Let's learn about Api via these 549 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Because defining interactions is important...
1. Sending Secret Messages with the Courier API and Node.js
In this tutorial, we will be building a Node.js app that sends multi-channel notifications in morse code.
2. 3 Best Ways To Import External Data Into Google Sheets [Automatically]
Google Sheets is a great tool to use for business intelligence and data analysis. If you want to eliminate manual data imports and save time, then let me will show you how you can automatically connect and import data from external sources into Google Sheets.
3. How PMs Can Build a Great Product Notification Experience
After reading this article, you’ll have the confidence and the tools to set up a notification system that delights and doesn’t annoy.
4. GraphQL vs REST: How To Choose One Over The Other
We will look at REST and GraphQL, consider their principles and weigh the pros and cons of both technologies.
5. How to Improve the Security of API Keys
As a developer, API Keys are typically issued to you to identify the project you are working on and to enforce rate and access limits on proper API usage. These API keys are typically just static secrets baked into your app or web page, and they are pretty easy to steal but painful to replace. You can do better.
6. You Can't Guarantee Webhook Ordering, Here's Why
This post is about one of the topics we get asked about the most: guaranteeing webhook ordering.
7. Protecting APIs from DDoS Attacks
In a world where digital security is critical, the future of business is at risk from a range of different threats.
8. How to Build a Simple Blog Using Node.js
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a simple blog using Node.js and Cosmic JS. This is going to be the fastest and most light-weight blog you have ever created. Let’s get started.
9. Streamlining Python Interfaces: Tips for Concise and Clean Code
10. How to Build an Integration to Another App
You’ve been tasked with building an integration to a third-party app your customers use - now what? Here are some steps to take before you start writing code.
11. Finding the Best Chat API: Should You Develop Your Own or Use a Third-Party Solution?
When searching for the best chat API, there are pros and cons to building your own or paying for a third-party solution, and we'll help you decide what is best.
12. How to Retrieve Player Stats from the NHL's undocumented REST API
It's that time of year again. Summer is coming to an end, Autumn is around the corner, and the NHL season is about to begin.
13. 4 Standard Business Models for API Monetization
API has been rapidly driving new opportunities for business in last few years. Read in details how top API monetisation models helps in business growth.
14. The Tyk Side Project Fund is open for applications
Tyk's micro-grant program is now accepting applications! Get a chance to receive a £500 grant to help advance your side project.
15. Monetize your API using the Stripe Mongoose API Library
We live in a world so immersed in digital where a web api can create a million dollar business, in this article I will show you how to monetize your api.
16. APIOps: Combining DevOps and GitOps to Improve API Development
DevOps is where the rubber meets the road. In this article, understand APIOps and how the adoption of an API gateway impacts DevOps.
17. Debt APIs & Their Role in Financial Management
Debt APIs make impactful debt management and debt repayment possible. Although debt APIs work for multiple facets of loan and financial management.
18. Mastering APIs: A Complete Guide for Beginners
What actually are APIs and how do they work? Find out by looking at important APIs across the software stack and learn some computer science along the way!
19. 5 Best Practices for Designing RESTful APIs
RESTful APIs are everywhere, powering more of the modern world than any other API architecture. REST accounts for up to 80% of APIs according to this study by ProgrammableWeb. How those APIs are built and structured can make or break a company in today’s ultra-competitive world. Poorly-designed APIs can be difficult to use, can fail when they are needed most, and are valuable targets for hackers looking for sensitive data. On the other hand, a well-designed API that utilizes best practices makes development a breeze, attracts new customers, and creates confidence among users that can boost retention rates.
20. First experiences with React Native: bridging an iOS native module for app authentication
Photo by Liu Zai Hou on Unsplash
21. Running a Python Script to Scrape LinkedIn Profiles From Google
LinkedIn is a great place to find leads and engage with prospects. In order to engage with potential leads, you’ll need a list of users to contact. However, getting that list might be difficult because LinkedIn has made it difficult for web scraping tools. That is why I made a script to search Google for potential LinkedIn user and company profiles.
22. 2022 Noonies Programming Nominee Roy Derks on GraphQL, React, and More
I’m Roy Derks! A tech speaker, writer and software developer from the Netherlands! I’ve been nominated for the categories below and if you've enjoyed anything
23. Creating an Integration Platform That is Easy and Scalable
The good company interview - find out what is the origin story of ZigiWave, what is so great about the ZigiWave team and how to integrate multiple systems.
24. 3 Biggest Barriers to Efficient, Relevant AI Powered Search
Consumers expect always-on, frictionless, dynamic and personalized digital experiences. 99 percent of companies have struggled to deliver world-class search.
25. 10 Best Practices for Securing Your API
This is a brief blog on the Top 10 API security practices that can help users to keep their API safe from cyber attacks.
26. Next.js Website Boilerplate
Check out this website boilerplate built on Next.js and Cosmic JS. It satisfies some common website requirements including dynamic pages, blog articles, author management, SEO ability, contact form and website search.
27. Build Data-Driven Web App Without Backend
During the last couple of decades websites' functionally has increased dramatically - from simple landing pages serving simple static ads to complex progressive web apps whose functionality close to native applications including user authorization, location tracking, bluetooth handling, and offline mode.
28. We Need More Women in Fintech
One of the main reasons that there should be more women in fintech is diversity.
29. How to Script the CF API With CF OAUTH-TOKEN
and Python
A bit of Python, a dancing gopher, and proper course etiquette are all you need to know how to log in and loop through the results.
30. What Is Cloudwatch Embedded Metrics?
I can’t believe not many people are talking about this AWS feature. It’s a game changer!
31. Meet Lob
Automate direct mail (letters, postcards, checks, and more) at scale with our direct mail APIs & on-dmeand print delivery network.
32. Automatically Redirecting Users to a Country-Specific Site
By automatically redirecting your users to their country-specific sites, you can boost your website and ensure a great user experience.
33. Object Storage: A Beginner's Guide
You're chowing down at Thanksgiving dinner, talking about cloud storage, when your grandmother asks, "What the heck is object storage?”
34. What is Eventual Consistency and How Do You Deal with It?
Eventually consistency is a fancy name of doing something and only expecting the changed state after a while. But it won't work well with caching.
35. Documenting GraphQL APIs
The main reason for writing API documentation is to make your API understandable. For GraphQL there are many options. Both interactive and static documentation.
36. How to Auto-Generate Certificates
This tutorial will teach how to auto-generate certificates with ease.
37. What Makes The Teeing Method In The Java API So Cool
Last week, I described a use-case for a custom Stream Collector. I received a intriguing comment on Twitter...
38. Thierry Schellenbach co-founded Stream after struggling to scale activity feeds
Interview with Thierry Schellenbach, co-founder & CEO of Stream, a provider of APIs and SDKs that enable product teams to add in-app chat and activity feeds.
39. API Architecture: Components and Best Practices
While API Architecture and API Design are different, when it comes to securing them, both need to be kept in focus.
40. Going Beneath the GraphQL Federated API
Want to understand how GraphQL Federation works? Follow on
41. Breaking Down 3 API Security Breaches
The following three API security breaches provide helpful lessons for improving security today.
42. How to Build Your First NodeJS Server with ExpressJS
Initialize the project:
43. API-as-a-Service is the Next Step in the Software World's Evolution
APIs are the foundational building blocks on which the software world is being built. What will the next wave of API-as-a-service winners look like?
44. Getting to Know gRPC
Need a quick beginner's guide to gRPC? What is it? How do you set up a client and server, and make an RPC call? All your answers are here!
45. Build a Video Conferencing App using SignalWire and Vue 3
Using the SignalWire Video API and Javascript SDK you can quickly build an app that leverages powerful video conferencing features along with Room Previews and
46. How to Integrate Github with Google Sheets Using Choreo
A step-by-step tutorial on how to integrate Github with Google Sheets!
47. Insomnia & Rest Can Go Together: 6 Amazing Insomnia REST Features
How to use Insomnia REST to speed up API development and testing? Environment variables, Requests Chaining, Requests History and other features to the rescue!
48. The Noonification: Getting Your API Into Production (10/28/2022)
10/28/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
49. Creating Telegram Bots with n8n, a No-Code Platform
I am a big fan of Telegram because of its great bot-ecosystem. I have been planning to make a bot for a while and have been looking for some nice workflow tools that can help me accomplish handling the back-end workflow of the bots visually. Recently, I started working with n8n, a fair-code licensed tool that helps you automate tasks, sync data between various sources and react to events all via a visual workflow editor.
50. How to Pin Mobile gRPC Connections
Last-mile Security for gRPC-connected mobile APIs
51. Improve API Performance by Using Debounce in JavaScript
Imagine your web application makes requests to an API endpoint and each request has a price, debouncing the request operation may save you a great deal of money
52. How Do APIs Provide a Foundation for Software Innovation
Get a comprehensive Guide about Application Programming Technology or API in a layman's language.
53. What Are Webhooks and How to Hook Them up in Your Application
In the world of REST APIs, webhooks are saviors in knowing when an event has happened.
54. Top Startups With the Best Designed Third-Party APIs
Do you wonder if third-party API integrations services are even beneficial for you? Read more to eliminate any doubts you have about the third-party API.
55. How to Mail Your Holiday Cards Programmatically
Forget pens or stamps—Mail your holiday cards programmatically
56. How a Data Privacy Vault Protects PHI for Healthtech Users
With healthcare apps and wearables that gather customer PHI, healthtech companies need a data privacy vault to ensure HIPAA compliance and build customer trust.
57. Web Share API Tutorial: Cool And Simple Way To Implement Share Button
One of the coolest features nowadays on Website World is the Web Share API, this feature provides the ability to share content on a website like we do share action on native applications.
58. Network Information API: How to Access Network Connection Speed Info
This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
59. From Python to Telegram: Build your own Notification System
Learn how to send messages from python script to Telegram chat.
60. The API-based Business Model
Nothing beats the success story of a visionary leader who decides to take a bold course that sets the standard for how an industry operates. In the realm of technology, one of these stories is the infamous API mandate that Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, sent out in 2002. For many technologists, the mandate wasn’t just the regular email, but it was the moment that the digital platform as we know it today was born. What is often overlooked, however, is that the interface-mandate (i.e., API-mandate) not only revolutionized internet technology development but it also changed how new business models came to be and how a wealth of new value was created.
61. How To Create Golang REST API: Project Layout Configuration [Part 3]
Good cake is the one you can easily slice into parts with no crumbs falling apart. That's all this project is about: 3 simple parts, no nasty additives. In part 1 and part 2 I've explained the basics of setting up golang project using docker, creating configurable server, interacting with DB, adding routes and handlers.
62. One API to Rule Them All? Examining the Ubiquity API for Blockchain Protocol Management
One of the great strengths of the blockchain sector is the vast multitude, and ever-increasing number of protocols in existence. These protocols offer incredible diversity in the functions and use cases that they deliver for developers and enterprises alike, with particular strengths and weaknesses inherent to particular blockchains.
63. Analyzing Twitter Conversations with the New Twitter V2 API
Getting actionable insights around a topic using the new Twitter API v2 endpoint
64. #FoundersConnect: Interview with Michael 'Trojan' Okoh - Co-founder and CTO, ThePeer
22-year old Founder of ThePeer, Michael Trojan Okoh, shares his story with me.
65. How to Build a QR Code Generator for Slack with Just 7 Lines of Code
Hey, remember QR Codes?
66. Low-code: Solving the Dark Arts of API Deployment
Creating APIs may be easy, but maintenance and deployment is more often than not, time-consuming and difficult. But it doesn't have to be.
67. Startup Interview with Christine Bottagaro, Resurface Labs Co-founder
Resurface Labs was nominated as one of the best startups in Boulder in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon.
68. Creating a Webhook URL: A Guide for AWS, Heroku, and GCP
This article will provide a brief guide on creating a webhook URL in three popular cloud platforms: AWS, Heroku, and GCP.
69. Terraform Planets with the Planetoid API Package in Python
70. Exploring the Alchemy NFT API
It takes a lot of time and labor to go through each NFT smart contract to retrieve data. Different pre-built NFT APIs can be utilized to address this problem.
71. UMA (User-Managed Access) 2.0: How It Works And What It Can Be Used For
User-Managed Access (UMA) is an OAuth-based access management protocol standard. Introduction to UMA and where it can be used.
72. A Guide to Using MongoDB Database in a ASP NET Core Web API Application
When you think about database providers for ASP NET Core apps, you probably think about Entity Framework Core (EF Core), which handles interacting with SQL databases. But what about the NoSQL options? A popular option for NoSQL is MongoDB. So in this article we're going to learn how to create a simple ASP NET Core CRUD API using MongoDB as the database provider.
73. API Automation: 5 Areas to Focus on
API automation goes beyond testing: here are 5 automation areas to focus on in your API program.
74. How Software Development Teams Can be More Productive with Platform Ops
Managing the scale needs of API teams is a difficult task. Here is how Platform Ops can help.
75. Payload Transformations: All of Your Questions Answered
Transformations are an excellent feature for interfacing with different applications.
76. How to Secure Admin Access to Apache APISIX
In this post, I've shown several non-exclusive options you should consider to secure Apache APISIX.
77. How to Use Mock API in Playwright
Mocking API is a common feature in testing frameworks. In Playwright, to do that, you have to use the page.route method.
