Let's learn about Malware via these 59 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Ransomware: Early Signs, Protection, and Staying Ahead
In this article, you will learn about the signs of ransomware and how you can identify them.
2. How to Identify a Fake Text Message in 2023
Are you also frustrated by getting fake messages and want to identify that fake message? Then must move down for more detail about fake messages.
3. 'Serverless': Malware Just Found a new Home
Read about 'Serverless' data security and its ugly truth.
4. Best Antivirus for PC Gamers in 2021
A gaming PC can be a pricey investment. Even more reason to guard it with the best antivirus. Here are the 3 best antivrus software for Gaming PCs in 2021.
5. Command and Control Frameworks in a Nutshell
A glimpse over Command and Control attacks and frameworks, how they happen, and how they can affect our daily lives.
6. Jackware: Malware That Controls Machines
Jackware is a form of malware designed purely to cause chaos and destruction. Here's how it works.
7. How United Nations Documents and Human Rights Websites Were Used in Spreading Malware
The Uyghurs, an ethnic minority in China have been targeted by fake human rights documents and websites intended to take advantage of their persecution in China
8. Browser Hijacking Software on CNN Election Site is Reason for Concern
An ad redirecting users to browser hijacking software was recently spotted on CNN's election tracking site. Ahead of election season, it's reason for concern
9. Cybersecurity Defense Strategies Against Social Engineering
Being steps ahead of cyber attackers matters a lot to companies. As good as this sounds, the required mechanism to deal with the cyber menace appreciates costs.
10. How Blockchain has Improved Detection of Malware
Blockchain has not only become the fundamental technology for cryptocurrencies; it has also become a reliable means of detecting malware quickly and accurately.
11. What has Been Happening with the Two Biggest Iranian Espionage Operations
Cyber-warfare and espionage have long been common weapons in the arsenal of governments, armies, and intelligence agencies around the world.
12. No-Click Malware Is Here: Why Enterprises Must Prioritize Identity-First Security
David Mahdi gives advice on how identity-first security helps prevent no-click malware attacks from succeeding.
13. What Are The Different Types of Malware?
A walkthrough the different types of malware - from viruses to botnets, ransomware and phishing. Learn more and get protected!
14. The Beginners Guide To Ransomware Prevention in 2021
Ransomware is a sort of malware that cybercriminals use to extort cash. It holds information to ransom with encryption or by keeping users out of their devices.
15. Glupteba, a Blockchain-Enabled Modular Malware, Is Back in Action
Glupteba is a blockchain-backed trojan that uses a P2P network.
16. Top 10 Antivirus Softwares in 2021
These are the top 10 Antivirus software options on the market in 2021. Depending on your device (Mac, PC, Android, or iOS), there is an appropriate Antivirus.
17. How Can Businesses Prevent Money Losses and Stay Secure in the World of Crypto?
This article addresses the current issue of digital security and proposes solutions to particular threats that a business owner might face in the near future.
18. Cryptojacking: What the heck is that?
Enterprise administrators and individuals must defend their computer resources from numerous attacks to avoid a data breach
19. Fake Websites, Fake Companies, Fake Everything: What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves?
Malware protection should act the same way, as a set of shields that protect the entire browser from any type of malware, not just traditional threats.
20. What Are the Most Common Malware Attacks on Macs?
Apple started making computers in 1976, long before they became common in most households in the developed world.
21. How RAT Mutants, in Python, Steal Data and Evade Detection
Even though malicious Python packages are found every day by our security researchers, a new type of malware we call RAT mutants is catching our attention.
22. 7 Ways to Prevent and Mitigate Malware Attacks
Knowing how to prevent malware attacks or mitigate those that are already on your devices is crucial. Here are seven effective tips you need to adopt to secure
23. 5 Life-Saving Tips About Cyber Security
24. What Organizations Should Learn From the Colonial Pipeline Breach
The Colonial Pipeline Breach has shown us that ransomware attacks are not going away anytime soon and having been increasing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
25. What Are The Cybersecurity Risks Associated With Personal Devices?
Let's look at some of the most significant risks posed by your personal digital devices, and what we can do to boost your security.
26. The Disruption of Emotet and What we Know About it
Emotet, which was once a Banking Trojan and became a full-blown botnet was the most successful and prevalent malware of 2020 by a long way.
27. How to Make a Malicious USB Device and Have Some Harmless Fun
Make an inexpensive BadUSB from an old USB drive and learn about Windows shortcut files and how malicious actors are using .lnk files to spread malware.
28. True Hackers and the Monsters we Invent
Common misconceptions about hacking that makes you vulnerable and how to avoid them.
29. Avoid Becoming a Victim to These Cybersecurity Threats in 2022
With increased hacking activity focused on vulnerable businesses and at-home employees, cybersecurity has become a major business priority.
30. Ransomware Is Getting "User Friendly" To Victims
Cybersecurity risk regarding ransomware and how it is evolving with cryptocurrency.
31. The Rise and Fall of Dridex: What were the Most Prevalent Malwares of Last Spring
With Cybersecurity constantly evolving, each month has its own malware that poses the greatest threat. These are the malware threats that were most concerning.
32. You'll Probably Be Exposed To These 5 Cybersecurity Threats In 2021
How to prepare yourself to face the Cybersecurity Threats in the year ahead? Check out the top 5 of the most expected attacks in 2021.
