Let's learn about Tutorial via these 833 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
You'll find many 'how to' stories here.
1. Creating a Discord Bot That Automates Secret Messages With Node.js
Our plan is to create and install a Discord bot that automates encrypted messages to the civilians and alerts them about the situation so that they can escape.
2. How to Update Object Key Values Using Javascript
Javascript objects consist of key-value pairs and are one of the most common data structures in Javascript.
3. Windows 11 Running Slow? Here's How to Improve SSD Performance
Though solid-state drives (SSDs) are meant to be fast, even they have things that can slow them down. Here is a list of the best ways to optimize the speed of S
4. React Project Structure: Best Practices
A more standard way of structuring React applications which scales across frameworks and projects.
5. Customize Oh My Zsh with Syntax Highlighting and Auto-Suggestions
As a developer, we spend a lot of time working on the terminal and
having personalized shell makes the working environment perfect,
decreases frustration and also, increases productivity.
6. How to Clear the 301/302 Redirection Cache
I think many web developers and server administrators had been facing the 301 redirection cache. I had facing it very often until I learn the lessonâŚ
I hope it helps you and you learn something from me, not from your mistakes đĽ
7. How To Cache Images in an Expo Managed React Native App
Caching images in React Native can be easy, even if you are using Expo's managed workflow. The problem many devs run into is that React Native only supports caching images on IOS out of the box.
8. How to Make your Rails App Work with the Mac M1Â Chip [SOLVED]
Get your rails app running from terminal using the following steps on MacBook M1 Chip.
9. Making a Custom Select Component in Vue.js [A How-To Guide]
Customizing the design of a select tag is notoriously difficult. Sometimes it's impossible without building your own from scratch using a combination of styled divs with custom JavaScript. In this article, you will learn how to build a Vue.js component that can be styled using completely custom CSS.
10. Understanding CORS: Why It's Important and How it Works
This article will explain what CORS is, how it works, and why it is important.
11. Algorithms for Beginners: Bubble Sort in JavaScript
Algorithms are a fundamental part of software and coding. Algorithm is this fun buzzword that makes something sound really complicated and cool. Iâd like to point out that an âalgorithmâ literally is just a way of doing something; itâs just a process. Nonetheless Algorithms and Data-Structures are a core part of software because at the end of the day you are just working with data. Data needs to be organized for it to be meaningful just like the letters on this page. Atwh and whAt have the same letters but the latter has meaning because of the organization.
12. No More Heavy RAM Memory Consumption: Apply These 3 Secret Techniques
It turns out that running ts-node-dev / ts-node is constantly consuming hundreds of megabytes of RAM - Here's how to fix it
13. Java Program to Check for Right Angled Triangle
A simple program in Java to check whether a triangle is right-angled or not.
14. Move All Negative Elements To End
In this article, weâll discuss in-depth, how to move all negative elements to end. Weâll also discuss 2 approaches to solve the below problem.
15. Learn How To Use Webhooks By Connecting NodeJS, IFTTT and Twitter
Learn how webhooks work and put together a simple Webhook integration with Node, IFTTT and Twitter in under an hour.
16. ReactJS Custom Modal Component using Hooks and Portals
Create reusable modal component in react js using hooks and portals. Using this modal you can render content dynamically with cool animation.
17. Vue Amsterdam 2022 - Part IV: The Unwanted Stack
How to purpose changes; How to adapt ourselves in a tech stack.
18. Recreate a Simple Pokemon Game With 70 Lines of Javascript
Creating the "Who's that Pokemon" segment from the anime as a web game can be easily done with just 70 lines of javascript and with the help of an API
19. How to Use Bulma And VueJS Together
Bulma is a free, open-source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 200,000 developers. It's the easiest to learn (my opinion) due to its natural naming of classes and a simple grid system. It's not that popular like Bootstrap, but it got a specific fanbase.
20. Node-RED Module for Visual NodeJS Programming
In this article, I'm going to introduce you to a NodeJS module that allows you to create and deploy server-side processes by using a visual, drag n drop style.
21. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #14: Implementing Settings Screen
Now, we need to goto Setting.js file and implement a Contact menu option UI in order to navigate to the Contact screen. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet in the Setting.js file:
22. How to Get Started on React Native in 2020
Interested in learning React Native? Letâs build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
23. How To Scrap Product Information With Python & BeautifulSoup Module From Amazon Listings [Tutorial]
24. Apple M1 Chip: How To Install Homebrew Using Rosetta
Setup Homebrew In New Apple M1 Chip
25. How To Build JWT's in Go
Go is becoming very popular for backend web development, and JWT's are one of the most popular ways to handle authentication on API requests. In this article, we are going to go over the basics of JWT's and how to implement a secure authentication strategy in Go!
26. What Are Template Literals In Javascript And Why You Should Use Them
27. đ¨ Export a .svg file using Canva âď¸
Create .svgs using Canva.com Pro by selecting SVG from the dropdown options menu.
28. Guide: How to Install WhatsApp On Amazon Fire Tablet
This article demonstrates multiple ways of using WhatsApp on Firestick and Fire Tablet. Read until the end to master the tips and tricks
29. Node.js Tutorial: How to Build a Video Streaming Application in 10 Minutes
hi folks, in this blog we will build a Node.js video streaming application in like 10 minutes.
30. ACNH Island Transfer Tool: Communication Error
How you can fix the Communication Error from the ACNH Island Transfer Tool when the solution on the official Nintendo forums just aren't working for you.
31. How to Call Multiple Microservices in Parallel
We can call microservices in parallel, storing results in the form of feature objects in one more list and then combine the result of all features.
32. How to Detect and Delete Emojis in Golang
I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.
33. Replace the Placeholders in a Text With the Values of the Object
Tutorial on how to easily replace 1 line of code placeholder in any text with value of an object.
34. How to Push an Empty Commit with Git
Have you ever faced the need to push a commit to a Git branch without changing any files in order to re-run your integration process?
35. How to Animate 3D Models for Free Using your Webcam and Plask.ai
Plask.ai is a free web app and service that can record you moving around using your webcam and convert it to an animated humanoid skeleton, which can be used to
36. Improve API Performance by Using Debounce in JavaScript
Imagine your web application makes requests to an API endpoint and each request has a price, debouncing the request operation may save you a great deal of money
37. TypeScript's Omit Type Explained
The Omit utility Type lets us take types, remove elements, and make entirely new types. Let's look at how it works.
38. Creating Command-line Based Chat Room using Python
Simple Chat Room using Python
39. Micro-Frontends: Using TypeScript's Ambient Modules
How to use TypeScript's ambient module feature for cross-sharing micro-frontend imports using single-spa.
40. AWS Lambda Alias: An Essential Guide
Why you should be using AWS Lambda alias for your versioning strategy
41. Change the Name of your AWS S3 Bucket in Terraform Without Breaking Things
Learn how to rename an AWS S3 bucket in Terraform. See renaming process of Amazon s3 bucket in a few simple steps.
42. How to Make Rough Estimates of SQL Queries
To do estimates of SQL queries we need to understand how DB works with queries. Let's find out what exactly the db do with queries.
43. How to Set Up a Private Blockchain Network with XDC Network Codebase
This article walks you through the step-by-step setup of a XinFin private network with three masternodes (or, network nodes).
44. How to Start Simulator Without Using Android Studio and Xcode: An Essential Guide
Life is too short to start our simulator using conventional ways. Here is the hack.
45. Downloading Data as a File with Alpine.js
A quick demonstration of using JavaScript to download ad hoc data.
46. Adding a 'Sign In' Button to your React Navbar
This article shows you how to implement the sign in button in the react navigation bar.
47. A Beginnerâs Guide to Mining Cryptocurrencies on the Mac
<span>If</span> you are looking to make a profit <strong>immediately</strong> by mining cryptocurrencies on the Mac, stop right here. Donât waste your time. Close this article and go buy yourself a <a href="https://www.techradar.com/news/best-mining-rig" target="_blank">mining rig</a> /decent Gaming Laptop or <a href="https://n.exchange/" target="_blank">buy crypto with your credit card</a>.
48. The Best Way to Avoid E-mail Spam
E-mail service providers do a good job of filtering out spam messages for you, but there's one easy trick to avoid it completely.
49. Get the Return Type of a Function in Typescript Using ReturnType
The ReturnType utility Type in TypeScript lets us take the outputs of a function, and codify a new type based on that. Let's look at how it works.
50. Autogenerate Your GraphQL Documentation With Magidoc
Learn how to autogenerate GraphQL documentation with Magidoc.
51. How to Use Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) for Your Live Video
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open source video transport protocol that excels at providing stable streaming at relatively low latency.
52. Managing Active Directory Objects with Azure AD Provider for Terraform
Learn how to manage Active Directory Objects with Azure AD Provider for Terraform. See examples of how to authenticate and grant the correct permissions.
53. Steps to Fall in Love With an Unfamiliar Codebase
Here I have tried to list some guided steps one can take to get familiar with any new codebase they come across.
54. Automated Testing with GitHub Actions
Hands-on tutorial on automating your unit tests using the CI/CD platform GitHub Actions.
55. How I Built a Simple Report Card Program in Java
Learn How to make a simple Report Card System in Java, which will accept 2 subjects but later it will be updated to 15 subjects.
56. Data Loaders in a GraphQL Server
Learn how to optimize data fetching in a GraphQL server for queries, mutations and subscriptions, by using data loaders.
57. Javascript Sets: An Essential Guide
A Set in Javascript is a unique list of values, similar to the set data type in Python.
58. How to Build Feedforward Neural Networks: A Step-by-Step Guide
Create a deep learning framework from scratch!
59. 5 Steps for Dockerizing NestJs With Prisma
Dockerize NestJS + Prisma in 5 steps
60. 3 Ways to Create Static IP for AWS IoT Core
Learn how to create static IP address for AWS IoT Core solutions. Explore three different workarounds in creating a static endpoint for added security.
61. Helping My Engineering Friend Build a Text Classifier
My engineering friend, letâs address him as Mr. Wolf đş (identify hidden), requested a 1:1 call to help him fix his classification model.
62. Why Should I Use Nodemailer to Send Emails?
A useful guide on how to use Nodemailer to send emails.
63. How to Use Notion as a Content Management System (CMS) for Your Applications
Using Notion as a headless CMS for mobile and web applications
64. Building a Solana Wallet Generator with React
In this tutorial, we would successfully develop a Solana wallet-generating web application with basic capabilities.
65. How to Compile C/C++ Code in VS Code (Windows)
How to Compile C/C++ Code in VS Code (Windows): To compile C/C++ code we need GCC/G++ to compile the code but Windows doesn't have a terminal.
66. Free Life Hacks to Spy On Your Competitorâs Ads
If you want to learn how to spy on your top direct competitors' ads â this guide is for you.
67. How to Make a Captcha in Python
Captcha is becoming complex and impractical with time. So, I dedicated myself to make my own captcha system that's more practical.
68. Exploring the .NET Core and Python Union
Here's a simple solution for being able to call Python code from your C# applications!
69. The Tale of My First Linux Crash: Fixing a File System Error in Ubuntu
My experience with a Linux crash and how i fixed it.
70. How to Print Receipts With TSPL and JavaScript
Some of our customers from âAltoâs POS & Inventoryâ asked us if they can use their label printer as a receipt printer. So, we implemented this feature.
71. How to Build a Python Interpreter Inside ChatGPT
You don't need an interpreter anymore!
72. What are Truthy and Falsy Values in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, things can be true, or false, but they can also be truthy or falsy.
73. Building a FastAPI OCR Microservice
In this article, I will try to explain basic ideas on how to create your own OCR service for free, using python, fastAPI, tesseract, redis, celery and docker.
74. Singleton Pattern in ES6: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Singletons are fairly controversial as far as I can tell, especially in Javascript programming. Let's take a look at what they are, when to (maybe) use them, and when not to.
75. How to Use Default Parameters in TypeScript
When we talk about default parameters, we are talking about giving arguments values that should be used, if that argument is undefined.
76. How to Integrate âdeviseâ and âomniauth-facebookâ Authentication To Your Rails App
77. Proper Multithreading: Letâs Remind Ourselves What it is
That sounds ideal, but what does it take to have real multithreading with appropriate locks and to secure your program so it can run smoothly without you worrying if you will ever get a deadlock or a race condition?
Just some locks, semaphores, and a lot of time to think it through.
78. How to Understand Stack Traces and Debug Them
Reading stack traces is directly related to your experience with a specific project.
79. A Basic Introduction to Event Handling in Svelte for Beginners
Events are a crucial element to a well designed and interactive application experience. Let's get started with events in Svelte, and look at how they work.
80. Implement Your Own Tool Using HCL (Part 2)
This is the second part of my HCL series.
81. How to Get Started with TypeScript
Sometimes itâs necessary to set up a development environment for writing TypeScript code. This article will show you how itâs done.
82. Removing Items From a JavaScript Array
Let's look at how to remove a particular array item in Javascript.
83. Using OBS Macros to Automate Your Processes for Streaming
In this post, we teach you how to create macros for starting a stream, intro video, and ending a stream in OBS.
84. How To Make a Simple XSS Keylogger?
What Is a Keylogger?
85. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #13: Configuring Firebase Database
In this chapter, we are going to implement the Contact screen. This screen is specially for contacting the developer and writer of articles. The users can use it to send a personal message to the developer. For the implementation, we are going to use two main packages. One is tcomb-form-native and the other is react-native-firebase. The tcomb package is to handle the form validation. And, react-native-firebase to connect react native app to real time firebase database.
86. Exploring the Salesforce Mobile SDK Using Xcode
In the 3rd article of the series, create a native iOS application that leverages the Salesforce platform and the Salesforce Mobile SDK.
87. Next.js Internationalization (i18n) Tutorial
How to set up a multi-language Next.js project with built-in support for internationalized routing and react-intl library.
88. Automatic Window Resizing in Vim
A common workflow in vim is to use multiple windows to view and edit various files at the same time. Once opened though, the size of each window often remains unchanged unless explicitly resized.
89. Everything About the Javascript Logical AND Operator
In this complete guide, let's look at how && works, and go through some examples to explain when it returns values, and what values it will return.
90. 5 Exciting New JavaScript Features You Can Use Today
5 Must-Know Features in JavaScript ES2022: Enhance Your Code and Boost Your Productivity
91. How to Optimize your GitHub Repository for Open Source Development
This article would give you tips to help prepare your GitHub repository for open-source contributions.
92. Running Chromecast on Microsoft Surface
Microsoft Surface is a laptop product owned by Microsoft and in this story, I will guide you on How to Chromecast Microsoft Surface.
93. How to use Recursion to Traverse JSON Objects and the Filesystem
I work primarily on application-level programs, so I tend to not use recursion very often. However, every now and then I need a function that is best solved recursively. It is important to be able to recognize when a problem is best solved recursively, and to be able to write it when the time comes.
94. Design Your Own Shimmering UI in 25 Lines of Code with Compose
Shimmering is present in almost all applications that have networking. Here's how to do it in Compose.
95. The Missing Link: Why Are Linked Lists Useful in Software?
I like to start off Metaphysically then move down into the specifics of something. So then why are Linked Lists useful in software? Well Iâll answer with the question âWhy have belongings if you have no place to store them?â; What good are your belongings if you cannot keep them anywhere?
96. Getting Started with OpenAI API in JavaScript
Learn beginner-friendly AI development using OpenAI API and JavaScript. Includes installation guide and code examples for building AI-enabled apps.
97. Spring Boot - Annotation Cheatsheet Pt. 1
One-Place Reference with Code Samples for Spring Boot Annotations.
98. Building a Simple CLI with oclif
Instead of using shell scripting languages, software developers looking to build their own CLI tools can use the oclif framework to build with Node.js.
99. Expect the Unexpected With Angular & RxJS
Letâs create a simple Angular application that will load the data of a github user, and then (not) beautifully crash when trying to load a non-existent one.
100. Learning ReactJS From Scratch
React is a product of Facebook. It is a very flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. React forms the view layer of the web application which is technically the frontend. This makes it easier to make web applications with essential features such as reusable components, state management, DOM rendering and many more which are explained later. React is mainly used in making single-page web applications. In this article weâll see the fundamentals of react library and why is it so popular.
101. Ruby: How to read/write JSON File
In Ruby read and write JSON file to hash can be achieved using File Handling.
102. Toon Filters And Video Transformation in EbSynth [Part 2]
Using EbSynth and Insta Toon to create awesome cell shaded painted videos/GIF.
103. How To Extract Key or Value From Hash in Ruby on Rails
When I was recently working in one of the client projects, I had to
communicate with external MariaDB server to store records from
React/Rails app, that means I would get ActiveRecord hash from our app
which I had to convert to pure SQL query and send it to an external
server for storing.
104. CSS Layers Tutorial: Understanding CSS Encapsulation
In this tutorial, let's take a look at how CSS layers work. CSS layers allow us to finally do real CSS encapsulation, allowing us to import specific CSS easily.
105. Benchmarking Array Traversal in Javascript: How to Go Backwards the Fastest
There are many ways to traverse an array in JavaScript. In this benchmark, we will look at five different ways and the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that these benchmarks were run in a Chrome browser on Codepen. Results will vary by browser/interpreter.
106. Exploring Differences Between Promises And Callbacks in JavaScript
You might have heard what a Promise is or what Callback functions are in JavaScript. Clarity is needed when distinguishing between these two functions more so, when working with APIs in JavaScript-based applications.
107. Understanding the Javascript Array Reduce Method
The JS reduce method is a recursive way to perform a computation based on every element in the array while considering the previous elements of the array.
108. How to Draw Generative NFT Mushrooms with Three.js đ
A brief but complete intro to generative art and NFTs with a step-by-step breakdown of drawing of generative mushrooms on javascript
109. Streamline Your Python Backend Deployment with Automated Continuous Integration using Github Actions
Learn how to automate your python backend application deployment continuously with Github actions.
110. CSS Layout Basics: HTML5 & CSS3 Elements Positioning
HTML5 & CSS3 : Positioning of Elements
111. How to Optimize React Performace by Using useRef Hooks
And how we stopped our React Context re-rendering everything
112. Building Your First Node-RED Flow: Basic Tutorial
This post introduces a deep dive video tutorial where I teach you the fundamentals of Node-RED and at the same time, show you how to build a Weather dash
113. How to use Bash
With Bash, developers can do lots of computer processes right from the terminal without ever having to use their mouse or keyboard for interaction. Learn Bash.
114. Level Up Your Github Profile Page in Three Easy Steps
Whether you're looking for a new position and want to stand out or you just like to make cool things, GitHub offers you the tools to get your own customised welcome message, like this.
115. How to Set up ReCAPTCHA in Your React Application
reCAPTCHA is a tool that can protect your applications from fraudulent actions.
116. Debugging Like a Senior Developer: Watch And Evaluate
The debugger watch area is a powerful tool, it's worthy of two lessons in the course. If you don't know about Object Marking you need to see this!
117. How to Use AES-256 Cipher: Python Cryptography Examples
Need to encrypt some text with a password or private key in Python? You certainly came to the right place. AES-256 is a solid symmetric cipher that is commonly used to encrypt data for oneself. In other words, the same person who is encrypting the data is typically decrypting it as well (think password manager).
