Let's learn about Ethical Hacking via these 61 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How to Hack Someone's Phone Remotely
There are many Hackers in this world who may be currently watching your activities daily and will try to snatch your personal information from you.
2. How to Crack a Password Using Hashcat
In this article, I discuss the best ways to crack passwords.
3. Everything You Need to Know About a White Hat Hacker
White hat hackers find and exploit vulnerabilities within a company's network or system with the intention to provide remediation steps to mitigate these risks.
4. What is URL Masking and How Does It Work?
Be careful of the latest engineering technique called "URL Masking", it's quite dangerous.
5. Why Do Ethical Hackers Use Python?
In recent years, Python has allowed ethical hackers to create scripts and automate structured processes. Ethical hacking using Python is helping to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats to computer networks.
6. Top Resources to Learn Ethical Hacking
In this article, I will list the best resources all over the internet which will help you to be a hacker yourself.
7. Becoming a Bounty Hunter - Carving Success One Bug at a Time
Bug bounty programs have been around for over two decades now, but it's only a couple of years since organizations started adopting this on a large scale. The concept of crowd sourcing talent and test security to assess the flaws kicked off well.
8. How to Hack Wifi Like a Pro Hacker
In this article of mine, I am going to discuss the best ways you can hack any wifi networks and what to do after hacking wifi, and how you can prevent it.
9. How to Get a Reverse Shell on macOS Using A Flipper Zero as a BadUSB
Using a Flipper Zero as an ethical pentesting device to establish a reverse shell on a macOS computer.
10. 3 Flipper Zero Hacks to Wow Your Friends (and How They Work)
It is theoretically possible to use these Flipper Zero hacks for nefarious purposes, including the tricks in this article. But you know…don’t do that.
11. What Personality Traits Lead to White Hat, Gray Hat and Black Hat Hackers? [STUDY]
Inside the mind of a hacker
12. The Importance Of Bug Bounty Programs
A bug bounty program is one of the elements ensuring projects protection against cyberattacks that does not fully substitute other forms of security testing bug
13. Three New Dimensions to Ransomware Attacks Emerge During Pandemic
Three significant new trends in cyber-attacks have emerged from the Covid-19 emergency. Firstly, a new generation of attack software which has been developing since last summer has come of age and been deployed. Secondly, the business model for extracting payment from victims has changed so that there are multiple demands for payments of different kinds, including auctioning off data. Thirdly, the kinds of clients that the gangs are targeting seems to have shifted.
14. Expert Hacking Techniques For Hackers in 2021
Today I will tell you about various types of hacking techniques, and out of these, I will focus more on password hacking. There is no fixed classification of hacking, but I will tell you all the techniques that I remember. It is not possible to tell completely about all Hacking Techniques, so I will give you all the basic knowledge.
15. How Much Does the CEH Exam Cost?
EC-Council’s Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is one of the most established and recognized offensive security certifications. The certification is ANSI-accredited and DoDD 8140-approved because of which the certification in highly valued by security professionals from both the public and private sectors. Since CEH is the gold standard for validating offensive security skills, the CEH certification cost is around $1,199 and the cost to retake the exam is $450. This article will cover the various processes you have to go through to earn this certification as well as the associated costs.
16. The Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Devices
In 2020, we are now more connected to the internet than ever before, from having smart fridges, smart cars, and even RFID implants that can be placed under our skin.
17. What Is Penetration Testing and How It’s Done
Penetration testing (also known as pentesting) is a form of ethical hacking. It involves breaking into a computer system, network, or web application to find security vulnerabilities that could be exposed by hackers.
18. Become a Skilled Cybersecurity Professional with Udacity’s School of Cybersecurity
Training for cyber security can help you gain the practical skills necessary to become a cyber security professional. Learn cyber security today with Udacity.
19. Pentests and Log4J: How to Exploit a Vulnerable System
In this article, we pentest a vulnerable system.
20. Top Bug Bounty Programmes You Can Participate in Today
A curated list of bug bounty programs for bug bounty hunters to help them get first bug bounty on vulnerability report.
21. A Deep Dive Into the Concept of Ethical Hacking
A deep dive into the topic of ethical hacking and its place in the cybersecurity ecosystem.