78. Tips for Developers to Survive API-First
The world of API-First has swept developer marketing by storm. Learn some tips to get a grip on this trend and avoid being blindsided!
79. How to Set up an API Gateway for Your Microservices
How to deploy a single node Kong API gateway in front of multiple microservices?
80. Why You Should Consider Low-Code Approach to Building a REST API
APIs have been around for decades – they allow different systems to talk to each other in a seamless, fast fashion – yet it’s been during the past decade that this technology has become a significant force.
So then why all the interest in APIs? We all know the usual stories – Uber, Airbnb, Apple Pay… the list goes on, and the reasons are plentiful. Today the question is, how? Perhaps you are looking to differentiate your business or want a first-mover advantage. How can you execute quickly and at low cost/risk to try new market offerings?
An API provides several benefits to an organisation, but without a dedicated team of trained developers, it might seem like an implausible option. Developers are expensive, and it can take months to develop an API from the ground up. If you don’t fancy outsourcing or have the capability in house to build internal APIs, a low-code platform might just be the answer.
81. How to Use Notion as a Content Management System (CMS) for Your Applications
Using Notion as a headless CMS for mobile and web applications
82. 7 Best Application Integration Tools to Consider for 2022
Application integration is the process of allowing independently developed apps to communicate with one another.
83. Handling Data Integrity Issues Like a Pro
What do you do if an API you reference sends 200 - OK but an error message? What do you do when a critical column is missing from your Excel upload? Read me.
84. Build a Java Backend that Connects with Salesforce
A discussion on how to implement Java and SFDC applications. Let's start talking!
85. Using Infura's NFT API With Lootbox
Learn about Infura's new NFT API and how you can use it to build and interact with NFTs without writing smart contracts. Then see it in action with Lootbox.
86. Using Git Hooks for Automated Secrets Detection
Git hooks are extremely useful in the journey to replace as much of the human factor in the process of secure development as possible.
87. Creating Appsync API using Amplify CLI
While using any services from AWS you can do it via their API,Console or CLI tool like amplify, amplify was designed specifically to work with AWS and to make it easier for developers to deploy applications on the cloud just by running some commands, In this blog i will be showing you how can you create an Appsync API with Amplify, It will have auto generated resolvers for all the queries,mutation and DynamoDB as the database.Yes you read that right everything will be created for you by AWS using cloudformation which acts as template for all the services that you will be needing. So before we get started i encourage you to install Amplify CLI on your computer and configure it with your Credentials. Let’s get started now.
88. How To Create a Google SERP Checker in Python
The goal of SEO is to get your website to the top of the search engine. One excellent way of tracking SEO progress is by checking the Search engine result pages (SERPs) of a website.
89. Weather API Integration: 7 Key Issues Developers Must Know
A must-read article for all developers when integrating a weather API into your app, product or website. Maximize the potential of your weather data!
90. Benefits of Automation Through API Integration
This piece is about the benefits of using API system to enhance productivity and ease of work.
91. The Noon Notification—Monday 10 February, 2020
The best tech stories published on hackernoon.com in the last 48 hours. Sign up for the newsletter today.
92. How to Handle REST API Requests in React
REST APIs are commonly used in web development. They are programming interfaces that web apps use to 'talk' to each other. They are used to access features and data. 'REST' (Representational State Transfer) is a concept that defines the APIs properties. This article will focus on the use of web-based APIs to retrieve data from a database.
93. Testing REST APIs easily in Python with pyhttptest
Nowadays every one of us is facing REST APIs by either developing or consuming such a service. Also, we’re in the trendy era of microservices, where we splitting our business logic into small separate services independent from each one. Mostly these services follow RESTful principles and using the JSON format for communication, which became the most widely used format, because of its simplicity.
94. What Is A Transaction Relayer And How Does It Work?
Article written by Vincent Le Gallic - CTO @Rockside
95. How to Reduce Costs via Dense Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster Packing
Since the load is unstable, we pack modules very tightly to save on costs, and reselling resources is our best strategy.
96. Data Plane, Control Plane, and Their APIs [Service Mesh Explained]
If terms “data plane”, “control plane”, “API” and them being used in one sentence confuse you when it comes to service mesh — this article is for you.
97. How to Choose the Best API Integration Platform
Discover the most important things to consider when choosing an API integration platform for your B2B SaaS company.
98. Getting Authentication Correct
(Photo by Sebastiaan Stam on Unsplash)
99. Designing and Developing the Integration of Your Online Shopping Store
WSO2 Integration Studio is a development environment for designing, developing, debugging, and testing integration solutions.
100. A Beginners Guide to Learn Mock Fetching in jest
I am writing this post to show how to mock and test fetch with jest-fetch-mock. let's suppose that you are using Jest and you are comfortable with “async/await”.
101. API Technologies and How They Will Help Create the Metaverse
API's such as tyny.dev will be used more heavily in the future, as the Metaverse proliferates.
102. We Surveyed 28,252 Developers and Professionals about APIs. Here's What We Learned.
Recently, I worked with our team at Postman to field the 2021 State of the API survey and report. We’re extraordinarily grateful to the folks who participated—more than 28,000 developers and API professionals took the survey, making it the largest and most comprehensive annual study of APIs, ever. Curious what we learned? Here are a few findings you might find interesting:
103. How to get data from API in Excel
How to get data from API JSON in Excel table with the simplest tutorial with formula. Ready to go open-sourced VBA formula with intuitive video tutorial
104. How to Handle REST API Requests in React
REST APIs are commonly used in web development. They are programming interfaces that web apps use to 'talk' to each other. They are used to access features and data. 'REST' (Representational State Transfer) is a concept that defines the APIs properties. This article will focus on the use of web-based APIs to retrieve data from a database.
105. Type Identity and its Impact on API Design
When designing an API, it's easy to use public types that denote resource identity to allow actions on a resource.
106. How to Keep Sensitive Data Out of Your Logs
Do you protect customer PII and PHI, keeping them out of your logs? Learn about why and how to isolate this sensitive data with a data privacy vault and API.
107. Celebrate Open Source with Hacktoberfest
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software.
108. 5 Best Practices for Integrating with External APIs
the must-have practices if you use external APIs
109. The Complete Microservice Tutorial: Introduction [Part 1]
Project Link: https://github.com/Joker666/microservice-demo/
110. Welcome to: The Low Code Wave
Software vendors seem to be in a hurry for a slice of the low code pie.
111. Why do we Need the JSON Web Token (JWT) in the Modern Web Era?
Hold on tight: the HTTP protocol is terribly flawed(*) and when it comes to user authentication this problem screams loudly.
112. Creating API with Bash Code in AWS Lambda and API Gateway
Amazon web services (AWS) is a powerful platform for almost every webservice you can imagine. With AWS API Gateway and Lambda you are able to create REST API’s with ease! API gateway is enables you to create the API. Lambda lets you execute code when the API is invoked. This code can be in many programming languages like Python or Node.JS.
113. Help Users Determine Their Carbon Footprint With These APIs
Carbon footprint APIs help both companies and users to track and offset their carbon input while also help the community by supporting environmental projects.
114. Axios or Fetch: What Is Better for HTTP Requests?
Ever wondered why developers are going for Axios over fetch? As we are aware both are the means to deal with HTTP or XMLHttp requests, Both are capable of making all types of API calls (get, post,put.. etc.). Both are based on Promise API which is native to ES6. But what are the major points to be noted?
115. What We Learned from Working with Modules: Summary
Read our overview of the modular architecture. What we learned from working with modules, in Android and iOS. Key takeaways inside.
116. 4 APIs Every Startup Should Know About
Your Startup is looking for ways to work more efficiently and improve your customer experience? This article shows you 4 APIs that can help you.
117. How to Expose Your API Endpoint Using Choreo
Choreo allows you to create, publish and manage all aspects of an API and its’ lifecycle.
118. How to do API Caching with Dio and Hive in Flutter
With this short guide you can add caching to your flutter app that requests an API or a web server and receives information that is required to be stored.
119. Using a REST API with Python
Requesting fitness data (backlog) from Terra requires HTTP requests, so I’m writing an essential guide here on using a REST API with Python.
120. How To Improve Your Backend By Adding Retries to Your API Calls
Whether you're making API calls from Node.js or in the browser, connection failures are going to happen eventually. Some request errors are valid. Maybe the endpoint was wrong or the client sent the wrong data. Other times you can be sure that the error is the result of a problem with the connection to the server or one of the many hops in-between. While API and web service monitoring can inform you about the problem, a more active solution can take care of it for you.
121. When You Should use Redux with APIs
Have you been studying React and heard about Redux at some point, right? You get interested and start learning the concepts behind Redux, everything cool until now, but then you start working on a project that makes some API calls and you start wondering, when should I use Redux?
122. How to Test the Performance of Your User Authentication Flow
Performance Testing of User Authentication Flow with Ddosify Open Source Load Engine
123. The Dangers of False Interpretations When Using the Promises API
JavaScript Promises have an API that can lead to incorrect interpreting of potential results by developers. This is how it works and how to avoid the error.
124. Store API Credentials Safely: Obfuscation Before Encryption is Key
How to keep API secrets and keep peace of mind.
125. Configuring Multi Cluster Setup in Postman
If you are testing REST APIs application with Oauth on Postman, generally you do the following,
126. My Cat, FastAPI and a Template
I really liked FastAPI. So, I decided to read all its docs, and instead of having study notes, memos, or whatever, I wrote it all as a template
127. Create a Temporary Gmail Account With Python
Sometimes you come across a number of adverts and websites that you need to signup for but don’t completely trust.
128. How To Send Emails with Nodejs and EmailJS Module
It’s 2021 and JavaScript has taken over the development landscape. At this point there is a JavaScript library or framework for everything. So you have a few different options if you want to send emails directly from your browser side code. For example you can always just include your email handle in a link. If your users have their system set up correctly a simple click will open their email account with your email in the mailto: slot(aka send). However as a developer this seems less than ideal because it requires that your users have the proper set up to handle the action.
129. Answering Apache Cassandra FAQs
Here are some of the top things developers want to know about the highly scalable, reliable NoSQL data store Cassandra.
130. How to Create a Simple Flask Application for Book Search
How one can make a simple single page Flask application using the free education API Gutendex to create a book search? Read on to know...
131. Writing CRUD operations for a Swift API 🍭🍦
HELLO INTERNET.🍭🍦 In this video I go into creating CRUD endpoints for a Swift API !! 🖥
132. The 6 Core Concepts for HTTP Caching
The 6 core concepts you need to know to understand HTTP caching.
Don’t want to spend hours and hours reading RFCs and documentation ? Read this guide instead!
133. Top 4 Stock Market APIs Of 2021
Choosing the best stock market API can be difficult, here we breakdown the best 4 options in 2021
134. How To Setup Environmental Variables In A Rails Application
Security is and will always be a very big deal, this is largely true in all spheres of life but more-so in software development. One costly mistake can leave you vulnerable to stolen API Keys and Secrets, we wouldn't want that now, would we?
135. What Role do DeviceCheck and SafetyNet play in App Authentication?
Both iOS and Android provide built-in device-level checks which can help prevent mobile application abuse. On iOS, DeviceCheck provides a way to associate a few pieces of information per app with each device, On Android, SafetyNet device attestation attempts to ensure that a device is running in a safe environment. These are useful capabilities, but they are only a small part of an in-depth mobile app and API protection scheme.
136. Building an API in Rust with Rocket.rs and Diesel.rs Following Clean Architecture
In this guide I’m going to walk you through the process of building a simple CRUD API from scratch in Rust using Rocket.rs.
137. Code to the Future
How can you make sure that your avant-garde idea pans out?
138. Visualizing The Data: Spotify Data for Favorite Artists Over Time
How do your favorite artists change over time? This is the story of how I visualized my favorite artists from Spotify in a Plotly chart using Python.
139. Data Pipelines: OpenWeatherMap-Airflow [A How-To Guide]
In this article, we will learn how to develop ETL(Extract Transform Load) pipeline using Apache Airflow. Here are list of things that we will do in this article:
140. The 'Cloud 100' is Pretty Much a List of APIs. Find out why.
Why (nearly) every company in the Forbes' Cloud 100 has a public application programming interface (API).
141. API Error Handling in React
I will tell you what formats for common handlers exist and why it is better to agree on a single format with the backend than to fence a new solution every time
142. Build an API using Ballerina
Ballerina language is the latest cloud-native programming language that supports building backend applications and integration workflows easily.
143. What We Can Learn From Facebook’s Latest Outage
A GitHub issue reported a change to the Facebook API causing crashes to happen on many request made from Facebook’s iOS SDK.
144. How Can an API-Based Web-To-Print Solution Benefit E-Commerce Businesses?
Successful integration of a W2P solution can help an organization in various ways. First, it allows their clients and prospects to place orders quickly and easi
145. 5 Ways to Add Security to Excel & PDF with .NET Document APIs
Learn how GcExcel helps to ensure your application’s code security in these 5 ways!
146. Getting the Latest Content From Kontent.ai
For content that updates regularly in Kontent.ai, use the X-KC-Wait-For-Loading-New-Content header to ensure that your content is fresh
147. A Guide to Delivering a Low-code API
This guide will take you through the steps to build and host an API using a low-code platform.