118. Experimenting With Sapling, the New Git Client From Meta
Sapling is a new source control system developed by Meta. Working with stacked PRs in sapling is a pleasure. And it works well with GitHub's Review UI.
119. Using Weights and Biases to Perform Hyperparameter Optimization
Hands on tutorial for hyperparameter optimization of a RandomForestClassifier for Heart Disease UCI dataset with Weights and Biases Sweeps.
120. Vue: How To Use The Teleport Command
The Vue teleport tool can be used to move parts of templates around which is useful when components do not appear where we expect and need to be relocated.
121. Reducing the Pain of Big Numbers, and Introducing W3bNumber.
Dealing with bignumbers in a dApp UI can be hard. This article serves as a big-number primer, and introduces W3bNumbers to help display them effectively.
122. Overview of Android Networking Tools: Receiving, Sending, Inspecting, Mock Servers
Overview of Android Networking Tools: Receiving, Sending, Inspecting, Mock Servers
123. Supercharge Your SEO Game: Powered By getStaticProps
This is mainly useful for websites that use React/NextJS with a CMS (Content Management System) integration. No matter, whether it's WordPress, Contentful, Prismic or any other CMS. This concept is highly relevant for companies that require non-engineers to update the content easily. Whether, it's a change in the content, A/B testing or conversion-rate-optimization related. There are many reasons why the content of a website gets updated quite often throughout the year.
124. 12 Visual Studio Code Shortcuts For Faster Coding
There are some great tools and extensions that might help your coding experience enjoyable in the VS Code. That is great and all but there might be a chance you are missing out on some great shortcuts that VS code offers. That is why this article is here to help you with some of the most useful shortcuts for faster coding.
125. Server-Side Rendering in Angular
The technology that allows us to run our Angular applications on the server is described in the Angular docs as Angular Universal.
126. How to Listen for Webhooks Using Python
Webhooks run a large portion of the "magic" that happens between applications. They are sometimes called reverse APIs, callbacks, and even notifications. Many services, such as SendGrid, Stripe, Slack, and GitHub use events to send webhooks as part of their API. This allows your application to listen for events and perform actions when they happen.
127. How to Use The Vue Draggable Library to Create an Interactive Kanban Board
Vue Draggable is a great library for Vue.js that makes it super simple to create interactive draggable components with virtually no effort
128. IoT Performance Load Testing with Locust and Azure
Test the performance of an IoT system using Locust and Azure.
129. Top Actionable Tips to Grow a Community: More Tips to Monetize
Find this article where it was originally published, on dunncreativess.github.io!
Find a Niche!
Nobody can promote themselves or their projects if they're a jack of all trades. Nor will people find a universal proposition to be appealing. The first key to success is to ask yourself what your differentiating features are and who is your audience? You can then start to identify your niche.
In my case, I noticed that I got a lot more traffic from my money-making code like market making or arbtitrage crypto trading bots than I did from my other GitHub repos. What this means is that while some people are interested in interesting code, there are a lot more people out there interested in turning equity into realized pnl :)
130. Using Guard Clauses to Clean Up Your Conditionals [A How-To Guide]
One of the first techniques developers learn is the if/else statement. For obvious reasons if/else statements are a primary way to create logic trees. This is where we handle calculations differently depending on the input variables. However, complex and nested if/else statements become a cognitive burden to reason about. Therefore, it can be hard for the next developer to understand quickly.
131. How To Use Prometheus Adapter to Autoscale Custom Metrics Deployments
132. MySQL Master-Slave Replication using Docker
In this article I want to share my experience of how to setup MySQL replication locally with using Docker.
133. Flexbox Guide For Beginners
Flexboxes gives web developers control over the location of elements, and their alignment inside the container. This allows you to align the elements vertically and horizontally; change the order of their appearance; set the direction in which all the elements are laid out, and much more.
134. The Nuts and Bolts of Crafting Quality Content
Discover all you must do to write a content of high-quality, starting from the headline, body, and the conclusion.
135. Checkers on React - Part 5 - Simple movement
Adding simple movement to Checkers made in React, part of a series on learning how to implement the systems ended to create a simple boardgame on React.
136. SwifWeb Libraries: Materialize CSS
A detailed example that uses MaterializeCSS front end framework with SwifWeb to create various web elements and design features.
137. Best Practice in CSS: Organisation and Naming Conventions
I've been writing code for over three years. I have always asked myself about the good practices and how I could make my code more readable, understandable, easy to maintain and to be handled by other developers.
138. Higher Order Functions in C#: A Practical Example
If you have been programming for any length of time, you may well have come across higher-order functions but may not have fully appreciated them.
139. How to Pass Optional Parameters in Typescript
If you try to run a function with a different number of parameters than the function actually has, you'll get an error in TypeScript. Here's how to get past it.
140. Firewall Hardware And Software: Differences Everybody Needs To Know
The distinction between firewalls for software and firewalls for hardware is embedded in their capabilities.
141. Python Programming: Cloning or Copying a List
Python Programming: Cloning or Copying a List
142. Creating and validating a reactive form to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and creating and validating a reactive form.
143. Viewing K8S Cluster Security from the Perspective of Attackers (Part 1)
Based on previous penetration testing experience, we have sorted out the possible security issues under the K8S cluster architecture.
144. How to Set Default Value of Props in Vue?
Sometimes properties require default values to avoid code breaking errors when designing components in Vue. Let's look at how to give props default values.
145. How To Build Chatbot Project Using Python
Chatbots are extremely helpful for business organizations and also the customers. The majority of people prefer to talk directly from a chatbox instead of calling service centers. Facebook released data that proved the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and companies monthly. The HubSpot research tells that 71% of the people want to get customer support from messaging apps. It is a quick way to get their problems solved so chatbots have a bright future in organizations.
146. Kubernetes Tutorial: Merge all the Kubeconfigs! [Part 7]
Once you start managing more than one Kubernetes cluster, you'll start to demand more from your $KUBECONFIG.
147. The Command Line: A Comprehensive Guide
There are many good arguments for getting used to the command line interface (CLI).
148. Web Scraping Sites With Session Cookie Authentication Using NodeJS Request
Web scraping as a product has low entry requirements, which attracts freelancers and development teams to it.
149. How to Generate a List of All Token Transactions Within a Wallet
Scanning blockchain is tedious and not necessary. Often we can seek for events associated with transactions we are looking for. I can show you how to do it.
150. Accessing Network Apps Running Inside WSL2 from Other Devices in Your LAN
In this article, I explain how to tweak Windows and WSL networking to bypass WSL NAT and connect to development servers inside WSL from other devices in LAN.
151. How to Execute Background Tasks on Particular Weekdays with IC-Cron and Chrono
In this tutorial we use ic-cron library in order to execute tasks on Internet Computer (Dfinity) at a specific days of week.
152. Intermediate Python Refresher: Tutorial, Project Ideas, and Tips
This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.
153. Reading Uploaded File Content in JavaScript
Web developers have many reasons to read uploaded file content in JavaScript.
154. React App Configuration with TypeScript and Webpack
A step by step guide on how to create a React project from scratch, with TypeScript and Webpack.
155. Baby Steps to Metaclasses in Python3
I will start this lesson by talking about some
basics of the python type system
and the introduce the concept of META-CLASSES afterwards.
156. How To Set up Webpack for Web Development
webpack is a flexible bundler that provide you with tons of options and configuration so you can personalize your JavaScript projects, but with great power comes a great mess... err, I mean, great responsibility when configuring.
157. Adding the map TomTom component to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the map component using the @tomtom-international/web-sdk-maps library.
158. Building Your Own BMI Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide
This is a simple BMI Calculator made with pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
159. Docker Images: Name Vs. Tag Vs. Digest
A quick guide to using name, tag, and docker for docker image pull.
160. Understanding Basic Image Processing Algorithms [A Hands-on JavaScript Tutorial]
We've had a lot of digital image processing tools for a long time: Photoshop, Lightroom, GIMP, PhotoScape, and many more. However, in the past few years, one became popular among non-expert users due to its easiness of use and social features: Instagram. Have you ever wondered how Instagram filters work? It is actually pretty simple matrix operations! So simple we can build our own without any external library, just pure and simple HTML + JS. Let's build one now.
161. Folding in C++ using Variadic Function Template
Template parameter pack was introduced in C++11. Today we will utilise it to write our fold function. To the ones who don't know what a fold function the expression fold(add, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output (1 +(2 + (3 + (4 + 5)))) = 15 (which is left fold). Similarly for fold(mul, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output 120. More about it can be found here.
162. How to create Kubernetes YAML files
This article is intended as a guide for creating Kubernetes manifest files.
163. Flow & Cadence Best Practices, Patterns, and Anti-Patterns
Learn tips that will help you create a better user experience and ensure a consistent level of security throughout the Flow ecosystem.
164. Adding the ESLint to an Angular Application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the ESLint using @angular-eslint/schematics library.
165. Every Link I Wish I Had When I First Started Coding
When I first decided I wanted to do programming professionally I was at the end of a Biology degree. My exposure to programming was a statistical analysis unit in the R programming language, and I left it more interested in the programming behind it, than the Biological data I was analysing.
166. Building Continuous Delivery Pipeline using CDK Pipelines Modern API
In this step-by-step tutorial, we're going to learn about how to build continuous delivery using CDK pipelines using modern API.
167. Writing Your Own Flask(like) Framework
How does defining something as simple as app.route handle HTTP Requests? How does app.run create a server and maintain it?
168. How to Transcribe Your Video Conferences With Automated Speech Recognition
A tutorial on how to use the Dolby.io Communications REST API to generate the recordings of your conferences, then transcribe them with Deepgram.
169. Why You Shouldnât Be Afraid of Rebases in Git
Rebases are a way of making your crude commit history into something youâll want to share with the rest of your team.
170. How To Auto-Correct Your Code: A Web Developer Guide
Learning to code can be tons of fun but it is often overwhelming. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly learning new content. What makes it worse is that there are so many rules to learning how to write good code.
171. How to Get Your Android Phone Read Your Texts to You
Give your eyes a rest and permit your Android gadget to peruse your writings to you. This element (just as sending writings utilizing your voice) is accessible through Google and the free applications that you can download from Google Play. Here are the manners in which you can make your Android read instant messages.
172. Python Interfaces: Abandon ABC and Switch to Protocols
Reasons to use Python Protocols instead of ABC library for Python interfaces.
173. Best Android Tools to Work With Databases
Here's a list of the best tools and libraries for database handling in android development.
174. Sign In with Apple + Expo React Native + Firebase + Mac m1
Learn how to implement sign in with apple in a step-by-step tutorial.
175. NLP Tutorial: Creating Question Answering System using BERT + SQuAD on Colab TPU
Open sourced by Google Research team, pre-trained models of BERT achieved wide popularity amongst NLP enthusiasts for all the right reasons! It is one of the best Natural Language Processing pre-trained models with superior NLP capabilities. It can be used for language classification, question & answering, next word prediction, tokenization, etc.
176. OpenAPI 3.0 Schema with Swagger UI for Django RESTful App
Letâs use drf-spectacular to simplify creation of beautiful docs for your Django application according to the OpenAPI Specification version 3. Sounds easy? It wasnât for meâŚ
177. Using Atom Text Editor As IDE
Let's set up your computer so it's ready to code.
178. Paypal Integration Package Built With PHP
I have built a component PayPal integration package using PHP Laravel framework.
179. Connecting Dots: Go, Docker and k8s [Part 2]
Nowadays, the successful application often consists of containers and some sort of container management system to ease scaling, reduce downtime, and more.
180. Solving (Windows) Postgress compatibility in a React on rails App
A few days ago I wanted to make my portfolio (with a blog post included) In ruby on rails. I was watching with my coding friend some React courses on scrimba. I thought it will be a nice project to integrate both technologies on my portfolio website. In this post want to share with you a basic integration and deployment on Heroku using RoR, react and Postgresql.
181. 4 Notion + Zapier Integrations You Can Implement Today
Notion, the hottest productivity app of the moment, has been promising an API for quite a while. As of today, the official API is nowhere in sight.
182. HMAC and MAC Explained: How To Build Secure Authentication With JWTs
HMACs and MACs are authentication codes and are often the backbone of JWT authentication systems. Let's take a look at how they work!
183. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Simple Email Slicing Program
An Email Slicer is just a tool that will take an email id as an input and will perform slicing operations on it to return the username and the domain.
184. How to Ask Users for App Ratings and Open Google Play Store (React Native)
User ratings are very valuable to business as they play a crucial part in people's purchasing decisions; be it restaurants, movie tickets or in the current context, our react native app. You must have seen prompts when you are surfing through any android app or playing games, that ask you to rate the app in google play store.
185. How to Become an Open-Source Developer
Thereâs no company or startup which is ready to risk a lot of funds for a software project if there is a cheaper alternative.
186. Building an ETL Pipeline to Load Data Incrementally from Office365 to S3 using ADF and Databricks
CDC pipeline guide using Azure DataFactory with Azure DataBricks Delta Lakeâs change data feed
187. Wix Content Collection Fields: Helpful Tips on How to Use Them Properly
Your content collections store your site's content. The collections organize your content with items (rows) and fields (columns). The fields usually describe the items. For example, if one item is a car, a field may list its color.
188. Purity in My Programming: Functions in Go
Pure functions are often hyped up in the Javascript world, probably because of the abundance of state in front end applications. While pure functions have their downsides (i.e. inconvenience, potentially large argument lists), I believe they should be used as much as reasonably possible, and I want to focus on pure functions in Go.
189. How To Manage Local Kubernetes Testing with KIND Tool
If you've spent days (or even weeks?) trying to spin up a Kubernetes cluster for learning purposes or to test your application, then your worries are over. Spawned from a Kubernetes Special Interest Group, KIND is a tool that provisions a Kubernetes cluster running IN Docker.
190. Building a Music Streaming App using React Native
React Native is a framework for building native apps using React and Javascript. In this post, Iâll walk through the process of building a music streaming similar to Spotify. Whatâs really cool is that the exact same code is going to work for both iOS and Android, and the apps are going to be 100 % native (no WebViews or anything).
191. How to Schedule and Run Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS
Scheduling and Running Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS
192. How to Implement a Basic JavaScript Application
In this series, we learn about getting input from others before beginning to code our application.
193. Let's Build a Linux Shell [Part I]
Since the early days of Unix, the shell has been part of the user's interface with the operating system. The first Unix shell (the Thompson shell) had very limited features, mainly I/O redirection and command pipelines. Later shells expanded on that early shell and added more and more capabilities, which gave us powerful features that include word expansion, history substitution, loops and conditional expressions, among many others.
194. The Ultimate Hamburger Grilling Guide
What if I ask you what you want to have right now? If I were you, I would surely say hamburger. Nothing is better than a juicy, cheesy, perfectly grilled hamburger. However, not everyone can make a perfectly grilled hamburger. You need to nail every step and cook the meat at the right temperature to make a perfect hamburger. This article is the ultimate hamburger grilling guide with step by step process to make the perfect hamburger.
195. How To Cleanup Your Local Git Repository Using BFG
196. Python 3, Flask and reCAPTCHA Connection Made Easy
ll start by giving you two reasons to finish reading this, and cloning the repo after:
197. Permanent File Storage for Web3 Apps With Arweave, Bundlr, Next.js, RainbowKit, and Wagmi
Permanent File Storage for Web3 Apps With Arweave, Bundlr, Next.js, RainbowKit, and Wagmi,
how to create a Dapp that allows us to store data on the Arweave net
198. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #9: implement simple share
Here, we are going to add the share button and implement its feature as well. The feature makes the article sharable to the social media accounts when pressing the share button. For that, we are going to make use of the Share component from the react-native package.
199. How to Use Google Sheets API with Nodejs
First of all, a brief overview of our use case. Let's say I have a spreadsheet on Google Sheets which is not public and I want to be able to read/modify programmatically through some batch process running on my local machine or some server. This is something I had to do recently with a Node.js application and I found the authentication part a bit tricky to understand. So I thought of sharing my solution and I hope it helps someone in need. There might be better ways of doing this but I am sharing what worked best for me.
200. How to Setup WordPress Website on Google Cloud For Free
Using Google Cloud Platform and Cloudflare is a budget solution to securely and optimally host a small and fully featured WordPress website.
201. JavaScript Promises from Scratch
To get the most out of this article, please make sure that you know basics about Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming and, if possible, about javascript callbacks.However, I will try to keep most of the stuff away from these topics so that you can understand at least 85% of it.
202. Debugging Threading Issues - Deadlocks and Race Conditions
Threading issues are a piece of cake with these simple debugger techniques. Yes, you CAN debug threads with breakpoints, when using the right type!
203. Find the Length of Any String in Solidity
Find the Length of Any String in Solidity.
204. How to Deploy Flutter Web App
As you know Flutter provides an outstanding possibility to have one single code base for all platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Web, and more.
205. How to Integrate Dialogflow Chatbot with AngularJS [Step-By-Step Guide]
There are numerous posts about developing a chatbot using Dialogflow. But creating chatbot isnât enough. Connecting Dialogflow to the web interface is even more interesting and challenging. With Angular being a popular and emerging platform, here is our guide to integrate Dialogflow chatbot with Angular JS.
206. Kubernetes Explained Simply: Getting At Those Logs [Part 4]
UNIX/Linux system administrators the world over regularly use log files to get to the bottom of outages and malfunctions. An indispensable tool in that regard is tail(1), particularly its follow mode flag (-f). When we're in a Kubernetes world, we'd love to use something similar.
207. Top Python Resources for Beginners
New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.
208. A Tutorial to Deploy the Node.Js App to Nginx Server
In this tutorial guide, we will explain the step-by-step process of deploying your first Node.Js application to the server.
209. Using Go Defer and Rust Drop to Defer the Call to Rollback
Forgetting to close things off in Go can potentially come back to bite you. The most basic and straightforward method is to call rollback or commit.
210. 5 Excel Features That Can Grow Your Net Worth in No Time
Excel is not only an accounting tool, but also an amazing personal finance tool.
211. Custom Progress Bar with Jetpack Compose Canvas API: Tutorial
Learn how to build a custom progress bar with jetpack compose canvas API in this tutorial by Ishan Khanna, covering basics like colors, placement and more.
212. How to Easily Check Whether a Number is Automorphic in Java
In this article, I will show you a beginner-friendly approach to find whether a number is Automorphic or not in Java.
213. Testing Angular Apps with Cypress
Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework that provides a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use platform for testing web applications.
214. Learn How to Emit Custom Events in Vue With $emit
In Vue, we use $emit, which lets us send data upwards, and then trigger an event in the parent component should an $emit event be fired.
215. How Use Array Methods to Handle API Data
Manipulating data is a core skill for any developer. In an API-driven environment, so much of the data you receive is formatted in a way that doesn't directly match the way that your application or UI needs it. Each web service and third-party API is different. This is where the ability to sort, normalize, filter, and manipulate the shape of data comes in.
216. Introduction to Scripting Languages
You may be surprised to know that there are around 700 programming languages invented throughout the days of computers. Corresponding to 6500 human speaking languages. Even though that's not near that number but learning another language is no easy feat.
