Let's learn about Beginners via these 570 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
This is a beginners friendly zone. We’ve all been here. Make yourself comfortable, take a sip of your fave beverage and start learning. You absolutely got this.
1. 12 Fun Challenges to Learn React Native
So you want to learn React Native? Here's 12 exercises to that will help you do that.
2. 32 Awesome JavaScript Snippets (one-liners) You Should Use in 2023
I'd like to share some useful JavaScript stuff I have saved
3. How to Make a Web App User Interface with Python
A bite-sized introduction to building web app user interfaces with nothing but Python.
4. 19 GitHub Repositories to Make you a 10x Developer
Invaluable pointers about repositories on GitHub that offer immense value to developers that are at the early stages of their journey.
5. Difference Between Compiler And Interpreter
The only reason why I've written this post because I've seen many people get confused with compiler languages and interpreter languages. Hope this helps for basic understanding.
6. "Together We Can Do So Much": A Beginner's Tribute to Linux Community
The best thing about Linux is the community behind it.
7. Adding the notification component to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the notification component using the ngx-toastr library.
8. How to Run Scripts on Boot in Linux Using Systemd
You probably have programs that you run repetitively each time you turn on your Linux system. In this article, we still learn to automate these scripts on boot.
9. Once Upon a Time in Javascript: Classes and Inheritance
Classes in javascript were first introduced as part of ECMAScript 6 standard back in 2015. Today, they feel like something natural, but how was javascript before them?
10. How CSS Position Sticky Really Works: Tips For Beginners
PH: Danny Meneses from Pexels.
11. 3 Free Python Courses For Beginners: 2020 Edition
If you are looking for the best Free Python courses that you can use to expand your Python knowledge, you have come to the right place! If you aren’t sure that you are ready to step into the world of Python, be sure to check out the 6 Things To Know Before You Start Learning Python to make sure that you are starting in the right place.
12. Creating and validating a reactive form to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and creating and validating a reactive form.
13. Why People Use Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Even though graphical user interfaces have been around since the early 90s and are easier to use, many programmers still use the command line interface
14. Create Your Own Ad Blocker in 3 Minutes [Tutorial]
Beat ads the hacker way with this quick guide.
15. Should Programmers Know Things About Computers
I have one question for you. What do you think, how much do programmers know about computers? And by computers I mean computer configuration, knowing what PC is the best, and how to fix problems with the computer in general. You may be surprised to know that there a lot of programmers who don’t know much about that.
16. 4 Valuable Lessons I Learned as a Data Science Student
I never really wanted to learn data science.
17. Introduction to CSS line-height Property
The CSS property line-height defines the amount of space used for lines, most commonly in the text.
18. Modern Style of Javascript with Arrow Functions
The complete explanation of Arrow functions in Javascript, and how it helps developers to write flexible and consistent code.
19. Destructuring in Javascript
Destructuring is a very simple concept in javascript, it allows you to pull out some variables from object/array, but it has a lot of features. Here are some cool things you can do with it!
20. How to Copy Files From One Directory to Another Using the Java 7 NIO 2 API
In this article, I'll show you the pre-Java code for copying files from one directory to another as well post-Java 7 code which makes this task a lot easier.
21. How To Create And Use Skeleton Loader: An Overview [Part 1]
In this era of digitalization, teams are focusing more on giving best
experience to the users. So, user experience keeps on evolving, new
methodologies and components are being adopted by the teams. One among them is Skeleton Loader which you might have seen on many web sites and mobile apps.
22. What Is Local Storage In JavaScript And How To Use It
Local Storage let us save the data which is stored in the browser even when a user refreshes or closes a page. Let's know more about what is Local Storage ...
23. Understanding Boolean Methods in Ruby With Examples
Most programming languages have a Data Type called “Boolean”. This is
a form of data with only two possible values (usually “true” and
“false”). The Ruby language however does not have a Boolean Data
24. How To Show User Friends Posts Using Ruby on Rails
In this post, I’ll explain a trick that will give your web application the ability to show friends’ posts.
25. How To Build Great React Components Easily And Effortlessly
React is such a powerful library, that everyone with knowledge of the basics can build a really good application. Managing state in react is built out of the box with React own state management APIs.
26. How To Extract Key or Value From Hash in Ruby on Rails
When I was recently working in one of the client projects, I had to
communicate with external MariaDB server to store records from
React/Rails app, that means I would get ActiveRecord hash from our app
which I had to convert to pure SQL query and send it to an external
server for storing.
27. What Is Simple Linear Regression
When we go about understanding Machine Learning models, one of the first things we generally come across is Simple Linear Regression. It’s the first step into Machine Learning and this post will help you understand all you need to know about it. Let’s start with understanding what Regression is.
28. Get Rid Of Mistakes In Coding Once And For All: Useful Tips For Beginners
Here in this post, I am going to tell you about the 10 common mistakes you will make or who knows you're still making as a beginner and will clear them all.
29. Basics of Functions in JS
Just the basics about the functions in Javascript.
30. 4 JavaScript Portfolio Projects to Help You Land a Web Developer Position
If you're starting to apply for your first web developer junior position, then you might want to consider building out one of the 4 (if not all) projects.
31. Why You Should Learn Vanilla JS Before Frameworks
First of all, I want to start by explaining that vanilla JS is not a framework, now in 2020 is well known that vanilla JS is “plain javascript” this means pure JS without frameworks.
32. Understanding Flexbox By Small Steps
Flexbox is a useful front-end technology, which can easily organize HTML items and create beautiful and responsive layouts. Leading companies rely on it to make their websites accessible in every screen possible, which granted it the status of an industry-standard tool.
33. Working With Files In Python: Part 2
This is the second part of the series File management with python. We pick up from where we left last time Part 1, where we organized files according to the extension. So, let's get started.
34. Exploring Node.js Event Loop
Asynchrony is hard for any programming language. Asynchronous in Node.js is unpredictable and difficult to trace when there are some bugs.
35. Top Differences Between Tags and Branches In Git You Must Know
New to version control? Welcome! 👋 Understanding the lingo is very important. This can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, you’ll get there!
36. How To Make A Site Bit By Bit [Beginners Guide]
In 2020, anybody can fabricate and structure a site without knowing anything about web improvement, plan or coding.
37. The Headless-UI Date Picker for React Apps
Each year the ⚛️ React community is becoming bigger and bigger. And with this growth, we get more and more tools to achieve our goals and needs.
38. Indent-Rainbow Tool for Making Your Code More Readable
The article discusses the importance for using indent-rainbow to give some color to your code in HTML
39. How I Structure my React Projects
A React folder structure that fits my needs. How to Structure and organize a React application.
40. 10 Tips For Junior Developers To Succeed in Code
Here are 10 tips for junior developers that will help you get started on the right foot
41. Improve API Performance by Using Debounce in JavaScript
Imagine your web application makes requests to an API endpoint and each request has a price, debouncing the request operation may save you a great deal of money
42. Beginning of a Programming Career
Many of us have various doubts like how to start a career in Programming?? I too had the same doubt .I had know one to guide for me. So, first I started to learn HTML and CSS which led the way for web development.
43. TemplatesKart: Is this the Best Chakra UI Component Library?
Responsive chakra ui components, templates and projects. Production-ready hand crafted chakra Components and templates. Deliver your projects faster.
44. How To Remove Duplicates From a JavaScript Object
We can use the Set object to remove the duplicates from an array. The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. This property can be used to store only the objects that are unique in the array.
45. How to De-Squeeze an Image Using CSS
All images have different sizes. But most of the time we want to place an image and define dimensions by ourselves. By default, the whole image squeezed according to the given width and height. For instance, if you want to place an image with a width of 400px and a height of 500px the image will look like this:
46. How to Get the Most from Your Programming Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Having access to a more experienced programmer who wants to help you grow professionally can speed up your progress. How can you get the most from your mentor?
47. Should I Learn Rails in 2020?
Rails (or ruby on rails) used to the most popular web development framework just a couple of years ago, but it's not so popular now. If you are struggling to make a decision, this post may end up saving a lot of your time. But it is recommended that do research of your own about the technology and what it does best, will it be a good fit for you?
48. An Introduction on Arch Linux Pacman for Beginners
Need help learning about Linux's pacman? Look no further. Here's everything you need to know.
49. 10 Best Web Dev Tools of 2021
Top 10 Web Dev Tools in 2021
50. Top 10 Reasons to Get Into Blockchain Development
The blockchain ecosystem is booming and the demand for blockchain developers is skyrocketing.
51. 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners
Here are 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners.
52. Git Tutorial: How to Easily Exclude Files During Git Add without Manual Entry
Every day we use the "git add" command a lot to add our changes to the index for new commits, but have you ever wondered how we can add all the changed files...
53. How To Configure Routers For Your Website with wix-router
Using Velo you can create routers that allow you to take complete control when handling incoming requests to your site. To do so, you set up a router to receive all incoming requests with a specified prefix and define the logic of what to do when a request with that prefix is received. You decide what actions to perform, what response to return, where to route the request, and what data to pass to the page.
54. Basic Git Workflow For Beginner Software Developers
Make it a habit to run git status before doing anything on a repository. I just learned this today and wanted to write it down to make it stick on my mind - or get familiar with it.
55. How to Make Documentation Easier to Read
Let’s see how you can develop the skill of reading documentation! Most importantly, start by getting your answers from the documentation as you struggle.
56. How to Avoid Unnecessary Data and Network Requests in Playwright
Block specific resources from downloading with Playwright. Save time and money by downloading only the essential resources while web scraping or testing.
57. How to Use Bulma And VueJS Together
Bulma is a free, open-source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 200,000 developers. It's the easiest to learn (my opinion) due to its natural naming of classes and a simple grid system. It's not that popular like Bootstrap, but it got a specific fanbase.
58. A Guide to Staying Sane While Working with Git
How to work with git
59. I'm Too Old to Learn to Code, Right?
Coding is for kids. At least that’s what some people say. But is there room for adults to learn too? Of course there is, find out more.
60. Continuous Integration: An Essential Guide
Continuous integration (CI) is a process by which we verify our project upon every change that occurs in the codebase.
61. Getting Started with GIT And Github
Have you ever thought that how these applications in our phone get updates? The answer is simple it is a Version Control System.
62. Understanding The Model View Controller Design Pattern
For entry-level, web development enthusiasts and beginners alike, understanding the Model View Controller architecture can at times be a daunting task. In a variety of cases, its usage and implementation in projects may be discouraging when getting your feet wet in the early stages.
63. Best Tools For Building Your First MERN Application
Top tools to use when building your next awesome web application using the MERN stack
64. Javascript: No More callbacks, Use Promisify to Convert Callback to Promise
We need to convert callback to promise because the promise is more readable and easier to handle.
65. Adding the Bootstrap CSS framework to an Angular application
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the Bootstrap CSS framework using the bootstrap and @ng-bootstrap libraries.
66. Is a Web Development Bootcamp Worth it in 2022?
Is a web development bootcamp right for you? How likely is it that it will lead to a job and is it worth the money?
67. Javascript Promise Methods With Polyfill Example: A Cheat Sheet for Developers
68. Hosting an Angular application on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions
Application example built with Angular 15 and hosted on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions.
69. Your Go-to Programs to Master Web Development
In this day and age, faster always wins. Tools can make or break any job. Tasks that you do everyday shouldn't become a hassle. This is a list of tools I use when I develop websites, logos and anything else when I'm making content for the web.
70. Git Basics: Renaming a Local and Remote Branch
Git is a must for most of the developers and especially web developers.
But at times we make silly mistakes cause we are human. And when you incorrectly named a branch and moved it to the remote server/repository. Then follow the below-mentioned steps before any other developer/team
member gets a chance to hop onto you and show you crap for not adapting to naming conventions correctly -
71. A Closer Look into Different Programming Styles and Paradigms
Imperative and declarative styles of programming.
72. Understanding CORS: Why It's Important and How it Works
This article will explain what CORS is, how it works, and why it is important.
73. Reasons to Write Code On Paper
Half and a year ago I rewrote the JavaScript encyclopedia starting from "Advanced working with functions" until the end, and oh boy, the result was amazing. From start I easily wrote the JavaScript class for the Webpack plugin, that was a joy.
74. What are Unit Tests and Why Should You Write Them?
Unit tests might seem like a waste of time to a junior programmer, but they bring significant advantages with them such as faster checks that makes better code.
75. Early Exit From Functions
Ok! It's crucial to keep the code readable and maintainable. One of the easiest ways to increase readability is terminating early from methods/functions.
76. Resources To Level Up Your Front-End Developer Skills
10 Best Sites and Apps for Front-end Developers.
77. Poking around Chrome Extensions
If you want to learn how to do Chrome Extensions, then one under-appreciated way of learning is to poke your nose into other people's extensions!
78. How To Use The Spread Operator on a Function
You can’t officially do it, but you can write a function that does virtually the same thing. Let’s see how and maybe why you should.
79. Machine Learning Frameworks for PHP Developers
Most of us consider PHP is only for web apps and machine learning can't be done by web developers. Yes with PHP you can do it, even implement deep learning.
80. All You Need To Know About Computer Hardware
PC equipment alludes to the physical segments that make up a PC framework.
81. The Art of Writing Agile User Stories
If it brings no value to users, chances are, no one will use it.
User stories are brief, informal descriptions of a feature told from user POV.
82. A Guide for Using Native ECMAScript (ES) Modules
This article will present examples of ECMAScript (ES) modules—what you can achieve with them and where you will hit some limitations.
83. How to Build a Responsive Page Using Bootstrap
One of my every project challenge was to build a responsive page with media querys and a few knowledge about how it works, but after it, Bootstrap came to me...
84. 6 Reasons for Using Bootstrap Framework
Usually, when we are making a web page, we need to use the code that we created before in other projects. That means that we are going to redo the same features over and over again.
85. Have you Used the Streams API in Java?
Introduction to streams API
86. Code Coverage: How to Measure You've Done Enough Testing
In this article you will learn what code coverage is, how code coverage is calculated, and how much code coverage to aim for in your tests.
87. A Quick Start Guide For MariaDB
Get started with MariaDB with just three steps using the official MariaDB docker container.
88. Javascript: The Most Complex Language
For me this is one of the strangest things I did in my life, talk to you about what is it for me one of the most complex languages that I have worked with. Javascript is something really strange when you compare it with other languages.
89. Should You Watch Tutorials To Become a Programmer
Tutorials are often the type of media that allows people to learn something the easiest way possible. Tutorials can be made about almost any topic because everything is easier to understand if there are both audio and video instead of just word that are wrote down.
90. Cloudinary Upload API Introduction: Hassle Free Alternative to AWS S3
So you've developed an impressive rails APP that showcases a gallery of images. Its time to unveil it on the worldwide web via Heroku. Image uploads in a local development environment are currently defaulted to local psql. In production environment (Heroku), a cloud storage service stores images.
By popular choice, AWS S3 cloud service would be suitable to host your images. They offer a free plan, but to sign up it requires a credit/debit card. In my experience setting AWS up for image-handling was challenge. If one does not exercise extreme caution; API key and secret will get exposed on Github.