148. .Net Core 3.0 API and Swashbuckle: Disabled Model Binding and XML Document File
Swashbuckle is a handy tool which you can use to document your API. It's very powerful and in my opinion, that implies that it's quite complex and can be a bit overwhelming. I used it recently on a project and found myself spending more than a few hours of searching the internet to find the answers to all my questions. Considering the time it took me to put everything together, I decided it was worth to share my findings.
149. An Intro to Services Oriented Architecture for Internal Tools
Like it did at Amazon, implementing an SOA across your products and data sources will unlock the power of internal tooling.
150. If You Want To Write The 1st API Test In JavaScript You Can Be Proud Of, Read These Tips
In this post, we'll take a look at what tools/technologies do we need for writing API tests using JavaScript and then we'll also write our first API test. So let's get started...
151. How To Make A Cost Effective API Serverless Infrastructures
AWS API Gateway is a great service but can be quite expensive, and even cost-prohibitive in some cases.
152. Beginners Guide to Fetch API
This is not the same average blog post you have seen on many sites. This is something new and amazing.
153. CRUD and the 7 RESTful actions
When I’m learning something new I like to talk to myself about it until I feel I understand it. You can feel when you’re just hiding behind the fact that no one else is questioning you, and you’re really just kind of lying to yourself. “Yeah yeah, REST, CRUD, awfully simple…”
154. Application Programming Interface (API): What it is and How to Use it
APIs are less like USB ports or fire hoses than they are as a person at a help desk in a foreign country. An API will not give you all of a program’s information or code (like a fire hose), because what would stop you from replicating the entire code base? Instead, an API provides you with data its programmers have made available to outside users. Even so, you have to know the language and ask the right questions to do anything with this data.
155. How to Fetch Data from APIs Using useEffect React Hook
In this article, we will take a look at useEffect React hook to fetch data from an API. We will create a sample React application to pull data from the provider and use it in our application.
156. I Wrote a Library to Make Using localStorage Easier.
When I use localStorage, I find myself storing objects a lot and I want to have a simpler syntax. So I created a library called localStore.
157. NAB’s API: The Big Reveal
We’re working on a more detailed follow up to the high-level research we did into APIs and the ASX100. As part of the follow-up, I’m looking into the APIs offered by ASX100 companies and, for no scientific reason, chose to start with an analysis of NAB’s developer portal.
158. Top Transcription APIs and Open Source Libraries in 2022
This article looks at some of the top transcription APIs and open source libraries available on the market today.
159. Build a Lightweight REST API with Salesforce and Postman
Salesforce can expose custom-coded services to third-party applications, either as SOAP web services or REST APIs.
160. JSON Web Token: How To Secure Your Data With JWT
A JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a way for securely transferring information between two parties. It can be used for an authentication system. As this information is digitally signed, it can be verified and trusted.
161. OpenAPI 3.0 Schema with Swagger UI for Django RESTful App
Let’s use drf-spectacular to simplify creation of beautiful docs for your Django application according to the OpenAPI Specification version 3. Sounds easy? It wasn’t for me…
162. Scraping Information From LinkedIn Into CSV using Python
In this post, we are going to scrape data from Linkedin using Python and a Web Scraping Tool. We are going to extract Company Name, Website, Industry, Company Size, Number of employees, Headquarters Address, and Specialties.
163. 6 Stock APIs to Use in 2021 [Review]
We have checked all of them, based on specific parameters to find the best stock data API and what APIs professional traders are using.
164. Crypto APIs' Role within Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
What is Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)?
165. API Development: Build a Predictive Machine Learning Site With React and Python (Part 2)
Sequel to the last article: We will be building a machine learning API that will predict whether a candidate will or will not be hired.
166. Exploring the API-First Design Pattern
Learn how the API-first design pattern is a carbon copy of the successful writing approach that John Vester has leveraged for several years.
167. Fragmented Databases: Access Easily With Utility APIs
We have released a set of FREE utility APIs, which we hope, will help individual developers, startups, and companies alike. Find out more!
168. How to Get Featured on Postman
Postman has a lot to offer for API users and you can leverage these features to make a better developer experience for your products.
169. Adding OAuth2 to Mobile Android and iOS Clients Using the AppAuth SDK
OAuth2, often combined with OpenID-Connect, is a popular authorization framework that enables applications to protect resources from unauthorized access. It delegates user authentication to an authorization service, which then authorizes third-party applications to access the protected resources on the user’s behalf. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for both web and mobile applications.
170. How to Sell an API to Non-Developers
When selling an API to a non-developer, there’s an extra level of complexity involved: many of these people don’t know what an API is or what it can do for them.
171. How We Built Our API Management App: Design Iterations and All
This is how we built our all-in-one Treblle app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. I'll cover some technical details and guide you through our thought processes.
172. Integrating API-first Optimized Video Using a Headless CMS
Video is hard. Encoding, serving the right version to the right browser, device optimization, bandwidth consideration, it’s all pretty daunting. Thankfully there’s Mux and the new Mux Videos Extension, which allow you to add best-in-class video delivery to your application without the headache.
173. OpenAPI Specification v. 3+ Introduction
Mental Checklist
174. A Review of API Design Patterns: The Pros and Cons
Nonetheless, it's a great book that I recommend to any developer entering the world of APIs or even one with more experience to round up their knowledge.
175. How to Create an NFT Viewer With Infura's New NFT API
Viewing and managing digital collectibles (NFTs) can be a challenge for developers. In this tutorial, we walk through Infura's new API for viewing NFTs.
176. Take the Slow Boat in Life and Enjoy the Trip: Interview with Noonies Nominee Miguel
Gosh! Got nominated three times for the noontime awards.
177. Implement Dynamics REST API using Node.js [Tutorial]
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business applications platform that combines components of customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), along with productivity applications and artificial intelligence tools, although currently Dynamics is more popular for its CRM capabilities.
178. Keeping Up With Digital Transformation: Career Advice For Java Professionals
If you are an experienced Java developer and you want to know how to get ahead in these unprecedented times, then adding digital transformation skills to your resume will give you the boost you want.
179. How to Use Google Sheets API with Nodejs
First of all, a brief overview of our use case. Let's say I have a spreadsheet on Google Sheets which is not public and I want to be able to read/modify programmatically through some batch process running on my local machine or some server. This is something I had to do recently with a Node.js application and I found the authentication part a bit tricky to understand. So I thought of sharing my solution and I hope it helps someone in need. There might be better ways of doing this but I am sharing what worked best for me.
180. Consider gRPC for Mobile APIs
Evaluating gRPC Request-Response, Authentication, and Streaming
181. How To Connect Avalara’s AvaTax with Stripe Subscriptions
It’s supposed to be easy. Eventually, it is.
182. Let's Make An API And Sell It
APIs are in high demand. Making an API that companies want to use would be even better if you could sell it, too. This is how to do it with every step inside.
183. APIs to Foster Loyalty in Your Customers
Loyalty programs enhance business operations in multiple ways.
184. How to Use the Google Sheets API with Python
Tutorial describing the steps to configure a Google Cloud Platform project to allow programmatic integration with the Google Sheets API via Python.
185. How to Fetch Statistics From YouTube API Using Python
In this article, we’ll learn how to use the YouTube API to get the full playlists of any channel (not only your own) and get all videos from a playlist.
186. 'The North Star of Our Success Is the Impact We Have on American Borrowers': Tomas Campos
We're the embedded finance solution for consumer debt that any application can integrate with. Embed payments, refinance, debt management, automation, and more.
187. Everything You Need to Know About PSD2 and Open Banking
The financial industry has grown incredibly large over the past several decades. From conventional bank wire and cash payments, our financial systems have quickly evolved into online-driven, e-wallet-type platforms where almost every major or minor transaction is just several clicks away.
188. How to Make Composites Requests Against Salesforce
Journey into the Salesforce API and learn what composite requests bring to the table: reductions of API requests and help you avoid cyclomatic complexity issues
189. Multiprocessing for heavy API requests with Python and the PokéAPI
While working on a recent project, I realized that heavy processes for python like scrapping could be made easier though python's multiprocessing library. The documentation and community engaging in multiprocessing is fairly sparse, so I wanted to share some of my learnings through an example project of scrapping the PokéAPI. Below I wrote a bit of code that pulls all of the available pokémon while minding the API's 100 calls per 60 second limits. You'll see that the iteration is fairly slow as there are 964 pokémon the API returns.
190. Machine Learning Model with FLASK REST API
In this tutorial we will see how you can make your first REST API for Machine Learning Model using FLASK. We will start by creating machine learning model. Then we will see step-by-step procedure to create API using Flask and test it using Postman.
191. WebSockets & API Gateway
A quick, hands-on demo
192. RESTful API design with Node.js
It’s a remarkable beast of a tool, Node.js. If you’re a beginner, aspiring coder, or IT student, it may be hard to wrap your head around it, but when you eventually get used to it, it’s eyeopening. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of API design, teaching you how to set up the backbone of a REST API and how to structure your code in a logical manner.
193. Connecting Vue.js with OAuth Based API
I'm 99% sure that you've already used an OAuth based API.
194. How To Easily Validate Startup Ideas
The first step in building a startup is validating the idea. It is a huge risk building a product without know if there are demand for it. The easiest and cheapest way to validate a start up idea is always cold email people at first.
195. HarperDB: Build Your Application Backend in One Place with Custom Functions
Introducing the newest innovation from HarperDB: HarperDB Custom Functions. With the release of HarperDB 3.1 users are able to define their own API endpoints within HarperDB. What does that mean for you? HarperDB grows from a distributed database to a distributed application development platform with integrated persistence - one that can serve as a single solution for all of your backend needs. We’re collapsing the stack!
196. Spring Boot Quick Start: Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners
How to create spring boot application using Spring Initializr and creating spring boot rest api example
197. 10 Threats to an Open API Ecosystem
Despite tight economic situations worldwide, the API economy continues to grow.
198. Creating Custom API Endpoints in Salesforce with Apex
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a messaging protocol based on requests and responses using an XML format.
199. The Future of Serverless API Development is Now
Today, we are excited to announce the launch of WunderGraph Cloud! Today, we are excited to announce the launch of WunderGraph Cloud!
200. Why SDKs Are Important in the Development of Modern Applications
SDK is really popular today and it can save your money and time. How to choose it: read here and now.
201. Open Banking and the Nigerian FinTech: Everything You Need to Know
By supporting incubators, accelerators, and other innovation hubs, Nigeria can create an environment that nurtures home-grown FinTechs...
202. "It's all about the customer", said Sohaib Zahid, Co-Founder and CEO of Railz
Railz was nominated as one of the best startups in Toronto in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon.
203. Is GraphQL Still a Thing in 2020?
GraphQL has become the most loved tool for API development in a very short span of time, and developers across the world cannot seem to get enough of it. Today I met with the founder of Windsor.io, Pranay Prakash, who has worked on the team behind GraphQL during his time at Facebook. I chatted with him to find out more about his experience working closely with Lee Byron, the creator of GraphQL, and some of GraphQL’s benefits.
204. A Look at Use of API Gateways When Creating Complex Systems
API Gateways can help you create microservices and micro frontends, and expose rich APIs to your customers while keeping things simple on your company.
205. Build Your First API Server From Scratch With JAVA and Minikube
With this article, you may build your simple API server on JAVA
without super-knowledge, and deploy it on minikube automatically with scripts.
206. Using AWS API Gateway as a Load Balancer
TL;DR: yes, API Gateway can replace what a Load Balancer would usually provide, with a simpler interface and many more features on top of it. The downside is that it doesn’t come cheap.
207. How to Build a Model Train Calculator the Right Way
Using Javascript to build a calculator for the cost of assembling model trains by combining API functions and a Wordpress site to streamline the process.
208. 5 Best Stock Market APIs: A Guide for Data Scientists & Algorithmic Traders
Best stock market data APIs for data scientists and algorithmic traders: Alpha Vantage, Barchart OnDemand, Tradier, Intrinio, and Xignite.
209. Building 'The Builder' - The Road from Commit to Production in 13s
How we built "The Builder": the challenges we faced and how to build a modern, reliable, and quick continuous integration and deployment system.
210. How to Stream Real-Time Heart Rate with WebSockets
How to use Websockets, to stream heart rate data in real-time.
211. Automating a Conference Submission Workflow: Solution Integration
In the previous post, I described a poster child for automation: managing the repetitive tasks around a conference submission workflow. I wrote about the setup, and how to use ngrok to redirect webhooks to my computer. This week, I’d like to write about some of the hiccups I encountered along the way.
212. Top Reasons People Succeed In The Exchange Rate API Industry
When it comes to finance and trade, the currency is a crucial component. Businesses that deal with foreign marketplaces require up-to-date information on currencies and their quickly fluctuating values.
213. How Banking APIs Can Help Businesses Launch Quickly
Any company, be it a startup or an enterprise, that needs to collaborate with a legacy financial institution has several hurdles to overcome on the way.
214. You're Not Using HTTP Status Codes Right
In this article, we will be discussing some of the common mistakes that developers do when using HTTP status codes.
215. How to Write API Documentation the Right Way
API documentation is a critical part of any application's success.