217. HTML + CSS Practice Project: Website Slicing
Here we will leave JS challenges for later, and we will focus on integrating the visual part of the frontend in a simple project.
218. Adding a Back Button to your React Navbar
By default, the menu button is shown and the back button is not shown.
219. Optimizing Images in a Few Steps
Simple article about image optimization in browsers in a few steps.
220. When and How to Effectively Use Bootstrap
In my journey to becoming a Software Developer, I've seen so many frameworks being implemented and one of them is Bootstrap. As efficient as it is though, so many developers have a strong dislike towards it, myself included. Here's when and how to use it.
221. How To Run Wordpress In Docker
Learn how to setup a development environment for Wordpress plugins.
222. Building A Blockchain in Rust & Substrate: [A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers]
A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to build hardcore blockchain infrastructure in Substrate, an open source framework.
223. Handling Loading Actions: The Proper Way in Redux
TLDR; Donât put UI logic into reducers instead put it into a separate reducer.
224. Dreading a System Design Interview? Here Are Five Resources That Can Helpđ
Top 5 resources to get yourself ready for system design interviews, including books, courses, and interview practice platforms.
225. Display a Number's Prime Digits
Program in java to input a number and display its prime digits.
226. How to Clear Floats using clear-float property
A little while ago we wrote about the float property. So, now is a good time to explain the clear property.
227. đľď¸ââď¸ Learning to Use Git Alias to Boost Your Productivity
Repeating the same git commands over and over again can be such a waste of time!
228. Optimizing Performance With Throttling in JavaScript
Throttling allows you to "slow down" the function, i.e. the function will be executed no more than once in the specified period, even if it is called many times
229. Customizing a React Navbar Menu
230. Test Your Blockchain On Google Cloud Using Hyperledger Caliper [A How To Guide]
I am a đľđš PhD researcher @ TĂŠcnico Lisboa, where I teach User Centered Design. I am being a mentor at the Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control project, supported and funded by Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation đĽ.
231. How to Add GraphQL Wrapper Over REST API
How to add GraphQL wrapper along with swagger documentation in ASP.Net C# using NSwag tool
232. Introduction to OOP in Javascript
Javascript used to be, just a few years ago, one of the most disliked languages by the community, it's unnatural behavior was a common inspiration for jokes between developers. One of the main complaints was about the lack of a simple syntaxis to work with classes.
233. How To Use Remix and Metamask To Deploy Smart Contracts On The RSK Testnet
In this tutorial I will show you step by step how to use Remix and Metamask, which are tools that were originally built for Ethereum, to create and deploy a simple smart contract on RSKâs Testnet.
234. Everything You Need to Know About Javascript Arrays
Here is a list of pretty much any action you would want to perform on an array, and how to do it in Javascript.
235. Embedding Phaser3 Games into React 18 Function Components with useEffects
At its simplest implementation, you can use this pattern to add Phaser3 Games and treat them like a GIF animation on steroids.
236. How To Delete Files or Folders From Remote Git Repository
GIT is great, it has made collaboration with other developers so easy, I canât thank GIT enough. But GIT is vast and not every command remains on my mind. I find myself googling over and over again to get that right GIT command that can solve my problem.
237. The Recommended Way to Iterate Over Arrays in JavaScript
When dealing with an array, there is a number of ways one can iterate
through the elements starting from the first at index 0 all the way
to the last element in the array. In my learning process I have come
across 6 looping methods namely
238. Keeping SSH Connection Alive for Longer Durations
SSH connection gets terminated if the server(or client, in some cases) is idle for a certain period of time. It can be fixed by a simple trick.
239. Bash Aliases to Make Your Life Easier
I spend a lot of time working on the bash command line, and I've come to highly value the availability of my custom set of shortcuts, preferences, and tricks, r
240. My Experiments And How To Start with Machine Learning
241. Essential Guide to Scraping Google Shopping Results
In this post, we will learn to scrape Google Shopping Results using Node JS with Unirest and Cheerio.
242. Create an Alexa Radio Skill in 5 Minutes with Standard Library and Nodejs
243. How to Set Up Notarization on macOS with Electron Builder and Electron Notarize
Learn how to set up notarization on macOS for Electron apps built with Electron Builder and work around a bizarre issue Iâve experienced with Apple's ANS.
244. Java Program to Generate Multiplication Table of the Input Number
Java program to display the multiplication of the input number from 1 to 10.
245. Creating User Interfaces Using 'Variables'
UI series #1 ft. variables
246. An Essential Guide to Socket Programming in Python: Client, Server, and Peer-to-Peer Libraries
Tutorial on Python TCP sockets, explaining how to exchange data from a client to a server or directly between two clients with examples.
247. C++ Template: A Quick Review of C++11/14/17/20 Version
I know, itâs been a while since the last time I published something newbies-friendly on my blog. The main reason is that most of my readers are either experienced devs or from C background having modest C++ encounter. But while programming in C++ you need a completely different mindset as both C & C++ belongs to different programming paradigm. And I always strive to show them a better way of doing things in C++. Anyway, I found the topic which is lengthy, reasonably complex(at least it was for me), newbies-friendly as well as energizing for experienced folks(if Modern C++ jargons, rules & features added) i.e. C++ Template.
248. Building a Simple Session Based Authentication using Ruby on Rails
Building your first authentication system may look intimidating at first. But to be honest, it's really easy. After reading this article, you will know how easy it is to create a session based authentication in rails.
249. How to Extend Laravel With Driver-Based Services
How to implement decoupled and reusable services with a Laravel internal feature not mentioned in the official documentation called âDriver Managerâ.
250. How to Download a File Using cURL With Examples
If you have ever used cURL to retrieve the output of a file, believe me, saving that output to a file only takes a few more characters.
251. Simple Breadcrumbs in React with Reach-Router [Tutorial]
One of the things that you end up developing in one point or in the other is a breadcrumbs navigation system. I've seen some posts across the web touting how to achieve it in React and Reach Router by providing complex looping mechanisms. In this post, I show you a simpler, non loop way that displays breadcrumbs in Reach-Router.
252. Navigation Timing API: How to Track Your Website Loading Performance
The Navigation Timing API provides data that can be used to measure the performance of a web site. Unlike JavaScript-based libraries that have historically been used to collect similar information, the Navigation Timing API can be much more accurate and reliable.
253. How to Determine Whether a JavaScript Object Is Empty
Defining a new object in Javascript is pretty easy - but what if you want to find out if it's empty?
254. Ditch the Notification and Show an Activity on Your Android Lock Screen Instead
Today weâre gonna learn how to show a full screen activity instead of a notification when the device is locked.
255. Introduction to Web Scraping: Parsing Craiglist with Java
Web scraping or crawling is the fact of fetching data from a third party website by downloading and parsing the HTML code to extract the data you want.
256. How To Use Cortana In The Microsoft Edge Browser
Cortana, the menial helper incorporated into Windows 10, empowers you to finish a scope of undertakings by composing or talking easy to use orders into your PCâs amplifier. Empowering Cortana in-program settings in the Microsoft Edge internet browser gives much more advantages.
257. How to Use DVC for Tuning Hyperparameters in Machine Learning
Building the best model for your machine learning project usually requires some experimentation with the hyperparameters that define the model.
258. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #5: Home Screen
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
259. The Ultimate Jetpack Compose Cheat Sheet
This post is not meant to teach you everything about Compose but rather itâll be more like a roadmap that you can use to learn Compose...
260. How to Implement your Own Tool Using HCL (bc I Hate YAML)
Do you hate YAML? Then learn how to build your next tool on HCL!
261. How to Develop a Chatbot with React and OpenAI
Build a custom chatbot with React, Node.js, and OpenAI.
262. 9 Step Solution to Escape Tutorial Hell Permanently
Tutorial hell is real and it is very common for newbie developers to fall into it. Check out these 9 steps to escape tutorial hell permanently.
263. How to Use Consul as a Host Resolver in gRPC
Recently, I faced with lack of documentation when I wanted to use Consul as a host resolver in gRPC connections. Thatâs why I wanted to write this story.
264. Git Branches
In the current era, most software development companies work in a collaborative environment where several developers contribute to the same source code. While some will be fixing bugs the others would be implementing new and different features. The problem raises, how to maintain different versions of the same code base?
265. Creating Context in ReactJS Using TypeScript
A react context is meant to be used in more than one component or custom hook. Enforce typings in your context to ensure a better quality code
266. Introduction to Git Bisect: Find Commits that Introduced a Bug
The Git Bisect command uses a binary search algorithm to find which commit in your projectâs history introduced a bug.
267. React: Everything You Need to Know in 5 Minutes
Can you learn React in five minutes? Well, it depends on what you mean by âlearn Reactâ. In this blog post you will âlearn the basics of Reactâ in five minutes!
268. Excel Hack: How to Get Currency Data in Excel
If you want to convert currency data in Excel, here is a step-by-step guide for you using the Excel Stocks function.
269. How to Add Authentication to a Full Stack MERN Web Application
This article is part 2 of "Let's build and deploy a full stack MERN web application".
270. How To Speed Up Windows Vista
Crippling unused highlights in Windows Vista will accelerate your PC framework. A portion of the highlights that accompany Vista are not regularly helpful for home clients. On the off chance that you donât utilize these capacities, the Windows framework is stacking programs that you donât require and expending framework assets â in particular, memory â that could be better utilized for different purposes.
271. How to Create a Simple Object Detector with NextJs
A simple tutorial for beginners to create an object detector with NextJs.
272. Making your own personal website from scratch
An introduction to HTML and CSS - the foundation and styling for any website
273. How to Use iCalendar for Semi-Predictable but Oddball Events
Learn the high points of the iCalendar specification in an example-driven way in order to solve an interesting "recurring dates" problem: shift work.
274. JavaScript Map Function Explained: A Deep Dive
We are going to walk through the JavaScript map function, and Iâll explain how it works in a simple way. Later in the article, we will do a deep dive into some more advanced concepts regarding the map function and its uses.
275. Face the Facts: There is no Kubectl Restart Pod Command. Here's What You Can Try Instead
Many Kubernetes operators search for a command like âkubectl restart pod." Sadly, there is no such command in Kubernetes. But workarounds exist.
276. How To Extend and Customize Auto-Configuration Classes Provided by Spring Boot
How to dynamically exclude selected Spring Boot auto-configuration classes using profile groups.
277. Hosting an Angular application on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions
Application example built with Angular 15 and hosted on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions.
278. A Beginner's Guide to Vim
Vim has been a friend to many and a foe to many, wanna find out what it will be for you? Then, let's try it out!
279. The Complete Guide to Making Sense of Types in TypeScript
280. How to Power Up Your Logging in JavaScript
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
281. How to Publish NuGet Packages to a Private Feed Using Azure Artifacts
We can publish NuGet packages to internal feeds hosted in Azure Artifacts easily via pipelines defined in YAML files.
282. IIOT â Receiving Data From Mercury Meters Via RS-485 Over TCP/IP
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a technology that is used in manufacturing, warehouses, factories, and laboratories.
283. Setting up a Development Workflow in the Windows Terminal
For decades, Windows users have been made fun of by the Linux community for the lack of a cool terminal (among other things). Well, it's about time we fight!
284. Using sessionStorage API to design a user-friendly Lead Generation Form
285. How to Build a Twitter bot using NodeJs
Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, youâll need to take these steps below before proceeding:
286. Practical Cryptography with Go
What algorithm(s) to use, what is safe enough, what is not safe, which implementation, padding, what type of key, encoding, etc
287. Understanding Currying, Closures, and Coupling in JavaScript
Here's a problem. You have an object in your code exposed via an export. You also have a function in the same file (also exported) consuming that object directly.
288. Debugging Tutorial 1â-âIntroduction: Conditional Breakpoints
First post in a (hopefully) long series covering everything you need to know about debugging in VSCode, IntelliJ/IDEA in Java, NodeJS, Kotlin & Python.
289. Windows Firewall Setting for QuickBooks Multi-User Setup
QuickBooks users get the option to configure firewall ports automatically or manually. To configure QuickBooks firewall ports automatically, follow these steps.
290. Booking a Taxi Ride on Distributed Ledgers: A Smart Contract Example
How to write smart contract app for taxi booking? How could the privacy from each party be protected?
291. How I Approached Machine Learning Interviews at FAANGs as an ML Engineer
Cracking a Machine learning interview at companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Snap etc. really comes down to nailing few patterns that FAANGs look for.
292. Writing Better Tests With Cypress' Page Elements
Page Elements (PE) is a design pattern for test automation, which perfectly extends Page Object Model (POM) - learn what's that and how to add it in your code!
293. WebSockets vs. Webhooks: Which is Better for Real-Time Communication?
Websockets and webhooks are both technologies that enable real-time communication between a client and a server.
294. Beginner Python Projects: How to Build an Acronym Generator
An Acronym Generator will take a String as an input and it will return the initials of all the words in the String.
295. Integrating OpenAI with Node.js and Express: A Tutorial
In this article, we build a Node/Express server to interact with OpenAIâs text completion API.
296. Spin Up a BOSH VM Faster Using BoshLite
BOSH-lite is a tool for running Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes and Iâm guessing most BOSH directors are associated with a Cloud Foundry deployment...
297. Network Information API: How to Access Network Connection Speed Info
This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
298. Learning Duck Typing in Javascript
This article dives into learning duck typing in Javascript and examples of polymorphism.
299. Git Tutorial: How to Easily Exclude Files During Git Add without Manual Entry
Every day we use the "git add" command a lot to add our changes to the index for new commits, but have you ever wondered how we can add all the changed files...
300. DIY Tutorial: Building a System to Track and Communicate with Satellites in Orbit
The purpose of my project is to build a system for tracking satellites in orbit and will make it possible to communicate with the satellites
301. Checkers on React - Part 4 - Figures, Selection
Adding figures and selection to a version of Checkers made on React is reasonably simple if you know the basic steps of adding game logic into the language
302. OkSo - Draw to Explain, Draw to Grasp
The OkSo is a drawing app to express, grasp, and organize your thoughts and ideas. Draw to explain. Draw to grasp.
303. NodeJS Security Headers: 101
When we talk about security wrt any web application its a multiple dimensional thing it will involve a number of different aspects:
304. Making Command-Line Interface (CLI) for Fun and Profit
Next time you have an idea đĄ "I know... Why don't I write a script to automate this thing?" Actually, you should not, you should write a CLI instead.
305. A Guide to Self-Hosting Your Own Website Analytics With Umami
Self-host your own website analytics with Umami.
306. Circuit Boards: Motherboards, System Boards And Mainboards
The motherboard serves to interface the entirety of the pieces of a PC together. The CPU, memory, hard drives, and different ports and extension cards all interface with the motherboard legitimately or through links.
307. Understanding Fragments in Android: Part 2
In this article, we will analyze the interesting points of the Fragment API, I think that it will be of interest to all developers who develop an application.
308. Storing Dynamic NFT Metadata on the DB3 Network
Store your NFT metadata in a more decentralized and dynamic method.
309. Build a WhatsApp Chatbot With Python, Flask, and Messagebird
Tutorial, about building a chatbot using the Messagebird API for WhatsApp and the Flask framework for Python.
310. Using External Debugging Tools dtrace and strace
Track bugs within an application and its external dependencies without the source code or deep knowledge of the environment using these amazing tools!
311. Vertically Centering Text and HTML Elements With CSS
Learn how to vertically center text and HTML elements with CSS.
312. Using SPyQL and Python to Run Command Line Analytics
SPyQL combines Python and SQL to make querying of CSV and JSON data easy. In this tutorial we analyse the geographical distribution of cell towers.
313. The JavaScript Logical OR Operator: How Does it Work?
The logical OR operator in JavaScript is an operator which returns the left-hand side if it is truthy, but otherwise defaults and return the right-hand side.
314. How Hackers Can Brute-Force Passwords And Find A Correct Key?
Brute force attackers guess passwords, passphrases, and private keys in an attempt to eventually get the right answer and crack the security of a system, but how do they know when they have the right key?
315. Get Used to Building a .Net core MVC Application on Mac Visual Studio
Creating .Net MVC project using Visual Studio Mac
316. Why And Where You Can Learn C Programming For Free
In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,
317. A Deeper Look into Method References in Java
What Are Java Method References And Kinds Of Method References Available?
318. How to add a Dark Mode Toggle in React
Learn how to make a cool looking dark mode toggle in React!
319. Improving the User Experience in Flutter
Improve user experience with feedback from Snack Bars, Progress Indicator, and Alert Dialog Boxes In Flutter.
320. Svelte: Communication Between Components
In this mini-tutorial we are going to see two different ways of communication between components in Svelte 3: a callback passed as prop and event dispatcher.
321. How to Build a Chrome Extension That Makes API calls
322. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #19: Offline Notifications
Here, we are going to integrate the offline mode to the app. This feature is very handy when we are out of connection and we can still access some of the features in the app. Here, we are just going to notify the network status and cache the data using react-native-NetInfo package. Caching will help to pull the data from the AsyncStorage during the offline mode.so this app inspired from React native template from instamobile
323. Whooosh: A Comprehensive Guide for the Fastest Possible Docker Builds in Human Existence
Running all of my docker builds in parallel via a GitHub Actions matrix, my builds went from about 3.5 minutes down to about 50 seconds in the cold case .
324. Using Heroku To Leverage CloudAMQP
As part of my Fitness application journey, the CloudAMQP service is introduced into the Heroku-based service in order to process invoices asynchronously.
325. How to Send Millions of Push Notifications with Go and Firebase Cloud Messaging
A Go service implementation that dispatches push messages via Firebase.
326. How to Create Custom Flash Messages in React [Part 1]
In the first part of this tutorial we are going to build a flash message step-by-step with React and Material UI.
327. Inserting 'User Profile Info' into your React Navbar
This article shows you how to insert the profile information of any user into the react navigation bar, so as to make it sign-in aware.
328. Smart Contract Tutorial for Beginners â Lottery dAPP [Part 1]
In this tutorial weâll be walking through building and deploying a decentralized lottery smart contract in Solidity using [Hardhat].
329. Using OAuth Authentication to Serve Static Internal Documentation
Let's walk through how to deploy Docusaurus behind an OAuth proxy which will force users to log in with a 3rd party provider before viewing our documentation.
330. The Noob Guides: Your Shortest Path on Becoming a Developer (Full Stack)
The Noob Guides: Your Shortest Path on Becoming a Developer (Full Stack)
331. Understanding Boolean Methods in Ruby With Examples
Most programming languages have a Data Type called âBooleanâ. This is
a form of data with only two possible values (usually âtrueâ and
âfalseâ). The Ruby language however does not have a Boolean Data
332. Here's How I Built a Video, Audio, and Screen Recorder Web App with JavaScript
Here are some simple steps to build your Audio, Video and Screen Recorder with JavaScript and HTML with MediaRecorder, getUserMedia, getDisplayMedia
333. A Guide on How TypeScript Parameters Type Works
The Parameters type is a utility type in TypeScript that lets us take the arguments of a function, and turn it into a new type. Let's look at how it works.
334. Properties and Events Velo Panel Puzzled Out: Find Answers to Your Questions
The Properties and Events panel lets you work with the elements on your
site with Velo. You can use Velo with all the elements on your site.
