Let's learn about Personal Data Security via these 60 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How to Reduce Your Chances of Being a Victim of Identity Theft
The major causes of identity theft, along with some simple steps you can take to lower your risk of exposure dramatically.
2. The Best Way to Protect Your Data: Continuous Security Validation
Security validation is a cybersecurity method that provides companies with an extensive security report on what could happen if they suffer from a cyberattack.
3. 7 Ways to Improve Cybersecurity when You Travel in 2022
If you travel frequently, you should know how to safeguard your data. Think about these things before taking off on your next vacation.
4. Would You Notice If You Were Hacked?
Android Security
5. Cyber Threat From Electric Vehicles Cannot Be Ignored
Reduce EV cyber threats by taking care at public charging stations, installing two-factor authentication, getting repairs from authorized mechanics, and more.
6. The Two Best Ways to Scan for PII in Your Data Warehouse
Find PII data by scanning column names and/or data in your data warehouse with these two easy to create methods and a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
7. A Simple Cybersecurity Guide for The Hopelessly Confused
If you’re one of these three bands, here is a simple, quick cybersecurity guide based on 5 tips that can help you preserve your digital privacy.
8. How To Code To Prevent Sensitive Data Exposure
Some tips on how to establish a secure development cycle, covering data-masking and filtering techniques with code examples.
9. 4 Signs You Make it Easy For Someone to Hack You
Hacking can happen on any device and to any person—and hackers are only getting smarter by the minute.
10. 5 Reasons to Put Your Crypto Addresses under Real-Time Monitoring
If you are fairly consistent in your daily routine, customization features of real-time transaction monitoring services can act as an extra pair of hands. 👆Pic credit: PARSIQ.
11. 2 Ways to Access WhatsApp Conversations
In this article, you'll find the best ways to hack WhatsApp chats including syncing the app with the web version or exporting a txt file of the chat.
12. 2 Million Fitbit Accounts Were Exposed by Cybercriminals
A user on a well-known hacker community has leaked the emails and passwords of 1,999,999 users of the widely used health and fitness platform Fitbit, famous for its gadgets like smartwatches, and innovative fitness apps that track your training and sleeping patterns (among other things). The platform was recently acquired by Google LLC in a $2.1 billion USD deal.
13. How To Create a Complex Password
For almost all the accounts that you create on the Internet, you need to come up with a secure, that is, a complex password. Choosing the most secure password requires the use of unlikely combinations of letters and numbers. Fortunately, creating a complex and at the same time easy to remember password is a task that you can handle. To learn how to create a password correctly, use our tips.
14. Is COVID-19 Turning Into A War On Privacy?
The old axiom that one should never waste a good crisis, appears to be the driving force behind one of Big-Tech's biggest rivalries seen in Google and Apple that are now working together in an unorthodox partnership to create the ultimate privacy buster - a coronavirus tracking app.
15. Proxy Vs. VPN: What Is Better For Data Protection in 2020
If you are alive and functioning as a member of society in 2020, chances are you've used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a proxy server in the past. It may have been to stream a sports channel not available in your home country, to gain access to a foreign website, or to overcome the one-vote-per-IP address challenges associated with having multiple people in one household trying to do the same thing online.
16. Privacy Protection: How Secure is Telegram Messenger?
Is Telegram messenger secure enough for private messages and group chats? Can Telegram protect the privacy of users? We did research on this.
17. Is TikTok a Security Risk for Businesses?
Possible security and ethical concerns on TikTok raise questions about whether businesses should be using the platform.
18. How Machine Learning Prevents Identity Theft
With the Big Data gathering precious information, and us leaving our digital footprints all over the internet, it appears that hackers have their hands full. Only in 2018, there were over 3 million identity theft cases in the US. In 25% of them, the amount of money was lost.
19. Is Data Privacy Different in The 21st Century?
The digital age brought numerous conveniences that are appreciated to date; however, other concerns arose as the dark side of technology started to show itself.
20. Why We Should All Care About Privacy Online—Interview: Hanna Bozakov
I interviewed Hanna Bozakov, Head of Marketing for secure email service Tutanota, about internet security, online privacy, the legality of encryption, and how Tutanota works to protect you. According to their homepage, "Tutanota is the world's most secure email service, easy to use and private by design".
