Let's learn about Nft Tokenization via these 62 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. My Love For "Drop Bears" and Collecting Specific NFTs
Why the High Demand for PFP NFTs and logic of several collectors collecting a specific NFT - in my case “Drop Bears”.
2. How Weedbits is Bringing 420 Culture to the Metaverse
3. How to Model In-Game NFT Token Economics for Digital Games
This article talks about NFT based games and how developers can model an NFT based in-game token economics for their decentralized gaming offering.
4. Healthcare, NFTs, and the Blockchain
Can blockchain and NFTs solve long-standing problems in our healthcare industry?
5. The Rise of NFTs Means That Marketers Can Leverage Digital Scarcity
Non-fungible tokens are unique representations of digital assets. NFTs allow for better monetization and introduce a way to tokenize services and experiences.
6. What is Art? - Can This AI Algorithm Answer the Age-Old Question
Art is the flight of a soul, it addresses issues, unleashes the inner world of a person and aims to convey an either subtle, or heavily metaphorical sense.
7. How NFTs Will Disrupt These 5 Major Industries
The ticketing industry is ripe for disruption. Tickets will eventually be sold as NFTs through the event directly instead of ticket marketplaces.
8. Will Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) Become a Trendsetter in the Industry?
Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) are a special type of crypto token backed by an asset. They are non-interchanged with each other and are non-divisible.
9. Industry-Specific NFTs Will Bring Next-Level Growth
NFTs are quickly breaking out into the real world in surprising ways.
10. Best Practices for Using Non-Fungible Tokens
11. The NFT Economy: Non-Fungible Tokens Paired with DeFi
In April, the market capitalization of non-fungible tokens exceeded $25 billion for the first time. And this is just the beginning.
12. NFT Marketplace Development Relies on a Smart Contract Protocol
One of the options to benefit from NFTs is to create an NFT marketplace, where people can buy and sell NFTs. So here's a guide.
13. Non-Fungible Tokens Are The Future
How NFTs are the changing the game for owning a piece for true art.
14. Why is everyone going crazy over NFT?
What are NFTs and why is everyone going crazy over them?
15. #Debunked - 4 Common Myths About NFTs
NFTs are the digitized form of any artwork, and the people interested in these artworks can buy them from NFT marketplaces.
16. Unicorns in the Web3.0 Heat Wave - The Dark Horse Potential of FreeCity
metaverse, socialfi, nft gaming, social audio, blockchain development, blockchain technology, nft collection, nft collectible, nft avatars, gamefi, p2e
17. Art Collecting Launches NFT Platform on Tezos Blockchain Domain
The ArtCollecting.info team is pleased to announce the launch of a new
NFT platform.
18. How a Warm Beer Defined the Notion for Non-Fungible Tokens in 2015
From the inventors of NFTs and a historian that's been in since inception, here's the real story of how Smart NFTs or Niftys came to be-
19. The NFT Space is Enabling Celebrities to Develop High-Value Digital Representations of their Content
This article talks about how blockchain and NFTs can disrupt the fan engagement economy by personalising engagement by leveraging NFTs.
20. Watch Out OpenSea! Your Competitors "Sea" You
New NFT Marketplaces for 2022? There are sure to be many, but so far, be on the lookout for LooksRare and Coinbase NFT.
21. NF(royal)Ts: Building NFTs that Pay Creators Forever
Once an NFT leaves the marketplace where it was sold, there are no guarantees that the original creator will ever see another penny again. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
22. The Next NFT Craze: Monetizing MMOs for Gamers
One industry that has natural synergies with NFTs, and where much of the innovation is occurring, is gaming.
23. Are NFTs Used in Money Laundering Schemes?
There’s a lot of buzz around non-fungible tokens (NFTs), especially in the last year and even recently. Hundreds of — maybe thousands — projects and marketplaces are initiated across the world every new day. Even though Ethereum remains the major blockchain network for minting NFTs, new blockchains are popping up for the same purpose.