335. Shutting Down Spring Boot Applications
Ways for Clean Shutdown of Spring Boot Applications, whether in Developer mode or in Production Mode. Code Samples are provided Inline and via Git Repo.
336. The Basics of Breakpoints you Might not Know
We work with debuggers practically every day & yet so much remains unknown. Weâre operating this complex tool while using 4 or 5 basic features...
337. Interested in Learning a New Language? Try Korean
If you need to learn Korean, work with a Korean tutor online, and youâll see it works. In fact, online Korean tutoring is probably the most economical option you will find. Taking college classes to learn Korean can cost thousands of dollars, plus, youâll blend into a crowd of other learners, where you may not have your individual needs addressed in the same way you would with a Korean tutor.
338. Get your First Container Up on Kubernetes Using the Free Version of Platform9 Managed Kubernetes
Kubernetes in the leading Container Orchestration platform that allows you to apply fast and streamlined infrastructure workloads using a declarative API.
339. How To Manage Multiple Git Configurations
Using the same computer for both work-related and personal projects may cause you to write Git commit messages with your private email on your work projects or vice-versa. That is assuming that you configured Git with the --global flag, which applies the configs to every repo on your OS user account.
340. How to Make a WebSocket Server With JavaScript: I Like My Servers Like I Like My Coffee, My Own
If you try to do something real-time with REST APIs, you're going to have a bad time.
341. Using an API to Return a Daily Poem in Telegram to Celebrate World Poetry Day
Learn how to create an automated workflow with n8n that gets international poems, translates them into one language, and sends a poem in Telegram every day.
342. Adding the Bootstrap CSS framework to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the Bootstrap CSS framework using the bootstrap and @ng-bootstrap libraries.
343. Image Optimization and Transformation with Cloudinary
The web is now dominated with more visual content than ever hence the need to consider ways of delivering these images with the smallest possible file size while maintaining optimal visual quality.
344. Cracking 3 Python Easter Eggs
Python lessons for beginner and advanced level at the same time
345. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #8: SinglePost View
Since we have the list of articles in the Home Screen, we need to display full articles as well. For that, we are going to create the SinglePost screen which will display the overall article. Here, we will learn how to fetch a single article from the WordPress API.
346. HTML Fundamentals: How To Get Started [Part 1]
If you are here to begin your journey to become a full-stack developer, understanding the basics of HTML will be your first stepping stone. Or if you are here to simply learn how to build an awesome website of your own, I have got your back. This could be used as an ultimate HTML cheat sheet for beginners.
347. Implement a Dynamic Breadcrumb in React/NextJS
348. How to Remove Commas From String Python
In this article, we will learn to remove commas from strings using the python program. We will create a program using different methods and using different func
349. Vue Query Builder with Cube.js - A Tutorial
Quite commonly in our applications, we need to create interactive report builders to let users build custom reports and dashboards. This usually involves selecting the metrics, groupings, date ranges, filters, and chart types. To help developers build such interactive components, we've created a query builder component in Cube.js client libraries.
350. How to Flip an Array in JavaScript
In this article we will learn how to reverse an array in JavaScript.
351. DIY Wi-Fi Sensor â No Programming or Soldering Required
This project combines two ideas: no-code/low-code software platform and a quick, robust prototyping system that requires no soldering.
352. How to Build a TypeScript Project for Both CJS and ESM Targets
Learn how to build a TypeScript library for both ESM and CommonJS targets using elegant configuration without third-party dependencies!
353. Using Node JS for Web Scraping Google Finance
In this tutorial, we will be scraping Google Finance, a data-rich website for traders and investors to get access to real-time financial data.
354. Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2: Handling Performance Issues
All Magento 2 migration pitfalls are revealed in the article, it helps you decide whether to switch from Magento 1 to Magento 2.
355. How to set up a RaspberryPi to share files and media
Over the past months, Iâve been slowly assembling a suite of self-hosted tools and services on a shiny new RaspberryPi 400.
356. Implement Password Validation With Strength Meter From Scratch With React Hooks
Security is a priority when building apps and you want to let users know how strong their passwords are during sign up while giving good user experience.
357. Exploring Javascript, CSS, and Paint Worklets: Why Put Javascript in Your CSS?
Putting CSS in Javascript is pretty much the norm these days - but how do we do the opposite?
358. LINQ Query: Benefits of Deferred Execution
If you've spent much time around C# and .NET, it's likely that you will have come across LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), which allows you to use a range of powerful querying capabilities directly in the C# language.
359. How To Create an Applicant Tracking System using Airtable and Zapier in 7 easy steps
We started creating our Applicant Tracking System by using this template on Airtable and built the following tables on top of it - using forms and the grid.
360. Difference Between Compiler And Interpreter
The only reason why I've written this post because I've seen many people get confused with compiler languages and interpreter languages. Hope this helps for basic understanding.
361. Building a New Tab Chrome Extension with Zero Dependencies
This story will walk you through the basic steps needed to get started building a new tab Chrome Extension powered by an API without any dependencies. Check out our Tech Stories Tab extension for reference.
362. A Comprehensive Guide for Handling Errors in Rust
This article address how errors are handled with the Rust programming language.
363. Letâs Understand Chrome V8 â Chapter 8: V8 Interpreter Ignition
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" is serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
364. How to Add a Favicon to Your Storybook Application
Favicons are small images or icons that appear in the browser tab, bookmarks, and other areas of the browser UI.
365. How to Delete an Item in an Array at a Specific Index
If we want to delete items from an array, we can use the splice method that all arrays have. Let's look at how it works.
366. Does Your Web Application Need End-to-End and Unit Tests?
As are most questions worth asking, the answer is nuanced and could be boiled down to it depends.
367. How to Implement Glassmorphism via HTML and CSS
Check out this tutorial to learn how to create the glassmorphism effect using only HTML and CSS.
368. Deployment Automation via SSH With Python Fabric: How It Works
One of the most basic ways in which a project gets deployed is by SSHing into a remote host followed by executing a few basic commmands. In this article I'll be taking a look on how to deploy a basic project to a remote server through Gitlab CI using Python Fabric.
369. An Introduction to Building on the Solana Network
This tutorial will teach you how to build and deploy your own programs on the Solana blockchain!
370. React Native Basics: Implementing Infinite Scroll
React Native is without any doubt a strong and powerful solution. It opens the world of cross-platform app development for a much wider audience of software engineers who arenât familiar with native technologies. But it might at the same time be quite difficult to implement complex things when youâve just started learning. In this short tutorial, I want to give a step-by-step guide on how to implement one of them â infinite scroll.
371. How Does the CSS Box Model Work?
Let's think a little bit more about how box models work.
372. How to Write & Organize Node.js API Tests the Right Way
An architecture for writing and organizing your Unit & Integration Tests for Node.js REST APIs using Jest, Supertest & Chai.
373. Nesting in Less and Sass
A code should be organized. Thatâs the fact and I think is a very good one for the opening of the text about nesting.
374. Understanding Programming Fundamentals: Variables, Operators, Control Structures
Fundamental building blocks that one must give emphasized first who is just getting started on learning how to code.
375. Hello, World of WebAssembly!
This is the first part of a series about programming in WebAssembly (Wasm) for beginners.
376. How to Design a Grid-based Framework Using the CSS Float Property
Basic grid-based framework
377. Database Monitoring and Alerting with n8n đĄ
In the past few months, I have been playing around with different kinds of IoT devices and sensors. I quite enjoy how these can be used to monitor different things like humidity, temperature, pressure among other things in the house. In this tutorial, I want to show you how you can monitor sensor readings in a database and send alerts when it crosses a threshold value using n8n workflows.
378. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #11: Remove Bookmark Feature
Here, we are going to implement the removing of the bookmark from the articles. This case is simpler than saving the bookmarks. Here, we are going to define a function called removeBookMark. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet:
379. Building a Media Streaming Server Using Go And HLS Protocol
In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through building a streaming API using Golang. Don't worry, its surprisingly easy to build a robust streaming server, especially if we utilize one of the more modern protocols: HLS.
380. Don't Nest Callbacks, Use Promise Chaining Instead
A comprehensive guide to making your asynchronous JavaScript code more manageable using Promise Chaining!
381. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #16: Adding Dark Mode
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
382. A Simple Way to Rename Local and Remote Git Branch
Have you ever come across a situation where you want to rename a Git branch? If yes then this article will help you with that.
383. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #3 : Drawer menu
This tutorial is the third and final part of our Amazon UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the highlight gallery and recommendation section. This part of the tutorial is the continuation of where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part for full-on insight and development of the overall project.
384. An In-depth Guide on Web Scraping
Web scraping - A Complete Guide: In this blog, we will learn everything about web scraping, its methods and uses, the correct way of doing it.
385. How to Fix the "Detached HEAD" State in Git
Git commits are immutableâmeaning you can create new ones, but whatâs already inside will never be changed.
386. How to Remove Background Sound in Real-Time for Linux
387. How To Build a Static Blog with 11ty
Ever wondered what powers a beautiful blog? It's a static site generator (SSG) called Eleventy, which is super simple to get started with.
388. How To Get Out Of Tutorial Hell
There are many ways to break out of tutorial hell. Start your own project. Contribute to open source. Join a community.
389. How To Create Node App with Nginx Setup on Amazon EC2
How to launch a Node js app behind an Nginx proxy on Amazon EC2 instance in a step by step walkthrough.
390. Managing NPM Dependency as A Professional
Why do we talk about project quality and technical debt so much? Because this directly or indirectly affects the speed of development, the complexity of support, the time to implement new functionality, and the possibility of extending the current one.
391. Graph Databases, GraphQL and Dgraph [Tutorial]
In the first quarter of 2020, I had the experience of being in a short term advisory role for a company that had built a type of Linkedin product for a specific vertical market. They had done a valiant job, but it was clear that scalability was a problem and they had created a problem for themselves by having used MongoDB as the datastore.
392. Update Your Website via Spreadsheets Using Monday.com and Reshuffle Open Source
Give non-technical people a structured way to make updates to a webpage (without fearing theyâll mess up) from within Monday by using Reshuffle Open Source
393. A Simple Guide To Vanilla JavaScript: How To Set CSS Styles [Part 2]
Learn to use JavaScript to style your project with CSS! A tutorial for beginners.
394. Getting Started Building a Svelte App with SvelteKit
395. API Explained In Simple Terms
I'm pretty sure you would have heard the term API, and if you were wondering what it is, then this is the article for you.
396. How To Create an AWS Account For Personal Use
If you're new to Ruby on Rails development sooner or later you'll have to create an Amazon AWS account. And if you already have any experience you know what I meant.
397. Build a New Website With Open-Source Headless CMS: Strapi, Payload, and Directus Review
This article is a way to document my research on the current headless CMS market.
398. Create a LEDs-powered Cloud! âď¸âĄď¸â¨
At Prynt, we have creativity days, we work on everything we want for few days. I believe this is really important to have some time you can work on something else for your company. A colleague did some art paint in our office, another create slack emoji of everyone in the company, I decided to create this cloud with the help of some colleagues (by the way, we name it Claudie).
399. Why Visual Marketing is Still the Best Way to Get 69% of Customers
Recommendations from global search engines that work with our clients in 7 out of 10 cases and help activate more than 93% of users.
400. What Adding display: flex Does
display: flex will change the way that your text will appear when rendered based on how you set its behavior and how large the box it is placed in is.
401. 4 Ways to Hack a Career in Code, Faster
Learning to program can be brutal. You never know if youâre learning the right things, and itâs easy to become overwhelmed by how much content there is to learn. That brings up a good thought: How do you know when youâve learned enough to start applying for jobs?
402. How To Use Velo API To Work with Forms
You can work with Forms using Velo APIs in 2 different ways:Â use the Wix Forms app and its APIs or create your own custom form
403. How to Select a Random Node from a Tree
Childhood moments with father
404. How to Create an Alarm Clock in Python
Today we are going to build an Alarm Clock using Python. In this project, we are going to use some external modules which are already made available.
405. Methodology Of Autoscaling For Kinesis Streams
Problem statement
406. Change Your Codes Behavior By Using Bitwise Operators
Letâs dissect a weird bit flag program that took me a second to understand. in doing so, weâll hopefully gain a more robust understanding of how bit masks and bitwise OR logic can manipulate values effectively.
407. You Will Love These Java 9 API Improvements
New java features you must use.
408. How To Automate Your Processes Using HTTP Request Node From n8n
With over 150 nodes, n8n saves countless hours by automating repetitive tasks. But what happens when n8n doesnât have a node for a tool you love?
409. How To Boost Your Coding Productivity with Plop
Previously, I talked about how Plop can help increase productivity when coding by reducing context switching. In this article, weâll dive into an example and configure a Plop generator to create a React component in Typescript. By the end, youâll be able to start using Plop to build your own generators for any type of project and reap the productivity benefits!
410. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #18: Changing Theme Functionality
411. Tutorial: How To Use CSS Position Property
I am a student that recently commenced studying HTML and CSS. I was eager to learn how to apply the styles in the way I see foremost visually appealing as todayâs standards.
412. What Exactly Is nullptr in C++
The answer to "What exactly nullptr is in C++?" would be a piece of cake for experienced C++ eyes & for those who are aware of Modern C++ i.e. keyword. But nullptr is more than just a keyword in C++ & to explain that, I have written this article. But before jump-into it, we will see issues with NULL & then we'll dive into the unsophisticated implementation of  nullptr & some use-cases of nullptr.
413. Webhooks Using Python - A Guide
A guide on how to build webhooks using Python
414. Flutter Tutorial for Beginners | All In One
The tutorial is a complete guide for beginners on flutter app development from installation and setup to state-management and firebase as backend services.
415. Javascript: From Objects to Factory Functions And Modules
416. A simple blockchain application for data verification.
Learn how to code a viable application for Ethereum in ten minutes.
417. What Does "SyntaxError: Missing formal parameter" Mean?
SyntaxError missing formal parameter
418. How I Built a Simple Report Card Program in Java for 15 Subjects Part 2
Write a program to take marks of 15 subjects from the user and display the Total, Percentage, Highest Marks, Average, and Remarks.
419. These are the best Courses to Learn New Java Features from JDK 8 to JDK 13
There are many useful features introduces from Java 8 to Java 13 like lambda expressions, Stream API, New Date, and Time API, Creating Immutable Lists, var for storing local variables without types, String in switch case, Text Block and many more.
420. How to Use Type Casting in Typescript
To cast something in TypeScript, we use the 'as' keywords. Here's how type casting works in TypeScript.
421. A Nodejs Tutorial: OpenPGP Crypto Functions on a Node API Server
some generic Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) primitive functions presented as API calls running on a Node https: server.
422. Building A Food Delivery App
Building A Food Delivery App
423. Smart Contract Tutorial for Beginners â Part 2
In Part 2, weâll be using the API3 QRNG to get truly random numbers into our contract.
424. The Basics of Hacking [An Introduction]
Today we will begin our journey into the basics of hacking. Letâs not waste any time.
425. How to Make Beautiful, Easy-to-read Charts with React Native Gifted Charts
The most complete library for Bar, Line, Area, Pie, and Donut charts in React Native. Allows 2D, 3D, gradient, animations and live data updates.
426. How To Analyse and Visualize DMARC Reports using Open-Source Tools
Sending mail might sound easy, but to avoid getting your mail caught in spam filters, and to prevent others from sending spoofed email in your name, you need to employ different preventive methods. One such method is DMARC, which allows domain administrators to apply policies with regard to email authentication. You also have the possibility to get reports sent to you with the results of the applied policy.
427. Creating a Simple Diagram by Using Elkjs and React Flow
In this article, we will look at the process of building a diagram with the help of Elkjs and React Flow libraries.
428. Adi Shamir's Secret Sharing: An Algorithm To Share Ownership
Adi Shamirâs secret sharing is an algorithm used to share ownership of a secret among a group of participants. In order to calculate the original secret, a minimum number of shares must be used.
429. Retrieving the URL from Custom Tabs in Android
In my previous article I provided an overview of Custom Tabs, or Chrome Custom Tabs, in Android. In short, this component allows your app to seamlessly transition between application and web content and itâs used by several well known applications including Twitter, The Gaurdian, Tumblr, Stack Overflow, and Feedly. Theyâre safe, simple to use, and their ability to preemptively load URLS makes them incredibly fast compared to alternatives like WebViews. With this said, using Custom Tabs is the preferred option if you want to give users access to the web without sending them to another app. You can be up and running with a few lines of code.
430. Automate Your Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand Backup For Multiple Tables Using Serverless Lambda
As we know with great power comes great responsibility, on-demand backups are the real saviour if your Dynamo DB got corrupted abruptly. Also, it helps you to meet the compliance requirements for the ages if your client keeps bothering you like your Ex. But I don't have the tenacity to initiate the Backup every day. Hence, I devise a Serverless solution for all the lazy people like me out there to automate the DynamoDB backup. Where, we can explicitly mention the backup intervals, table names and backup retention period. I have achieved this using a conjunction of AWS services like Cloudformation, Lambda and Cloudwatch.
431. Fleet Serverless Node.js Function Introduction
In February this year, we announced Fleet (Formerly Hole), a FaaS platform built on Node.js to be faster than other platforms and to create a more faithful integration with the ecosystem. In this post, I will clarify how all of this works and what we are bringing differently to the Serverless ecosystem, and what it means for startups and companies.
432. How To Deploy your Node.js App on Digital Ocean VPS
So you wrote your Node.js application and need a way to launch it online? Here, I present a guide on setting things up that doesn't require prior knowledge of anything OS-related.
433. How to Train Self-Parking Car Using Genetic Algorithm (<500 Lines of Code)
Learn how to train the car to do self-parking using a genetic algorithm.
434. How to Script the CF API With CF OAUTH-TOKEN
and Python
A bit of Python, a dancing gopher, and proper course etiquette are all you need to know how to log in and loop through the results.
435. Understanding Javascript's Array Slice Method
The slice method on arrays returns a shallow copy of a part of an array. It takes two numbers, a start, and an end. Every array has a slice method.
436. Handling Job Failures in Quartz with Retries
In this article, we will look at how to handle job failures in Quartz. We'll use an exponential random backoff policy for calculating the time of the next retry
437. What Everyone Is Getting Wrong About React Native Modals
Do you find using modals in React Native to be a bit of a pain? This article teaches you how to get a better development experience with them.
438. Setting up Kafka on Docker for Local Development
In a world where data is king, Kafka is a valuable tool for developers and data engineers to learn.
439. Python For Beginners: Functions, Parameters And Arguments
Explore more on functions through arguments, parameters, and return statements.
440. Exploring Traefik: A Reverse Proxy for Docker
Learn how to proxy sites and API in a few examples, automate getting certificates and even add some middleware (to add headers for example). YAML tutorial.
441. How to Build A Passwordless Authentication with Email and JWT
In this quick article, you'll see how to prevent one of the OWASP Top 10 security issues for websites: authentication that hasn't been implemented correctly.