216. Image Storage in Rails Apps Using Cloudinary and Active Storage
Ruby on Rails has an awesome gem to upload, store and display images: Active Storage. It's very easy to use and it comes with a local disk-based service, that should be enough to store everything you need if you just want to practice using Rails.
217. Public ASX100 APIs: The Essential List
We’ve conducted some initial research into the public APIs of the ASX100 because we regularly have conversations about what others are doing with their APIs and what best practices look like. Being able to point to good local examples and explain what is happening in Australia is a key part of this conversation.
218. Why We Switched from NGINX Is to KONG API Gateway
For many developers, NGINX would be the primary choice for reverse proxy. However, we moved on to something more exciting! NGINX move over, here comes the Kong!
219. How to Build an Angular Image Feed
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to build a user-driven photo gallery, powered by Angular, hosted on the Cosmic JS App Server.
220. Understanding WebRTC
What is WebRTC?
221. How To Earn With Play-to-Earn: Basics of Hottest Crypto Trend Right Now
Play-to-Earn or GameFi protocols became mainstream in Q3-Q4, 2021 - and euphoria around them still gains steam.
222. Svix CEO on Webhook Architecture Design
Svix founder and CEO Tom Hacohen sat down with Head of Growth Ken Ruf to talk about webhook architecture and the best practices everyone should follow.
223. Converting TEX to PDF Using an API
This article presents a step-by-step tutorial with which you can convert your LaTeX source file to PDF by calling a JSON to PDF API to generate dynamic PDFs.
224. Building RESTful Web Service Using C++, Swagger UI And Auto-Documented Endpoints
This is a 5 minutes tutorial how-to-use Oat++ (AKA oatpp) web framework to build your own C++ performant web-service and integrate it with Swagger-UI.
225. First experiences with React Native: bridging an Android native module for app authentication
Photo by NGO TUNG on Unsplash
226. Automating Instagram API Using Python: Gain Active Followers
Hi Devs!
227. Cybersecurity in Crypto Trading: Beyond Bad Trading Decisions
3Commas case raised questions about security in crypto trading. There are no solutions that work 100% but you can reduce risks by paying attention to details.
228. GraphQL vs REST: API Design Best Practices For Long-Running Operations
Some best practices for API design projects that are intended to work over the course of a long-term operation within a larger organisation using GraphQL
229. Sending Events and Logs to Discord via Python
How to Send your Events and Logs to Discord via Python
230. Filestack And Other OCR APIs
OCR software enables the digitization of essential data in paper documents and photographs.
231. Fetch Data From an API in React.js Using React Hooks
Create a web page that takes a city name as input and provides weather data about the city.
232. Error 429 Too Many Requests: What to Do When You've Been Rate Limited?
Your application is running smoothly. Tests have passed. Suddenly you start to see 429 error responses from an API. As the name implies, you have made too many requests and your application has been rate limited. The 429 (Too Many Requests) error is an HTTP status code that often occurs when you've hit a request limitation of an API.
233. How to use NLP to SQL API?
Data is useless without the ability to easily get and act on it. The success of future enterprises will combine sophisticated information collection with better user experience, and the Natural Language User Interface comprises much of this user experience.
234. API Integrations Can Give Your Business A Single Source of Truth
An Application Program Interface (API) is a bunch of capacities or systems that gives programs admittance to a typical information source.
235. Building an Arduino Time Tracker Cube with Toggl's Open API
How to build your own Time Tracker out of Cardboard Paper and Toggl's Open APIs
236. The Difference Between First-Party and Third-Party Oracles
Oracles are a way of getting data from source to another. Here is how both first-party and third-party oracles work in a blockchain and how that helps.
237. Back-end Data and API Prototyping with Faker.js and JSON-Server
238. Set up WebSocket for Your ReactJS-app in 5 Minutes!
Make the most out of your ReactJS app with the help of WebSocket on no-code Directual! An easy way to make a chat app, get notifications, and much more.
239. How To Build An API Without Coding [Python]
I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life as a System Engineer, which means when I first had to build an API, I had no idea how to do it. I knew python quite a bit since as a SysAdmin I often had to write some smaller or bigger scripts, but building the whole API was a challenge for me. Sure — I could just google the phrase and find dozens of tutorials on how to build an API, but all of them were somehow complicated or created for raw developers (which means — with assumptions that you know already all the tools and frameworks that developers use).
240. API Testing Tools: 15 Quality Tools to Look Into
The number of API testing tools on the market for you and your team to try out and select will probably take forever.
241. Hands On Mobile API Security: Pinning Client Connections
Add TLS and Certificate Pinning While Removing Client Secrets
242. GraphQL Subscriptions: Using SSE/Fetch over Websockets
"WebSockets should be deprecated for GraphQL Subscriptions. Instead, we're proposing to use Server Sent Events."
243. API Explained In Simple Terms
I'm pretty sure you would have heard the term API, and if you were wondering what it is, then this is the article for you.
244. Scaling to Infinity: Innovating the Worker Queue
When building applications, it's common to be coordinating frontends, databases, worker queues, and APIs. Traditionally, queues and APIs are kept separate; queues handle long-running or CPU intensive tasks and APIs serve quick responses to keep applications snappy.
245. How to Build a Music Recognition Chatbot on WhatsApp Using Node.js
Application example using Node.js where a simple chatbot will be implemented on the WhatsApp for music recognition.
246. What is an API, Simply Explained
Connectivity is something amazing. Right now, we are used to use our computers or phones to buy, post, watch, etc. We can do lots of things actually. We are connected to the world and to each other.
247. The RTK Query, API Splitting Approach, and the Nuances of "Making Life Simpler"
RTK Query is definitely a cool library however it’s sadly not applicable to all of the use cases possible with an API.
248. What’s New in Swell 0.6.0?
Swell is a cross-platform compatible (Mac, Linux, & Windows) desktop application and the leading API dev tool for testing and visualizing steaming TCP connections (i.e., WebSockets, SSEs, GraphQL subscriptions). Swell functions similarly to Postman, but with the added perks of full streaming and GraphQL support. Being an Open Source project, Swell is 100% free and open to outside contributions. For details on how it works, see our previous article here.
249. Simple Framework To Document Microservices And A Bonus Tool 🚀
Over the years of working with microservices, we discovered key points that you have to keep track of in order to maintain good ...
250. The API Connectivity Problem: Connecting Off-Chain Businesses
APIs make up the backbone of many web apps and much of the internet cannot work without of them. However, the Blockchain is not compatible with APIs, a problem.
251. Marketplace API Integration For High-Volume Software Companies
Explore the details connected to APIs of Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart marketplaces and find out how to develop the integration with all of them.
252. Creating RESTful Web APIs With Node.js And Express: You Can’t Mess Up The Right One
One of the main reasons for using Node.js is that you can create quickly RESTful web APIs with it. Express is a popular web framework helping you with this task. Using JavaScript to build servers is often a natural choice for frontend developers looking for a way to reuse their skills and create the APIs supporting their web app, but that's not the only benefit of using Node.js. The huge package ecosystem around Node.js and Express is what makes it shine, allowing to implement a lot of business features with very few lines of code.
253. Python for Data Science: How to Scrape Website Data via the Internet's Top 300 APIs
In this post we are going to scrape websites to gather data via the API World's top 300 APIs of year. The major reason of doing web scraping is it saves time and avoid manual data gathering and also allows you to have all the data in a structured form.
254. One Map to Rule Them All Doesn't Work in 2021
The ‘One Map Fits All’ approach doesn’t fit all, as it lacks the ability to support the unique use cases of an organization.
255. State of API Security: API Security Best Practices
The word is out about the state of API security as organizations around the world are finally waking up to the potential of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) transforming business models and directly generating revenues.
256. Save API Costs With Data-Centric Security
APIs are quickly becoming the front door to modern enterprises. But the API paradigm also comes with various hidden costs around development, management, etc.
257. Scaling Backend Development Teams
At its heart, scaling a team is about matching skills to problems. In this piece, we share a guide about scaling backend API software development teams
258. Why is a ‘Design-First’ Approach to Building APIs Controversial? How Does One Win at It?
In API product development, where the rubber meets the road, what obstacles do we meet along the way? Let's dive deep on how to succeed in API design-first.
259. Building Maintenance Mode for your API Gateway Using Terraform
In my previous blog post, I went through how to create a maintenance mode page for your application, and how to implement it using Terraform and github pages. But the website is just one part of an Application, and often there’s also a public (or private) API that also needs to have a maintenance mode. Let’s see how we can do that using Terraform on API Gateway.
260. API Programming Doesn't Need To Be Hard
APIs, if you know how to tame and harness them, are a superpower. Choreo is a Cloud IDE that is built to make API creation, management, and composition a breeze
261. Using sessionStorage API to design a user-friendly Lead Generation Form
262. A Detailed List of Wearable Data Accessible Through APIs Today
A comprehensive list of wearable data accessible through APIs today
263. Learning the basics of MongoDB by Writing a User Registration API
Learning MongoDB has been one of the things in my checklist for the past 6 months but hasn’t gotten around actually learning it until now. In order to understand writing queries and all I figured it’ll be better to make something instead of just reading and watching some tutorials. So, I’ve decided to make a user registration API i.e, a simple registration form kinda thing with only sign up and sign in functions as of now. As learning Mongo was the main intention, I’ve decided just to make the core app which is the backend functionality and no front end as it’s not necessary and I hate to do it.
264. What is Broken Access Control and Why Should You Care?
With broken access control being one of the most prevalent weaknesses for web applications, it’s important to not only understand it, but to prevent it also.
265. Validating Zero Enum Value in the Protocol Buffer
How to validate that an enum value field in Protobuf can not be empty? Turn out that is not supported directly by Protobuf!
266. 3 Things To Change About Your Approach To Digital Transformation
The barriers to digital transformation, personal experience of its implementation, and the lessons learned during the evolution of a composable enterprise.
267. Monetizing APIs with WSO2 API Manager
Today APIs have become a key way for application developers to generate revenue, meaning monetisation is becoming a sought-after feature in the API Management space. Even though API monetisation has a broader meaning than simply charging for APIs; in our experience, most companies want to charge for API usage. There are a number of different ways that this can be achieved, but let’s take a look at the two most popular and how they can be effectively rolled out to bring in revenue.
268. How I Launch A Postwoman v1.0 👽: Free, Fast & Beautiful Alternative To Postman 🎉
So, here’s how Postwoman happened.
269. What Is The True Cost of Using Public APIs
How ubiquitous are APIs in today’s development processes? Try asking an engineer how many APIs their project integrates. Most teams won’t know the answer. From analytics tools to maps and cloud hosting, modern applications use a hefty collection of internal and public APIs. Developers use these to quickly assemble applications that would otherwise take much more effort to build. However, there’s a forgotten expense not typically calculated early in a project.
270. API DevEx Portals: A Definitive Guide
A definitive guide to building an API DevEx Portal for your API users.
271. A RESTful API Template Project for Developers
Building a RESTful API can be daunting for developers who have never done it before. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the RESTful API template project.
272. Accessing and Using APIs: API Disruption in the Digital Economy
At the heart of the strategy of most successful digital companies are APIs - application programming interfaces - that enhance user experiences.
273. How to Implement Cloud APIs: Google Drive API, Dropbox API, and OneDrive API
Practical application of Cloud APIs such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive can be tricky. To simplify, we described the integration process step-by-step.
274. What’s Wrong With GraphQL?
While GraphQL offers several benefits, there are some potential disadvantages and challenges to using it in C# to consider, before you decide to implement it.
275. All The Secrets Of Encrypting API Keys In Ruby Revealed
276. Why API Designs are Stuck in the Past
The industry has embraced statically typed languages, but API design remains twenty years in the past. Schema driven development presents an opportunity to pull API design into the present.
277. Flask API Containerization using Docker
Nowadays, putting shiny new applications in containers seems to be the way of the future, and for good reason. They offer platform portability, hardware efficiency, and enhanced security. In this tutorial, we are going to take a very simple Flask API, put it in a Docker container, and then test it out using Postman.
278. I created Postwoman 👽 - An online, open source API request builder
Postwoman 👽 - API request builder
279. How to Create a Simple Bash Shell Script to Send Messages on Telegram
In this article, you will walk through the creation of a simple Bash shell script to send messages to Telegram messenger using the Curl command. Then you will use this script to send a notification on every ssh login into your server.
280. 8 Most Popular Weather APIs for 2020
The climate is a hot issue and weather forecasting technology is suddenly cool. The urgent need for innovative weather and environmental conditions forecasting solutions is obvious whether you believe in climate change or not.
281. Data Management Patterns for Microservices Architecture
Microservices architecture patterns have highly transformed and streamlined the development process and have increased the performance of applications.
282. Laravel Homestead: Why, How, and When to Use It In Developement
How to replicate your production environment in your local machine with a few configuration.
283. Issues With Setting up Azure Functions with a Service Bus Trigger
So recently we had a problem. We’ve started building a micro-service based e-commerce platform that communicates using azure service bus. Unfortunately, we found that setting up azure functions with a service bus trigger either ended up with a lot of code to maintain or a lot of deployment pipelines. It was getting to be a pain, so we looked for an alternative which we found with logic apps and a bootstrapper function which I’ll take you through how to implement.