22. Installing KALI LINUX on a Virtual Machine [A Step by Step Guide]
There are a number of ways that you can use to run a different operational systems in the same hardware that you currently have. DVDs, USBs and hard disks are some of the options that you could go for. In this tutorial we are going to assume that you do not have a dedicated computer to run Kali Linux (or any other linux distribution), and therefore we will run it from a virtualised environment, which is the equivalent of a "Virtual PC".
23. What Is Security Analytics In Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is a must to secure your critical assets. Get yourself, your data, and your business secure from cyber attackers.
24. Understanding the background of the Hospital Bed Rental Industry
Healthcare organizations that follow HIPAA guidelines must be explicitly aware of security threats. Ethical hacking needs a more critical role in the framework.
25. Learning to Build a Car Using Chrome's Inspect Feature
When my papa bought a new car, I got too excited. We went for a long drive and visited some religious places. Visiting temples and getting our new vehicle worshipped and blessed is a ritual in every Indian home. We were feeling in need of some snacks and on hard request, the car took a halt at a nearby restaurant. There lived Sharma uncle a long-lasting friend of papa, a garage owner. He joined us and blessed us for our bright academic records, a very Indian ritual on meeting elderly personalities!
26. A Guide To Web Security Testing: Part 2 - Analyze the Web Application
This is the second part of the series, here we are going to discuss about analyzing the web application. In the previous article we had discussed about mapping
27. Getting started with Manual Content Discovery
Understanding Robots.txt, Favicon, Sitemap.xml, HTML Headers and the Framework stack
28. Reconstruction Attacks: Examples of Invasion of Your Privacy Without Consent
29. The Importance and Benefits of a Hackathon in 2022
This story will explore the importance and benefits of a hackathon in 2022
30. A Closer Look At Brute Hacking Framework With A Source Code Example
hacking framework complete source-code for web, wifi, url, sql-injection and doing a complete web scan for starters.
31. Installing Virtual Box ON Mac OS
Let's say that just like myself you are in a situation where all you have is a Mac Book Pro, and you have no idea when you will be getting access to a windows system. You want to run Virtual Box, but it turns out that you come across a few issues before you get up and running. In this article we are gonna cover the main issues that arise when installing Virtual Box on a Mac OS.
32. Man In The Middle Attack Using Bettercap Framework
Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two devices who believe that they are directly communicating with each other. In order to perform man in the middle attack, we need to be in the same network as our victim because we have to fool these two devices. Now lets initiate the attack by running our tools which is bettercap. To run bettercap we can simply open up terminal and type bettercap -iface [your network interface which connected to the network]. To know which network interface is used we can simply type ifconfig and here is what it shows us.
33. 5 Top Programming Languages Every Ethical Hacker Needs To Learn
The 21st century is a century of digital citizens as technology has become the most important aspect of our lives. Having the knowledge of programming has become more of a necessity than an option and similar to the growing craze of coding, Ethical hacking has also become extremely popular these days. Everyone wants to become a hacker today especially the youth, but the truth is that hacking and becoming a hacker is not as easy as it is shown in numerous sci-fi movies, in-fact it takes years of practice and programming to become an Ethical hacking expert. There are several Programming languages used for Ethical hacking/ Whitehat hacking that are used extensively.
34. Red Team vs. Blue Team in Cybersecurity: A Quick Crash Course
Red and Blue teams are simulated real-world attacks used in organizations to test a company's current security rules. Each team aids in improving the security.
35. Introducing Metasploit
The Metasploit Project is a computer security project written in ruby that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. It is owned by Boston, Massachusetts-based security company Rapid7.
36. How to Hack a Windows Machine Like a Pro Hacker
In this article, we are going to discuss how we can hack into a windows 10 operating system using some really cool tricks and some highly advanced hardware.
37. A Guide To Web Security Testing: Part 1 - Mapping Contents
Beginners guide to web security testing for penetration testers and bug bounty hunters.
38. How to Hack Ethically
Ethical hacking's main goal is to find a system's flaws or vulnerabilities and secure it against hackers.
39. Programming a Keylogger in Python
A keylogger is a tool designed to record every keystroke on a system for later retrieval. Its purpose is to allow the user to gain access to confidential info.