442. Shall I Use ADD or COPY in the Dockerfile - What's the Difference?
Every developer and every team faces confusion about COPY and ADD in the Dockerfile at some point. When I get this question, first I usually give the technical background, which is this:
443. Using Arduino To Build Your Own âSnake Gameâ
Oh, the magic of hardware
444. Making HTTP Requests With Axios in TypeScript
We decided to rewrite our simple fetch service to a more powerful solution with the ability to cancel requests which were sent previously.
445. Tips About Kafka Connect On Heroku You Can't Afford To Miss
446. Kubernetes Explained Simply: Label it to Enable it [Part 6]
The building block of almost all Kubernetes deployments is the pod â one or more containers sharing a network stack. Pods are where the magic happens, where we get our logs, and where we spend most of our time troubleshooting outages and malfunctions.
447. Kubernetes Explained Simply: #2 Kubectl Hack (List Running Images)
Running Kubernetes in production means taking inventory. A LOT. Are any of our pods running that version of Ubuntu base image affected by the new CVE?
448. Writing CASL React Abilities in a JSON File With a Laravel Artisan Command
When writing a single page application or SPA you might inadvertently end up duplicating code because at the early stage of any project it is quite common to ask yourself so many questions.
449. Converting TEX to PDF Using an API
This article presents a step-by-step tutorial with which you can convert your LaTeX source file to PDF by calling a JSON to PDF API to generate dynamic PDFs.
450. How To Create a Tip Calculator with Flutter
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your own app with Flutter, which can help you calculate tips.
451. Dealing with Velo Web Modules: Our Advanced Tips for Improved Function Import
Web modules are exclusive to Velo and enable you to write functions that
run server-side in the backend, and easily call them in your client-side code.
452. C# HTML to PDF - A Code Example
IronPDF is the ideal solution for converting HTML sites in .NET and .NET core projects. It not only transforms HTML but also has a lot of other useful capabili
453. Explain Complex Concepts With Minimalistic Drawings With Okso.app
Minimalistic Data Structure Sketches
454. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #6 : Html renderer
Now, we need to display the excerpt of the overall post on the list. For that, we are going to make use of components from the react-native-render-html package. And, we need to display the published date of the article as well. For that, we are going to make use of the moment package which provides the moment.js configurations. In order to use these packages, we need to install them first. For that, we need to use the command from the following code snippet:
455. Introducing Metasploit
The Metasploit Project is a computer security project written in ruby that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. It is owned by Boston, Massachusetts-based security company Rapid7.
456. Wait, People Cheat in Technical Interviews?
Can you cheat in a technical interview? This approach for hiring tuned over decades is how you moneyball hiring & work with great people.
457. Integrate Your Telegram Bot With Real World via ESP32/ESP8266 Arduino Microcontroller
Controlling the queue to our office gaming room by Arduino-based Telegram. The Arduino with servo motor was installed to lock and unlock the door
458. Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Launching your Chrome Extension
While building my first chrome extension, Foragear- Quick Search Tool, I struggled to find an article that covered the entire ideating, building, and launching process of chrome extensions. To make the lives of future chrome extension builders easier, here is an all-in-one guide to help you through the process.
459. Authentication Using the Auth0 to a React Application
Application example built with React with authentication using the Auth0 service.
460. Git Tutorial: How To See Your Most Used Git Commands Using a Script
Git has many commands but you can be productive with just a few. I used a script to fetch my most git commands sorted by the number of their occurrences.
461. Serverless Architecture: Lambda Triggers and Design Patterns [Part 2]
This is part of a series of articles discussing strategies to implement serverless architectural design patterns. We continue to follow this literature review. Although we use AWS serverless services to illustrate concepts, they can be applied in different cloud providers.
462. Web Fundamentals: WebVR API
This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
463. Docker Centralized Logging with ELK Stack [EXPLAINED]
As your infrastructure grows, it becomes crucial to have robots and a reliable centralized logging system. Log centralization is becoming a key aspect of a variety of IT tasks and provides you with an overview of your entire system.
464. đ˛ Dragon Router Introduction: HTTP Router and URL Matcher For Building Deno Web Servers
âĄA powerful HTTP router and URL matcher for building Deno web servers with dragon đ˛.
465. How to Build Token Refresh Service for the Fitbit API in Azure
We can generate a refresh and access token required to call the Fitbit API programmatically with a simple Timer trigger function in Azure.
466. How To Set Up The Environment for RISCV-64 Linux Kernel Development In Ubuntu 20.04
In this article, you'll learn how to build the latest Linux Kernel for RISC-V 64 architecture and deploy it with minimal environment: busybox command-line.
467. Hands-on IPLD Tutorial in Golang: Part 2
Quick recap from PART-1
468. Steps Taken By Our Team To Build The eCars App Using Heroku And Salesforce
As someone who became a Salesforce developer âby accidentâ 10 years ago and parlayed that into a career and business, Iâm fully aware of the dividends that investing in continuous learning and brushing up on the latest in my industry can yield. Even after years of working in the Salesforce ecosystem, earning 11 certifications, and going through several hundred different projects, Iâve found itâs difficult to make the time to keep up with all the new tools and features of modern development (and usually I have the TrailheaDX and Dreamforce conferences each year to get caught up!).
469. React Ink for CLI: A Gentle Introduction
React Ink is a library that brings the power of React to designing Command-Line Interfaces.
470. Getting Started Provisioning an AWS EKS Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
Learn how to provision an AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster with Terraform. See a full step-by-step tutorial.
471. How to Add an Announcement Banner to your React Navbar
472. The package.json File Guide
If you work with or interact with a JavaScript project, frontend project or a node.js project you surely know about the package.json file.
473. Scrape Google Scholar Results With NodeJS, Unirest and Cheerio
This article will teach us to scrape Google Scholar Result pages with Node JS using Unirest and Cheerio.
474. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #12: Creating Categories Screen
Here, we are going to implement the Categories screen. This screen will contain the list of categories related to the article posts. And on clicking on these categories, we will navigate to the posts which are based on that respective category.
475. How To Build an Absurdly Backwards Compatible Website
Letâs face it: the internet is broken.
476. How Do You Alternate Positive and Negative in Python?
Have you ever written a program for pairing alternate positive and negative numbers? If not, then you are missing some great opportunities.
477. How to Build a Framework that is Actually Helpful
And also that you are capable of doing
478. SPA Tracking & Monitoring: How to Build Better Single-Page Applications With Real User Monitoring
Did you know roughly half of the users that visit your website leave if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Optimizing your website or webapp for stellar performance is always a crucial goal for any software-based business.
479. Cloudinary Upload API Introduction: Hassle Free Alternative to AWS S3
So you've developed an impressive rails APP that showcases a gallery of images. Its time to unveil it on the worldwide web via Heroku. Image uploads in a local development environment are currently defaulted to local psql. In production environment (Heroku), a cloud storage service stores images.
By popular choice, AWS S3 cloud service would be suitable to host your images. They offer a free plan, but to sign up it requires a credit/debit card. In my experience setting AWS up for image-handling was challenge. If one does not exercise extreme caution; API key and secret will get exposed on Github.
480. Velo How-To: API Aggregations
Using the aggregation functionality of the Data API you can perform certain calculations on your collection data, as whole or on groups of items that you define, to retrieve meaningful summaries. You can also add filtering and sorting to your aggregations to retrieve exactly what you need.
481. Velo API Introduction: The Basic Things You Should Know About the Velo
Velo's APIs empower you to take full control of your siteâs functionality. Use the APIs to interact with site elements, your siteâs database content & Wix Apps
482. Yet Another Lightning Hydra Template for ML Experiments
Flexible and scalable template based on PyTorch Lightning and Hydra. Efficient workflow and reproducibility for rapid ML experiments.
483. TableView, CollectionView Infinite Scrolling: An Easy Way in Swift
âPagination, also known as paging, is the process of dividing a document into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages.â
484. Building A Linux Shell - Part II [A Step-by-Step Guide]
In the first part of this tutorial, we've built a simple Linux shell that prints a prompt string, reads input, then echoes the input back to the screen. This isn't very much impressive now, is it?
485. Awesome Hacks To Master AWS Step Functions
The use of serverless computing has become a must nowadays, and some of you may already know a thing or two about Amazon Web Services like Lambda Functions, Step Functions, and other services AWS provides. However, if this is the first time you hear about them â fantastic!
486. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #1 : Setting up Menu Bar
This tutorial series was inspired by the React Native Eccomerce template which helps us build some awesome and powerful ready to deploy eCommerce applications that anyone can use to build eCommerce startups or sell the application templates. We all know about the Amazon app which allows customers to select from thousands of products and purchase from anywhere across the globe. The UI of the Amazon app is very appealing and well-structured.
487. Building a Minimum Viable PWA [A Step by Step Guide]
488. How to Create PR Review Apps with Render
By making it simple to visually review changes, PR review apps make it more likely that code reviewers will actually do so.
489. Web API: Permissions API Documentation
The Permissions API provides a consistent programmatic way to query the status of API permissions attributed to the current context. For example, the Permissions API can be used to determine if permission to access a particular API has been granted or denied.
490. How To Use Velo Mixins
A mixin is a class that exists solely to provide properties and functions to other classes. Using mixins, you can simulate inheritance between classes.
491. Free Resources For Developers and Engineers to Upskill Themselves
We've rounded up some of the best free resources for seven of the most important skills to brush up on below. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Git branch
492. How To Add Authentication To Your Apps and dApps
I co-founded a developer toolkit company with the explicit goal of making decentralized applications easier to use. However, the tools aren't just for decentralized applications. Traditional application developers can make use of SimpleID to add authentication and storage to their app quickly and with zero overhead. Let me show you how easy it is.
493. How To Use Brigade Tool For Event-Driven Scripting
What is Brigade?
494. Price Tracker Application with Django: Crawling Discounts From Ebay
What's up Hackers!
495. Creating A Chatbot Using Socket.io, API.AI and Web Speech API
In the world full of Siri, Cortana & Alexa, have you ever wondered you can create a new friend of yours. Well it might not be that intelligent but it not worthless to try creating something new. With the current state of web apps, we can rely on various UI elements to interact with users. With the Web Speech API, we can develop rich web applications with natural user interactions and minimal visual interface, using voice commands. This enables countless use cases for richer web applications. Moreover, the API can make web apps accessible,helping people with physical or cognitive disabilities or injuries. The future web will be more conversational and accessible!
496. How to create programming language that compiles to JavaScript
This article will demonstrate how to quickly write simple language that compile to JavaScript using free tools and PEG.js parser generator.
497. React-Native Background Location Module For Android
This post will cover a topic that has been key in many applications and will focus on a solution working fully on the background and the most interesting part of all: working from Android 4.4 (SDK 19) to the most recent version at the time of writing which is Android Oreo (SDK 27).
498. How to Scrape a Medium Publication: A Python Tutorial for Beginners
A while ago I was trying to perform an analysis of a Medium publication for a personal project. But getting the data was a problem â scraping only the publicationâs home page does not guarantee that you get all the data you want.
499. How To Shorten URLs: Java and Spring Step-By-Step Guide
URL shortener Java and Spring boot tutorial. A step-by-step guide that is easy to follow. This is a common interview task that should be understood by devs.
500. SVG: How to Use Scalable Vector Graphics in WordPress
Uploading SVG images to a WordPress website can be tricky. However, there's an easy and safe way around. This article will show you how.
501. Using Arduino To Build Your Own âSnake Gameâ
Oh, the magic of hardware
502. Delivering Static Web Content on Heroku [A How-To Guide]
My primary goal is to find a solution that allows my limited time to be focused on providing business solutions instead of getting up to speed with DevOps processes.
503. How To Setup Caching in Node.js using Redis
In this article, we are going to implement caching in a node js
application using Redis, but, before we delve into the implementation
details, letâs explore what caching is and how it can help the
performance of our application.
504. How to Properly Authenticate Your Emails
Learn what email authentication is and how to authenticate your email properly using email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC.
505. How To Use Command Line
đť Command Line:
506. How to Build a Bar Chart Race on COVID-19 Cases in 5 Minutes
Using the new Tableau version 2020.1 onwards.
507. Re-Learning Data Structures and Algorithms
The Why?
508. Analyzer in Elasticsearch: An Introduction
If we want to create a good search engine with Elasticsearch, knowing how Analyzer works is a must. A good search engine is a search engine that returns relevant results. When the user queried something in our Search Engine, we need to return the documents relevant to the user query.
509. Designing a URL Shortener in Deno
In this article, weâre going to learn the basics of Deno, like how to run a program and embrace security.
510. How To Make an Image Uploading App Using Vue, Quasar, Firebase Storage and Cordova [Part 1]
What weâre building
511. Golang: A Beginner' Guide To Getting Started
In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to get started using Go to build real-world applications.
512. You Absolutely Need To Read This To Master AWS Lambda [Part 1]
Welcome to the Serverless world. One of the first things youâll hear about is AWS Lambda - and youâll continue to keep hearing about it! While architecture can be serverless without Lambdas involved, itâs very often the key component within a serverless application. In the first post of this 3-part AWS Lambda Handbook series, we run through what is AWS Lambda, dialling back to basics with the various terminology, how to create a Lambda function and how to run it.
513. How We Made a Virtual Drawing Board
The creation process of a virtual drawing board in VR
514. Creating an Angular Blog With Scully and Deploying on Netlify
Learn how to make your personal site from scratch using Angular and Scully. Top it up with an easy deployment via netlify.
515. Tester Stories: How I Encountered and Fixed Flaky Tests
Understand flaky tests with some real-world examples.
516. How To Install Virtual Media On An iDrac Controller
The iDRAC is a Dell remote access controller. This controller allows for remote power cycling, and a virutal console with keyboard, video, and mouse. It also provides a number of ways to roll out an operating system or vmware.
517. If You're Ready To Protest Your Phone Should Be Ready Too
Simple steps to take before hitting the streets
518. 5 Step Guide on How to Set Up Velo Pay API for a Single-Product Online Payments
This article describes how you can use the Velo Pay API to collect payments from your site's visitors for a single predefined product, outside the context of a Wix App (like Wix Stores). Throughout this article we're going to use this site to illustrate the process.
519. How To Create Your React Application From Scratch
In this article, you are going to build your first React application. React is the most popular front-end framework and itâs for good reasons. One reason is that React will only update the parts of your website that got changed.
520. How To Create Error Workflows in n8n
Errors can always creep up while working with software. Itâs important to get notified about it so that it can be timely fixed. n8n allows you to set an âError Workflowâ for your workflows. When your workflow runs into an error, the error workflow is triggered. This workflow can do anything that other workflows can like send an SMS or Slack/Mattermost notification to alert you about the error.
521. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Before you can code neural networks in any language or toolkit, first, you must understand what they are.
522. An Introduction to F# as Microsoft's / .NET's Answer to a Functional-First Programming Language
Recently I've been learning how to write code in F#. For those who haven't heard of it, F# is Microsoft's/.NET's answer to a functional-first programming language. My motivation was to learn a functional programming language that would make coding for scientific computing and data analysis more expressive, concise, and maintainable, all while fitting seamlessly into the .NET ecosystem that I already know and love. F# fits that bill perfectly.
523. Creating a Wordle with TDD in Javascript
We keep practicing this amazing Kata and learning. You can follow the steps!
524. Encodingâ Base128Â Varints, Explained
A process of converting data from one format to another is called encoding. In this process the data and format both can be variable, means for any kind of data to any kind of format, if we do any conversion, the process will be called encoding. Based on the nature of data there are quite a few terms that are popular like media encoding, character encoding. Media Encoding refers to converting audio, video files to different formats e.g. mp3, avi, wav, etc.
525. How I Organized my Node.js REST API
When I started using Node.js for building REST APIs on the server side, I struggled a lot with the same question over and over again:
526. A Simple Safety Net For Async EventHandlers
Dealing with async EventHandlers in C# can be very problematic. async void is a pattern causes headaches with exceptions. Check out this simple solution!
527. IMAP Email Server on AWS
Set Up an IMAP Postfix E-Mail Server with Dovecot on AWS.
528. All You Need to Know About Continuous Integration, GitHub Actions, & Sonar Cloud
When it is done badly, the CI process can turn this amazing tool into a nightmare. CI should make our lives easier, not the other way around.
529. React Native Car Parking Finder App UI Clone #4 : Map Markers
This tutorial is the fourth part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the last part, we successfully implemented the car parking spots section. In this part of the tutorial series, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts of this tutorial series in order to get the full insight and development of the project.
530. How Machines Learn Emotions: Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Product Reviews
How do you train machines to identify emotions? This is a tutorial for sentiment analysis of Amazon product reviews using machine learning algorithms.
531. How to Nginx Reverse Proxy with Docker Compose
While developing a web application, a common method of calling the application from a local machine is through http://localhost:x ports, which essentially means that we are required to expose several ports to access different modules of the application. In the article below, we will go through the method of using Reverse Proxy to call an application and the benefits of using it.
532. The Headless-UI Date Picker for React Apps
Each year the âď¸ React community is becoming bigger and bigger. And with this growth, we get more and more tools to achieve our goals and needs.
533. How to Set up Selenium in Visual Studio for Automated Browser Testing of Web Apps
In this Selenium C# tutorial, we are going to help you set up Selenium in Visual Studio and run your first Selenium C# example script.
534. Understanding your Rails Application Structure [Beginners Guide]
So you are learning Rails. You are following a tutorial and have to type: rails new my_app and voilĂ ! You have your first Rails app ready to start working on it.
535. How to Create Your First NestJS App
In this article, Iâm going to walk you through developing a simple todo rest application in NestJS and give you an overview of this framework.
536. 4 Great Python Libraries You Wish You Came Across Earlier
I introduce 4 Python libraries that you've probably missed and make a fun mini project with them.
537. How to Route Traffic Between Microservices During Development
Route traffic between microservices during development with this one simple trick that will save you setup time and, well, headache.
538. Desktop Application Development in ElectronJS Using Angular
As of today, a program is an interface, a bridge between a computer and a user. There is another word that has been labeled to it, which is called an application. An application would be a good use of anyone's time in making themselves productive. Well, considering the smartphone count in regards to the personal computer count, there are more mobile applications than desktop applications. This leaves a very big grey area for the desktop users, in finding applications that are productive.
539. How to Set up Raspberry Pi Headless with Ubuntu 21.04 in 9 Easy Steps
9 easy steps to set up a raspberry pi with a Ubuntu Server 21.04 without using a screen.
540. Creating Your Own Grammar Rules
Whenever you start wondering how to create your syntax or rules on expression, itâs probably time to check out this powerful tool - The Chevrotain.
541. Google Sheets Hack: How to Get Currency Data into Google Sheets
I recently came across the challenge of getting currency exchange data into spreadsheets. In this article, I show two quick and easy methods to do so.
542. Web3 Walkthrough â Part 1 â Peeking into Another Reality
learn web3 and blockchain - practically!
543. Get a Serverless WebSocket Application Up and Running with Lolo in 5 Minutes
Build a Serverless webSocket application in Lolo by using persistent state. Single click deploy your application and have it up and running in a few minutes.
544. How to use Javascript's Performance API and measure page performance
The High Resolution Time standard defines a Performance interface that supports client-side latency measurements within applications. The Performance interfaces are considered high resolution because they are accurate to a thousandth of a millisecond (subject to hardware or software constraints). The interfaces support a number of use cases including calculating frame-rates (potentially important in animations) and benchmarking (such as the time to load a resource).
