Let's learn about Microverse via these 81 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. 5 Reasons to Learn HTML & CSS
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a basic tool to design web pages that complements itself with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So everyone who wants to join the web design world has to learn this tools, but even if you want to be a web back-end developer it would be nice to learn this, therefore we are going to list a few good reasons to do it:
2. What it's Like to Code in a Developing Country
A simple and short story about the things I had in mind before and after starting with programming
3. How to Clean Your Git History
An informal talk about some very useful git commands.
4. Semantic HTML Tags That Will Boost Your Markup Quality
It's been a long time since Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) showed up to become the basis of the web. Since that time, many things have changed, and some features of the HTML files went from desirable to negative. Thus, a cryptic markup or an obfuscated source code once considered useful things to avoid unauthorized copies, seems to be a nonsense in the fight for positioning in search engine results that we live in today.
5. How a n00b Programer Climbed The Binary Tree in Ruby
When I faced a search problem in Ruby the first thing that came to my head was a binary tree (yes, I’m a weirdo). After some search about it, I decided to create an open-source tree of my own so anyone can just download and use it in the future.
6. The Recommended Way to Iterate Over Arrays in JavaScript
When dealing with an array, there is a number of ways one can iterate
through the elements starting from the first at index 0 all the way
to the last element in the array. In my learning process I have come
across 6 looping methods namely
7. Understanding Flexbox By Small Steps
Flexbox is a useful front-end technology, which can easily organize HTML items and create beautiful and responsive layouts. Leading companies rely on it to make their websites accessible in every screen possible, which granted it the status of an industry-standard tool.
8. How Mentorship and Reading Through 100,000+ LoC Made Me a Better Human Being
There’s more to code than the code
9. Bootstrap Vs. Material UI For React Based Project
Do you enjoy building fast and professional looking pages using React and Bootstrap? What if I tell you that there is a more efficient way (and in my opinion, that looks more professional) to build websites.
10. "I Believe That People Need To Always Be Motivated", Interview with Murilo Roque Paiva da Silva
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
11. A Refactoring Guide for Ruby on Rails
“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live” — John F. Woods
12. HTML and CSS Tips From a Newbie
About a month ago I started Microverse’s Technical Curriculum and two days ago I finished its first module, HTML and CSS.
13. Skills That You Need to Have as Web Developer
Before I became the person that I am now (Fullstack Software Developer), I
never believed in spending my precious time learning HTML and CSS.
Whenever I needed to create a web page, I could go to w3schools, fetch some markup and paste it in my HTML file. I had put my total focus on back-end technologies. I could write very good and optimized algorithms and SQL queries but I could not present my data well on the front side of my applications.
14. Javascript: The Most Complex Language
For me this is one of the strangest things I did in my life, talk to you about what is it for me one of the most complex languages that I have worked with. Javascript is something really strange when you compare it with other languages.
15. Why You Should Learn Vanilla JS Before Frameworks
First of all, I want to start by explaining that vanilla JS is not a framework, now in 2020 is well known that vanilla JS is “plain javascript” this means pure JS without frameworks.
16. Should I use Bootstrap or any other CSS framework?
17. 6 Reasons for Using Bootstrap Framework
Usually, when we are making a web page, we need to use the code that we created before in other projects. That means that we are going to redo the same features over and over again.
18. How Easily Create Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid
Do you often find yourself banging your head against the wall when trying to make your page responsive? I sure did for a long time, that was before I became familiar with the grid system. I had already seen and used grid a few times but I was a little intimidated by the huge amount of properties that it has to offer, but today I’m pretty comfortable creating layouts with just CSS Grid, so in this article, I want to show you what I think are the most important properties that you can use in CSS grid to make your web page fully responsive.
19. Building An Infinite Scroll Using React Hooks
There are a lot of React pre-made components out there that promise infinite scroll functionality. The problem with that is that sometimes they are not tailored to fit your specific needs, especially if you are using the newly featured React-Hooks to create functional components all across your application. These pre-made components work well with class components, but they have not been updated to work with the state-of-the-art functional hook-components.
20. How Project-Based Learning Helping Me To Learn Web Development
Learning a new skill can be challenging. But as humans, we always strive for better ways to be more effective and productive.
Coding means using a programming language to get the computer to behave as desired. To a tech geek, that sounds easy or doable, but to a code newbie like myself, I barely see how that can be possible.
