Let's learn about Hackernoon via these 552 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
How hackers start their afternoons. Where 15k+ technologists publish stories & expertise for 3M+ monthly readers.
1. [Writing Prompt] Please Share Your Opinion: List of Interview Questions
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
2. Startup Interview: Questions for Nominees of Startups of the Year Hosted by HackerNoon
Startups of the Year, hosted by HackerNoon, honors over 40k startups all over the world in cities with 100k+ population. Visit startups.hackernoon.com to vote.
3. [Writing Prompt] Decentralized Internet Interview Questions List
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
4. It is not YOU, it is Your Code
The root of all your problems lies in only a few bad coding practices.
5. Ho, Ho, Ho, HackerNoon: Clever Holiday Gift Ideas From HackerNoon
Sometimes a small gesture can go a long way in creating genuinely positive emotions for both gift giver, and gift receiver.
6. Apply to the HackerShip Program today!
Hey future HackerNoon interns, we are calling for you. Apply TODAY at careers.hackernoon.com/hackership.
7. DO NOT Keep Your Genius to Yourself
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! As part of this program, we will be creating an ongoing series of entertaining interview templates.
8. It's Time to #EnterTheMetaverse Writing Contest by The Sandbox
The Sandbox and HackerNoon are pleased to bring you the #EnterTheMetaverse writing contest.
9. The Gaming Metaverse Writing Contest
With a $5800 prize pool, The Gaming Metaverse Writing Contest is an opportunity to share your knowledge and opinions on the metaverse.
10. Why I Write on Hacker Noon
The three reasons I've kept publishing content on Hacker Noon over the last year: diversity, innovation, and support.
11. Markdown For What? or Why Do We Want Markdown In Our Text Editor?
When I originally teased that we were working on a new editor that supported markdown, I just assumed everyone had heard of it by now! Silly me, I should know
12. The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest by QuickNode and HackerNoon
Hey, Hackers! The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest has just got BIGGER! HackerNoon is excited to host the contest in collaboration with QuickNode!
13. NEW Brand Dashboard: Technology Ads and Publishing Services
The HackerNoon BRAND DASHBOARD is here, better than ever! From classic products to incredible time-limited offers, brands have a great lot to pick from.
14. The Benefits of Having a Tech Company News Page on HackerNoon
Learn the benefits of creating a Tech Company News Page on HackerNoon!
15. Why is TikTok Obsessed With Tarot Card Readings?
First of all, Nostradamus has nothing to do with Tarot.
16. Create Your Very Own Writing Contest with HackerNoon!
Skip the influencers. Start a Writing Contest with HackerNoon.
17. How Do Comments Work on HackerNoon?
Anyone can comment on HackerNoon. All comments are reviewed by the individual writer or staff editor before publication on the story page.
18. 'Why I don't eat out at restaurants, even as a millionaire' - TechLead
Ex-Google Tech Lead reveals the secret to why he doesn't enjoy eating out at restaurants, even as a multi-millionaire.
19. Your Voting Power Ends Next Week
Voting for BOTH Noonies and Startups for 2021 will end next week.
20. Free Internet Plugin by HackerNoon
Hacker Noon launches first ever open-source project, a chrome extension to remove paywalled content from google search.
21. Voting CLOSES in Less Than 6 Hours!
Both the Noonies and Startups campaigns close in less than 6 hours. The time to vote is now!
22. JUST LAUNCHED: Startups of the Year!!!
Who will be your city's startup of the year? Vote now at: https://startups.hackernoon.com/
23. Feature Flag Fails can Cost Millions
Most people keep their flagging disasters under wraps. In this story, we’re going to break down some scenarios of feature flag accidents.
24. How to Vote on Startup for Startups of The Year
Start voting for the best startups today! We want to recognize the startups that are changing technology and the world as we know it for the better!
25. [Writing Prompt] Your Home Gadget/ DIY Project Interview
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! Please describe a home gadget that you have made.
26. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon Contributor Marinsborg, Web Developer
I am Marinsborg, I am a web developer for more than 5 years, and I like to write about programming and career, mostly to help people to start working in IT.
27. Web3, Blockchain, and DAO: An Interview With 2022 Noonies Nominee Olayimika Oyebanji
A web3 tech writer who loves keeping it S & S.
28. Blockleaders' Jillian Godsil Talks About Her 2022 Noonies Nomination and Interests
Help me buy my equestrian stud!
29. The Identity Hexagon: How to Use an NFT as Your HackerNoon Profile Picture
The HackerNoon team launches a new feature. Users can use NFTs as their HackerNoon profile pictures/
30. Reacting to State of the Noonion 2022: It's Time For HackerNoon 3.0
Behold! HackerNoon 3.0!!
31. [Writing Prompt] Life Hack Interview
Welcome to HackerNoon's Writing Prompts!
32. NEW: Audio Player Now Available on HackerNoon
Our stellar team of developers is busy devoting their coding talents to improve HackerNoon's usability, accessibility, design, and overall awesomeness.
33. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 6 Results Announced!
The final results announcement of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest by HackerNoon and mParticle is here!
34. State Of The Noonion Q2 2020: Building The Noonies 2.0, Mozilla Grant, And More
In the 2nd quarter of 2020, right as the pandemic started raging, the Hacker Noon team pushed the boundaries and grew its revenue, product, and editorial stats.
35. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Onyawoibi Aju, Script Writer & Tutor Experience Designer
Onyawoibi is documenting principles, theories and analyzing trends necessary for education system transformation, on hackernoon.
36. Javascript File Handling Writing Contest by Filestack & HackerNoon
This one’s for Javascript enthusiasts - HackerNoon is super excited to partner with Filestack to host the Javascript File Handling Writing Contest!
37. The Occam’s Razor of Newsletter Subscriptions
Subscribe to the HackerNoon newsletter with ease.
38. What is HackerNoon?
We treat our internet friends with respect.
39. Web & Mobile App Devs: Get Set, Write, Win $$$
HackerNoon announces 2 new Writing Contests: #MobileDebugging, and The Web Development and eCommerce.
40. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon Contributor Maria Serkova, a Model and AI Researcher
My name is Maria. I am a model and actress transitioning into AI.
41. HackerNoon Writing Contests: Participative Marketing Works!
HackerNoon brings you Writing Contest Lite: Galvanize content curation on your keyword with a $1000 prize pool!
42. The #MobileDebugging Writing Contest: Share Your Story and Win from $6000
Write about a time when you struggled (and later, triumphed) to identify a bug or performance issue in your mobile application and win from $6000!
43. Meet the Writer: On the Challenges of Writing in Fast-Developing Industry with Shrey Jain
If you are looking to get inside the head of a blockchain enthusiast, here's an opportunity. Shrey Jain answers the questions in Meet the Writer interview.
44. The Debugging Writing Contest 2022: Round 5 Results Announced!
Here are the nominees and winners for the 5th Round (August 2022) of Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry and HackerNoon.
45. Congratulations to the Digg Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to the winners of HackerNoon's Digg contest!
46. Dear HackerNoon Community: A Pitch
I noticed that most sponsored competitions here at HN are web3 and/or blockchain-related. I wondered if we could gamify the overall processes
47. Database Proverb: Patience is NOT a Virtue
In a world of technological abundance, it can be quite a challenge to pick the right database.
48. How to Export Your HackerNoon Stories as a PDF
The HackerNoon team is back at it with a new feature! You can now export your stories to a PDF or a JSON file.
49. The Linux Writing Contest 2022: Round 1 Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! The wait is over! Here we are with the results announcement for The Linux Writing Contest, June 2022.
50. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 30 - The Pipe
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 30: The Pipe by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
51. Share Your #Ecommerce Story and Win from $1,000!
This writing prompt is for the eCommerce enthusiasts - from developers and architects to product managers, engineers and more!
52. The Noonification: Everything You Need To Know About the Ethereum Merge (9/14/2022)
9/14/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
53. Love and Black-History
February is a very special month for many reasons, with the two stand-outs being Valentine’s Day and Black History. Write about them today!
54. This Article Was Featured In…
What is the "This Article Was Featured In..." section found in HackerNoon's articles? How can readers and writers make use of this feature?
55. Roblox in Hot Water, Sony Buys Bungie, and Some More Stories to Get Those Writing Juices Flowing!
Some food for thought.
56. On Developing Career in Tech with Andrey Goncharov, Senior Software Engineer at Facebook
In this installment of Meet the Writer series Andrey G, Facebook's senior software engineer, shares his thoughts on career development and his love of sugar.
57. The Web Development & Ecommerce Writing Contest by Elastic Path
HackerNoon and Elastic Path have brought you a super fun web development and ecommerce writing contest.
58. Web Developer Ryan Wilson Considers Web 3 a "Threat to Individual Liberty and Autonomy"
How Web3 is mostly garbage
59. On Building a Reading Habit and Open-Source Projects: Meet the Writer Sankalp Swami
As part of Hacker Noon's Meet the Writer series of interviews, 18-year-old Sankalp Swami shares his thoughts on self learning and giving back to the community.
60. The Main Challenge is to Start Writing: Interview with Noonies Nominee Maksym Mostovyi
A short story about the journey in front-end development
61. Comment Like it is HOT, and Other HackerNoon Product Updates
A big thank you to our team of uber-talented developers who use their superBrain skills to make HackerNoon a better place.
62. Technology Trends for 2021: A Forecast from Hacker Noon’s Top Writers
I asked 10 of Hacker Noon’s Top Contributors to weigh in with their strategic tech predictions for 2021 — you can expect a 14-minute briefing on everything from recession startups and (self) edtech, to AI applied to end Covid-19 and the commoditization of Machine Learning.
63. HackerNoon's a Multi-language Platform: All Top Stories Now Available in 8 Languages
HackerNoon uses machine learning and human editors to translate top stories from English to Spanish, Hindi, Mandarin, Vietnamese, French, Portuguese & Japanese.
64. Announcing 3 New Writing Contests With Cash Prizes, on NOW
In appreciation of the beautiful talents of our community, HackerNoon is expanding the number of writing contests we have open during the year.
65. You are NOT a Person, YOU are a Data Point: A Christmas Story
You see, on the Internet, you’re not a person. You’re a data point. A small player in a grand A/B testing experiment of an intricate user journey.
66. Meet the Writer: Hacker Noon's Contributor Periklis Gkolias, proud Jack-Of-All-Trades
Periklis Gkolias, a HackerNoon contributor, talks about how he chose to write his Identity Access Management article and his tips for other professionals.
67. The Noonification: A Brief History of Open Source (2/4/2023)
2/4/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
68. The Importance of Getting the Point Across Without Diluting it: Meet the Writer Khamisi Hamisi
Khamisi Hamisi, a Hacker Noon contributor, tells us more about the importance of understanding social media for small businesses, filmmaking, and his cat.
69. Stateless Minds' CEO Says The World Needs True Decentralization More Than Ever
I’m Marin Kirkov and I’m the CEO of Stateless Minds LLC.
70. Alex Wheldon — VC Writer Nom — is Practicing Bravery, Learning Serbian
Alexander Wheldon from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Technology category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Alexander had to share.
71. Meet Tobias, the Creator of DALL·E's Game
Tobias W. Kaiser, the creator of DALL·E's Game, speaks to HackerNoon about Web3, technology, and DAO.
72. 5 Reasons Hacker Noon's New Brand Guidelines are Good News for You Too
Download the Official Hacker Noon Font, pixelated social media icons, pixelated site icons; access free design templates; get salty copywriting tips; and more!
73. On the Importance of Wide Range of Knowledge: Meet Paul Bailey, Systems Architect
Hacker Noon Contributor Paul Bailey, aerospace engineer turned systems architect, shares his thoughts on the importance of writing and wide range of knowledge.
