Let's learn about Learn Programming via these 54 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. 8 Platforms: Endless Web Development Possibilities. The Time for Learning to Code is now!
There is no excuse for not learning something anymore. Things are just a click away!
2. 31 Lessons Learned From 10,000 Hours of Programming
Well, I'm certainly not a world-class expert, but I have put my 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into programming.
3. Critical Tips to Learn Programming Faster
Looking to understand the critical factors to learn programming faster are listed here.
4. Why I Detest Programming (Even After Decades as a Software Engineer)
Why are we addicted to programming?
5. How To Get Out Of Tutorial Hell
There are many ways to break out of tutorial hell. Start your own project. Contribute to open source. Join a community.
6. How to Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) - Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
A trie (pronounced as “try”) or prefix tree is a tree data structure used to efficiently store and retrieve keys in a dataset of strings.
7. How to Implement Expansion Formulas in Java
A simple java program to show take the input a and b and display the output based on the formula selected by the user.
8. Evaluating Conditional Statements in JavaScript
Let's learn about the JavaScript conditional statements!
9. Introducing Bun: A Golang ORM
Bun is a SQL-first Golang ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, MSSQL, and SQLite. It supports migrations, fixtures, and performance monitoring.
10. How to Learn Effectively with Your Personal Programming Projects
This article acts as a step-by-step guide that you can follow to start on your projects and learn along the way.
11. How To Merge Two Sorted Lists
We can use LinkedList to merge both sorted lists, though there are considerations to doing it single or double-linked that may complicate the operation.
12. New and Improved PHP Backend Roadmap
we decided to create a step-by-step guide demonstrating the bigger picture and providing easy-to-follow guidelines for people who want to learn PHP.
13. Creating Microservices in Nest.js
This article attempts to demystify microservices by showing devs how to create a set of microservices using one of their favorite frameworks: Nest.js!
14. 10 Useful JavaScript Functions to Learn
Read about the 10 must-know JavaScript array functions.
15. Kth Largest Element in an Array - Quickselect Using Lomuto Partitioning Scheme.
Solving k-th largest element in the array using heap and quickselect
16. How DevOps Evolved Into DevSecOps
The rise in cybercrime and the sophistication of attacks has made security a crucial part of the development process and not just an afterthought.
17. Is Java the Right Choice as a First Language to Learn?
In a world with billions of devices running on Java, I got rid of it in my curriculum and replaced it with Javascript. Here is why.
18. Repeating Nodes With YAML Aliases Like A Pro
Have you ever had to copy and paste duplicate content in a YAML file and wondered if it is possible to DRY that up?
19. How To Start Becoming A Programmer
To become one of these in-demand professionals, you need to know how to learn to program.
20. Applying John Wooden's "Whole-Part Method" Approach To Programming
Recycle the programming projects you complete: iterate on them and create your own mini-projects along the way. Here’s how.
21. 8 underrated Git commands every programmer should know (not the usual pull, push, add, commit)
These are some of the most useful Git commands that helped me during my programming journey.
22. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part II - Dijkstra's Two-Stack Algorithm
Dijkstra's Two-Stack algorithm, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, tokens
23. Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2022
A look at an average pay scale and the future demand for each of the programming languages available today and made a list of the top five languages.
24. I'm Too Old to Learn to Code, Right?
Coding is for kids. At least that’s what some people say. But is there room for adults to learn too? Of course there is, find out more.
25. Understanding Basic Programming Concepts: Objects & Processes
Through my studies I get exposed to a lot of programming. This is useful to solve technical problems, but I also like to think how the concepts can be applied to different domains and everyday life.
26. String Definition: What It Means In The World Of Computer Programming
If you are a budding programmer or if you are appearing for an interview, it is essential for you to brush up on your programming basics at regular intervals.
27. Start To Learn Programming Here
If you have clicked on this article you probably want to learn programming, but don’t know where to start, as it may seem like a daunting or intimidating task.
28. Fast Golang Router With Error Handling
Getting started with fast Golang router that allows to handle and monitor errors using middlewares.
29. What Is Dynamic Programming and Memoization?
Learning Dynamic Programming and Memoization in Under 5 Minutes
30. How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome as a Software Engineer?
In my short stint as a software engineer, I've always been incredibly lucky with the people surrounding me.