21. How I Started to Learn HTML and CSS
You always want to jump into web development but don’t know how to start. That is fine me too I had this similar problem. I start download every e-book I found on the internet, when i realize that I have an external backup with more than 200 HTML and CSS book it became hard for me to pick one and start. Reading is good but reading without purpose is worse.
22. We created a Covid19 tracking dashboard
So my former coding partner Collins from Microverse and I decided to create a simple dashboard to track the novel coronavirus. This dashboard which is live here offers the following features that differentiate it from the others:
23. My Web Development Journey With Microverse
HTML and CSS are two of the most popular tools used to create front-end designs for websites. As simple as they may seem from the outside looking in, they can prove to be quite a challenge at times, pulling one into a black hole of design thinking.
24. The Best CSS Unit For a Responsive Design
CSS units are very important when creating a responsive website and you might wonder which one to use considering we have several CSS units. I had the same issue while working on a project, so I did some research on it. In this article, I will show you the most suitable CSS units to use for responsive design.
25. 7 Main Mistakes I Made While Learning to Code
So it has been two months since I started my transition to a more tech-related career. I thought that in 3 months I would have enough knowledge to actually build a digital product. I couldn’t be more wrong. My main lesson learned is: learning to code is a lifetime commitment; it never stops.
26. How to Build a Responsive Page Using Bootstrap
One of my every project challenge was to build a responsive page with media querys and a few knowledge about how it works, but after it, Bootstrap came to me...
27. CSS Basics: How To Take A Control
As a web developer, we have to work at some point on the visual aspect of our applications and this is where we talk about style and therefore CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
28. Evolution of Web Design: From HTML to HTML5
When most people think about evolution, what comes to mind is “the big bang”, usually describing it as way different types of living organisms developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Technology has also evolved over time, there are many technologies, major ones being web development, computer systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence and many more. The main focus of this article is on the evolution of Web Design. A deeper dive into HTML which is the backbone of every web page document that you see on the internet today. Yes, other supplements exist e.g. CSS, thats adds design for websites, but without HTML, displaying a webpage document is not possible.
29. Yes, Your Site Need to Be Mobile Ready
Och good old days..., when everyone was using computers with their square monitors, you could slap some site in minutes, upload on cheap hosting and everyone is coming right away and enjoying it and saying good words about it and the world is a happy place..., but not today!
Today to have a website even for fun, maybe a blog about your dog, you need to take care of many more things, and your site responsiveness is definitely one of them, what is responsiveness you asking? Ok, let's find out it first
Responsiveness is when your site changes the design based on the user's screen he/she uses if the visitor is coming to your site using a personal computer - your site looks one way if smartphone - another way.
It doesn't mean that you need to create a totally different design for all the screen sizes in the world, but changing how site elements positioned and shows up for different screens is a good start.
Why it's important?
Well A - if you want to miss out on something like 60% worldwide in 2020 of internet users and B - because you and your grandpa are on personal computers with big ass screens and C - only you two reading that blog, then maybe it's not that important.
But if you want others to come to your site and enjoy it then - it's one of the most important things you need to care about when building a website.
And I'm not even touching the business side of it, if you want to make money with your site then responsive design is crucial to have it.
People now days have such a short span for waiting and clicking and searching that if you make them think of what/where/why then that's it, withing few first seconds you just lost a customer.
Even Google lost its temper on this, now if your site is not responsive and slow, you'll have a hard time ranking your site to the top Google search positions.
Enough rambling!
30. What is CSS [Beginners Guide]
CSS is one of those things we see get thrown around but not really explained. If it does, we only get to scratch the technical surface. Over the years, CSS has grown from something that makes the web prettier into a tool that can be infused with user experience psychology and conversion inducing patterns. To add to it all, the differences in browsers and screen size requirements push CSS’ potential to be complex through requirements just a little bit further.
31. How to Achieve Column Reordering with Bootstrap 4
Responsive web pages are websites that adjust to different screen sizes. Audi.com, in 2001 was one of the websites to adopt this design.
32. How To Start Learning HTML And CSS3
33. Introduction to Pseudo-Class Selectors
What we will cover in this article more specifically is the subject of pseudo-classes! First of all, what pseudo-classes are, you may ask. They are keyword in CSS language that lets you interact with external factors or events, like moving the mouse over an element or visiting a link. We will not cover here all the pseudo-classes but after reading this article you will get the idea! The main idea behind this pseudo-classes is that they expose events in CSS language witch means that is easier to interact with HTML element on web pages.