74. Noonies Voting Ends Next Week!
Voting for BOTH Noonies and Startups for 2021 will end next week.
75. New Season, New Features: Spring is Here and so are Our Updates
Hey there, Hackers. It’s time for our regular updates on the fun new features deployed in the past two months. As always: a big thank you to our devs team!
76. Blue is Happiness: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Anastasios
77. Being Told I Could Not Write Inspired Me to Publish on HackerNoon - Noonies Nominee no-name-c3po
I want to thank the HackerNoon community and staff for their nomination in the Web 3 category.
78. In the Mind of an Astrophysicist: Meet the Writer TheCap
Meet the Cap, Hacker Noon's beloved former dev who brought you Super Tag and a contributor currently working on his astrophysics degree. What a human!
79. Code to the Future
How can you make sure that your avant-garde idea pans out?
80. The Debugging Writing Contest 2022: Final Round Results Announcement
YAAAASSSSS, it’s the Finale! Welcome to the final round results of the Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry!
81. $15M Lost due to low Quality Data
Many organizations today are plagued by poor data quality management. Don't make the same mistakes.
82. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 37 - Sunset
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 37: Sunset by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
83. HackerNoon, Hacker Noon, or hackernoon? The answer might surprise you.
Hacker Noon brand name and logo are now both trademarked.
84. The DeFi Writing Contest by SORA and HackerNoon
Welcome to the #DeFi Writing Contest by SORA and HackerNoon!
85. All You Need to Know about Hacker Noon's Transition Off Medium's Software
A Big Thank You to “Your Friends @ Medium” for the good times, but it’s time for us to move on. We wish them the best of luck in growing their paywalled publication - it’s an interesting experiment. As a parting gift, our past library will be duplicated - moving stories from hackernoon.com to medium.com/hackernoon - so that past Hacker Noon stories, stats and associations can remain available for the Medium community.
86. Who Let the Birds Out?
Modern day ‘Canary release’ or ‘canary deployment’ is a widely-used deployment pattern for the software development cycle.
87. HackerNoon Social Media Presence: A Complete Guide
88. The Lightning Round With StevieSats: 2022 Noonies Nominee Interview - Internet Heroes
Stevie is a FinTech editor and co-founder of Womxn In Crypto, an educational community obsessed with Bitcoin and blockchain tech. She loves cryptography!
89. How HackerNoon's New Dynamic Sitemap Improves Story Distribution
This is the story of how I added a new type of a dynamic sitemap to HackerNoon’s publishing platform to better index our hundreds of thousands of site pages.
90. $10k Back to the Internet Donation
2020 was worldwide shitshow. The pandemic displaced team members, placed stress on families, and redefined what and where the day to day even is. Work goes on. As a company, we managed to double revenue for the third year in a row and raise some strategic funding. I'm still learning how to make a quality internet company. We wouldn't be where we're at without the technological progress and innovation from so many other people, projects and organizations. This year at Hacker Noon, we decided to make our yearly donation $10k, choosing established nonprofits that consistently give more value back to the internet, and less established open source projects that have the potential to. I'm publishing this list to:
91. HackerNoon 2.0: The Future of Media Publications
There are some interesting ideas out there.
92. About Removing Medium from HackerNoon.com
Watch Video
93. Beam Up Your Scotties - #Noonies2022 is Just Around the Corner 💚
HackerNoon's #Noonies2022 is just around the corner (August 1st, 2022) and this is your chance to use its massive reach to promote your brand.
94. 'Taking the Leap of Faith is the Most Difficult Part of Writing'
My latest Hackernoon post was a part of the metaverse writing competition that is a collaboration between Hackernoon and Sandbox
95. Meet the Writer: HackerNoon Blockchain Contributor Olayimika Oyebanji
I’m Olayimika from Kwara State, Nigeria. I bagged a law degree from Ahmadu Bello University in 2017 and I was called to the Nigerian bar in 2018.
96. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition: August Results Announced!
The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest is a great success! As always, we got some superb decentalized internet stories in August.
97. In Love with Coding Puzzles: Interview with Noonies Nominee Abbey
As a writer in the tech industry, I believe in documenting my growth. Learn more about me and my journey so far.
98. Why I Think Insurance Will be Big with Web 3: Interview With Noonies Nominee Markos
Check out my interview about the Noonie nomination
99. "Even in the digital age, finding the best and most original source can be difficult"
Jeffrey is an entertainment reporter with interests in film & TV criticism, comics, anime & manga, MMA, and pro wrestling.
100. Humor at the Heart
Sharing some fun times at a cool place to work for body, soul and sanity.
101. Do You or the Mewling Doppelganger Know What the Ship Emoji Means?
It's also no secret that techies can periodically get hella philosophical.
102. What is the TL;DR Feature at HackerNoon?
What is the TL;DR feature at HackerNoon and how can both readers and writers make full use of it?
103. The Mobile Debugging Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced
Welcome to the round 1 winners announcement for the Mobile Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry!
104. New: Leave a Note For Your Human Editor
Rumor has it there’s a new feature in town allowing you to leave personal notes to HackerNoon’s editors.
105. Goodtalent is the Startup of the Year in Lagos, Nigeria
Goodtalent wins best startup, Lagos, Nigeria 2021
106. Factors that Can Give Brand Posts an Edge to be a Top Story — A HackerNoon Editor’s Perspective
Brands publish on HackerNoon via our Brand-as-author programs to provide our readers transparency and context
107. The HackerShip is BACK! Join HackerNoon’s Internship and Apprenticeship Program today!
108. Make Your Own Call to Action with Hacker Noon Writer Ad feature
Prominent links to your site of choice as a published Hacker Noon writer!!!
109. Hacker Noon Joins Mozilla’s Fix The Internet Incubator
The internet functions, but does it work?
110. Make Money by Writing About the Decentralized Internet!
It’s time to guide those who ‘can't find Web3’ in the right direction.
111. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest by mParticle and HackerNoon
mParticle & HackerNoon are excited to host a Growth Marketing Writing Contest. Here’s your chance to win money from a whopping $12,000 prize pool!
112. How Do You Hack Data Structures and Algorithms? Teach Us Sensei!
Software Engineers are always on the lookout for better, more efficient ways to solve problems.
113. Voting CLOSES in Less Than 24 Hours!
Both the Noonies and Startups campaigns close in less than 24 hours. The time to vote is now!
114. Noonies: A GIF-Full Guide for Noo-bies
Hello and welcome to Noonies 2022 StarTech: Tech Awards for the Brightest Stars. Join HackerNoon as we award bold and knowledgeable techies like yourself.
115. This is a Story Headline
Thank you for reading. I will provide you with a lead: Trees grown in labs do no have the ability to absorb oxygen at a rate beneficial to the area's inhabitants.
116. Break the Code is BACK!
YAASSSSS... The game that took the tech industry by storm last year is BACK. HackerNoon has teamed up with .Tech Domains for Break the Code 2.0.
117. [Writing Prompt] Women in Tech Interview Series
We need more women in technology, and by sharing stories, we can encourage many girls to follow their dreams. Share your story today!
118. Startups of the Year 2023: Lock-In All-Year Long Advertising at < $1 CPM
HackerNoon’s Startups of the Year is back, and it is bigger, better, and more beautiful than ever!
119. How to embed Youtube videos on Hacker Noon
super easy way to embed youtube videos on hackernoon
120. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 49 -The Hyena
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 49: The Hyena by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
121. Discover Tech Companies via The Tech Company Brief
HackerNoon introduces The Tech Company Brief, a free and timely data driven insight into which tech companies are rising & falling in the public consciousness.
122. The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest 2022: March Results Announced
Hey Hackers! The wait is over! Here we are with the results announcement for The Decentralized Internet Writing Contest, March 2022 sponsored by QuickNode.
123. HackerNoon Contributor Davis David Builds Datasets for African Languages
Davis' latest HackerNoon top story is the development of the Swahili news dataset for topic classification tasks in machine learning.
124. Hacking Hacker Noon: How Does Hacker Noon Make Money
We will never put up paywall, charge reader, or run a popup to get published on HackerNoon. However, we do make money through sponsorship and partnerships!
125. The Mobile Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry
Here’s the Mobile Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry and HackerNoon for y’all!
126. The Best Free Tech Writing Fellowship on the Internet
The HackerNoon Tech Writing Fellowship seeks to help tear down barriers of entry into the job market.
127. Database Security: Lessons to Ward off Cats
The notorious ‘meow' attacks wiped almost 4,000 unsecured databases, including those of Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
128. "I Write to Learn" Karim Fanous, VP Engineering @ strongDM
Karim Fanous, a software engineer and a Hacker Noon contributor, tells us how he leverages writing to be a better learner, lessons learned and guilty pleasures.
129. Key Facts About Noonies 2022
HackerNoon's Noonies 2022 have launched! There are prizes to be won across the five awards meant to recognize the effort of our community and the internet!
130. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 3 Results Announced!
The third round results of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest by mParticle and HackerNoon are now live!
131. Voting for the 2021 HackerNoon Noonies Awards is OPEN! #Noonies2021
It's time to 'head to the polls' and make possibilities into reality. #Noonies2021.
[132. I Live On the Internet: Interview With
Bin Nguyen, CEO of Chiheisen Technology](https://hackernoon.com/i-live-on-the-internet-interview-with-bin-nguyen-ceo-of-chiheisen-technology)
133. Meet The Entrepreneur: David Smooke, Founder & CEO of Hackernoon
Hello! I’m an introverted knowledge worker running a profitable company at the intersection of software, media, and web3.
134. How Stack Overflow Inspires Coders
A place to exchange questions and answers about intricate programming queries.
135. The Decentralised Internet Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Here we are with the final announcement of the #Decentralized-Internet writing contest winners!
136. Hacker Noon Partners with Digg to Improve Story Distribution
We've partnered with Digg to help Hacker Noon writers get more views to their amazing tech stories.
137. The #MobileDebugging Writing Contest: Round 3 Results Announced!
The results of round 3 of the #MobileDebugging Writing Contest by Sentry and HackerNoon are here!
138. The Noonification: Discovering NFTs and Economics with Anderson Mccutcheon (8/21/2022)
139. The Noonification: State of the Noonion: Green Clock Strikes Noon (10/17/2022)
10/17/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
140. The Noonification: A Weekly Project Plan so Good You Will Want to Frame It (1/17/2023)
1/17/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
141. Just Paste Link and Hit Enter to Embed CodePen, CodeSandBox, Tweets or Youtube on Hacker Noon
Hey, the Hacker Noon editor now supports embeds from CodeSandbox and CodePen so software developers can better tell the story of their code. To use, simply paste the link and hit enter (GIF above). *Update: We now also support GitHub Gists.
142. The Noonification: Hacks n Stuff (9/20/2022)
9/20/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
143. What are Annotations?
And why should you care? Well, annotations are a brand-spanking-new way to add context to stories in a user-friendly way, augmenting the reading experience.
144. The Noonification: How Badly Does Science Need Crypto? (2/17/2023)
2/17/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
145. Hack on With Our Merch!
Great news, Hacker! HackerNoon gear is available and in fashion. Discover our bestselling items and time-limited discount code! Happy Shopping!
146. Google Helpful Content Update Rolled Out – All You Need to Know
After the recent Google’s broad core update May 2022 announced by Google Search’s Public Liaison Danny Sullivan, Google has unveiled a new significant update to its search ranking algorithm, which it has termed the helpful content update. The content that is not useful to users will be the focus of this update, which will begin to rollout this week.