31. Learning Python Functions By Creating a Simple Project
Functions are key elements of programming. In the first half of this post, we will explain what Python functions are, how to define them, and how to call them.
32. 7 C# Tips for Beginners in Programming Language
You may not believe that learning a programming language is easier than you imagine. However, it is! And we want to help you to start the way in IT via C#.
33. Some Ways to Apply Some Programming Wisdom in Real Lives - Exceptions
What would happen if we apply some wisdom from handling exceptions to handling negative emotions?
34. 10 Common Behavioral Mistakes Novice Programmers Make
The mistakes of novice programmers, those who are just learning or just starting to work, are very similar to each other. Many of them can be called not mistakes, but behavioral features, stages all beginners go through. We as Java course creators are interested in this topic, so we interviewed opinion leaders and collected the most common, in their view, examples of such behavioral errors in order to … shorten their duration for future software developers. If you start noticing such behavioral mistakes early and try to fix them, your path to mastery will be shorter and your work will be more efficient.
35. Programmer’s Pyramid: Take Your Programming To The Next Level
Build a solid foundation of programming knowledge, develop core skills, and obtain an effective learning system with Programmer’s Pyramid.
36. Is Paying to Learn Java 'Playing the Fool'?
Find out what time is the right time to switch from free online education to one you pay for.
37. Your First Steps to Becoming a Programmer
Let’s discover the most interesting and effective sources to learn programming and make the start for a bright new career.
38. The 4 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020
Technology has made our lives easier with several forms of implementation that are seen in different professional fields. As most individuals began to efficiently program computers, programming
languages with powerful tendencies and functionalities were born.
39. 6 Best Websites to Learn Blockchain Online
Here is a list of the best websites and online learning platforms to learn Blockchain.
40. Why Learning to Code Using an Active Practicing Methodology is Better
Are you willing to start a career in programming? Or, probably, you’re a dedicated hobbyist who wants to try coding just for fun? Then this article is for you!
41. How to Implement the Perceus Reference Counting Garbage Collection
Experience in implementing the Perceus reference counting algorithm in the Pen programming language
42. Learning YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML(YAML Ain’t Markup Language)is a data serialization language. Common uses cases are configuration files, log files, internet messaging, data sharing.
43. Should You Learn Javascript in 2021?
So, you want to learn programming but you’re unsure what programming language to learn, This is a position that every programmer has been in at some point.
44. How to Solve Number of Islands From Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
We will learn how to solve "Number of Islands" from Blind 75 LeetCode Questions.
45. To Err is Human, to Test is Divine
We are humans, we forget, we make mistakes, we change things, ideas; This happens when we work solo, imagine when you are in a team!
46. This is How You Can Learn All Programming Languages, Yes - “all”
47. Algorithms And Big O Notation In An Understandable Manner
Such scary words. It oozes math all over them…
48. Choosing Your First Programming Language: A Beginners' Guide
Choosing the best programming language to learn first can be overwhelming. We are reviewing popular languages and giving resources to learn them for FREE.
49. Things to Learn as a Novice Programmer to Find a Good Job Quickly
In this article, I will share my thoughts on choosing your first programming language, what it means to “learn to program,” and what you should learn first.
50. How to Fight Coder’s Block: A Guide for New Devs
4 reasons why coder’s block exists and a few ways to overcome it.
51. [Tutorial] Recognize Handwritten Numbers in Python without any ML-Library
This little image classifier is a showcase of how easy it is to create a functional image classifier using just basic python and some easy to use and well-documented libraries.
52. 5 Best Free JavaScript Courses for Beginner Devs
Learning to code in JavaScript can be a life hack today. Know why you should learn JavaScript and the best free courses to learn JavaScript for free.
53. 21 Websites to Learn Programming for Free
Codecademy, udemy, and Coursera are some of the best websites to help you learn programming for free from the ground up.
54. 40 Best Websites to Learn Programming Online Right Now
If you’re new to coding, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are a ton of great resources on the web to help brand new programmers learn programming from scratch. In fact, some of the best programmers in the industry are autodidacts with no formal degree in computer science.
Thank you for checking out the 54 most read stories about Learn Programming on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.