91. The 9 Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make the Most
In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most common JavaScript mistakes and how to avoid them.
92. Creating Todo Web App Using Vanilla JavaScript
today we will create a basic todo app to understand the basics of javascript. In this web app, one can create notes and delete like Google Keep or Evernote.
93. 7 Reasons Why Graduates Should Work for A Startup Instead Of A Corporate Job
The most sought-after jobs for generations have generally been the more prestigious graduate positions with large corporate companies such as banks or law firms. This has seen countless talented graduates becoming stuck on that notorious conveyer belt of corporate life. But many graduates over recent years, especially millennials, are finding that these positions aren't that glamorous after all and are ditching corporate jobs to work for a startup instead.
94. Using sessionStorage API to design a user-friendly Lead Generation Form
95. How to use CSS pseudo-classes :before and :after
The CSS :before and :after properties are what also known as pseudo elements. They are used to add something before or after the content of an element. There are a lot of great uses for these pseudo elements, and we are here to explore some of them.
96. How I Inspect & Manipulate Files from the Command Line
97. How to Create Custom Flash Messages in React [Part 1]
In the first part of this tutorial we are going to build a flash message step-by-step with React and Material UI.
98. Introduction to OOP in Javascript
Javascript used to be, just a few years ago, one of the most disliked languages by the community, it's unnatural behavior was a common inspiration for jokes between developers. One of the main complaints was about the lack of a simple syntaxis to work with classes.
99. 6 Most Important Things Every Junior Developer Should Know
My very first software development job was for my parent’s company. I had been poking around on a Commodore 64 for a couple of years and even had a few working pieces of code on Floppy disks that I would take over to my friends house and copy for them to use (Old School Github). Mom and Dad bought a new computer system that did not do what they needed it to do. My sheer luck, the system was written in a dialect of BASIC. Since I pretended to know BASIC, I stepped up and was officially a software developer.
100. 7 Websites to Inspire Your Next Web Design
As a developer or designer, it's always important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in your field.
101. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails [Beginners Guide]
Recently I learned Ruby On Rails, an amazing framework, you can easily build complex web applications with it. In this article, I want to talk about Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails, a tool that can help you build a more responsive web application in a simple way. With it, you can manage all your JavaScript in the server and you don’t need to pollute your HTML files, there is no need for adding events listeners and ajax requests.
102. Why Everybody Loves Agile: An Introduction for the Uninitiated
Agile is such a popular philosophy which more and more development teams use. Actually, they use Agile methods such as Scrum, Extreme Programming, Crystal Clear etc. But, why is Agile so popular? Let's find out!
103. 3 Simple Reasons to Use a CSS Preprocessor
If you haven’t used a precompiler before, you are about to fall in love. When you first learn CSS, you learn it stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is pretty accurate. Whatever property you change twice, it will be overridden by the latest line. Because of this, CSS involves a lot of repetition and specification. Either via classes, IDs or selectors you have to show the browser exactly what you want to style. But what if I told you this could be easier? You could write a very specific CSS file without repeating so much. When I learned about this, I thought I was dreaming. When I learned how to do it, I promised myself I would never go back to simple CSS if I could help it.
104. Publish Go Packages With Goreleaser
Goreleaser is awesome. It's a simple tool that allows you to release your go packages.
105. Web Development for Beginners - Key Concepts, Roles and Tools
Become a web developer is a hard path to take, most of the time we don’t know how to start something and when you are new at this all the concepts came suddenly and it’s hard to get everything. This article is oriented to the people that want to become a web developer, but if you already started to learn maybe you want to take a look at all the points.
106. How To Make Your Own Game in Python
Hi there !
107. Project Management Mastery: 3 Tips for The Well Rounded Developer
As a developer, you need to do more than ship code: you must deliver consistently, on time, and keep people updated. Check out these 3 project management tips.
108. Why Pandas Hinder You From Perfecting Programming Skills
Python’s popularity is growing the quickest among programming languages. This means more and more employers are looking for developers, data scientists and analysts that know how to program Python and take advantage of its many open source libraries. If you just started learning Python or are aiming to start anytime soon, then you most probably benefit from checking out the three tips listed in this article. They will speed up your learning process and will help you become a savvy Python developer.
109. How To Learn Coding Basics By Creating Simple Games
You may have been grinding all those algorithms question on various platforms for your next interview, ever wonder when can we actually use them. Well, I got to finally see them in action while creating a board game called 8 Puzzle. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square tiles labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Your goal is to rearrange the tiles so that they are in order. You can check out my implementation to get a better idea here.
110. Share Code Snippets Like A Pro Without Using GitHub
I am happy to announce that I launched a new feature a few weeks ago in GoOnlineTools which you can use to share code snippets easily with your friends or colleagues.
111. How to Solve the Hamming Distance Problem in C++, A Google Interview Question
In hamming distance problem, we find the number of positions where the bits are different for the given input with constant time complexity.
112. 5 Tips to Be More Productive With Kubernetes
I like to read about and see how people set up their environments and any tools, tips, and tricks they use to be more productive when working with Kubernetes and Istio. What follows is a collection of 5 tips and tools that I use daily, and I think it makes me more productive with Kubernetes and Istio.
113. Organize and Protect Your Online Data
Online security is a vitally important consideration in this day and age. From doxxing to ransomware to identity theft, hacking online accounts is one of the most popular ways for the modern criminal makes his living. Keeping your online data organized and secure can take many forms, but it's not really an optional safety measure anymore. You must do all you can to protect your online data. Here are a few options for how to achieve that goal.
114. Free Resources For Developers and Engineers to Upskill Themselves
We've rounded up some of the best free resources for seven of the most important skills to brush up on below. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Git branch
115. jquery: Is Still Relevant or Is It a Product of the Past?
Learning it will not hurt you, but introducing it into a project can raise a few eyebrows. For greenfield projects, it makes sense to default to vanilla JS.
116. 5 Reasons to Learn HTML & CSS
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a basic tool to design web pages that complements itself with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So everyone who wants to join the web design world has to learn this tools, but even if you want to be a web back-end developer it would be nice to learn this, therefore we are going to list a few good reasons to do it:
117. How to Set up ReCAPTCHA in Your React Application
reCAPTCHA is a tool that can protect your applications from fraudulent actions.
118. How to Make Requests Over Tor Browser Using Python
To make requests over Tor using Python3, we are going to be utilizing a Python controller library for Tor called Stem.
119. Fundamental Concepts of Angular
Fundamental Concepts of Angular for beginners to advanced level developers.
120. Become a Front-End Developer in 6 Months with These 4 Skills
Let me give you a simple roadmap to know where you are, and where you should go next. So here are 4 essential skills to become a frontend developer in 6 months.
121. Increment and Decrement Operators in C/C++
I found the sign '++ and — — ' in C++ confusing for many beginners, So let’s explain what’s actually they mean,
122. API Explained In Simple Terms
I'm pretty sure you would have heard the term API, and if you were wondering what it is, then this is the article for you.
123. The Recommended Way to Iterate Over Arrays in JavaScript
When dealing with an array, there is a number of ways one can iterate
through the elements starting from the first at index 0 all the way
to the last element in the array. In my learning process I have come
across 6 looping methods namely
124. Why I Fell In Love With Bootstrap
The first time I came across bootstrap was when I was working on the front-end libraries curriculum on freeCodeCamp. I learned that it was a powerful framework that can be used to easily build responsive website designs. I didn’t understand how bootstrap worked under the hood, all I knew then was that when you do something like add a class of "img-responsive" to an image, it resizes itself when the screen size changes. Or that when you add a class of “btn btn-default” to a button element, it automatically styles the button and gives it color.
125. Why Programmers Struggle To Write Good Documentation
For a programmer, proper documentation is a must-have. Its presence keeps track of the development process and later assists during the maintenance period. Successful documentation will make information accessible while providing limited users with entry points. It further helps new users learn quickly by simplifying the product and cut support costs as well.
126. Learn To Code in 30 Days: My Personal Journey
Learning how to code is something I’ve thought about doing for some time but always found an excuse for putting it off. Then the pandemic happened, flipping my schedule upside-down. If I was serious about wanting to learn, then this was the perfect opportunity. It was time for my next 30-day challenge.
127. How to Become a 10x Dev: An Essential Guide
The ultimate guide to becoming a 10x Dev - or what kind of devs I'm hiring (and promoting) as a VP of Engineering?
128. Why Mutable Developers are Essential for Learning New Paradigms
The process to learn functional programming can be daunting and slow as new concepts are involved. Here are 5 tips for you to consider when learning FP.
129. HTML Elements for Code Newbies
New developers should know HTML Elements. Here's a helpful guide on what you need to know.
130. 9 Reasons Why Angular JS is Amazing
The days of messy sites, broken links, and unresponsive sites are out of date. It's time to embrace the era of modern web development. Interactive, responsive, and impeccably designed sites, although there are many variables that make a site efficient; The way data shows data is of paramount importance. That's when JavaScript intervenes. AngularJS is an advanced framework introduced by Google.
131. Hands-On Project: Oh-My-Bill
The first exercise for my mentees was to draw on a piece of paper the interface that they see for this application.
132. 5 Best Beat Making Apps
There are many programs and services that make life easier for the musician.
133. These Full-stack Projects Are a Must for Your 2020 Portfolio 🤯
Procrastination, we've all dealed with it. But today because of this blog post you will find five full-stack projects you can add to your portfolio before the end of 2020!
134. Beginner Python Projects: How to Build an Acronym Generator
An Acronym Generator will take a String as an input and it will return the initials of all the words in the String.
135. Free Courses for Learning HTML: 2020 Edition
HTML and CSS are the pillars of web development. They are used to create web pages. HTML provides the structure to your web page while CSS provides them the style to look better. I know most people use Bootstrap: a CSS library to make their web pages look beautiful and professional. But, basic knowledge of the CSS concept is very important to understand how bootstrap works.
136. Creating Mouse Tracking Eyes using Javascript 👀
Today we'll be making this cute chicken follow your mouse! We will use JavaScript to make the eyes of this CSS chick follow where ever your mouse goes.
137. Using Node JS for Web Scraping Google Finance
In this tutorial, we will be scraping Google Finance, a data-rich website for traders and investors to get access to real-time financial data.
138. 8+ Portfolio and Resume Templates to To Showcase Your Skills 💼✨
A professional-looking portfolio and a well-written resume are both essential to succeed in the job-seeking phase.
139. Proximity Events Specification: How To Receive Events From Device Proximity Sensors
This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
140. Why Web Development Is So Difficult
Are you struggling while starting learning CSS and HTML? Do you feel overwhelmed with sooooo many properties? Don’t they look like the same? Haven’t you tried with a couple of tutorials (that you feel they are easy to do at the moment) but feel you don’t have the knowledge to start from the scratch?
141. CRUD and the 7 RESTful actions
When I’m learning something new I like to talk to myself about it until I feel I understand it. You can feel when you’re just hiding behind the fact that no one else is questioning you, and you’re really just kind of lying to yourself. “Yeah yeah, REST, CRUD, awfully simple…”
142. Glossary of Security Terms: Public-key Cryptography
Public-key cryptography — or asymmetric cryptography — is a cryptographic system in which keys come in pairs. The transformation performed by one of the keys can only be undone with the other key. One key (the private key) is kept secret while the other is made public.
143. How To Disable Cortana In Windows 10
Cortana is Microsoft’s menial helper that comes incorporated into Windows 10. In case you’re having issues with Cortana, or on the off chance that you don’t need it recording and putting away your own data, there are a couple of approaches to briefly or for all time turn off Cortana in Windows 10.
144. I almost quit my job until I learned from these mistakes.
Have you ever been frustrated and felt like quitting? Well, wanting to quit one's job is normal, but little did I know. These are my biggest mistakes & lessons.
145. How to Setup an Arch Linux Environment for Coding
Setting up Arch Linux environment for coding.
146. CSS Layout Basics: HTML5 & CSS3 Elements Positioning
HTML5 & CSS3 : Positioning of Elements
147. Overriding Bootstrap Classes Using CSS
Are you having a hard time changing some properties of some bootstrap classes with CSS?
148. How To Manipulate DOM Elements In React
DOM Manipulation is the process by which one can dynamically change the content of the web page. Working with DOM should be fairly easy.
149. Velo Properties Panel In-Depth: Descriptions of the Most Essential 5 Properties
See what the Properties and Events panel looks like here
150. Take Your Software Engineering Career to the Next Level With These 4 Soft Skills
A good software engineer not only has good technical skills but also great soft skills. Having excellent soft skills will boost your career!
151. 5 Different Angles To Look At Java
I’ve encountered Java three times in my life.
152. The Complete Web Developer Education Resource List for 2021
This article provides a roadmap and list of great online resources to help you attain the necessary skills to become a great web developer.
153. The Most Common Coding Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
There are many mistakes a new programmer can make. Today, you
will learn the most common mistakes that beginners make, and how you can avoid them.
154. Weird Things About GOLANG [Part 1]
On a first glance when I started working on go, for me it seems very very weird language. I am working on node-js for two and more years and then start working on golang is not so cool for me.
155. Beyond Coding: The 5 Must-Have Skills to Have If You Want to Become a Senior Programmer
Creating code is only a small part of what programmers do. To become a complete senior dev, you must master also these 5 other skills.
156. Learn to Code with Pico-8 Games
There are a lot of reasons to learn to code with games. Games are fun. Unlike to-do apps, games are something you are excited to show to your friend because it is something they will engage with. There is a misconception among some developers that games are difficult to code, and unapproachable to beginner developers. I couldn’t disagree more, especially if you learn to code with Pico-8 games.
157. Tutorial: Creating New Node.js Projects and Working with Packages
After you've set up Node.js on your machine, the first thing you'll probably want to do is create a new project and start coding. And to get more efficient at the job, there are two important things that you'll need to be fluent with:
158. Start Your C# Journey With This Guide
As new programmers, we all have to get started somewhere. If you're looking into C# and want to get learning, then this article focuses on all of the C# basics!
159. Overview of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Beginners
In this tutorial, we will learn about one of the core components of Java: I.e what is Java Runtime Environment.
160. How to Build a Github User Finder App With Next.js & Tailwind CSS
In this project, we are going to build GitHub user Search App using Github API. We will design the UI of the app using Tailwind CSS with Next.js as a framework.
161. Wix Velo Introduction: Basic Tips for Beginners
An Overview On Wix Velo
162. The JavaScript Guide for 2020 :Part 1 [An Overview]
Welcome to the amazing world of JavaScript where we will learn about how to build amazing applications and create some awesome things along the way.
163. Git it Right or Git Gone
Complete tutorial for Git & Github.
164. Velo How-To: Text Formatting
You can connect data to elements using Wix Data and datasets or Velo and code. You can learn about how data is formatted when it is connected using datasets, here.
165. Introduction to Ruby Conditionals
Our daily life contains a set of conditionals whose job is to define us as individuals, these conditionals are introduced to us from the very first day:
166. Building Stupid Stuff
A first blog post to reduce (or increase?) the awkwardness.