33. 7 Sneaky Ways Hackers Are Using Machine Learning to Steal Your Data
Machine learning is famous for its ability to analyze large data sets and identify patterns. It is basically a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine learning uses algorithms that leverages previous data-sets and statistical analysis to make assumptions and pass on judgments about behavior.
The best part, software or computers powered by machine learning algorithms can perform functions that they have not been programmed to perform.
34. Types of Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) Attacks
An article about how each Cross-Site Scripting Attack behaves in order to understand how to defend our systems on the web against them
35. What Vulnerabilities FreakOut Takes Advantage of for Creating a Botnet
Check Point Research encountered several attacks that exploited multiple vulnerabilities, including some that were only recently published, to inject OS command
36. The Growing Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness
The protection of your computer is becoming very important as more and more hackers learn how to make smarter invasions that would not be noticed at first.
37. Fraudulent Ads Exploit COVID-19 Fears on Disney's ESPN.Com
Scam advertisements across major media outlets originate from DoubleClick and Xandr/AppNexus
38. PlugX & PortScan Chinese Malware Surfacing in Non-Tech Companies
PlugX & PortScan Chinese Malware Surfacing in Non-tech Companies - shows Motivation Was Financial.
39. Steganography: How Hackers Hide Malware in Images
Image steganography is a technique that attackers use to hide a secret piece of text, malware, or code inside of an image. This technique is difficult to detect
40. 7 Deadly Digital Sins: Understanding the Main Types of Malware
Malware is everywhere these days. You've probably been a victim at some stage, and you may well not even know it. From all-too-visible ransomware attacks to botnets and adware, it's a complex picture, and new variants are emerging all the time.
41. How the Top Result In Google Could Be a Scam Website
Jailbreak Checkrain Checkra1n Security Scam Malware
42. How Getting Hacked Led me to a Job in CyberSecurity
ReThink Cybersecurity - Cyber Wellness the New Healthly Livign Trend
43. Why smartphone hacking is a real threat & how to handle it
Even if you aren't very tech-savvy, you may have heard about vulnerabilities in both Android and iOS platforms making the news. Despite these headlines, smartphone hacking is a real challenge many of us still don't take seriously.
44. CloudEye Turns Out To Be A Front For Hackers spreading GuLoader
Conservative estimates put company’s monthly income at a minimum $500,000.
45. ☢️ Dissecting DEFENSOR - An Android Malware That Affects Your Banking Apps
Android malware apps are nothing new, but this one is of particular interest in how it implements no such functionality that can be readily detected by security products. The apps named DEFENSOR ID and Defensor Digital rely mainly on Android's Accessibility Service to conduct malicious activities, and go undetected.
46. Juice Jacking: Is it a Real Threat?
When a USB outlet or charger cable already attached to an adapter is modified to supply power and gather data, this is known as juice jacking.
47. Reversing a NodeJS Malware and Finding its Author
Reverse engineering a NodeJS Discord malware and exposing the authors by finding the webhook they used.
48. The Essential Guide to Email Security: Threats, Costs, and Strategies
We all use email on a regular basis, but we aren’t always cognizant of the email security standards we use. If a hacker gains access to your account, or manages to fool you into downloading an attachment with malware via email, it could have devastating consequences for your business.
49. How a Wormable Android Malware Used to Spread Using WhatsApp Auto-Replies
Android Malware has started spreading by creating auto-replies to messages in WhatsApp. It's hidden cleverly in dubious apps that are surprisingly good.
50. How to Secure Your Crypto Wallet
There are several reports of threats and attacks on crypto wallets every day. You must be on the lookout to keep your investment safe and secure from hackers.
51. Analyzing the Source Code of Popular Desktop Apps for NodeJS Malware. Part2
Following my last article about a Discord malware, we now take a deeper look inside the inner workings of the PirateStealer malware.
52. How To Prevent Trending Ransomware Attacks
What is ransomware? Why is it so dangerous? Who can be affected? How to get rid of it…or maybe to prevent it?
53. LocalBitcoins Review: I'm Not the Only One Who's Been Scammed
This isn’t a review, and — as much as I wish it was — it’s not a promotion either. It’s a firsthand account… a testament to the continual negative impact of frauds in the crypto space. I wrote this article to make the community aware that LocalBitcoins doesn’t consider to accept moral responsibility when users get scammed on the platform.
54. What if Malware isn’t Slowing Down Your Games?
Most experienced gamers realize that many different kinds of malware can slow down their games.
55. How to Ensure Privacy and Security on Your Smartphones
All you need to know about the security loopholes in your android device and how to protect your mobile phones from privacy invasions and security breaches.
56. An Introduction to Malware Analysis
Malicious software (Malware) are either programs or files that are intended to cause harm to a system and thereby its user.
57. Lessons Learned From SolarWinds: Defensive Strategy Against Novel Malware
SolarWinds, a leading provider of IT monitoring and management solutions for enterprises, disclosed that it had fallen prey to a widespread supply chain attack
58. The Story Behind The Most Popular Android Malware Distributor on Dark Web
Now more than ever, we rely on our smartphones to keep in touch with our work, our families and the world around us. There are over 3.5 billion smartphone users
59. Hunting Exploits by looking for the Author’s fingerprints: Graphology of an Exploit
When analyzing a complicated attack against one of our customers, we noticed a very small 64-bit executable that was executed by the malware.
Thank you for checking out the 59 most read stories about Malware on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.