Let's learn about Firebase via these 64 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How To Deploy Multiple Sites to Firebase Hosting using GitHub Actions
Welcome back! We will learn how to automate the deployment of multiple sites to Firebase hosting using GitHub Action in this tutorial. GitHub provides a freemium (free for open source) CI/CD tool that is integrated with their repository.
2. How To Publish Flutter Apps to Firebase App Distribution
Learn how to distribute your Flutter Android and iOS apps to Firebase App Distribution with this step-by-step Flutter App guide for mobile
app developers
3. How to Deploy a React Application With Firebase Hosting
In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can deploy react applications within a few minutes by using Firebase.
4. Set up a Flutter app and Implement Google Sign-In Using Firebase
How to set up a Flutter app and implement Google sign-in using Firebase.
5. How to Build a Newsletter Application with Email Automation via ReactJS and Firebase
NB: I saw I had this tutorial in my draft for close to 2 years now, I just decided to post it.
6. The Good Things, and the Not So Good Things, About Working With Firebase
Most of the developers have heard for Google’s product called Firebase. It’s, how Google says “mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.“. It’s basically a set of tools that most developers will need when building an app. In this article I’ll go over these tools, and point all the things you need to know if you choose to use Firebase.
7. Creating a custom Listview using the Firebase Realtime Database in Flutter
A couple of weeks ago I started learning flutter and set out to create a Cookbook. This article explains the procedure of creating a Listview for the main feed of the cookbook in detail. The data is not stored locally, but on my all-time favorite Realtime Database of Firebase.
8. Firebase, SendBird or Socket.io: What's Best To Build A Chat App
Chat solutions can be split into two categories: ready-made chat platforms and technologies for exchanging data between client and server. Which one to choose?
9. How to Deploy React JS Applications for Free on Firebase
In this article , I’ll take you through all the steps involved in deploying a your React app on firebase.
10. TwNFT - Mint your tweets as NFTs easily and for free
In this post, I introduce TwNFT, an application that lets you mint your tweets as NFTs easily and for free and explain how it works and how I made it.
11. How To Build a WhatsApp Clone in React Native: Beginner’s Guide [Part 2]
A Non-Comparable WhatsApp Clone made using react-native (Expo) and Firebase
12. How to Make Whatsapp Clone in React Native: A Beginner’s Guide [Part 1]
How I made a WhatsApp Clone using react-native (Expo) and FireBase.
13. Build a Fully Functional Youtube Clone Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React. Part 1
An exact clone of youtube with all functionalities from View count to Subscribe to everything (Without Youtube Api) Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React
14. How to send push notifications with Firebase and React
Push notifications improve engagement with your app. Firebase provides a way to send them using their Firebase Cloud Messaging service. I'm going to show you ho
15. How a Beginner Created and Deployed a WebApp in 4 Days
How I created and deployed a WebApp in 4 days after learning to code.
16. How To Implement localStorage or Firebase Firestore into your JS project
I am a great reader, I love books and I try to read as much as I can, no matter the topic, whatever, fantasy, comedy, sci-fi, educational...Books take me to another world, they make me feel, make me think, make me relax and make me disconnect from the day by day schedule. I cannot live without them.
17. Everything I Learnt From Landing My First Paid Client
I look at some of the challenges (and wins) I had after landing my first paid client.
18. Authentication in React with Firebase
Sometimes we want to implement authentication for multiple reasons and we don't want to create an API just for the authentication or maybe we are not backend developers. That's why Firebase provides authentication backend services easy to use. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular social networks like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more.
19. Get Better at Using React Library And Continuous Deployment
How To Master React Library And Continuous Deployment
20. The Best Error Ever: Firebase Errors for Humans
I'm working on a system for positive behavioral recognition and metrics using Firebase and React. This is a hobby/side project that I work on usually on nights and weekends.
