Let's learn about Nosql via these 52 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How Useful is PostgreSQL Full Text Search
PostgreSQL is the jack of all trades when it comes to databases. It brings you all the features you've come to love about SQL plus a bunch of features from Non-SQL databases. Some of these Non-SQL features like the JSONB data type are wonderful and you don't even have to dare flirt with another database. Others are good but not as robust and featureful as other databases.
2. A Quick Start Guide For MariaDB
Get started with MariaDB with just three steps using the official MariaDB docker container.
3. Storage Options for Serverless on AWS
Serverless computing enables you to run functions without provisioning resources. Most of the top cloud providers offer good serverless options, but this article offers a review of storage options for serverless on AWS. First, you will learn about the core principles of storage and data persistence in serverless computing, and then you'll discover what serverless options are available on AWS for databases, microservices, IoT, and storage synchronization.
4. NoSQL vs SQL: Comparison From the Development Team
Let’s dive into the main types of databases, their main features, and their working principles. And also development differences to be more practical.
5. How Percolate Queries in Elasticsearch Make Alerting a Breeze
Once upon a time, a company I worked for had a problem: We had thousands of messages flowing through our data pipeline each second, and we want to be able to send email and SMS alerts to ours users when messages matching specific criteria were seen.
6. Comparing Different Time-Series Databases
A comparison of data models used in open-source SQL and NoSQL time-series databases for IoT.
7. Is GraphQL Still a Thing in 2020?
GraphQL has become the most loved tool for API development in a very short span of time, and developers across the world cannot seem to get enough of it. Today I met with the founder of Windsor.io, Pranay Prakash, who has worked on the team behind GraphQL during his time at Facebook. I chatted with him to find out more about his experience working closely with Lee Byron, the creator of GraphQL, and some of GraphQL’s benefits.
8. Should You Be Using NoSQL?
NoSQL got quite some hype a few years back. It was going to solve your scaling, uptime, and speed problems. There were trade-offs, of course, but, for a brief moment, seemingly everything we knew about storing and querying data was up for grabs.
9. Data Lakes Are Crucial To Business Analytics and Big Data Processing
While the term Data is in cognizance of business of all sizes even the most layman person is aware of the buzz and fuss around Data. So from Database to Data Warehouse and now this Data Lake, we have come a long way.
10. Going From Data Lakes to Oceans
Aggregating into data lakes is the solution of today — but are Federated Sources the solution of tomorrow?
11. MongoDB 101: A Free Course By Academy 3T
MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database, typically used for its ability to quickly scale, especially large amounts of data. MongoDB has two clear main benefits over SQL when it comes to data organization:
12. How to Choose the Right Database for your Requirements
Imagine — You’re in a system design interview and need to pick a database to store, let’s say, order-related data in an e-commerce system. Your data is structured and needs to be consistent, but your query pattern doesn’t match with a standard relational DB’s. You need your transactions to be isolated, and atomic and all things ACID… But OMG it needs to scale infinitely like Cassandra!! So how would you decide what storage solution to choose? Well, let’s see!
13. Everything You Need to Know About AWS DynamoDB
AWS DynamoDB changed the database game in Serverless and continues to do so, as its design repeatedly proves its huge value.
14. Exploring the Neo4J Graph Database
In this article you'll learn more about the NoSQL Graph database - NEO4J.
15. How to Use .populate() With mongoDB
How to use populate() method with mongoDB to itch data across referenced collections
16. 5 Ways to Store Market Data: CSV, SQLite, Postgres, Mongo, Arctic
What's the most efficient way to store market data? SQL or NoSQL? Let's compare 5 most common options and find out what is best.
17. Graph Databases: How Do They work?
Heard lots of things about graph databases and do not know where to use them? Here is an ultimate description for you: use cases, explanations, and examples.
18. Do Modern Technologies Like Serverless Really Offer Better Benefits?
Remember mainframes? Serverless is pretty much that: we own the machine and you rent out time on our big iron. We went full circle on progress!
19. Creating Developer-Friendly Data Services with Apache Cassandra
Using data APIs and advanced data modeling will make it far easier for JSON-oriented developers to connect to Apache Cassandra.
20. Which Database Is Right For You? HarperDB vs. MongoDB vs. PostgreSQL
The purpose of this article is not to determine which database is the best but to help determine which is a fit for your specific project.
21. Hexagonal Architecture: the practical guide for a clean architecture
Did you ever face problems when comes the time to upgrade the stack of your software? Are you able to distinguish your functional tests from your integration ones? Migrating your legacy means rewriting everything from scratch?
Discover how the Hexagonal Architecture, a clean architecture pattern also known as Ports and Adapters, can help!
22. PGSync Introduction: Real-time Integration Tool For PostgreSQL And Elasticsearch
PGSync is a change data capture tool for moving data from Postgres to Elasticsearch. It allows you to keep Postgres as your source-of-truth and expose structured denormalized documents in Elasticsearch.
