogue Sharks Announce New Strategic Partnership to Protect Our Oceans
438. What Crypto and Rap Have to Do with the War in Ukraine
Support Ukraine and peace all over the world and help avoid a Russia-caused humanitarian crisis in Europe by making crypto donations through Aid For Ukraine.
439. Everything You Wanted To Know About NFTs
A herd of cartoon cats, a video of LeBron, a digital painting of 5,000 thumbnails - all of this has recently been turned into NFT tokens - a new tool for digital art buying and selling. NFT tokens are a hype topic in the world of cryptocurrencies today: three years ago, the entire NFT market was worth no more than $ 42 million, and by the end of 2020 it had grown by 705% to $ 338 million.
440. Elon Musk: From The King's Gambit to The Pawn's Endgame
Decentralization is one of favorite Elon’s words, but not when it comes to the Internet.
441. Skynet Capital Raises $40 Million USD to Invest in the Elrond Ecosystem
Skynet EGLD Capital raises more than $40 million USD to invest in the Elrond ecosystem.
442. Using Hedonic Regression for CryptoPunks NFT Valuation
At the time of writing, the most expensive CryptoPunk NFT was sold for $23million.
443. Approach to design of information systems
One of the leading Free TON development teams - RSquad shares its experience in information systems design and teamwork
444. Getting a Job in Tech: The CTO Experience
Crypto, blockchain and KISS, what have this terms in common? What it means being a CTO of a startup?
445. Our Product Was so Niche That The Hackathon Misspelled it On Our Prize Certificate: dVPNs
Michael Astashkevich, CTO @ Smart IT (left) and Alex Solovyev, software engineer @ Smart IT (center)
446. Web3 for Beginners: Why Web3 Will Change Everything?
Brief and clear explanation of the evolution of the World Wide Web. It explains what Web3 means, why Web3 is important, and how Web3 will change the world soon.
447. Can We Decentralize Zomato/Swiggy?
A simple approach on how to decentralize food-delivery ecosystem.
448. What is Collision Resistance in Cryptography?
A short story about how national secrets, passwords, and financial data stays secret because of a small handful of smart people playing "Bet you can't"
449. How Blockchain Will Help Build Web 3.0
Blockchain will certainly become the basis of the semantic Internet soon, which has received the logical name Web 3.0.
450. Five Killer Twitter Tips for Crypto Projects
Five Killer Twitter Tips for Crypto Projects to grow on Twitter.
451. 3 Ways to Increase NFT Adoption Among Artists
Let's talk about challenges and opportunities to increase adoption of art NFTs.
452. Uniswap Under Government Scanner: Can't Stop Crypto Though
SEC regulators are investigating Uniswap, sending chills through the US cryptocurrency community. But is it really worth worrying about?
453. The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Crypto World
Blockchain technology is the best gift of modern computer science and technology but you also need to understand its limitations.
454. Indignant CEOs and Struggling Developers: Have Game Developers Lost the Plot with NFTs?
I love Worms. Therefore, I love Team17. But a CEO launching surprise NFTs while artists and devs are starving is not cool. Have game-makers lost the plot?
455. Security issues in the Blockchain That Need To Be Talked About More
Blockchain technology has solved so many real-world problems but the bugs and wormholes can affect the entire ecosystem of the blockchain network.
456. Dissecting Poly Network Hack: What Really Happened
The Poly Network cyber attack that has been the largest hack of all time in the cryptocurrency market saw $611 million worth of Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT. The network is a cross-chain bridge connecting Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Network. The attack produced a host of catchy headlines and more than one version of what happened, some of which contradict each other. But there are still more questions than clear answers.
457. Top 10 Nifty Blockchains that Create & Manage NFTs
Blockchain provides decentralized consensus to its consumers. Blockchain allows algorithmic contracting & smart contracts check out these top 10 nft blockchains
458. My Dream for the Future: An Anarcho-Capitalist Society
When people think of anarchy, they think of the world on fire or complete and utter chaos. However, that is not the case. When I say anarcho-capitalism, I am not advocating for a traditional anarchist society but rather an anarcho-capitalist one. Two entirely different things. That being said, let me get into my "key points". As our intellectual capabilities increase as society so should our own sovereignty as nations. In a perfectly intellectual society, one wouldn't need a government to function. The current generation tends to blame capitalism for most of the world's problems, embracing socialism. I would say, capitalism is the answer and that many of the problems capitalism is blamed for is actually globalism disguised as capitalism.
459. 3 Reasons Why Free TON is the 1st Truly Decentralized Blockchain Platform
Free TON blockchain - the ultimate smart contract platform. The user stakes tokens into DePool. Free TON works on the End-to-End decentralization using DeBots.
460. RSK Brings NFTs to the Bitcoin Blockchain
Navigating smart contracts on the RSK and RSK Infrastructure Framework(RIF) a third-layer protocol on bitcoin. They were used to mint NFTs through Carnaval.
461. Will Blockchain Drive Next Wave of Smartphones and Personal Computers?
The technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, has been the new talk of the town. Everyone hailing from the tech side of the world has seen what the new tech is capable of. How revolutionary it is and what transformation potential it carries.
462. 5 Crypto Resolutions for 2022: Decentralizing My Life
Make an NFT. Explore the metaverse. Join decentralized and women-run crypto orgs and platforms. These are some of my resolutions for 2022.
463. An Open Source Lonero Student Hackathon
If you are a student, I recommend you check out Lonero's latest student hackathon. The submission period ends on February 27th and started on the 11th. This hackathon is for open source projects powered by Lonero or built on-top of the decentralized-internet SDK.
464. Arbitrum Architecture: Inbox
Arbitrum's design influences lots of successor rollups and we will dive deep into the core communication component that lets it operate correctly, the inbox.
465. Is Building a Real-Time Blockchain Infrastructure Possible?
Blockchain has gained popularity to remain on the tongue-tips of the majority. However, will this innovation change the manner in which we execute later on?
466. Can Blockchain Technology Help with Our Growing Privacy Problems?
Since the Internet's introduction to the public from the academic world, privacy issues have existed. Blockchain technology may be able to change this.
467. Why is the Metaverse Important For Business Survival?
Realizing the metaverse dream will transform the Internet into a massive, interoperable virtual realm.
468. How to Set Up Aleph.im Virtual Machines
Nearing the end of 2021, most blockchain dApps still have large parts of their stack that are centralized. With Aleph VMs, you can decentralize the rest.
469. Want to Buy NFTs!? Here Are 7 Reasons You Should!
Why do I have to invest and buy some NFTs? Let's explore some objective reasons to get an NFT!
470. Why Go Bearish with Real-World Assets in DeFi Lending Protocols
I'm sure you are acquainted with Decentralized Finance, more commonly known as DeFi.
471. Future Technology: AI-enabled Blockchain
Blockchain technology is also making the progress at its own pace and now, we are having some highly scalable blockchain networks with larger TPS
472. [ANN] Now LIVE: Koinos Testnet DEVELOPER PREVIEW
Announcing the beginning of the Koinos blockchain revolution with the release of a testnet developer preview! A critical step toward a fee-less blockchain
473. "Monkey see Monkey do, so is Why Paypal Is Entering Crypto And It Is Awesome" - Bryan Legend
This article talks about DeFi, Liquidity mining and the rise of NFTs and what really lies beneath them.
474. How To Analyze Cryptocurrency Cash Flow?
Cryptocurrency Evaluation using Demand & Supply forces | Real Utility (value provided via token like cash flow), Financial Utility and Valuation (Speculation) |
475. Centralized vs Decentralized Networks
476. Decentralised Governance 2.0: Better, Stronger, Faster, Fairer
Free TON is a community-driven blockchain project, owned by everybody and nobody at the same time. Governance 2.0 aims to decentralise processes even further
477. Uplifting women in the Metaverse. Interview with Tangpoko
478. Introducing the True NFT Solution
On-chain storage, configuration, distributed execution and GraphQL queries - presentation of a True NFT solution based on Free TON blockchain.
479. 3 Reasons Why Blockchain Won't #ReleaseTheKraken: An Interview with John Sebes of TrustTheVote.org
Application of blockchain in election processes may seem a natural progression, but are there hidden dangers being ignored by cryptocurrency enthusiasts?
480. Top 8 Best NFT Marketplace in 2022
If people are ready to invest millions of dollars in fancy digital assets, why can't they build a business out of it?
481. How To Decentralize The Internet?
Can we decentralize the internet? Or are the blockchains of today not up to task? I speak to Pavel Prigolovko, of TON Labs, to find out how it can be possible.
482. Is DAO the Key to Democratizing the Metaverse?
This article will dive into what the Decentralised Autonomous System (DAO) is and how it will impact gaming and the metaverse
483. How to Get Tokens From the Most Promising Decentralized Social Trading Network Before They Launch
Learn the ultimate strategy to squeeze the most tokens out of Superalgos' governance programs while they're still under the radar.
484. Leading Crypto VC Firms to Watch in 2023
One of the biggest drivers of innovation in the crypto ecosystem is Venture Capitalist firms. These firms fund the dreams of founders and allow them to build.
485. Smart Contracts Limit the Metaverse – Fat Contracts Enable It
Fat contracts conversely behave like traditional internet applications, they add access to all services, even if they are not operating on a blockchain.
486. A Blockchain Answer to Moxie’s ‘Impressions of Web3’
While critics have argued that Web3 is currently undermined by too much centralization, at least one blockchain platform promises end-to-end decentralization.
