Let's learn about Password Protection via these 54 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. The Importance of Proper Password Security in 2022
A look at the importance of proper password security in 2022
2. 8 Cybersecurity Tips Small Businesses Should Know
Cyberattacks do not discriminate between industries, and no matter how big or tiny your organization is, it is vulnerable to them.
3. Personal Online Security: How to Stay Safe Online
Every individual or organization must be mindful of securing their online data. Online security is essential for better online data privacy and security.
4. Manage Your Emails Like You Manage Your Passwords
Add an extra security layer for the protection of your emails.
5. 5 Promising Use Cases for Verifiable Credentials
Verifiable credentials, which provide a system for provable electronic facts and documentation through cryptography and public keys, can seem like an abstract concept. We’re so used to seeing our credentials printed out – the driver’s license, the passport, the insurance card – that sticking codified IDs on a thumb drive or online seems odd and unnecessary. And as anyone who has used a cryptocurrency wallet can attest, the early forms of such decentralized IDs are hardly user friendly.
6. How to Be Careful When Sharing WiFi Password With QR Code
Share your QR code of your network carefully, mistakes can lead to disaster
7. Build your own User-friendly Cross-platform Password Manager
I use a local password manager on my computer: I just stick with a password, which is the only password I memorize.
8. Mechanism of Password Protection
While there are security risks associated with the use of password protection, it is very important to know that there have been cases of stolen passwords.
9. Common Attack Vectors that Authentication Services are Faced With
Hacking user accounts on many websites is still easier than it could and should be. This blog post helps you secure your application against identity theft.
10. Why You Should Never Store Passwords in Web Browsers
11. How Much Has Your Password Grown Up With You?
If you are growing up with technology, your password should be grown up too.
12. Not All Password Managers Are Created Equal: Which is the Best?
Web-based password managers have emerged as a response to the proliferation of web applications.
13. Glossary of Security Terms: Public-key Cryptography
Public-key cryptography — or asymmetric cryptography — is a cryptographic system in which keys come in pairs. The transformation performed by one of the keys can only be undone with the other key. One key (the private key) is kept secret while the other is made public.
14. Why Your Business Should Use Enterprise Password Management in 2021
When choosing a password for a complete business structure, it must have higher security. That's where enterprise password management can help.
15. Passwords Suck: Here Are 4 Ways We Can Fix Them
Passwords are a critical part of cybersecurity that individuals and businesses use every day.
16. Passwords Are a Weak Security Link and Stolen Credentials Is Big Business
Stolen credentials are big business thanks to poor password management from users and even nefarious actors on the Dark Web creating demand for stolen passwords
17. Password Managers Should be A Mandatory Part of Everyone’s Digital Life
Everyone knows it’s a good idea to use strong, unique passwords, and as employees around the world have been forced to work remotely, logging in from multiple devices and multiple locations, the need for strong password security has only grown. But last year’s Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed that weak or compromised credentials still cause 80% of hacking-related breaches. Throughout the current pandemic, attackers have been scouring remote workforce applications to gather and sell user credentials on the dark web, even targeting healthcare organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization.
18. Do Passwordless Technologies Have an Impact on Cybersecurity?
Contrary to popular belief, traditional passwords are not the best way to protect sensitive information on our digital devices.
19. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a system, consisting of transmitting HTTP headers, that determines whether browsers block frontend JavaScript code from accessing responses for cross-origin requests.
20. The Most Essential Password Manager Features For 2022
Why We Added A Security Dashboard (And More) To our password manager
21. Using a Password Manager: My Review of Bitwarden
How using an open-source password manager helped keep all my login and password information safe in one place while freeing up my memory and reducing anxiety.
22. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptographic Hash Function
A cryptographic hash function, also sometimes called a digest function, is a cryptographic primitive transforming a message of arbitrary size into a message of fixed size, called a digest. Cryptographic hash functions are used for authentication, digital signatures, and message authentication codes.
23. Protecting Your Data Online Using Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication: A Guide
There's a growing need for better online security, with strong passwords and two-factor authentication. As more of our daily life moves online, more of our personal information is also being stored on the web, along with access details for our personal bank accounts and confidential work data. With cyberattacks on the rise, all of this information needs to be protected from unauthorized access by hackers.
24. Glossary of Security Terms: Transport Layer Security
Transport Layer Security (TLS), formerly known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is a protocol used by applications to communicate securely across a network, preventing tampering with and eavesdropping on email, web browsing, messaging, and other protocols. Both SSL and TLS are client / server protocols that ensure communication privacy by using cryptographic protocols to provide security over a network. When a server and client communicate using TLS, it ensures that no third party can eavesdrop or tamper with any message.
25. Glossary of Security Terms: Challenge-Response Authentication
In security protocols, a challenge is some data sent to the client by the server in order to generate a different response each time. Challenge-response protocols are one way to fight against replay attacks where an attacker listens to the previous messages and resends them at a later time to get the same credentials as the original message.
26. Glossary of Security Terms: Reporting Directive
CSP reporting directives are used in a Content-Security-Policy header and control the reporting process of CSP violations.
27. Glossary of Security Terms: OWASP
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a non-profit organization and worldwide network that works for security in Free Software, especially on the Web.
28. Glossary of Security Terms: Cipher Suite
A cipher suite is a combination of a key exchange algorithm, authentication method, bulk encryption cipher, and message authentication code.