284. Some of the most influential Fintech products that came from Finland
The number of fintech companies that are in Finland has seen amazing growth over the years, with the country currently housing approximately 180 companies and covering all the different field of fintech such as:
285. Stick and Move: Strategies for Fighting Technical Debt
In the fast-paced world of software development, there is a fine line between “doing it fast,” and “doing it right.” Deadlines and time-to-market often dictate a pace that can lead engineering teams to implement features or code fixes in the easiest way possible. The benefit of this is that a product can release fast and entice users to their functionality before a competitor has the chance to usurp said prospective users. The downside, however, is a lurking foe that software teams often ignore to at their own peril: technical debt.
286. How to Build a MVP REST API Using Low-Code Approach
Build and host and API in 15 minutes? Crazy? No, really!
287. 10+ Best Voice Calling APIs & Live Audio Streaming SDKs of 2022 Reviews
Do you enhance the voice call feature in your web & app? I ranked & reviewed of best voice calling APIs and live streaming SDKs based on reviews, cost, clients
288. How to Post to Devto, Hashnode, and Medium dotcom via Their APIs
Generate posts on Dev, Hashnode, and Medium using the same markdown source file to simultaneously post on all three platforms using their REST and Graphql APIs.
289. Where is Your Deep Object in the Query?
From version v3, the OpenApi standard brings another way to introduce query parameters via DeepObject.
290. Build an Appointment Scheduler Using React, Twilio and Cosmic JS
291. The Rising Importance of First-Party Oracles
First-party oracles outperform third-party oracles in almost every way you can compare. Third-party oracles have been eliminated by API3 and Airnode.
292. How to Fetch Data From an API in React.js
Without any doubt, the use of React is increasing day by day. And also API(Application Programming Interface) is gaining more popularity in the modern era of technology. This article will guide a beginner to play with React to API.
293. Validate Your PHP API Tests Against OpenAPI Definitions – A Laravel Example
Am I proud of this montage? You bet I am (by the author)
294. How to Send Emails in Node.js
In this article we will learn how to send email with node.js
295. Kuma 0.7.2 Released
We are happy to announce the release of Kuma 0.7.2 with many improvements and fixes, and we highly suggest to upgrade.
296. How I Built A Conor McGregor Chatbot With ChatGPT
My short story about how I used ChatGPT's API to build a Conor McGregor chatbot on AskConor.com
297. How To Build and Sell APIs
Building and selling APIs is a great way to create a new source of passive income.
298. How To Leverage The Salesforce API Without The Salesforce Client
Interested in using Salesforce with your own client application? Learn how to use Spring Boot to accomplish this need, caching data along the way.
299. What do You Need to Get Your Website Off the Ground?
The rise of technology trends has gathered in a way that to gain the attraction of a product or service a website seems to be essential to gain traction.
300. Jwenky: An Express API Server with User Authentication
Jwenky is an API server coded in Express framework.
301. The Establishment of Decentralized Application Programming Interface (DAPI) and Blockchain Oracles
How the emergence of Decentralized API (DAPI) and blockchain oracle is revolutionizing the off-chain and on-chain data transmission
302. Collaborative Governance Will Be The Driver of The API Economy
Businesses want to modernize the way they govern APIs and fix their current traditional API management. Let's see how.
303. How to Execute a Scheduled Task in Keycloak on Startup
In this article, we will look at how to execute a scheduled task in Keycloak on startup using a Kafka consumer as an example.
304. FastAPI with Materialize for Real-Time Data Processing: An Essential Guide
This is a self-contained demo of FastAPI and Materialize.
305. What is API Observability?
APIs are the blood vessels of digital business.
306. Using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) versus Black Scholes Model to value Stocks [A How-To Guide]
Should we choose a model that gives a flawed but mostly usable coefficient, or should we choose a model that may give a very good or at times a very bad estimate depending on the nature of the data?
307. An Introduction to the AWS Scheduled Lambda Function
A solution using CloudWatch rules and alternative solutions.
308. 10 Indications That You Should Invest in Automation Via APIs
Over the past decade, APIs have become essential for modern businesses and application development teams. They empower developers to easily add new features to their apps by facilitating connectivity with varied sources like databases, devices, or even other APIs.
309. 3-Tier Software Architecture Tutorial For Non-Developers
The three layers of software applications can help you visualise a software application's design and implementation as a non-developer.
310. Stripe Vs. Braintree Vs. PayPal: Which Is The Best Payment Platform?
Online payment platforms have changed the way we shop every day. With the help of such payment platforms, we can easily send and receive without going to the bank.
311. WTF Are APIs?
If you’re a working professional, you’ve probably heard your coworkers talk about APIs, Web Services, endpoints, and other weird words like 200 and 401. What the heck does it mean and what’s the difference between them?
312. Understanding GraphQL [Part 1]
313. Debugging My Love Life
Tinder's "Top Spotify Artists" feature is relatively shallow, but could be fixed easily. Here is a demonstration of how it works currently and what can change.
314. How To Create an API using Swift and Vapor
HELLO INTERNET. Calling all fellow iOS devs to start drinking backend with Swift. Our time is NOW 😈
Creating an API with Swift is here, and it’s juicy. Here’s what’s up.
315. Abstraction Layers and API's for Cloud Native Environments
Separation of concerns, abstraction layers and API's
316. Navigation Timing API: How to Track Your Website Loading Performance
The Navigation Timing API provides data that can be used to measure the performance of a web site. Unlike JavaScript-based libraries that have historically been used to collect similar information, the Navigation Timing API can be much more accurate and reliable.
317. A Guide to Composing and Integrating APIs Together
With React/Next.js, the fundamental problem you’re solving is that of turning some notion of ‘state’ into DOM, with a focus on composability
318. How to Create a Serverless API Using AWS Lambda and Node.js with TypeScript and Express.js
An example application using the Node.js with TypeScript and Express.js where a serverless API will be implemented and deployed on the AWS Lambda service.
319. Difference Between Spring MVC and Spring Boot
Spring MVC is a framework that is used to build web applications. It follows the Model View Controller pattern. DispatcherServlet is the servlet that controls the flow of a request from view to controller. Since Spring 3.1, the Servlet 3 API is supported and we no longer need web.xml for configuring DispatcherServlet – instead, it is configured programmatically.
320. Webhooks Using Python - A Guide
A guide on how to build webhooks using Python
321. Coinbase Cloud Node & NFT APIs
Building upon his last publication, John Vester dives even deeper into Web3 by leveraging new tech by Coinbase Cloud to create a more functional dapp.
322. How to Use Appsmith, Airtable, and Notion to Build a Video Sorting Tool
According to Forbes, 82% of content generated this year is likely to be video.
323. Basic Elixir Api Guide
Elixir represents relatively new programming language for wider audience. It was published back in 2011, and is in development ever since. His main trait is that adops functional pardigm because it is built on top of Erlang and runs on BEAM(Erlang VM).
324. API Choice Overload
With so many approaches to proper API design, development and management, it’s pretty easy to get lost just in the planning process.
325. Setup a GraphQL API for a Firebase Realtime Database With StepZen
The Firebase Realtime Database is a NoSQL database in the cloud. It doesn't have a GraphQL API, but it has a REST API that you can convert with StepZen.
326. How We Built a Smart Inventory on a Blockchain
Smart Inventory is a decentralized application that tracks the history and life path of valuable items.
327. Best Practices for API Security
APIs are a cohort of communication protocol that allows applications to communicate with one another. It works over the OS limitations and enables applications to share data without more complexities. And it is the magic bridge that possibly making things work together in our mobile applications and web interfaces.
Yet, its open doors and wide visibility makes it vulnerable to attacks. Also, attackers can easily find the way to the heart of applications and systems via APIs. Hence it is essential to fence APIs with all possible measures.
328. Getting your Swift API Interacting With a MySQL Database 💾
Continuing our Swift backend takeover 😬 by configuring our API with a popular, powerful database MySQL 🖥
329. How To Connect Ruby on Rails API, PostgreSQL And Heroku
Creating a new Rails app is super easy by itself. And, creating a Rails app set up as an API is not much different.
330. A Guide to API Versioning Best Practices
In this article, we will be discussing some of the best practices for API versioning for ease of user consumption and flexibility.
331. Autonomous APIs are the Future - Interview with Jean Machuca, Founder, QCObjects
QCObjects recognized as Startup of the Year 2021
332. How Slack Does Notifications and Does It Well
Slack is one app that Product Managers can learn a lot from because of its many integrations and malleable notification preferences.
333. Introduction to ADN: API Delivery Network
A CDN designed for APIs with pre-heating and real-time purges, that sits in front of all our API servers, always serving a hit and never a miss.
334. How To Launch A New Developer Platform That's Self-Service Software
Enterprise software companies sell very differently today than just a decade ago. Previously, most software was shrink-wrapped, required a lot of effort to distribute and implement, and was sold to an executive who would have to deploy it throughout their department or organization. The buying process involved a long sales cycle and often included pilots, cost-benefit analyses, procurement, and legal reviews.
335. Understanding APIs and How to Test Them
API (an abbreviation of Application Programming Interface) is a special interface (a set of commands/controls) that is designed for the interaction of different
336. 6 Best APIs for Topic Detection in 2022
This article examines the best APIs on the market for performing Topic Detection in 2022.
337. Implementing a Java Stream Collector
Java Stream's Collectors methods fit most use-cases. They allow returning either a Collection or a scalar. For the former, you use one of the toXXX() method, for the latter, one of the reducing() one.
338. [Mux Stories] Why I Joined Mux
I’m extremely excited to have joined the team here at Mux. Having worked in the video streaming space for the past 4 years at Crowdcast, I’ve been following the ecosystem closely. Four years ago the landscape for video, particularly around live, looked vastly different.
339. How to Write & Organize Node.js API Tests the Right Way
An architecture for writing and organizing your Unit & Integration Tests for Node.js REST APIs using Jest, Supertest & Chai.
340. How I Built an API to Verify Claims of Feat
I'm breaking down the process of building an API to verify claims. A few weeks ago, I started working on a project that I submitted to the Lisk Builder Program.
341. Automating SwaggerHub User Management with Azure AD, Microsoft Graph, and Azure Functions
How to automate SwaggerHub user management with a mixture of Microsoft services including Azure and Graph with an API to keep things simple for developers.
342. Using the Google Optical Character Recognition API
Every company is searching for a competitive advantage when conducting its business processes.
343. A Quick Introduction to REST API
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints or rules that you should adhere to when you are creating your APIs.
344. Why You Shouldn't Use a Database as Your App’s Data Source
Most apps and APIs use databases as their data source and that is for a great reason. Databases have been designed to be scalable, resilient, and fully featured to support many types of use cases and scenarios.
345. Law Practice Management Software: Introducing The Top 4 Law APIs
A step-by-step guide to help you simplify integration of the Rocket Matter, Clio, ActionStep, and PracticePanther APIs into the Legal Management Systems (LPMS).
346. Optimizing Database Operations With OpenTelemetry
Learn to use OpenTelemetry to monitor and identify the database issues in your application and remediate them to optimise your database operations quickly.
347. Specifications over Spreadsheets
This is a story inspired by true events, about a team and the everyday struggles they faced while building an API defined by spreadsheets and documents.
348. How to Deploy Java GraphQL APIs Using Apifi — A Quick Start Guide
A Quick Start Guide to Getting a Java GraphQL API up and Running in no time Using Apifi.
349. Compare Twitter Social Graphs with Vennly
Search Vennly to see the intersection of any 2 Twitter social graphs.
350. A Simple Guide to Planning API Roadmaps
APIs - the current “big thing” - offer the opportunity for modern organizations to unlock new and lucrative business models. The article below covers some tips on how to spin the API flywheel and leverage its possibilities.
351. A Comprehensive Guide to OpenAPI Specification
OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger Specification) is an API description format for REST APIs. An OpenAPI file allows you to describe your entire API.
352. API Architecture Style: Differences Between REST API and GraphQL
The battle for the best API framework is a never-ending one. I will explain you the difference between two very popular and frequently used API frameworks.
353. How to Improve Django 3.1 View Performance with Async Support
Django 3.1 provides support for asynchronous views, allowing developers to make significant performance improvements.
354. apibeats: Get Notified on Slack When The API Changes
apibeats is an API maintenance platform that lets backend and frontend developers collaborate, and notifies teams on Slack & Email when the API changes in any way. apibeats provides a complete environment for you to interact with your APIs. It lets you create collections of endpoints and watch them for uptime/downtime and changes in structure, test your collections by making requests without writing any code and document your API collections.
355. Vue Lifecycle Hooks Explained
Vue uses lifecycle hooks to let us call certain pieces of code at different times during the component mounting process. Let's look at how it all works.
356. Trends We Are Watching: API Democratization and API Management
If you’re a developer of any type of modern application, then you’re likely more than just familiar with APIs—you’re probably a power user.
357. Getting started with API Testing
API testing focuses on testing the business logic or the functionality of the application. Using API testing you are also validating the data responses, as well as ensuring whether your APIs are performant and secure.
358. All Types of POST Requests With API Tester
Post requests are the most common types of requests that we perform on the internet and it is very useful in our day-to-day work life.