21. Building a Fully Functional Youtube Clone Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React [Part-2]
An exact clone of youtube with all functionalities from View count to Subscribe to everything (Without Youtube Api) Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React
22. How to Migrate Your Android App From Google Analytics to Firebase
Adding Firebase to Project
23. How to Detect Language and Translate text in Android with Firebase ML Kit
Detect Language and Translate text in Android with Firebase ML Kit
24. Tutorial For Supabase And Next.js Fans On How To Build A Slack Clone
Creating a Slack clone with Supabase and Next.js
[25. What are the benefits of using Firebase for your Mobile App? Faster and Better
As you start planing to develop your Mobile app, One of the question that arises in many peoples mind is that what to use for backend of App? or What to use to store the data of App like users data or any other type of data that app needs to function.
26. How to Connect Firebase to Flutter SDK on Cloud and Local Emulator
Find out how to connect Firebase to Flutter SDK on clouds and on a local emulators suite. Connect Firestorage, Firestore, and Functions with Flutter SDK.
27. Firebase Auth using Facebook Log-In in Expo, React Native
Originally published on melvinkoh.me
28. Web Push Notifications for Javascript Apps Using Firebase
A tutorial on integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging to a Javascript app to turn on push notifications in a browser
29. Refi App Allows Devs to Get Through 4 Firestore Issues at Once: Learn More
Refi App - A tool to make developer less painful when interacting with Firestore DB
30. Here's What I Made: Chat Progressive Web Application
Check out this chat progressive web app made with React Firebase and NodeJS it has push notifications , you send audios images or texts and a lot more features.
31. Why Appwrite 0.8 Is A Great Open-Source Firebase Alternative
Announcing Appwrite 0.8 with JWT authentication, ARM support, Anonymous Login, new storage capabilities and many more new features.
32. How To Use Firebase Machine Learning Kit
There changed into a time when gaining knowledge of and enforcing device learning changed into no longer an smooth task. And if we talk about implementing the device getting to know inside the cellular devices then it turned into now not possible most effective due to the fact the execution of the heavy algorithm desires heigh computing power. But as we know, mobile generation has grown exponentially in the past few years.
Firebase is one of them. It has recently announced a new characteristic that's Firebase Machine Learning package. In this tutorial, I will explain everything approximately it in detail. I will also show you a way to Integrate the Firebase system getting to know package to your android app.
33. Top 3 Databases Every New Developer Should Know
Most new developers wonder which database is suitable for their project since they don't want to get off on the wrong foot. So, first and foremost, let's define a database. A database is a type of storage facility that electronically stores and organizes data so that it may be utilized and accessed later.
34. How to Use React Native to Build a Private Messaging App
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use; ReactNative, CometChat, and Firebase to build a one-on-one chat app with a stunning UI.
35. How to Build Landmark Recognition App with React Native and Vision AI
In this article, we cover the second part of our two part series. We will create a React Native application that makes use of the Firebase Cloud Function that we created in the first part. Here I will cover building the application in detail. If you want to skip ahead to the finish line, the full code is available here.
36. An Open Source Starting Point For Abstracting Common Backend Tasks
Appwrite Is a New Open-Source Backend That Strives to Make Programming Less Painful
37. How to Build an Instagram Clone App With React Native
It's time you take your web development to the next level. You need to start developing mobile apps and if you ain’t there yet, start building to get started.
38. How I Built a Vendor Stall for Small Businesses to Sell Goods Online in Three Weekends
You can build an enterprise-grade app with low-level knowledge thanks to the myriad of robust services covering every aspect of a web product’s needs. In this article, I explore how I built an app over a couple of weekends in lockdown with not a lot of work.
39. Building Shared Access Shopping Cart With Angular & Firebase
Retail illustration by Sail Ho Studio
40. How to Build a Smooth Authentication Flow System with Firebase
This tutorial involves going through a step-by-step guide on how to set up the Firebase authentication service, and then a walk-through of how to implement it.
41. Building a Private Messaging Chat App with React-Native: An Essential Guide
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use React Native, Firebase, and Expo-CLI to create a private messaging chat app.
42. Google I/O 2022: Key Announcements For Developers
Google I/O 2022, Google’s annual developer conference, has just wrapped up. And it was huge! Check out the overview of mayor announcements and news.