147. The Noonification: Say No to Last Minute Requests: Heres How in 3 Steps (3/10/2023)
3/10/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
148. The Noonification: What is Decentralized Science (DeSci)? (2/1/2023)
2/1/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
149. SupportYourApp CEO Daria on Startups, Tech Businesses, and #Noonies 2022 Nomination
SupportYourApp CEO Daria on Startups, Tech Businesses, and #Noonies 2022 Nomination.
150. The Noonification: Dash to the New Writer Dashboard (8/31/2022)
8/31/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
151. TOP 12 Latest, Hottest Product Features Deployed in Q1 2022: for HackerNoon Users With Love
From web3 sign-in, notification to audio ad read by AI, we added 203,627 lines of code and deleted 125,804 lines of codes this quarter!
152. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition 2021: September Results Announced!
In decentralization, we trust, and in our community, we believe! Here are the winners of the decentralized internet writing contest for the month of September.
153. The Noonification: Mapping the Web3 Abyss (8/17/2022)
154. This Week's Top Technology Stories — But Make It Podcast
If you're one of Hacker Noon's 12,000+ international Contributing Writers, you'll be happy to hear we're adding yet another distribution channel for The Top Stories You Submit to this big green blob in the cloud. Our mission is simple: be the best place for technologists to publish online. The related causes we back here at Hacker Noon help make the internet a better place — from joining Mozilla's Fix the Internet Incubator, to working with Coil to help writers monetize their content, and donating funds to Better Internet-focused NGOs, like the EFF. In short? We're keen to keep independent internet publishing alive (and thriving). Another way we're working on that: Better Distribution for Every Story.
155. Homepage Has a New Baby: Trending Companies and Trending Stories
HackerNoon's devs's new feature: Trending Stories and Trending Companies on the homepage! Now everyone can scroll through the hottest ranking on the web.
156. MassCrypto Founder Alyze Sam Believes in a Correctly Operating DAO
Alyze Sam has to solve complicated blockchain issues as she's a disabled hospice nurse that was in a life-altering auto accident- what an unlikely tech hero-
157. Top Actionable Tips to Grow a Community: More Tips to Monetize
Find this article where it was originally published, on dunncreativess.github.io!
Find a Niche!
Nobody can promote themselves or their projects if they're a jack of all trades. Nor will people find a universal proposition to be appealing. The first key to success is to ask yourself what your differentiating features are and who is your audience? You can then start to identify your niche.
In my case, I noticed that I got a lot more traffic from my money-making code like market making or arbtitrage crypto trading bots than I did from my other GitHub repos. What this means is that while some people are interested in interesting code, there are a lot more people out there interested in turning equity into realized pnl :)
158. The Noonification: All of the Marvel Phase 5 TV Shows Announced (8/20/2022)
159. It's a Match: Your Company & 130,000 Technologists Worldwide 💞
HackerNoon offers an exclusive 25% discount on our most-loved inventory of 2022 - The Noonification Newsletter.
160. The Noonification: Same Money, More Problems (8/23/2022)
8/23/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
161. Tech's Influence: How Work, Communication, and Life Have Been Transformed
Technology is having a profound impact on the way we work and communicate. It enables remote work and helps with communication. However it can be isolating.
162. #Noonies2021 Awards: Winners in the Decentralization Category
For 2021, Hacker Noon went all out for its annual Noonies Awards, making it the biggest Noonies to date.
163. Why Crypto Is In Trouble? NFTs, Trust, and More HackerNoon Stories of the Week
This week on HackerNoon’s Stories of the Week, we looked at three articles that each covered a part of the crypto-based economy and why it’s in turmoil.
164. The Noonification: Ten #Noonies2022 Awards Worth Voting On (8/19/2022)
165. The Second Human Rule
This is a term I invented to improve the quality of content published online.
166. [Writing Prompt] How to be a Better Data Scientist; Interview Questions List
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
167. [Writing Prompt] Philosophy Interview
Welcome to Hacker Noon Prompts! If automation replaces 70 percent of all possible human jobs, what do you think people will spend their time doing?
168. Calling All Linux Lovers: Answer These Simple Questions to Win from $3,000!
Take a moment to think of everything you love about Linux, and answer some of these questions we have curated for you.
169. How HackerNoon Brand as Author (BAA) Program Works
What's HackerNoon BAA, and how it works? We have compiled ten frequently asked questions with their answers for you.
170. 5 Reasons to Get Published on HackerNoon
Check out 5 reasons for aspiring writers and tech enthusiasts to get published on HackerNoon!
171. ApeCoin And A Crypto Ecosystem
This week on HackerNoon’s Stories of the Week, we looked at ApeCoin and the Bored Ape Yacht Club after a surprise performance at MTV from Snoop Dogg and Eminem
172. The Noonification: Technology Is Killing Creativity
The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day.
173. Outtakes From The First Draft of Hacker Noon's Crowdfunding Campaign
It's been over 14 months since we launched the Hacker Noon Equity Crowdfunding Campaign and almost a year since we successfully raised the max amount of $1.07M.
174. [Writing Prompt] Tech Trends Interview
Which of the following topics are you most excited by? Augmented humans, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, quantum computing...
175. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 50 - Ahab’s Boat and Crew. Fedallah
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 50 by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter 50: Ahab’s Boat and Crew. Fedallah
176. #EnterTheMetaverse Writing Contest 2022: Round 1 Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers, welcome to the Round 1 results announcement of #EnterTheMetaverse writing contest.
177. The Web3 Writing Contest by Coinsbee and HackerNoon
HackerNoon is super excited to partner with Coinsbee to host the Web3 Writing Contest in the month of April, 2023. Here’s your chance to win 1000 USDT by sharin
178. Explore 5 Feature Flag Best Practices
As dev teams continue to improve agility, the tools, and approaches for building and delivering software continue to improve as well.
179. The Cybersecurity Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Hackers, Assemble! Here we are with the third round’s results announcement of the Cybersecurity Writing Contest by Twingate & HackerNoon!
180. Paint us Red and Call us Santa! Our Devs Just Gifted You a Sleigh of New Features!
Hey there, Hackers. It’s time for our regular updates on the fun new features we’ve deployed in the past two months. As always: a big thank you to our devs team
181. Cash Rules Everything Around Me [Writing Prompts For Startup Founders]
Are you a startup founder? Consider filling out these writing prompts so readers can get to know your company better, and it's a great way for others to learn.
182. Choose Your Color: HackerNoon Green, and Beyond!
Colors. Some people talk about how HackerNoon green is a thing. And it is, 100M+ people have visited HackerNoon, and some percentage thought, hmm are they really leading with #00FF00? It made us stand out. It paid homage to limitation of our past and present machines. How colors make us feel and how colors frame our ability to focus on the story or wander into the metaverse, this is because the individual's emotional relationship with color is entirely their own. As we work to make our software more accessible, this new release by Jeferson Borba provides all visitors with the ability to choose the primary color of the site and primary color of the ad placement. Just because I like green without red or blue does not mean you have to too. Choose your colors!
183. The Web3 Writing Contest 2022: Final Round's Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers, the wait is over. As promised, here we are with the final announcement of the Web3 Writing Contest sponsored by Octopus Network!
184. "Tech Can Remove Suffering and Build a Better Society" — Six-Time Noonie Nominee Ishan Pandey
Public Nominations for the 2020 Noonies are only open for another week! In this interviewIshan Pandey, 6-time Noonie Nominee from India, has been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Ishan had to share.
185. #EnterTheMetaverse Writing Contest: Final Round Results Announced!
Hackers, the wait is over. We are back with the final results announcement of #EnterTheMetaverse Writing Contest by the Sandbox and HackerNoon!
186. The Past Cannot be Changed: Interview with Noonies Nominee MAstilleroF
Escapes from "bureaucratic thinking", a (very) harmful way of thinking.
187. How Emoji Credibility Indicators Add Context to HackerNoon Stories
HackerNoon technology publishing platform released EMOJI CREDIBILITY INDICATORS to transparently facilitate value between reader and writer.
188. The Linux Writing Contest 2022: Final Results Announced!
The Linux Writing Contest by Linode and HackerNoon has come to an end. It’s time to celebrate the final round winners.
189. From the Bottom of Our Hearts, Congratulations to the #Noonies2021 Winners
The Noonies were created to celebrate the best of the best. Here are the winners of Noonies 2021!
190. Ax Sharma's Top 5 AMA Answers: from Black Mirror to Governmental Attacks
Ax Sharma is Senior Security Researcher at Sonatype and engineer, who is passionate about perpetual learning. He is an expert in vulnerability research, software development, and web app security.
191. WTF are The #Noonies?
What are the Noonies?
192. Tracking The World's Top Trending Blockchain Games
Every blockchain game listed on HackerNoon gets its own dedicated page that shows all the information a gamer needs to know about it.
193. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 31 Queen Mab
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 30: Queen Mab by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
194. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 33 - The Specksnyder
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 33: The Specksnyder by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
195. Introducing An All-Inclusive, Brand-New Storefront for HackerNoon Sponsors
Introducing the brand dashboard: the brand-new HackerNoon Storefront allows YOU to navigate and explore all the ways to boost your brand growth in one place!
196. State of the Noonion Q4: Ad By Tag, Tech Company News Pages, and More
From launching ad by tag niche marketing, to hiring more editors, and tech company news pages rollout, this is what Hacker Noon has been up to during Q4 2020.
197. Who even reads HackerNoon?
You, obviously. And millions of people from around the world. What audience are you advertising to? Who are you writing for? Learn more about our readers here.
198. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 28 - Ahab
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 28: Ahab by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
199. How to Get More Views With Den
Find out how make the Den blockchain work for you and open you up to more exposure and more crypto.
200. The Noonification: Immigrant Teens Are Working Dangerous Night Shifts in Factories (11/21/2022)
11/21/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
201. [Dev Update] Hacker Noon + Google Analytics = Happy Authors
Austin here, your friendly neighborhood software engineer from Hacker Noon, with some exciting news! We are pleased as punch to announce that contributing writers can now see pageviews and total time reading for all stories published with Hacker Noon since we began in 2016. How cool is that? Previously our stats page was only accessible for recent story performance.
202. The Linux Writing Contest 2022: Round 2 Results Announced!
We are back with the results announcement for The Linux Writing Contest by Linode and HackerNoon, July 2022.
203. [Writing Prompt] Cool Tech Abroad Interview
Welcome to HackerNoon Writing Prompts! What is the coolest technology that you have seen while traveling? Where did you see it?
204. The #MobileDebugging Writing Contest: Round 2 Results Announced!
Here are the results of the #MobileDebugging Writing Contest, Round 2!
205. How to Retitle Republished Posts
206. Internet Heroes Nominee Lisa Shares Why Climate-Focused Technology is Exciting
Lisa Gibbons nominated for a noonies hackernoon award as contributor to Climate Change.
207. "We are all mad here." - 2021 Noonies Nominee
"I was passionate about technology and gaming which led me to choose this path as my career and I love every bit about it."
Run, don't walk, to vote on HackerNoon's weekly polls!
209. Meet the Writer: "I Want to Make Sure What I Write is Accessible," says Joanelle Toh
Jo is a VC and Tech Lawyer by day, and a Hacker Noon contributor on the topics of NFT and crypto by night. Sharing her story as part of Meet the Writer series.
210. On this Day in Tech History
On this day: learn key historical tech events on this date in history, as well as, browse HackerNoon stories published on the same day over the years.
211. My Favorite things about my pixelated teammates at Hacker Noon
This Slack thread was auto-created from Hacker Noon's #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability. Stay tuned to learn more about slogging in the upcoming weeks.
212. Happy Pride Month From HackerNoon!
A code of solidarity.