359. Introducing ApiHome: Home of API Testing
OpenAPI based API Testing Tool
360. Working with APIs ( Concepts + Code )
Hi Folks !! Hope you all computer geeks are doing well . In this post, we will discuss about how to get data from any API using any programming language . Yes ! You read it right !! Well, i will be using JavaScript and Python in here but you can use any language of your choice.
361. To JAMStack or Not?
Using JavaScript, APIs, and Markup as the foundation of the Jamstack ecosystem, developers may create new applications.
362. The Fintech APIs to Use in Your Finance Software
Fintech app development with all the necessary features can be tough but that's exactly the case APIs are used for. Read on to learn how fintech APIs help you!
363. Image Optimization and Transformation with Cloudinary
The web is now dominated with more visual content than ever hence the need to consider ways of delivering these images with the smallest possible file size while maintaining optimal visual quality.
364. Building A Custom Contact Center: Top Hacks From Telnyx
At Telnyx, we've always had a soft spot for the "do-it-yourself" approach. From kitting out our office spaces with custom-built dashboards and tooling, all the way to building our own global private IP communications network from the ground up, diving in and getting our hands dirty has given us a way of expressing ourselves and our problem-solving creativity, all the while helping us to operate and serve our customers more efficiently.
365. Building and Publishing a Cosmic JS Extension Using Bitbucket Pipelines
Cosmic JS just released their new Extension functionally, which enables anyone to embed their own custom app inside the Cosmic CMS!
366. Celebrating 10,000+ stars on GitHub repository⭐ ❤️️
Postwoman is celebrating the milestone of reaching 10,000 GitHub stars 🎉
367. Tutorial: Build AdonisJS API to store your Raspberry Pi Temperature
In this tutorial we will use AdonisJS to build a simple API that will collect the data from the sensors and store it in a Postgres database
368. Courier API Puts Despatch Cloud into Premier League of Software Companies
Yorkshire-based software company Despatch Cloud Ltd is aiming to build on their current success by launching a new service this week, Courier API, squarely aimed at taking on some of the international giants of shipping management software.
369. Load Test Your Mobile Application API using Rungutan
Load Testing a Mobile Platform
370. How to Build a Simple Telegram Bot: An Introductory Guide
This article demonstrates how to create a simple chatbot in Telegram and configuring it using Quickwork Journey Builder.
371. Challenges of Working With Cryptography APIs in NodeJS
One of the main reasons that lead to insecure NodeJS applications is insecure or bad usage of cryptography APIs. Developers who are not very familiar with such APIs and the underlying crypto concepts often struggle to choose secure configuration options or to even get their code up and running.
372. How to Convert Rest APIs into Databases: Create a JDBC driver
A lot of data over the web or internally in an enterprise is available and accessible only through Rest APIs. Rest APIs do provide a secure and authenticated mechanism to access these services, but they are not very intuitive sometimes to query upon the data which is fetched through them.
373. All The Best API Related Blogs and Newsletters
APIs have fascinating implications for how companies are built. We compiled a list of the best places to get the most impactful information on APIs.
374. How to Write Fewer Lines of Code with the OpenAPI Generator
Hey! I'll start with the main thing - I'm a lazy person. I'm a very, very lazy developer. How can I get rid of the need to write at least part of the code?
375. 🧩 Why Do We Need APIs Anyways?
If you’ve been anywhere close to a computer engineer, you’d have definitely noticed them drop the term - API. A software engineer would use the term for so many varied purposes that it’s easy to lose the track of the conversation and left hanging in there, wondering, “Why the heck we need APIs?”
376. Top Tools for Rapid API Development
From design to deploy, these tools will have your API and microservices up and running in no time.
377. Learn the Basics of the Ethereum JSON API in 5 Minutes
The other day I got myself in a situation where I needed to communicate with the Ethereum network using python in an environment where getting web3.py to work seemed pretty much impossible. Since I still needed to talk to the network, I resorted to using the JSON-RPC API provided by Ethereum, which all web3 libraries are built on top of. Turns out, it’s pretty interesting! So, let’s get started!
378. Hackers, Rejoice! Participate in The $100,000 Postman API Hack
The virtual, global Postman API Hack is an opportunity to win $100,000 in cash prizes. Get started today!
379. My first Gatsby Experience - A Review
TLDR; Gatsby is good for react portfolio sites, but worse than NextJs for web apps and much slower to work and more of a hassle than Web Builders/CMS for brochure/primarily static sites.
380. Introducing GitHub Based Airports API Service
Hello developers and enthusiasts! 😍
381. 4 APIs That Will Enhance Your Virtual Live Event
Every live event needs a support network that can smooth out any wrinkles and ensure that the experience is accessible, positive, and user-friendly.
382. Our New Open Source OAuth Integrations Manager
Within my company, Bearer, the whole team is focused on helping developers that rely on third-party APIs. In 2019, our engineers developed a solution that eased how to integrate with any API that uses OAuth.
383. Functional Testing With Your Backend in Go
For Terrastruct, which has a little over 50K lines of code as of now, I've only written functional end-to-end tests. This blog post describes a successful setup that took some iterating to get to, and it's one I wish existed when I started with a Go API backend.
384. What’s the Difference Between APIs and Webhooks?
An API (Application Programming Interface) enables two-way communication between software applications driven by requests. A webhook is a lightweight API that powers one-way data sharing triggered by events.
385. What Roles Do API Methods Play On The Blockchain?
Read on to find the detailed info on such Blockchain API methods as JSON-RPC, REST and WebSockets, the main use of API and how it's related to cryptocurrency.
386. Discover a Network of Malicious Domains on Your Own: DIY Guide — Holiday Season Edition
While threat hunting has become quite challenging, partly because of WHOIS data redaction, the DNS continues to provide clues.
387. Making The Case for Integrated File Annotation with Popular SaaS Tools
Why is Evernote the only SaaS app that enables users to annotate attached images directly in Evernote? Well it's because they bought Skitch in 2011 and integrated the annotation tools.
388. How to Temporarily Resolve CORS Error in the Console
You may have exhausted all solutions to make your site render on the browser but nothing seems to work. Then, you’ve checked the developer tools console only to get an error saying that CORS is blocking your API requests.
389. 'Open Banking' for Noobs: A Primer
The intention of Open Banking is to bring about more competition and innovation to the financial services industry.
390. How to Architect Individual Throttles for Users and Tables in FastAPI
FastAPI has been instrumental to me in understanding backend engineering and thinking about processes and how stuff can and should work. It is an intelligent to
391. Using an API to Return a Daily Poem in Telegram to Celebrate World Poetry Day
Learn how to create an automated workflow with n8n that gets international poems, translates them into one language, and sends a poem in Telegram every day.
392. Asynchronous Javascript For Beginners
Asynchronous javascript is the backbone of modern web development. But understanding it comes with its challenges.
393. Cloudy with a Chance of Git Pulls: Automated Weather Forecasts With GitHub Actions
This tutorial covers creating a custom GitHub Action to generate automated Weather Forecasts. It relies on the Open Weather API and Nodejs.
394. Improving Outcomes while Protecting Privacy During COVID-19: Contact Tracing Apps
In recent weeks my colleagues at CriticalBlue/Approov have been following the race to build contact tracing smartphone apps in the worldwide fight against COVID-19. Such apps are a powerful weapon in controlling the growth of infection by automating the scaling of the contact tracing process.
395. How To Automate Your Processes Using HTTP Request Node From n8n
With over 150 nodes, n8n saves countless hours by automating repetitive tasks. But what happens when n8n doesn’t have a node for a tool you love?
396. Introducing Vortex: A Stateless Tunneling Service
Vortex is a stateless ngrok alternative that you can use at work and at your favorite coffee shop. Instant public URLs to expose your localhost server.
397. Your API Is a Product Too
The Context
398. Convert PDF Document in Three Steps using DynamicDocs API
Advicement newly launched DynamicDocs API gives businesses the ability to automatically generate PDF documents with dynamic text, tables and charts.
399. Implement real-time updates with Django REST Framework: Building Cryptocurrency API
It is time to create another cool project using Django and REST Framework.
400. Use the Kong Gateway to Stop Coding Repetitive Service Components
Discover a new toolset aimed at solving application and API connectivity challenges, while still staying focused and meeting business needs.
401. So, Like, What is an API Key Really? And How Does it Provide Security?
An API key is a secret code that gets you inside. Yeah it does!
402. Building a Heritage Trees Registry with Velo
In the course of explaining how I built the registry, I will also highlight the importance of key features of Velo and the Velo API.
403. How to Fix Security Bugs Faster with curl Validation
Learn how to leverage the Validate Finding feature of StackHawk to find and fix security bugs faster.
404. Simplifying API with Tyny.dev Founder Patrick Pittich-Rinnerthaler
Totally Nerdy Cofounder Patrick Pittich-Rinnerthaler joins us in this Slogging AMA to talk about his API technology tyny.dev.
405. Wix Velo Introduction: Basic Tips for Beginners
An Overview On Wix Velo
406. The HTTP Status Codes You Need to Know
Working on the web means coming into contact with HTTP responses. Whether you spend your time primarily on the client or on the server, you're likely familiar with the popular ones like 200, 404, and 500. While memorizing all the codes using cat memes as a mnemonic can be helpful, let's dive deeper into what some of the most common codes mean.
407. Connecting Algolia to Cosmic JS for Awesome Search Functionality
Using Cosmic JS’s Webhooks, we can sync Algolia with Cosmic JS to provide fast and powerful search functionality to our projects.
408. Deploying Twitter Bot to Heroku
Most of us are familiar with Twitter. But we are not much familiar that we can automate the activities like status posting, retweeting, liking, commenting and so on. So,here I'll show you how we can automate some of the activities like getting the twitter data,posting the status and retweeting with Node.js and a npm package called Twit.
409. An In-depth Guide to Depop Bots
Here’s everything you need to know about depop bots.
410. How I Built My Own Insomnia Plugin
Building your own custom Insomnia plugin is easy — you can add new functionality with just a few lines of code!
411. What should Automated Testing Look like for Kubernetes Apps?
Microservices exponentially increase the number of connections and remote work is the norm - how do we ensure tightly integrated components play well together?
412. Increase your Team's Productivity by Automating Through APIs
No matter what professional field you work in, higher productivity is likely one of the goals you aspire to. It can, however, be tricky. There is no single way to improve your productivity.
413. Component-based Website Development with React and the Cosmic JS CMS
A common approach to website development is to build components that can be reused across different web pages. The benefit to this approach is that you end up doing less duplicate work by managing the components rather than managing duplicate content across different pages. Popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue and Angular utilize this concept on the application code level to much success. How can we benefit from this approach on the content management level?
414. How to Write About Abstract Concepts
When it comes to technology, there are often concepts that exist in a purely abstract way.
415. The Realtime API Family [A Deep Dive]
Looking to 2020 and beyond, the proportion of data produced and consumed in realtime is growing exponentially. IDC predict that by 2025 1/3 of all data produced globally will be realtime.
416. How To Generate API Blueprint using SwagGo
Generating API blueprint REST API Golang using SwagGo tools
417. How to Build a Web App with ASP NET Core and Vue
In this article, I will teach you the basics of making your own web app, by creating a checklist app. ASP NET Core will be used to create a CRUD API and Vue will be used to create the frontend UI. Using the knowledge gained here, you should be able to apply it to start making your own web apps. You can find the complete solution in the GitHub repository.
418. What Developers Mean When They Talk About API
API has become one of those catch-all terms that developers throw around without really considering the context. On any given week, you will come across discussions like "How to use the Twitter API", "New framework X is great because it has a low API surface", and "Best practices for building an API."
419. Open Source API Analytics and Monitoring Tools - A Comparison
For any API-first company, implementing the right API analytics platform is critical for tracking the utilization of your APIs and to discover any performance or functional issues that may be impacting customers. There are a variety of open-source projects you can leverage to build a complete API analytics platform.
420. How to Create an Instant Search Input with Debounce in React.js
I recently built an anime app that fetches details about animes from an external API. The project had an input field where you could type in the name of an anime to search for. The text typed in the input field was then used to query the API for animes matching the input. The input field was to use “instant search” mechanism. This meant that users where not required to hit enter or press a button for the search to occur. To prevent making a call to the API on every keystroke, I had to debounce the queries made to the API.
421. How To Use a FastAPI Abstraction To Query AWS Data Lake
Our guide in creating FastAPI abstraction that allows us to query the AWS Glue metadata catalog - a Data Discovery API for AWS Data Lake.
422. 21 API Monitoring Tools That Will Make You a Developer Superhero in 2023!
A new wave of API tools to answer the global API security threat.
423. All the Firebase Functions you Need to Build Your Next Serverless Application
Build your own CRUD application by leveraging Firebase's Firestore JavaScript SDK.
424. Integrate a Route Optimization API to Save Millions in Last Mile Costs
An overview and cost/benefit analysis of how route optimization API integrations can drive instant positive returns in last mile logistics.
425. How to Build a SMS Surveys App with Twilio, Airtable and Standard Library
We live in an era of collaboration and teamwork. Meaning that even the most straightforward task in this day and age (think ordering lunch, for example) is often brought before a committee vote. Thankfully, ours is also an era of great technological achievement, and there is perhaps no better way to arrive at a consensus than through the use of polling and surveys. Today we are going to see how we can use Build on Standard Library to deploy a quick and easy-to-use polling app that uses your Twilio number to dispatch SMS messages to your group, and then logs their replies in one convenient Airtable Base.