487. How Will Blockchain Fix the Centralization of Data?
“In order to have a standard of value [cryptocurrency] must stand outside all value schemes. It must have value in and of itself."
488. Twitch Will Ban Users for Off-Platform Activities
Amazon-owned streaming service Twitch has expanded its rules to include off-platform “misconduct” that will result in bans to curb the freedom of speech
489. Dear Professor: Your Opinion on Crypto Sucks, Warm Regards
The following is an open letter I wrote to my professor in response to his opinion piece which supported a ban on cryptocurrencies in India.
490. Collider Craftworks Takes Aim at Creating a True Intersection of Gaming and NFTs with Cypher
Collider Craftworks seeks to put their tools, experience, and expertise together into the “metaverse," with their first NFT collection, called Cypher.
491. What is the Future of Crypto Wallets?
Web3.0 will redefine how crypto wallets function and gives users more control over their wallets. Read how Web3.0 will shape the future of consumer wallets.
492. Mizar Raises $3 Million in Seed Funding led by Nexo to Build Next-Generation of Trading Tools
Mizar raises $3 million to develop a trading suite for the crypto industry.
493. How To Bring DAOs To Web3 Instead of Discord
How to bring DAO's to Web3 community platforms instead of Discord and Slack with on chain governance tools and crypto rewards to improve DAO participation.
494. 10 DAOs You Need to Know About Right Now
Top 10 DAO projects that create Web3 and new crypto industries! The most interesting DAO right now!
495. Major Updates and Going over Lonero's Goals for 2021
A summary of some of Lonero's biggest updates during 2020 and plans for 2021 regarding progress.
496. A Look at PeachHub & Its Defi-Focused Trading Tools
In this post, we’ll look at Peachfolio and their PeachHub app, as well as the features available for DeFi investors.
497. DeFi Applications Will Determine the Future of Financial Markets
This article talks about referral-based blockchain-based protocol and how building infrastructure for Web3 applications is critical for society.
498. Proof of Stake vs Proof of Work: The Case of Transaction Finality
In this article, we look at the two most popular consensus mechanisms - PoW and PoS - and show why PoW stands out in terms of transaction finality.
499. Why Decentralized Insurance Will Provide Confidence to DeFi Investors
This interview talks about decentralized insurance protocol and how smart contracts are disrupting the insurance industry.
500. Compliance by Design is the future of Blockchains - Beni Issembert, CMO at Concordium
This article talks about compliance by design in a blockchain ecosystem focusing on Zk-protocol and the development of smart contracts using rust language.
501. Kusama and Polkadot Parachain Lease Auction Crowdloans: A Win-Win Situation
How to participate in a crowdloan, Is it risky to participate in a crowdloan? How do I get crowdloan rewards?
502. Interview: How Decentralized Numbers Are Convenient for Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts
Interview: How Decentralized Numbers Are Convenient for Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts
503. Polkadex Review: The Polkadot Based Decentralized Exchange
Polkadex is a decentralized exchange that combines features from centralized exchanges (CEXs) and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
504. How Crypto Fund Iconium is Leading The Charge for Web3
In this post we’ll be looking at how crypto investment fund Iconium is leading the charge for development of Web3 infrastructure.
505. THE HELLADOGE MANIFESTO: Why Web3 Ads are Like Instagram Ads on Steroids
Ok, this might sound like shameless self-promo, but I’m hoping you will indulge me. I hope Hackernoon lets me run this article - I think they’ll let it slide cause Utsav is the homie, and also because if you can look past the self-promotion you will see I’m making an important philosophical point.
506. Cutting Out the Middleman: How the Blockchain is Disrupting the Way We Connect With Businesses
Web3 products, platforms, and technologies offer unparalleled levels of transparency and security while allowing direct trade between individuals and companies.
507. The 18 Trillion Dollar Question of Blockchain Adoption by Governments
I Interview Gerard Dache of the Government Blockchain Association, who promote blockchain technologies to solve public sector challenges around the world.
508. Metaverse: The Gateway to an Alternate Reality
There has been a sudden surge in interest regarding metaverses, with people waiting eagerly to see what the Internet giant has in store for us.
509. From Idea to Business: How to Make Your Cryptocurrency Exchange a Reality
Today you will learn how to make your cryptocurrency exchange a reality.
510. How Did Investors React To Bitcoin's ATH?
Bitcoin's recent price surge ensured the cryptocurrency reached an all-time high, breaking beyond the $66,000 barrier for the first time. What should we expect?
511. Mickey Maler On Technical Writing and the Bitcoin Mission with Sovryn
Hackernoon interview with Mickey Maler: I am a technical writer from the Czech Republic and I like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, nature, family life, and dogs!
512. Your Crypto Assets Are as Safe as Your Blockchain Wallet
As crypto trading becomes more and more common, it's especially important to make sure you keep your assets safe. Read on to know how to protect yourself.
513. How We Built a Smart Inventory on a Blockchain
Smart Inventory is a decentralized application that tracks the history and life path of valuable items.
514. Educating the Lawmakers: The GBA Blockchain & Infrastructure Hybrid Event
America prides itself on being at the forefront of innovation, yet concerns with the attitude toward crypto are growing. GBA's new event may help combat this.
515. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 6: What is a Blockchain Transaction?
An easy explanation with a funny example to get you up to speed with the subcategory of transactions on a blockchain.
516. Distributed Ledgers: The Next Logical Step
How modern blockchain approaches the problem of data storage in decentralized systems and how a distributed ledger can be organized.
517. FIAT-based Exchanges Play A Major Role In Helping The Adoption of Cryptocurrencies
Over the past year, the demand for regulated crypto investment products has grown by several times.
518. Why We Need Polygon Over Ethereum
To start an NFT project with high frequency and low value transactions, Polygon is the ideal blockchain to use as compared to Ethereum.
519. How to Explain Blockchain Gaming to Your Grandma
Is your grandma or idiot friend constantly pestering you for the untold secrets of blockchain gaming? Say these words and you never have to talk to them again!
520. Decentralized Cloud Storage: Why the Need For It?
What is decentralized cloud storage? And why even use it at all?
521. An Intro to Stablecoins for Beginners in 2022
Stablecoins are digital currencies pegged to a stable asset class. But how does it work? What is it necessary for the crypto world?
522. Decentralized Internet Is Of The People, By The People, For The People
Take a look at how decentralized apps and crypto-based applications are changing the lives of ordinary people and check the huge opportunity that lies within.
523. Building Credit Metrics in the DeFi Universe: An Experiment
Credit score system is an important asset, however still missing from the DeFi universe and here is how we can build it through experiement.
524. Poll Shows Strong Support for Tezos NFTs on Coinbase NFT
Coinbase NFT is looking to add support for more blockchains to the NFT market.
525. Papa Johns is Making NFTs Mainstream with its NFT Collection Launch for Pizza Lovers
Papa John's has launched its first collection of cool and collectable NFT hot bag-inspired NFT collection.
526. How to Run a Crypto Scam and Have Everyone Feel Sorry for You
Terra isn't the death of crypto. But it has hurt so many, and it's important we call it out for what it is -- a scam on a level we must never allow to repeat.
527. What Happens to Your Cryptocurrency in a Bankruptcy Situation?
Filing for bankruptcy is complicated and sometimes difficult to understand.
528. About My Ambivalence Towards a Centralized Metaverse
The more I contemplate the metaverse, the more excited I get. The more I contemplate the metaverse, the more worried I get.
529. Decentralized Digital Identity: Is it the Future of the Web?
Why is Decentralized Digital Identity the future of the web? Blockchain-based identity
530. The Spatial Web Is at Hand...Is Web3 Prepared? - Part 1
Most Web3 companies are building for "enhanced" Web2 experiences. They are not yet considering what is truly required for the implementation of a decentralized
531. From NFTs to Security Tokens: An Inevitable Evolution of the Digital Asset Market
Security tokens can become as big as NFTs if we follow these steps.
532. Decentralized Web vs DFINITY: Comparing 2 Decentralization Flavors
Decentralized web project vs. DFINITY project - 2 decentralization implementations; a 'little' secret discovered; comparing - identity, network, communication.
533. What are dApps and How Do They Enable a True Free Market?
The world economy is facing a gigantic hurdle that threatens our future: too much money and power is being controlled by too few people.
534. Crypto Banks Are About to Flip Traditional Banks
Move over traditional banks, crypto banks are the new move. Our guide explains everything you need to know about them. Click here for more.
535. The Role of Probability in The Safety of Your Cryptocurrencies
The article is devoted to security from the point of view of probability. Losing keys from wallets, forgetting learned mnemonic phrases, or giving to the bad boy 12 words of a seed-phrase due to life threats are not the ubject of this article.
536. What is a Distributed Storage Network on a Blockchain System?
A Distributed Storage Network (DSN) is a peer-to-peer network based on blockchain. It is a decentralized and distributed network that provides storage.
537. The Decentralization Era [Part 1]: The History of Decentralization
Why decentralization will allow a more fair and decent allocation of wealth, information, and opportunities.
538. How to Deploy Your Decentralized Application on 4EVERLAND
How to deploy a Decentralized Application on 4EVERLAND
539. How Accepting Cryptocurrencies as Payment Can Help Your Business
The usage of cryptocurrency for commercial purposes provides both possibilities and problems. As with every area, there are risks involved as well as rewards
540. En route to Web 3.0 – The Promise of a Decentralized Internet
En route to Web 3.0 – The Promise of a Decentralized Internet
541. TheOoL DAO: Web3 Darknet
The Oracle of Liberty DAO or TheOoL.net is a super secure, censorship resistant and distributed information ecosystem.
