Let's learn about Java Development via these 68 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. A Game to Boost Your Java Object Oriented Programming Skills
This is a simple black screen console game where first the program will automatically generate a random number, and all the players who play the game here will continue to guess the number one by one and match it with the previous program. The game will end if it matches the program's generated number. Whoever matches will be the winner of this game.
Here, we will add another interesting feature which is a counter. What is a counter? It's not just a recorder that will keep recording how many times the player is guessing and how many guesses after which a winner is actually found.
2. How Android App Development Became Kotlin-first?
If you clicked on the article, you might have a fair idea about where I’m headed. At the annual I/O developer conference, Google declared its lovefor Kotlin android to the applause of the Android app development community.
3. The First Step to Mastering JavaScript (JS)
JavaScript often referred to as JS, is the most useful and popular object-oriented, interpreted programming language
4. The Fastest Ways to Teach Yourself JavaScript
JavaScript, the language known for “running the internet,” is entrenched in the programming world. Here are a few of the best ways to learn JavaScript.
5. How to Implement Expansion Formulas in Java
A simple java program to show take the input a and b and display the output based on the formula selected by the user.
6. How Do I Integrate WebSockets and Not Get Burned?
Dashkivsky Roman, 5 years in Java. An avid gamer. Successfully balances work and volunteering. How to implement simple task using WebSockets and not burn out
7. Getting Rid of Garbage in Java
Every application needs memory to run. However, computer memory is limited. Therefore, it is important to clear it of old unused data to make room for new ones.
8. 15 Books for Computer Science Students
In this article, I am going to discuss 15 Recommended Books For Computer Science Students
9. How to Detect and Avoid Memory Leak in Java
An in-depth overview of what memory leaks are in Java, how they cause, and workable strategies for preventing them.
10. Parallel Merge Sort with Fork/Join Framework
In this article, I show how to use the ForkJoinPool, which hasn’t received significant dissemination among Java developers.
11. Good Code Collector: What You Need to Know About the Java Collections Framework
Working with arrays of data and their structuring, searching for correspondences between them, filtering—all this is the basis of any program written in Java. T
12. Installing phpMyAdmin for Easy MySQL Administration [A How-To Guide]
For any database administrator, being able to employ tools that make the job a bit easier can be the difference between getting everything done by the end of the day and struggling to meet deadlines.
13. Securing Java Applications in the Cloud: Best Practices and Tools
In this article, we will focus on Java and discuss various good practices and tools that enable us to secure Java applications in the Cloud.
14. JDBC Tutorial Part 2: How to Run SQL Queries
Learn how to securely run SQL queries from Java apps using JDBC to prevent SQL injection attacks
15. Debugging jsoup Java Code in Production
Scraping is a fragile discipline. As a workaround we often use a server. Debugging these issues is remarkably difficult. Or at least it was.
16. How to implement TLS OR SSL and set up HTTP(S) Load Balancing with Ingress for the Kubernetes API
Learn step-by-step implement TLS/SSL and HTTPS Load Balancing setup with Ingress for the Kubernetes API for secure your applications using search manager.
17. How to Find and Hire The Best Java Developers
Are you looking to hire a Java developer? Well, if you are, we can say that you don’t want to waste time hiring someone not fit for the job!
18. Java in 2022: Some Predictions and Assumptions
The need to work from home and the inability to freely move around the world has stimulated the development of data security, cloud computing, big data, tools for remote work. The Java language and platform are still in demand and evolving. In this article, I'm going to talk about what will influence the development of Java in 2022 and what to expect for developers of this language.
19. The New MacBook Air is Better than the M1 Max for Java Development
In shocking development, new computer is faster than the old one. In this case the new thin air beats a newish thicker M1 Max top of the line machine.
20. Why You Should Build your First Android App in Java
From genomics to space exploration, from robotic controllers to reverse compilers, Java is at the nucleus of the technology juggernaut.
21. How to Easily Check Whether a Number is Automorphic in Java
In this article, I will show you a beginner-friendly approach to find whether a number is Automorphic or not in Java.
22. Application Scenarios of Pylon CLI — A Client Tool that Controls the Dev Environment Locally
As a front-end engineer, Node is an essential development tool for java.