545. Implementing a Java Stream Collector
ďťżďťżJava Stream's Collectors methods fit most use-cases. They allow returning either a Collection or a scalar. For the former, you use one of the toXXX() method, for the latter, one of the reducing() one.
546. Solid Tips on How to Manage and Monitor Chaos via Litmus Custom Resources
Litmus is a Cross-Cloud Chaos Orchestration framework for practising chaos engineering in cloud-native environments. Learn how chaos is orchestrated with Litmus
547. Utilizing the Elasticsearch Snapshot Module for Databackups on Azure blob Storage
While running a self managed elasticsearch cluster like any other database, it's important to make provisions for data backups. Data backups on Elasticsearch can't be done by simply copying elasticsearch data files from one disk to another, this tutorial guides you through making the best use of the Elasticsearch snapshot module for creating cluster snapshots and leverages the Azure blob storage for securely storing your backed up data. Also besides backing up data, the snapshot api also comes in handy for migrating data from one cluster to another.
548. Here's Why You Need to Use a Front-end Framework
If you want to stick with using only the native web application languages, you can very well do so. However, using a front-end framework can make web...
549. Give Your .NET Object A Shot Of Lifeline [Tutorial]
In my previous post, I discussed the eager root collection as an aggressive behavior of JIT (in Release mode / optimized code) to assist the garbage collector (GC), so that a object is not considered to be a root beyond the point of its usage.
550. 6 Hacks for Reducing Docker Image Sizes
If there are top ten buzzwords in the technology industry in the year of 2019, container is sure to be one of them. With the popularity of Docker, more and more scenarios are using Docker in the front-end field. This article shows how do we use Docker in the visualization interface of Nebula Graph, a distributed open source graph database.
551. Git Basics
To playing with git you have to do the following things step by step
552. Recreate Windows 98 With CSS
I decided to try and recreate Windows 98 using nothing else apart from CSS and HTML.
553. Scraping Google Search Results With Node JS
In this post, we will learn web scraping Google with Node JS using some of the in-demand web scraping and web parsing libraries present in Node JS.
554. How React Testing Library Can Improve Your Mental Health [Part 2]
How React Testing Library Can Improve Your Mental Health Part 2
555. Build a Mobile App Using React Native and the Salesforce Mobile SDK
Check out how easy it is to start building a custom React Native application that leverages the Salesforce platform and the Salesforce Mobile SDK.
556. Using Galen Framework For Automated Cross Browser Layout Testing
Galen Framework is a test automation framework which was originally introduced to perform cross browser layout testing of a web application in a browser. Nowadays, it has become a fully functional testing framework with rich reporting and test management system. This framework supports both Java and Javascript.
557. How I Built an Employee Time Tracking System From Scratch (Part 1)
Using the Arduino board, Ethernet Shield, and RFID module, we will assemble, solder, and program the time tracking device.
558. Tutorial: Building A Hangman Game With React Hooks
In this tutorial, weâll build an interactive hangman game using React hooks. Hangman is a classic game in which the player guesses a word one letter at a time.
559. Authentication using the Amazon Cognito to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 with authentication using the Amazon Cognito service.
560. 10 Common Java Vulnerabilities Every Security Engineer Should Know
This article covers the most common security vulnerabilities for Java programming
561. Express.js Integration Guide for Passwordless Authentication with DID.app
Just want the code? Find this example on github
562. Amazon UI Clone with React Native #2 : Recommendations View
This tutorial is the second part of our Amazon UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the menu bar section as well as the simple content section. This part of the tutorial is the continuation of where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part for better full-on insight and implementation of the overall project.
563. My Practical Guide On Using Progressive Web Apps
There are a lot of articles about PWA that tell in detail what it is and how to set it up. Yet you may not always understand them from the first time.
564. Destructuring in JavaScript
565. A Refactoring Guide for Ruby on Rails
âAlways code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you liveâ â John F. Woods
566. Creating a Telegram Bot for my Friend's Business
Last week my friend asked for help with coding a Telegram bot for the VIP đ customers of his herbs shop.
567. Creating a React Studio Plugin From an npm Library - a Walk in The Park!
It takes only 15 minutes to create your first nocode plugin using React Studio. We go over how to do it and provide the knowledge to understand the process.
568. Scheduled Cron Jobs with Render
Developers who use cloud hosting platforms may also need cron jobs for scheduling background tasks. This tutorial walks through how to use Render to do it all.
569. Please Explain Closures!
(This article is part of an ongoing series on soft skills and technical wizardry from Nathan Thomas, a software engineer working in San Francisco. Click here for the previous article in the series, "Building Your First GraphQL Server." Click here for the next article in the series, a piece called "Please Explain Closures!")
570. Debugging Has_Many, Through Relationships in Ruby on Rails
Working with model associations can be difficult.
571. How to Automate Content Cross-Posting Process with n8n âď¸
Blogging isnât just about writing quality content, but also ensuring that it reaches as many members of your audience as possible. This means that bloggers have to post an article multiple times on different platforms. This often entails ensuring that the formatting and layouts are consistent across platforms, which tends to be a time consuming (and exhausting) ordeal.
572. How to set up Continuous Delivery using Heroku Flow
Continuous deployment doesnât need to be this hard to set up.
573. Velo Promises in Action: Key Tips to Call the Asynchronously-Run Functions
Asynchronous code is code that doesn't necessarily run line-by-line in the order you've written it. In Velo, you will often encounter asynchronous code when you call a function that cannot finish executing immediately and therefore returns a Promise.
574. Pointer Events
Much of today's web content assumes the user's pointing device will be a mouse. However, since many devices support other types of pointing
input devices, such as pen/stylus and touch surfaces, extensions to the
existing pointing device event models are needed. Pointer events address that need.
575. Generating Images For My Dadâs Meetups With Go
I recently read a great article by Mat Ryer about programmatically generating images in Go and got inspired by it to solve a repetitive task I usually do every month.
576. Implementing CRUD Using Ruby On Rails CLI
Learning to be a Full-Stack web developer in Microverse â a remote software development school domiciled in California had so much taught me a lot like patience, resilience, tenacity and the curiosity to get things done the right way and at the right time. Ruby on rails web application is an application that is somewhat complicated for someone who is getting started in learning how this powerful web application works. But when you get to understand how it works and how to navigate round in building your application with it, you will be glad you did.
577. Driving Circuit and Short Circuit Protection of IGBT
The insulated gate bipolar transistor (hereinafter referred to as IGBT) is a composite device of MOSFET and GTR. Thus it has the advantages of MOSFET and GTR, it is an ideal switch device to replace GTR, which is widely used at present with its ability to turn off, and itâs also widely used in all kinds of solid-state power supply.
578. Ethereum ď¸â¤ď¸ JavaScript: Cheatsheet
Bunch of code snippets solving most common problems every Web3 developer needs.
579. Introduction to Threshold Signatures
Today weâre announcing cross-chain zaps integration into the Symbiosis protocol.
580. How To Run Text Categorization: All Tips and Tricks from 5 Kaggle Competitions
In this article, I will discuss some great tips and tricks to improve the performance of your structured data binary classification model. These tricks are obtained from solutions of some of Kaggleâs top tabular data competitions. Without much lag, letâs begin.
581. How to Design Your App or Website for FREE
If you value your time and you don't want to waste it, you must design your Website or App first instead of rushing to program it.
582. Python 3: Concept of LIST in Details
The dictionary meaning of LIST is a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.
583. Javascript Methods from Performance Timeline API
The Performance Timeline API defines extensions to the Performance interface to support client-side latency measurements within applications. The extensions provide interfaces to retrieve performance entry metrics based on specific filter criteria. The standard also includes interfaces that allow an application to define performance observer callbacks that are notified when specific performance events are added to the browser's performance timeline.
584. How to Fix an Ethernet Cable Plug (RJ45 Plug) and Other Ethernet Tips
Many of you have probably experienced problems with a broken RJ45 plug. The locking tab of RJ45 plugs breaks easily and this is one of the most common issues faced by the users of Ethernet cables. Now, Iâll tell you about a temporary solution that will help you make a connection with a broken plug more reliable.
585. Kubernetes CRDs Explained: What are They and How to Use Them to Extend Your Kubernetes APIs
CRD is a special resource in Kubernetes. Read along if you want to expand upon the capabilities of regular Kubernetes and create your own solution.
586. How To Use RSK Starter Box
The first article relating to RSK Truffle Boxes, Using Truffle Boxes on RSK network, introduces the RSK specialized Truffle Boxes.
587. How to Build a MVP REST API Using Low-Code Approach
Build and host and API in 15 minutes? Crazy? No, really!
588. Django Tutorial: Creating a Range-Slider Filter
In this tutorial, we are going to create a nice crispy range slider using django-crispy-forms for an integer filter provided by django-filters.
589. How To Create and Load Test Data in PostgreSQL
Learn what tools and approaches are available to create and load test data for webapps without an ORM.
590. How to Have Multiple Versions of PHP on Ubuntu
Learn how to install multiple versions of PHP on Ubuntu the native way (without using Docker, Vagrant, etc.).
591. How To Build a First Strike OTM Call Options Watchlist from Cashtags wHAOR
Today, We're going to build a script that scrapes Twitter to gather stock ticker symbols. We'll use those symbols to scrape yahoo finance for stock Options data. To ensure we can download all the Options data, weâll make each web request with High Availability Onion Routing. In the end, weâll do some Pandas magic to pull the first out of the money call contract for each symbol into the final watchlist.
592. Payment Request API Specification
Secure context
This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.
593. The Beginner's Guide to GitHub for Managing Your Software Versioning
If you know any of the Software Developer around and never heard them talking about GitHub? maybe they are having hard time managing their software versions and you could be the one telling them about the Powerful tool- "GitHub"
594. Node Authentication using Passport.js
While building any web app people get confused or feel difficulty in authentication process. Creating a registration form and sign in process is a hectic process if we don't follow proper method.
595. Build a To-Do App with React In Rails 6 (Tutorial)
Hello everyone. Today, we will be building a todo app to showcase how to use React with Rails 6. This tutorial will be as in-depth as possible and will focus on performing CRUD operations. Our Todo app will support seeing a list of your todo, creating a today, making a todo as done, and deleting a todo. We will be leveraging react to build a reactive app and use material UI for the design.
596. 9 Steps To Create A Motion Control Project In TIA Portal With Sinamics S120
Automating industrial tasks with Siemens control drive.
597. ESP32 connecting Public Cloud with Internet of Things (IoT)
Post Digital Era a new buzzword of 2020. This term can easily scare people, happily working in their current role and start wondering Do we need to upskill again đ¤? But the real fact is that a lot is remaining in the digital transformation space, half of the world population haven't seen the transformation yet. Thus I am on my mission to educate and familiarize people in the world of digitization & I strongly believe that IoT (Internet of Things) has a lot of potentialities to solve real-life problems and complexities of the present World. Thus, I am quite passionate about IoT & exploring it to the fullest.
598. How To Build a Simple Blog using Axios With React: Beginners Tutorial
In this article, we are going to learn how to use Axios with React to make API requests and also how to handle the response.
599. Guide: How to Emulate a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker Compose
600. Build a Versioning System With IPFS and Blockstack
There are so many great use cases for versioning. Handling code deployments, document edits, and database snapshots are just a few immediate uses that come to mind. Normally, a versioning system is another segment within a database, but it can be so much more when you think of it through the lens of immutable data and DHT (distributed hash tables) technology. So, today, weâre going to build a stream of consciousness note-taking app with version history. This will be different than other notes apps as it will have just ONE note that the user can edit over time, removing information or adding information. But weâll include versions so they can grab their history. Weâll do all that by using Blockstack and IPFS.
601. Creating a Simple Business Directory using CodeIgniter and MySQL
A walkthrough of how to build a simple web directory using CodeIgniter and MySQL. The code is available in this github repo.
602. Maximize Your React Skills: Build a To-Do List App from Start to Finish (with TypeScript + Vite)
Master the basics of building an app with React and TS. Learn how to use state, props, and data flow to create a fully functional app.
603. Building a Linux Shell [Part III]
This is part III of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the first two parts of this tutorial from these links: part I, part II.
604. How to Solve 6 Dynamic Programming Problems In a Systematic Way
In this article, I gave you an introduction to Dynamic Programming with several examples. Here I will solve 6 harder Dynamic Programming problems to show you how to approach them.
605. Making your Password Generator: Practicum Coding Bootamp [Step-By-Step Guide]
Letâs make something!
606. Understanding Flexbox By Small Steps
Flexbox is a useful front-end technology, which can easily organize HTML items and create beautiful and responsive layouts. Leading companies rely on it to make their websites accessible in every screen possible, which granted it the status of an industry-standard tool.
607. Quick Guide to AWS CDK and Serverless with REST API and Data Lake Analytical Querying
This is a hands-on course on how to deploy a fully Serverless web app using the AWS CDK. You will learn how to:
608. 4 Modern JavaScript (ES6+) Features You Need To Use
JavaScript has progressed a lot over the past few years. Whether you are new to JavaScript or have some experience and want to quickly get up to speed with the most commonly used features in modern JavaScript, this post is for you.
609. How to Make Global Constant Maps and Slices in Go
For the most part, Go developers are pretty good about using constants for global configuration, rather than global variables. A problem arises however when we want a global constant slice or map. The go compiler doesn't allow these more complex types to be set as constant. Many developers, upon making this realization, decide to then use a dangerous global variable. In this article we will explore a better option.
610. How To Work with External Database
When you enable Velo you also automatically get Wix Data, which lets you work with our built-in databases on your site. You may also want to work with data that you maintain in an external database. Velo lets you connect your site to an external database and then work with that database collection in your site just as you would with our built-in collections.
611. Using Workload Identity to Handle Keys in Google Kubernetes Engine
Workload identity is a modern way to provision keys for pods running on Google Kubernetes Engine. It allows individual pods to use a service account with a suitable set of permissions, without manually managing Kubernetes secrets. In this article, we will describe Workload identity, compare it to other approaches, and finally show a real world example on how to configure a Kubernetes cluster with Workload identity enabled.
612. Doing First Steps with the Kubernetes Operator
This article demonstrates how you can use the Operator Lifecycle Manager to deploy a Kubernetes Operator to your cluster. Then, you will use the Operator to spin up an Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) cluster.
613. Working With Files In Python
Most of us have had that one experience where we had a ton of dis-organized files in our machines. It happens. One minute, you're opening a large zip file, the next thing you know, the files are everywhere in the directory, mixing with all your important files and randomly placed leaving you with the task of manually sorting what needs to go where. It's a real pain. To ease this process, we're going to delve into file management with python the smart way.
614. Creating Responsive Layouts in CSS Grids as a Beginner [A How-To Guide]
Do you love the responsiveness of design? Do you want to know how to make layout responsive? You don't like to use bootstrap? I am going to show you how to make your website responsive without using bootstrap. We are going to create an online shop website layout.
615. How to Use BitBucket Pipelines and Xray Test Management to Test Automation of Jira Cloud Workflows
In this post I show how you can use Bitbucket pipelines together with Jira Cloud. Furthermore I introduce Xray Test Management and present how to combine them.
616. How To Resize an Image Correctly in JavaScript
JavaScript implementation of so-called Seam Carving algorithm for the content-aware image resizing and objects removal. Dynamic programming approach is applied
617. How To Implement a JUnit Parameterized Test for Selenium Test Automation
Tired of writing the same test scripts for different input values? Save time by learning how to perform a parametrized test in JUnit.
618. Introduction to Numeral Systems in Go
numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.
619. [Tutorial] How to Develop Blockchain Applications â Part 2/2
In this post, we will take a deep-dive into developing custom transaction types with our Core GTI (Generic Transaction Interface) technology.
620. How to Create a 3D Art Model with CSS3 [Step-by-Step Guide]
Have you ever come across a rather complex 3D creation while surfing the internet and your curiosity leads you to click on it to see if it has been rendered in Flash? These days, the features that come with modern browsers give you the power to create amazing projects without needing an external animating tool.
621. Soft Skills: Why They Matter and How To Develop Them
Soft skills will help you become the life and the soul of the party and reach your career and professional goals
622. The Boring React State Management Guide
What is State?
623. How To Use Selenium WebDriver for Cross Browser Testing
Selenium is a popular automation testing framework that is primarily used for cross browser testing. It is open source and is ideal for automating testing of web applications across different browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc. Selenium has become a renowned framework and is giving stiff competition to other test frameworks like HP QTP (Quick Test Professional) and AKA HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing).
624. How to Automate Your VPN Setup With Ansible
Setting up a WireGuard VPN? Learn how to increase server uptime, relay traffic and more, with in-depth code examples.
625. Building a Linux Shell [Part IV]
This is part IV of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the previous parts of this tutorial from the following links: part I, part II, part III.
626. Page Visibility API: Learn How to Use Browser-Based Visibility Interface
With tabbed browsing, there is a reasonable chance that any given webpage is in the background and thus not visible to the user. The Page Visibility API provides events you can watch for to know when a document becomes visible or hidden, as well as features to look at the current visibility state of the page.
627. Gravity Simulation With Unity DOTS 1.0
With the release of Unity 2022.2, DOTS packages have finally received a pre-release version.
628. How to Connect React, Highcharts And Cube.js
Started as a simple charting tool for monitoring a snow depth near the ownerâs country house in Norway, Highcharts quickly became one of the most popular visualization libraries. It provides a lot of great built-in interactive features and is easy to use.In this tutorial we are going to build a simple e-commerce dashboard with Cube.js and Highcharts. Weâll use the main Highcharts library, as well as Maps, Stock, and Solid Gauge modules.
629. 14 Ruby FAQs and Answers
Ruby is one of the popular programming languages which was developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in the mid-1990s. Ruby is a general-purpose language and is easy to learn. So, today we will be talking about the top 14 most asked questions about Ruby.
630. How To Yield Generators (Javascript)
Generators are a kind of special function that can stop its execution midway and start again from the same point where it stopped after some time.
631. How to Kalman Filter Your Way Out (Part 2: Updating Your Prediction)
Part II describes how to use Kalman filters to minimize uncertainty when using multi-sensor arrays
632. Filling And Flattening PDF Forms In Go With Examples
PDF forms are a convenient tool for gathering and storing information about your customers or users. This is a breakdown of how you can fill and flatten them.
633. Building a Linux Shell [Part V]
This is part V of a tutorial on how to build a Linux shell. You can read the previous parts of this tutorial from the following links: part I, part II, part III, part IV.
634. Tutorial: How to Integrate Google Maps into React Native
You might have seen Google Maps in almost all the apps these days. Some mobile apps are displaying their outlet locations, track users (like Uber), showing nearby places, etc. So, it shows the importance of maps support in mobile apps. Today, we are going to integrate Google Maps in a React Native app step by step, using the popular React Native Maps package.
635. HTTP Throttling via Lyft Global Rate Limiting
Sometime ago for a project, I was looking for a good rate-limiting service. For the scope of that project, the service would run along a front proxy and would rate-limit requests to third party applications.