213. The Noonification: HACKERNOON POLLS ARE LIVE! (8/22/2022)
8/22/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
214. Writing About Crypto Will Make You Youtube Famous
Crypto is on everyone's lips, but we want to put it in writing! HackerNoon's new video series exposes the week's best stories, and you might just get featured.
215. Writing is Like Putting Different Ingredients in a Blender and Seeing What Comes Out, says Carlo
Writing is like putting a lot of different ingredients in a blender and seeing what comes out, according to Carlo Occhiena, one of Hackernoon's contributors!
216. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 43 - Hark!
Moby-Dick; or The Whale Chapter 43: Hark!, by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
217. Hacker Noon Experts: Brief Video Calls with Tech Experts
The Hacker Noon marketplace for ondemand video calls with experts in programming, cryptocurrency, remote work hacks, outer space, futurism, and startups.
218. Thrilled to be Recognized as a Trending Startup in Jaipur, India
Emizentech is recognized as one of the trending startups in Jaipur India in 2022 by Hackernoon.
219. Dissecting the Hive Mentality on the Internet
It feels like movie night almost, but more chaotic.
220. The Noonification: Read Your Favorite Tech Newsletter on HackerNoon
Noonification are now HackerNoon articles! This means it will live forever while giving more distribution and value to your stories and ads.
221. Slogging Editor Updates: New Formatting Added for Bullet Points, Bold, and Italics
This Slogging thread by richard-kubina occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging channel.
222. The #Web3 Writing Contest: Round 4 Results Announced!
For the Web3 writing contest, HackerNoon has partnered with Octopus Network to give monthly prizes to the best HackerNoon Web3 stories!
223. Go for it anyway
....is my answer to this question someone posted on Twitter the other day: "What is your best advice in 4 words or less". Let me tell you about the time I learn to connect all the seemingly isolated events in my career and came up with this advice in retrospect.
224. Teamwork, Humor and Fintech: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Valerie Ejegi
An interview with 2022 HackerNoon Noonies nominee, Valerie Ejegi.
225. The Future of Finance Writing Contest 2022: Final Results Announcement!
Hackers, Assemble! Here we are with the final results announcement of the Future of Finance Writing Contest!
226. 7 Best AI Logo Maker Software Available Online
For any brand, creating its own identity is a challenging task. Especially for a start-up and small businesses, brand recognition is even more essential. Brand recognition can go a long way in influencing the success of a business. Every scale business spends a huge amount on marketing their brand and creating their imprint in people’s minds.
227. The Defi Writing Contest: Round 3 Results Announced!
Hackers! We are back with the Round 3 results announcement of one of the BIGGEST writing contests - The DeFi Writing Contest by SORA & HackerNoon.
228. How AI is Making Workplaces Safer
Employee health and safety is certainly an industry ready for AI development, but what is needed to adapt AI technology to this industry?
229. VPNs Do Not Slow You Down, They Make You Better
VPNs started trending in this new wave of security breaches and fear for privacy.
230. How to Hack a Huge Career in Tech with PR Expert & Founder Sarah Evans
I sat down with Sarah Evans—tech industry PR legend and strategic communications startup founder—to talk all things branding and influence: from personal to B2B. You can watch the Youtube version of this podcast right here in this post, or grab the audio-only on Spotify, or over at podcast.hackernoon.com.
231. The #Decentralized-Internet Writing Contest
The decentralized internet writing competition offers $3,500 in monthly prizes from HackerNoon and Free TON.
232. [Writing Prompt] 'Things I Wish Existed' Interview
Welcome to HackerNoon Writing Prompts! What is a technology you wish existed but doesn’t?
233. The Debugging Writing Contest 2022: Round 4 Results Announced!
Heyo! Here we are with the Round 4 of the Debugging Writing Contest powered by Sentry and HackerNoon!
234. The Noonification: Key Facts About Noonies 2022 (8/18/2022)
235. Hey, Someone Left You a Note! It’s an Annotation
The annotation feature is a note of explanation or a comment added to a portion i.e. a text or phrase in your article.
236. How to Get Your First Job at a Tech Startup [Keynote Slides + Video]
HackerNoon Founder David Smooke gives "How to Get Your First Job at a Startup" keynote at CleverProgrammer's Conference in Los Angeles.
237. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 4 Results Announced!
Hackers, Assemble! The round 4 results of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest by mParticle and HackerNoon are live!
238. Vote Now for the Worldwide Web Startups of the Year 2021
4500+ cities, 35000+ startups - Who will be crowned Startups of the Year by HackerNoon?
239. 'Serverless Smackdown': Who Leads the Squid Game?
To ensure your project’s success, you need to make the right call and choose a serverless provider that fits your product’s size, complexity etc.
240. Hacker Noon Product Update Q1 2020
Welcome to code, where the metrics are made up and the points don’t matter. I’m not #1. I just commit more often. 😛
241. Readers Trust Is Everything: Why Brands Publish via Brand As Author Account on HackerNoon
Content published on HackerNoon need to objective, free of digital marketing gimmicks, and most of all, need to provide value to our dedicated audience base.
242. Write on Web Development, Win From $3k Monthly Prize Pool!
Now is the chance to share your knowledge and expertise on anything & everything on web-dev. Publish your story on HackerNoon for a chance to win form $$$!
243. The Noonification: Disruption in the Tech Giants Musical Chairs (8/16/2022)
Fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day.
244. Great Expectations: Chapter VI
Great Expectations: Chapter by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
245. HackerNoon is Looking for Sales Superstars. Apply Now!
Hello World! This is Sidra, Business Development Representative from HackerNoon's smart and lean Sales team. Today, I'm here with exciting news - WE ARE HIRING!
246. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 51 - The Spirit-Spout
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 51: The Spirit-Spout by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
247. On the Future of NFT, Play 2 Earn: Meet the Writer Sergey Baloyan
Sergey Baloyan, a Hacker Noon contributor and a fintech expert on the future of play to earn, podcasting, and what to expect from the gaming-crypto mix.
248. 22 Tech Company News Pages
We released our first batch of dynamic tech company news pages, combined business overviews with mentions on Hacker Noon and around the web via the Bing News API.
249. Is Pisces the Dumbest Star Sign?
What does it take to get your article rejected by Hackernoon? A behind-the-scenes thread where our editors share their thoughts about ill-fated star signs.
250. State of The Noonion Q2 2021: We Made over $1M in Revenue!
Q2 2021 marked important milestones when it comes to Revenue, Startups of the year Launch, and the much needed Markdown editor.
251. April Infrastructure Shift Brings May Time On Story Page Lift
Hacker Noon Product Update: Overview of What We Deployed in April 2020
252. Your Most Frequently Asked HackerNoon Questions, answered by a Shakespearean Bot
Answering Customer Support queries can be a bit boring. So why not spice it up with some Shakespearean word choice? We trained the bot using ChatGPT3 by openai.
253. The Defi Writing Contest: Round 2 Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers! The Round 2 results announcement of The DeFi Writing Contest by SORA & HackerNoon is FINALLY Here!
254. The Future of Finance Writing Contest 2022: Round 2 Results Announced!
Fellow Hackers, it’s THAT time again. We have the results for the winners of the #Future of Finance writing contest Round 2.
255. The #Blockchain Writing Contest 2022: March Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! The wait is over! Here we are with the results announcement for The Blockchain Writing Contest, March 2022.
256. The Web Development & Ecommerce Writing Contest: Round 2 Results
Heyo Devs- The Round 2 winners of The Web Development and Ecommerce Writing Contest are now announced!
257. Full Stack and True Black: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Alexey Shepelev
An interview with 2022 HackerNoon noonies nominee Alexey Shepelev
258. How to Build SpaceX’s Starship
The Starship is a reusable heavy-lift launch vehicle (rocket) designed to travel to space with cargo and humans on board.
259. Coding During Day, Writing During Night: Meet the Writer Branislav Đalić
Branislav Đalić, a software developer, as part of the Meet the Writer series tells us how he sources writing ideas and how uses creativity to prevent burnout.
260. Startup Interview with Kate L, NOWPayments Senior Marketing Manager
NowPayments is a crypto payment gateway that lets you accept payments in 100 cryptocurrencies.
261. Netflix and Smash
Embrace the art of chaos and break things strategically. Chaos engineering is the process of hacking things on purpose.
262. Bear Market(ing) Diaries: Focus on Your Winners
There's a saying in investing circles - bulls are right 29 days a month. Bears are right for only 1 day.
263. How to Become a Published Writer in 3 Easy Steps
New Year, new writing opportunities. Start this one off right!
264. The Hacker Noon Diaries: 8 Books that Changed Our Lives
This Slack discussion by Natasha, Linh, Dane, Anna Bleker, Michael Ulrich, Austin, Nataraj, David and I occurred in Hacker Noon's official #slogging-beta channel.
265. PODCAST: The 2020 Noonies are Here and Even Greener than Last Year
Tune in (iTunes, Stitcher, wherever you get your podcasts) for a nine-minute briefing on this year’s biggest, greenest and most independent tech industry awards: Hacker Noon’s prestigious #Noonies!
266. No Wins and Losses, Just Learning and Opportunities: Interview with Noonies Nominee Andy
Thank you for the nominations for Noonies 2022. Here are some of my thoughts about web3 and where we're heading in the coming years.
267. HackerNoon The Beloved Pixel Font - Now Coming to You in 2.0
HackerNoon Font 2.0 is now open-sourced on brand.hackernoon.com and GitHub.
268. Introducing the Brand New Stats Page on HackerNoon
In this blog, we’re going to take a quick look at all the stats we provide to writers on HackerNoon to help them supercharge their writing.
269. CodeBucks, #Noonies2021 Nominee: I would not invest in cryptocurrency
Self taught developer CodeBucks is most excited about Jam Stack anc Web3.0
270. LinkedIn
This is cool :)
271. Is Crypto Worth the HODL? How High Should You Stack Your Stocks? We Place Our Bets on Your Wisdom
Let’s enjoy some weekend writing shenanigans!
272. What You Should Know to Win at Algorithmic Trading
Among all the trading techniques, one of the most popular and sophisticated is algorithmic trading.
273. Meet the HackerNoon Contributor Alejandro Duarte, Developer Advocate at MariaDB
I’m Alejandro Duarte and work as a full-time Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. A Developer Advocate is someone who likes to learn in the open and share
274. The Hacker Noon Developer's Essential Reading [List]
What are the books that shaped us as programmers?
275. Hacker Noon's Bitcoin Manifesto
Hint: We're Turning Up the Heat on Bitcoin Stories. Only the best will make the cut.
276. What are the Noonies?
The Noonies are the tech industry’s most democratic awards - presented by HackerNoon. Visit noonies.tech to nominate a worthy candidate before Nov 14, 2021.
277. How an 18-Year-Old Teen Breached Uber Without Hacking a Single System
A comprehensive coverage of how an 18-year-old teen breached Uber databases without hacking into the company's servers or seeing them.
278. HackerNoon Raises $1M From Coil, Will Stream Micropayments from Readers to Writers via the Browser
EDWARDS CO June 10, 2020 -- Hacker Noon, the technology publishing platform serving 4M readers per month, today announced a $1M strategic investment from Coil, the San Francisco-based startup designed to help creators monetize content and provide a premium experience to consumers. Additionally, the companies kicked off a three year partnership focused on Web Monetization for contributing writers. Web Monetization is an open specification that is freely available to any monetization service provider who wants to support sites like Hacker Noon.