34. 6 Tips to Write Better CSS For Beginners
My experience with CSS first started when I was trying to style my very first non-functional ugly-looking login page. Since then, I learned a lot about writing functional well-organized CSS code. All web-developers need to be good at HTML/CSS, but they don't have to be experts.
35. How to Control HTML CSS Position Property
Hello, my name is Roman. I’m a starting full-time student at Microverse and it’s my first public article in my life. After I finished several projects on HTML and CSS I’ve found one of the most confusing and unclear properties: position.
36. Collection Of Javascript Packages and Extensions That I'm Using
It’s been a while since I started learning JavaScript and, like other languages I learn, I like to discover ways to code efficiently. In this article, I’m going to show you some of the most awesome libraries and VSCode extensions that will improve your JavaScript coding experience.
37. Design Your Responsive CSS Grid
Do you have any difficulty to build responsive design?
38. Reasons Why You Should Choose the Microverse Coding Course As Beginner
Hello World! I’m Sayyod and I’m a financier. I have almost 5 years of experience in banking. From my childhood, I loved to work on the computer and play video games. At the same time, this love led me to create programs and games such as that. This desire never left me even during study time at the university and also in working time. My mind always thought about it. My whole free time I spent searching how to learn coding from 0. If you surf the internet with patience like me, you can find too many sites and courses which teach you online and promise to become a great developer. Here I will tell you shortly about my search results. I would like to divide them into 2 types: payable and free.
39. What You Need To Learn to Become a Full Stack Developer from Zero
I worked in marketing and data analysis. After a long time, I decided to change career and leave my 8 to 5 job, to pursue a remote job and start a business of my own. After this point, it's difficult to decide where to look for information and what language to start learning first. If you don’t have any previous knowledge this could be an impediment to continue with your goal. And a waste of your time trying to find the right resources to start.
40. 6 Common HTML and CSS Interview Question and Answers
In this article, I will present some of the most frequent questions and answers made by interviewers. There will be questions about HTML & CSS. If you like reading, go ahead. If you don’t, you can still watch myself answering the same questions in this YouTube playlist I prepared.
41. How I Went From Forensic Officer to Programmer
My post will help you to start work from home by teaching you to become a Software Development.
42. How to Use Clip-Path CSS Property
I was given a task to replicate the newsweek website and I thought that would be a walk in the park until I started working on the project. My focus will be on the red/orange background of the header used on that website, as shown on the image above and how I was able to come up with the design using the clip-path property in CSS3.
43. HTML5 And CSS3: Tidbits Galore
You might be aware that each language in web development has a very specific purpose, i.e HTML is used to structure the web page and also have other metadata, while CSS is used to design the web page and creating a responsive layout, and JavaScript is usually used to add interactivity, functionality and much more.
44. How To Clone Hackernoon HTML Page
Website cloning is a testament to every novice web developer. A pure function-less website clone is a great way to solidify a programmer's HTML and CSS skills. However, it could be horrified at the start. In this article, I'm going to share with you how to clone this webpage, yes, this article itself.
45. Arrays in Ruby: Benefits and Costs to Use Them
Data structures are eagerly introduced to new programmers, since they will be using them pretty much through their whole career. Knowing them, how they work, what are they good for, which one to use, are things that can change the performance of your solutions quite vastly.
46. How to Learn Difficult Concepts of CSS Positioning [Beginners Guide]
In recent years, jobs are shifting more towards Machine Learning(ML), Artificial Intelligence(AI) technologies, both of which need significant coding skills. With the imminent threat of job losses to ML, AI, and other emerging technologies in the near soon, there are currently fears among employees that their jobs are about to be taken by robots. Consequently, there have been a lot of career changes today than ever before where people from different backgrounds are acquiring skills in the above-mentioned technologies, data analysis, as well as learning how to code. Looking at the trend of events in today’s dynamic labor market, coding is arguably among the skills that seem to be future-proof. For this reason, despite the seeming difficulty of learning how to code for someone without a traditional computer science background, people from all walks of life are venturing into coding by the day.