636. Teach Yourself How to Work With Bootstrap 4 in Ten Minutes or Less
âBootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.ââââWikipedia
637. How to Create an Authentic Data Science Project for your Portfolio
Follow me along on how I explored Germanyâs largest travel forum Vielfliegertref. As an inspiring data scientist, building interesting portfolio projects is key to showcase your skills. When I learned coding and data science as a business student through online courses, I disliked that datasets were made up of fake data or were solved before like Boston House Prices or the Titanic dataset on Kaggle.
638. Kubernetes Scheduler: Explained in Plain English with Comics
In Kubernetes pod is the smallest deployable unit of workload. So the obvious question :
639. How To Avoid SEO Pitfalls
Building a Wix site with Velo? Here are some tips for improving your site's visibility in search engines and avoiding SEO pitfalls when coding with Velo.
640. Getting Started with Selenium Grid Browser Testing
When performing cross browser testing manually, one roadblock that you might have hit during the verification phase is testing the functionalities of your web application/web product across different operating systems / devices / browsers are the test coverage with respect to time. With thousands of browsers available in the market, automation testing for validating cross browser compatibility has become a necessity.
641. WebVTT API: Introduction to The Web Video Text Tracks Format
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) is a format for displaying timed text tracks (such as subtitles or captions) using the <track> element. The primary purpose of WebVTT files is to add text overlays to a <video>. WebVTT is a text based format, which must be encoded using UTF-8. Where you can use spaces you can also use tabs. There is also a small
API available to represent and manage these tracks and the data needed
to perform the playback of the text at the correct times.
642. How to Interface the 8051 MCU with an LCDÂ Display
Learn how to interface the 8051 microcontroller with a 16x2 LCD using Assembly!
643. Car Parking Finder App UI Clone with React Native #3 : Parking Spot Cards
This tutorial is the third part of our React Native Car Parking App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the scrolling transition of car parking spots. In this tutorial, we are going to continue from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous part in order to get the full insight into the project.
644. A Step by Step Guide to Building a Zero Dependency Notes App on IPFS
This is part one of a two-part tutorial. Part one focuses on authentication and part two focuses on posting and fetching content from IPFS.
645. Hunting for Customers With PostgreSQL
Now more than ever, you have to hold onto every customer you can. Customers donât love your product one minute, then fall out of love with it the next. Normally thereâs a declining trend in usage of your product over time.
646. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use External Database Collections for Better Wix Website Performance
Integrate your external databases into your Wix sites. Learn more.
647. Introduction to Buildah: A CLI Tool For Building Images
Buildah is a tool for building OCI-compatible images through a lower-level coreutils interface. Similar to Podman, Buildah doesn't depend on a daemon such as Docker or CRI-O, and it doesn't require root privileges. Buildah provides a command-line tool that replicates all the commands found in a Dockerfile. This allows you to issue Buildah commands from a scripting language such as Bash.
648. The Essential Guide to Logging With PHP
In this tutorial, we will look at PHP logging. Specifically, we will learn how to configure logs, how to show logs, and how to employ best logging practices.
649. WebXR Device API: Accessing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Devices
This page is not complete.
650. How to Build a Concurrent Chat App with Go and Websockets
Go emerged from Google out of a need to build highly performant applications using an easy-to-understand syntax. It's a statically typed, compiled language developed by some of the innovators of C, without the programming burden of manual memory management. Primarily, it was designed to take advantage of modern multicore CPUs and networked machines.
651. How to Use The Realtime Messaging API in Velo
The Realtime API is used to send messages in realtime over channels that your site visitors are subscribed to. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the usage of the Realtime API by sending breaking news alerts to visitors on a news site. We allow visitors who are members of our site to decide what types of news alerts they receive. Alerts are sent using an admin page where the admin can choose what type of alert to send.
652. The Complete Guide for using Redux in React Native
Redux is a popular React and React Native state management library, meant to be used in complex React and React Native apps where sharing state between multi-level components can get extremely difficult to manage. In this article we are going to learn how to use Redux with React Hooks by building a real React Native app.
653. What Is an Array Type in Typescript
Arrays work the same in TypeScript as they do in Javascript, the only difference being that we have to define their type upfront.
654. What Happens When You Call a Function?
655. How I Structure my React Projects
A React folder structure that fits my needs. How to Structure and organize a React application.
656. How to use Redis HyperLogLog
How to use Redis HyperLogLog data structure to store millions of unique items.
657. Add Dark Mode to Your Web Page With One Line of CSS đ
Create dark mode with 1 line of CSS with filters, and some tips and tricks.
658. Working With Files In Python: Part 2
This is the second part of the series File management with python. We pick up from where we left last time Part 1, where we organized files according to the extension. So, let's get started.
659. How To Remove Duplicates From a JavaScript Object
We can use the Set object to remove the duplicates from an array. The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. This property can be used to store only the objects that are unique in the array.
660. Hereâs All You Need to Know About the CSS Box Model
The CSS box model is a term thrown around in CSS with very little context but is probably the most fundamental thing you can know in CSS.
661. How to Use GoReleaser to Automate GoLang Build Releases
This is a quick start for GoReleaser to automate the building and publishing GoLang projects.
662. Checkers on React - Part 1 - Project Configuration and Initialization
I want to start a series of stories where I will try to implement a Checkers game.
663. Kubernetes Explained Simply: Cleaning Up After Yourself [Part 10]
If there's one thing that Kubernetes makes easy, it's creating resources â pods, deployments, volumes â before long you'll have tons of them lying around.
664. Poking around Chrome Extensions
If you want to learn how to do Chrome Extensions, then one under-appreciated way of learning is to poke your nose into other people's extensions!
665. How to Recover Missing Photos On Windows 10
Lost photos on your Windows 10 system? This blog provide you best method to recover missing or permanently deleted photos from your windows 10 system.
666. How to Scrape Google News Results with Node JS
Scraping Google News Results can get you access to articles from thousands of sources, including CNN, BBC, Reuters, etc.
667. Kubernetes Explained Simply: Waiting For Kubernetes [Part 5]
When you deploy stuff for a living, you find yourself waiting around, a lot. Wait for Terraform to spin up the AWS VPCs. Wait for the Kubernetes cluster node VMs to boot. Wait for the Kubernetes cluster to coalesce. Wait for the CNI pods, DNS pods, and kube-proxy bits to be happy. Wait, wait, wait.
668. Kubernetes Explained Simply: #3 What Do I Have Permissions For?
Stretching as far back as version 1.8 (in September of 2017), Kubernetes has supported a fine-grained access control mechanism called RBAC.  Nothing gets done via the Kubernetes API that isn't governed by some sort permission or another, and there are a lot of them.
669. Setting Up a Dedicated Database Server on Raspberry Pi
Learn how to set up a MariaDB database server on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with 8 GB of RAM that you can connect to your local network through WiFi or Ethernet
670. How to Make Inbox Zero More Achievable Using Apple Mail
Tutorial on a new email workflow that uses Apple Mail and email forwarding. Forward all your emails from Gmail, Outlook, AOL, Yahoo Mail to a central spot.
671. How to Copy Files From One Directory to Another Using the Java 7 NIO 2 API
In this article, I'll show you the pre-Java code for copying files from one directory to another as well post-Java 7 code which makes this task a lot easier.
672. Get To Know Prime: The Ruby Class For Sustaining Prime Numbers
A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and one (1). Ruby makes it convenient to access prime numbers within any range with the Prime class. This class represents a set of all prime numbers. Ruby also offers several methods for accessing the values herein. To use the prime class, ârequireâ it in your document as follows:
673. How To Configure Routers For Your Website with wix-router
Using Velo you can create routers that allow you to take complete control when handling incoming requests to your site. To do so, you set up a router to receive all incoming requests with a specified prefix and define the logic of what to do when a request with that prefix is received. You decide what actions to perform, what response to return, where to route the request, and what data to pass to the page.
674. One Dockerfile is All it Takes: How I Fell in Love With Bake
Using docker bake for outrageously simple monorepo docker builds.
675. Understanding JavaScript Event Loop
JavaScript Event Loop is a fundamental concept. In this tutorial, we will know JavaScript Event Loop on a high level.
676. Open Custom Dashboard Menu Item using WP Hooks
Sometimes we want to show menu item content in a separate tab for various purposes.
677. Getting to Know gRPC
Need a quick beginner's guide to gRPC? What is it? How do you set up a client and server, and make an RPC call? All your answers are here!
678. Deep Learning From Scratch Series: A Simple Neural Network [Part 1]
Photo from Pinterest Here -> this screenshot comes from a Martin Episode that you can watch here and get a good laugh đ
679. Building a Professional CV Using Velo
A little guide to building your own professional CV/Resume website with Velo by Wix.
680. Adding Multilanguage Support to CRA with React-i18next Module
React-i18next is one of the best options for multi-language apps among many libraries in which you may be lost.
681. How to Give Your React Navbar Search Functionality
This article shows you how to configure the search input. How to show / hide it, change the caption, add an icon, handle callback and how to style it;
682. How To Format Dates Correctly
This article explains how you can format dates on your site using Velo.
683. How And When To Use Pointers in Go
Go has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in my local area. It has been consistently displacing other backend languages like Ruby, Python, C# and Java. Go is wanted for its simplicity, explicitness, speed, and low memory consumption.
684. Smart Strategy To Create Login Function in React Native Using Powerful Tools
In this post, we will see how an action can be dispatched using Redux on login, and set the app state accordingly.
685. Upload Files Easily and Quickly in NodeJS Using Astro
How to upload files with Astro, express and multerjs
686. How to Add React.js to Laravel
How to add ReactJS to your Laravel project
687. How To Use wget in Linux
10 wget command
688. A No Bullshit Tutorial on Creating a Slack bot with Node.js
The best Slack bot tutorial for Node.js on the internet.
689. How to Scrape Data from Google Maps
Want to scrape data from Google Maps? This tutorial shows you how to do it.
690. An Intro to NIM: The Python-Like Programming Language Used By Malicious Ransomware Developers
Learn about Nim, benefit it offers as programming language and why it's a tool worth having.
691. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #10: Save Bookmark Feature
We are going to learn how to bookmark the articles so that we can easily access them in our Bookmark screen later. The process is simple. We are going to save post id to Asyncstorage from the SinglePost screen and then fetch the articles on the bookmark screen. Here, we are going to add the bookmark icon to the SinglePost screen and configure its functionality.
692. How To Build CI/CD Pipelines Behind Your Firewall Using Codefresh Runner
Continuous Integration/Delivery (CI/CD) is one of the most obvious candidates for moving to a Kubernetes cluster, as you automatically enjoy all the benefits of Kubernetes scalability. In traditional CI solutions, companies employ a fixed set of build nodes that teams must manually monitor and upgrade.
693. Create A Data Visualization Map Using Mapbox
In this article, we make a map with a software called Mapbox in a few simple steps. This won't involve any coding at all!
694. Instagram-like Filters In React Native
Instagram has been growing like crazy over the past few years, and one of its key features that fueled that growth was the famous photo filters. By allowing use
695. Exploring Redis II: How Redis Stream Works
What's Redis stream and how to use it.
696. How to Use C# Azure.Data.Tables SDK with Azure Cosmos DB
In this article, Iâll show you how we can perform simple operations against a Azure Cosmos DB Table API account using the new Azure.Data.Table C# SDK.
697. Ruby on Rails and the Complexity of Fake User Profiles, Made Simple
When I was working on my last Medium story (here) I was first using our production database to show off some functions of a web application.
698. How to Run Go in Your Browser With Web Assembly [ Tutorial ]
If you are familiar with the Go Playground, then you know how convenient it is to be able to have a Go scratchpad in the browser. Want to show someone a code snippet? Want to quickly test some syntax? Browser-based code pads a helpful. On that note, I created a new playground. The cool thing about this new playground that it doesn't use a remote server to run code, just to compile it. The code runs in your browser using web assembly (WASM).
699. Spend Zero Time on DevOps with Render PaaS
Check out how efficient it is to create a new API using Go, and then deploy it to the Render PaaS, both for the first time with zero DevOps.
700. An Essential Guide to Angular User Login and Registration (Cookies and JWT)
In this guide, we will design and implement a complete solution for user authentication including user login, registration, and account confirmation.
701. Dates in JavaScript are Broken. Who Shall Fix them?
The Javascript Date constructor is known to have a lot of bugs and issues. Let's look at some of its major flaws so you can avoid them.
702. Creating a Payment Flow using Velo Pay API
Using the Velo Pay API you can collect payments from your site's visitors outside the context of a Wix App like Wix Stores. The API allows you to collect a payment when triggered by any user interaction on any page.
703. JavaScript Vs. Java: Differences, Similarities and History of Creation
By @wagslane (twitter)
704. Creating Custom Widgets in Flutter: App Bar, Drawer, and Bottom Navigation Bar
Find out how to create dynamic custom widgets like App Bar, Bottom Nav Bar, and the Alert Dialog box that works as a Drawer.
705. How to Use Lerna to Create a Monorepo for Multiple Node Packages
In this post, we will walk you through how to use Lerna to manage, and publish, multiple packages under the same monorepo
706. Image Style Transfer And Video Transformation In EbSynth
Using EbSynth and Image Style Transfer machine learning models to create a custom AI painted video/GIF.
707. How to Use Wix App Collections and Code to Customize Your Website
This article explains what Wix app collections are and how you can work with them.
708. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #7: Pull to Refresh and Infinite Scroll
Here, we are going to implement pull to refresh which will refresh and make API call again to refresh the posts in the Home screen list. Also, we are going to add the Infinite scroll to the bottom of Home screen. The infinite scroll will trigger the request to server which will load more articles into the list.
709. Understanding The Model View Controller Design Pattern
For entry-level, web development enthusiasts and beginners alike, understanding the Model View Controller architecture can at times be a daunting task. In a variety of cases, its usage and implementation in projects may be discouraging when getting your feet wet in the early stages.
710. The Rainbowfication of the Hacker Noon Logo: Happy Pride Month!
A quick tutorial on how to rainbowfy your logo, in Hacker Noon style. Happy Pride Month!
711. How to Write End-to-End Tests for a React application with Cypress
End to end testing is one of the testing methodologies which is supposed to check whether if an application works as expected or not, by testing the so called user flow.
712. A Brief History of Java and Why it is an Excellent Programming Language
In this tutorial section, we will be diving deep into learning and understanding one of the most popular programming languages in the world; Java.
713. Become a Decentralized Storage Provider with RIF Pinning Services
By bringing together service providers and consumers together in a marketplace, and by using decentralized technologies, itâs possible to create a decentralized
714. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part#15: Forwarding Message to Inbox
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
715. Build NFT Games "Play to Earn" With Unity in 2022
Would you like to create your own NFT based games, With the release of Unity 8.6 and its built-in support for NFTs. we'll take a look at how Unity can be used.
716. Best Resources to Learn React Native Development [My Review]
React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android. There are lots of materials with which to learn React Native and in this article, I will show the best 10 resources to learn React Native development. For each learning material, I will talk about the entry behavior, time to complete, content, and difficulty level.
717. How to Use react-router-native-animate-stack Module
React Router Native v5 with your desired customisation transition style!
718. Learning RegEx Basics in Ruby
Find patterns in strings is a common problem for developers. One of the main scenarios where you could need this is on form validations, has the email the right structure? has the user first name any invalid character?. That's where regular expressions appear.
719. 6 Easy Steps to Make Animated GIFs for Short Tutorials
Most tutorials nowadays contain many visuals to grab the reader's attention and explain how to better solve different problems. Specifically, I found that GIFs are a very good tool for presenting GUIs. In this article, I will show you how to make animated GIFs that can be used alongside text to create faster and better demos.
720. Automatic Cross-Platform Deployments with Electron on a Travis CI Server
This is a tutorial on how to setup an Electron app on Travis CI, so that new versions are deployed to Github Releases with a simple pull request.
721. My Top-Rated Java Tutorials for Coding Newbies
Why Java?
722. Make the Web Readable Again: Deliver Article and News Digests to Your Favourite e-reader
RSS feeds are a largely underestimated feature of the web nowadaysâââat least outside the circles of geeks. Not only they are much more omnipresent than many think (every single respectable news website provides at least one feed); not only they empower users with the possibility of creating their own news feeds and boards through aggregators, without relying on the mercy of a cloud-run algorithm; but their structured nature (under the hood an RSS feed is just a structured XML) offers the possibility to build automation pipelines that deliver the content we want wherever we want, whenever we want, in whichever format we want. IFTTT is a popular option to build custom logic on RSS feeds. It makes it very intuitive to build relatively complex rules such as âsend me a weekly digest with The Economist articles published in the latest issueâ, or âsend a Telegram message with the digest from NYT every day at 6amâ, or âsend a notification to my mobile whenever XKCD publishes new comicsâ.
723. Car Parking Finder App UI Clone with React Native #1 : Map View
This Car Parking Finder App UI clone tutorial series was inspired by the React Native App Templates that provides us with a dynamic, fully-coded starter kit written in React Native that anyone can use to build their own store locator React Native application or initiate their own startup.
724. Building A Page Scroll in JavaScript
To understand scroll in Javascript, we cover an example to understand scroll position, animate on scroll, and navigation, etc.
725. How To Make an Image Uploading App Using Vue, Quasar, Firebase Storage and Cordova [Part 2]
What weâre building
726. How to Remove TikTok Watermark in Seconds
Not interested in manual video editing? Here's How to Remove Tiktok Watermark/Logo within seconds with zero editing required! Mark the words! Within seconds!
727. The Apprentice's Guide to Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform built over strong concepts. Let's dive into the possibilities it offers.
728. Database Tips: 7 Reasons Why Data Lakes Could Solve Your Problems
Data lakes are an essential component in building any future-proof data platform. In this article, we round up 7 reasons why you need a data lake.
729. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #20: Saving Data to Cache
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
730. Book Rating System From Scratch using Goodreads API and Slash GraphQL
GraphQL is a relatively new way to build user interfaces and APIs for consumers. It's essentially a querying language backed by a strongly typed schema, which makes it easy to write human-readable requests to get exactly the data you need. Compared to REST, whose responses are dictated by the server, GraphQL queries place the power squarely in the hands of the client.
731. RSK Truffle Box: The Plant Box
The first article relating to RSK Truffle Boxes, Using Truffle Boxes on RSK network, introduces the RSK specialized Truffle Boxes.
732. Using Rainforest API With WordPress [A How-To Guide]
Rainforest API is an alternative to the Amazon Product API provided to Amazon Associates. If you are thiking of building shopping comparisson sites with Amazon links and you donât have an API key, or if you want to build a lot of pages very quickly without limitation, using Rainforest API is the answer. If you are serious about earning money as an Amazon Affiliate and want to make thousands of pages, do yourself a favor and start the project off right.
733. Creating Custom Incident Response Workflows with n8n đ¨ [A How To Guide]
Iâve been involved in the DevOps world for a while and yet, I finished reading The Phoenix Project only recently. This piqued my interest in how teams execute their incident response playbooks. Itâs enlightening to see the different approaches teams take, to hone what works best for them.
734. Building React Applications with Deno and AlephJS
"Can I build something as complex as a NextJS or Create-React-App (CRA) application using Deno?"