542. Facebook vs. Decentralized Projects: Who Will Win the 'Metaverse War'?
Facebook's Upcoming Metaverse: the Caveats of Centralization and Why Decentralized Projects Will Dominate the Market in the Long Run
543. Win $10k AKT in the Filebase + Akash Hackathon
Join the Filebase + Akash Hackathon that is from 1 September to 30 October and compete to win up to $10,000 AKT and up to $250 in free object storage.
544. 'Decentralization Fosters Group Cohesion': Interview with Devendra Singh Khati
Decentralized internet interview with Devendra Singh Khati.
545. Designing Token Templates With The Token Taxonomy Framework
The concept of tokenization might seem complex but using the token taxonomy framework, anyone can design a token templates to use in their blockchain projects
546. How Decentralized Systems Are Reshaping the Financial Market
Many centralized organizations operate in an old-fashioned way, although they have long lost their credibility. But is there a solution?
547. SHACAL-2: A Poem
Like density launch, bandwidth's ascent steps past the satellite's single geostationary hall, the stage's third and one of disintegrated constellations...
548. Acala Brings First Layer-1 Chain Customization to Polkadot
Acala was the first DeFi project to win the PolkADot parachain auction with a community contribution of Poladot’s DOT token worth over $1.27 billion.
549. Analyzing the Institutional Landscape for Blockchain Solutions
Let’s dive deeper and explore some of the projects leading the institutional landscape for crypto solutions and what they are building.
550. The Decentralized Internet and Redistribution of Power
The decentralization driven by Web 3.0 might not look like similar battlegrounds of the past, but make no mistake, this is about redistribution of power.
551. Cefion Anonymous Messenger App Review: Confidentiality, Simplicity, and Blockchain
Have you ever thought about how much time you spend on your smartphone? Nowadays, almost all communications have moved to the digital environment, replacing traditional live talks. Moreover, most business processes have also become entrenched in the cloud. We learn to work and live on the go because the new realities of the social and commercial spheres oblige us to move forward, dissolving users in the Web. It increases the digital literacy of the population but reduces the confidentiality of personal data.
552. Introducing the Road to Web3 Hackathon Powered by Polygon
The time has come, to build the next era of technology, to build the community-owned web, to build a decentralized future. It’s time to shift lanes.
553. Trust Machine Raises $150 Million in Funding from Breyer Capital, DCG and Hivemind to Expand Web 3
Trust Machines raised $150 million to bring Web 3 to Bitcoin with funding from VCs.
554. How the War in Ukraine Unveiled the True Potential of Crypto
Here's how crypto became a lifeline for millions of Ukrainians affected by the war.
555. Understanding Social Media's Dual Role In Promoting Crypto-Rugpulls & Acting As A Watchdog
social media has been a major reason for the growth of the crypto market. In 2013, to know bitcoin and invest in it would mean lurching into the unknown terrain
556. Hashing, Salting, and Verifying Passwords in NodeJS, Python, Golang, and Java
How to hash and salt passwords in different languages and why it's important to do so
557. Impact of Next-Gen Blockchains On The Adoption of IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) means the internet-connected devices or objects which are capable of exchanging data and instructions over a wireless network of the internet. Modern computers, smartwatches, and smartphones can be considered as the basics of IoT. Along with increasing modernization, the use cases of IoT devices are also increasing day by day in every field. There is a wide range of applications of IoT technology to make lives easier. For example, IoT devices are used in the healthcare system, cryptocurrency mining, machine learning technology, agricultural products' analytics, gaming, manufacturing, trading, and many more.
558. KuCoin Partners with Chingari to Distribute $20 Million Rupees Worth of Tokens
KuCoin, one of the major cryptocurrency exchanges, has partnered with Chingari, a short video-sharing app to distribute tokens worth $20 million rupees.
559. A Beginners Guide to NFTs for Digital Asset Authentication
Since it is so easy to counterfeit papers and information on the internet, having a unique and secure certificate of authenticity is incredibly valuable
560. My Development Proposals For TheNewBoston: Payment Gateway and Sidechain
I have been working on a lot of different proposals for an up and coming cryptocrurrency known as TheNewBoston. TheNewBoston or TNB, if you don't know what it is, is a cryptocurrency created by the channel TheNewBoston. However, what this crypto is, is something beyond anything I have seen for a while. TNB has an insanely fast transaction speeds, is lightweight, and rewards contributors to its ecosystem. It is also slowly being launched, and offering various developer bounties.
561. 5 Best Blockchain Games to Follow in 2022
There is no better time than now to talk about what we think are the best blockchain games to follow in 2022.
562. Mintverse is Bringing Project Verification to NFTs in order to Provide Investor Protection
Mintverse with NFTSCAN is introducing project verification for all projects allowing them to sign the verification contract to provide authenticity.
563. 6 Key Reasons Why Everyone Is Buying NFTs
NFTs have been the talk online for a while, but not everyone understands why anyone would want to purchase digital arts for millions! Learn more from our guide.
564. Everest Brings Regulated DeFi & Biometric Identities to Polygon
Everest has partnered with Polygon to grant its users and developers access to a range of identity verification and DeFi tools.
565. DEX vs CEX: Competition or Allies?
Most Bitcoin trades that took place before cryptocurrency exchanges became mainstream and were conducted on forums, discussion boards, and chat rooms.
566. An Intro to Concentrated Liquidity
What is concentrated liquidity in decentralized exchanges? How do liquidity providers and traders use concentrated liquidity? Explore right here!
567. Curators Will Play a Major Role in Fostering Art NFTs — Here’s Why
Why Curators will have a role to play in fostering art NFTs just as they do in the real-world's art galleries and art industry by helping both collectors.
568. Decentralized Storage Networks — An Explainer
A comprehensive analysis of decentralized storage networks, technologies behind them, benefits, use cases, current issues, and an overview of DSN offerings
569. Where to Invest Your Hard-Earned Stablez?
Description of the top platforms for staking, in my humble opinion
570. How To Decentralize Virtual Communities?
The widespread use of social media has changed the way we communicate, however, not everyone thinks these changes are positive. For example, the lack of strict moderation of social media content has contributed to the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 outbreak.Even before COVID-19, many users were unsatisfied of how social media platforms were addressing disinformation, censorship, privacy, political neutrality, user control, and malicious activity. Decentralized social networks and communities are more flexible than centralized ones, but they provide more opportunities for the disadvantages that are suppressed in centralized communities. This is the small paradox of decentralized communities.
571. Explore the Problem of Digital Identities and the Impending Doom of the Dead Internet
Let's put the soul back into the internet. It's time for virtual CPR.
572. All About NFT Terms
Do You know the most relevant NFT terms? Check the most used terms in this simple article!
573. The Ultimate Guide to Web 3.0 - The History and Future of the Web
Web3 is the next stage of the internet, building on the past two iterations and addressing its current flaws and adding new features for users to make use of.
574. What is Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining? All You Need To Know
The complete guide to yield farming in DeFi: how it works, how much is it possible to earn on it, and the risks involved in engaging in this form of investment.
575. How Blockchain Can Democratize Data Collection And Why You Should Care
Blockchain technology democratizes data collection and gives individuals data sovereignty in the context of social media being able to collect so much of it.
576. Governance is the Holy Grail for DAOs
DAOs are trying out novel voting mechanisms to improve decision-making, member participation, and organizational success.
577. 3 Features I Would Pay For in a Decentralized Social Network
The motivations for a decentralized social network have roots in the restrictions laid by contemporary platforms on what users and developers can do to build a
578. Layer-2 DEXs are the Path Forward in DeFi: A Conversation With QuickSwap Co-founder Sameep Singhania
Interview with QuickSwap’s co-founder Sameep Singhania about the motivations behind behind the project and how it can improve the user experience within DEXs.
579. Cyborg Legends: A Promising Way to Play-to-Earn
Cyborg Legends, an auto-battler game, might turn out to be an interesting approach in the world of play-to-earn thanks to its deep integration with NFTs
580. The Dark Side of DeFi: The Wild West of Decentralization
The mystic world of decentralized finance sparks up discussions. In 2022, the industry is suffering from multiple cyber attacks. Is this the end for DeFi?
581. The Looming Inflation and How to Hedge Against It
Following the outbreak of the novel Corona Virus pandemic, Central Banks have had to resort to printing more money to save the dying economy. The US Central Bank, like others, reportedly printed more dollar notes to meet the growing demand of the American economy.
582. What is Chainlink? - Intro to the Oracle Network for Hybrid Smart Contracts
Staking will further define the value accruing mechanisms of the Chainlink Ecosystem. To become Truth Machine for society at large it will have to decentralize.
583. What are the Potential Use Cases of Decentralized Finance?
DeFi is attracting massive attention and is said to have a lot of potential.
Here are the potential use cases of decentralized finance and why it's important.
584. On MoonDAO's Unending Ambition to Decentralize The Space Industry
MoonDAO will stop at nothing to decentralize the space industry, or so it seems, and with a consortium of 1,000 crypto investors throwing 2,620 ETH behind it
585. An Essential Introduction to Bitcoin for Developers
If you are going to work on a software using Bitcoin, there are several concepts you need to be familiar with.
586. An Idea By Lonero That Can Change Millions Of Lives
Many people are divided over issues that technologically can be solved. The whole pro-life vs. pro-choice argument are one of those issues. Pro-life people believe in the concept-unborn child Hitchen's style argument. The whole argument is that most studies towards modern day embryology are pointing to abortion terminating an unborn child. Pro-Choice on the other hand look at the financial and environmental downfalls of potentially raising an unplanned pregnancy, as well as the reproductive rights of a women not wanting to raise or have such child. Keeping in mind the dangers of cervix damage risk, it perhaps is much safer to give birth over giving an abortion.