47. Setting up a Web Develop Environment in Debian
I am on Microverse working with a lot of people new to Software Development with Linux (I use this word to refer to Linux OS and all his derivatives or distros), and in web development we use certain tools and pipelines that are more difficult to set up in Windows. So I found that most of the people new to Linux struggle to set up the tooling and basic commands for the first time.
48. Using React Redux State Management And React State In Asynchronous Operation
With the mutuality of JavaScript, several frameworks have emerged. React is one of those frameworks that have come up with an effective way to manipulate the virtual DOM. Using React, every user interface section is viewed and composed as a single independent component that has a state. Any changes that occur in the section are determined by the state which the component is always listening to. Changes in the state results to react updating the virtual DOM tree.
49. Improve Your Style of Writing CSS Code [A HOw-To Guide]
Design created by pikisuperstar
50. One Month at Microverse...
And you say learning to code is hard…You say code is not a woman’s thing…You even imply that women are lazy when it comes to tech commitment okay, you are staring at a woman who never quits. This is my ever first tech article, and I am almost new to programming.
[51. Installing Ruby on Rails 6 on Ubuntu
[A How-To Guide]](https://hackernoon.com/installing-ruby-on-rails-6-on-ubuntu-a-how-to-guide-r8b732vn)
Installing Rails 6 on Ubuntu can be tricky. In 5 easy steps, I’ll show you how to do it. I’m currently a web development student at microverse. As part of the microverse curriculum, we’re expected to solve some Rails exercises from The Odin Project.
52. How To Format Your CSS Code as a Professional
As a full-stack web developer, I'm building different websites by writing code every single day. Experiencing several situations including solving problems and fixing errors.
53. Configuring Your Phaser 3 Game With Webpack For Production
I am writing this article to help people that are just starting to learn Phaser 3 and need extra support when deploying their game to production. This tutorial will focus on configuring your app with Webpack, I will run through each line of code explaining what they are doing and why they are important. This tutorial won’t show you how to set up your Phaser 3 game, in that case I recommend you to start with this template and jump to configuring your prod.js in this article (Step 5).
54. An Important Thing for Beginner Developer
When I started learning to code, I was always asking myself how could I speed up my development to become a professional as soon as I could. If you’re commencing your coding journey, you probably asked yourself this already. That’s natural to think about, mainly if you’re changing careers or simply if you value a lot your time.
55. My Journey Building a Scraper with Ruby
Last week I finished my Ruby curriculum at Microverse. So I was ready to build my Capstone Project. Which is a solo project at the end of each of the Microverse technical curriculum sections.
56. Flexboxes, Align and Justify Props, Explained
As a beginner, you’ll often find it difficult to understand the differences between “justify-content”, “align-items”, and “align-self”, here’s a quick break down on how to understand these properties and never get confused. This article assumes you have basic knowledge of CSS classes, selectors, and flex.
57. My Acquaintance with Flexboxes and CSS Grid
Until recently, I was only browsing the site as a user. Yes, of course, I noticed that the appearance of the pages of sites that I view on the Internet changes over time.
58. How To Continue Coding and Improving After Bootcamps and Tutorials
A year ago, I had almost zero experience in software engineering. Yet, this was something I ever wanted to do. So when I got the opportunity to become one, I jumped right into it.
59. Comparisons and Metaphors in Web Development
When I started studying Web-Development in late 2019, I was overwhelmed by so much information, and without a technical background it is easy to get discouraged or confused, today I want to give my personal opinions with some examples that will be useful to people without a CS degree or other background in the IT field.
60. CSS Underdog Rule: position: sticky;
PH: Hitarth Jadhav from Pexels
61. How I started learning web development, The first step to become a Full-Stack Software Developer
At the ending of last year, I found an amazing opportunity to become a software developer, studying at a global school for remote software developers that It’s call Microverse. To apply to Microverse you need to have some basic coding knowledge in HTML, CSS and a programming language of your preference to solve some coding challenges.
62. How to Master Your Work From Home Routine
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily routines around the world, and many find themselves working from home for the unforeseeable future.
63. How to Use HTML to Improve Accessibility for Low-Vision Users
The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web
64. The Essential HTML Basics Guide for Beginners
Coming as a beginner into HTML can be difficult, especially for the amount
of default properties and behaviors that are in place and nobody tells you about it. In this article, I am going to show you how these things work, how you can modify their default behavior, and help you get a better understanding of HTML that will be useful any time there is a roadblock in the rendering of your page.
