Let's learn about Swift via these 66 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
"Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS." - Apple Developer Website
1. How to Implement Gaussian Blurs
A Gaussian blur is applied by convolving the image with a Gaussian function. We’ll take the Gaussian function and we’ll generate an n x m matrix.
2. How to Disable Screenshots and Recording in iOS Apps
Thanks to the mobile era we have mobile apps for everything these days. Every business from a barbers shop to huge retailers has apps so that they can be closer to their customers.
3. How To Create an API using Swift and Vapor
HELLO INTERNET. Calling all fellow iOS devs to start drinking backend with Swift. Our time is NOW 😈
Creating an API with Swift is here, and it’s juicy. Here’s what’s up.
4. Getting your Swift API Interacting With a MySQL Database 💾
Continuing our Swift backend takeover 😬 by configuring our API with a popular, powerful database MySQL 🖥
5. Writing CRUD operations for a Swift API 🍭🍦
HELLO INTERNET.🍭🍦 In this video I go into creating CRUD endpoints for a Swift API !! 🖥
6. From a “Hello World” Project to a Complex Messenger
My journey of becoming an iOS developer begins in the summer of 2019. Back these days, I did not know anything about programming at all, so it was hard for me even to understand the most straightforward code. As a big fan of Apple, I decided to learn something related to iOS; therefore, I chose to learn Swift.
7. Implementing 'UICollectionView Compositional' Layout with Pinterest Section
You can use Collection Compositional Layout to define layouts that support dynamic content and varying item sizes.
8. Live stream an ONVIF Camera on your iOS app! 📱
Onvif (stands for: Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a non-profit with the goal of facilitating the development and use of a global open standard for the interface of physical IP-based security products — Wikipedia
9. How to Build a Live App in 10 Minutes with ZEGOCLOUD's ZEGOLive
This article explains how to use ZEGOCLOUD's ZEGOLive to quickly build a live broadcast application, including functions such as mic, beauty, and messaging
10. Building an iOS hardware app
As a software engineer, it is really exciting to work at the crossing of software and hardware. It is also a trend on the rise — with the spread of smart things (IoT) and increased use of AI as a differentiator for hardware (think Google’s Pixel Buds), understanding the connection between a hardware device and an iOS app can be a nice to have skill. It’s not something really common as an iOS developer, so I was glad to have this opportunity at Prynt.
11. Best Programming Languages to Start Freelancing
Programming has been one of the most in-demand and highly-paid skills for the last two decades, and the demand is only increasing. In addition to this demand and popularity in the market, working as a developer also provides a lot of flexibility. You can work from wherever you want and contribute to projects all around the world. All of these reasons make software development highly compatible with the freelancing lifestyle.
12. Ripple Is Orders Of Magnitude Better Than SWIFT GPI and Correspondent Banking Protocols
ripple vs sec might go on for a few months or years but there is no denying the wonder that is the ripple infrastructure in comparison to swift gpi
13. Concurrent Requests in Swift Using DispatchGroup, RxSwift and Combine
Sometimes we need to make multiple asynchronous requests and get the result when all requests have finished. We can do this with DispatchGroup and RxSwift.
14. Swift XCTest: setUp and tearDown Are Not Dead Yet
iOS developers may hate force unwraps and ignore how Apple tells us to write our unit tests (setUp and tearDown), but do we really know what we're doing?
15. Why is the Swift Language Gaining Popularity? Is it Tailored Swift?
Swift combines decades of experience in building Apple platforms with the latest research in programming languages.
16. Launching a Python Webserver for Mobile Development
A convenient way to test your mobile network layer communication while the real backend service is still under the development.
17. Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginners
Learning to code is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, coding is a valuable skill that can help you pursue a career in a variety of fields.
18. Why Flutter has Gutters 💪
I've had the opportunity to learn and experience what Flutter is capable of. I've read a lot of articles about it, as well as my hands dirty and I've built a few little Flutter apps. In this post, I would like to send you a taste into what Flutter is with a list of questions and answers, assuming that you have at least some of these questions on your mind, so I can address them.
19. Creating iOS Apps: Tips and Tricks I Learned the Hard Way
Creating an iOS App? This is what I would've appreciated knowing before I started building my first one.