167. HTML for Beginners: Basics to Start From
In this article, we’re going to dive into the basics of HTML. We’ll explain what it is and what are the 3 basic components to create an HTML. Let’s go!
168. Game Dev for Beginners: Compiling a Cross Platform And Building a Retro Game Umoria
Looking to get into development? Have a soft spot for old console based RPG games? Why not build Umoria! A Rouge clone created in a day of limited graphics - but nevertheless a very addicting game for the time. I would say one of the more memorable games that got me interested in coding (game was so hard I wanted to reverse engineer the save format).
169. A Cheat Sheet to Understand Web Content Accessibility
The idea of this post is to outline the most important aspects of accessibility, that’s why please treat it more like a cheat sheet than a compendium.
170. What Happens When You Call a Function?
171. 5 Steps in Programming to Keep You From Getting Stuck
Getting stuck in a programming problem is a very common thing.
172. Internapp Introduction: Africa's first Time-Bound Staffing Application
As the novel Covid19 rages on deconstructing business systems and structures in its wake, companies and organizations have taken to their shelters administering pay cuts and orchestrating massive retrenchment in order to meet up demands of current reality.
173. Quick Introduction to Responsive Web Design For Beginners
Responsive web design is a design that adjusts and adapts to any viewport (user’s visible area of the web page) rather than only a specific viewport, irrespective of the visualization device.
174. Is Learning C++ Scary?
Don't let C++ scare you!
175. 17 Killer Web Apps to Increase Productivity 🚀💯
176. How to Optimize your GitHub Repository for Open Source Development
This article would give you tips to help prepare your GitHub repository for open-source contributions.
177. Adding a Back Button to your React Navbar
By default, the menu button is shown and the back button is not shown.
178. What Makes The Teeing Method In The Java API So Cool
Last week, I described a use-case for a custom Stream Collector. I received a intriguing comment on Twitter...
179. Default Parameters in JavaScript: Beginners Guide
In this short article we will cover Function Defaults and learn how to use it in our day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
180. Circuit Boards: Motherboards, System Boards And Mainboards
The motherboard serves to interface the entirety of the pieces of a PC together. The CPU, memory, hard drives, and different ports and extension cards all interface with the motherboard legitimately or through links.
181. How To Clone Hackernoon HTML Page
Website cloning is a testament to every novice web developer. A pure function-less website clone is a great way to solidify a programmer's HTML and CSS skills. However, it could be horrified at the start. In this article, I'm going to share with you how to clone this webpage, yes, this article itself.
182. I Became a Software Engineer in 3 Months - Here's How
I became a software engineer in 3 months and I believe you can too. The secret that helped me succeed is showing up every day and doing the work.
183. Understanding Currying, Closures, and Coupling in JavaScript
Here's a problem. You have an object in your code exposed via an export. You also have a function in the same file (also exported) consuming that object directly.
184. How To Add a Favicon to Your Site
Adding a Favicon to Your Site
185. The API fetch Module as the Way to Accessing 3rd-Party Services
Using Velo you can write code to access 3rd-party web services. You can call a 3rd-party service directly from your client-side code. However, if you have security concerns, such as exposing API keys, you can call the service from a backend web module.
186. 8 Editors To Get Started Writing Python
A list of 8 editors to get you started writing code in Python.
187. How Hackers Can Brute-Force Passwords And Find A Correct Key?
Brute force attackers guess passwords, passphrases, and private keys in an attempt to eventually get the right answer and crack the security of a system, but how do they know when they have the right key?
188. Skills That You Need to Have as Web Developer
Before I became the person that I am now (Fullstack Software Developer), I
never believed in spending my precious time learning HTML and CSS.
Whenever I needed to create a web page, I could go to w3schools, fetch some markup and paste it in my HTML file. I had put my total focus on back-end technologies. I could write very good and optimized algorithms and SQL queries but I could not present my data well on the front side of my applications.
189. A Complete Introduction to TailwindCSS
This blog discusses CSS prerequisites and use cases for Tailwind CSS. It is helpful for anyone who's getting started with Tailwind CSS.
190. How to Clear Floats using clear-float property
A little while ago we wrote about the float property. So, now is a good time to explain the clear property.
191. 5 Tricks To Get Better At Coding
Coding is hard! As time passed, I improved my skills and learned some tricks that made me better at coding!
192. Take Your Tailwind Skills to the Next Level by Using these Resources
Must have Tailwind CSS resources to maximize your productivity. VS Code extensions, plugins, component libraries that you must bookmark to code more efficiently
193. Building Mobile Responsive Websites with Bootstrap
We live in a fast-moving world which has moved past the known desktops and big-screen laptops to portable mobile devices. Gone are the days when websites were built for big-screen users. Now, they are built majorly for mobile users. This development, which is no longer new as it used to be has finally come to stay in our world. Developers must then keep pace with this reality in other to be relevant and to also serve their clients, and most importantly, the end-users well.
194. How to Find Insecure MongoDB Connection Strings in Public GitHub Repositories
A guide on how to protect yourself and your projects while on Github.
195. HTTP Made Easy: Understanding the Web Client-Server Communication
If you are anywhere related to web development, understanding the concepts of HTTP plays a vital role. So let us understand more about HTTP and its concepts in brief.
196. Stop Using The ‘else’ Keyword in Your Code
If-else keyword built into nearly every programming language and simple conditional logic are easy for anyone to understand. If you are a programmer, you know else keyword. But if you are a good programmer, don’t use this keyword. One of the biggest mistakes I fell into when starting was overusing the else keyword when writing conditionals. I stopped using this keyword in my programs since 5 years ago. Let me explain!
197. SaaS Explained In Simple Terms
Software as a Service is a new method for delivering software applications through the Internet.
198. How to Store Data in Two Different Databases Simultaneously with Axios and APIs
Storing data to two different databases simultaneously using apis and axios. Here's how to do it.
199. JavaScript Spread and Rest Operators: A Guide
Understand Javascript Spread and rest operators
200. Glossary of Security Terms: OWASP
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a non-profit organization and worldwide network that works for security in Free Software, especially on the Web.
201. 10 Reasons Why Front End Development Is a Great Career Choice
As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the demand for front-end developers is only going to increase.
202. 3 Things I Wish I Knew During College Placements
So, how many times do you feel like traveling back in the past and starting 'not from scratch' but at least tiptoeing safely from the mistakes you made.
203. Why You Can't Become a Back End Developer in 16 Weeks or Less
I get really frustrated when I see people and companies online selling unrealistic dreams when it comes to coding education.
204. An In-depth Guide on Web Scraping
Web scraping - A Complete Guide: In this blog, we will learn everything about web scraping, its methods and uses, the correct way of doing it.
205. Faster HTML And CSS Creation with Emmet
Emmet is a tool designed to help developers save time while writing HTML and CSS by encapsulating pieces of code and loading them with the help of easy shortcuts, here's an example:
206. Flexbox Vs. CSS Grid or What Should You Use as Basic CSS Layout
Everyone who wants to become a web developer or a web designer needs to start by learning HTML and CSS. The HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is only for structured a page and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which adds more styles on the page. In this tutorial, we will focus on CSS.
207. How to Explain ZK Proofs to Someone New
a16z Crypto explains ZK Rollups.
208. Velo How-To: Assigning Permissions For Web Modules
Note: You should have already learned about Web Modules before reading this article.
209. Become a UX Wizard With These Simple Tips for Beginner Designers
Taking the first step towards something new is never easy.
210. Closures Demystified: Unlocking Hidden Potential in Your JavaScript Code
If you have understood the discussion so far, you should feel confident in your capacity to discuss closures when asked about them during your next interview.
211. Git Reflog: Your Local Time Machine
Sometimes, we make do some unintentionally merge or rebase which we wish we could recover to the previous stage. But there is no commit for you to get back. That moment, you probably feel like the git log - time machine which you admire become not really helpful. But you should know that "git log" is not the only way to trace the history. There is another kind of git history which been keep tracked in your local and your local only, which is so-call reflog. This reflog stores the whole shebang of you local activities and you can undo almost everything with it.
212. How I Started to Learn Web Development
In this article I will talk you about on how I started my path as a full-stack software developer and specifically about the first section on the microverse school program in which includes two elements of the front end development, those are HTML and CSS and not only that, this will include the difference between HTML and html5, CSS with css3 and about a wonderful thing that I always ignore in my life that will save your life in some cases, the frameworks.
213. Beginners, Start To Ask "What They Do" not "How To Be one"
I have met many young engineers, students who wants to do great in their career , they are so bright , hard working & full of potential still they mess up. Why ?
214. Understanding LinkedList Data Structure in Ruby
If you are familiar with data structures you may have heard about a LinkedList.
215. 5 Hot Velo Practices to Test and Debug Your Website Code
Wix provides several tools for testing and debugging the code in your site. You can start by testing your site in Preview mode before publishing. If you see errors or your site is not running as expected, there are 4 tools you can use to debug the code in your site:
216. HTTP Compression Optimization: How to Improve Transfer Speed and Bandwidth Utilization
Compression is an important way to increase the performance of a Web site. For some documents, size reduction of up to 70% lowers the bandwidth capacity needs. Over the years, algorithms also got more efficient, and new ones are supported by clients and servers.
217. Basic Python features
When you say, what could be the future of programming or which programming language will boom, it should be Python, always. Just look at the 2019 survey from Stack overflow. It is quite obvious that python is taking the lead now.
218. I Rock at Coding! But How Do I Language Better?
Recently, I had two programming friends point out to me the importance of writing skills.
219. Touch Typing: Consistency is Key
It is a fun experience 🎯 when I started out touch typing. It only took me 7.5 months of practice to increase my speed from 20wpm to 75-90 wpm💪.
220. 14 GitHub Repositories to Ace JavaScript Interviews 🎯 🚀
Finding a developer job in the current tech market can be a challenge, especially for beginners.
221. Five Lessons Learned After Five Years In The Workforce
The workforce is different from anything in education. Of all the differences here are five lessons learned after half a decade since the author's graduation.
222. Choosing the Best Beginner Programming Language
Without a doubt you've had to ask yourself, "What is the best beginner programming language?" if you're new to programming. This article will help you decide!
223. Django vs. Laravel: A Beginners Guide
Django is a straightforward option to pick up and offers a backend customized according to the users' needs.
224. How to Fix WordPress Admin Login Issue
This article walks through the process of disabling WordPress plugins via CLI to recover your website.
225. Adding the Material UI CSS framework to a React Application
Application example built with React and adding the Material UI CSS framework using the @mui/material library.
226. The Journey to Becoming a Rockstar Salesforce Developer
Looking for something new, with expected needs and without a heavy learning curve? Here's how you can get started today.
227. I Created a Bot to Solve Wordle so I Never Have to Ever Again
I hear everyone loves Wordle, that's cool. However, I suck at this. I'm better at code than English - so I wrote code to solve it for me, everyday.
228. Baby Steps to Metaclasses in Python3
I will start this lesson by talking about some
basics of the python type system
and the introduce the concept of META-CLASSES afterwards.
229. Active Record Validations In Rails: How They Work
ver open up a Rails console to debug a problem and come away wondering how the data got so funky? Despite our best efforts the database will accept plenty of garbage data if you let it. There are tons of methods to bypass the Rails callbacks and validations while still updating your database. If you are like me you have probably used these methods in the Rails console to fix some of that funky data you found after some other code created it in the first place.
230. Live Streaming is the Future for Business Marketing: Gear Needed For On-Location Streaming
Over the past twenty years, the internet has become the primary channel that people turn to for all kinds of media content. They watch streamers playing hours of their favorite games on Twitch, catch just-released movies on Netflix, and even build their music collections using any number of mp3 YouTube converter sites.
231. How To Use Git Merge: Beginners Guide
Isolating features into different branches is a crucial practice for any serious developer. By separating each feature, bugfix or working experiment you will avoid a lot of problems and keep your development branches clean.
232. Dicas para ter um “bom” Front End
Apresentarei aqui algumas abordagens que ajudam( ou podem ajudar) no desempenho e qualidade de seu Front End. Estas ideias foram fundamentadas em minha experiência profissional e no curso de Arquitetura de Software. Serei mais sucinto possível. Qualquer dúvida entrem contato comigo.
233. How to Think like A Programmer?
What do you think can help me think like a programmer? Here are the core areas that are important to get that "programmer brain."
234. How to Scrape Data from Google Maps
Want to scrape data from Google Maps? This tutorial shows you how to do it.
235. Essential Guide to Scraping Google Shopping Results
In this post, we will learn to scrape Google Shopping Results using Node JS with Unirest and Cheerio.
236. How to Work with Files and Directories in a Node.js App
In almost every application, you come to a point where you need to access the filesystem. This is an essential skill, that I personally use as a starting point when learning a new language or platform. With Node.js, you can rely on built-in modules to work with the filesystem. Common tasks in this regard usually include:
237. CSS3 Gradients: The Gradients That Are Not Really Gradients
For beginners, it is intuitively difficult to guess that the pattern above is created with CSS gradients. They will be like, “how possibly can it be gradients while all I see are solid colors?” After all, gradients are supposed to be smooth transitions between colors. That is how I used to think two months ago before I start an HTML & CSS course at Microverse.
238. How To Deploy your Node.js App on Digital Ocean VPS
So you wrote your Node.js application and need a way to launch it online? Here, I present a guide on setting things up that doesn't require prior knowledge of anything OS-related.
239. JavaScript Map Function Explained: A Deep Dive
We are going to walk through the JavaScript map function, and I’ll explain how it works in a simple way. Later in the article, we will do a deep dive into some more advanced concepts regarding the map function and its uses.
240. Setting up a Development Workflow in the Windows Terminal
For decades, Windows users have been made fun of by the Linux community for the lack of a cool terminal (among other things). Well, it's about time we fight!
241. Glossary of Security Terms: Same-Origin Policy
The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin. It helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors.
242. How To Use Velo and Wix Fetch To Extend Your Website Functionality
Velo supports working in JavaScript and some special features, including:
243. Why My Code Would Take 316 Years to Execute
I started programming about 5 years ago. Ironically, only in the last year of my computer science degree. I was also made aware of the likes of Hackerrank and Hackerearth at the same time. I remember naively brute-forcing every single problem that I would come across on these platforms and later wonder why it would give me a TLE Error.
244. 3 Best Beginner Flutter Courses to Start With
Recommended Flutter courses to take to start your journey of becoming a Flutter developer, based on my own experience by taking the courses myself.
245. Active Record Associations in Rails: Beginners Guide
As Ruby on Rails developers, we do not have to worry too much about the operations in the database due to the Object-Relational-Mapping or ORM. The ORM allows us to focus more on the logic of the business while it handles the operations with the database on our behalf.