587. How to Richly Preprocess your IPFS NFT Images and Metadata
The first step you’ll take to building an NFT minting Dapp is to prepare the artwork. Without the artwork, you can’t have your NFT project actualized.
588. DeFi Heralds a New Dawn for Retail Investors
In the wake of GME, retail market participants the world over are clamoring for features such as these, and are turning towards blockchain tech
589. 4 Metaverse Projects to Check Out in 2022
Metaverse is the talk of the town right now. However, contrary to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, it is more accessible to people.
590. Discussing Perpetuals in DeFi and Making Them Accessible to the Masses
A conversation with Bernd Stöckl, the CPO and co-founder of Palmswap, on making DeFi more accessible for retail investors, perpetual trading, and DeFi 2.0.
591. On Cryptocurrency & War
Cryptocurrency can be used for pizza...and war? This article looks at how Russia and Ukraine are both using crypto to their advantage.
592. Community Building Platforms: Reviewing Discourse, Discord, Ghost, and More
Thoughts on how to integrate multiple systems, while building community and sustainable income.
593. The Meaning of Anonymity in The Surveillance Era
Is there such a thing as true anonymity anymore?
594. Onboarding Billions of Users into the Metaverse is 'Inevitable' with Web 3.0
In this slogging AMA, we had the pleasure of chatting to the cofounders of Inevitable Media, Tiago Amaral and Kaynã Rodrigues.
595. The Creator Economy is Booming Thanks to Creator Coins
All you need to know about the crypto-charged creator economy.
596. The Data Revolution: Green, Accessible, and Fully-Decentralized
it's time to make data sexy again. Let's revive the dream of a truly neutral Internet, from the people for the people with wide accessibility and no censorship
597. Why The Metaverse Is Already Broken (And How To Fix It — Chapter Two)
Let's dive straight into Chapter Two of why the metaverse is broken and let's find out if we can fix it!
598. Staking, Yield Farming, Lending: DeFi Remains Crypto's Home for Passive Income
DeFi has made access to financial services easier and with its farms, lending services and staking rewards, the ecosystem is a go-to for profit-hungry investors
599. How to Build a Digital Community of 1,000 True Fans
NFTs are a new way to create and sell digital art, and they're gaining popularity due to their ability to get rid of the traditional intermediaries
600. Bitcoin Energy Consumption Explained
Satoshi himself had to address Bitcoins energy consumption concerns, so let’s deep dive into why Bitcoin uses energy, and how it’s used.
601. On the Decentralization of Spotify and Similar Platforms
Music streaming services should embrace Blockchain Technology and leverage their accumulated knowledge to launch new types of marketplaces.
602. Developing Finsterwald Amid a Pandemic: A Startup CEO in The Trenches
Former Huawei manager Peter Stieglbauer talks about Decentralization, Gaming, and Funding for their new VR 3D game, FINSTERWALD
603. Is there a Bitcoin-Like Project in the Metaverse Space?
Investors can't get enough of the metaverse projects in response to this new niche. They can buy, sell and even create products and tokenized funds.
604. Down the Crypto Rabbit Hole: How I Got Started
This is my first time writing an article here on Hackernoon. For lack of anything "tech" that I can think of writing about at the moment, I'll just talk about how I stumbled into the crypto rabbit hold in the first place.
605. Marlene Ronstedt on Creating a Successful DAO
Marlene Ronstedt is the co-founder of the Data Union DAO.
606. How can we make social media better platforms?
Cloud has some benefits and some downsides. Hard Drives also have some benefits and some downside. Blockchain combines the both, leaving out the downside
607. The Pros & Cons Of Anonymous Assassination Betting Sites
You could buy an RPG on the open web for less than two months of personal browser history...
608. Across The American Border, Mexico Is Quietly Making Big Moves Towards Blockchain Adoption
Blockchain in Latin America
609. Make Money by Writing About the Decentralized Internet!
It’s time to guide those who ‘can't find Web3’ in the right direction.
610. Announcing 3 New Writing Contests With Cash Prizes, on NOW
In appreciation of the beautiful talents of our community, HackerNoon is expanding the number of writing contests we have open during the year.
611. The Ethereum ERC-4337 Standard and What it Means for Defi
The future of Defi hasn't looked better in years until recently. Learn about the newly implemented ERC-4337 standard and what it means for Defi's mass adoption.
612. MetaHistory: Memoirs of a UMN Genesis Citizen
Due to dissatisfaction with many of the current nations on Earth, some pioneers succeeded in the building the biggest nation on Earth in the metaverse.
613. The Matrix VS Metaverse: Looking at Through the Prism of Cinema
Soon we can see a widespread metaverse. I have analyzed what metaverse is based on The Matrix. And it gave me some amazing thoughts you should hear.
614. Can the NFT Save the Digital Magazine?
I the last 25 years, magazines have lost most of their market share to social networks. Can the NFT save the digital magazine industry?
615. Recapping NonFungible's Q2 Report So You Don't Have To
NonFungible recently came out with their quarterly market report and so here's a break down for what it means for the average creator, collector, and investor.
616. How to Scale the Metaverse with Decentralized Web3 Computing
The metaverse will be a critical piece of Web3, providing users with access to blockchain-based applications and services.
617. The Metaverse in Real Life
A brief introduction to the Metaverse and its applications
618. Enabling Editability in Social Media On Decentralized Networks with Cherish: An Overview
How crypto projects can finally combat legacy social media platforms with the help of data innovation on the blockchain.
619. "History Shows Us That You Foster Adoption By Dropping Barriers to Entry" - Justin Giudici
The article talks about Web 3.0, DeFi and smart contracts. Web 3.0 is an evolution enabled by blockchain and smart contracts opening the door to the next era.
620. The EVER OS: A Brief Overview of An Operating System Built on Blockchain
EVER OS is created to act as an operating system for Everscale blockchain network.
621. Startup Interview with Bruce Woodruff, Founder/CEO of NFThub; Daly City, CA
An in-depth interview with the Founder/CEO of a platform aiming to become a core infrastructure component of the one of the fastest growing industries ever.
622. Diamond Hands Vs. Crypto-n00bs And Why The bitcoin Price Dipped
Sunday morning, 18.04.2021, the cryptocurrency market suddenly entered the red zone. Bitcoin and most major digital assets lost between 5% and 20% of their value overnight, leading to a massive liquidation of market positions totaling nearly $10 billion.
623. Decentralizing Data Storage on the Blockchain: An Exclusive Interview With Vincent Irlweck
Interview with Vincent Irlweck, CMO at Inery Blockchain to discuss their decentralized data storage solution and democratizing the data industry.
624. What the Heck is a Numiz?
As of 2021, there are three topics you don't discuss over polite conversation; politics, religion, and NFTs. But CryptoNumiz is here to change all that.
625. The Cryptocurrency Industry Is The Next Basic Infrastructure of The Internet
I got into the internet business back in 1998 — a time when we still relied on dial-up modems. I watched the hardware evolve over time to SDN, ADSL and, eventually, to the gigabit network we know today. I also experienced the changes of the software ecosystem firsthand, from the earliest portal websites, to the YouTube boom, all the way to the mobile internet and the current TikTok era. In the 90s, people called the small group of internet users “netizens”. However, the term has become outdated since, as almost everyone is using the internet that has become the basic infrastructure of the world.
626. Crypto in 2022: Challenges and Opportunities Galore
As the crypto industry heads into 2022, what are the trends, challenges, and opportunities for the industry?
627. Exploring Blockchain, Crypto and NFTs with Venly CMO Yan Ketelers
In this AMA slogging thread, Yan Ketelers, the CMO of Venly, joined us, and we got the chance to ask him about blockchain, cryptocurrency, gaming, and NFTs.
628. "Freedom of Movement is a Human Right, So Too Should be the Freedom of Information" James O Connor
Interactive streaming has been one of the most popular industries for years now, ever since Netflix exploded, causing the launch of other streaming platforms
629. Why the Metaverse is so Attractive?
Some outstanding features of the Metaverse
630. Bringing Back Data Ownership to Humans With Decentralizion
Are we ready as humans to take the data ownership back? Here is a use case for you.
631. Regulating Crypto Exchanges: What Does it Mean For Crypto and DeFi?
Is the regulation of crypto a good thing or a bad thing? Why the benefits might (indirectly) outweigh the costs in the end.
632. The Spatial Web is at Hand... What are Smart Technologies? Part 2
Undeniably, there are specific Smart Technologies that will be crucial to the architecture of this universal network of interconnected people, places & things,
633. Reinventing The Internet: Welcome to the Antinet - BOG#001
“Antinet“ - an Internet that goes against what we’ve known.
634. 41 Best Tweets About SNAPocalypse
Let me know in your comments, which tweet illustrates SNAPocalypse best.
635. Democratizing Venture Capital: An Exclusive Interview with Hatu Sheikh CMO of DAO Maker
Interview with Hatu Sheik, the CMO and co-founder of DAO Maker, a platform opening up the venture capital market to retail investors on the blockchain.
636. How Does Blockchain Security Work, Anyway?
What is blockchain security? Learn how blockchain security works and common blockchain security vulnerabilities to know.
637. Are Crypto Markets a Value Wall Between USD and Global Currencies?
It wasn't software developers at home who made cryptocurrencies. It was the US government.