23. Implement Queue using Stacks
author: Sergei Golitsyn
Implement a first in first out (FIFO) queue using only two stacks
24. Implement Stack using Queues
How to implement a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack using only two queues and why you should use this method based on a set of questions found on Leetcode.
25. Java vs JavaScript: Everything You Need to Know
Java vs JavaScript raises many questions. Are they the same? Is JavaScript an extended part of Java? Are they entirely different? Can I mix the code? Which one should I learn first? Which one is suitable for a startup web app?
26. 10 Common Java Vulnerabilities Every Security Engineer Should Know
This article covers the most common security vulnerabilities for Java programming
27. Find the Celebrity
A celebrity is known to everyone, but he does not know anyone at the party.
28. The Debugger Checklist [Part 2]
The systemic process for debugging and finding issues in your application. In part 2 we delve into the nuts and bolts of the debugging process.
29. Using 7Zip to View Archive in Browser with JavaScript
Sometimes you just need to have a look at a specific file in your archive and you don't want to install additional software to do this. 7zip.html solves this.
30. Recommended Java Practice Platforms for Your 10,000 Hours
The more you do something the better outcomes you gradually get. This common knowledge applies to Java programming as well.
31. Why You Should Customize Your Bash Terminal And How To Do It
The Linux bash shell is quite the wonder. With it, you can interact with the operating system in very powerful and flexible ways. To do that, you make use of one of many terminal emulators, such as GNOME Terminal, Guake, Terminator, or xterm.
32. When the Compilers Get Confused: Ambiguities in Java
Ambiguities in java which give different results for different compilers.
33. Introduction to RxJava: Observable Pattern
"RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences." by RxJava developers.
34. Top 10 Java Frameworks For Web App Development: 2021 Edition
Java Frameworks are the pre-written code body through which you are enabled to add your own code. There are numerous Java frameworks that have different leading features, on the basis of the same here, I will discuss Top 10 JAVA Frameworks For Web App Development 2020-2021.
35. The Top 7 Tricks and Tips to Give Your Java Learning a SpeedHack
In the world of powerful open Internet resources like books, tutorials, libraries, Youtube videos, blogs, and programming courses, everybody is talking about online learning. Now you have everything to study fast and effectively, at your own pace.
36. Steal Like a Pro: Learn Java by Using Code Examples
Hello, everyone! I am Johnny, senior Java developer and … I am a code thief—indeed, an old offender in this area. But guess what’s the best part: It’s not a crime!
37. 19 Basic Java Interview Questions and Short Sample Answers — 2021
Here are some basic Java interview questions and answers.
38. Common Java Learning Mistakes To Avoid
Are you stuck in the learning root, or do you feel like your Java study doesn’t bring the results you’re craving for? If so, you’re not alone.
39. How to Become a Java Developer: Top Skills You Need to Master
How much Java do you need to get your foot in the door as a Java specialist? There is no one correct answer.
40. Go From Simply a Java Programmer to Polyglot Coder with These JVM Languages
Three programming languages Java developers should learn in 2021 and the reasons why.
41. Parsing and Mapping a Docx file with Java
First, we will extract the docx archive. Next, we will read and map the file word/document.xml to a Java object.
42. Memento Design Pattern Overview
Memento design pattern is a software design pattern that is used to roll back an object to its previous state. It is a part of the behavioural design pattern which is concerned with algorithms and assignment of responsibilities between objects.
43. What is a HashMap in Java?
Hashmap is a collection of key-value pairs and an array of nodes. It uses an array and LinkedList for storing key-value pairs.
44. Game Coding for Dummies: A Quick Guide for Newbies
If you’re a complete newbie or already have a bit of a programming background, you can’t go wrong with Java for game development.
45. How Much Java Do You Need to Master Before They'll Hire You?
Let’s talk about job hunting in programming. It’s no secret that software development is one of the most promising fields out there — yet, as hundreds of developers learn the language, it’s easy to feel insecure about job prospects.
46. Implementing a Java Stream Collector
Java Stream's Collectors methods fit most use-cases. They allow returning either a Collection or a scalar. For the former, you use one of the toXXX() method, for the latter, one of the reducing() one.