21. Setting Up a Guest Wi-Fi Network Internet Securer
It has become quite a ritual among friends to ask for the Wi-Fi
password before even exchanging greetings. The technology has taken made us so much addicted to it. The moment people enter your house, all they want to do is to access your internet to post on social media. Well, you can’t blame them because you do the same when you go to their place!
22. Blueprint of an EFSS Phishing Attack
Cybersecurity is a high-stakes game. The effects of a data breach can echo for years, as companies become associated with being poor managers of personal data. In spite of the risks, the benefits of enterprise file sync and sharing (EFSS) services remain clear: enterprise organizations and SMBs alike can use cloud-based solutions to easily synchronize and share documents.
23. What's in Store for Privacy and Personal Data Protection in 2022?
2021 saw many advancements in internet privacy, what does 2022 have in store?
24. How to Keep Your Data More Secure in 2022 🔒
Encrypting online data with Cryptomator before uploading to cloud storage services in 2022. How to protect sensitive online data with file encryption by Louis M
25. Who Will Guard The Guards?
In this hyperconnected world we generate data everyday, and anyone who has access to it can be a threat to our privacy and security. Even the government.
26. Handling Sensitive Data: A Primer
Properly securing sensitive customer data is more important than ever.
27. The Privacy Paradox: Do We Really Have Nothing to Hide?
Privacy is not something we put a lot of attention or effort into keeping, but maybe we should.
28. Here's Your Best Bet at Setting Up a Secure Home IoT System
The Internet of Things (IoT) has a growing number of products that can help you have a smarter home.
29. Insiders Breach Your Organization’s Data (Data Tells Us So)
Many company executives claim that the biggest threats to their data privacy are external threats, such as hackers or state-funded cyber-threats. However, companies are actually more likely to experience a data breach from an internal source, whether it is malicious or accidental.
30. Salts and Hashes
For the time being, I want you p33ps to ignore the general meaning of these words used in daily context and give a new meaning to them for the current time being.
31. How to Avoid Paying Expensive HIPAA Fines
For all the different kinds of doctors and medical staff out there, any member of a healthcare business has a relationship with HIPAA.
32. The Future of Identity Management using Blockchain
How Secure is Our Personal Data?
33. 10 Cybersecurity Tips Everyone Should Follow
In a world where everything is connected to the internet, and yes I mean everything (NSFW), the threat of being hacked is always present. The most recent notable security leak was with Robinhood.
34. The Social Dilemma in 2021: Personal Data Privacy
Big organizations and politicians have a structured data table of everyone's info. They often use your data to get more strategic and sell more to us.
35. Configuring Single Sign-On for Zoom With WSO2 Identity Server
In the wake of remote working, Zoom has become one of the most
essential tools for video conferencing. This blog discusses how you can
configure single sign-on (SSO) for Zoom with WSO2 Identity Server.
36. Black Hat Hacking Forums Get Hacked: Possibly a LulzSec Attack
Presently, the world of black hat forums appears to be engulfed in a series of cyberattacks. According to a Telegram channel, on 18th June 2019 it was reported that three leading black hat hacking forums were reportedly exploited, affecting an aggregate of over 260,000 hackers. From the disclosed data, it appears as though the creator of the aforementioned Telegram Channel has access to certain Ukrainian police files which may have led to the leak.
37. Using Unmasked Production Data For Testing Leaves Your At Risk For Data Breaches
If you don’t want to risk data breaches and the associated fines & image damage, don’t use unmasked production data for testing.
38. How Should Companies Build a Robust Cybersecurity Culture?
In the modern age of information and technology, there’s not a single individual or organization that would object to the tightening of cybersecurity within an enterprise.
39. Newest Malware from China
“I think malware is a significant threat because the mitigation, like antivirus software, hasn’t evolved to a point to mitigate the risk to a reasonable degree.” Kevin Mitnick
40. Best Practises For Protecting Your Email
Ever get a Microsoft security alert email? One out of every 412 emails contains a malware attack. It doesn’t matter if you’re just a person sitting comfortably at home or a dedicated worker pushing one email after the other with short breaks of sweet old coffee. Every one of us is susceptible to these attacks and in a slightly twisted way we should all expect them. They could come in all shapes or sizes, and if you don’t want to lose a speech for your “Dyno week” conference that you spent a 100 hours writing maybe you shouldn’t let your friend open an email link with the subject line “Nude pictures of Anna Kournikova.”