735. How To Make The Kubernetes Operator Rock: Basic Principles
This blog post demonstrates how you can use the Operator Lifecycle Manager to deploy a Kubernetes Operator to your cluster. Then, you will use the Operator to spin up an Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) cluster.
736. Highlighting in Search Results
In this tutorial you will learn how to highlight search results in Manticore Search. You can benefit from search results highlighting if you want to improve readability of search results in your application or a web site.
737. Nullish Coalescing and Optional Chaining Operators
Nullish Coalescing operator ( ?? )
738. WebdriverIO Tutorial With Examples For Selenium Testing
WebdriverIO is Javascript based test automation framework built over nodeJs. It is an open-source project developed for the automation testing community. WebdriverIO is extendible, compatible, feature-rich, and easy to install. This is considered a Next-gen test automation framework which supports both desktop browsers and mobile apps. Which makes WebDriverIO a favourable option for Selenium automation testing. It supports BDD and TDD test framework. The latest version of WebdriverIO is 5.X. In this WebDriverIO tutorial for Selenium automation testing, I am going to show you how to start writing your first Selenium script of WebdriverIO.
739. How To Make A Site Bit By Bit [Beginners Guide]
In 2020, anybody can fabricate and structure a site without knowing anything about web improvement, plan or coding.
740. The Apprentice's Guide to Spring Boot
Spring Boot is an easy to use web framework built on top of the framework Spring. Let's bootstrap an API using Spring Boot.
741. Deploying an Open Source Secure Video Conference Server [A How To Guide]
In this article, you'll create a new DigitalOcean account using a free credit link. Then, you will clone a GitHub repository, and use Terraform code to initialize, plan and apply resources to your account, using a preconfigured image from DigitalOcean and your custom domain name. Finally, you will access your account remotely via SSH and execute two scripts to configure both your video conference server and Let's Encrypt SSL to enable HTTPS.
742. A Champion's Guide on Functional Programming
Best & Easy way to learn Python Development. get Python functional programming tutorial free/
743. A python IDE that you can use anywhere
As a student who travels a lot (pub - campus - cafe - home), I tend to carry around my macbook air because its light (and I hate heavy things). However, macbook air isn't really a powerful machine and it often drives me mad when the code I'm trying to run is too heavy to run
744. How Cache Busting Works
Cache busting is a technique so that browsers can have long caches on files while having them reload files when they change
745. The Debugger Checklist [Part 2]
The systemic process for debugging and finding issues in your application. In part 2 we delve into the nuts and bolts of the debugging process.
746. Adding the notification component to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the notification component using the ngx-toastr library.
747. Building An In-memory Database in Go
Building an in-memory database in golang is a basic task that you are likely to have to do. It needs you to make a database and a table before organising.
748. Reactstrap vs React-Bootstrap
People arenât clear about React-Bootstrap vs Reactstrap. If you want to know, here are some helpful explanations.
749. How to add reCAPTCHA or hCAPTCHA to any web application
Form spam can be a real headache. Check out reCAPTCHAme.com, a free service that takes care of the server-side CAPTCHA token validation for you.
750. Hiding Your API Credentials Client Side Using a Proxy Server in React
When you're writing client-side code to make API requests, you might need a Proxy Server to hide your API Credentials. Let's see how to do this for React apps.
751. Using Docker Compose for Development without Going Crazy
Using Docker Compose in development with creature comforts for developers.
752. Should Programmers Know Things About Computers
I have one question for you. What do you think, how much do programmers know about computers? And by computers I mean computer configuration, knowing what PC is the best, and how to fix problems with the computer in general. You may be surprised to know that there a lot of programmers who donât know much about that.
753. How to use Local Builds on Heroku
Iâve seen a few tutorials, how to deploy single page web applications on Heroku, but Iâve really struggled to do it myself, because I wanted to do it a bit differently. I found a way how to deploy any SPA to Heroku using local builds.
754. How To Show User Friends Posts Using Ruby on Rails
In this post, Iâll explain a trick that will give your web application the ability to show friendsâ posts.
755. Let's Make An API And Sell It
APIs are in high demand. Making an API that companies want to use would be even better if you could sell it, too. This is how to do it with every step inside.
756. Implementing Google Authentication and Fetching Mails from Scratch Using Python Django
Google Authentication and Fetching mails from scratch means without using any module which has already set up this authentication process.
757. Recursion Can Be Weirder Than You Think
I love recursion. I think it's a very elegant way of writing code, and sometimes it lets you write simple but yet effective pieces of code. And if you happen to use languages like Scala, then recursion is a must.
758. Kubernetes Explained Simply: Data Extraction With JSON Path [Part 8]
kubectl can pull a lot of data about our deployments and pod.  Most of the time, we humans are the recipients of that information, and kubectl obliges by nicely formatting things in pretty tables.
759. Hellfred or: How I Learned To Automate macOS and Become Hellishly Productive
Hellfred apps are built on top of Hammerspoon so you can automate tasks and boost productivity by programming shortcuts into your daily workflows.
760. How To Setup Event Tracking with Velo by Wix
Adding tracking code to your site allows you to monitor how users interact with your site. Collecting tracking data gives you insight into their online behavior and helps you to optimize your online marketing strategies.
761. Create Zoom Transition Animations in React and Framer Motion: A How-To Guide
This article aims to explain, how we could create a zoom page transition animation effect for a gallery web application using React & Framer Motion.
762. You Can Be a Coding Hero Too: Do Not Fear Trying
"Everybody with the right attitude can learn to code."
763. Tutorial: How to Quickly Set up NodeJS Server
NodeJS is a popular framework of JavaScript used for back-end web development. And for this, a server is as important as the backbone to a human body. So in this tutorial, we'll learn how to quickly set up a nodeJS server.
764. How to Build a Plagiarism Checker Using Machine Learning
Using machine learning, we can build our own plagiarism checker that searches a vast database for stolen content. In this article, weâll do exactly that.
765. Structural Analysis of a Beam with Python
A simple python program to compute the shear and bending stresses in a beam element
766. Building a Simple Rest API with Go
After recently joining Central Tech, I was given my first project: implement a new product creation and querying API in Go. I took this as a chance for me to finally dive deep into Go, something I've been wanted to do after having heard praises about it from many others. I also decided to start detailing the things I learned along the way, both for personal reference and to ensure that I understand concepts enough to explain it in writing.
767. FrontEnd Frameworks and Libraries to 10x Your Productivity
A non-exhaustive list of libraries, frameworks that you should be aware of. Knowing about their existence helps you construct a tech stack and development plan.
768. How To Partition A Hard Drive [Tutorial]
Partitioning allows you to create a segment on a single drive to separate programs from files or install a second operating system.
769. Authentication in an Angular Application Using Supabase
Application example built with Angular 14 with authentication using the Supabase service.
770. How Optional Chaining Can Save You From Unexpected Errors in Javascript
Optional chaining is a feature in Javascript which lets us access the child properties of an object, even if the parent object doesn't exist.
771. Build Your Own Chatbot Using Webex and NodeJS
As hybrid work grows, more industries need developers to build ChatOps toolsâlike chatbots. In this tutorial, we'll build a Webex chatbot with Node.js.
772. 5 Tips to Help you Start Programming
I've been trying to start programming since early 2015 and I was finally able to start in 2020. It took a long time for me to start programming. There are certain things, that hindered me from learning. I tried multiple ways to overcome my issues but I failed. It took almost six years to finally convince myself to learn to program. Just in six months, Iâve learned C, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Though Iâm no expert, Iâve just gathered basic knowledge of these.
773. Velo How-To: Text Formatting
You can connect data to elements using Wix Data and datasets or Velo and code. You can learn about how data is formatted when it is connected using datasets, here.
774. Overview of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Beginners
In this tutorial, we will learn about one of the core components of Java: I.e what is Java Runtime Environment.
775. How to Extend a KMM Shared Module With C/C++ Code
Learn how to embed a simple SHA-256 implementation on C-language in KMM library and use it for iOS andAndroid target platforms.
776. Kubernetes Explained Simply: #1 Kubectl Hack
To say that Kubernetes uses a bit of YAML is like saying that a few people put some of their code on GitHub â accurate, but severely understated.
777. Understanding LinkedList Data Structure in Ruby
If you are familiar with data structures you may have heard about a LinkedList.
778. Build a Chat Room With Socket.io and Express
In this article, we are going to create a chat application that connects people, anonymously, to different rooms together in pairs of two.
779. Adding the Material UI CSS framework to a React Application
Application example built with React and adding the Material UI CSS framework using the @mui/material library.
780. Enhancing Bitcoin's Transaction Privacy With Bloom Filters
Bloom filters are a data structure developed by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970. You can see them as a hash tablesâ cousin. They also allow for efficient insert and lookup operations while occupying very little space
781. How to use CSS pseudo-classes :before and :after
The CSS :before and :after properties are what also known as pseudo elements. They are used to add something before or after the content of an element. There are a lot of great uses for these pseudo elements, and we are here to explore some of them.
782. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Simple Random Story Generator
Our random story generator will use a few lists of phrases and every time we run our program, a sentence will be randomly formed by picking phrases from them.
783. Scraping Tesla Stock Prices with Node.js and Puppeteer
Learn how you can easily scrape the latest stock prices using Node.js and puppeteer!
784. How I Cloned a Simple VSCode Using Tauri and ReactJS
How I built a simple code editor like VScode using Tauri and Reactjs
785. If You Want to Learn Better, Put Down the Tutorial, and Start Practicing
Going from tutorial to tutorial to achieve this imaginary 100% knowledge of a topic is very detrimental.
786. How To Disable Cortana In Windows 10
Cortana is Microsoftâs menial helper that comes incorporated into Windows 10. In case youâre having issues with Cortana, or on the off chance that you donât need it recording and putting away your own data, there are a couple of approaches to briefly or for all time turn off Cortana in Windows 10.
787. How To Use CSS Transform Property
Without the transition, transform property is able just to turn over the object it is applied to. So, in the most real-life situations (real-life?), these two options are applied together.
788. Write Cleaner Code with My Top 5 JavaScript Hacks
789. Re-Learning Data Structures and Algorithms Series: Python 3 And Classes
If you have not read the first blog on the why, how, and hope of this series, check out the first here
790. Monitoring Kubernetes Components using Prometheus
Monitoring is a crucial aspect of any Ops pipeline and for technologies like Kubernetes which is a rage right now, a robust monitoring setup can bolster your confidence to migrate production workloads from VMs to Containers.
791. Once Upon a Time in Javascript: Classes and Inheritance
Classes in javascript were first introduced as part of ECMAScript 6 standard back in 2015. Today, they feel like something natural, but how was javascript before them?
792. Building Blocks of DOM Manipulation - Vanilla JS Tutorial (Part One)
Learn the basics of DOM manipulation with Vanilla JS including set up, document.createElement(, .textContent, and more.
793. .NET Garbage Collection, Here We Go!
This post discusses the aggressive and hungry nature of the garbage collection process in .NET as well as a concept that is often referred to as eager root collection.
794. Creating a React Application to Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle
Peter Norvig, the legendary Google mogul and AI titan, wrote a python essay to solve every Sudoku puzzle 10 years ago. Back then, he may not have expected that his code will inspire so many other posts and to be ported to so many different languages. For JavaScript, the latest version of the solver that I found was einaregilsson/sudoku from 2014
795. Create and Publish a Universal JavaScript Module
Why Universal NPM Modules?
796. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #17: Fixing react-native-render-html
This series intends to show how I build app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react native. Since, my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme , offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series.this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
797. Learning YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML(YAML Ainât Markup Language)is a data serialization language. Common uses cases are configuration files, log files, internet messaging, data sharing.
798. [Tutorial] Top 5 Ways to Query your Relational Database in JavaScript [Part 1]
If youâre developing web applications, youâre almost certainly going to be constantly interacting with a database. And when it comes time to select the way youâll interact, the choices can be overwhelming.
799. Using the Spread Operator in JavaScript
This article will cover the spread operator and how you can use them in your day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
800. Building Spam Classification Using The Naive Bayes Algorithm
In this article, we scratch spam email classification using one of the simplest techniques called the Naive Bayes classification.
801. How To Run Triggered Sends with Velo by Wix
Triggered Emails allow you to create a template for emails that you can send to a newly created contact, using code. Before sending the email, your code can inject information into the template to personalize it with any data that is available in your page code. In this article, we demonstrate how to use the code snippet generated by Triggered Emails to send an email to the newly created contact on the submission of a form.
802. How to Force JavaScript Variables to use Specific DOM APIs
To take advantage of JavaScript IntelliSense and code completion when using a certain awesome text editor ehem VS Code ehem, you need to be able to declare the correct interfaces for variables containing DOM elements.
803. How to Build an IoT Application Using an HTTP API
In this walkthrough, we'll build an IoT application that uses Python to call an HTTP API, and then we'll deploy that application to an M5Stack IoT device.
804. Github Actions and Puppeteer: Continuous Integration Tutorial
Lately Iâve added continuous integration to my blog using puppeteer for end to end testing. My main goal was to allow automatic dependency update using Dependabot.
805. How To Harden And Simplify Urlopen Function In Python
Harden and streamline Python's urllib.request.urlopen() to support only the desired protocols, using the flexible and native OpenerDirector class.
806. How To Harden Your Docker Containers Using Seccomp Security Profile
Secure Computing Mode, also known as Seccomp, is a Linux kernel feature that improves several security features to help run Docker in a more secure environment.
807. How to Build a Serverless Full-stack Application Using Git, Google Drive, and Public CI/CD Runners?
Learn to build a serverless full-stack application with backend workers and database only using git, google drive, and public CI/CD runners.
808. Three Different Ways to Create Objects in JavaScript
Almost everything in Javascript is an object, whether itâs an array or a function. In this post, weâll learn three different ways to create objects in JavaScript:
809. Velo How-To: Setting Up The File Upload Field With Custom Form Handler
File Upload Scenario
810. How To Create A Simple Twitter Bot Using Node.js
In this tutorial, we'll go over creating a simple Twitter bot that uses the Today in History API and tweet what happened today in history.
811. About Bitcoin and Merkle Trees
Merkle trees, also known as binary hash trees, are a type of binary tree. They can be used to efficiently verify the integrity of large sets of data. They are used in both blockchain and non-blockchain-related projects.
812. How to Add Websockets to a Django App without Extra Dependencies
Now that Django 3.0 ships with ASGI support out of the box, adding Websockets to your Django app requires no extra dependencies. In this post, you'll learn how to handle Websockets with Django by extending the default ASGI application. We'll go over how to handle Websocket connections, send and receive data, and implement the business logic in a sample ASGI application.
813. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build a Web Application with Velo
Velo by Wix is an innovative product that lets you build robust web applications with zero setup. Work in Wix's visual builder, add custom functionality and interactions using Velo APIs, and enjoy serverless coding in both the front-end and backend. With Velo, your web app can be up and running in a fraction of the time it would normally take you.To introduce you to Velo, we created our own version of a "Hello, World!" example: a simple currency converter site that uses the wix-fetch API to connect to a third-party service. Site visitors choose source and target currencies from dropdowns and enter an amount to convert. The results are displayed in a text box.
814. An Overview of HTTP and How It Works
HTTP is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser. A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-documents fetched, for instance text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and more.
815. How To Run Recurring Jobs using Velo by Wix
The Job Scheduler allows you to schedule code to run at specified intervals. You schedule code to run by creating a job.
816. HTML5 Websockets API Introduction and Tools
The WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.
817. How To Create a URL Shortener using MongoDB And Node
Let us learn about MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, and other tech by building a simple URL shortener project.
818. How To Automate Conference Organization Processes Using n8n Workflows
Organizing conferences is hard. Recently, I was chatting with Nicolas GreniĂŠ about the manual processes that conference organizers have to deal with. The automation of these processes can save them time and effort as well as improve the conference experience. Inspired from this brainstorm, we ended up creating this tutorial using tools like n8n, Typeform, Bannerbear, Airtable, and Trello.
819. Active Record Associations in Rails
An association is a connection between two Active Record models. It makes much easier to perform various operations on the records in your code. We will divide associations into four categories:
820. The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Web Scraper With NodeJS
When you need tons of data quickly, a web scraper is the best option. Luckily, making your own scraper isn't as hard as it seems. Here's how to do it in NodeJS!
821. Webhooks Fun with n8n and Mattermost đ¸
Recently, I have been working a lot with webhooks and n8n. Webhooks have first-class support in n8n and can be used to enable powerful workflows. n8n is a fair-code licensed tool that helps you automate tasks, sync data between various sources, and react to events all via a visual workflow editor. In case you are not familiar with Mattermost, it is an open-source messaging alternative to Slack.
822. How to Use Azure Functions to Build a QR Code Generator
How to build a fun QR code project and learn about Azure Functions at the same time. Using the latest .NET technologies.
823. AWS Secrets Manager: How to Manage Credentials in Python
In this tutorial, we're looking at the AWS Secrets Manager as a way of managing credentials in Python scripts, with an example use case.
824. Automate Designs with Bannerbear and n8n
As a designer and self-proclaimed data nerd, Iâve been involved in proceduralizing creative deliverables for some time. Up until now however, my concepts always had to reconcile with the limitations of InDesign macros or my coding skills. n8n empowers me to apply my basic understanding of data objects and the interwebs to create some pretty slick automations with minimal effort.
825. React Native Travel Article App UI Clone #6 : Finish
This tutorial is the sixth part of our React Native Travel Article App UI clone series. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Delimiter dots animation while scrolling the Destination cards in the Destinations section. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts in order to get the knowledge and insight into the overall project.
826. [DIY] Create an AirBnB Clone with React Native - Part IV: Login Error Notifications
This tutorial is the fourth chapter of our implementation of an AirBnB clone in React Native. In previous chapters, weâve successfully implemented email authentication with Firebase. In case you need to get caught up, here are links to parts 1â3:
827. Using Plivo APIs For Sending SMS messages With Node.js
Send your first SMS message using Plivo Node.js SDK within 5 minutes.
828. IoT Tutorial: Room Temperature Sensors From A Raspberry Pi, Using Go
In this tutorial, Iâll show you how to grab temperature from a Raspberry Pi and build an endpoint to store the data, with Go.
829. Heroku and CircleCI : Automated CI/CD Process for a NuxtJS
Published with permission from Alvin Lee.
830. [Tutorial] Top 5 Ways to Query Your Relational Database in JavaScript [Part 2]
Welcome back! In the first part of this series, we looked at a very "low-level" way to interact with a relational database by sending it raw SQL strings and retrieving the results. We created a very simple Express application that we can use as an example and deployed it on Heroku with a Postgres database.
831. How To Create Your First Frontend For RSK Smart Contracts
In this tutorial I will show you step-by-step how to create your first front end to interact with a smart contract deployed at RSK testnet, using only Javascript and HTML and connected to a wallet using a web3 provider.
832. When Did BeyoncĂŠ Start Becoming Popular? - Tackling One of the Most Common Problems in NLP: Q/A
Hello! Today Iâd like to explain how to solve one of the most troublesome tasks in NLPâââquestion answering.
833. The Apprentice's Guide to Kubernetes
Let's dig into Kubernetes, a powerful orchestrator that will ease deployment and automatically manage your applications on a set of machines.
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