Let's learn about Personal Finance via these 71 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Revisiting Making Money in Crypto
Making money in crypto using strategies from The Richest Man in Babylon.
2. Financial Freedom: What It Really Means And What It Does NOT
Ideally, with strong financial literacy, you'll be confident in money management to the point where you can focus your energy elsewhere
3. Personal Finance 101 for Developers: How to Hack Your Financial Well-Being
As a freelance web developer, it recently dawned on me that I had never given any thought to my pension. After all, at thirty years old, retirement is still a couple of decades away. But I know that being a freelancer comes with the responsibility of having to take care of my own pension, and I don’t want to end up as a retiree without any income. So I set out on a quest to improve my financial well-being and be better prepared for the future.
4. How Distributed Ledgers Are Generating New Career Opportunities For Younger Generations
Blockchains are disrupting the world - younger generations might want to think twice about the legacy education system.
5. Thank You, Bitcoin Traders, for Making Us Rich
Without traders, crypto markets would fall apart.
6. A Break Down of Financial Aid for Public Colleges in the US
The Student debt crisis is a pressing issue. As such, this article explores financial aid alternatives to be considered before taking out a student loan.
7. What Does a Stock Market Sell-off Mean?
8. Old And New Strategies That Help Movie Theaters' Owners Make Money
Movie theaters have five methods of making money. The theater's income sources are preview ads, concessions, ticket sales, memberships, and more.
9. How to Secure Your Financial Future as a Self Employed Entrepreneur
If you're a self-employed entrepreneur, becoming financially stable should be a priority of yours. But it can be rough if you have no idea where to start. With a little bit of learning and skill, you can plot a course towards a safe financial future.
10. How To Make Extra Money In 2021 Using These Awesome Investment Ideas
From cryptocurrency to domain name squatting, there are many different investment ideas you likely haven’t explored. The investment paths you could potentially go down may seem overwhelming. However, knowing what options are available is the first step toward discovering what’s right for you.
11. 4 Tips for Building the Ultimate Finance App
There are a lot of good personal finance and investment apps on the marketplace, but trying to find an app that does it all is hard.
12. Then Vs Now: How Banking Has Changed Over Time?
If someone told us that the beginning of 2020 would change our lives completely and that we’d have to wear masks wherever we go, refrain from hugging people in public, and maintain social distancing even at a bank, I would probably not believe it. I mean, after all, the concept of wearing a mask was strictly forbidden back in the 1920s because it was a sign of robbery. But it all now seems very normal.
13. How To Save Money Fast: A Guide on Building That Stash
Ever wondered how to save enough money in a short period of time? Find out how to save money fast and build that stash for a rainy day.
14. Understanding The Options Greeks - Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and IV.
15. 6 Fatal Financial Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Stay Away From
One quality that separates seasoned entrepreneurs from the newbies is their willingness and ability to take calculated risks. You will notice this tendency from the world’s best entrepreneurs including Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and Jack Ma. Irrespective of the type and scale of the business, ranging from a remotely operating technology business to a multinational corporation, there are some financial mistakes that founders should avoid at all costs.
16. How to Increase Your Portfolio Returns by up to 30% By Making Investment Decisions as a Community
What’s better for a crypto investor’s ROI: building a portfolio alone or making decisions after a group discussion?
17. Students Learn More About Money in Games Than in School
How many young people do you know who saved up their money to buy a game? Here's why people are learning more about money in games than at school.
18. We Built An Email & SMS Crypto Alerts So That You Don't Miss Out On The Wild Price Movements
Use email & SMS crypto alerts to track Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other 3500+ crypto coins and tokens
19. How Freelancers Can Solve Proof of Income Issue When Renting
This article features all the possible ways through which you can rent your dream apartment being a freelancer and not worry about the lack of employee benefits
20. One Thousand Ways to Make Money by PageFox - Table of Links
One Thousand Ways to Make Money, November 2017 by Page Fox is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
21. 7 Platforms for Investing in Tokenized Real Estate
Tokenization makes it possible for you to invest in properties across the globe and make profits, while owning a fraction of real estate in the form of tokens.
22. Financial Damage Caused by Software Bugs
The damage caused by software bugs is undermined. Here's a look at the issue of technical debt caused by bugs, with example cases.
