Let's learn about Documentation via these 62 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Tips For Winning a Proposal For Software Engineers
Chances are if you're doing freelancing sooner or later you'll come across a need to write some kind of proposal to your potential customer.
2. The Red Death of Flutter
Explanation of how Google's Flutter UI startup app was debugged and made to work again and connect with it's central Firebase Database through hours of work.
3. A Guide to Using Data Classes in Python
In "C" Language, you have structs. With the help of structs, we can define the return data type. You can do the same using classes in python.
4. How to Make Documentation Easier to Read
Let’s see how you can develop the skill of reading documentation! Most importantly, start by getting your answers from the documentation as you struggle.
5. Introduction to Great Expectations, an Open Source Data Science Tool
This is the first completed webinar of our “Great Expectations 101” series. The goal of this webinar is to show you what it takes to deploy and run Great Expectations successfully.
6. Trust Signals in Open Source Projects
Polish the trust signals of your open source project to increase your user base and grow your community.
7. Tips For Documenting Your Code
Some will tell you that good code is self-documenting. In other words, if you write clear code then you won’t need comments.
8. Re: "Nerds Don’t Respond to Marketing"
These are 13 --lightly edited-- response comments on how marketing to nerds requires a different approach.
9. An Easy README Makeover In 3 Simple Steps
Oh yeah! We’re giving your README a makeover!
10. Autogenerate Your GraphQL Documentation With Magidoc
Learn how to autogenerate GraphQL documentation with Magidoc.
11. Online Technical Documentation Is Almost Dead
We waste so much time and energy searching for answers because online technical resources are bloated, lack simple examples, rarely improved and have bad UI/UX.
12. Why Programmers Struggle To Write Good Documentation
For a programmer, proper documentation is a must-have. Its presence keeps track of the development process and later assists during the maintenance period. Successful documentation will make information accessible while providing limited users with entry points. It further helps new users learn quickly by simplifying the product and cut support costs as well.
13. The Code Is the Documentation; a Paradox That Rings True
The first time I heard someone say: “the code is the documentation”, I thought it sounded completely wrong, like a lazy excuse for not producing documentation.
14. Devs - Documentation IS Important
Should you write software documentation? This article covers best practices of writing docs in a team or as a solo engineer.
15. Auto-generation of Documentation for Event-driven Architecture
Auto-generation of documentation for Event-driven architecture
16. How We Built Our Software Documentation On Docusaurus
To cover our bases, we needed to improve and expand our documentation and this time, we wanted to make it scalable with Docusaurus.
17. Create, Edit and Manage Screenshots with Snagit 2021
How does the new version of Snagit help you create, edit, and manage screenshots, and is it worth upgrading from what you currently use?
18. Top Tips and Tricks For When You're Working with PDF Files
Are you looking for PDF tips to ease your daily work? Read this article with all tips PDF users might need to achieve the results they want.
19. Use Comments to Unit Test Your Code [A How-To Guide]
At Supabase we love writing as little code as possible, so we decided to combine our unit tests with same JSDoc comments that power VSCode's IntelliSense.
20. Rapid Way to Publish Python Docs With Free Hosting and Domain
How to create a documentation website based on markdowns and also publish it on GitLab Pages. And as a bonus, how to get a free domain like my-project.py.wiki.
21. 'One of the most pervasive failures (of FTX) is the absence of lasting records of decision-making'
FTX + SBF Chapter 11 Court Filing by John J. Ray III, Nov 17, 2022 is part of HackerNoon’s Legal PDF Series. Part 15/20: Information & Retention of Documents
22. Doc-as-Code: Managing Content is Easy When it’s Distributed
Few months back, I got a call from GitLab for a technical writer position.
One of the question was about treating document as a code and what’s my
view on that. The question was about treating document as part of a
continuous integration and continuous deployment system. That question
came at the time when I wasn’t treating doc as code and ironically, I now have a perspective.