638. Which Cryptocurrency Should I Invest In?
Objective research and a solid knowledge base are needed to make a secure investment.
639. Coding a PayNow Function with Solidity: The 3 Must Know Smart Contract Methods
In this tutorial, you will learn about three functions that will help you move money from one account to the other and the recommended method for you.
640. The Web 3.0 Race for Internet Democracy Can Only Be Won With UX 2.0
Today we cater to and build for a cohort, not a user. Decentralization, with its accelerated pace of development, would change the rules of the game.
641. What Makes TradFi Different From DeFi?
You may have seen numerous articles about decentralized finance (DeFi) and its claims that it will radically change the traditional finance (TradFi) sector.
642. How to Earn Crypto Passive Income in 2022
7 different ways to earn passive income through cryptocurrency that you can start doing today!
643. Layers - The Bedrock of Blockchain
Read not only about blockchain layers and get the basics of the blockchain scalability solutions under your belt by understanding the bedrock of the system
644. The Family Tree of Webs: From Web 1.0 to Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is touted as the next evolution of the internet, but have you met the other two? Discover the differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3,0.
645. Decentralizing The Internet: The Hitchhiker's Guide
Decentralizing the internet will require effort. Blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and development will be the leading factors in fighting centralization
646. We're Unit Protocol And Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves
Unit protocol allows you to deposit multiple types of appreciating assets, including: LP
tokens, yield bearing tokens, DPI, yvLINK. $USDP stablecoin. $DUCK
647. Cutting Out the Middleman: Web3's Potential to Revolutionize the Web
Cutting Out the Middleman: Web3's Potential to Revolutionize the Web
648. What Does The Average African Think About Crypto?
Cryptocurrency adoption is accelerating at a rapid pace in Africa. Free TON African subgovernance is doing big things in raising awareness for their solutions.
649. How to Avoid NFT Scams and Rug Pulls: 6 Red Flags to Avoid in 2022
Learn how to avoid NFT scams & rug pulls with these 6 vastly common red flags in NFT projects that even seasoned investors fall for
650. Introducing the DeNet Concept
The Free TON Ecosystem team talks about an interesting and realizable concept of DeNet (decentralized internet) in Free TON.
651. Learn Web3, Build the Internet of the Future
I've listed all the tools you'll need if you want to learn web3.
652. Talking Crypto and DeFi with Johnny Lyu - CEO at KuCoin
Johnny Lyu is the co-founder of KuCoin Exchange, CEO and Co-Founder of the company.
653. Web3 vs the Traditional Web: A Look at Web3's Benefits
A look at Web3 and the traditional web
654. 10,000 Weddings and an Election: Bringing Blockchain to the Public Sector
I discuss blockchain voting, comparing apples with apples, putting marriage on Ethereum, and more, with Utah County Clerk, Amelia Powers Gardner.
655. China's Repeated Takedowns of Its Own Tech Elites Paints A Worrying Forecast For All of FinTech
Fintech development in China has consistently experienced tremendous scale in the last two decades, but recent legislative measures aim to curb this growth.
656. Arcade Launches Mission Pool Operator Program to Bring GameFi to the Masses
Arcade, a GameFi platform links gaming assets to players and distributes incentives across platform users.
657. MEXC Global and Bybit Launch a $150 Million Fund to Support AI-based Applications on Fetch.ai
MEXC Global and Bybit announce a web3 ecosystem fund of $150 million to support artificial intelligence-based smart contract infrastructure on Fetch.ai.
658. Decentralized Web Writing Competition 2022: January Results Announced!
Welcome to another announcement of the HackerNoon Decentralized Web Writing Contest!
659. Cake DeFi Launches New Corporate Venture Arm with $100 Million to Invest in Web 3 Ecosystem
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform Cake DeFi has announced the creation of its venture-capital arm, which will invest US$100 million.
660. An Intro to ENS (Ethereum Name Services) and Why You Should Get One
Many people ask me about a simple way to get involved in the brave new world of Web3, Decentralized apps, and blockchains in general. I have now learnt that the
661. #Decentralized-Intenet Writing Contest: December Results Announced
With the December announcement, HackerNoon & Everscale bring you a surprise gift. We are extending the decentralized internet writing contest for 3 months.
662. The Gaming Metaverse will Decide the Future of the Video Game Industry
This article talks about gaming metaverse and in-game items being used in game development as the next frontier for the gaming industry.
663. WTF is The Fediverse?
Stop selling your social media privacy to the lowest bidder. Take control over your online presence and use de-centralized services instead.
664. Alchemy in Blockchain, NFTs into the DeFi Space: Madalin from Sphynx Network
Mandalin, CEO of the Bucharest-based DeFi company, Sphynx Network, speaks about the new technologies the startup is pursuing and the lessons learned over time.
665. How to Achieve Decentralized Scale: ETH vs BTC vs ALGO
With the right incentives in place human ingenuity can overcome Blockchain’s current challenges and fulfill its initial purpose.
666. How Information Technology & Web 3.0 Is Leveraged to Help Ukraine & Cancel Russia
Information technology, privacy solutions, blockchain, web 3.0, and social media are supporting Ukraine and cancelling Russia.
667. RIF Enveloping: How to Improve the UX of DeFi
The main motivation behind RIF Enveloping is to allow users to pay for transaction fees using their preferred tokens, driving down the barriers to DeFi adoption
668. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition 2021: September Results Announced!
In decentralization, we trust, and in our community, we believe! Here are the winners of the decentralized internet writing contest for the month of September.
669. A Simple Guide to Understanding DAOs And Why They are a Force in 2022
To understand what a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) means is to dissect the three keywords: decentralization, autonomy, and organization.
670. Is It Time to Move to a Decentralized Gig Economy?
The freelancing economy has taken over the world. In less than 10 years, there may be more freelancers in the US than full-time workers. This growth
671. An Introduction to Skynet's Homescreen for Managing DeFi and DWeb Apps
Interview David Vorick CEO of Skynet Labs about trends, pitfalls, why it’s important to own the data and how Homescreen's going to change the way we use the Web
672. How American GPS Technology Protects Territorial Waters of Smaller Asian Countries
If integrated properly with emerging technologies, American GPS can be used to protect the sovereignty of a nation’s coastlines in Southeast Asia.
673. Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol: HSML
If HTML is the narrator's companion, then Web 3.0's HSML (Hyperspace Modeling Language) is the narrator in living breathing form.
674. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t: Censorship, Decentralized Networks and Moderation
The current landscape has given newfound attention to the concept of deplatforming and led many to wonder what the right solution is.
675. Web 3.0 – Our Future or Just Another Buzzword
“Web3 isn’t another buzzword or jargon which can be written off. It is the future of the internet. This is the new infrastructure layer which will power the next generation of computing innovation,”
676. It Got Really Hot With Celsius
Here's my notes on Celsius' withdrawal freeze. This post is packed with facts and information about the current situation which changes every day and hour.
677. How Verifiable Creds, Decentralized Identifiers and Blockchain Work Together for a Safer Internet
The future of the internet will come with more risks to our data privacy. Fortunately, Blockchain and Decentralized Identifiers can work together to protect.
678. The Main Challenges of Decentralization
Decentralization stands in opposition to centralization and is currently rapidly breaking into the world order of the modern world.
679. Why I Dream Of A One World Government & New World Order
The One World Government is becoming a reality - just not in the way you might think.
680. Non-Fungible Education And Proof of Knowledge On The Decentralized Internet
As blockchain seeks mass adoption, crypto-education is vital to advancing understanding. Free TON Academy is a novel community project addressing this issue.
681. Art (R)evolution: NFTastic art
Some cool artworks that recreate new vision of art.
682. Exactly How Secure is Web 3
Ever wonder what data privacy will look like in Web 3? Yes, everyone is. But don't fret. This article explains web 3 security issues.
683. Quicknode: Your One-Stop Web3 Infrastructure Provider
Quicknode: Your One-Stop Web3 Infrastructure Provider
684. STOP! Throwing Money At Each Other
The only mechanism that can prevent a whale from influencing the outcome of voting decisions within permissionless DAOs without strong IDM (identity management)
685. Policy Implications Stemming from the ECCB's CBDC outage
ECCB's Dcash outage provides central bankers, governments, &technology providers with the opportunity to reflect on the challenges emerging from CBDC failures.
686. ZEOS - Privacy on EOS
The new protocol that has 3 blockchain in 1 like EOS, Monero and ZCash, with full compatible with other project and protocol like DeFi!
687. HashStack Receives $1 million in Seed Investment from Moonrock Capital, GHAF Capital and others
Hashstack has received $1 million in seed investment after releasing the Open Protocol testnet. Moonrock Capital, GHAF Capital Partners, and Chainridge Capital.
688. Are Bitcoin Investments Legal?
Given its nature as a decentralized digital asset, Bitcoin's legal status was always going to cause major debate.
689. 5 NFT Trends to Follow in 2022
NFTs are finding new applications in various of industries, from fashion to real estate. Which sectors will profit the most in the coming year?
690. The Role of Blockchain and Decentralization in the Digital Economy
Blockchain is a key emerging technology in realizing the full potential of the digital economy along with other emerging technologies and paradigms such as 5G, IoT, Cloud, AI, etc.
691. Fake News Vs. Censorship in the Battle for the Internet
In 2020, world events like the US general election and COVID-19 pandemic have shown us how both censorship and misinformation can become a political weapon. With lessons learned, how do we balance freedom of speech in 2021? Decentralizing online governance may be the answer.