246. What You Can Learn From a Young Developer's Missteps
Shaun an 18-year adult who just got Internet-connected at his home. Having enthusiasm about the engineering of electronic devices and how the technology works. Exploring the vast Internet universe he quickly discovered the person who develops a program for a computer and machines is a software engineer. Perhaps, the boy didn’t have an idea, software engineering was just a leaf in a tree of technology. Having too few options to study technology he start studying Computer Engineering in his nearby college denying the fact that the field contains a majority of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry where Shaun was always lacking behind at his school days.
247. Creating RESTful Web APIs With Node.js And Express: You Can’t Mess Up The Right One
One of the main reasons for using Node.js is that you can create quickly RESTful web APIs with it. Express is a popular web framework helping you with this task. Using JavaScript to build servers is often a natural choice for frontend developers looking for a way to reuse their skills and create the APIs supporting their web app, but that's not the only benefit of using Node.js. The huge package ecosystem around Node.js and Express is what makes it shine, allowing to implement a lot of business features with very few lines of code.
248. WTF is Power Supply Unit?
The Power Supply Unit is the bit of equipment that changes over the force gave from the outlet into usable force for the numerous parts inside the PC case.
249. 4 Features to Look for in Online Education Platforms
Educational platforms to learn how to code SQL, python, JS, etc are numerous and tailored to several different crowds like web developers and data scientists. Unfortunately, not every student and user knows what to look for in a platform and many companies will quickly take your money and provide little in return. Best features can range anywhere from peer feedback and troubleshooting guides to hands-on integrated development environments (IDEs) that match tools you’d use in industry.
250. What Adding display: flex Does
display: flex will change the way that your text will appear when rendered based on how you set its behavior and how large the box it is placed in is.
251. Use Github Pages to Create a Portfolio Website with Custom Domain
How to make a simple professional portfolio for beginner developers. Perfect for finding a tech job to help you stand out from other applicants.
252. 9 Questions for Four-Time Noonie Nominee and SDE-1 Shravan Kumar B
253. What is an API, Simply Explained
Connectivity is something amazing. Right now, we are used to use our computers or phones to buy, post, watch, etc. We can do lots of things actually. We are connected to the world and to each other.
254. Can You Really Code Without IF Statements?
I went to an OOP workshop by Sandi Metz several years ago. She made a comment that at one of her previous jobs, they didn't use if statements.
255. Flexbox VS Grid: This is Why You Should Be Using Both
There was a time that positioning elements with CSS could be a real hassle, depending on what was needed to do.
256. Secrets of Reverse Programming: Learn Coding Faster
How to start Programming? Nope, there is a lot of articles on internet related with this topic, so I am not going to say same things to you because I will show you secrets of Reverse Programming
257. How Git stores data
258. 5 Practical Advice on How to Survive in IT-Bootcamp
Since Barack Obama has established IT bootcamps in 2015, the number of its graduate students in 2018 increased to nearly 20 thousand qualified specialists all over the U.S.
259. JavaScript Maps: Everything You Need to Know
You might be using Javascript plain old objects right now when a map may be a better solution to your problem.
260. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptanalysis
Cryptanalysis is the branch of cryptography that studies how to break codes and cryptosystems. Cryptanalysis creates techniques to break ciphers, in particular by methods more efficient than a brute-force search. In addition to traditional methods like frequency analysis and index of coincidence, cryptanalysis includes more recent methods, like linear cryptanalysis or differential cryptanalysis, that can break more advanced ciphers.
261. Understanding UTXO vs Account-Based Model
There are two major types of record keeping available in today’s blockchain network.
262. Velo Keyboard Shortcuts: Main IDE and File Search Key Combinations
IDE and File Search Key Combinations
263. How To Create a URL Shortener using MongoDB And Node
Let us learn about MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, and other tech by building a simple URL shortener project.
264. Wix App Collections, Permissions, and Code: Velo Feature Guide for Developers
This article explains what Wix app collections are and how you can work with them.
265. Fluent Interface With Callbacks
266. Text Editor vs IDE: Which is Best for Beginner Programmers?
As a newbie coder, using a text editor is preferable because when we use a text editor, we learn many things. On the other hand, an IDE makes it easy to code.
267. How I Started to Learn HTML and CSS
You always want to jump into web development but don’t know how to start. That is fine me too I had this similar problem. I start download every e-book I found on the internet, when i realize that I have an external backup with more than 200 HTML and CSS book it became hard for me to pick one and start. Reading is good but reading without purpose is worse.
268. Cloud Computing Basics: A Quick Guide for Newbies
Regardless of your background having a basic understanding of cloud computing is an invaluable skill.
269. Get To Know Prime: The Ruby Class For Sustaining Prime Numbers
A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and one (1). Ruby makes it convenient to access prime numbers within any range with the Prime class. This class represents a set of all prime numbers. Ruby also offers several methods for accessing the values herein. To use the prime class, ‘require’ it in your document as follows:
270. The Ultimate Hamburger Grilling Guide
What if I ask you what you want to have right now? If I were you, I would surely say hamburger. Nothing is better than a juicy, cheesy, perfectly grilled hamburger. However, not everyone can make a perfectly grilled hamburger. You need to nail every step and cook the meat at the right temperature to make a perfect hamburger. This article is the ultimate hamburger grilling guide with step by step process to make the perfect hamburger.
271. Glossary of Security Terms: Cipher Suite
A cipher suite is a combination of a key exchange algorithm, authentication method, bulk encryption cipher, and message authentication code.
272. Glossary of Security Terms: Cipher
In cryptography, a cipher is an algorithm that can encode cleartext to make it unreadable, and to decode it back.
273. Velo How-To: Security Checklist
In general, your site is secure without you having to do anything. Wix takes care of that for you. However, there are certain situations where you have to take some precautions so that you don't expose your sensitive data to your site's visitors.
274. 6 Tips to Write Better CSS For Beginners
My experience with CSS first started when I was trying to style my very first non-functional ugly-looking login page. Since then, I learned a lot about writing functional well-organized CSS code. All web-developers need to be good at HTML/CSS, but they don't have to be experts.
275. Learning ReactJS From Scratch
React is a product of Facebook. It is a very flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. React forms the view layer of the web application which is technically the frontend. This makes it easier to make web applications with essential features such as reusable components, state management, DOM rendering and many more which are explained later. React is mainly used in making single-page web applications. In this article we’ll see the fundamentals of react library and why is it so popular.
276. A Quick Introduction to REST API
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints or rules that you should adhere to when you are creating your APIs.
277. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #19: Offline Notifications
Here, we are going to integrate the offline mode to the app. This feature is very handy when we are out of connection and we can still access some of the features in the app. Here, we are just going to notify the network status and cache the data using react-native-NetInfo package. Caching will help to pull the data from the AsyncStorage during the offline mode.so this app inspired from React native template from instamobile
278. 28 Creative 404 Pages for Your Inspiration
Landing on a default, un-styled ‘page not found’ with no further info and links can be really annoying. A creative and clever error page goes a long way in turning your visitor’s frown into a smile. 😉
279. Major Differences Between DOS And Windows
Key Difference
280. Connecting RabbitMQ with Node JS
RabbitMQ is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that Mr. or Ms. Mailperson will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.
281. How to Fix the "Detached HEAD" State in Git
Git commits are immutable—meaning you can create new ones, but what’s already inside will never be changed.
282. How To Use Cortana In The Microsoft Edge Browser
Cortana, the menial helper incorporated into Windows 10, empowers you to finish a scope of undertakings by composing or talking easy to use orders into your PC’s amplifier. Empowering Cortana in-program settings in the Microsoft Edge internet browser gives much more advantages.
283. How To Speed Up Windows Vista
Crippling unused highlights in Windows Vista will accelerate your PC framework. A portion of the highlights that accompany Vista are not regularly helpful for home clients. On the off chance that you don’t utilize these capacities, the Windows framework is stacking programs that you don’t require and expending framework assets — in particular, memory — that could be better utilized for different purposes.
284. Understanding Vector Embeddings for AI-Powered Search
Vector embeddings will eclipse keyword-based search. Here's how.
285. What To Do If You Don’t Have a Summer Internship
If you prefer to follow along via my YouTube video, you can watch it here!
286. How To Create Forms in React
Just like we use Forms in HTML, we can use the same thing to React. It’s quite different from other DOM elements but not too complex.
287. Making your Password Generator: Practicum Coding Bootamp [Step-By-Step Guide]
Let’s make something!
288. How to Build a Twitter bot using NodeJs
Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, you’ll need to take these steps below before proceeding:
289. 7 Hard Truths for New Software Developers
If you’re coming out of your education (whether that is self taught, a university degree, or bootcamp), it’s important to know that your expectations for your career in the tech workforce may not align with actual industry practice and culture.
290. Glossary of Security Terms: Ciphertext
In cryptography, a ciphertext is a scrambled message that conveys information but is not legible unless decrypted with the right cipher and the right secret (usually a key), reproducing the original cleartext. A ciphertext's security, and therefore the secrecy of the contained information, depends on using a secure cipher and keeping the key secret.
291. Glossary of Security Terms: Robots.txt
Robots.txt is a file which is usually placed in the root of any website. It decides whether crawlers are permitted or forbidden access to the web site.
292. Top 5 Stocks For Beginners To Buy in 2022
Choosing which stock to invest in can be hard for a beginner. To make it easier for you, we did some research on which are the best stocks to buy in 2022.
293. How To Create CLI Apps
Being a programmer, my interaction with the terminal is more than any non-programmer. So, I was thinking why not make CLI apps and decorate them. They should have a nice interface, not like the GUI apps. But a little bit nice, than usual.
294. How to Integrate ‘devise’ and ‘omniauth-facebook’ Authentication To Your Rails App
295. How To Use CSS Transform Property
Without the transition, transform property is able just to turn over the object it is applied to. So, in the most real-life situations (real-life?), these two options are applied together.
296. C# Sorting - A Minor Error
Is it true that the inverse of a negative number is always a positive number? If you think it's true, you might get a subtle error while implementing comparison
297. Design Your Responsive CSS Grid
Do you have any difficulty to build responsive design?
298. 10 Most Sought-After Programming Languages You Should Learn In 2021
If you are working on any technology and want to know which programming language is best for you then you can follow this article.
299. Decoding Nodejs
The main goal of this blog is to explain the “Architecture of Nodejs” and to know how the Nodejs works behind the scenes,
300. Flexbox Guide For Beginners
Flexboxes gives web developers control over the location of elements, and their alignment inside the container. This allows you to align the elements vertically and horizontally; change the order of their appearance; set the direction in which all the elements are laid out, and much more.
301. A Beginner's Guide to Vim
Vim has been a friend to many and a foe to many, wanna find out what it will be for you? Then, let's try it out!
302. Properties and Events Velo Panel Puzzled Out: Find Answers to Your Questions
The Properties and Events panel lets you work with the elements on your
site with Velo. You can use Velo with all the elements on your site.
303. Why You Shouldn't Use "With Statement" Syntax in JavaScript
Let’s look at the JavaScript with statement. We will go over the simple uses, as well as a deep dive into some more advanced concepts.
304. Understanding Pseudo-Class Selectors
Front-end Developers don’t just need to understand how to write CSS, they also need to know how to write it effectively and efficiently. Sometimes we work on huge projects which need optimized CSS for speed meaning, you need efficient selectors to effectively style elements without their ids or classes. This, therefore, calls for a clear understanding of selectors available. Enough of talking let’s jump right to it 😉
305. Make Your Own Text Editor in 15 Minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
It’s not like there aren’t enough text editors. But consider this: with about 60 lines of code (that’s close to nothing), you can make your own secure and stable text editor. It will be pretty simple and won’t have many features, but it will be of your making, even if you barely know how to code.
306. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS-Safelisted Response Header
A CORS-safelisted response header is an HTTP header which has been safelisted so that it will not be filtered when responses are processed by CORS, since they're considered safe (as the headers listed in Access-Control-Expose-Headers). By default, the safelist includes the following response headers:
307. How To Use Velo Mixins
A mixin is a class that exists solely to provide properties and functions to other classes. Using mixins, you can simulate inheritance between classes.
308. How to Easily Check Whether a Number is Automorphic in Java
In this article, I will show you a beginner-friendly approach to find whether a number is Automorphic or not in Java.
309. The README file: How to Help Others Understand Your Project
310. Understanding Tasks, BackgroundWorkers, and Threads
In C# we have access to Tasks, Threads, or BackgroundWorkers. In this article, we will explore how each one operates at a high level.
311. Protect Your Precious SharePoint Data With Synology Active Backup
How to use a Synology Active Backup to protect your SharePoint Data by using the Active Backup feature from Microsoft 365 alongside DiskStation Manager 7
312. My Personal Experience with Impostor Syndrome and How I Overcame It
Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which one doubts one's accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". — Wikipedia.
313. How to Find Open Source Projects for Beginners
I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It's the right way to do things. - Linus Torvalds
314. Learning the basics of MongoDB by Writing a User Registration API
Learning MongoDB has been one of the things in my checklist for the past 6 months but hasn’t gotten around actually learning it until now. In order to understand writing queries and all I figured it’ll be better to make something instead of just reading and watching some tutorials. So, I’ve decided to make a user registration API i.e, a simple registration form kinda thing with only sign up and sign in functions as of now. As learning Mongo was the main intention, I’ve decided just to make the core app which is the backend functionality and no front end as it’s not necessary and I hate to do it.
315. Write Your First AWS Lambda Function
What is it?
316. Glossary of Security Terms: Reporting Directive
CSP reporting directives are used in a Content-Security-Policy header and control the reporting process of CSP violations.
317. How to Light the Fire and Become a Web Developer
I realized I wanted to leave the air force but had no serious civilian qualifications.
318. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a system, consisting of transmitting HTTP headers, that determines whether browsers block frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses for cross-origin requests.
319. HTML and CSS Tips From a Newbie
About a month ago I started Microverse’s Technical Curriculum and two days ago I finished its first module, HTML and CSS.
320. The Benefits of Attending College Online
While some will never reach for a higher level of education after high school graduation, there are those who wish they could go to college, yet they don’t think it possible. For one reason or another, they know they could never physically attend classes. The development of attending college online has made it possible for almost anyone to get a college diploma. Here are seven benefits to online schooling.
321. Introduction to Pseudo-Class Selectors
What we will cover in this article more specifically is the subject of pseudo-classes! First of all, what pseudo-classes are, you may ask. They are keyword in CSS language that lets you interact with external factors or events, like moving the mouse over an element or visiting a link. We will not cover here all the pseudo-classes but after reading this article you will get the idea! The main idea behind this pseudo-classes is that they expose events in CSS language witch means that is easier to interact with HTML element on web pages.
322. The Art of Naming: CSS Guide
I have heard lots of developers say they hate CSS. In my experience, this comes as a result of not taking the time to learn CSS. So here is my latest post, I'll tell you about a few naming conventions that will save you a bit of stress and countless hours down the line.
323. Coding on Python at Home
How many more reports can you generate? How many sales figures do you have to tally, how many charts, how many databases, how many sql queries, how many 'design' pattern to follow, how many bugs to fix etc. etc.. because you get paid for it.. Fatigue sets in , purpose of living is being questioned, and just when you are about to yell '.. to hell with all this..', your mortgage comes due, and don't look for that escape vacation because we are in a corona virus shutdown..