47. Why Do Programmers Choose to Learn Java as a Programming Language?
What is the best programming language to learn for a developer? Can’t name the best, but yes, Java is surely one of the Best! You can dive in for the reasons.
48. Important Things For Java Developers To Learn In 2021
If you are looking to learn Java, you may be wondering where to start. Which technologies should you focus on?
49. 20 Fun DIY Java Projects To Fine Tune Your Skillset
This is a rundown of amazing Java project ideas that will set off your career in programming. Given, there are dozens of projects that could help you learn or perfect some basic or complex Java tasks. But if you are a beginner who is rather skeptical about venturing out on your own, the projects in this mini-guide have been handpicked specifically for you.
50. Solving the Single Number and Climbing Stairs Coding Challenge
author: Sergei Golitsyn
element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.
how many distinct ways can you climb to the top?
51. What’s in Store for the Future With GraalVM?
The big release of Spring and official support for spring native resurfaced my thoughts on migrating to GraalVM native image. Is it SubstrateVM time?
52. How to Learn Java Effectively
A fresh overview of the best platforms for learning Java and tips on how to make the process of learning Java from scratch effective and fast.
53. JavaScript Explained By a Non-Developer
Ever wonder how people on the outside of a specific industry such as software development understand and describe the common terms within that field? d.
54. Understanding Java 9 Modules
The main innovation in Java 9 was the introduction of modules. There was a lot of talk about this feature, the release date was postponed several times to finish everything properly. Today we’ll talk about the mechanism of modules, and what benefits Java 9 brought in general. The post is based on the report of Sergei Malkevich, IntexSoft Java developer.
55. Command-Line Arguments In Java For Beginners
?A Java command line program accepts values from the command line during execution. With command line programs, you do not need a graphical user interface (GUI)
56. Maven vs Gradle: How to Choose the Right Build Tool
In this article, we will compare Maven and Gradle. The article describes how to choose between them based on the type of project.
57. Should You be an In-house or Freelance Java Developer? The Agony of Choice
Landing a work-from-home job can be a dream come true. But what’s the best home-based job? Being a developer!
58. My Top-Rated Java Tutorials for Coding Newbies
Why Java?
59. An Interview With "Dr. Java" James Gosling, The Creator Of Java
Read this interview with Java Creator James Gosling on the coding languages that engineers use every day!
60. An Anatomy of Tiny URL Provider Service
In this article, java developers explain the Anatomy of system designing of a URL Shortener Solution or Tiny URL provider Service.
61. Java Development for Beginners: Tips and Resources
Mastering code in Java is absolutely fun to do and once you start practicing it, the language itself will unravel its upsides for you to acknowledge.
62. 30 Most Trusted Java Development Companies on the Market in 2020
Java is a general-purpose programming language designed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. Since then, the language has become widely spread—it was one of the five most used programming languages in 2019, and a fifth of Google search requests for programming tutorials were related to Java. No wonder both product owners and developers tend to use Java for software development, as Java is:
63. What are Generics in Java and How do they work? Explained with Examples
Generics were introduced in version J2SE 5.0 of Java in 2004. It is a pure compile-time concept.
64. Minimum Java Knowledge Requirements for Your First Coding Job
What does a potential Java junior need to know to get their first job or even qualify for a trainee position in a good company? What tools will help a Java programmer reach the next level? Which technologies should you study, and which ones are better to hold off on?
65. Beyond coding: a list of Java Developer’s typical tasks on a project
Let’s check out typical tasks of a Java developer on a project, for a junior, middle, or senior level developer.
66. Microservice Patterns to Design and Implement Any Java-Based Event-Driven Microservices Application
Java spring boot developers tutorial- Tips to use partitioning strategies in your microservices application and use of various Deployment Patterns & Strategies.
67. Java Vs. JavaScript: Know the Difference
Why do these two languages have such similar names? How do they differ from each other? This article will provide the answers.
68. Top 4 Programming Languages for Data Science and Machine Learning
Industry analyst Doug Laney postulated the current definition of Big Data comprising the three V’s: volume, velocities, and variety. It’s used to describe a large amount of structured and unstructured data which overwhelms us on a day-to-day basis.
Thank you for checking out the 68 most read stories about Java Development on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.