692. Monetized Comments: The Quickest Way to Get Paid Online?
Reader comments on openDemocracy can be highlighted and receive micropayments. This feature changes the way we fund public debate.
693. The Evolving Landscape of Digital Payments: Why Blockchain Holds the Key
Digital payment volumes are set to grow by more than 80% from 2020 to 2025, from approximately 1 trillion transactions to nearly 1.9 trillion
694. Can we Make the Metaverse More Inclusive?
While the metaverse promises entertaining experiences for users, its user landscape may be problematic in terms of inclusivity. We discuss!
695. Batten down the hatches, Matey! Ye either a Punk, or it’s the plank for you!
Aye aye Captain! The Piracy Punks are a group of 10,000 ERC-1155 tokens on the blockchain launching October 4th
696. An Intro to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for Games, Virtual Worlds, and the Metaverse
Learn more about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how they will make a huge impact in gaming, virtual worlds, and the metaverse.
697. The Future Of The Crypto World Lies In Partnerships
Here's the latest on the growing integration of blockchain technology into the mainstream, showing cryptocurrencies' potential to become a new asset class..
698. An Introduction to the Elk Blockchain
In this article, we briefly lay out the case for why the Elk blockchain should be seen less as a bridge and more as a DeFi gateway.
699. From Free TON to Everscale: Anatomy of a Decentralized Rebranding
Rebranding is a gargantuan task for any company or public entity at the best of times, but throw a massive dose of anarchistic decentralization into the mix, and mission impossible becomes mission incredible.
700. HackerNoon Partners with Non-Fungible Conference
HackerNoon has signed on as a media partner for this year's Non-Fungible Conference
701. A Brief Guide to Hybrid Contracts, Oracles, and Chainlink
Learn about the importance of Oracles and Decentralized Apps in the Ethrereum ecosystem.
702. Why Cyber Hackers and Money Launderers Prefer Cryptocurrency
Why cyber criminals and money launderers prefer to use cryptocurrency for illicit acitivities.
703. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Contest: May/June Results Announced
Hackers rejoice! Here we are again with the #Decentralized-Internet writing contest winners for the month of May and June!
704. Everything Wrong with Proof of Stake
Staking is another form of centralized control.
705. The Decentralized Internet Is Bigger than Decentralized Money
A look at why decentralized internet is bigger than decentralized money
706. Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Privacy is Freedom
The metaverse will likely be a disaster for user privacy unless that is solved unless that privacy is solved.
707. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Health Behaviour Management
In this post we’ll look at how AI is changing the healthcare industry as well as Healthcare Behavioural Management (HBM).
708. The Metaverse Insider Partners with MILC Platform to Revolutionise the Global Media Industry
The Metaverse Insider is proud to announce a partnership with MILC as part of its evolving Metaverse ecosystem.
709. My Comments on the U.S. Fed's CBDC Paper
Thoughts on the US Federal Reserve's CBDC paper and request for comments from the writer of the Digital Universal Drachma white paper.
710. Hey Mark Cuban, this is how you avoid crypto scams [Watch Video]
Adam and Andrew discuss how to avoid scams (and crypto scams), Mark Cuban, Titan, and the importance of self-sovereignty
711. How to Find your Approach to Crypto Investing
3 steps to develop your strategy to crypto investing. Find a strategic direction for bitcoin and ethereum investment & decide between HODLing and trading.
712. Multi-Chain Farming Game DeFi Land Launches Single-Sided Staking
DeFi Land brings multi-chain gameFi farming to the gamers based on farming in a gaming and DeFi based environment.
713. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition: August Results Announced!
The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest is a great success! As always, we got some superb decentalized internet stories in August.
714. The Sad Truth About OpenSea
Did You know that OpenSea uses a centralized server to store NFT instead of using a better solution like IPFS?
715. How to Scale-up Democracy (Without Invoking Skynet)?
Phillip Andreae, 'Godfather of EMV', now with Voatz, talks blockchain, DLT, voting, meritocracy, the Post Office, AI and the work of Voatz modernising elections
716. Unlocking the Next Level of Decentralized Gaming Pt.3
The gaming industry is on the cusp of a revolution thanks to blockchain technology. Where does Cartesi fit into the future of in-game economies?
717. Syscoin is Launching DAOSYS to Revolutionize DAO Governance
DAOSYS will be a reference design that will use the Autonomous Service Engine to turn Syscoin into an innovation hotspot.
718. Understanding the Numbers on a Real Estate Token Investment Website for New Investors
Investors have to understand the assets that tokens back including the risks and the expected return or benefits of buying and holding said tokens.
719. Here’s Everything That Web2 Developers Need to Know About Web3
Web3, by definition, is a decentralized online ecosystem built on the blockchain intended to bring about a new generation of networked societies and commerce.
720. How Brave Browser Gained the Favor of Crypto Enthusiasts
By leveraging early adopters across verticals, Brave is compounding network effects. Users like a holistic interface. Investors look at the Sum of the Parts.
721. GraphJS Tutorial: Social Widgets for Your Website And Application
GraphJS is an open-source set of "stickers" (or widgets) that enables social capabilities on any web page. It makes it easy decorating your site with social features like:
722. Invitation Inside: Beta Test A FREE and Open Source Decentralized VPN
Today we are announcing beta test of KelVPN, a bandwidth sharing solution. It is a distributed VPN, built on top of the Cellframe blockchain framework. Our mission is to build a decentralized privacy network, which can literally serve as a personal spacesuit for everyone accessing the Internet.
723. 5 Upcoming Play to Earn Games to Keep your Eye On
Five upcoming games looking to be a part of the play-2-earn revolution.
724. Can Mass Adoption Be a Reality for Web3 Soon?
A look at how mass adoption be a reality for web3 soon?
725. A Brief History of Money: From Barter to Banknotes to Bitcoin
This article breaks down everything you need to know about the origin of money and bitcoin. What was the earliest form of money and why is bitcoin important.
726. The Era of AI and The Spatial Web: What It All Means - Part 1
“For the first time in history, starting now, we have the roadmap. AGI is now possible.” — Dan Mapes, President, and Co-Founder, VERSES Technologies, and Direct
727. Truflation: On Demand Inflation Data Powered by Chainlink Oracles
Truflation is a data aggregation suite of APIs that allows users to fetch compilations of present and past rates in the US economy, including, but not limited to: inflation rates, price indexes, and other inflation categories such as food or housing.
728. How the DAO Ecosystem Is Redefining Organizations on the Web
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a disruptive form of organization governed using smart contracts.
729. Decentralizing the Internet, One Metaverse at a Time
The metaverse is simply the internet, evolved. And that’s why we need to ensure we build it with open standards, decentralized infrastructure and Web3 tools
730. The Lay of the Cryptoland - Part II: NFTs, P2E Games, and DeFi
Learn more about the lay of the cryptoland. An introductory post on NFTs, Play-to-earn games, and Decentralized Finance.
731. The Best Practices for Web3 Security Risk Mitigation
This article highlights the risks and vulnerabilities within the Web3 ecosystem and the best practices for Web3 security risk mitigation. Read on.
732. Justin Sun Discusses Blockchain Technology and How it Can Impact the World
Justin Sun discusses the history of blockchain technology, and how internet decentralization can impact the world in a myriad of ways.
733. Futarchy Fixes Democracy, or Does it?
Futarchy: a possible improvement on democracy? This article examines the futarchic blockchain governance model and its potential impact on political systems.
734. Tech Podcasts about Hacker Noon 2.0; AI; and A Decentralized Internet
735. Greener Pastures: Why EOSIO-based Systems Hold the Future of NFTs
NFTs are here to stay, but the constraints of Ethereum are holding NFT markets from becoming sustainable. EOSIO-protocol platforms can enable them, though.
736. What is peer-to-peer technology?
And why P2P Resurgence is the Step Backwards The Internet Desperately Needs...
737. Democratic Internet: Decentralized Web Gives More Control to Users
Picture this: The internet is no longer neutral. It has been taken over by large corporations who can now control what we see and what we don't on social media
738. 'Decentralization Means Freedom': Interview with Alfredo de Candia
This interview with Alfred de Candia is part of the HackerNoon decentralized internet series. Alfred is a senior Android developer and CTO of Hoken Tech.
739. Grants Vs. Contests in Crypto-verse And What's Better For Driving Adoption
Grants are an important growth point in the world of cryptocurrencies. They contribute to both the growth of the entire cryptocurrency space and of individuals and teams. However, grants no longer hold promise. They were replaced by contests that make the participants put in more effort to win. Contests are the best way to stimulate the development of the cryptocurrency community. Practice shows that there is no future in the grant system. And the primary reason is their inconsistency between the concept of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology – decentralization.
740. 5 Less-Known DeFi and NFT Projects Promoting User Protection and Funds Security
There are many concerns when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies. One of the biggest concerns is security.
741. How Decentralized Can We Get in The Modern World? (Podcast Transcript)
In this episode, Amy & Sharmini (CMO at Mysterium Network) chat about whether it's possible to achieve anonymity and decentralization from the modern Internet.
742. The Walled Gardens of Social Media: From the Free Web to the “Free” Web
Once upon a time, the personal computer stored the user data. Then, the Web came along.
743. The Terra Luna Coin: A Brief Overview
The real value of this project is that it brings the sustainability of algorithmic stablecoins to the mainstream crypto space for the first time.
744. Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol
As technology evolves, the way in which we interact with it and utilize it demands more expansion and sophistication over time.