23. On Bringing the Change to Financial Education, with Ivan Muck, CEO at ff.next
An interview with the Co-Founder and CEO of the Hungarian mobile banking firm, Ivan Muck about how he and his startup got started and some lessons learned.
24. What is Financial Literacy and Why is it Important?
In today’s increasingly complex world, being financially literate can be the difference between a comfortable happy life and one full of problems and stress.
25. Stop Worrying About Uncertainty in Crypto Markets and Start Loving the Chaos with Coinwink
It's much easier to tolerate this chaos when you know that the cryptocurrency market is automatically monitored 24/7 according to your custom set of rules.
26. Advice for Millennials Figuring Out The Complex World of Personal Finance
The state of our personal finances says much about us, our lives, and the times we live in. For young people, now becoming financially independent for the first time in their lives, planning their finances is perhaps more complicated than it has ever been. What are the struggles and complexities they face? And how can cutting edge personal finance platforms enable them to better understand where they stand with their finances?
27. The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money - Chapter 1
The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money, by PT Barnum, is part of the HackerNoon Books series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!
28. Should you Switch to a Challenger Bank in 2021?
Should you switch to a challenger bank in 2021? Will fintech really make a difference in how you manage your money? Find out if you should change your bank.
29. Modern Investing for Dummies
Never invested before and feel overwhelmed by the information available? I'm bringing a little aid for you in these times of information overload: Investing 101
30. How to Grow Personal and Business Finance: Lessons from the Richest Man in Babylon
A classic guide to economic freedom in the 21st century.
31. Low-Risk Investing for Beginners: 5 Types of Investments Not Related to Stocks and Crypto
What if I told you your investment portfolio can be a pleasant calm breeze of investment that provides us with low-risk returns.
32. Know About The 7 Basic Tech Trends In The Personal Finance Space
Traditionally, the Financial Services industry has been a ‘stale’ and carefully regulated space.
33. How to Hack Your Money With a Growth Mindset
Very few people understand basic financial concepts. That’s probably because we are taught from a young age that we shouldn’t talk about money. Unfortunately when people don’t talk about money they don’t learn how to manage their money, and finances become something mystical unable to be controlled or understood. But when people take the time to learn about managing their personal finances things turn out better. What if you could apply a growth mindset to hacking your finances?
34. How to Protect Yourself From Sim Swap Attacks
If they can get Jack Dorsey they can get you… learn the simple ways to protect yourself against Sim Swapping Attacks.
35. Is Investing In Cryptocurrency A Smart Move for Retirement?
The rise of cryptocurrency can be the next big thing to invest in, which is why it is a good idea to know what it is and what makes it so great.
36. The Moment You Say Bitcoin Can’t Do Something, It Does
Bitcoin’s price is up 60% this year and down 30% since one month ago. And you're worried?
37. Time Value of Money: A Financial Management System for Developers
If money has time value, does time have monetary value?
38. I Never Understood the Hype About Warren Buffet
Interview with Martin Fiedler about his projects, crypto and investing.
39. Manage Your Investment Portfolio Like a Pro: A How-To Guide
You don't have to be a financial expert to manage your investments yourself.
40. 3 Types of Good Debt & How You Can Make Them Work for You
Debt is a word that is usually associated with negative connotations, this is usually due to the abuse of personal debt by some people for unnecessary purchases
41. 5 Personal Finance Apps to Take Control of Your Financial Situation
Find out which apps to make use of that can help with your spending, budgeting, and tracking your finances.
42. The IRS is Coming: Why You Shouldn't Pay Crypto Taxes
Preparing for income taxes and understanding what happens with your cryptocurrency in the process.
43. How to Build Your Financial Intelligence Like Men on Forbes’ Billionaire List
Financial intelligence that’ll put you on Forbes’ billionaire list.
44. One Thousand Ways to Make Money by Page Fox: Introduction
One Thousand Ways to Make Money, November 2017 by Page Fox is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
45. Before Taking a Payday Loan, Read this!
What you need to know about payday loans. How it works and how to apply payday loan online
46. 10 Companies to Bet the Future of Your Career On
If you’re interested in great rewards, a career with a heavy tilt toward stock-based compensation could be right for you, depending on your risk tolerance.
47. If You File for Bankruptcy, What Happens to Your Cryptocurrency?
Is crypto exempt in bankruptcy? Are you required to disclose crypto in bankruptcy? Learn what happens to your crypto if you file for Bankruptcy.