279. 75 Technologies Used to Build Hacker Noon 2.0
excerpt from Hacker Noon Releases Tech Publishing Platform 2.0
280. Business Lessons I Learned in Office Quotes and Facebook Statuses
Why Micheal Scott, you ask? Apparently everything I learn in life & business I learn from the Office. Check out the FAQ of Noonies, our annual Hacker Noon awards if you don't believe me.
281. Super Tag is Here! Learn Anything About Any Technology
282. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 46 - Surmises
Moby-Dick; or The Whale Chapter 46: Surmises, by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
283. Software Development Tricks Coding for Beginners and More
This week on HackerNoon's Stories of the Week, we looked at three articles that covered the world of software development from employment to security.
284. Pitch the World's Most Misbegotten Podcast
A listicle of unfeasible, unpleasant, and unproduceable podcast concepts, as nominated by the Hacker Noon top writers and editors Slogging community.
285. HackerNoon Launches #Noonies 2022 to Celebrate the Brightest Minds on the Internet
HackerNoon, the technology publishing platform, launched its fourth annual #Noonies 2022 in partnership with BingX and .TECH Domains.
286. The Debugging Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Round 3, here we go!! Let’s see the June winners of the Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry!
287. The Defi Writing Contest: Final Round Results Announced!
Hackers, the final round results of the DeFi Writing Contest by SORA & HackerNoon are here.
288. Hacker Noon Product Update 2019-2020
Now that we're a few days into 2020, it's time to take a few steps back and reflect on some of our accomplishments from 2019. First of all, I'd like to thank the community and our team for not only surviving 2019, but continuing to build momentum into the new decade. Let's celebrate our accomplishments and keep the delivery train rolling! 🚂🎉
289. Startups of the Year Voting FAQ
HackerNoon's Inaugural #Startups of the Year vote covers all 4k+ cities in the world above 100k+ people. Vote today. Powered by HackerNoon's voting software.
290. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 39 - First Night-Watch
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 39: First Night-Watch by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
291. Great Expectations: Chapter IV
Great Expectations: Chapter by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
292. "Investors Expect a Company to Own Its IP," Josh Ephraim, Attorney (AMA)
Josh Ephraim is startup attorney and associate at Gunderson Dettmer, where he specializes in the representation of emerging growth companies throughout the corporate lifecycle. In Ask Me Anything session with Hacker Noon community, Josh shared his expertise on startups scene, startups legal issues and more!
293. The Velo Writing Contest: Final Announcement
Heyo Coders! As promised, we are here with the Final announcement of the Velo Writing Contest Winners.
294. Growing Up in a Digital Time: What is in the Mind of a Gen Z?
Does pressure create diamonds, or will pressure break people before they have a shot to shine?
295. What are the Sectors Most Prone to Cyber Threats?
This article presents a rundown of the industries that have been kicked in the teeth by cybercriminals amid the pandemic.
296. The Cybersecurity Writing Contest: Final Round Results Announced!
Hackers, Assemble! The final round’s results announcement of the Cybersecurity Writing Contest by Twingate & HackerNoon are now Live!
297. Your New HackerNoon Profile Shines Bright Like a Diamond
298. Hack Your Next Hacker Noon Top Story with these Writing Prompts
Stuck on your next big tech story idea?
299. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 36 - The Quarter-Deck
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 36: The Quarter-Deck by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
300. HackerNoon Story Stats Update: Reads Powered By Cloudflare
We've switched our pageview stats to us Cloudflare instead of Google Analytics to work around clients blocking the latter.
301. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 45 - The Affidavit
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 45: The Affidavit by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
302. Our Tech Stories Tab Is Now In the Google Chrome Web Store
DOWNLOAD and Join the ProductHunt Discussion
303. Embed NFTs into Your HackerNoon Stories by Simply Pasting the Contract Number and Token ID
You can embed a handy little NFT viewer into your Hacker Noon stories. This provides a preview to view, as well as some handy links.
304. Dash to the New Writer Dashboard
HackerNoon is thrilled to share its new writer dashboard. It's now easier to check your drafts, stats, submissions, and comments.
305. 15 New Reasons to Add 'Hacker Noon Writer' to Your Tinder Bio 💦
*Not least of which: Hacker Noon's new Open Trello Roadmap for Writers. This content was originally published in the form of a newsletter to Hacker Noon's global community of over 12k contributing writers. To join that list, get published on Hacker Noon.
306. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 55 - Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 55: Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
307. HackerNoon Needs You! (And Your Opinions)
Writer's Block is something that happens to everyone.
308. The Noonification: Technology: Past, Present and The Deep Blue Sea (9/16/2022)
9/16/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
309. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 47 - The Mat- Maker
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 47: The Mat- Maker by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
310. Voting for Startups Ends This Week!
Voting for BOTH Noonies and Startups for 2021 will end next week.
311. HackerNoon Product-ivity Updates: Improved Machine Curation for Better Human Experiences
Our talented developers put the 'product' into productivity! Let's look at the fun new features they've developed in the past two months.
312. What are HackerNoon's 3 Main Ingredients ?
Be it in any form, reading is an important part of people’s lives for various reasons. So why do people read? And related to that, what gets people to write?
313. State Of The Noonion Q1 2019: The Launch Of The Hacker Noon Community
In the preparation for transitioning away from Medium, we've launched Hacker Noon Community and are also sharing first details of our new publishing platform.
314. #Web3 Writing Contest: March 2022 Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! Here is the results announcement of the #Web3 Writing Contest, March 2022, sponsored by Octopus Network.
315. About Tech Company News Pages by Hacker Noon
Discover the trending stories surrounding the tech companies that run the world. NEW! Tech Company News Pages by Hacker Noon include:
316. "Hacker Noon Authors are Like Gods," and Other Fun Reactions to Noonies Noms Opening
On July 13 2020, Hacker Noon opened public nominations for the second annual Noonies awards, dedicated to recognizing the best people and products in the tech industry.
317. How to Nominate a Startup for Startups of The Year
Start voting for the best startups today! We want to recognize the startups that are changing technology and the world as we know it for the better!
318. Hacker Noon Launches the Third Annual #Noonies
Nomination for the third-annual Hacker Noon Noonies is open to the public at noonies.tech. Voting starts November 15, 2022 ends on January 26, 2022.
319. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 5 Results Announced!
Heyo Growth Marketers - The round 5 results of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest by mParticle and HackerNoon are now LIVE!
320. State Of The Noonion Q1 2020: Progress In Spite Of COVID-19
As pandemic is starting to rage, the Hacker Noon team is grateful for their remote-first experience so far and has been making tremendous product initiatives.
321. 2022 Noonies Nominee Annica Lin on Building Resilience And Doing Hard Things
I’m Annica Lin, and I’m the VP of Growth at Sable. I am glad to announce that I have been nominated for the 2022 Noonies Award.
322. Why Startups Publish With HackerNoon
HackerNoon understands the struggle and pain involved in running a startup. I mean, we are also ONE OF YOU!
323. Cybersecurity Tips to Keep in Mind When Working From Home
implementation of remote working takes more than expected (and this is not about children interrupting a BBC news interview, although this one’s epic).
To make a remote job situation work, you need a structured approach. And robust cybersecurity is what keeps your digital environment and your company’s business safe. This is why we’ve curated a list of vital cybersecurity tips that will help you mitigate risks and stay aware of security vulnerabilities.
324. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter VI - Europe after the Treaty
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter VI: Europe after the Treaty by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
325. Great Expectations: Chapter V
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
326. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - TABLE OF LINKS
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
327. Heroku Remote Culture: AMA with Francis Lacoste
Francis Lacoste is a Senior Director, Software Engineering at Salesforce Heroku. During Live Ask Me Anything session with Hacker Noon community he shared his experience working remote for over 20 years and main lessons he learned from it.
In Francis’s own words:
328. How to Nominate Nominees in the HackerNoon Noonies 2021 Awards #Noonies2021
Nominations for Noonies 2021 have been extended! If you haven’t had a chance to nominate your favourite person, you still have the chance. Visit noonies.tech!
329. The Noonification: On this Day in Tech History (2/27/2023)
2/27/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
330. "The important question is not that it's decentralized or centralized...
...It’s that the potential for a monopoly is impossible.”— Noam Levenson
331. All Aboard The Hackership
The first instalment in a series set to document an editorial intern's journey throughout the hackership - Hackernoon's first internship program.
332. All Hands on Deck Meeting :-)
333. The Noonification: The Importance of UX Design in Video Games (3/2/2023)
3/2/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
334. Top DevOps Myths Debunked - [DevOops Part 1]
Today, we are debunking some of the most popular myths about DevOps.
335. How to Contribute a Story to Hacker Noon
336. Slogging #24: The Dentist Suicide Rate Myth and a Moment When Google Doesn't Autosuggest
This Slack discussion by David Smooke and Utsav Jaiswal occurred in slogging's official #expert-interviews channel, and has been edited for readability.
337. Doja Cat and the Metaverse: An Interview with Sergey Golubev - Best Crypto Journalist of 2021
Thrilled to be Recognized as Best Crypto-Journalist in 2021
338. Medical Student Meets Blockchain: Meet the Writer Gimbiya Galadima
Meet the Writer interview with Hacker Noon blogging fellow Gimbiya Galadima, a medical student and content writer with vast knowledge of finance and blockchain.
339. How to Maintain a Good Business Reputation
It is worthwhile to investigate the intricate relationships between individuals, brands, and messages.
340. The Blockchain Writing Contest 2022: Round 5 Results Announced!
Welcome to the Round 5 results announcement of Blockchain Writing Contest brought to you by HackerNoon and Tatum! Let’s see who won.
341. Our Most Significant Enhancements are Non-Technical: Interview with Noonies Nominee German Tebiev
An Interview with 2022 HackerNoon Noonies nominee - German Tebiev.
342. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced!
Growth marketers - the wait is OVER. The first round results announcement of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest is now LIVE!
343. The Cybersecurity Writing Contest 2022: Round 4 Results Announced!
Hackers, Welcome back! Here we are again with the fourth round of the Cybersecurity Writing Contest result announcement by Twingate & HackerNoon!
344. Hacker Noon Editors: Superheroes without Capes
This story goes out to Hacker Noon Editors.
345. Secrets of High-Performing Teams: Part II
A robust DevOps team facilitates faster development of new products.
346. Just Your Average HackerNoon Product Meeting Notes [Feb 2022]
This Slogging thread by andemosa, richard-kubina, David and Kien occurred in HackerNoon's official #meeting-recap channel, and has been edited for readability.
347. MashRadar Reviewed HackerNoon - Everything You Need to Know
Hacker Noon is a tech-focused news website that features content from over 10,000 contributors.
348. The Noonification: Boomer vs. Zoomer (9/6/2022)
9/6/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
349. HackerNoon Joins the Blockchain Game Alliance
It is my pleasure to announce that HackerNoon has joined the Blockchain Game Alliance. We are committed to helping the blockchain gaming industry grow and become a larger part of the video game industry as a whole.
350. Gamify Your Company's Content Strategy; Start a Writing Contest
The HackerNoon Writing Contests are a win-win for everyone involved - sponsor, the community, and the publication.
351. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 42 - The Whiteness of the Whale
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 42: The Whiteness of the Whale by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
352. Seven Finalists, including Hacker Noon, Announced for Rural Colorado Virtual Pitch Event
A distributed workforce, long prophesied by the tech community, has been accelerated by a decade in the last six months.
353. Meet the Writer: Matt Sokola on Helping People Feel Less Lonely on their Programming Journey
Matt Sokola is a software engineer whose latest Hacker Noon Top story was on building a clone of the 2048 game with React and TypeScript.
354. WTF is Application Monitoring? Do you Need it?
Now that you've built the swanky software application of your dreams, what’s next?