745. Getting Off the Beaten Path Is NOT EASY, BUT it Is Rewarding
If you want freedom, security, and privacy, it's possible and worth the investment.
746. Potion Unlock: Proof That NFTs Can Be Keys and Art
The Potion Unlock NFTs have been meticulously designed based on the principles of data visualization.
747. dApps for Business: A Guide To Understanding The Paradigm Shift Offered By Decentralized Apps
Decentralised applications (dApps) have changed how users navigate the Web. Learn what dApps mean, how they work, and why businesses should them.
748. Web 3.0 and the Metaverse Walk Into a Bar...
Do they have anything to do with all of this intergalactic hype around blockchain and decentralization?
749. The Pros and Cons of Decentralisation
Decentralisation has gained popularity with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but what are the benefits and drawbacks of Decentralisation? Free TON is leading the
750. Building a Whole New World for the Fine Art Community
ArtMeta is a metaverse designed to serve as a meeting place for artists and connoisseurs of fine art from all around the world.
751. The Digital Universal Drachma: A Paradigm for a Global Private-Public Cryptocurrency
A bold re-envisioning of the fundamentals behind blockchain technology and economic theory, in this paper Chitose Nakamoto suggests a middle ground in crypto.
752. The Problem with Centralized Internet
Corporations' increasing control over the internet is threatening our digital freedom. Let's try and learn why decentralized internet is the future.
753. Look out events industry... NFTs are coming!
One of the immediate perfect fits for NFT tech is the events industry. So how exactly do NFTs work in the ticketing world and what are the key benefits?
754. Can Power be Incorruptible? Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for Government
Why the Government Blockchain Association are transitioning toward a two token DAO based system, and will be taking their model to the highest authorities.
755. What You Need to Know About Bitcoin's Energy Usage
Learn the truth about Bitcoin’s energy consumption and understand why its environmental impact isn’t as bad you think.
756. Is AI the key to the Metaverse?
In this slogging thread, we discuss whether the key to the Metaverse is AI. According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, it is. However, the Hackernoon staff disagree
757. Sick of high gas fees and long transaction times? DeFi 2.0 is here
If you're left wondering what on earth an IDO launchpad is, you're not alone! Scaleswap aim to educate and uplift everyone in the crypto community and beyond
758. Are NFTs Real Art? Four Artists, One Question
I discuss the nature of NFT art with artist and supermodel, Sasha Pivovarova, and world-renowned artists Emmanuel Flipo, Igor Vishnyakov, and Artem Mirolevich.
759. How Chintai is Making the Trading Life Cycle More Efficient
The HackerNoon community talked to Ryan Bethem from Chintai about Chintai's position in the market and what sets them apart from their competitors.
760. Why You Should Care More About The Recent Global Internet Outage
Toward a decentralization of power: why you should probably care (a lot) about the recent global internet outage
761. DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) for Beginners
A comprehensive article about DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and how they work using blockchain technology.
762. What Is It About Blockchain That Seduces Normies: An Analysis Through Free TON's Lens
Making blockchain more tangible to the average person will help attract millions of people.
763. From Web2 to Web3: Is it a Revolution or an Evolution?
On the internet, you can see many pictures showing web2 and web3 applications, like browsers, wallets, storage, and social networks. They try to divide the applications and show you web2 and web3 solutions separately. But does it make sense?
764. Blockchain Voting: Can It Become Reliable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt?
Why is the voting system insecure and opaque in a world where scientists are developing flying cars? With the development of technology, everything has become much more transparent and practical, but why is blockchain technology not used to organize simple and fair elections?In the modern era of technology, most legacy processes have been replaced by digital ones. However, there were also those processes that were practically not affected by technology. Voting is the choice by citizens of a country of their “leader” and this process should be as safe, transparent and accurate as possible. Blockchain-based voting is obvious and secure as the ledger of records cannot be hacked to change the results. This ensures that there is no electoral fraud or ballot box stuffing. Blockchain voting is a need for an adult and democratic population. Anyone with a phone and Internet access can easily understand the technical specifications of the blockchain voting platform. Citizens will not need to stand in lines and waste time traveling to the polling station to vote. Blockchain-based online voting is a cheap and easy method of holding elections compared to the existing method. The sooner various governments realize the importance of introducing this technology into their political environment, the simpler and more fair elections will be.
765. The Essential Guide To DeFi Marketing: Part II - The Launch Stage
Send your DeFi project to the moon with crypto coins and DeFi marketing strategies to help you plan your DeFi campaign!
766. Who Needs SkyNet Anyway?
Philip Eduardo Andreae, SME in all things payments, DLT + elections, shares his views on work at Voatz, governance, decentralized or otherwise, and more
767. The Difference Between WWW and the Spatial Web
The World Wide Web is a library of pages. The Spatial Web is a library of spaces.
using a new protocol linking spaces and all objects over multiple dimensions.
768. Getting Started with Web3 – the New Decentralized Web
In this article, we’ll look at the significant benefits of Web3 and some essential applications in technology.
769. Cybersecurity Predictions For 2022
This article will highlight the potential threat vectors and protections that may have a large-scale and global impact in 2022.
770. 4 Cryptocurrency Wallets that Added New Features in 2022
Cryptocurrency wallets are an essential tool in the arsenal of anyone looking to send, receive, and exchange digital currencies.
771. Is Cryptocurrency the Salary of the Future?
In this slogging thread, our technology channel talked about companies starting to pay their employees with cryptocurrency and how this can be a new reality
772. How to Build a DAO - the Story of One Solution
How one DAO solution is one step ahead of most competitors because it automates the execution process for many smart contracts in decentralised governance.
773. A Learner's Introduction to The Decentralized Internet
The decentralized internet is a topic of discussion for every internet user. Find out why Web 3.0 is most talked about and why it is significant in tech.
774. Cryptosociety 2.0
The Crypto revolution has become GFC 2.0.
It needs saving. We need DAO, we need global currency.. stable.. we need UBI!
775. AGI Is Inevitable and It's Coming Faster Than You Think
It's here - a clear roadmap and timeline to Artificial General Intelligence — the holy grail of AI.
776. My Wife: A Strong Woman, Not a Vessel
My wife fought for her right to remain more than a vessel during pregnancy. I'm honouring her by naming a hashmask.
777. Whistleblower Blows Lid on the Decentralized Internet: An Interview with Mr. X
A decentralised web is open, secure, and free for everyone. The future of the internet and the Metaverse relies on its uptake. What are the advantages?
778. How NFTs Can Disrupt the Fantasy Sports Industry
This article talks about NFTs and their implementation in the Fantasy Sports industry. The article takes a deep dive into Fantasy sports platform development.
779. Million Dollar Pixels: Diving into NFT Decentralization, Copyright, and Minting
How do NFTs work? How decentralized are NFTs? In this article we explore the decentralization of NFTs with a demo using IPFS, Alchemy, and Filebase.
780. He/Him/Master of Discovery
"Ditch the ‘we love working!’ narrative. It’s unattractive."
781. Exploring the Metaverse with MultiNFT CEO Guy Goldenberg
In this AMA, we had the pleasure of being joined by Guy Goldenberg, the CEO of MultiNFT.
782. The True Meaning of DAOs — Uniswap & BAYC
Here we take a look at two of the most succesful DAOs, Uniswap and Bored Ape Yacht Club, using them as case studies to understand the DAO concept better.
783. The Beautiful Double Helix of High Responsiveness and Decentralized Storage in the Web3.0 Era
However, as Web3 technology evolves and matures, it will support deeper verticals such as manufacturing, engineering and smart cities.
784. Utility NFTs in Action: Discover The Quests of Ethermore
Check out an overview of all the playable quests we have on Ethermore.
785. Ankr's Kev Silk Discusses Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralization
The decentralized web brings with it some interesting challenges and opportunities.
786. Is the Metaverse Virtual Insanity or a Virtual Gold Mine?
Elon Musk recently mentioned that “he doesn’t get Virtual Reality”
787. Cross-Blockchain Implementation on A Decentralized Service Node Network
Blocknet Protocol is a blockchain-agnostic platform designed to help developers launch new applications using features from various blockchains. If developers want to build on EOS but use smart contracts from Ethereum, they can with Blocknet.
788. Uncover the Dark Side of Smart Contracts
There's no doubt smart contracts will be useful, but it's important to separate reality from hype.
789. Bigger picture with the Decentralized identifiers
This article summarizes DIDs and VCs' fundamental principles, describes the use in the real world, and provides bonus materials for tech-savvy readers.
790. Midnight at the Oasis: Thoughts on the Metaverse
What is the Metaverse, how did the Web mutate to get us here, and how the hell do we stop Meta taking control?
791. Plookup — An Algorithm Widely Used in zkEVM
In series 3, we analyzed Halo and Halo2. It seems that it is difficult to understand Halo2 without studying Plookup, which is also widely used in zkEVM.
792. So Google broke the internet - but they have no one to blame but themselves
Thoughts on the Google Meltdown of 2020, and how Web 3.0 could make the internet “unbreakable”
793. "Most DeFi Hacks are NOT Due to Code Flaws But Due to Financial Loopholes." - Eren Yecan
The article talks about how does yield farming working and how does trading of crypto-assets work on DEXs.
794. When The Dust Settles: Insights For The Future of Crypto & Blockchain
Ultimately how do we see the state of the world of digital currencies in the future? Will everything be solely decentralized, centralized, or hybrid?
795. Distributed Storage is the Best Data Storage Tool for The Metaverse
The most suitable data storage tool for Metaverse is undoubtedly distributed storage.