23. Beware of Documentation Management. A Techlead's Hell Loop.
Software documentation can improve developer productivity a lot, but it has to be updated automatically and linked with the codebase which can be time consuming
24. Documenting GraphQL APIs
The main reason for writing API documentation is to make your API understandable. For GraphQL there are many options. Both interactive and static documentation.
25. OpenAPI Specification v. 3+ Introduction
Mental Checklist
26. Save Yourself the Headaches and Document Agreements the Right Way
Agreements are an essential part of software development. They lower development costs and make developers' lives easier. But there is a problem..
27. 6 Ways Digital Document Management Will Empower Your Business
Where does your company fit with today’s paperless trend? If you’re yet to harness a fully digital business, you’re not alone. Research proves that organizations still struggle to reduce paper consumption. In fact, throughout 2023 and 2024, the paper output in the USA is expected to grow, which shows that workplace digitization is proceeding pretty slow.
28. Dealing with a Large Undocumented Codebase
I was recently asked to answer the somewhat vague question, “How do you interact with a large undocumented code base?”
29. Demystifying Tech Debt: An Overview of the 4 Types with Actionable Fixes
Learn how to manage technical debt in your codebase with this guide on the 4 types of tech debt, with examples. We'll look at how to fix each type of tech debt.
30. Why is the Documentation of Tech Products So Hard to Use? (in the User’s Point of View)
Documenting tech products is a key part of making a project sustainable in the long term. Despite that, properly documenting them is incredibly difficult.
31. Software Development Knowledge Sharing Methods Are Broken: Here’s Why
Knowledge sharing for engineerings team and software developers is broken. Consuming knowledge at the right time is the key to success.
32. How To Improve Your Software Documentation by Connecting Gitlab with Mkdocs
Producing documentation may be painful and need a lot of time to write and operate. In this story, i will share with you, my way of generating docs using the devops approach. To make life easier, we will explore the art of automation 😃.
33. Digital Transformation in Banks – Role of Document Automation
Document Automation is the perfect start to digital transformation. It offers a low-risk investment with immediate returns for banks.
34. The Power of Whitepapers: Ensuring Quality Control in the Crypto Industry
One of the most pragmatic ways to implement quality control in crypto decision-making process is monitoring a project’s attention to detail in its whitepaper.
35. Setting Up Docs For An Open Source Project Doesn't Have To Be Hard
This article describes how we set up docs for our open source project Saasform. Docs are part of the source code, so they're browsable and easy to maintain. Mor
36. Building a ChatGPT-Powered Markdown Documentation
Learn to build markdown documentation with Chatgpt and the OpenAI API
37. How to Name Things Properly
Perhaps it is not news to everyone that there are two hard things in Computer Science.
38. Why Does it Often Take Nearly a Month to Ship a Few Lines of Code?
Ever wondered why it takes nearly a month to ship out a few lines of code change to the star and reliable customers of your company? When the changes made are formally aligned with the product, marketing and application managers, what stops it from being shipped immediately? Why do managers quote timelines for a maintenance release that seems so "unrealistic" to you? These were the thoughts that were going through my mind during my first few months of writing production-quality code.
39. How to Publish a Book with GitBook CLI and GitHub Pages in 7 Minutes
Publishing a book or documentation online has never been easier than it is today.
40. How To Define The Good Documentation Skills
When comparing products, you want to decide on their usefulness. Yet, we often forget to evaluate the project's documentation
41. Building a Strong Portfolio in the Early Stages of a Startup: Tips and Strategies
A startup team may fail to deliver a product but should not fail to deliver a portfolio of value.
42. 5 reasons to ditch the paper and start document automation
Document automation is here to stay. Your company needs to change today. Here's five reasons why. You'll make your clients happier, and your employees happier.
43. ...So I Ended up Making DocBrowser - An HTML Template for Documentation
Recently I've been working on a couple of projects that required on-line documentation. After looking at several existing templates and not finding any that were quite right for what was needed, I decided to take the time to build one.
44. Exercises on Dependency Injection in ASP.NET: Introduction
In this post, we will do some exercises to go over the basics of DI (Dependency Injection) in ASP.NET.