324. An Overview of HTTP and How It Works
HTTP is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser. A complete document is reconstructed from the different sub-documents fetched, for instance text, layout description, images, videos, scripts, and more.
325. How Cache Busting Works
Cache busting is a technique so that browsers can have long caches on files while having them reload files when they change
326. A Brief History of Java and Why it is an Excellent Programming Language
In this tutorial section, we will be diving deep into learning and understanding one of the most popular programming languages in the world; Java.
327. What Is EditorConfig And Why You Should Use It
Editor Config is an INI format based configuration system that let you establish project level coding standard; It allows configuring: indentation style, indentation size, line width and more. It helps in reducing the effort required to bring each team member to the consistent coding standards by automatically importing and applying the configuration to IDE.
328. Habits Every Software Engineer Should Imbibe
Good habits are important for a software engineer. They help you write maintainable code that your future self will thank you for.
329. What I Learned in My First Month of Web Development
330. Treasure Hunt: 5 Juicy Repos on GitHub
331. How to Force JavaScript Variables to use Specific DOM APIs
To take advantage of JavaScript IntelliSense and code completion when using a certain awesome text editor ehem VS Code ehem, you need to be able to declare the correct interfaces for variables containing DOM elements.
332. Setting Up a Dedicated Database Server on Raspberry Pi
Learn how to set up a MariaDB database server on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with 8 GB of RAM that you can connect to your local network through WiFi or Ethernet
333. Java Development for Beginners: Tips and Resources
Mastering code in Java is absolutely fun to do and once you start practicing it, the language itself will unravel its upsides for you to acknowledge.
334. 11 Must-hear Podcasts For Developers
If you want to be a good software developer you have to be constantly learning. One of the best ways to learn is through listening to good podcasts.
335. CSS Grid Layout: How It Works
What is the "Grid" in CSS? How can I use "Grid" in CSS? Read this article by Nima Owji to learn how to use grid layout in CSS!
336. Glossary of Security Terms: Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a security exploit which allows an attacker to inject into a website malicious client-side code. This code is executed by the victims and lets the attackers bypass access controls and impersonate users. According to the Open Web Application Security Project, XSS was the seventh most common Web app vulnerability in 2017.
337. An Introduction to 140 Second Ducklings: What is Debugging?
I’m launching a new twitter video series that will focus on teaching the concepts of debugging (and other concepts) in small video bites this is the first video
338. Will Coding Bootcamp Guarantee You a Job?
image: Criterion Classified Ads / Media Innovation by Jota Julian Gutierrez
339. Learning RegEx Basics in Ruby
Find patterns in strings is a common problem for developers. One of the main scenarios where you could need this is on form validations, has the email the right structure? has the user first name any invalid character?. That's where regular expressions appear.
340. Introduction to JavaScript Statements
JavaScript statements give us a energy to implement opposite forms of proof in a code. JavaScript provides us with several of them, all of that has a possess purpose and syntax. Among a many obvious examples we can find countenance statements, iteration statements, redeeming statements, and more
341. How To Manage Multiple Git Configurations
Using the same computer for both work-related and personal projects may cause you to write Git commit messages with your private email on your work projects or vice-versa. That is assuming that you configured Git with the --global flag, which applies the configs to every repo on your OS user account.
342. How I started learning web development, The first step to become a Full-Stack Software Developer
At the ending of last year, I found an amazing opportunity to become a software developer, studying at a global school for remote software developers that It’s call Microverse. To apply to Microverse you need to have some basic coding knowledge in HTML, CSS and a programming language of your preference to solve some coding challenges.
343. Proper Multithreading: Let’s Remind Ourselves What it is
That sounds ideal, but what does it take to have real multithreading with appropriate locks and to secure your program so it can run smoothly without you worrying if you will ever get a deadlock or a race condition?
Just some locks, semaphores, and a lot of time to think it through.
344. Making your own personal website from scratch
An introduction to HTML and CSS - the foundation and styling for any website
345. Train Your Own Neural Network
These days, using Machine-Learning and particularly Deep-Learning solutions to solve many technical challenges has become a norm.
That’s mainly thanks to having access to unprecedented volumes of data, hardware advancements, and academic progress.
Many problems are tackled by modeling Neural-Networks, feeding them with tons of data, and consequently they “learn” and turn artificially “smarter”.
While we, humans, are still smarter than our computers - we do suffer from an inferior processing speed of information.
We can’t read a million books over throughout our lifetime.
346. Page Visibility API: Learn How to Use Browser-Based Visibility Interface
With tabbed browsing, there is a reasonable chance that any given webpage is in the background and thus not visible to the user. The Page Visibility API provides events you can watch for to know when a document becomes visible or hidden, as well as features to look at the current visibility state of the page.
347. Glossary of Security Terms: Block Cipher Mode of Operation
A block cipher mode of operation, usually just called a "mode" in context, specifies how a block cipher should be used to encrypt or decrypt messages that are longer than the block size.
348. How I Wrote and Sent Newsletters that Got 50% Open Rates and Less Than 0.5% Unsubscribes
Lots of times, I have mentioned that I love blogging and writing.
349. Plan Your Breaks Easily with Python
Working from home is the new normal. In this blog post, we will learn how to build a break Scheduler using webbrowser with Python.
350. How To Build WordPress Client App with React Native Part #20: Saving Data to Cache
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
351. Yes, Your Site Need to Be Mobile Ready
Och good old days..., when everyone was using computers with their square monitors, you could slap some site in minutes, upload on cheap hosting and everyone is coming right away and enjoying it and saying good words about it and the world is a happy place..., but not today!
Today to have a website even for fun, maybe a blog about your dog, you need to take care of many more things, and your site responsiveness is definitely one of them, what is responsiveness you asking? Ok, let's find out it first
Responsiveness is when your site changes the design based on the user's screen he/she uses if the visitor is coming to your site using a personal computer - your site looks one way if smartphone - another way.
It doesn't mean that you need to create a totally different design for all the screen sizes in the world, but changing how site elements positioned and shows up for different screens is a good start.
Why it's important?
Well A - if you want to miss out on something like 60% worldwide in 2020 of internet users and B - because you and your grandpa are on personal computers with big ass screens and C - only you two reading that blog, then maybe it's not that important.
But if you want others to come to your site and enjoy it then - it's one of the most important things you need to care about when building a website.
And I'm not even touching the business side of it, if you want to make money with your site then responsive design is crucial to have it.
People now days have such a short span for waiting and clicking and searching that if you make them think of what/where/why then that's it, withing few first seconds you just lost a customer.
Even Google lost its temper on this, now if your site is not responsive and slow, you'll have a hard time ranking your site to the top Google search positions.
Enough rambling!
352. Top Python Resources for Beginners
New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.
353. The Container Anatomy: A Kernel Introduction
Welcome to this tutorial series, where we will evolve from the anatomy of a container inside the Linux Kernel, and will keep building pieces and evolving till the publication of a service into an Orchestration Platform. The general idea is to detail as much as possible (without being massive) how is things working under the hood.
354. Software Engineering Best Practices Collection for Machine Learning
An ever-increasing number of organizations are developing applications that involve machine learning components. The complexity and diversity of these applications calls for software engineering techniques to ensure that they are built in a robust and future-proof manner.
355. 6 Common HTML and CSS Interview Question and Answers
In this article, I will present some of the most frequent questions and answers made by interviewers. There will be questions about HTML & CSS. If you like reading, go ahead. If you don’t, you can still watch myself answering the same questions in this YouTube playlist I prepared.
356. How To Run Recurring Jobs using Velo by Wix
The Job Scheduler allows you to schedule code to run at specified intervals. You schedule code to run by creating a job.
357. Build a Chat Room With Socket.io and Express
In this article, we are going to create a chat application that connects people, anonymously, to different rooms together in pairs of two.
358. An Important Thing for Beginner Developer
When I started learning to code, I was always asking myself how could I speed up my development to become a professional as soon as I could. If you’re commencing your coding journey, you probably asked yourself this already. That’s natural to think about, mainly if you’re changing careers or simply if you value a lot your time.
359. Glossary of Security Terms: Session Hijacking
Session hijacking occurs when an attacker takes over a valid session between two computers. The attacker steals a valid session ID in order to break into the system and snoop data.
360. How To Create an AWS Account For Personal Use
If you're new to Ruby on Rails development sooner or later you'll have to create an Amazon AWS account. And if you already have any experience you know what I meant.
361. Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Rebases in Git
Rebases are a way of making your crude commit history into something you’ll want to share with the rest of your team.
362. My Web Development Journey With Microverse
HTML and CSS are two of the most popular tools used to create front-end designs for websites. As simple as they may seem from the outside looking in, they can prove to be quite a challenge at times, pulling one into a black hole of design thinking.
363. Creational Design Patterns In JavaScript: A Brief Tutorial
Object creation mechanisms increase the flexibility and reuse of existing code. Here in this post, we will see the Object Creation Pattern in JavaScript
364. 6 GitHub Repositories For Instant Knowledge Boost
Github is not only a place for storing our code and sharing libraries with other developers. Thanks to powerful Markdown syntax it’s possible to create sort of wiki pages. There are thousands of great resources in the Github - some of them are so big that recommending them is pointless.
365. Your Ultimate Guide On HTML Tags 🔥
HTML Cheatsheet For All Developers by Garvit Motwani
366. How To Start Coding Right Now
What if someones asks you to build a website today, would you think that is possible?
367. Introduction To Styled-Components
styled-components is a CSS-in-JS library that helps you to write CSS in a component. Here in this post, I will cover more than basics you need to know.....
368. Glossary of Security Terms: Symmetric-Key Cryptography
Symmetric-key cryptography is a term used for cryptographic algorithms that use the same key for encryption and for decryption. The key is usually called a "symmetric key" or a "secret key".
369. Machine Learning 101: How And Where To Start For Absolute Beginners
This post covers all you will need for your Journey as a Beginner. All the Resources are provided with links. You just need Time and Your dedication.
370. Evolution of Web Design: From HTML to HTML5
When most people think about evolution, what comes to mind is “the big bang”, usually describing it as way different types of living organisms developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Technology has also evolved over time, there are many technologies, major ones being web development, computer systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence and many more. The main focus of this article is on the evolution of Web Design. A deeper dive into HTML which is the backbone of every web page document that you see on the internet today. Yes, other supplements exist e.g. CSS, thats adds design for websites, but without HTML, displaying a webpage document is not possible.
371. What Is Project-Based Learning Method for Self-Taught Developers
When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.
372. Roadmap to Become a Full-Stack Web Developer For Beginners
A full-stack development professional is the one who is having sound technical knowledge of each and every aspect of development — front end, back end, various operating systems among other details of the technology. These people are usually termed as “developer generalists”. The significant thing to be noted here is that full-stack developers should not be confused with senior developers.
373. Reasons Why You Should Choose the Microverse Coding Course As Beginner
Hello World! I’m Sayyod and I’m a financier. I have almost 5 years of experience in banking. From my childhood, I loved to work on the computer and play video games. At the same time, this love led me to create programs and games such as that. This desire never left me even during study time at the university and also in working time. My mind always thought about it. My whole free time I spent searching how to learn coding from 0. If you surf the internet with patience like me, you can find too many sites and courses which teach you online and promise to become a great developer. Here I will tell you shortly about my search results. I would like to divide them into 2 types: payable and free.
374. How To Easily Align Your Code in Vim
Aligning code, in general, does not provide any value. It's just to make code look more beautiful and easier to read.
375. 7 Great Resources for Java Beginners
To begin with, the Java programming language is easy enough to learn and has the greatest impact on the industry. So the question is: “which course to choose?"
376. How I Created a Landing page in Less than 100 lines of Code
Recently I bought a personal domain and decided to build a quick landing page to not leave it empty while I work on my portfolio. I thought some of you might find it useful, so I decided to make a tutorial on it.
377. Let's Talk About Vanilla JavaScript: What Is Vanilla JS, and Why Should I Spend Any Time On It?
Know a little JavaScript, but can't do much with it yet? This tutorial, "Vanilla JS in the DOM", will help you understand the background of Vanilla Javascript.
378. How to Use Wix App Collections and Code to Customize Your Website
This article explains what Wix app collections are and how you can work with them.
379. How I Build a Skate Game On Christmas Hackathon
Skateboard game made with CSS
380. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptographic Hash Function
A cryptographic hash function, also sometimes called a digest function, is a cryptographic primitive transforming a message of arbitrary size into a message of fixed size, called a digest. Cryptographic hash functions are used for authentication, digital signatures, and message authentication codes.
381. How Improving Writing Skills Can Help Software Developers Succeed
I started writing because the generous community of programmers had helped me by sharing their knowledge freely over the Internet. I wanted to contribute to this incredible trend so I could be a part of something bigger than myself.
382. How To Use The Linux Command Line
Learning the basics of the Linux Command Line helps users get the most out of their machine while streamlining the experience of using the open-source OS
383. How To Set up Webpack for Web Development
webpack is a flexible bundler that provide you with tons of options and configuration so you can personalize your JavaScript projects, but with great power comes a great mess... err, I mean, great responsibility when configuring.
384. Git Basics
To playing with git you have to do the following things step by step
385. A Simple Guide To Vanilla JavaScript: How To Set CSS Styles [Part 2]
Learn to use JavaScript to style your project with CSS! A tutorial for beginners.
386. 11 Great Tips From A Guy Who Leveled Up From Intern To Dev
This is an article that expresses a few major learnings I would like to take away and mistakes I wouldn’t want to commit again from my journey
387. Glossary of Security Terms: Encryption
In cryptography, encryption is the conversion of cleartext into a coded text or ciphertext. A ciphertext is intended to be unreadable by unauthorized readers.
388. A Linux, Mac and UNIX Tutorial Of The Top 6 Cool Terminal Commands For Beginners
In this tutorial, you'll learn the most common and useful commands that you can run in almost any UNIX-like environment, including Linux and Mac OS X.
389. Web Animations API Explained
The Web Animations API allows for synchronizing and timing changes to the presentation of a Web page, i.e. animation of DOM elements. It does so by combining two models: the Timing Model and the Animation Model.
390. The Coding Barrier: A Simple Guide to Clearing The First Hurdle
Are you new to coding? Have you been struggling to come to grips with your first programming language? If so, allow me to illuminate an early step on your path to becoming a software developer.
391. Glossary of Security Terms: Challenge-Response Authentication
In security protocols, a challenge is some data sent to the client by the server in order to generate a different response each time. Challenge-response protocols are one way to fight against replay attacks where an attacker listens to the previous messages and resends them at a later time to get the same credentials as the original message.
392. Why And Where You Can Learn C Programming For Free
In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,
393. Creating and Debugging Website Routers
Creating a router allows you to take complete control when handling certain incoming requests to your site.