796. In Decentralization We Trust
Is decentralization fair for everyone? This Week On Planet Internet, Utsav Jaiswal, Sidra Ijaz, and Amy Tom talk about the decentralization movement. What's the latest with DeFi? Can AI & decentralization be friends? 🥺
797. 5 Best NFT Generators to Create an NFT Collection (No Code)
The NFT industry is setting a new threshold for secure asset classes, property rights, and profitable careers for artists.
798. Why Pangolin is One of the Best Stories in Crypto
Pangolin is one of the best stories in Crypto. A community controlled decentralized exchange.
799. VPNs are No More Sufficient to Protect Your Privacy on the Web
As criminals and central entities spoil our internet experience, people search for solutions to bypass the hurdles and enjoy the internet with ultimate freedom.
800. 6 Most Crypto-Friendly States in America
There’s a big crypto battle underway among the states to get their share of the crypto pie.
801. NFTs are Democratizing the Art Industry for Everyone
This interview talks about NFTs and why it democratises the art industry by bringing digital art to the masses.
802. The Internet is Broken, But The Metaverse and Web 3.0 Could be the Solution
What is the major issue with the internet today, and how can Web 3.0 fix it?
803. Who is Hating on Web3?
Criticism of decentralized Internet technologies is growing. Why do people hate Web3, and what does it mean for decentralization?
804. 18 Misconceptions Gamers have about NFTs
Western gamers and developers, and this is predominantly a Western issue, have come out strongly against NFTs.
805. The Graph and Web3 Take On Google and Web2: The Impending Data Economy Wars
Nicknamed "The Google of Blockchains," The Graph indexes blockchain data without the need for a trusted-third party.
806. The Lay of the Cryptoland - Part I: Coins, Wallets, and Exchanges
A beginner's guide to the crypto ecosystem
807. Decentralized identifiers for DeFi? Definitively.
Writing about the current situation in DeFi space, regulations for its users, and the LTO solution using Verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers.
808. Why CBDCs Are NOT The Same as Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin
CBDCs are centralized digital currencies and fundamentally different from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Pros, cons and oh-nos of CBDCs.
809. Can You Earn Crypto by Mining/Staking If You Are Not a Programmer?
However, anyone can start investing and making a profit. In the long term, you can make cryptocurrency, which has been proven in practice.
810. IDOs Work Like Mangroves
An interview with co-founder of Web 3 IDO launchpad who believes IDOs work like mangrove trees
811. Avoid rug pulls, don’t get REKT, and DYOR; the degen’s definitive guide to DeFi
The definitive degen guide to not losing your money in DeFi rug pulls or getting rekt by crypto scams.
Do your own research and show off your new crypto bags.
812. Introducing ANY-Language Smart Contracts
Koinos will now use Google's Protocol Buffers to enable unparallled language support and developer accessibility
813. Steemit Vs. Publish0x: Where Should You Publish?
Steemit was launched in 2016. It was the first application built on the Steem blockchain. Steemit is the first decentralized social media or publishing platform in the history.
814. YellowHeart NFT Ticketing and Music Marketplace Aims to Revolutionize the Music Industry
YellowHeart uses the blockchain's potential to bulldoze the conventions of selling tickets and art.
815. The Evolution of Crypto Fundraising: IDO as an Alternative?
it's time to tell how IDO works, how it differs from both ICO and IEO. It is also worth pointing out the pros and cons of IDO
816. A Beginners Guide to Decentralized Internet
Wondering about what is decentralized internet and why many tech enthusiasts are talking about decentralized internet and web 3.0 based on blockchain.
817. Bit.Country vs Roblox: A Look at 2 Promising Metaverses
A look at Bit.Country and Roblox, two up and coming metaverse's. We'll look at how to build and play on these metaverse platforms.
818. Why PoW NFTs are the Next Blue-Chip NFT Collections
PoW NFTs are still under the radar and this article will guide you through learning about PoW NFTs and understanding the values.
819. How to Explain the NFT Boom
This post is dedicated to everyone who has a hard time understanding the “NFT mania” which - according to my estimates - is almost everyone.
820. Stablecoin History: The Master of All AltCoins
The histor of mastercoin is important to stablecoins and crypto in general. I hope you'll enjoy this overall unbiased guide from Alyze Sam's number one new book
821. "Privacy Is The Fundamental Pillar of DeFi" - Justin Kellison
The article discusses the importance of privacy for DeFi protocols and how cross-chain privacy is critical for protecting the financial privacy of users.
822. Learn to Think: a (very real) fictional Interview with Mr Freeman
Mr Freeman is a controversial icon with an army of followers. In his first full-length English interview, we talk crypto, society, and MFcoin's merge with FreeT
823. The Collector's Guide to Avoid Insidious NFT Scams
Even the savviest people can be scammed. Learn the anatomy of an NFT scam and how you can protect yourself and the community from scams and scammers.
824. The Splinternet is Coming, and How Decentralization Can Stitch It All Back Together Again
The Opte Project, by Barrett Lyon, is a free, open-source initiative to create a visual representation of the metaphysical spaces of the internet.
825. FEE-LESS Blockchains & Smart Contracts: Introducing Koinos' MANA
At Koinos Group, our mission is to accelerate the transition to a more decentralized future by maximizing blockchain accessibility.
826. Free TON: How It Started Vs. How It's Going
The Durov brothers fought for a very long time with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the adoption of the Telegram Open Network (TON) in the US, which led to the official statement by Pavel Durov to close the project and stop its development. Nevertheless, the open source code of the project gave a second chance. With the help of TON repositories, a group of independent enthusiasts collected all the best that was created by the Telegram development team and released their project called Free TON with the TON Crystal cryptocurrency.Like other POS networks that have their own decentralized management, Free TON has its own declaration, which spelled out all the ideas and concepts of the community and the Free TON decentralized network. All the philosophical foundations of the project can be found in this foundation of the declaration. The Declaration on Decentralization is gradual, it was not created in a few days. And while the process of creating a full-fledged declaration was going on, more and more participants joined the project – both from the side of developers and users, and from the side of users who were interested in this project. These members have formed a very active and large crypto community in a short period of time, which is currently one of the largest independent cryptocurrency communities. How it all began? From the very beginning, there were people who were very much involved in the TON project (which was directed by Pavel Durov). They were looking forward to launching all over the world. When Pavel Durov announced the closure of the project, these people were very upset. They decided that closing a project that they had been working on for over 2 years was humiliating. A lot of people spent a huge amount of time and effort on a project, which was then closed on the grounds that the money was not collected the way someone wanted – this is nonsense. It was these people who became the one that was used, helped to gain huge publicity among ordinary people and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. On May 7, 2020, the official launch of the Free TON project took place. In addition to launching the project, the TON Labs team published the main components of TON OS on GitHub. Free TON has grown very quickly as a truly decentralized community driven project. Today, Free TON is an active community of cryptocurrency enthusiasts with over 30,000 members worldwide who contribute daily to the development of both the Free TON blockchain and TON Crystal digital coins. The Free TON community is self-sufficient. All changes within the community and the blockchain take place after the approval of the community members and nothing else. There is no centralized governing body and project community. As a result of the interaction of all these factors and the efforts of the programmers, a wide range of software developments has been provided, aimed at significantly improving tooling and changes in protocols.
827. How DEXs Fuel the Development of the Decentralized Internet
he operation is concentrated in the hands of corporations which creates room for censorship imposed by national governments, company management and even application stores.
828. What is Decentralized Science (DeSci)?
What is decentralized science (DeSci), and what are its opportunities, current landscape, and challenges?
829. Smart Contracts: An Overview
Blockchain technology has significantly changed the entire cryptographic space. Its key features are simplicity, decentralization, security, and immutability. It is these qualities that have brought technology great popularity.
830. More Africans Walk Towards Financial Freedom Due To Cryptocurrencies
Africa is rarely mentioned as a major cryptocurrency market. However, recent trends indicate that it may move leaders out of their positions. In 2018, in just 9 months, more than 15 cryptocurrency trading platforms were opened in Africa. The trend has appeared a long time ago and is only getting stronger every year. When the bitcoin rate rose in 2017, the trading volume on African exchanges increased sharply. For example, trading volumes in Kenya on one of the sites in December 2017 rose to $ 8.1 million. Another company reported 2,000 BTC transactions in November 2017, when the price fluctuated in the $ 10,000 range. Approximately 37% of these transactions were made in South Africa. There are several reasons why Africa could be the next big cryptocurrency market. The Free TON team believes that cryptocurrencies and blockchain are key to unlocking Africa’s vast potential. Only blockchain is capable of transforming the continent, this technology will contribute to the growth and prosperity of all countries in the 21st century, giving everyone complete control over their finances.
831. How to Build a Web3 Game eShop with React, Solidity, and CometChat
Web3 development is officially the new way to build web applications, and if you are not there yet, you need to catch up. The way to master building web3...
832. Decentralized Internet: A Sitcom Pipe-Dream or An Impending Possibility
Viewers of popular HBO sitcom Silicon Valley would already be familiar with the idea of Decentralized Internet. Termed as the ‘new Internet’ in the series, the lead characters conceive a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) network built using smartphones. They even create their own coin and launch an ICO.
833. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 8: Blockchain Contracts - Go Beyond Smart...
This episode features smart contracts. After reading through the article, you will have a basic understanding of smart contracts use cases and benefits.
834. Which Polkadot Projects Stand Out the Most?
As the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is again delayed until July, following a year-long series of delays, are other programmable blockchains using this opportunity to gain traction amid skyrocketing ETH Gas fees?
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