426. Your First Simple Crypto Trading Bot Using LunarCrush and 3Commas
Learn how to utilize LunarCrush unique social listening metrics with your 3Commas cryptocurrency trading bot to trigger specific trade activities.
427. How Pagination Works in GraphQL
In this post, we'll compare different pagination methods in GraphQL and learn how to configure a REST directive to perform cursor-based pagination with StepZen
428. Syncing Data from Coda to Google Sheets And Vice Versa with Google Apps Script [A How-To Guide]
Last year I published a tutorial on how to sync data between two Coda docs and data between two Google Sheets. What was missing from the tutorial was how to sync data between a Coda doc and a Google Sheet.
429. How to Provide Developer API Access for your SaaS Product Users
Here’s how we used AWS Cognito’s authorizer to enable users to have developer API access restricted to their user data using Client Id/Secret.
430. Using APIs and vCards To Make Startup Swag Cool Again
Learn how we finally managed to find what we call swag market fit with our Startup Select cards and the process that we tried doing before that idea struck.
431. Scrape And Compare eCommerce Products Using Proxy Scraper
In this post, we are going to learn web scraping with python. Using python we are going to Scrape websites like Walmart, eBay, and Amazon for the pricing of Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB Black Console. Using that scraper you would be able to scrape pricing for any product from these websites. As you know I like to make things pretty simple, for that, I will also be using a web scraper which will increase your scraping efficiency.
432. Introducing Starlite: A New Python Asynchronous API Framework
Introducing the python Starlite API framework - a new async (ASGI) framework built on top of pydantic and Starlette
433. 54% of Developers Cite Lack of Documentation as the Top Obstacle to Consuming APIs
Recently, I worked with my team at Postman to field the 2020 State of the API survey and report. We’re insanely grateful to the folks who participated—more than 13,500 developers and other professionals took the survey, helping make this the largest and most comprehensive survey in the industry. (Seriously folks, thank you!) Curious what we learned? Here are a few insights in areas that you might find interesting:
434. API Downtimes and Errors, How You Can Recover
APIs are stable until they aren’t. We talk about that often at Bearer. If you control the APIs, it gets easier, but with third-party APIs and integrations, it can be more difficult to predict when an outage or incident is about to happen.
435. Meet a Simple API for PDF Docs
PDF API, fill, generate and e-sign PDFs
436. Python Tutorial: How to Make API Requests
Python is in the midst of a resurgence. It never went away, but usage now grows like never before. With machine learning developers and data scientists relying on Python, much of the web development ecosystem around the language continues to grow.
437. APIs: The Prefabrication of Software
Whether it’s for building a company, monitoring the news, or even making a grocery list, software penetrates every part of the modern western lifestyle. The dem
438. Using Rainforest API With WordPress [A How-To Guide]
Rainforest API is an alternative to the Amazon Product API provided to Amazon Associates. If you are thiking of building shopping comparisson sites with Amazon links and you don’t have an API key, or if you want to build a lot of pages very quickly without limitation, using Rainforest API is the answer. If you are serious about earning money as an Amazon Affiliate and want to make thousands of pages, do yourself a favor and start the project off right.
439. The Return of the API: Analyzing the Latest Developments in Ubiquity
It is no secret that the blockchain sector moves at pace. In 2020, we have seen the launch of several significant protocols, each with their particular nuances and strengths which offer value propositions across industries, ranging from blockchain and enterprise to finance and supply chain.
440. Using OpenApi to Ship APIs Faster
Writing an API from scratch can be quite fun and informative for developers. Yet, maintaining dozens of APIs in a company is another kettle of fish.
441. The 37 Dimensions of the API-as-Product Assessment Framework
We’ve developed an API-as-Product Assessment Framework that we’re using to assess public APIs. We’re sharing this framework because you will likely find it to be a useful tool for understanding your own API as a product or set of products.
442. Leveraging Marqeta to Build a Payment Service in Spring Boot: A How-To Guide
After paying an Uber, John Vester decided to dig into the Marqeta API used for payment processing. Hours later, he created a fully functional Payment Service.
443. How To Test API Requests Using Promises
Dealing with testing can be hard sometimes, especially if you’re not too experienced in javascript. So, if you’re learning how to deal with API and now you want to start with testing, this guide will help you with it.
444. Levered Versus Unlevered DCF Statements Can Drastically Change a Company Valuation [An Analysis]
The two main different approaches to a DCF valuation are in regards to what we can value. We can choose to value the equity of stock or the whole firm. In valuing equity or a Free Cash-Flow to Equity model (FCFE), we only value the equity - and with it compute the cost of equity when looking at the discount rate, but not the cost of debt.
445. How to Fetch Large Data Files Through GitHub API
At Hackernoon, I had a task to fetch some files from GitHub API. Initially, I thought it'd be a simple GET request but soon I realized the work is a headache. The file I needed was quite large and hence the response was telling me to use something different than I already knew. I ended up spending two days on this issue.
446. We Built an IDE to work with API Design. Here's What We Did
Hello there! Today is the day when we’re ready to present to the IT community TestMace, our IDE for API design. Some of you may know about it from the previous article. However, we haven’t yet provided you with an overall review of our tool, so here you go.
447. Authentication And Authorization In .NET 5: How It Works
In my 11 years as a developer, I have seen so many API's that have major security flaws. They either lack proper authentication or authorisation or both.
448. How To Define HTTP Middleware and Best Practices
In order to capture API calls from arbitrary environments, we had to create middleware for many of the common web API frameworks. Here's what we learnt.
449. How to implement TLS OR SSL and set up HTTP(S) Load Balancing with Ingress for the Kubernetes API
Learn step-by-step implement TLS/SSL and HTTPS Load Balancing setup with Ingress for the Kubernetes API for secure your applications using search manager.
450. CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions
Create a simple server with Node.js and Express, write API tests using Kong Insomnia, and then run these tests in our CI pipeline with Inso and GitHub Actions.
451. Decoding APIs for Product Managers
A Product Manager and a Software Engineer walk into a bar.
452. My Experience with GraphQL
453. How To Use Velo API To Work with Forms
You can work with Forms using Velo APIs in 2 different ways: use the Wix Forms app and its APIs or create your own custom form
454. What Frontend Engineers Should Know About Backend
The vast majority of things a frontend engineers need to do can be done without knowing anything about the backend other than the API. If you work on different parts of the frontend for long enough though, you'll probably run into something that does require some backend knowledge. Here's the short list of topics that a frontend engineer should know about the backend.
455. 7 Companies with Recipe APIs in 2022
An overview of 7 Companies with recipe APIs in 2022
456. How We Delivered New Services Without Building New Services
Our API serves more than 300 million API calls per year. We used an open source integration platform to deliver new services without building from scratch.
457. Streamlining The Developer Onboarding Process: A How-To Guide
For new hires, the first day on the job can be rough. Here's how Prismatic approaches building a successful software development team from day one.
458. How to Design API Analytics Data Collection for High Volume APIs
API Analytics are key for any platform company that wants to gain insights into their API and platform usage. These insights can be leveraged by product owners, growth teams, developer relations, and more to make more strategic decisions based on the raw health of your platform business rather than just gut feelings. However, many API platforms have a very high volume of API calls per day. This volume creates a set of unique challenges when designing an analytics system that scales without crippling their platform or having sticker shock when looking at their cloud vendor’s bill. This post goes into some of the inner workings of how we designs Moesif’s API analytics platform to handle companies with billions of API calls a day.
459. Why API Management and Service Mesh Are Complementary Patterns for Different Use Cases
Insights into the Differences Between API Gateways and Service Mesh
460. How to Use Microservices on Heroku to Create a Random Board Game Generator
Why Microservices
461. The REST of the 10 Commandments
Find out how to build great REST APIs in any language by following these 10 essential rules.
462. How to Use The Realtime Messaging API in Velo
The Realtime API is used to send messages in realtime over channels that your site visitors are subscribed to. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the usage of the Realtime API by sending breaking news alerts to visitors on a news site. We allow visitors who are members of our site to decide what types of news alerts they receive. Alerts are sent using an admin page where the admin can choose what type of alert to send.
463. Full Stack for All
In the beginning, there were only full-stack developers. We implemented everything in the backend with some PHP or Ruby On Rails and then, with a bit of jQuery running in the frontend, we were done.
464. 5 Major Factors Impacting the Evolution of APIs
In today’s world of ever-increasing digital interconnectivity, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have emerged as essential tools for integrating data efficiently and cost-effectively.
465. How to Make Your Lambda Functions Run Faster (and Cheaper)
The AWS Lambda service allows us to easily deploy and run our own code, without worrying too much about the underlying infrastructure (when compared to non-serverless technologies). It essentially scales infinitely (with great power comes great responsibility), and can be connected with a bunch of other services, like API Gateway, S3, AppSync, DynamoDB, etc.
466. 13 API Metrics That Every Platform Team Should be Tracking
A list of the most important API metrics every API product manager and engineer should know, especially when you are looking into API analytics and reporting.
467. Another approach to design API for improved performance!
GraphQL is an amazing specification, no doubt about that. I loved it when it first came into my knowledge but as I started learning it, well, I started to hate it and I still do at some extent because I am still learning it. So much boilerplate code to even starting the graphQL server.
468. End to End API Testing with Docker
Testing is a pain in general. Some don't see the point. Some see it but think of it as an extra step slowing them down. Sometimes tests are there but very long to run or unstable. In this article you'll see how you can engineer tests for yourself with Docker.
469. auto-create CloudWatch Alarms for APIs with Lambda
In a previous post we discussed how to auto-subscribe a CloudWatch Log Group to a Lambda function using CloudWatch Events. So that we don’t need a manual process to ensure all Lambda logs would go to our log aggregation service.
470. Build a Gatsby Blog using the Cosmic JS Source Plugin
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a simple but blazing fast blog using React, Gatsby JS, and Cosmic JS. Let’s get started.
471. WTF is A Headless CMS? [Explained]
Key Takeaways (TL;DR)
472. Web Fundamentals: WebVR API
This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
473. 4 Data Management APIs for Better and Faster Innovation
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, have revolutionized the way we do programming. Through them, we’re able to get two applications to communicate with each other without any need to intervene manually.
474. How to Set up Custom Domain Names for AppSync
One thing that API Gateway supports but you can’t do with AppSync out-of-the-box yet is custom domain names.
475. Building Advanced Forms and Custom Interactions with Velo: A How-To Guide
With Velo and Wix's custom input elements, you can make extremely sophisticated forms which can do almost anything you can imagine at a fraction of the cost.
476. An Intro to APIs for Beginners
In layman's terms, API is a messenger. API sets the rules for communication.
477. The Essential Guide to Load-Balancing Minecraft Servers with Kong Gateway
We're going to explore port forwarding and load balancing with Kong Gateway by spinning up multiple Minecraft servers,
478. I Could Have Hacked All Uber Accounts- But I Chose to Report it Instead
This is being published with the permission of Uber under the responsible disclosure policy. The vulnerability detailed in this blog post is being disclosed by Anand Prakash of AppSecure. This was plugged quickly by the security team at Uber. This issue is similar to Facebook’s access token leak which was discovered last year https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/28/facebook-says-50-million-accounts-affected-by-account-takeover-bug/
479. A Detailed Introduction to Service-Oriented Programming
Some principles are emerging for what one might call service-oriented programming languages. The principles are general, so they can help when thinking about code even when operating outside of these languages.
480. Watching the Requests Go By: Reconstructing an API Spec with APIClarity
In this post, we’re going to look at what API reconstruction is and how APIClarity solves the API observability problem.
481. API for Beginners: Requests, Responses, Resources, and GET Explained with Code
For self-taught programmers, learning APIs will make you better than 90% of the other beginners. And, it is easy!
482. Itinerary Planning APIs and Why We Need Them
Anybody who has ever used an API won’t question the benefits you get when using it and will probably notice the load of work it takes upon itself. The variety of APIs will fit any developer’s needs, so if you want your app to quote Marvel movies, there’s an API for that. But that’s a separate topic for discussion, because today we’re going to have a look at itinerary planners.
483. Use Google Sheets as a Database, Responsibly: A Step-by-Step Guide
While database technology and other tools have come a long way, it's still tough to beat the humble spreadsheet's versatility and intuitiveness. While using them for sensitive, critical applications like storing COVID-19 patient data is ill-advised, the fact that everyone knows how to use a spreadsheet means they're great for smaller cross-functional projects where a non-developer might need to examine or edit data.
484. Jython: The Love Child of Python and Java
Jython is an implementation of Python that runs on Java. For the most part, it is compatible with Python 2.7.
485. Using JSON Mapping to Work with APIs of Various Image Services
Using JSON Mapping to Work with APIs of Various Image Services. This approach is applicable to any other services that are similar in type of returned results.
486. How to Introduce Collaboration into your API Development Lifecycle
We all know that APIs have become foundational to how organizations streamline integration and build new applications. In essence, they are the connective tissue between different systems, data, and applicationlayers.
487. You Will Love These Java 9 API Improvements
New java features you must use.