24. Can NFTs Truly Impact The Art Market? (Part I)
25. 5 New NFT Projects On The Rise
We selected some of the hottest trends on the NFT market, showing that innovation happens fast to create value.
26. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are Here to Stay: A Primer
In recent months, a Vincent Van Gogh painting, 45 drawings of a renowned Marvel Comic artist, and a rare digital sword from an online gaming world were stolen. In the traditional criminal network, these items would eventually be sold on the black market.
27. What Would the Next Go-to NFT Marketplace Look Like?
The profit-sharing mechanism, reward system, and creator's royalty would probably be the future go-to features NFT marketplace wanna be equipped.
28. Reducing The Environmental Impact of NFTs and Proof-Of-Work
Why are NFTs bad for the environment? These are all examples built on blockchains that do not use Proof-of-Work or any other type of energy-intensive methods.
29. I Organized An Entire Conference In 30 days: Take That, Gary Vee
This summer I run my first own conference using NFTs as tickets and it was epic. This is how I did it (and how you can do your own!)
30. Foodverse: Eating in the Metaverse
Eatingentails more than fulfilling our nutritional needs-it goes deeper than that. Itis communal, enhances friendships and builds bonds.
31. Mining the Next NFTfi’s Treasure Trove of Data Value Measurement and Circulation
DeNet is a multi-chain ecosystem that offers fully decentralized storage based on DeFi tokenomics and monetization services for every participant.
32. What are NFTs and Why Should I Care About Them
Understanding NFTs, knowing what they are, what they are used for and how to buy or sell them
33. Blockchain Gaming: A Paradigm Shift in Economic Modeling
Mobile as a gaming platform has dominated the gaming industry. Nearly 51% of the global games market came from mobile. It is expected that by 2021, mobile games revenue will grow to 100 billion dollars. Today mobile game developers pay a commission of 30% for any lead from the app store (paid app) or in-game transactions.
34. NFT: The Treachery of Digital Images
NFTs are inherently treacherous and right-clickers, collectors, and artists worldwide are falling for their deception.
35. Everything You Wanted To Know About NFTs
A herd of cartoon cats, a video of LeBron, a digital painting of 5,000 thumbnails - all of this has recently been turned into NFT tokens - a new tool for digital art buying and selling. NFT tokens are a hype topic in the world of cryptocurrencies today: three years ago, the entire NFT market was worth no more than $ 42 million, and by the end of 2020 it had grown by 705% to $ 338 million.
36. How the Future of Streaming Will Leverage Web 3.0 To Make Media Free of Every End User
The next disruption to the media creation space will leverage Web 3.0 principles to reflect a new continuum: free streaming media services for all.
37. 4 Fractional NFTs that Help Accelerate Fantasy Sports Stock Trading
NFTs have burgeoned in recent months, with Beeple’s art piece selling for $69 million or Twitter founder Jack Dorsey selling the first-ever tweet on Twitter for $2.9 million. However, fractional NFTs in sports stock trading may soon become the next hottest sector in NFT after digital art.
38. NFTs: The Simplest Explanation You’ll Ever Read
Learn what an NFT is and why anyone would want to buy anything from this blockchain technology niche.
39. Top 5 Trends in NFT Development That Will Reshape the Future
Currently, there are many types of NFT, such as art, music, sport, brand luxury, and music... but do you know which is the most potential NFT in the future?
40. Unique NFT Use Cases: What’s Beyond NFT Art?
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been popularized through selling art. However, what's beyond NFT art? Let's take a look at other industries NFT can transform.
41. Building an MFA User Authentication System (Enrollment Component Code) Using Images
Most interactive Internet applications require a user to first be “registered” in order to use the application and then further require the user to “log on” each time they wish to use the application. This process of first enrolling a user and then later recognizing that user to allow them access may be described as User Authentication. This article focuses on the code and processes used in the registration component of our Authur user authentication system.
42. Greener Pastures: Why EOSIO-based Systems Hold the Future of NFTs
NFTs are here to stay, but the constraints of Ethereum are holding NFT markets from becoming sustainable. EOSIO-protocol platforms can enable them, though.