43. Building A Flutter Video Sharing App With Firebase Storage, HLS & Client-Side Encoding [Tutorial]
What we’re building
44. How to Migrate From GCM To FCM
Reinforcing Google’s decision made about deprecating the Google Cloud Messaging on 11th April 2019, everyone is required to migrate from GCM to FCM to ensure smoother push notification to the subscribed users. And, the migration part requires seamless efforts and technical expertise to carry out. So, this blog will unfold all the terms pertaining to GCM to FCM migration
45. Creating a Todo App with NextJs & Firebase
Hey devs, welcome to this tutorial; we will build a real-time Todo App with React, NextJs + Firebase.
46. We Kinda Bypassed Firebase's Paywall: Here's How
Some time ago, a few friends and I decided to build an app. We duck-taped our code together, launched our first version, then attracted a few users with a small marketing budget.
47. How to Stream Real-time Changes With Firebase, Firestore and Flutter
Use streams to update real-time changes in firebase in a Flutter app.
48. Connecting Unity3D Google SignIn Module with Android/IOS Games
Hi everybody. After struggling for a few days with GoogleSignIn, I had decided to write this article.
49. Tutorial: Geotagtext, a Free Geotagging Web Application
Geotagtext is a free demo webapp that uses geolocation to make make geotagging easy. This tutorial shows how to use Heroku, Mapbox, Firebase, to make it happen.
50. Access User Location with Permission Handler in Flutter
Use location and permission handler packages to access user location. With that location fetch different location information from google maps.
51. [Minimizing Startup Costs] We Built our Own Email Marketing App in 4 Weeks
Thanks to Hiten Shah who generously reviewed an early draft of this article.
52. Build a LinkedIn Chat Clone with React Native and Firebase
This tutorial was put together with the help of ReactNative, Firebase, CometChat, and CometChat.
53. How To Make an Image Uploading App Using Vue, Quasar, Firebase Storage and Cordova [Part 1]
What we’re building
54. Setup a GraphQL API for a Firebase Realtime Database With StepZen
The Firebase Realtime Database is a NoSQL database in the cloud. It doesn't have a GraphQL API, but it has a REST API that you can convert with StepZen.
55. How to Design Screens & Widgets In Flutter
In this blog, we will create new card buttons, that'll be displayed in the grid view. Each button UI will take the user to a sub-page like Events, Temples, etc.
56. Fetching Places From Google Maps with Flutter
Find out how to fetch nearby places with different establishment types from Google Maps Places API in Flutter.
57. Firebase Authentication with Email and Password in Flutter
Make use of Firebase Cloud Functions and Firestore to Authenticate in Flutter. SingInWithEmailAndPassword, HTTP Callables and Trigger, and more.
58. All the Firebase Functions you Need to Build Your Next Serverless Application
Build your own CRUD application by leveraging Firebase's Firestore JavaScript SDK.
59. Introduction to Appwrite and the Svelte SDK
Appwrite is an open-source backend-as-a-service server that abstracts and simplifies complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple REST API
60. Building a Fully Functional Youtube Clone Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React [Part-3]
An exact clone of youtube with all functionalities from View count to Subscribe to everything (Without Youtube Api) Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React
61. How To Make an Image Uploading App Using Vue, Quasar, Firebase Storage and Cordova [Part 2]
What we’re building
62. Next.js: Firebase Authentication and Middleware for API Routes
Recently I made a small web app that requires user accounts. I learned quite a bit about setting up authentication with Firebase on the client-side and using it on the server-side to protected API routes with a middleware pattern similar to Express.js. This post is a recap of what I learned based on this project for future reference. You can find the code for this project on GitHub here.
63. Good and Not So Good Things With Firebase
Most of the developers have heard for Google’s product called Firebase. It’s, how Google says “mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.“. It’s basically a set of tools that most developers will need when building an app. In this article I’ll go over these tools, and point all the things you need to know if you choose to use Firebase.
64. Flutter Tutorial for Beginners | All In One
The tutorial is a complete guide for beginners on flutter app development from installation and setup to state-management and firebase as backend services.
Thank you for checking out the 64 most read stories about Firebase on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.