488. How To Create a Custom Webhook URL Using Autocode
TLDR (30s)
489. Mocha+Chai: Writing a reusable Test Suite for an expressjs/mongoose API
Here is a workable, reusable way to test an expressjs/mongoose application.
490. Connecting an Apigee Edge API Proxy with Auth0 Platform
In the step by step tutorial learn how to use external OAuth for authentication & Access token created by the external system to secure APIGEE edge
491. How to Radically Simplify Operations by Plugging Your API Gateway into an OpenAPI Spec
OpenAPI Spec — The blueprint for your API
492. 6 Techniques to Generate Revenue Using Chat APIs
In-App Chat allows Mobile Apps and Websites to improve their User Engagement, and achieve new use-cases. Whether it’s a conversation between – Service Providers and Customers in On-demand Services Apps, Doctors and Patients in Healthcare, Teachers and Parents in Education, Advisors and Investors in Finance Apps, Recruiters and Candidates in Jobs Apps, Attendees in Event Apps, or Prospects in Dating, effective Chat feature in the App can be used to empower all!
493. Did You Get That Thing I Sent To You? – The Rise of Event-Driven Architecture
494. Book Rating System From Scratch using Goodreads API and Slash GraphQL
GraphQL is a relatively new way to build user interfaces and APIs for consumers. It's essentially a querying language backed by a strongly typed schema, which makes it easy to write human-readable requests to get exactly the data you need. Compared to REST, whose responses are dictated by the server, GraphQL queries place the power squarely in the hands of the client.
495. The Art and Science behind REST APIs
REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer
496. Explaining APIs To Your Grandma - A How-To Guide
If you’re a student studying Computer Science or someone who’s trying their luck getting into the software industry, one might often encounter the phrase API.
497. Why It's Worth Investing In An API Integration Platform
Get to know why API integration platforms are a must for B2B SaaS apps to be competitive on the market.
498. Let's Build It: Real-time Session Invalidation
How would we build an experience like the one above?
Demo Repo
Some applications need to limit users to a single client or browser instance. This post covers how to build, improve, and scale this feature. We begin with a simple web app with two API endpoints:
499. What is a Service Mesh?
In our previous post on API Gateways we discussed how services handle external client to service (North-South) traffic.
500. Getting Your API Into Production
Building an API yourself and getting it into production so your users can start using it can be a significant challenge.
501. Introduction to GraphQL
502. Introduction to Appwrite and the Svelte SDK
Appwrite is an open-source backend-as-a-service server that abstracts and simplifies complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple REST API
503. Great Tools To Help You Build an Awesome API
Learn more about API-FIRST and how it can deliver practical solutions to today's modern IT environment.
504. How To Determine The Right HTTP Response Code For Various Situations
A collection of a few things I needed to clear up (to myself or others) about HTTP Status Codes while building a RESTful API.
505. How To Use The Requests Python Library To Make An API Call And Save It As A Pandas Dataframe
Working with YouTube Python API to collect video statistics using the requests python library to make an API call and save it as a Pandas DataFrame.
506. Loaded in 600 Milliseconds: How To Improve Website Speed
Learn how to bump up your website load time and improve performance in less than a day with concrete examples
507. Automate Designs with Bannerbear and n8n
As a designer and self-proclaimed data nerd, I’ve been involved in proceduralizing creative deliverables for some time. Up until now however, my concepts always had to reconcile with the limitations of InDesign macros or my coding skills. n8n empowers me to apply my basic understanding of data objects and the interwebs to create some pretty slick automations with minimal effort.
508. A Nodejs Tutorial: OpenPGP Crypto Functions on a Node API Server
some generic Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) primitive functions presented as API calls running on a Node https: server.
509. Building an API-Powered Platform
On this episode. Jon Dahl, CEO of Mux, and Thierry Schellenbach, CEO of Stream, talk to Amy Tom about starting their API-powered platform.
510. Solving for Real ‘Real-Time’ API Monetization
The API Monetization Platform under consideration had an option of choosing between Pay-Per-Use (PPU), Pay-Fixed-Rate (PFR), lease-based, subscription-based and
511. Doing API Monitoring the Right Way: Metrics and Best Practices
In this post, we'll go through the best practices for API monitoring, such as which metrics to prioritize and how to troubleshoot when an issue arises.
512. The Hacker Noon Leaderboard: Version One
At Hacker Noon, we measure success by the number and quality of words published on our platform. Previously, we were singularly focused on carving out a space for our contributing authors to publish long-form tech stories. We've hacked 2 commenting systems to enable readers to contribute words in response to those stories...but those words live stashed away in cardboard boxes in story basements.
513. How To Use Firebase Machine Learning Kit
There changed into a time when gaining knowledge of and enforcing device learning changed into no longer an smooth task. And if we talk about implementing the device getting to know inside the cellular devices then it turned into now not possible most effective due to the fact the execution of the heavy algorithm desires heigh computing power. But as we know, mobile generation has grown exponentially in the past few years.
Firebase is one of them. It has recently announced a new characteristic that's Firebase Machine Learning package. In this tutorial, I will explain everything approximately it in detail. I will also show you a way to Integrate the Firebase system getting to know package to your android app.
514. How & Why We Built a Git Workflow to Accelerate API Testing
With the release of ReadyAPI v3.3.0, our all-in-one collaborative API quality platform, the team here at SmartBear completed the first round of work on a rethought Git workflow – all available directly within the tool.
515. How to Build an IoT Application Using an HTTP API
In this walkthrough, we'll build an IoT application that uses Python to call an HTTP API, and then we'll deploy that application to an M5Stack IoT device.
516. How To Use Amazon API Gateway to Decouple and Scale Serverless Architectures
One of the benefits of Serverless architectures is the possibility of scaling applications without worrying about load balancers and clusters of servers. While services like AWS Lambda hold their promises on this area, there are usually misconceptions about how they work.
517. How To Monitor Your API Server
'Have you developed or are you in the process of creating an API Server that will be used on a production or cloud environment? In this 4th instalment of my Node JS Performance Optimizations series, I show you how to test the availability of your API Server, so that you can understand how many requests per second it can handle whilst performing heavy duty tasks.
518. Roughly Half of Data Scientists Consider Model Monitoring a Major Nuisance: Does It Have to Be So?
According to a recent survey, model monitoring is one of the least liked and most dreaded stages of the whole ML life cycle
519. Building API Integrations Like a Pro
Modern applications aren’t built in silos. They rely on the features of other applications. This reliance can come in the form of open-source libraries, access to a wealth of data, or complex features distilled down into a consumable API. Incorporating third-party dependencies into your own project can be challenging. It comes with the benefits of faster development, and the downside of reliance.
520. Using Rust For Monitoring 30k API Calls Per Minute
At Bearer, we are a polyglot engineering team. Both in spoken languages and programming languages. Our stack is made up of services written in Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, and a handful of others in addition to all the languages our agent library supports. Like most teams, we balance using the right tool for the job with using the right tool for the time.
521. The Secret To Brewing Up A Good API
What Makes a Good API? A good API does more than just taking input and returning output. It offers a few key items that make it enjoyable and easy to work with.
522. A Simple Guide to API Development Tools
APIs can be as simple as 1 endpoint for use by 100s of users or as complex as the AWS APIs with 1000s of endpoints and 100s of thousands of users. Building them can mean spending a couple of hours using a low-code platform or months of work using a multitude of tools. Hosting them can be as simple as using one platform that does everything we need or as complex as setting up and managing ingress control, security, caching, failover, metrics, scaling etc.
523. My Best Travel APIs
APIs are useful tools in general but can be made exceptionally useful when combining a number of them to accumulate information to help you plan trips.
524. How To Easily Integrate Twilio Into Your SaaS Startup [Part 2]
In the "Using Heroku to Quickly Build a Multi-Tenant SaaS Product" article, I documented the foundation for a new SaaS solution that I am building (initially for my sister-in-law) — utilizing the Heroku ecosystem. At the end of that article, I had planned to write about the core technologies (Spring Boot, Angular 9, ClearDB, Okta, GitLab and Heroku) in place, as we raced for the 1.0.0 release of the solution.
525. How Important is the API Economy for Blockchain Application Development?
A blockchain cannot take care of all the information it handles. It should focus on its core capability blockchain and not about providing different data options.
526. Frontend vs Backend: All the Differences Explained
With the evolution of technologies, both front-end and backend have evolved to a great extent. The difference between the two is what we are going to discuss.
527. The Only API You Need!
"The Only API" is an open-source SDK that allows developers to query for anything they need in any data format. It has limitless capabilities. Try it now!
528. Why Appwrite 0.8 Is A Great Open-Source Firebase Alternative
Announcing Appwrite 0.8 with JWT authentication, ARM support, Anonymous Login, new storage capabilities and many more new features.
529. Are You Going API Crazy?
I’ve had an unusually high number of conversations about API strategy over recent weeks. Many of them get technical fast, faster than I’d like. But, great API strategies start without mention of APIs or technology, they (surprise, surprise) start with a conversation about the customer and your partners.
530. Why Every API Needs a Clock
Limiting flow was fundamental to TCPs success, why is it any different for APIs?
531. Data Services for the Masses
I’ve held several roles in my career in IT, ranging from software developer to enterprise architect to developer advocate. I’ve always been fascinated by the role that data plays in our applications—putting it into databases, getting it back out quickly, making sure it remains accurate when transferred between systems. Many of the hardest problems I’ve encountered have centered around data. For example:
532. Giving Your Single Page Application (SPA) an API - The Quickest Way
I’ve been working with low-code tools for years, building automation integrations, and APIs. Recently, I’ve wondered whether we’ve advanced far enough to use a low-code platform as the back-end for a single page application (SPA).
533. Intro Guide to the GraphQL API using Node.JS and Apollo
GraphQL is the alternative for REST made by Facebook. When Facebook reached the limits of REST API, they had to make something breaking these limits.
534. What is the Genuine Value of APIs
Application Program Interfaces-or APIs- are a huge part of the digital world that can even be used in blockchain. This is how it can act as digital glue.
535. Build a Go Web API with the New Digital Ocean App Platform: A How-To Guide
Recently, Digital Ocean announced they're entering the PaaS market with their new application platform. They've hosted virtual machines (droplets) and Kubernetes based services for years, but now they're creating a platform that's a simple point and click to get an application up and running.
536. How To Automate Conference Organization Processes Using n8n Workflows
Organizing conferences is hard. Recently, I was chatting with Nicolas Grenié about the manual processes that conference organizers have to deal with. The automation of these processes can save them time and effort as well as improve the conference experience. Inspired from this brainstorm, we ended up creating this tutorial using tools like n8n, Typeform, Bannerbear, Airtable, and Trello.
537. How To Connect SailsJS with GraphQL Guide
If you're having troubles with organizing API for the Node.js app, using the Sails.js framework with the GraphQL, know that you're not the only one - we've been there too.
538. Introducing Jdict Module in Python
Providing attribute access to Python dictionary entries
539. REST API Tools Smackdown
540. Financial Data Aggregator Review: Zabo Vs. Yodlee Vs. Plaid
An in depth look at the leading financial data aggregators for fintech apps. We analyze Plaid vs Yodlee vs Zabo - advantages, disadvantages, pricing and more.
541. How You Can Build an API Client Library in JavaScript
Every time I find myself connecting to a third-party API that doesn't have a client library I have to create a lot of boilerplate around it:
542. ECommerce APIs: How to Set Up the WooCommerce API & Shopify API
Here you'll find out how to integrate well-known eCommerce APIs: Shopify and WooCommerce. With this guide, you'll be able to apply them to your online store.
543. The Ultimate Tutorial On How To Do Web Scraping
Mastering Web-Scraping like a boss. Data Extraction Tips & Insights, Use Cases, Challenges... Everything you need to know🔥
544. An API-First Approach For Designing Restful APIs
I’ve been working with Restful APIs for some time now and one thing that I love to do is to talk about APIs.
545. Data Dashboards: Visualizing Metrics with n8n 📈
I use information from all over the internet. I visit hundreds of new web pages every day, both for personal and professional projects. It’s part of the process, and I’m happy to do it.
546. How To Use Gulp And Prettier on Code Snippets and API Outputs
Code editors come with "beautifiers" which programmers can use to make code uniformly and conventionally laid out, aka: "pretty".
547. Webhooks Fun with n8n and Mattermost 🍸
Recently, I have been working a lot with webhooks and n8n. Webhooks have first-class support in n8n and can be used to enable powerful workflows. n8n is a fair-code licensed tool that helps you automate tasks, sync data between various sources, and react to events all via a visual workflow editor. In case you are not familiar with Mattermost, it is an open-source messaging alternative to Slack.
548. WebVTT API: Introduction to The Web Video Text Tracks Format
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) is a format for displaying timed text tracks (such as subtitles or captions) using the <track> element. The primary purpose of WebVTT files is to add text overlays to a <video>. WebVTT is a text based format, which must be encoded using UTF-8. Where you can use spaces you can also use tabs. There is also a small
API available to represent and manage these tracks and the data needed
to perform the playback of the text at the correct times.
549. I Used Python To Analyze My Peloton Workout Stats With Real-Time Updates
A tutorial on how you can sync and analyze your Peloton workout stats into Coda with custom dashboards. Sync with a Google Apps Script or serverless function on
Thank you for checking out the 549 most read stories about Api on HackerNoon.
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