43. Stickers NFTs Sold on Secondary Markets for as High as 50,000 USDT
Stickers platform has become a very popular NFT platform when it comes to digital art. Stickers NFTs Sold on Secondary Markets for as High as 50,000 USDT.
44. SENSO expert explains NFTs in VR: a perfect tech match or just hype?
Non-fungible tokens and virtual reality are two trends on the verge of a major breakthrough in 2021. But does it make sense to blend the two, tokenizing unique digital objects within VR worlds, such as user avatars and user-created content?
45. Getting Started in the World of NFT Collectibles
Now that NFTs are back on the rise, many investors are trying to find a way in, but it can be hard to identify value in the enigmatic world of collectibles.
46. Aping into NFTs: Here's Why You Should
A 12-year-old coder from north London has made headlines around the world selling nearly $400,000 worth of programmable NFT artwork. The success of Benyamin Ahmed has now won positive press from major outlets including The New York Times, Business Insider, CNBC, The Telegraph, BBC, ITV News, Mirror, NY Post, Bitcoin.com and Decrypt.
47. Building a Community Around Your NFT Project is Critical
This article talks about NFTs and how to market and build communities around NFT projects.
48. Slogging Insights: Let's Talk About NFTs
NFTs have blown up in the past year. Are people using NFTs the wrong way? Also, should NFTs have a use case?
49. NFTs are Democratizing the Art Industry for Everyone
This interview talks about NFTs and why it democratises the art industry by bringing digital art to the masses.
50. Bored Ape Yacht Club: The New Trend For Digital Collectibles?
Remember the Crypto Punks?
51. Creating NFTs on the Bitcoin Network
Bitcoin and NFTs are the future! But how do you create them? This article will show you how to create your very own NFTs on the blockchain.
52. Fussing for Fiat? RealtyDAO Is Generating Profits for Me with Dumb Domains Laying Around
I love an excellent crypto story by rad people doing cool things for everyday people- That's how I found out how to turn my dumb URLs into some cold hard cash!
53. The Significant Importance of NFT Marketing Agencies
Digital assets were at risk of theft or unknown ownership because there was a lack of virtual space or technology.
54. How to Succeed in the NFT Art World as an Artist
This article talks about NFT based digital art and how artists can succeed in the world of crypto art by selling their artwork to users.
55. The Koinos Co-Founder Discusses The Inconvenient Truth of NFTs
Blockchain architect and co-founder of Koinos Group reveals the "dirty secret" of NFTs.
56. Non Fungible Token (NFT) Standards: An Overview
Learning about Non Fungible Token standards will help users better understand the nuances of each type of NFT and the blockchain protocols they are built on.
57. Issuing Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs): A How-To Guide
Why are we all so entitled to the Blockchain industry? For the high development pace? Of course. For the number of appearing opportunities, growing like a weed under the sun and rain? Surely. For building up an alternative financial and tech sphere? You name it.
58. How the NFT Breathes New Life Into Branded Content Marketing
How companies can protect their branded content and take their brand marketing to the next level by tapping into the NFT space.
59. Creators' Economy: Market Size, Scope, Social Validation, and NFTs
“I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man!” - Jay Z
60. I Bought This Image For $1,500 (and I sold it for +50% in two weeks) Using NFTs
NFTs are the newest hype. Millions of dollars in transactions and to tell you the truth, I love how they disrupted the art gallery space.
61. Taking Auction Houses to the 21st Century With Portion CEO Jason Rosenstein
Jason is the CEO and founder of Portion, a 21st-century auction house for rare, high-end NFT art, music, and collectibles. We interviewed Jason.
62. Tokenizing Our Virtual Future: A Deep Dive Into Non-Fungible Tokens
COVID-19 has changed the way we work, study and socialize, at least temporarily. Many of those who were privileged enough to transfer to remote working instead of losing their jobs will never return to the office, even if they want to.
Thank you for checking out the 62 most read stories about Nft Tokenization on HackerNoon.
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