20. Keyboard Handling in iOS using Swift 5
“Handling Keyboard in iOS” — This has been a topic or rather a problem since the inception of iOS Development. Whether you are a beginner developer or an experienced one, you’ll always be dealing with the handling of keyboards in your apps! But there’s not just 1 issue with the keyboard that we are talking about here. We have to manually handle a couple of issues. Here, let me show you exactly what I mean -
21. Complex Collection View Layouts in Swift with Compositional Layout
While SwiftUI is an extremely useful framework to create complex views, we all know that UIKit is here to stay for a good amount of time. Apple has made the Collection Views even more powerful this year with the release of new APIs. Compositional Layout lets you create complex and intricate collection views in SwiftUI really easily.
22. About Ten Open Source Technologies That Are Changing the World
At the beginning of the year, when I started building Archbee, I evaluated some cool tech out there. Here’s the list of tech I think will change the world in ways we can’t even predict.
23. How to Create UITableView in Swift in Just 15 Minutes
Table View is one of the most useful and commonly used view components in iOS development. This teaches you how to create a UITableView in Swift quickly.
24. 8 Top Programming Languages in 2020 According to TIOBE & Stack Overflow [An Overview]
At the moment, the TIOBE index monitors 265 popular programming languages. The TIOBE includes a language on the list if it matches three key requirements: it is Turing complete, has its own Wikipedia page, and provides more than 5,000 search results on Google.
25. TableView, CollectionView Infinite Scrolling: An Easy Way in Swift
“Pagination, also known as paging, is the process of dividing a document into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages.”
26. How to Integrate Combine with SwiftUI And Make A Better Apps
SwiftUI and Combine, Apple’s latest frameworks, were the highlights of this year’s WWDC. The long-expected declarative UI, at last, became a reality, and this is truly an event of historic proportions in the world of iOS development.
27. Top 10 Programming Languages To Learn in 2022
The craze for learning programming languages is very high. These days people have one question in their mind and that is which programming language should one prefer in 20201 and why?
28. How to Secure iOS Apps?
This is the mobile era and pretty much everything these days can happen from our smart phone. Thanks to millions of apps out there which help us in accomplishing anything we want. Whether it is maintaining your schedule (calendar) to managing financial information on the go, all things can be done by mobile apps running on our smart phones. Since these apps have access to so much of confidential information, as developer when we make an app we need to follow highest security standards so that information is not accessed by someone who is not entitled for it.
29. Learn All About String Interpolation in Swift
A lot of the time, we'll encounter a situation in which we'll need to insert some values inside a string.
30. How to Add a TextField with a Mask for Phone Numbers in SwiftUI
SwiftUI doesn’t have phone mask tools. Therefore, you’ll need to use UIKit.
31. How to Install and run Swift on a Linux Machine
How to install and run Swift on Linux
32. 'I am Passionate About Implantable Brain-machine Interfaces': Noonies Nominee Altynbek
Altynbek is nominated for Noonies award HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - Swift.
33. A Guide to Understanding Variables in Swift
The only article you need to read to learn everything about variables in Swift.
Covering each and every concept revolving around variables in swift.
34. Getting Started With Strings in Swift
In this article, we'll be looking at the concept of Strings in Swift.
35. Applying the Test Pyramid to iOS Applications
Unit tests, which appear in the bottom layer, are cost-effective, take the least amount of time to run, and should therefore make up the majority of tests.
36. Mobile App Development in 2022 - Android vs iOS vs Cross Platform
The global market is reaching greater than ever before and mobile applications are taking a major role in it which has brought global services in the hands.
37. Why I Cannot Add Variable to GeometryReader{} Closure Argument
I want to use a GeometryReader{} to contain a view, so I can decide the position of the view base on the parent container property such as size, coordinates space, ect...
38. How We Built Our API Management App: Design Iterations and All
This is how we built our all-in-one Treblle app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. I'll cover some technical details and guide you through our thought processes.
39. "Despite this Connected World, we Keep Isolating Ourselves" - Yassine Rachid, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Hacker Noon's annual Noonie awards, hosted on NOONIES.TECH, seeks to find the best minds in the Tech industry today. One such impressive mind is Yassine Rachid from Canada.
40. Exploring the Salesforce Mobile SDK Using Xcode
In the 3rd article of the series, create a native iOS application that leverages the Salesforce platform and the Salesforce Mobile SDK.
41. Become an Intermediate iOS Developer in 2020 [A How-To Guide]
A beginner or associate level needs to know just to do something but to become an intermediate level you need to be able to do a certain thing in a certain way following best practices. I tried to list some of the things that an intermediate iOS dev should know about.