355. The Cybersecurity Writing Contest 2022: Round 2 Results Announced!
Hackers, the Round 2 Results for the Cybersecurity Writing Contest by Twingate and HackerNoon are here!
356. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 40 - Midnight, Forecastle
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 40: Midnight, Forecastle by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
357. Data Preprocessing: 6 Necessary Steps for Data Scientists
Hello everyone, I am back with another topic which is Data Preprocessing. This is a part of the data analytics and machine learning process that data scientists spend most of their time on. In this article, I'll dive into the topic, why we use it, and the necessary steps.
358. Decentralized Web Writing Competition 2022: January Results Announced!
Welcome to another announcement of the HackerNoon Decentralized Web Writing Contest!
359. HackerNoon is Hiring Again!!
HackerNoon is hiring for 2 Junior Editors and 2 Junior Sales Reps. Visit careers.hackernoon.com to learn more.
360. The Blockchain Writing Contest 2022: Final Results Announced!
The final results announcement of the Blockchain Writing Contest brought to you by HackerNoon and Tatum is here!
361. The #Web3 Writing Contest
The Octopus Network in collaboration with HackerNoon is excited to host a #Web3 Writing Contest!
362. The Data Behind Colorado's First-ever Rural Venture Capital Pitch Event
Download the full report here.
363. Near-Life is Bolton's Top Startup of 2021
Near-Life, the first interactive video and VR authoring tool, recognised as top startup...
364. Admitad ConvertSocial CEO Speaks Social Media, #Noonies'22 Nomination, and Running Her Organization
I’m Ksana Liapkova and I’m Head of Admitad ConvertSocial.
365. Explore the HackerNoon Brand Manual
Thank you for checking out HackerNoon's Brand Manual.
366. Dear Companies: Fuel Your Performance With Customer Insights
As a result, companies that fret over their visuals and site design end up losing to those brands that apply a consumer-centered approach.
367. Gathering Material is the Most Laborious Part of the Writing Process
My full name is Valerii Udodov; I often write about application architecture and different practices in software development.
368. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter II - The Red-Headed League
“You could not possibly have come at a better time, my dear Watson,”
369. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 29 - Enter Ahab; to Him, Stubb
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 29: Enter Ahab; to Him, Stubb by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
370. How to Contribute a Story to Hacker Noon
371. State of the Noonion: Hacker Noon is Profitable!
For the first time since removing Medium.com’s software in July 2019, we make more money than we burn. Plus: current and upcoming product and community updates.
372. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Table of Links
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is part of HackerNoon's Book Blog Post series.
373. Decentralized Discussions on the Hacker Noon Podcast with @MarkNadal and @DavidSmooke
Listen to this episode on iTunes, Google Podcast, Podchaser, Castbox, PlayerFM, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or wherever else you get your podcasts.
374. [BREAKING] Pants Now Officially Optional
— In Your New Limited Edition Hacker Noon Tee:
375. The 12 Most Read Stories Published on HackerNoon in 2021 (So Far)
People always seem so surprised when they find out that anybody can submit a tech story for consideration to get published on HackerNoon.com. 🤷
376. The Future of Gaming Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Hey, Gamers! The glorious #future-of-gaming contest by MegaFans has come to an end, and here we are with the third and final announcement of the winners!
377. Brand Story Distribution: $100 Per Story Promotions Are Live!
Every brand story published on HackerNoon now receives $100 on social media ADs!
378. #Web3 Writing Contest: April 2022 Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! Here is the results announcement of the #Web3 Writing Contest, April 2022, sponsored by Octopus Network.
379. Meet the Writer Roxana Murariu: "We Craft our Identities Based on our Tribes"
Meet Roxana Murariu, a web developer, children's book lover, and a Hacker Noon contributor. Sharing her writing and many other tips in Meet the Writer interview
380. The Defi Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers! Here we are with the results announcement (Round 1) of one of the BIGGEST writing contests - The DeFi Writing Contest by SORA & HackerNoon.
381. Meet the Winners of Startups in North and Central America
Startups from all over the world were nominated, from North America to East Asia. In total, 44,000 startups were nominated in over 4,500 cities.
382. Horror Movies For the Weak (and Not So Weak) Hearted
The spooky season is around the corner and we couldn't let it pass without sharing some horror movie suggestions, even for the weak-hearted.
383. Digg Free Gear? – A Thank You Contest by HackerNoon
We'd would like to celebrate our writers and their amazing stories, by giving you a chance to win free HackerNoon gear.
384. Maritime Service and Full Stack JS: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee, Serhii Rubets
This short story is about me, and how I become a software engineer. Why I'm sharing my knowledge and why I create educational content.
385. Synthetically Generated Audio Ads on HackerNoon Have Dropped!
386. Key Facts About the 2021 Noonies Awards #Noonies2021
Make HackerNoon history by casting your votes, submitting nominations, and sharing your opinions on social media to help us recognize tech talent!
387. State of Hacker Noon 2019-2020
Photo Credit, Giphy.com/HackerNoon, where we have 1.7M impressions since creating our account in October.
388. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 52 - The Albatross
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 52: The Albatross by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
389. #Noonies2021 Awards: The List of Winners in the Gaming Category
HackerNoon went all out for its annual Noonies Awards in 2021, making it the most exciting Noonies to date.
390. Top 3 Security Practices That Protect Your Business Data
Whether we’re talking about a huge corporation or a promising start-up, information security can make or break your business.
391. What Did You Think of The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship?
The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship is a free remote online writing program where you can get mentored by a seasoned Editor
392. 59 Best Video Games of All Time According to HackerNoon
HackerNoon writers talk about their Top 10 list of best video games of all time, along with short descriptions of why each game made their list.
393. The Velo Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced!
Results and winners of round 1 of the Velo writing contest, in partnership with HackerNoon, have been announced. Let's find out who came out on top!
394. Hacker Noon Joins Mozilla’s Fix The Internet Initiative
The internet functions, but does it work?
395. Just What Is The Merge?
This week on HackerNoon’s Stories of the Week, we looked at the Ethereum Merge and what the shift from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake means for the industry.
396. #Web3 Writing Contest 2022: Round 3 Results Announced!
Hey Hackers! Welcome to the third round of results announcement of the #Web3 Writing Contest!
397. State of the Noonion: Green Clock Strikes Noon
We’ve been building! HackerNoon shipped hundreds of product features, achieved impressive revenue figures and editorial milestones. Read all about it here.
398. What It Feels Like to Close Two Marketing Campaigns on the Same Day
Look, I may be a little biased, but I think HackerNoon has one of the best selections of humans working for them in the whole world (literally, we're remote).
399. How We Manage Editorial At Hacker Noon
At Hacker Noon's first All-Hands company meeting for 2020, CPO Dane Lyons talked the team through how the North Star framework applies to Hacker Noon. Since the term is pretty self-explanatory, I'll get straight to the story of how we're using this framework to prioritize activity.
400. The Hound of the Baskervilles - TABLE OF LINKS
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.
401. Aremu Adebisi on Tech Writing, the Future of Finance, and 2022 Noonies Nomination
2022 Noonies Nominee Interview with Aremu Adams Adebisi on Tech Writing & the Future of Finance
402. Synthetic Audio is Now Available for 70,000+ HackerNoon Stories
Synthetic Audio is available for nearly every story submitted to the website, allowing readers to become listeners.
403. Introducing The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship
The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship is a free remote online writing program where you can get mentored by a seasoned Editor and build up your writing portfolio.
404. Writing, A Rewarding Experience
Check out the new Rewards Tab where you can check all the ways to monetize your content and get prizes while doing what you love.
405. About The Noonies Weighted Voting
This year, for The Noonies we are weighting votes to further elevate the voice of our contributing writers and prevent spam.
406. "Security is a UX Problem, Not a Tech Problem" — Amanda McGlothlin [Interview]
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Amanda McGlothlin from the United States, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Amanda .
407. What's Your Favorite Guilty Pleasure in Film, TV or Music?
This Slogging thread by Zaeem Shoaib, Limarc Ambalina, Sara Pinto, Mónica Freitas and Jack Boreham occurred in slogging's official #pop-culture channel, and has been edited for readability.
408. HackerNoon and the Time We Took the 16 Personalities Test
A simple test can help you learn so much about your team...and yourself.
409. Social mining - My experience after over 2 weeks
It’s over 2 weeks now since I started with social mining. This article is describing all the mistakes and wins that I experienced. This article can also give you an idea of how social mining works. If you aren't familiar with new community tool social mining you can read my latest article here, but now LET'S START!
410. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 44 - The Chart
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 44: The Chart by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
411. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 6 - Baskerville Hall
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here.
412. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 38 - Dusk
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 38: Dusk by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
413. The Top 20 Stories Published on Hacker Noon in 2020
The hottest things to write about on Hacker Noon in 2020 were — pretty much both by story submission volume and traffic generated — coronavirus; coding, programming, javascript; cryptocurrency; python, blockchain, startups, artificial intelligence (AI), and software development.
414. Literally Everything the Hacker Noon Dev Team Did in 2019
Below is a list of every PR that was merged at Hacker Noon in 2019. In the coming weeks, expect to see regular product updates (with a bit more context 😉), but for now, please enjoy this dump of commit messages I put together in 15-20 minutes.
415. #EnterTheMetaverse Writing Contest 2022: Round 2 Results Announced!
Gamers, Assemble! It’s time to #EnterTheMetaverse. Here we are with the Round 2 results announcement of the writing contest hosted by HackerNoon and The Sandbox
416. Noonies 2020 Voting Opens: $10K+ & 3K+ Yrs Domain Registration Up for Grabs
In case you've not yet had the pleasure: The 2020 Noonies - presented by hackernoon.com - are not only the only Industry Awards you don't have to be an influencer to win, but also the most community-driven tech awards on the internet.
417. Today's Noon Notification: The Only Tech Newsletter You Need Today
418. What’s your Favorite Feature in The Sims Universe?
The HackerNoon gaming community discussed The Sims world, our favorite features, versions, and what is coming next for this game
419. Open AI Images on HackerNoon: The Conundrum
HackerNoon and the time the team compared Open AI Image Generators for in-house use. Read and follow along our journey.
420. Please Enjoy Some Brain Candy This Weekend!
Food for thought is delicious.
421. The Future of Finance Writing Contest 2022: Round 1 Results Announced!
Hackers, rejoice! Here we are with the winners' announcement of the first round of #Future of Finance writing contest!
422. 4 Facts You Should Know About Republishing Content on Hacker Noon
Common Question: Can I republish content on Hacker Noon if I've already published it elsewhere?
423. How Paywalls Destroy the Distribution of Quality Ideas
"The paywall is inherently in conflict with journalism’s primary goal: to educate and inform the public about important issues. When the papers say, “this is so important that we’re making it free,” they’re simultaneously saying that all the other stuff they publish doesn’t really matter, so they’ll charge you for it. It’s hard to imagine a business philosophy that’s more upside-down." - Rob Howard
424. Meet the Writer: Hacker Noon's Contributor Elena Obukhova, Entrepreneur, Mentor, & Crypto Enthusiast
Meet Elena Obukhova, the Hackernoon contributor. Founder of FAS Fintech Advisory Services, FlashBack (NFT ticketing), Mentor, Speaker & Blockchain Enthusiast
425. The Velo Writing Contest: Round 2 Winners
Here we are again with the announcement of the Velo Writing Contest Winners! HackerNoon has partnered with Wix to celebrate our programmers, who are also great writers.
426. #Gaming-Metaverse Writing Contest: September 2021 Results Announced
Here we are again with the announcement of the Gaming Metaverse Writing Contest winners. So who won this time? Let's see!