65. Online Learning: 3 Initial Experiences at Microverse
After I got my Engineering diploma I have worked in several places. Those are professional factories including Croissant Production and Juice Extraction plants. I was dealing with data in all of those places.
66. How To Use HTML Semantics like a HERO
67. CSS Animation Basics
CSS Animations enable the front-end developer to animate HTML elements which in turn give your website a fun and cool look. In this post, we will take a deep dive into how to use animations in CSS. When you are done, you should have a good understanding of the topic. Try typing the code into your code editor and see how it works. This will help the concepts sink in deeper. Now let us take a look at this example.
68. How to Start With CSS Displaying Basic Elements in HTML
This article helps you to start in CSS3, explaining the basics of how to display elements in an HTML document.
69. How To Use SASS In Your Create-React-App
Create-react-app is facebook's attempt at setting up a developer to get started building react apps very quickly. It is a boilerplate that comes pre-configured with a wide array of tools and technologies that ensure a smooth running react application. However, create-react-app does not come with Sass preprocessing by default. To add sass preprocessing, we would need to add an extra dependency to our list of dependencies known as node-sass.
70. I Cloned a Youtube Page to Learn HTML & CSS, And It Was Awesome
My new year's resolution this year was to land a remote job as a web developer. I'm glad to say that, so far, I've been very fortunate!
71. CSS3 Fluid Layout And Media Queries: A Simple Approach to Responsive Web Design
Are you a beginner in web development? Would you like to make your web-page responsive without having to learn any framework? Have you ever been instructed to make a page responsive without any framework?
72. The Importance of Networking for Landing Remote Jobs
Networking: whether the prospect fills you with dread or excitement — this article is for you. Nothing maximizes your chances of finding awesome and inspiring opportunities as much as connecting with other people — as long as you approach it in the right way. And it might just be easier than you think.
73. CSS3 Gradients: The Gradients That Are Not Really Gradients
For beginners, it is intuitively difficult to guess that the pattern above is created with CSS gradients. They will be like, “how possibly can it be gradients while all I see are solid colors?” After all, gradients are supposed to be smooth transitions between colors. That is how I used to think two months ago before I start an HTML & CSS course at Microverse.
74. How To Create Auth by Connecting Devise into Your ROR Project
As a student of Microverse, I’ve reached the point where Rails’ framework was introduced to me. It appeared to me with the best omens on its hands. Ruby on Rails is a starting point for many start-ups because all of them got blinded by its beauty and simplicity. I have to admit that I felt intimidated for a while. Surely I can't say we are the best friends now but things started to make sense. Ruby on Rails is designed under the MVC principles - Model View Controllers.
75. Brief intro to Flexbox
As a web creator; either designer or developer, it’s a good weapon in your skill set for a number of reasons. Let’s see why:
76. A Beginner's Guide to Making a Career As an HTML/CSS Developer
Change is hard, and as a goal, software development is not easy at all. After working 17 years in Telecoms, I am now in the middle of a career change.
77. 5 Steps You Need to Make as Beginner Web Developer
When most people fantasize about the idea of starting a web development hobby (or career) they get eventually frustrated. Hard.
78. How To Use Rails Console To Test Rails Models, Associations and Validations
Introduction and Definition
79. Grid vs. Flexbox: An Introduction to the Useless Battle
Through time has been common to compare things that can do similar functions, for the sake of electing a champion, something that is better, be it reason "y" or reason "x", and specially to be on the "right" side.
If you think that you haven't done something like that maybe these topics will remind you of something, "XBOX or PlayStation?", "Android or iOS?", "Java or .Net?" and the list can go on, sometimes making a fuss about which one is better is pointless.
80. How to Use RSpec From Basics to Testing User Input
On my journey on Microverse, one of the things that troubled me the most to understand was RSpec, a Ruby gem for Test-Driven Development. The concept is quite simple. You create tests as you code along, so in the future, if an update breaks something, it will be easy to notice because one or more tests will fail.
81. The Dark Side of Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails framework (RoR) is the dream of every developer. It does pretty much everything for you without much effort, and once you learn it and deeply understand it, you can build an entire website in a couple of hours (Of course, styling it is a different story). The hard part of rails is to understand the magic behind it.
Thank you for checking out the 81 most read stories about Microverse on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.