48. The Man Who Takes His Bank to Bed With Him
One Thousand Ways to Make Money, November 2017 by Page Fox is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
49. What Does Total Compensation Really Mean?
It is common to think of compensation purely as salary – money you get paid for the work you do. But many people get compensated with more than just salary.
50. Meet Daulat: A Digital Wealth Management Platform Tailored for India
Daulat is a tech-enabled, wealth-management platform helping Indians invest better. Our expert investment portfolios help people reach their financial goals.
[51. Bookkeeping for Startups: Tips
and Common Mistakes](https://hackernoon.com/bookkeeping-for-startups-tips-and-common-mistakes)
Bookkeeping is one of the most complicated aspects of starting and growing a business. When young entrepreneurs launch their startups they have deep education and expertise in the matters they’ll be dealing with in their company, but - usually - none of them know anything about bookkeeping. And yet, this is the aspect that is most common to any business in the world.
52. Why Every Crypto Enthusiast Should Use a Cold Wallet
Cold wallets aren't a perfect fit for every crypto user or every situation, but they're inherently and objectively superior to hot wallets in most ways.
53. How I Built a Budget Tracker with Jetpack Compose
Usually, I use Google Sheets to keep track of my income/expenses so I decided to build an app, using Compose, that would do the same.
54. Stock Splits: Are They Good Or Bad?
If you are looking to invest in the stocks, you should have an understanding of stock splits but also to understand the reasons behind this procedure.
55. POWER LEADER: Public's Katie Perry talks rise of the retail investor evolution
I’ve been with Public for more than 3.5 years and have seen a lot of different “eras” of the retail investing phenomenon
56. Fintech-Populism: Using Technology to Level the Financial Playing Field
The solution to investing inequality is simply to build trading algorithms for the people.
57. 200+ Essential Crypto & DEFI Tools for 2023
Over 250 of the most useful tools to navigate the wild world of cryptocurrency successfully!
58. Is the Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card Worth It?
Chase sapphire reserve credit card review and analysis of whether the rewards justify the high annual fee.
59. My Dear Daughter: Ensure Your Freedom with Your “F*ck Off” Fund
Money does not bring happiness. Money buys freedom. Freedom to take a leave when you feel burned out. Freedom to leave a country. Freedom to own a house.
60. 6 Financial Mistakes That Prove To Be Fatal For Startups
One quality that separates seasoned entrepreneurs from the newbies is their willingness and ability to take calculated risks. You will notice this tendency from the world’s best entrepreneurs including Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, and Jack Ma.
61. The Future of Personal Finance
In the future, personal finance management will combine DeFi and CeFi to give users more control and power over their financial assets.
62. 5 Investing Mistakes You Make As A Developer
When developers just start investing, it is quite easy to make investment mistakes at the beginning.
63. Personal Finance for Software Engineers: Things I've Learned
Personal Finance is something that is, for better or worse, not a required class. Here are some basic things I wish I knew when I started working in software.
64. Saving for the Future - Deception in the Financial Status Quo
Deception in the age of fintech and investment savings.
65. What Is the Downside to Staking Ethereum?
Staking Ethereum can lock up your funds for a period of time, and you may miss out on potential price increases or other investment opportunities.
66. Top 5 Budgeting Apps for iOS
Finding the right budgeting app for your iOS device is a trial-and-error process. Fortunately, every app offers unique features for every circumstance.
67. Can Banks Take Your Money? The Legal and Financial Implications of Bail-Ins
The rise of bank bail-ins: Understanding what they mean and how they can affect your funds.
68. 6 Important Factors That Influence the Strike Price of Stock Options
In this article, we will study the concept and then outline some factors to consider when calculating the strike price.
69. Clever Financial Hacks You Need to Try
In this thread, our community shared a few clever financial hacks you need to start using today.
70. Benefits of Financial Independence For Software Engineers
If you read this post, chances that you are a software developer who is seeking financial advice for smart money-saving or investment or early retirement.
71. "Never Invest Without A Plan" and Other Mistakes That Developers Should Avoid When Investing
When developers just start investing, it is quite easy to make investment mistakes at the beginning, like investing without a plan.
Thank you for checking out the 71 most read stories about Personal Finance on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.