427. Hacker Noon Donates to EFF in Support of a Better Internet
Hello, we're excited to share that Hacker Noon donated $1k to EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and this gift will help unlock additional donations as part of their year end challenge - if you've been thinking about how to spend some disposal income in favor of a better internet, now is a good time. EFF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit that fights for these fundamental rights through public interest legal work, activism, and software development.
428. An Update from the Editorial Team at Hacker Noon
A longer version of this post was originally published as an email to Hacker Noon's 12k+ writers. To get onto that list, create an account and submit your first tech story today!
429. Software Engineering Is Not a Walk in the Park
Ex-Google engineer, Tech Lead, explains what makes software engineering hard.
430. Catch HackerNoon Merch in the Wild!
HackerNoon gear is available and in fashion.
431. 2020 Noonies Awards: Official Winners of The Internet Now Declared
As in all elections of great importance, tallying the official results of Hacker Noon's annual awards took us somewhat longer than expected.
432. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter III - A Case of Identity
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
433. Democratizing Tech Skills with Jeremy Morgan of Pluralsight, LIVE AMA on August 17th, 12 pm EST
Jeremy Morgan is 5x Noonies nominee and an author for Pluralsight focused on Software Development and Integration.
434. HackerNoon Adds Synthetic Voice Transcription to Improve Reader Accessibility
We've added full synthetic audio transcriptions to our stories. Our stories can now be read to you by one of our synthetic voices.
435. The News According to Hacker Noon - Monday 29 June, 2020
Kemal Karataş asks Android with Huawei Mobile Services: Will it Work Out?; author Dave Balter explores the various personal crises involved in post-publication self-criticism—familiar to most writers—in Why My New Book is a Failed Attempt at Something I Can’t Put My Finger On; Marian Pekár shares some hardwon wisdom in What I've Learned By Making And Promoting A Game To Help Stray Cats; and more!
436. Meet HackerNoon's Reigning 'Most Controversial' Writer of the Year
Nebojsa Todorovic is GoLancer's Marketing and Business Analyst, and "Noonies2020" Award Winner for the Most Controversial Writer of the Year.
437. I Want to Know How Tall Everyone is Since We are a Remote Company
Our Podcast Manager Amy Tom hopped on Slack to learn more about her remote colleagues. This is the conversation that ensued...
438. Hacker Noon from a Community Perspective with Linh Dao Smooke
A podcast with OneMonth’s Chris Castiglione
439. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 2 - The Curse of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here.
440. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Chapter I
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
441. State of the Noonion 2020 Q3: The Good, the Bad, and the Opportunities Ahead
From wins like exceeding sales OKRs and new strategic investments to tackling a spam attack, this is what the Hacker Noon team has been up to in the Q3 2020.
442. The Tech Beat and 18 Other Mind-blowing Features: the Age of Writers and Readers
Hey there, Hackers. It’s time for our regular updates on the fun new features we’ve deployed in the past two months. As always: A big thank you to our devs team
443. The Web Development & Ecommerce Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced!
Devs, Assemble! Round 1 winners of The Web Development and Ecommerce Writing Contest are now announced!
444. Google's Best Practices: Using a Design Doc
Ex-Google Tech Lead talks you through the #1 engineering practice: Design Docs.
445. HackerNoon "About You" Page Tutorial
For HN writers: The HackerNoon Dev Team has built an awesome feature that aggregates linkages around the web about you! Learn how to customize it in this story
446. #Noonies2021 Awards: The List of Winners in the Internet Category
The #Internet award category honors the true internet artists of our time.
447. What Movie or TV Show has the Best CGI?
In this Slogging thread, we discuss the best CGI in movies, tv shows and video games.
448. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 32 - Cetology
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 32: Cetology by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
449. HackerNoon Leaders David & Linh Smooke Discuss Parenting Challenges on the Parents in Tech Podcast
HackerNoon leaders David & Linh speak to Parents In Tech podcast host Qin En to share their journey as parent entrepreneurs and the role of tech in parenting
450. Cybersecurity Expert Ax Sharma on Going Full On Into Breaking Things
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Ax Sharma, from the UK, who’s been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
451. Perfect the Quality of Your Imperfect Data
Poor quality data can significantly drop the ROI of a company’s CRM and marketing automation investment.
452. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 35 - The Mast-Head
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 35: The Mast-Head by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
453. What is Slogging? - A New App by HackerNoon
Have you heard about Slogging? What about Slack Blogging? If you have been hiding under a rock, worry not. In this article, you'll find all the information you need to know about Slogging and how it can save your company's conversations and repurpose them for your company’s content marketing efforts.
454. 'Doe a Deer' or 'Do a Dear?': How to Sing During Your Business Meetings
Yesterday my husband entered the room while Ellen was singing 'Do a Deer' [during the virtual editorial meeting]. He looked at me with such surprise.
455. When You Accidentally Send Your Note-to-Self to the CEO
While in a frazzled state, I completely forgot this little bit of information.
456. Introducing Coin Price Pages: Where Crypto Prices Meet Stories
Coin Price Pages by HackerNoon combine curated cryptocurrency stories with timely data to form a qualitative and quantitate hub about each top cryptocurrency.
457. Founder Interviews: James Wu and Allen Lu of AdaptiLab
Childhood friends James and Allen are making it easier for companies to build machine learning teams with AdaptiLab (Techstars Seattle ‘19).
458. #Noonies2021 Awards: The List of Winners in the Software Development Category
HackerNoon went all out for its annual Noonies Awards in 2021 making it the most exciting Noonies to date!
459. [Writing Prompt] How to Get a Job in Tech Interview: List of Questions
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
460. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 2 Results Announced!
Growth Marketers, Assemble! The second round results of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest are here!
461. HN Editor Picks: Top Tech Stories of March 2023
Take a look at all the best HackerNoon stories, handpicked for your reading pleasure and education on trending tech topics.
462. On Writing, Crypto, and DevOps: Meet the Writer Sergio, Your Coding Teacher
Meet Sergio, an eBay Senior DevOps engineer by day, and a Hacker Noon Contributor by night. In Meet the Writer interview, Sergio shares his goals and ideas.
463. Explore Some of the Latest (Major) HackerNoon Product Updates!
At HackerNoon, our developers are busy.
464. Read Quotes From the Brilliant Minds of the #Noonies2021 Nominees
“My joy comes from building and inspiring people to become the best version of themselves.”- Lomit Patel
465. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 41 - Moby Dick
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 41: Moby Dick by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
466. HackerNoon and the Time We Talked About Pints?
HackerNoon is trying to settle a debate: do the international (non-UK) folks order a “pint” of beer, or just generally connect a “pint” with drinking?
467. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 56
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 56 by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
468. Meet the Writer: Aditi Syal Pulls Inspiration From the Success of Renowned Companies
Get to know more about this crazy content creator - Aditi Syal - a copywriter at Concurate and a HackerNoon contributor.
469. The Hacker Noon Leaderboard: Version One
At Hacker Noon, we measure success by the number and quality of words published on our platform. Previously, we were singularly focused on carving out a space for our contributing authors to publish long-form tech stories. We've hacked 2 commenting systems to enable readers to contribute words in response to those stories...but those words live stashed away in cardboard boxes in story basements.
470. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition 2021: October Results Announced!
Heyo Hackers! October has been a great month! We received some superb decentalized-internet stories, and now it is time to celebrate our contributors
471. The #Blockchain Writing Contest
Welcome to the #Blockchain Writing Contest hosted by HackerNoon in partnership with Tatum.
472. 20 Questions for Yearly Employee Reviews
After scouring the internet and tapping into whatever is I've learned about building teams and leveling up the purpose of work, I came up with 20 questions for the Hacker Noon team to reflect on the year behind and improve for the year ahead. Maybe they can help your startup or team too? So, I'm publishing them here.
473. How the Metaverse Could Change the Future of Meetings, Gaming, and More
Let’s talk about the Metaverse that seemed to be our virtual future or virtual lives.
474. State of the Noonion: A New Era For Brands and Writers
Q2 2022 marked important milestones when it comes to Revenue, Software Development, and Readership and Editorial Growth.
475. The Cybersecurity Writing Contest 2022: Round 1 Results Announced!
Hackers, Assemble! Here we are with the results announcement of the Cybersecurity Writing Contest!
476. Hacker Noon Partners with Den
In another effort to improve story distribution and find more cool places for our writers to share their stories, we’ve partnered with Den.
477. About Removing Medium from Hackernoon.com
Watch Video (you can also listen to this story on iTunes or Google)TL;DR: The business interests of these two entities have changed. Hacker Noon has to rip and replace its software infrastructure to make its land a viable business again. This is an important discussion to the state of digital publishing, the value of URLs, the dependencies of startup , and the effects of platform growth strategies.
478. IoT: Is Data Beyond Ethics?
Over the last decade, the Internet of Things has been delivering heaps of data and remote device control across virtually every industry, from healthcare to hospitality.
479. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 48 - The First Lowering
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 48: The First Lowering by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
480. 📷 📸 Unsplash Integration 📷 📸
1.4+ million freely usable photos now available in your Hacker Noon editor
481. The Rainbowfication of the Hacker Noon Logo: Happy Pride Month!
A quick tutorial on how to rainbowfy your logo, in Hacker Noon style. Happy Pride Month!
482. 20 Questions for Yearly Employee Reviews
After scouring the internet and tapping into whatever it is I've learned about building teams and leveling up the purpose of work, I came up with 20 questions for the Hacker Noon team to reflect on the year behind and improve for the year ahead. Maybe they can help your startup or team too? So, I'm publishing them here.
483. "Never Be Afraid to Say: I Don't Know" — Vindhya C (2019 Noonies Winner: PM of the Year)
Vindhya C won 2019's coveted Noonie Award for Product Manager of the Year. Nominations for the 2020 Award for Product Manager of the Year are OPEN UNTIL 12 AUGUST AT NOON! Nominate someone you admire for a Hacker Noon Tech Award and make a PM's day today!
484. Keeping Our Ducks Aligned With Slack
A lot of remote teams start using Slack as a watering hole for getting everyone together to discuss what's going on and what'll happen next. Having all of these discussions happening in the #general channel is way too noisy. So teams start creating a bunch of random channels devoted to a specific purpose. Here are some of the channels we have at Hacker Noon.
485. #Decentralized-Intenet Writing Contest: December Results Announced
With the December announcement, HackerNoon & Everscale bring you a surprise gift. We are extending the decentralized internet writing contest for 3 months.
486. #Gaming-Metaverse Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced
Hey, Gamers! As promised, here are the results of The Gaming Metaverse Writing Contest for Round 1!
487. Introducing TL;DRs by HackerNoon
Jeferson Borba talks about his work with AI-generated TL;DR snippets of HackerNoon stories.
488. The Secrets of High-Performing DevOps Teams [Part 1]
Ultra-fast innovation holds the key for conglomerates like Apple, Microsoft, and Tencent known as the pacesetters in the modern markets. However, they all faced challenges that are typical for established companies.
489. #Gaming-Metaverse Writing Contest 2021: Final Announcement
Hey, Gamers! Here we are again with the final announcement of #gaming-metaverse writing contest.
490. Why Hacker Noon Dedicated Our Site Wide Banner Placement to #BlackLivesMatter
Over the weekend, instead of our usual "taking a break" from work mode, we at Hacker Noon have been talking among each other about the heaviness of past weeks events, and how we as a company can do anything meaningful in response to them.
491. 18 Book Recommendations from the HackerNoon Team
In this post, the HackerNoon staff and blogging fellows talk about some books they've been reading recently, as well as some of their favorite authors.