42. The Noonification: Exodus from Mars (3/21/2023)
3/21/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
[43. On The Way From Sequence to
RandomAccessCollection in Swift](https://hackernoon.com/on-the-way-from-sequence-to-randomaccesscollection-in-swift)
Evolution of computational complexity from the basic protocol Sequence to the RandomAccessCollection protocol in Swift for developers working on iOS platforms.
44. Type Identity and its Impact on API Design
When designing an API, it's easy to use public types that denote resource identity to allow actions on a resource.
45. My Second Mobile App
46. Swift Dependency Injection With Functions
Implementing an architecture within an application can be challenging. There are rules we can follow (SOLID, Clean Architecture) and patterns to guide us (MVVM, MVP, MVI, Redux, …) but sometimes, things we thought were well established deserve a step back.
47. Constants in Swift: A Quick Guide
In this article, we'll be looking at the concept of Constants in Swift.
48. SwifWeb and How to Center the Div!
Autolayout is a powerful tool that extends basic CSS functionality, allowing you to create complex and dynamic layouts for your SwifWeb website.
49. Building Static Sites in Swift: Getting Started With Publish
A few days ago, I accidentally stumbled upon Publish, a static site generator that uses Swift as the language for building websites. Despite not being a Swift developer, I thought this sounded quite awesome. So I decided to try if the time I've spent playing around with SwiftUI could be enough to get up and running with a static site built with Swift.
50. Reviewing My App Development Experience for Mafia: The Game
In this article, I would like to share the development experience of my latest project, Mafia: The Game, a multiplayer game for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and the web.
51. iOs App Development Wars: React Native Vs. Swift
A comparison of React Native vs Swift for iOS app development ⚡ Which one is more convenient and practical?
52. SwifWeb Libraries: Materialize CSS
A detailed example that uses MaterializeCSS front end framework with SwifWeb to create various web elements and design features.
53. The Crypto Rises: The Future of Moving Money
SWIFT payments are a broken system that help financial institutions at the expense of users but they will soon be disrupted with the help of cryptocurrency,
54. Introducing Spin: a Universal Feedback Loop System in Swift
The need for architectural patterns in swift applications
55. Effective Error Handling in iOS
Why caring about error handling, and practical improvements to apply on your iOS app. Examples in Swift.
56. A Detailed Guide to State Management in iOS
There are many challenges in the software development, but there is one beast that tends to screw things up much more often than the others: the problem of app’s state management and data propagation.
57. Five In-Demand Programming Languages In 2021
For a tech newbie striving to learn programming, it might be a bit complicated to figure out which technology to choose. Let me help you out.
58. How to Build Voice Search on iOS
59. Top 5 Courses Learn Swift and iOS for Beginners - Best of Lot
Hello guys, how are you doing? Are you thinking about learning iOS and Swift to become an iOS App developer and create that next app or game that rock the world? If that’s true then you have come to the right place. In
this article, I am going to share some of the very best online courses
to learn iOS 13 and Swift 5 in 2020 and become the start iOS App developer you always wanted to be.
60. Useful Publishers in Swift: An Essential Guide
these are useful publishers by Combine Swift. Try to implement them in your own projects.
61. How to Use Swift for Web Development
In this article I'll introduce you the web technology that I created myself which can compete with the most popular web frameworks like Angular, React, an Vue!
62. A Curious Case of Mach-O Executable
This is going to be a low-level article, but I guess you already knew that since you landed here, right?
63. Display Hierarchical Data as List with Search Feature
Recently I faced an interesting task to display hierarchical data as a list for the iOS platform.
64. #Switch2Swift for Deep Learning
If you are interested, what the recent fast.ai advanced and closed Deep Learning Class had to say about Google’s Swift for Tensorflow project, you might find this post interesting. Even if you attended the class, you should find here hopefully a good overview (with links into the class, presentations, and additional material), what Swift for Tensorflow is and why it might be relevant.
65. Answering The Most Common Questions About Swift
Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc. It is a powerful language developed for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, and z/OS. Swift is one of the popular languages and has a huge scope if you want to develop apps for Apple products. So, today we will be checking out the 11 most asked Swift programming questions.
66. Tutorial: Swift and SwiftUI for Data Science iOS Development
Swift and SwiftUI for Data Science
Thank you for checking out the 66 most read stories about Swift on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.