29. How To Overcome All Challenges And Create A Great Password Manager App
Creating a new product is never easy. From the moment you come up with a new idea to the moment you actually launch it, months--if not years--can pass. And after your product launches, you need to make sure that you never stop improving it, so you don’t fall behind your competition. KeepSolid has already brought several products to market, and each of them has had its own successes and challenges. Here’s the story of our journey to launch our latest product, Passwarden.
30. Glossary of Security Terms: TOFU
Trust On First Use (TOFU) is a security model in which a client needs to create a trust relationship with an unknown server. To do that, clients will look for identifiers (for example public keys) stored locally. If an identifier is found, the client can establish the connection. If no identifier is found, the client can prompt the user to determine if the client should trust the identifier.
31. MFA Vs. 2FA: Which Is Better And More Secure
Your 8-character password with numbers, symbols, lowercase, uppercase, and special letters are not enough to shoo away hackers! What to do then? Find out here.
32. The Gist of NIST: Password Recommendations to Remember
NIST Guidelines have changed over the years so it is important to keep up with the changes. Password recommendations, such as eliminating special character use.
33. Glossary of Security Terms: Symmetric-Key Cryptography
Symmetric-key cryptography is a term used for cryptographic algorithms that use the same key for encryption and for decryption. The key is usually called a "symmetric key" or a "secret key".
34. Glossary of Security Terms: Cipher
In cryptography, a cipher is an algorithm that can encode cleartext to make it unreadable, and to decode it back.
35. Glossary of Security Terms: Block Cipher Mode of Operation
A block cipher mode of operation, usually just called a "mode" in context, specifies how a block cipher should be used to encrypt or decrypt messages that are longer than the block size.
36. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS-Safelisted Request Header
A CORS-safelisted request header is one of the following HTTP headers:
37. Three Pillars of Online Defense: How to Stay Safe (and Productive) Online
The article examines three crucial (and simple) ways to protect yourself online, and how to choose an effective service for the job.
38. Glossary of Security Terms: Robots.txt
Robots.txt is a file which is usually placed in the root of any website. It decides whether crawlers are permitted or forbidden access to the web site.
39. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptanalysis
Cryptanalysis is the branch of cryptography that studies how to break codes and cryptosystems. Cryptanalysis creates techniques to break ciphers, in particular by methods more efficient than a brute-force search. In addition to traditional methods like frequency analysis and index of coincidence, cryptanalysis includes more recent methods, like linear cryptanalysis or differential cryptanalysis, that can break more advanced ciphers.
40. Glossary of Security Terms: Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a security exploit which allows an attacker to inject into a website malicious client-side code. This code is executed by the victims and lets the attackers bypass access controls and impersonate users. According to the Open Web Application Security Project, XSS was the seventh most common Web app vulnerability in 2017.
41. Glossary of Security Terms: Cryptography
Cryptography, or cryptology, is the science that studies how to encode and transmit messages securely. Cryptography designs and studies algorithms used to encode and decode messages in an insecure environment, and their applications.
42. Glossary of Security Terms: Same-Origin Policy
The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin. It helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors.
43. Glossary of Security Terms: SQL Injection
SQL injection takes advantage of Web apps that fail to validate user input. Hackers can maliciously pass SQL commands through the Web app for execution by a backend database.
44. Getting Into The Mind Of The Hacker: Here's How Hackers Steal Your Keys, Secrets, and Passwords
In this post, I’m going to share concepts, methods, and tools used by researchers both for finding secrets and exploiting them. I’ll also list mitigation ideas.
45. No Password is Better than A Strong Password
Passwords have been on the decline for more than a decade. But eventually, we will face a time when it is no longer proof of our digital self.
46. Safeguarding Your Passwords from Cracking: Understanding the Math Concepts
Passwords that seem safe to us are vulnerable to math-based hacking. This is why using concepts like Password Space may be able to make more secure passwords.
47. How Password Managers Can Protect You From Phishing
Password managers are a convenient way to use strong, unique passwords everywhere. Another good thing about password managers is that they help protect you from malicious websites that attempt to "phish" passwords.
48. Glossary of Security Terms: Preflight Request
A CORS preflight request is a CORS request that checks to see if the CORS protocol is understood and a server is aware using specific methods and headers.
49. Glossary of Security Terms: Ciphertext
In cryptography, a ciphertext is a scrambled message that conveys information but is not legible unless decrypted with the right cipher and the right secret (usually a key), reproducing the original cleartext. A ciphertext's security, and therefore the secrecy of the contained information, depends on using a secure cipher and keeping the key secret.
50. Glossary of Security Terms: CORS-Safelisted Response Header
A CORS-safelisted response header is an HTTP header which has been safelisted so that it will not be filtered when responses are processed by CORS, since they're considered safe (as the headers listed in Access-Control-Expose-Headers). By default, the safelist includes the following response headers:
51. Glossary of Security Terms: Certificate Authority
A certificate authority (CA) is an organization that signs digital certificates and their associated public keys. This certifies that an organization that requested a digital certificate (e.g., Mozilla Corporation) is authorized to request a certificate for the subject named in the certificate (e.g., mozilla.org).
52. Glossary of Security Terms: Session Hijacking
Session hijacking occurs when an attacker takes over a valid session between two computers. The attacker steals a valid session ID in order to break into the system and snoop data.
53. How Password Issues Plague Help Desk Calls
A article on passwords, password security, and how businesses can train employees to handle passwords themselves.
54. What Ali Baba Should Have Taught His Brother Before Entering The Secret Cave
Password rules are always the first thing in my awareness training for customers. Let me share it with all of you so that more people know about this.
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