40. Roadmap and Resources to Become an Ethical Hacker
How to become an ethical hacker
41. Ethical Hacking 101: The Basics
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
42. A Beginner's Introduction To Ethical Hacking
Introduction to ethical hacking, Types of hackers, Skills required for an ethical hacker, ethical hacking tools.
43. What is an SQL Injection Attack? How To Prevent SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
The best way to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities is to use a framework that allows you to construct and parameterize queries safely. An ORM works well.
44. I Hacked My Coffee Shop and Accessed My Data: Hacking Your Application May Be Easier Than You Think
I noticed a suspicious behavior on the weekly email from my coffee shop's subscription; it was offering I edit my preferences directly through a dedicated link.
45. Inside a Hacker's Backpack: Gadgets, Tips, and Tricks for Hackers
Not ever hack job requires just a laptop and some software to gain privileges into a system. Sometimes, something extra is required to make the job very easy
46. 5 CSRF Vulnerabilities Known For Highest Bounty Rewards
If you don’t know, a bug bounty program is a modern strategy to encourage the public to find and report bugs or vulnerabilities in software — especially the security bugs that may be misused by cybercriminals. Most of the big technology companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft employ bug bounties.
47. Ode to 2600 Magazine
When I was a kid hacking around BBS's and telenet in the late 1980's, 2600 was the ultimate source, goal, and aspirational destination for anyone that wanted to be heard that was doing something different with computers.
48. Ethical Hacking and Its Relevance To Cybersecurity
Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or pen testing, is getting legal authorization and access to breaking into computers, applications, etc.
49. Why You Should Consider Becoming an Ethical Hacker in 2021
Ethical hackers are skilled people who are given access to the network, by relevant authorities, and then they report the loopholes in the system. If the ethical hackers realize that there is something that is wrong in the network, they report the happening to the relevant authorities and the necessary action is taken. This is a job that requires people with relevant networking skills such as Social engineering, Linux and cryptography among others.
50. Using Hashcat Tool for Microsoft Active Directory Password Analysis and Cracking
Let's conduct a penetration testing on a file with a detailed study analysis of system passwords as part of an ethical hacking engagement.
51. 4 Reasons To Learn Ethical Hacking
In the digital world, cybersecurity and ethical hacking are arising as promising career options for IT professionals.
52. Who Will Win the War Between White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers?
White Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers have always been at odds with one another, but now the war has gotten even more heated.
53. How NOT to Secure Web Payment Systems
How to get a Covid test for free | Bugs in covid payment systems are everywhere. This is the story of how I found one of them
54. Ethical Hacking 101: Part 2
Ethical Hacking 101: Part 2
55. An Introductory Guide to Hacking NETBIOS
When a hacker spots a system with open ports supporting NetBios, the hopes go high! Let's start by understanding the the nitty-gritty of NETBIOS.
56. How to Create Your Own Dark Website (.onion) on Linux
As we know dark websites use .onion for their domain extension.
57. All the Methods You Can Use to Hack into a Website
In this article, we are looking into various basic methods of hacking into a user's web account and the website's database itself by using some basic methods.
58. How Do I know if My Phone has been Hacked?
Our smartphones are our lives. We do everything on them and
spend a lot of time. All major mobile phone manufacturers and application
developers had to start introducing digital health features to curb our
59. How to Map Your Home Networks Using NMAP
Here's to learning basics of networking and an awesome tool called NMAP
60. What Happens to Hackathon Code?
Most hackathons are commercial endeavors. Organizers pretend it's for fun and honor, but that's not the real reason. To a certain extent that's fine, it's a break from everyday routine, having some fun, show off your skills as a developer.
61. Imagine Yourself Being A Hacker [Beginner's Guide]
Make no mistake, the knowledge of hacking is different from a hacker. A hacker is a person, not the skill. And the use of any knowledge is a personal choice and that choice isn’t universal. The same way some politicians are corrupt, some hackers are corrupt. The same way some politicians are good, some hackers are good also. You may be a Satoshi Nakamoto or an Albert Gonzalez, it is your choice. There is nothing wrong with the hacker knowledge. It is all about you. What You’ll Learn
Thank you for checking out the 61 most read stories about Ethical Hacking on HackerNoon.
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