Let's learn about Gitlab via these 53 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. CI/CD Pipelines on GitLab and AWS: Speed Up Your Deployments
Brief guide how to deploy websites with Gitlab CI to AWS S3
2. Technical Debt is Eating The World
The concept is simple: due to a lack of resources, people sometimes do not address a problem correctly when shipping a new feature or fixing a bug. This debt must be repaid (e.g. the problem needs to be addressed correctly) or the debt will accumulate and impact the software development in the future.
3. How To Run Parallel RSpec Specs on GitLab CI In Ruby & Jest/Cypress Parallel Tests
How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing
4. GitHub vs GitLab: Which One Is Better for You in 2022?
GitLab and GitHub are both popular cloud-based Git repositories. We compare the two to see if Microsoft has given GitHub the edge.
5. Git Bisect for Understanding the Root Cause of Regressions
Your git fairy godmother will test and locate the bugs for you with a swish of her magic wand. All you need to know are the magic words: git bisect...
6. Debugging Rust Cargo Issues in Gitlab
Straightforward moral of the story: always first check environment variables in CI settings. They can overwrite your configs and cause unexpected issues.
7. Git and GitHub Explained
A brief introduction to Git and Github, two services that the vast majority of developers are intimately familiar with thanks to how incredibly useful they are.
8. Rapid Way to Publish Python Docs With Free Hosting and Domain
How to create a documentation website based on markdowns and also publish it on GitLab Pages. And as a bonus, how to get a free domain like my-project.py.wiki.
9. How to Win Git and Influence Repositories: 15 Git Commands Every Engineer Needs
The version control system is the foundation of the basics, without which it is impossible to conduct team product development in our time.
10. How To Rename Your Git Repositories From "Master" to "Main"
Until recently, almost every Git repository had a default branch named "master". But thankfully, as part of a movement to make the tech industry more inclusive and open, many software teams and open source projects are moving away from this unhealthy naming.
11. Is There a 'GitHub For Data Scientists'?
What if I say that there is a place where you can not only store your Data Science projects but also experiment on them right then and there?
12. Building Remote Teams: Lessons From The Gitlab Remote Playbook
DevOps giant GitLab are one of the leading fully remote tech companies. They have produced a ‘Remote Playbook’ to guide companies looking to adopt remote workin
13. Understanding the Open Source Culture: Best Practices to Contribute Effectively
Here are some of the best practices that you can take up for your next open source contribution.
14. How I Hacked a Gitlab Integration with Fastlane for Android
So far, I have enjoyed using Fastlane as a CI tool for deployment of APKs on my Android projects. This post is just to build on what my friend Roger wrote about on his detailed 3 part series “Automating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane”.
15. How To Delete Files or Folders From Remote Git Repository
GIT is great, it has made collaboration with other developers so easy, I can’t thank GIT enough. But GIT is vast and not every command remains on my mind. I find myself googling over and over again to get that right GIT command that can solve my problem.
16. How GitLab, Stanwood, Latchel and Canny Execute their Daily Standups with Remote Teams
If you're planning to join a remote team in a tech role, wouldn't it be fun to imagine how your future life would look like?
17. What are the Best Dev-friendly collaboration Tools for Remote Teams?
The right tools for remote developers can help engineers overcome most difficulties.
18. Hacktoberfest 2021: Everything You Need to Know
Hacktoberfest is something you're gonna hear a lot about in the coming month. This open source celebration will be hosted by Digital Ocean for the 8th year.
19. Why You Can Sometimes Use git push -f: Rewriting Code Repository History
One of the first admonitions that a young Padawan gets together with access to git repositories is: “never use git push -f”. Since this is one of the hundreds of maxims that a novice software engineer needs to learn, no one takes the time to clarify why this should not be done. It’s like with babies and fire: “matches are not toys for children”, and that’s it. But we grow and develop both as people and as professionals, and one day the question “actually, why?” may arise.
20. Doc-as-Code: Managing Content is Easy When it’s Distributed
Few months back, I got a call from GitLab for a technical writer position.
One of the question was about treating document as a code and what’s my
view on that. The question was about treating document as part of a
continuous integration and continuous deployment system. That question
came at the time when I wasn’t treating doc as code and ironically, I now have a perspective.
21. Deployment Automation via SSH With Python Fabric: How It Works
One of the most basic ways in which a project gets deployed is by SSHing into a remote host followed by executing a few basic commmands. In this article I'll be taking a look on how to deploy a basic project to a remote server through Gitlab CI using Python Fabric.
22. The Right Way to Use Git
As a beginner programmer, you can be surprised to see that people care so much about what goes into the git repository.
23. An Easy README Makeover In 3 Simple Steps
Oh yeah! We’re giving your README a makeover!
24. Understanding and Extending Kubernetes with Custom Resource Definitions API
25. Here's What I Found on Scanning 2.6 Million Domains for Exposed Git Directories
A scan of over 2.6 million domains revealed over 1000 publicly exposed git directories. Next to complete source code I found many credentials and api secrets.
26. How to Use Data to Run More Effective Virtual Meetings
One heavily discussed topic in the context of this current global crisis is running effective virtual meetings. We needed to adapt to remote work quickly. Engineering is different these days. The difference between work and home has become blurry. People have a hard time setting boundaries between work hours and home hours.
27. A Handy Guide to Migrating Terraform State to GitLab CI/CD
Migrating Terraform state to GitLab CI/CD is a GitOps best practice that allows multiple engineers to work together to develop infrastructure.