394. How to use Javascript's Performance API and measure page performance
The High Resolution Time standard defines a Performance interface that supports client-side latency measurements within applications. The Performance interfaces are considered high resolution because they are accurate to a thousandth of a millisecond (subject to hardware or software constraints). The interfaces support a number of use cases including calculating frame-rates (potentially important in animations) and benchmarking (such as the time to load a resource).
395. How Improving Writing Skills Can Help Software Developers Succeed
I started writing because the generous community of programmers had helped me by sharing their knowledge freely over the Internet. I wanted to contribute to this incredible trend so I could be a part of something bigger than myself.
396. A Champion's Guide on Functional Programming
Best & Easy way to learn Python Development. get Python functional programming tutorial free/
397. Three Different Ways to Create Objects in JavaScript
Almost everything in Javascript is an object, whether it’s an array or a function. In this post, we’ll learn three different ways to create objects in JavaScript:
398. An Intro to Git for Beginners
Git is an essential tool for version control, no matter what programming language or framework you use.
399. 5 Step Guide on How to Set Up Velo Pay API for a Single-Product Online Payments
This article describes how you can use the Velo Pay API to collect payments from your site's visitors for a single predefined product, outside the context of a Wix App (like Wix Stores). Throughout this article we're going to use this site to illustrate the process.
400. Web API: Permissions API Documentation
The Permissions API provides a consistent programmatic way to query the status of API permissions attributed to the current context. For example, the Permissions API can be used to determine if permission to access a particular API has been granted or denied.
401. How To Start Investing - Developer Edition
Having money in the bank that is just giving you zero profit and killing your capital instead of making more money is not going to help you achieve your financial goals.
402. Feeling Insecure When You First Start Something Does Not Mean You Have Imposter Syndrome
How can an absolute beginner be a fake / an imposter?
403. Coding Games and Websites to Help You Learn Programming
The biggest question you should ask yourself before read further is "What is coding?". So coding is the process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification.
404. Arduino UNO Board: Under The Hood
This article gives you a complete description of the very famous Arduino UNO board. The article discusses the hardware technicalities and programming of the board. If you are a beginner then, you may find this article very useful.
405. Explaining APIs To Your Grandma - A How-To Guide
If you’re a student studying Computer Science or someone who’s trying their luck getting into the software industry, one might often encounter the phrase API.
406. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build a Web Application with Velo
Velo by Wix is an innovative product that lets you build robust web applications with zero setup. Work in Wix's visual builder, add custom functionality and interactions using Velo APIs, and enjoy serverless coding in both the front-end and backend. With Velo, your web app can be up and running in a fraction of the time it would normally take you.To introduce you to Velo, we created our own version of a "Hello, World!" example: a simple currency converter site that uses the wix-fetch API to connect to a third-party service. Site visitors choose source and target currencies from dropdowns and enter an amount to convert. The results are displayed in a text box.
407. How to Quickly Get Started With PHP and MariaDB
A simple tutorial on how to get started with PHP and MariaDB.
408. You Will Love These Java 9 API Improvements
New java features you must use.
409. Glossary of Security Terms: SQL Injection
SQL injection takes advantage of Web apps that fail to validate user input. Hackers can maliciously pass SQL commands through the Web app for execution by a backend database.
410. How to Select a Random Node from a Tree
Childhood moments with father
411. How to Download a File Using cURL With Examples
If you have ever used cURL to retrieve the output of a file, believe me, saving that output to a file only takes a few more characters.
412. JavaScript DOM Manipulation in Details
To have a solid understanding of the structure of an HTML page. Let’s add a basic code.
413. How Does HTTP Authentication Work
HTTP provides a general framework for access control and authentication. The most common HTTP authentication is based on the
"Basic" schema. This page shows an introduction to the HTTP framework
for authentication and shows how to restrict access to your server using the HTTP "Basic" schema.
414. How To Create Node App with Nginx Setup on Amazon EC2
How to launch a Node js app behind an Nginx proxy on Amazon EC2 instance in a step by step walkthrough.
415. How To Format Your CSS Code as a Professional
As a full-stack web developer, I'm building different websites by writing code every single day. Experiencing several situations including solving problems and fixing errors.
416. How To Format Dates Correctly
This article explains how you can format dates on your site using Velo.
417. Modern Front End Architecture
When you join the Front End world or you have a lot of years on this side, some questions appear for example: What is the best way to build the front end? How can I keep a front end cleaned and organized? Should I add unit testing? That's difficult to answer but I think I can share some good tips and articles about the Front End side so, let's go!!!
418. How Use Array Methods to Handle API Data
Manipulating data is a core skill for any developer. In an API-driven environment, so much of the data you receive is formatted in a way that doesn't directly match the way that your application or UI needs it. Each web service and third-party API is different. This is where the ability to sort, normalize, filter, and manipulate the shape of data comes in.
419. 10 Best Coding Challenge Sites For Beginners
Coding challenge websites are a great step to take after you learn one language. These will challenge your understanding of your language to deepen it further.
420. HTML Fundamentals: Tables And Lists [Part 2]
we will be looking at how we can arrange the content on the web page.
421. Glossary of Security Terms: TOFU
Trust On First Use (TOFU) is a security model in which a client needs to create a trust relationship with an unknown server. To do that, clients will look for identifiers (for example public keys) stored locally. If an identifier
is found, the client can establish the connection. If no identifier is found, the client can prompt the user to determine if the client should trust the identifier.
422. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for Dummies
Here is a short tutorial on CSS for beginners.
423. Fall in Love With "The Beginner's Mentality"
What's the best way to learn? Think like a beginner! It’s time to take pride in being a beginner and seeking a plurality of viewpoints.
424. How To Work with External Database
When you enable Velo you also automatically get Wix Data, which lets you work with our built-in databases on your site. You may also want to work with data that you maintain in an external database. Velo lets you connect your site to an external database and then work with that database collection in your site just as you would with our built-in collections.
425. What Traits Distinguish An Awesome Programmer
What distinguishes great programmers from good ones?
426. JavaScript Vs. Java: Differences, Similarities and History of Creation
By @wagslane (twitter)
427. How To Write Semantic HTML
As a Microverse Student in the last time, I have been struggling with some HTML and CSS projects. They challenged me to learn new features of these technologies all the time. My projects were made gradually trying to follow good practices but none was as striking for me as the use of semantic HTML.
428. These Password Essentials Will Keep Hackers At Bay
One of the common ways hackers target online users is by cracking their passwords. In this article, I will share tips on how to ensure your passwords are secure to keep hackers at bay.
429. CSS Underdog Rule: position: sticky;
PH: Hitarth Jadhav from Pexels
430. How To Create A Simple Twitter Bot Using Node.js
In this tutorial, we'll go over creating a simple Twitter bot that uses the Today in History API and tweet what happened today in history.
431. How to Use Clip-Path CSS Property
I was given a task to replicate the newsweek website and I thought that would be a walk in the park until I started working on the project. My focus will be on the red/orange background of the header used on that website, as shown on the image above and how I was able to come up with the design using the clip-path property in CSS3.
432. Cory Althoff Interview: Why Our World Would End If Self-Taught Programmers Disappeared
433. Introductory Guide to Debug Node.js Apps with Built-in or VS Code Debugger
If you ask me on which task I've spent most of my time as a software developer, it would probably be bug fixing. Working with JavaScript apps, I've used console.log when debugging surely more than I should have. Learning how to become efficient at finding bugs in programs is a very important skill that can save you a lot of time. Debuggers help you with that task by providing tools to analyze your programs and run control execution flow.
434. Getting Your First Job As A Junior Developer: The Psychological Perspective
Illuminating the psychology behind Junior Dev hiring
435. Difference between let, var and const in Javascript
With javascript, variable declarations have always been one of its tricky parts. Unlike most of the C-based languages, javascript variables are always not created at the spot where you declare them. Where a variable is created usually depends on how you declare it.
436. Explain Complex Concepts With Minimalistic Drawings With Okso.app
Minimalistic Data Structure Sketches
437. When and How to Effectively Use Bootstrap
In my journey to becoming a Software Developer, I've seen so many frameworks being implemented and one of them is Bootstrap. As efficient as it is though, so many developers have a strong dislike towards it, myself included. Here's when and how to use it.
438. Svelte State Management: Creating Contact Form
Recently, I came into Svelte and ... I love it.
439. 5 Steps You Need to Make as Beginner Web Developer
When most people fantasize about the idea of starting a web development hobby (or career) they get eventually frustrated. Hard.
440. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptography
Cryptography, or cryptology, is the science that studies how to encode and transmit messages securely. Cryptography designs and studies algorithms used to encode and decode messages in an insecure environment, and their applications.
441. Wix Content Collection Fields: Helpful Tips on How to Use Them Properly
Your content collections store your site's content. The collections organize your content with items (rows) and fields (columns). The fields usually describe the items. For example, if one item is a car, a field may list its color.
442. How I Fell In Love With Python
Two years back, I was a guy with zero programming skills. For my whole life, I always kept running away from Computer Sciences and I ended up pursuing my engineering in Computer sciences only. Well it was kinda blessing in disguise because now I feel that it was right decision to choose Computer Science( just because I feel like it is much easier than other branches of engineering).
443. Practice Coding Like An Expert With The Help Of These 5 Tips
Keep things interesting and practice coding through different methods such as tutorials, quizzes or developing your own projects.
444. Arrays in Ruby: Benefits and Costs to Use Them
Data structures are eagerly introduced to new programmers, since they will be using them pretty much through their whole career. Knowing them, how they work, what are they good for, which one to use, are things that can change the performance of your solutions quite vastly.
445. How to Get Started with Fullstack App Development
Are you a beginner starting a new full-stack project? Let's go through the basic terms such as user interface, API, storage, and database and how they work.
446. What Is Tagged Template Literal In Javascript
Before ES6(ECMAScript 2015), we have used single quotes('...') and double quotes("...") to wrap string literals. A simple example is,
447. CSS3 Media Queries for Responsive Design on Mobile Screens
448. Top 24 ES6 Code Snippets for JavaScript Problems
Here I have hand-picked some of the most useful code snippets from 30 seconds of code. It’s an awesome resource, go ahead and show it some love.
449. Implementing CRUD Using Ruby On Rails CLI
Learning to be a Full-Stack web developer in Microverse – a remote software development school domiciled in California had so much taught me a lot like patience, resilience, tenacity and the curiosity to get things done the right way and at the right time. Ruby on rails web application is an application that is somewhat complicated for someone who is getting started in learning how this powerful web application works. But when you get to understand how it works and how to navigate round in building your application with it, you will be glad you did.
450. Introduction to CSS Media Queries
Learning web development is a journey an aspiring software engineer should consider, it involves learning, self-motivation and access to a lot of online resources, it’s also good to have a mentor.
451. Functional Programming Paradigm in JavaScript
There’s nothing new about Functional Programming. Functional Programming has been around for much longer than OOP as it dates back to the 60s.
452. How To Create React Apps From Scratch: [Part 1 - Setting Up]
Since React is currently one of the most in-demand front-end technology, I have decided to start a course series that intends to show you how to create the React js app from scratch to finish.
453. Benefits of Financial Independence For Software Engineers
If you read this post, chances that you are a software developer who is seeking financial advice for smart money-saving or investment or early retirement.
454. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Simple Email Slicing Program
An Email Slicer is just a tool that will take an email id as an input and will perform slicing operations on it to return the username and the domain.
455. What Is so Great About Golang?
Check out why you should use golang for your next project
456. HTTP Redirections: Principles, Types and Use Cases
URL redirection, also known as URL forwarding, is a technique to give more than one URL address to a page, a form, or a whole Web site/application. HTTP has a special kind of response, called a HTTP redirect, for this operation.
457. 10 Ways Stand Out as a Java Developer and Land that Dream Job
If you’re the one who’s stuck asking yourself “What should I learn to stand out as a Java developer?”, this blog post can help you figure things out.
458. How To Build A Website With Velo [Beginners Guide]
Excited as you are to get started building your website using Velo by Wix, let's take a moment to plan ahead.
459. How You Can Build Electron Desktop Application Using React [Beginners]
460. Beginner Developer Guide: What Language Should You Learn First
Should you start off with Java, C++, C, Python, Javascript, SQL, Swift, Objective-C or what!??
461. I Built a Game in Vanilla JS And I Don't Know How to Code 3 Months Ago
Well, I just knew the basics and I knew as well that I wanted to learn to code, no matter what, as I explained here.
462. Building a Simple Session Based Authentication using Ruby on Rails
Building your first authentication system may look intimidating at first. But to be honest, it's really easy. After reading this article, you will know how easy it is to create a session based authentication in rails.
463. How To Build WordPress App with React Native Part #18: Changing Theme Functionality
464. Python Tutorial: How to Make API Requests
Python is in the midst of a resurgence. It never went away, but usage now grows like never before. With machine learning developers and data scientists relying on Python, much of the web development ecosystem around the language continues to grow.
465. How to Fetch Date with Promise.all and Async / Await
This article is focusing on showing a brief explanation of how to use Promise.all in a real example that I used in one of my recent projects.
466. 8 CSS Properties to Know if You are a Beginner
8 CSS Properties to know if you are a beginner.
467. HTML Fundamentals: How To Get Started [Part 1]
If you are here to begin your journey to become a full-stack developer, understanding the basics of HTML will be your first stepping stone. Or if you are here to simply learn how to build an awesome website of your own, I have got your back. This could be used as an ultimate HTML cheat sheet for beginners.
468. Velo How-To: On SEO For Router Pages
SEO Settings for router pages vary slightly from the settings for regular pages. Learn about SEO for Wix pages here.
469. How to Run Node.js with MongoDB [Tutorial]
Many of today’s web applications use node.js in conjunction with MongoDB to store and access data on the backend server. Not only does node.js excel in ease of access to non-relational databases like MongoDB, but brings scalability and speed to the server side of your app.
470. 12 Common Java Mistakes Made by Newcomers
Everyone makes mistakes, not just beginners, but even professionals. This article goes over a dozen common mistakes that Java newbies make and how to avoid them
471. Why Do We Need Strict Mode
JavaScript's strict mode, introduced in ECMAScript 5, is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript, thereby implicitly opting-out of "sloppy mode". Strict mode isn't just a subset: it intentionally has different semantics from normal code. Browsers not supporting strict mode will run strict mode code with different behavior from browsers that do, so don't rely on strict mode without feature-testing for support for the relevant aspects of strict mode. Strict mode code and non-strict mode code can coexist, so scripts can opt into strict mode incrementally.
472. Learn C# Programming Course for Free
Learn c# programming with examples. C# is an object-oriented programming language, and it is useful to build web, windows, mobile applications.
473. The Best Way to Learn Arduino for Beginners
Are you interested in Arduino, but don't know where to start? Here are 5 resources to help!
474. 7+ Best Courses to Learn Web Development for Beginners
Hello all, if you are thinking to learn about Web Development or want to become a web developer then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best online courses you can take to learn Web development in depth.