492. When (and why) to go 'Serverless'
Serverless doesn’t mean operating an application without a server, it means that you can operate the app without having to manage a server.
493. Employ These 4 Simple Practices to Improve Company Data Security
Here’s what you can do to keep yourself (and your nudes) safe.
494. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 3 - The Problem
The Hound of the Baskervillesby Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here.
495. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 5 - Three Broken Threads
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
496. Reach out and Nominate Your Hero of the Internet #Noonies2021
I think it’s time, once more, for you and I to recognize the fabulous tech creatures that entertain, inspire, enlighten, and amuse us on the internet.
497. Public Nominations Are Now Open for The 2nd Annual #Noonies: The Tech Industry's Awards
Edwards, CO - Hacker Noon, the technology publishing platform, opened public nominations for the Noonies 2020 in partnership with Amplify Exchange, the best place to buy and sell crypto worldwide with zero trading fees. Anyone can now nominate anyone for a Noonie by visiting https://Noonies.Tech.
498. The Blockchain Writing Contest 2022: Round 4 Results Announced
The Blockchain Writing Contest brought to you by HackerNoon and Tatum presents you with June 2022’s nominees and winners!
499. The News According to Hacker Noon — Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Today on Hacker Noon—We Have Questions: Will this pandemic finally usher in the era of post-humanism that techno-utopians have been predicting for decades? What do we need to know about this recession? WTF Is A Transaction Relayer And How Does It Work?
500. Which Blogging Platform is Right For You?
If you’re thinking about starting a blog need to choose a blogging platform. There are other options aside from WordPress available to chose from like Wix, etc.
501. Getting A Job in Tech By Taking Code Bootcamps
Ex-Google Tech Lead deep dives into coding bootcamps, their pros & cons, and everything you need to know about them.
502. The #Web3 Writing Contest 2022: Round 5 Results Announced!
Heyo, welcome to our monthly results announcement for the Web3 Writing Contest by HackerNoon and Octopus Network!
503. #Decentralized-Internet Writing Competition: July Results Announced
Hey Hackers! July had been a great month! We got many superb #decentalized-internet stories, and now it is time to celebrate our contributors!
504. On PNGs, Dark Mode, and Light Themed Text Editors: A Slogging Thread
This Slack discussion by Amy Tom, richard-kubina, Utsav Jaiswal, Arthur and Linh occurred in hackernoon's official #techsupport channel, and has been edited for readability.
505. When Your Name is a Pun
Sometimes, we just gotta slog these low hanging fruits.
506. We Don't Quit Jobs, We Quit People: How To Avoid Quitting a Job
Ex-Google engineer and YouTuber, TechLead, explains how to have a better time at your job so that you can avoid quitting it.
507. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 1 - Mr. Sherlock Holmes
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Chapter 1 by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
508. HackerNoon Writing Contests: How Editors Vote for the Winners 🗳️
This Slogging thread by Utsav Jaiswal, David, Limarc, and Linh occurred in HackerNoon's official #writing-contests channel on the web3 writing contest poll.
509. New Feature Alert: 2000+ Tech Company News Pages on Hacker Noon
Hacker Noon published 913 tech companies' news pages for visitors to stay up-to-date with company information and their stories around the web.
510. Behind the Scenes of Publishing Startups and Noonies Winners
Members of the HackerNoon team worked in unison to deliver over a thousand individualized awards to our internet family for Valentine's Day.
511. State Of The Noonion Q2&3 2019: Migrating From Medium And First Results
How our migration away from Medium went and what the Hacker Noon team accomplished in the first month on the new platform. So exciting!
512. Why Educational Platforms are a Favorite Target Among Attackers?
Educational Institutes are easy prey for hackers to compromise and covertly launch Cyber Attacks/Malicious Campaigns under the hood, without divulging their real identity.
513. My 2019 Predictions That Came True
I played a prediction game in 2019, and I dare to say, I played it pretty well.
514. The Hound of the Baskervilles: Chapter 4 - Sir Henry Baskerville
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here.
515. SEO Analysis: How to Improve JavaScript Module for "Related Stories" & HackerNoon's Internal Linking
Launched in 2016 covering tech, entrepreneurship and productivity. Hackernoon has gone through an amazing transformation over the years.
516. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 53 - The Gam
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 53: The Gam by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
517. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter V - The Five Orange Pips
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
518. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 34 - The Cabin-Table
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 34: The Cabin-Table by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
519. ALL CAPS, New Teammates, and Canada's Murder Hotspots
Is it cool to message your colleagues in ALL CAPS? What is Canada's murder capital of the world? Let's find out.
520. State of the Noonion: The Year of Profitability and Product Renaissance
TL;DR For the 5th year in a row, we doubled HackerNoon Revenue of the previous year with 2021 revenue clocking in at redacted USD! And, for the first time since we started sending these shareholders newsletters, HackerNoon is profitable again, by redacted! Our primary ad inventories, Top Navigation, Ad By Tag, Brand as Author, and Email Newsletters, all improved in YoY revenue, and new ad inventory from Startups of the Year and Writing Contests also drove revenue up. With regards to traffic, we saw a 11% increase in readers QoQ, a 2% decrease YoY to readers on hackernoon.com, and as of today rank as the #3,990 site on the worldwide internet by Alexa. In-app traffic (app.hackernoon.com) saw a significant bump, with users increasing 62% YoY, and 7.9% QoQ. Software-wise, we strengthened the product team, and in the last 4 months we’ve shipped AI-powered Audio Stories (≈3x avg time on site), About Pages (here are some examples), Terminal Reader, Writing Prompts, Noonies 3.0, Choose Your Color, (revamped) Noonification, Emails, Internal KPI Dashboard Improvements, Open Sourced Font, Internal Changelog History for Every Story Draft, Editorial Notes, (improved) Core Web Vitals, among many other features/fixes/improvements/iterations.
521. The Noon Notification—Monday 10 February, 2020
The best tech stories published on hackernoon.com in the last 48 hours. Sign up for the newsletter today.
522. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter I - A Scandal in Bohemia
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here: Table of
523. You Are What You Believe: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Action
This Slogging thread by Limarc, Hang, Linh, David, Sidra Ijaz and Zaeem Shoaib occurred in hackernoon's official #only-at-hackernoon channel, and has been edited for readability.
524. How Can Hacker Noon's "COVID-20+" Rule Make The World A Better Place In 2021
Do you honestly believe that when the clock strikes midnight tonight, 2020 will be gone for good?!
525. The Pros and Cons of an Import Stories Function
This Slogging thread by Limarc Ambalina, Nesha and David Smooke occurred in slogging's official #software-development channel, and has been edited for readability.
526. About Scaling a Startup and Growing a Dedicated Fully-Remote Software Team [SaaS Unbound Podcast]
HackerNoon Founder & CEO David Smooke joins the SaaS Unbound Podcast to discuss scaling HackerNoon with a dedicated fully remote software team.
527. What Is the Future of Remote Work?
We're talking about remote work This Week On Planet Internet because HackerNoon is a fully remote company and WE'VE GOT THINGS TO SAY about working remotely 😤
528. "Programming Must Be Practiced, Often"—Aaron Newbold, '20 Noonie Nominee: Programming & Future
PUBLIC NOONIE NOMS CLOSE IN 6 DAYS..! Don't miss your shot to recognize YOUR best people and products in tech today with a highly respectable Hacker Noon Awards Nomination at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Aaron Rory Newbold from Bahamas, who’s been nominated in the both the Future Heroes and Technology #Noonies categories.
529. The First Half of 2020 — According to 35 Featured Hacker Noon Stories
Hey there, Hackers. I'm writing to you from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where—as of today—we've had 50,273 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 6,113 deaths. The curve here appears to have been successfully flattened:
530. State Of The Noonion Q4 2019: On Dark Mode, Integration With Unsplash and GUN
From getting our Alexa ranking to 3.5k since, to important integrations and a 73% increase in revenue, this is what Hacker Noon's been up to in the Q4 of 2019.
531. Book a Call: The First 60 Hacker Noon Experts
Meet the first 60 Hacker Noon experts. Book a video call to learn programming, cryptocurrency, remote work hacks, outer space, futurism, and startups.
532. 10 Non-Influencers redefining Influence. Opportunity: $1 Million USD Funding to fight COVID-19
Since my previous article about COVID Innovations, in which I highlighted 20 ordinary professionals and companies undertaking extraordinary actions to drive change to tackle this pandemic, new change makers have emerged on the horizon. Acting as role models worthy of our admiration and attention, more and more industry giants are taking the lead, including:
533. Inside the Life of a Criminal Defense Lawyer with Norman Spencer
In this interview, we talk to Norman about the real lives of criminal defense lawyers and his opinion on the current state of the US judicial system.
534. Moby-Dick; or The Whale: Chapter 54 - The Town-Ho’s Story
Moby-Dick; or The Whale, Chapter 54: The Town-Ho’s Story by Herman Melville is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
535. #ellenBrain Turns a Long Weekend Into: HackerNoon Swag Around the World
Am I allowed to consider myself a tech bro yet? I just want to be a tech bro. This hat is so stylin tho. It's like cool kid gear.
536. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter XII - The Adventure of the Copper Beeches
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here: [LINK TO TABLE OF LINK]. Chapter XII: The Adventure of the Copper Beeches
537. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter VII- The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
538. Women in Cybersecurity with SheSec Pakistan on The HackerNoon Podcast
Misbah Fatima (Head of Security) and Farza Ashraf (Security Analyst) from Idenfo and SheSec Pakistan talk about how we can increase the number of women in STEM.
539. 15 Best SurveyMonkey Alternatives to Check Out for Building Better Forms
SurveyMonkey alternatives, eh?
540. Hacker Noon Newsletters: Browse Archive - Subscribe - Share - Sponsor
every breath you take / and every move you make / we can be emailing you.
541. The State of the Russia-Ukraine War from a Ukrainian HackerNooner
We are aiming for $100 million of funds raised to help the Ukrainian army by the end of the week and we believe in the defeat of Russia in the near future
542. 2nd Annual Hacker Noon Awards Launch Today: Public Call for Nominations
On this hallowed day, one year ago, Hacker Noon 2.0 became a thing on the interwebs. Around the same time, we launched Hacker Noon's annual tech awards, The Noonies—the industry's greenest awards. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ This year, the #Noonies promises to be bigger, better, more diverse, and looooonger than last year. The best part? Anybody can nominate ANYBODY right now for a 2020 #Noonie at noonies.tech!
543. Hacker Noon Product Development Discussion with Product Team
LISTEN: iTunes
544. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter X - The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
545. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter VI - The Man With the Twisted Lip
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
546. All 221 Tech Award Titles Up for Grabs in Hacker Noon's Annual Noonies
🏆 The benefits of being nominated in Hacker Noon's annual tech awards this year include not only mad Net-Cred, BUT ALSO: opportunities to do an AMA in community.hackernoon.com and/or get onto The Hacker Noon Podcast, as well as generally improving your personal Google-Ability by getting FREE CONTENT created (and distributed) about you, and the things you write, built and care about!
547. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter XI - The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
548. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter IX - The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
549. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter IV - The Boscombe Valley Mystery
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
550. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter VIII- The Adventure of the Speckled Band
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
551. How to Build a Technical Blogging Platform with David Smooke and Clever Programming
In this video, Naz will be interviewing the CEO of Hackernoon, David Smooke. Tune in for some insights!
552. Hacker Noon 2.0: Origin Story And Raising Funds
What makes Hacker Noon truly stand out is the fact that we are independently-owned & community-driven. Our community drives our editorial, not just our traffic.
Thank you for checking out the 552 most read stories about Hackernoon on HackerNoon.
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