28. How To Manage Multiple Git Configurations
Using the same computer for both work-related and personal projects may cause you to write Git commit messages with your private email on your work projects or vice-versa. That is assuming that you configured Git with the --global flag, which applies the configs to every repo on your OS user account.
29. How to Participate in Hacktoberfest 2021: Ultimate Beginner's Guide
Hacktoberfest is round the corner and registrations are now open!
30. How GIT Works Deep Inside
A short article about how Git hash-based decentralized filesystem work
31. How to Publish a Book with GitBook CLI and GitHub Pages in 7 Minutes
Publishing a book or documentation online has never been easier than it is today.
32. Basic Git Commands
If you’re a Software developer, you cannot live without interacting with Git and it is never too late for anything!
33. Git Basics: Renaming a Local and Remote Branch
Git is a must for most of the developers and especially web developers.
But at times we make silly mistakes cause we are human. And when you incorrectly named a branch and moved it to the remote server/repository. Then follow the below-mentioned steps before any other developer/team
member gets a chance to hop onto you and show you crap for not adapting to naming conventions correctly -
34. How To Improve Your Software Documentation by Connecting Gitlab with Mkdocs
Producing documentation may be painful and need a lot of time to write and operate. In this story, i will share with you, my way of generating docs using the devops approach. To make life easier, we will explore the art of automation 😃.
35. GitLab Runners in EKS with AWS IAM
When we started with Kubernetes, around June 2018, the most popular choice on AWS was kops. But later down the road we migrated to the managed solution provided by AWS: EKS. I think it happened around the time when AWS announced PCI and ISO compliance and it also helped that meanwhile the managed platform was becoming available in more and more regions (because in the summer of 2018 you could use it only in very few locations).
36. Getting Started with GIT And Github
Have you ever thought that how these applications in our phone get updates? The answer is simple it is a Version Control System.
37. Use GitLab's CI/CD Tool to Run Parallel Tests
How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing
38. How Different Tools Enable a More Inclusive Language In Software Development World
Are terminologies meaningful in software development? Yes, a lot! As developers, we’re continually writing code, and we do that by passing messages. Each message carries a lot of context and semantics. Therefore we’re always evolving how to do it in a better way.
39. Disproving 5 Remote Working Myths in 2022
There are a lot of myths around remote developer teams. We are busting them with the help of some of the best companies in the world.
40. Remote Work: GitLab CTO Eric Johnson Shares 10 Tips to Make the Most of the New Normal
Eric Johnson, the CTO of GitLab (a FULLY REMOTE company with 1500 employees) shares his tips on how to manage a fully remote team async across timezones.
41. How to Use Gitlab CI/CD to Build, Test and Deploy a Spring Boot Web App
Create a Spring Boot application, set up your server and configure Gitlab to build your app, run tests and automatically deploy it to your server
42. Pull Request Checklist: What You Need to Do Before Assigning a PR to Someone
If you work in a team opening a Pull Request (or Merge Request) looks appropriate. It’s a common practice nowadays. However, have you ever thought about opening a Pull/Merge Request when working by yourself?
43. How to write Bash one-liners for cloning and managing GitHub and GitLab repositories
Few things are more satisfying to me than one elegant line of Bash that automates hours of tedious work. As part of some recent explorations into automatically re-creating my laptop with Bash scripts (post to come!), I wanted to find a way to easily clone my GitHub-hosted repositories to a new machine. After a bit of digging around, I wrote a one-liner that did just that. Then, in the spirit of not putting all our eggs in the same basket, I wrote another one-liner to automatically create and push to GitLab-hosted backups as well. Here they are.
44. State of DevOps Cloud Solutions [Update: 2020]
Every company claims to have a cloud/hybrid DevOps platform that enables and powers developers working remotely. Time to make order of the chaos.*
45. Learn How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline Using GitLab for your Website
We'll run through how to build and configure a CI/CD pipeline to deploy your business's website using AWS, Terraform & Gitlab.
46. How To Improve Your Docker Build Time in GitLab CI
Make your containerized CI environments truly useful by accelerating your Docker builds
47. Automated Software Testing Using GitLab CI/CD And Selenium Grid
We will configure a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab CI/CD and execute Selenium testing over it through LambdaTest, an online Selenium Grid of 2000+ real browsers.
48. How To Setup Continuous Integration Pipeline By Using Terraform And GitLab CI
Terraform is a fantastic tool for managing your cloud infrastructure, especially if your assets are hosted on multiple cloud providers.
49. To Code Is To Communicate: 8 Ways to Write Better Code Reviews
When I started programming, Code Review wasn’t part of my routine. First, like everyone, I learned how to print Hello World in the programming language that was studying. Then, what is an if, while, for, and other essential structures. Sometime later, I was coding.
50. Lessons From GitLab—A $1 Billion Business With 700 Remote Employees
A lot has changed since I shared my last article related on COVID-19 (the most recent strain of coronavirus), and how AI and Blockchain professionals and industry experts are tackling the crisis.
51. GitLab vs GitHub: Repositories, CI, Deployment, DevOps, Pricing, and Documentation
Interested in understanding the debate of Gitlab vs Github? Which one is better in 2020? Which one should you pick?
52. The Results Of A Comparison Between Five CI/CD Services
53. Top 13 GitHub Alternatives in 2020 [Free and Paid]
If the black cat doesn’t seem cute enough, and you are looking for a reliable yet powerful GitHub alternative, this article unveils some of the top GitHub alternatives you can find today.
Thank you for checking out the 53 most read stories about Gitlab on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.