475. How to Start to Use Flexbox and CSS Grid in Your Projects
During years I've been using Bootstrap, the most popular UI library for responsive web design, both for my job and also for my personal projects, but in the software development world new technologies appear every year, the old ones keep evolving. Besides, the web designer has been facing a problem, to make responsive web design to the request of users for more friendly user interfaces for different devices. For this reason, in recent years CSS bring two novelties, flexbox and CSS Grid. Just two weeks ago I had never used these alternatives.
476. Is Terraform Still Useful?
Terraform is an agentless infrastructure tool used mainly by DevOps for infrastructure management. Find out why you should use Terraform for infrastructure.
477. Boost Your CSS with BEM Naming and SASS Nesting
We all have struggled with keeping our CSS classes ordered, maintainable, and more specific. SASS nesting and the BEM (Block - Element - Modifier) structure will help get us to get rid of this concern.
478. Learning to Code: Is It Really That Difficult?
Skills like coding scares a lot of people. The media has made it seem like writing computer code is a genius-level activity, as weird symbols race across the screen and techno music blares in the background.But the truth is that, coding is actually pretty easy.I’m not saying this to dismiss the work of brilliant programmers. A skill can simultaneously be fairly easy to get the basics in, while also being really difficult to master. Everyone learns to write, few people learn to write well. There’s no contradiction, therefore, in saying that basic literacy is an “easy” skill to acquire (in that the vast majority of us are able to do it), without dismissing the efforts of talented writers.Nor am I saying this to mock people who are trying to learn programming and find it frustrating.Rather, I say coding is easy because I believe that almost all people, even if they don’t see themselves as particularly smart, have the ability to learn to write simple programs. That they don’t is mostly due to some structural barriers than any intrinsic difficulty with the skill itself.My Experience CodingI started learning how to write code since I was 14. I’ve read a couple of O’Rielly books on programming, took even free courses on Coursera and Udemy. Watch thousands of hours on programming related videos on YouTube. I remember even working through the content of a Computer Science Degree online (which is totally unnecessary if you want to learn to code,by the way).If you take a closer look, in some ways... my background may seem to disqualify me about making statements on the ease of coding. However, I can say without a single doubt, that subjects like Accounting, Physics, Engineering and even Law are more difficult than programming.Most math you learn in high-school is more difficult too, believe it; although you usually get wayyyyy more practice with algebra than writing code, which leads to a misperception as to which is more difficult.Why Coding Feels HardLearning to code is hard for a couple reasons:Installing new languages can be super frustrating. This is the first activity for a wanna-be programmer. This can create the misperception that programming is really hard because newbies extrapolate the difficulty of getting set up to how it weill be every moment after.Also, there are waayyyyyyyy too many languages, frameworks tools, libraries and plug-ins. Starting programming is super overwhelming because there are a stadezillion things to learn and you have no idea where to start.The first moments of programming are the hardest. Getting set up is annoyingly difficult and often requires learning a new way of working with computers even before you write a single line of code.Consider the instructions for installing most languages:“Open the terminal or command prompt. Type in a case-sensitive exact set of instructions to download and install the language. Use GitHub. Homebrew. Versions matter too. Are you running 32 or 64 bit? ‘Cause if you’re not sure it will crash with a cryptic error message and you’ll feel like an idiot.”These tools are learnable, like everything else, but they reinforce the impression given by the media that coding is mostly using elite tools with weird, unfriendly user interfaces. When people see coding they imagine parsing the green-streaming letters on computer screens like the movie, The Matrix; whereas the truth is a lot more like following a recipe along step-by-step.How Do You Get Over the Initial Difficulties?There’s a few ways you can do this. My favorite is to just go to the language or technology official documentation, that will tell you exactly how to set up step-by-step.Alternatively, you can dive into internet tutorials (why do you think platforms like YouTube, Quora exists?), but recognize that sometimes they are aimed at already-proficient programmers, who know what OOP and GitHub are, and are fluent with writing commands into Terminal.If you get one of these, you can try to follow it, but don’t feel bad if you screw it up. It’s frustrating and it doesn’t mean all coding will be like this.Another option is to avoid setup at all. Just use some coding tutorial website that teach you to code without needing any installation. I like this too, but sometimes you can’t actually build the thing you want to build with these apps. However, if you hate the setup, that’s where I’d start.Most important, however, is to remember that I told you this. When you try to learn to code, it will be frustrating to get set up, and just accept that this is a small price to pay. Soon it will be easier and you’ll do stuff that is cool. Don’t feel dumb because you get stuck here, I still do and I’ve been writing code for years.What Language/Framework/Library Should I Start With?This seems like a good question to ask, but, I’d argue, it’s actually the wrong way to think about learning programming.First, despite the fact that programmers often boast about how many languages they know, recognize that most languages are only superficially different. Yes, I know all about language design, so don’t tell me about the importance of scripting versus compiling, or whether a language is strongly or weakly typed. Those things matter, but they’re details.The basics of nearly all languages and tools are the same. Variables. Loops. Functions. Pointers. Data Types. OOP. Modules. These concepts exist in almost all programming languages. If you pick a mainstream language, you’ll learn these in mostly the same way, so it doesn’t matter if you pick Python, JavaScript, C++, Java or even PHP.The place languages do matter is what you want to use them for.Want to write iPhone apps? Swift or Objective C are the languages of choice. Need to create web pages? JavaScript is going to come in handy. Yes, you can use almost any language for any task if you tinker with it and get the right plug-ins. However, some languages are easier to get started with certain types of projects than others.Therefore, the first question to ask is not: which language should I learn, but, which project should I start with?What Should Be Your First Project?I recommend starting your programming adventure, even before you write a single line of code, with a decision about a concrete programming project you’d like to create.This serves a couple purposes:It narrows down the language/framework choices considerably. Once you know you’re building a website, you’re already leaning towards tools that were designed with that goal in mind.Everything you learn is connected to a destination. Transfer of learning is notoriously difficult. Learning directly by building, works better than learning something and just hoping it will help you later.You can work on something you think is cool. If you think it would be cool to make an interactive website, do that. If you’d prefer a game, do that. If you’d prefer to automate some tedious work, do that instead. Do what you feel is cool and you’ll be motivated to stick to it.In general, smaller is better when it comes to projects. Deciding to start with making the next Google is ambitious, but probably will get you stuck in the weeds before you make much progress.If your true ambitious are huge, it’s often best to work on a toy project first. Many experienced programmers still do this when they are entering a new territory of programming. Toy projects take the essential ideas of programming, but turn it into something you can do in a few days or weeks, instead of years.Examples of good projects include:A basic terminal text-adventure game. No graphics, but still requires learning concepts like loops, variables, input-output processing.A simple website. Start with just displaying a static page. Maybe add in comments, users, photos or interactive elements as you learn more.A simple app. What’s something dead-simple you’d like to have on your phone? It can be stupid to start, don’t worry.A script for automating a tedious task.In general, programs are easier when they involve no multimedia content (websites are a bit of an exception), so if you’re making a game, for instance, a text game tends to be easier than one with graphics, if only because making all the graphics can take time.Similarly, different core activities have different difficulties. Arithmetic and simple calculations done repeatedly are easiest. Processing text for exact patterns is a bit harder. Processing text for vague patterns is harder still. Processing, speech, photos and video is even harder.If you do end up picking an initial project that turns out to be super difficult, it’s okay to scale back. “Make an application that calculates my mortgage payments” is much, much easier than “Make an application that can tell you what someone’s hairstyle is from a photo.” It’s often not obvious that this is the case in the beginning, so don’t worry if you accidentally pick a “hard” problem to start with, you can adjust it later to something easier.Which Resources Should You Use?Once you’ve picked a project, the next step is to get some resources to help. This is a step many people worry over endlessly, but like the language choice, it’s a lot less important (and depends more on your goals) than you think.I won’t list specific resources, because there are so many good ones that my suggestions are going to leave out some of the best. Instead, here’s three strategies for finding good resources:Get a book that teaches you the language + project you want. There should be a computer section in your city’s bookstore or library, you can just pick any of those. I personally like O’Reilly (they publish the best software development books), but there are lots of good ones. (If you haven’t figured out which language yet, just DuckDuckGo your type of project and look for suggestions.) I read the Self-taught programmer by Cory Altoff, the first time I wanted to learn Python.Attend a MOOC. Coursera, edX, MIT, Harvard, FreeCodeCamp and others all teach computer programming online. Once again, the thing that matters most isn’t the exact class, but whether it teaches the language/project domain you care about.Stressing over which book or course to pick is the wrong thing to worry about. The main thing to do is to use the book or course to learn enough to start tinkering on your project, not to master programming on its own. Starting your project before your ready is definitely the way you should feel about it.Do What Real Programmers Do and Ask DuckDuckGo/StackOverflow/GoogleOnce you actually get started writing code, you’re going to encounter many, many situations where you either don’t know how to do something, or you learned how to do it before and you’ve forgotten.In these situations, you should do what real programmers do: ask DuckDuckGo/Google/StackOverflow. This isn’t a shameful activity, but a part of real programming. I’ve been coding for years, but I always forget silly syntactical things and so I find myself duckduckgoing regular expressions over and over again. It’s not bad, it’s just part of the process.Once you’ve gotten yourself installed, you’ve learned a bit with your book to know the basics and have started working on your first project, you’ll learn the rest by googling and adding to your library of programming knowledge. Computer science theories, detailed understandings of the language you’re working with or advanced design patterns can wait until you’ve finished a few real projects and feel like you can code something.Notice #1: Don’t Copy-and-PasteA first piece of advice when it comes to this step is to never copy-and-paste. Copy-and-pasting is bad because you don’t try to understand the code you’re copying. If you have to transcribe, in contrast, you naturally ask yourself, “why this? why not something else?” Even if you don’t have a great answer immediately, typing things for yourself will open your mind up to the answer whereas copy-and-pasting shuts down thinking.Notice #2: Try it Yourself Before Looking for a SolutionA second piece of advice is to always try to solve something yourself before looking up how someone else does it. Most problems have many, many ways they can be solved. The challenge is that expert programmers often know a particularly concise, clever way, but that often isn’t the “obvious” way.This can lead to a trap where you see a clever solution that employs tricky syntax, think that there was no way you would have guessed that solution, and believe you couldn’t have solved it on your own. That’s usually not true, yet it’s an unfortunate side effect of looking up solutions before trying to find your own.Summary of AdvThisisting up is frustrating.
479. Python 3: Concept of LIST in Details
The dictionary meaning of LIST is a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.
480. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS-Safelisted Request Header
A CORS-safelisted request header is one of the following HTTP headers:
481. I Asked #DevTwitter for Advice for Junior Developers; got 50+ Responses
What I would say to myself if I could travel to my past.
482. Essential Programming: Sorting Algorithms
The next task in your calendar, the ranking position of your favorite sport team in the league, the contact list in your cell phone, all of these have an order. Order matters when we process information. We use order to make sense of our lives and to optimize our decisions. Imagine looking for a word in a dictionary with a mixed alphabetical order, or trying to find the cheapest product in a disordered pricing list. We order stuff to make more sound decisions (which in reality is an illusion), and this makes us more confident on the results.
483. HTML5 and CSS3 Features That Will Help You As a Developer
Do you think HMTL and CSS are easy to learn and they don’t need so much time to hone?. As a Jr. developer, it is so easy to think that HTML and CSS are not a big deal or something that you must worry too much about because they are not programming languages at all.
484. Believe In Your Skills And Never Stop Improving: Tips For Aspiring Photographers
It is a daunting process to start practising photography on a conscious level. The extent of the process, and the deep self-reflection upon your own creative ability that comes with it, can easily become overwhelming. Many leave their aspiration to slowly submerge, and their journey towards creative freedom starts to fade like a Polaroid picture in the sun. As the aspiration slowly submerge there is a stagnation, and many get stuck in the loop of taking mediocre snapshots of their lives when they are able to learn how to capture and create those special moments in time.
485. The Exciting Journey Of Creating My First Portfolio📂🎉
For the last few months, I've been working on a personal portfolio. I've always believed that a separate portfolio is important for any dev since it connects you to future opportunities and it helps you to grow your network.
486. Glossary of Security Terms: Transport Layer Security
Transport Layer Security (TLS), formerly known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a protocol used by applications to communicate securely across a network, preventing tampering with and eavesdropping on email, web browsing, messaging, and other protocols. Both SSL and TLS are client / server protocols that ensure communication privacy by using cryptographic protocols to provide security over a network. When a server and client communicate using TLS, it ensures that no third party can eavesdrop or tamper with any message.
487. How Elements Positioned and Behave on the Web Page
It is interesting to everyone who started his journey in web development positioning element through in single display with tons of properties. It comes a time that all elements start behaving itself not in a way we want.
488. Comparisons and Metaphors in Web Development
When I started studying Web-Development in late 2019, I was overwhelmed by so much information, and without a technical background it is easy to get discouraged or confused, today I want to give my personal opinions with some examples that will be useful to people without a CS degree or other background in the IT field.
489. Interfaces in Golang
What are Interfaces in Golang?
490. The Two Primary Reasons Why Python's Popularity Keeps Growing
Python, a programming language that has long been hailed as being both capable and easy to learn & understand the code, it is available to both Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X & other platform users who can now download an official Python package from the Python Software Foundation page. Python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions like Ubuntu releases, but in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems we need to install & configure explicitly.
491. Publish-Subscribe Design Pattern: Introduction to Scalable Messaging
The publish-subscribe (or pub/sub) messaging pattern is a design pattern that provides a framework for exchanging messages that allows for loose coupling and scaling between the sender of messages (publishers) and receivers (subscribers) on topics they subscribe to.
492. Learn Java with These Android Apps
There’s a common misconception in software development that you have to spend hours at the office, chained to a PC and coding books to learn a new programming language. The good news is, with the impressive development of mobile coding education, you can learn on your feet and combine professional development with running personal errands.
493. Ditch Web Development, Cloud Development Is What You Need ☁️
The “Learn How to Code” Hype Train
494. Facilitating Creativity with Expressive Programming
Programming for art is easier than ever before with the help of high-level programming languages and programming libraries. Learn about some of the exciting Jav
495. HTML Forms And Elements And How to Use Them
Whenever dealing with user input, it is advisable to provide a structure so the process can be completed quickly and reliably, also limiting the amount of ‘free form’ input, which can be dangerous to allow in a public site. In HTML5, such a structure is achieved with the use of the form and input tags.
496. Kubernetes Scheduler: Explained in Plain English with Comics
In Kubernetes pod is the smallest deployable unit of workload. So the obvious question :
497. How To Use Rails Console To Test Rails Models, Associations and Validations
Introduction and Definition
498. Introduction to Numeral Systems in Go
numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.
499. Python For Beginners: Learning One-Liners On Practice
Like lists comprehensions and lambda functions python one line codes can
save a lot of time and space so how you can master them?
500. How To Create Your React Application From Scratch
In this article, you are going to build your first React application. React is the most popular front-end framework and it’s for good reasons. One reason is that React will only update the parts of your website that got changed.
501. Wix-Animation Module Implementation: Follow These Tips to Set It Up
The wix-animations module contains functionality for working withanimations. Learn more.