41. Healthcare in Blockchain - An Evolution?
42. What Are The Cybersecurity Risks Associated With Personal Devices?
Let's look at some of the most significant risks posed by your personal digital devices, and what we can do to boost your security.
43. How Decentralized Identifiers Will Shape the Future of Identity
Exploring the W3C DID specification to enable Web3.0 identity solutions...
44. 5 Best Anonymous Browsers: How To Stay Protected Online
In 2019 our devices know us better than close friends and relatives. Browsers, messengers, social media trackers analyse the actions you do online and your interactions with content to expand their manipulation. The history of browsing is used to target ads and create more triggering banners for you exclusively. These technological advancements might look smart and comfortable, but the invasion of privacy has gone too far.
45. What Are Keyloggers and Why Do You Need Them
This article will explain keylogging software and why people might want to install it on their laptops.
46. Public Computers Safety Tips: Interview with Cybersecurity Expert Ravi Bahethi
With the amazing advances in cloud computing, many of us are finding that it is efficient to use a public or shared computer from time to time to check in on work and personal projects. Staying safe on a public computer is essential in keeping your data secure from cybercriminals. In this article, systems engineer and cybersecurity specialist Ravi Bahethi focuses on five tips to help you stay safe while using public computers.
47. Hybrid-Working & Online Security: 7 Ways to Combat Threats in 2022
Hybrid working model is the new norm and with its rise there is a dire need to keep your digital identity secure with some tested tips backed by research.
48. Are Smart Devices Worth the Privacy Risk?
Smart devices are great. They help you search the internet with only your voice, allow you to order essentials without using your phone or computer, and let you see who's at the door. But they also do one other thing. They are listening, all the time. While Alexa is best known for this morally dubious listening, it's not just them. Google has just been shown to do the same. It seems like every smart device is listening in to your conversations. Let's talk about potential concerns and why these companies are doing this.
49. How To Protect Your Data While Working Remotely
As the Coronavirus is disrupting the day-to-day lives of billions of people around the world, businesses are in the middle of what Time Magazine describes as the “world’s largest work-from-home experiment.”
50. Data Loss Prevention: What is it, and Do You Need it?
Data Loss Prevention is a set of tools and practices geared towards protecting your data from loss and leak. Even though the name has only the loss part, in actuality, it's as much about the leak protection as it is about the loss protection. Basically, DLP, as a notion, encompasses all the security practices around protecting your company data.
51. Need for an Identity Theft Protection
Identity theft is a blanket term that covers fraudulent and even suspicious action through bank accounts and criminal databases. It is a violation of getting the financial or personal data of a person with the sole objective of feigning that person's name or identity to make purchases or transactions.
52. Combat Online Vaccine Registration Scams With Better Cybersecurity Measures
Hackers are targeting the online vaccine supply chain and are setting up malicious attacks to have unauthorized access to the organization’s vaccine information
53. How to Defend Your Smart Home Against Hackers
Of course, we love hackers here at Hacker Noon. It’s right there in the name.
54. Top 4 Free Parental Control Tools
The most appropriate parental control tools that you can use to keep your child safe from harmful content when they are online.
55. 13 Smart Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website
A lot of website owners are concerned about online security.
56. Getting Started With Digital Forensics Using the Sleuth Kit
Based on an Interpol review due to the popularity of IoT devices and an increase in cyber attacks, the digital forensics market is expected to grow to USD 9.68 billion by 2022
57. How to Scan Your Systems for Personal Data
Learn the many different ways you can scan for personal data across your organisation's customer-facing online systems in this practical, how-to guide.
58. Top 11 Powerful Keyloggers for Windows
Source: Pexels
59. Privacy In The Time of Coronavirus
Asymbol of American prosperity was obliterated on September 11, 2001, along with more than 3,000 innocent American lives. It is a day (in the words of President Roosevelt after the attack on Pearl Harbor) that will live in infamy.
60. 13 Best Proxy Servers Review [Update Apr'22] - Top Proxy Service in 2021 [Free and Paid]
Today, cybersecurity assumes bigger importance. In order to surf the Internet anonymously and safely, I have prepared the top best proxy servers in 2021.
Thank you for checking out the 60 most read stories about Personal Data Security on HackerNoon.
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