45. How To Generate API Blueprint using SwagGo
Generating API blueprint REST API Golang using SwagGo tools
46. Remote Work: GitLab CTO Eric Johnson Shares 10 Tips to Make the Most of the New Normal
Eric Johnson, the CTO of GitLab (a FULLY REMOTE company with 1500 employees) shares his tips on how to manage a fully remote team async across timezones.
47. Why Git Is A Great Documentation Management Tool
Sometimes not only documentation but also the process of working on it may be critical. For example, in the case of projects, the lion’s share of the work is related to preparing documentation, and the wrong process may lead to errors and even loss of information, and, consequently, loss of time and benefits. But even if this topic is not central to your work, the right process can still improve the quality of the document and save you time.
48. Creating Beautiful Documentation Website For Your JavaScript Project
Nowadays, as a webdeveloper, you rarely build anything from scratch: your daily job mostly consists of integrating various Javascript libraries together. If you are building a web app you are most likely going to use some framework like React, Vue or Angular for your front-end. To transmit and manage the data you will be using Redux or GraphQL. For the backend, there will be Express and probably Loopback. Then you need to cover everything with tests, so Jest, Mocha or Jasmine must be present too. Finally, there will be UI frameworks like Bootstrap and maybe some charting tools. I have already counted at least 7 core libraries and all of these are in a single project! And what about underlying technologies like Javascript itself, Node.js and, probably, Typescript? Well, that’s a lot!
49. Code as Documentation and Assessment
Documenting IT networking lab procedures in code rather than word-processor documents enables more authentic, equitable and consistent assessment.
50. How to Solve Engineering Problems Using Scientific Method
On every new software product, feature or project you develop you are bound to come across challenges that don’t have a clear answer at first.
51. How to Lose Developers and Alienate Users: 5 Ways Not to Write Docs
I recently joined Jina AI, a startup focusing on neural search. One of the things that got me interested was their documentation — while not perfect, it’s straightforward, practical and easy-to-read. I wish that were just as true of every tech product out there.
52. My Takeaways After Attending Google Summer of Code 2019
This summer, my proposal got selected by Open Source Robotics Foundation for Google Summer of Code 2019. It was an awesome learning experience!
53. How to Initiate a Software Requirements Specification
How many times have you felt that it would have been better to contemplate the project requirements? How many times did you feel like including that “one” particular feature/function could have saved it from failure? Hold on to the thought right there! Do you think a System Requirements Specification could have played a pivotal role in success?
54. Open Source Series: Documentation
or answering the what and how questions
55. Part 1: Why Software Requirements In The Real World Are Hard
This is the first in a series of posts about my experiences developing software in healthcare with my team over the last few years. For most of that time we’ve worked in eye care, with doctors and patients in major centres in Europe, North America and Australia, as well as with global life science companies, on projects aimed at improving care delivery and patient outcomes.
56. We Need to Talk About DX (Developer Experience)
I want all involved in development to think about other users. Not about those who use your application to solve their problems. But those who extend your app, run it in production and integrate with other systems. About developers, operations, SREs and many others who make your business running. Those behind the curtains. I want you to think about the Developers Experience (DX).
57. How to Write API Documentation the Right Way
API documentation is a critical part of any application's success.
58. 5 Software Documentation Tools That Make Managing Technical Documentation Easier
Software documentation is an important step in the process of software development. These are the 5 tools that make the cut when it comes to functionality.
59. Why NPM and Yarn f*cking suck
Opinion piece: What we can learn about documentation and logging
60. How I Use Notion to Manage My Relationship
A list of reasons why you should try documenting your relationship on Notion
61. Readable Legal Documents Are No Longer a "Nice-to-Have"
By writing your company’s privacy policy in a clear and structured way, you influence how privacy policies are written and designed in huge organizations.
62. How to Describe Your Technical Issue to Get Quick and Effective Help
Documenting the issue before you ask for help will make everything so much more efficient.
Thank you for checking out the 62 most read stories about Documentation on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.