502. Glossary of Security Terms: Preflight Request
A CORS preflight request is a CORS request that checks to see if the CORS protocol is understood and a server is aware using specific methods and headers.
503. How To Avoid SEO Pitfalls
Building a Wix site with Velo? Here are some tips for improving your site's visibility in search engines and avoiding SEO pitfalls when coding with Velo.
504. Making Your Links Look Pretty With CSS: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
A professional-looking site is all about the details: the colors, the graphics, the subtle elements, and the overall look and feel. In this project, I’ll show you how to make beautiful, elegant, and professional-looking links that can help your website stand out.
505. Flood Fill Algorithm with Recursive Function
We all are known to the “Bucket” tool of Microsoft Paint which is used
to fill an area with single specific color. But do we know how it actually
works? Well, Let’s discuss this.
506. SAINE is Mathematically One of the Best WORDLE Starting Words - Here's Why
How SAINE is arguably the best wordle starting word. Proven by math and statistics. Beating out common advice such as CRANE, and ADEPT
507. Exploring Differences Between Promises And Callbacks in JavaScript
You might have heard what a Promise is or what Callback functions are in JavaScript. Clarity is needed when distinguishing between these two functions more so, when working with APIs in JavaScript-based applications.
508. Pointer Events
Much of today's web content assumes the user's pointing device will be a mouse. However, since many devices support other types of pointing
input devices, such as pen/stylus and touch surfaces, extensions to the
existing pointing device event models are needed. Pointer events address that need.
509. These are the best Courses to Learn New Java Features from JDK 8 to JDK 13
There are many useful features introduces from Java 8 to Java 13 like lambda expressions, Stream API, New Date, and Time API, Creating Immutable Lists, var for storing local variables without types, String in switch case, Text Block and many more.
510. Python Functions Tutorial for Absolute Beginners
Well, the Reusability of the code in a program is made possible through functions.
511. Push API Guide: How to Send Push Message to Application
The Push API gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server, whether or not the web app is in the foreground, or even currently loaded, on a user agent. This lets developers deliver asynchronous notifications and updates to users that opt in, resulting in better engagement with timely new content.
512. Take Control of Your Forms with HTML5
‘ One should never trust data coming from the user side ’.
513. A CSS Property That Every Web Designer must Know
I am Javier, a guy starting in this world of web development. My background is the filmmaking business, especially the video edition. I am writing this article to help guys like me that are learning web development or everyone that considers the design or the “look” of a webpage one of their passions. Back in my days of video-editor, one cool thing that I found in the software video and design editors was the ability to blend two images or more in order to display better. So if you just put an image in a given color background you can start to discover how the different values can make interesting looks.
514. How to Automate Content Cross-Posting Process with n8n ✍️
Blogging isn’t just about writing quality content, but also ensuring that it reaches as many members of your audience as possible. This means that bloggers have to post an article multiple times on different platforms. This often entails ensuring that the formatting and layouts are consistent across platforms, which tends to be a time consuming (and exhausting) ordeal.
515. What is Functional Programming?
Most of what I will discuss in this article is knowledge accumulated from reading, “Functional Programming in JavaScript”, by Luis Atencio. Let’s dig right in…
516. How To Use the Paid Plans API for Pricing Plan Ordering
This article describes how you can use the Velo Paid Plans API to customize how you offer pricing plans to your site's visitors. We're going to explain how we set up a sample site and the code we added to make it work.
517. Filling And Flattening PDF Forms In Go With Examples
PDF forms are a convenient tool for gathering and storing information about your customers or users. This is a breakdown of how you can fill and flatten them.
518. 10 Best Python Tutorials
If you’re willing to learn Python programming language that is highly in-demand in the software industry, then here is a list of Best and Free Python Courses, Classes, Tutorials, Training, and Certification programs available online for 2019. This list includes both paid and free courses to help you learn Python. Also, it is ideal for beginners, intermediates, as well as experts.
519. Essential Algorithms: The Bubble Sort
Welcome back to Essential Algorithms, where I go over the many, many different algorithms every programmer should know and understand. Today's algorithm is the dead-simple, yet terribly inefficient, Bubble Sort.
520. The wix-fetch Module as the Way to Take Your Website to the Next Level
An implementation of the standard Javascript Fetch API which can be used in public and backend code for fetching resources from 3rd party servicesusing HTTPS. Learn more.
521. Price Tracker Application with Django: Crawling Discounts From Ebay
What's up Hackers!
522. I Built a Game in Vanilla JS And I Didn't Know How to Code 3 Months Ago
Well, I just knew the basics and I knew as well that I wanted to learn to code, no matter what, as I explained here.
523. Why Should You Go With GoLang [Newbie's Guide]
Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!
524. How C Program Converts Into Assembly
In an earlier article, we have seen C runtime: before starting main & How C program stored in RAM memory. Here we will see "How C program converts into the assembly?" and different aspect of its working at the machine level.
525. Working With Files In Python
Most of us have had that one experience where we had a ton of dis-organized files in our machines. It happens. One minute, you're opening a large zip file, the next thing you know, the files are everywhere in the directory, mixing with all your important files and randomly placed leaving you with the task of manually sorting what needs to go where. It's a real pain. To ease this process, we're going to delve into file management with python the smart way.
526. How to Sort Through Trends in Software Development
Never stop learning! Accumulating knowledge is the natural state of a good developer.
527. How to Create an Alarm Clock in Python
Today we are going to build an Alarm Clock using Python. In this project, we are going to use some external modules which are already made available.
528. The package.json File Guide
If you work with or interact with a JavaScript project, frontend project or a node.js project you surely know about the package.json file.
529. You Can Make Your Own Task Manager in 10 minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
There are many task managing apps out there, but it’s always exciting to make an app of your own. In this walkthrough, I’ll show you how to write a simple task-managing app that will work in your browser. In later episodes, I’ll show you how to upgrade this task manager to include more features.
This is a very basic walkthrough, aimed at beginners. If you are experienced in HTML and JavaScript, don’t expect much from it. But hey, one step at a time is the best way to learn.
530. How to Get Started on React Native in 2020
Interested in learning React Native? Let’s build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
531. Algorithms And Big O Notation In An Understandable Manner
Such scary words. It oozes math all over them…
532. The Best Advice Ever On How To Learn Faster And Become A Coding Pro
Let’s face it: people are impatient by nature and most likely want things to happen faster in their lives. I would apply the same to code learners. Students, when starting to learn programming, first wonder how to speed up the training and make a career as a programmer as soon as possible.
533. Node Authentication using Passport.js
While building any web app people get confused or feel difficulty in authentication process. Creating a registration form and sign in process is a hectic process if we don't follow proper method.
534. Facts Everyone Needs To Know About Front-End Development Practices
Front-end development takes much more than writing clean code. While writing concise and legible code is not mandatory, it will save many headaches in the future. The chances of writing code that will never be changed or never looked at again are slim to none, and time spent getting lost in old code is time wasted. Here are some key web development best practices for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
535. Minimum Java Knowledge Requirements for Your First Coding Job
What does a potential Java junior need to know to get their first job or even qualify for a trainee position in a good company? What tools will help a Java programmer reach the next level? Which technologies should you study, and which ones are better to hold off on?
536. Expert Developers Share Their 10 Tips For Newbies On Starting Successful Career
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
537. Folding in C++ using Variadic Function Template
Template parameter pack was introduced in C++11. Today we will utilise it to write our fold function. To the ones who don't know what a fold function the expression fold(add, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output (1 +(2 + (3 + (4 + 5)))) = 15 (which is left fold). Similarly for fold(mul, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output 120. More about it can be found here.
538. Becoming A Programmer: Starter Pack
How and where to start learning to program. What do programmers do in their work?
539. Algorithms for Beginners: Bubble Sort in JavaScript
Algorithms are a fundamental part of software and coding. Algorithm is this fun buzzword that makes something sound really complicated and cool. I’d like to point out that an “algorithm” literally is just a way of doing something; it’s just a process. Nonetheless Algorithms and Data-Structures are a core part of software because at the end of the day you are just working with data. Data needs to be organized for it to be meaningful just like the letters on this page. Atwh and whAt have the same letters but the latter has meaning because of the organization.
540. Introduction to Scripting Languages
You may be surprised to know that there are around 700 programming languages invented throughout the days of computers. Corresponding to 6500 human speaking languages. Even though that's not near that number but learning another language is no easy feat.
541. ReactJS Custom Modal Component using Hooks and Portals
Create reusable modal component in react js using hooks and portals. Using this modal you can render content dynamically with cool animation.
542. How To Do Calculus with Python: Derivatives Cheat Sheet [Part 1]
This article is really a precursor to cool things you can do with calculus such as the persuit curve which is used in air-to-air missiles, and rocket launch equations.
543. Web Fundamentals: WebVR API
This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
544. Ace your first year as a junior developer with this advice
Are you a junior developer embarking on your software development career?
545. Understanding your Rails Application Structure [Beginners Guide]
So you are learning Rails. You are following a tutorial and have to type: rails new my_app and voilà! You have your first Rails app ready to start working on it.
546. Functional Programming Techniques in Java with Examples
If you’re a Java developer, I’m sure that you have seen code similar to the featured image snippet above at least once. The code in the snippet above is an example of functional programming paradigm implementation in Java, which will filter and transform the List<String> in the request to another List<String>.
547. Top 10 Programming Languages To Learn in 2022
The craze for learning programming languages is very high. These days people have one question in their mind and that is which programming language should one prefer in 20201 and why?
548. Velo Promises in Action: Key Tips to Call the Asynchronously-Run Functions
Asynchronous code is code that doesn't necessarily run line-by-line in the order you've written it. In Velo, you will often encounter asynchronous code when you call a function that cannot finish executing immediately and therefore returns a Promise.
549. Learn To Code With No Hassle
I’ve been teaching Java for quite a while now. So I often share advice on how to learn programming faster and better. In talking to my students I can see that one thing distracts them very much: coding anxiety. It is a real trouble. Some people find it hard to focus their attention for more than one hour. Some are excessively stressed out by the job search.
550. Git Branches
In the current era, most software development companies work in a collaborative environment where several developers contribute to the same source code. While some will be fixing bugs the others would be implementing new and different features. The problem raises, how to maintain different versions of the same code base?
551. JavaScript Practical Coding Challenges For Beginners
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this article I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.
552. Getting Started with Web Audio API
The Web Audio API provides a powerful and versatile system for
controlling audio on the Web, allowing developers to choose audio sources, add effects to audio, create audio visualizations, apply
spatial effects (such as panning) and much more.
553. Pointer Lock API: How to Control Mouse Cursor
The Pointer Lock API (formerly called Mouse Lock API) provides input methods based on the movement of the mouse over time (i.e., deltas), not just the absolute position of the mouse cursor in the viewport. It gives you access to raw mouse movement, locks the target of mouse events to a single element, eliminates limits on how far mouse movement can go in a single direction, and removes the cursor from view. It is ideal for first person 3D games, for example.
554. My Personal Plan to Learn the Whole Web Frontend Development Ecosystem in 2021
I have always been very curious about the whole web frontend development ecosystem. It seems to me technology and developer tooling evolve very fast, and people have done a lot of creative things in this space in the last several years. Being completely ignorant to frontend it also added motivation for me to make a commitment this year (new year resolution🎉) to become proficient at frontend development.
555. How To Build a Simple Blog using Axios With React: Beginners Tutorial
In this article, we are going to learn how to use Axios with React to make API requests and also how to handle the response.
556. Learning Self JOIN Queries With SQLZOO
This article uses Exercise number 10 on the Self JOIN SQL ZOO tutorial to teach self JOINs in a beginner-friendly way.
557. JavaScript Typed Arrays: Beginners Guide
JavaScript typed arrays are array-like objects that provide a mechanism for reading and writing raw binary data in memory buffers. As you may already know, Array objects grow and shrink dynamically and can have any JavaScript value. JavaScript engines perform optimizations so that these arrays are fast.
558. 10 VSCode Extensions To Make Your Life Easier
I’ve been using VSCode for almost 2 years now and I like it so much. I’m sure that you like it too. Extensions are a core part of VSCode that adds extra functionality to the editor. I’ve installed about +40 extensions and here is my top 10 list.
559. Please Explain Closures!
(This article is part of an ongoing series on soft skills and technical wizardry from Nathan Thomas, a software engineer working in San Francisco. Click here for the previous article in the series, "Building Your First GraphQL Server." Click here for the next article in the series, a piece called "Please Explain Closures!")
560. 10 Things Every Beginner Should Know When Learning Javascript And React
React is build on top of pure Javascript for the most part. Here you will learn about 10 Javascript concepts that will help you write better React code.
561. Essential Algorithms: The Merge Sort
Every programmer needs to know their algorithms and data structures. When studying them, you need to be sure to understand exactly what it does, what it's time and space complexity are and why they are that way, and be able to not only code it, but perform it by hand. This is what Essential Algorithms is all about.
562. How You Can Build TARS using Python: Virtual Assistant From Scratch
In this lab we are going to build demo TARS from Interstellar movie with Python. TARS can help you to automate your tasks such as search videos in YouTube and play them, send emails, open websites, search materials in Wikipedia and read them,inform weather forecast in your country, greetings and more. By building TARS you will increase your Python knowledge and learn many useful libraries/tools. I will push source code to my git repository so feel free to contribute and improve functionality of TARS.
563. Understanding Prototype Chain And Inheritance in JavaScript
JavaScript is a bit confusing for developers experienced in class-based languages (like Java or C++), as it is dynamic and does not provide a class implementation per se (the class keyword is introduced in ES2015, but is syntactical sugar, JavaScript remains prototype-based).
564. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Work with the Velo Code Panel
You edit the code for your site in the code panel, which is displayed at the bottom of the Editor.
565. 35 of the Best Dev Channels and Content Creators on Youtube
Here I've compiled a list of personal favorite devs on YouTube. I've added a couple of lines on each channel too for reference. Enjoy!
566. WebVTT API: Introduction to The Web Video Text Tracks Format
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) is a format for displaying timed text tracks (such as subtitles or captions) using the <track> element. The primary purpose of WebVTT files is to add text overlays to a <video>. WebVTT is a text based format, which must be encoded using UTF-8. Where you can use spaces you can also use tabs. There is also a small
API available to represent and manage these tracks and the data needed
to perform the playback of the text at the correct times.
567. How To Create And Use Skeleton Loader: Simple Example [Part 2]
In this post, we will dive into actual implementation of Skeleton Loader step by step.
568. Command-Line Arguments In Java For Beginners
?A Java command line program accepts values from the command line during execution. With command line programs, you do not need a graphical user interface (GUI)
569. How To Swap Values In JavaScript
At some point in their career, developers need to swap values. Most of the time we use the one plain old solution of “using a temporary variable”. Ugh, if only there was a better way. But wait! There is, and there’s not just one but many. In desperate times, we scour the web for solutions, find one, and copy it without ever wondering how this little snippet of code works. Lucky for you, now is the time to learn about how to swap values easily and efficiently, putting an end to your misery.
570. WebXR Device API: Accessing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Devices
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