23. A Guide to Using MongoDB Database in a ASP NET Core Web API Application
When you think about database providers for ASP NET Core apps, you probably think about Entity Framework Core (EF Core), which handles interacting with SQL databases. But what about the NoSQL options? A popular option for NoSQL is MongoDB. So in this article we're going to learn how to create a simple ASP NET Core CRUD API using MongoDB as the database provider.
24. InfluxDB: From Open Source Time Series Database to Millions in Revenue
The InfluxBD Origin Story: How Paul Dix took a failing SaaS product and turned it into a successful commercial open source time series database company.
25. SQL Databases Vs. NOSQL Databases
The decision to choose a database for project is not that simple. But when it comes to choosing a database, the biggest decisions is picking a relational (SQL) or non-relational (NoSQL) data structure.
26. When to Use a Relational, Non-Relational, or Graph Database
Graph databases are anticipated to surpass other types of databases, especially the still-dominant relational database.
27. An Introduction to Blockchain + NoSQL Databases
Both NoSQL databases and modern Blockchain ledgers benefit from a set of common principles. When they are both implemented for an application, a lot can be accomplished as the platforms can complement each other.
28. Why We Should Have Different Databases
Today there are hundreds of SQL and NoSQL databases. Some of them are popular, some are ignored. Some are user-friendly and well documented and some are hard to use. Some are open sourced and some are proprietary. And, perhaps, the most important - some are scalable, optimized, highly available and some are difficult to scale or maintain.
29. Design for E-Commerce Apps Using a NoSQL Database
Working with a lot of data like products, orders, categories, users and payments is a very important topic when building e-commerce applications. In this post you'll learn the very basics of structuring your noSQL schema so it's fast and scalable for e-commerce scenarios.
30. Most Common Redis Use Cases by Core Data Structures
Redis, short for Remote Dictionary Server, is a BSD-licensed, open-source in-memory key-value data structure store written in C language by Salvatore Sanfillipo and was first released on May 10, 2009. Depending on how it is configured, Redis can act like a database, a cache or a message broker. It’s important to note that Redis is a NoSQL database system. This implies that unlike SQL (Structured Query Language) driven database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, Redis does not store data in well-defined database schemas which constitute tables, rows, and columns. Instead, Redis stores data in data structures which makes it very flexible to use. In this blog, we outline the top Redis use cases by the different core data structure types.
31. How to Back Up and Restore a MongoDB Database
MongoDB. Seven Ways to Back Up and Restore Data
32. NoSQL: A Brief History and the DynamoDB Challenge
Dynamo accelerated the NoSQL revolution that’s driving the database industry.
33. Top 3 Databases Every New Developer Should Know
Most new developers wonder which database is suitable for their project since they don't want to get off on the wrong foot. So, first and foremost, let's define a database. A database is a type of storage facility that electronically stores and organizes data so that it may be utilized and accessed later.
34. 2019 Database Trends – SQL vs. NoSQL, Top Databases, Single vs. Multiple Database Use
Wondering which databases are trending in 2019? We asked hundreds of developers, engineers, software architects, dev teams, and IT leaders at DeveloperWeek to discover the current NoSQL vs. SQL usage, most popular databases, important metrics to track, and their most time-consuming database management tasks. Get the latest insights on MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, and many others to see which database management systems are most favored this year.
35. 6 Common DynamoDB Issues in 2022
It’s expected that developers face many of the same issues when starting their NoSQL journey with DynamoDB. This article might clear things up a bit.
36. How To Query JSON in Couchbase via Collections and Scopes
This week I’m attending the 3-day Couchbase Connect event and will be reporting on some of the topics that I find most interesting.
37. The Pros and Cons of NoSQL
Learn how NoSQL differs from SQL and how it's built for high performance and availability. And no, it doesn't stand for "No SQL".
38. How to Connect MongoDB(4.2.10) and MongoDB Compass Locally
What is MongoDB?
39. Ten Underground Tech Masterminds You Probably Haven't Heard Enough About
The history of technology, intended here in a narrow sense as the history of information technology, rests on the shoulders of a small handful of giants.
40. Hadoop Data Storage Explained
Explore how exactly distributed storage works in Hadoop? We have to characterize an essential node (known as NameNode) from one of the workers (DataNodes).
41. How to Run Node.js with MongoDB [Tutorial]
Many of today’s web applications use node.js in conjunction with MongoDB to store and access data on the backend server. Not only does node.js excel in ease of access to non-relational databases like MongoDB, but brings scalability and speed to the server side of your app.
42. Implementing A Distributed Multi-document ACID Transactions in Couchbase: A How-To Guide
A story about how we implemented support for distributed transactions with no central coordinator and no single point of failure.
43. How to Design a Web Application: Software Architecture 101
So you’ve embarked on the entrepreneurial journey to build your own web application. You’ve got the idea in place, but the significance of getting the architecture right is extremely important.
44. A Snap Is Worth A Thousand Words (Podcast Transcript)
Is database migration as scary as it sounds? Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, Senior PM Manager at Couchbase, and Curt Gratz, Co-Owner of CKH Consulting.
45. Dealing With Replication, High-Performance Queries And Other Data Platforms Challenges
Many products solve for global issues and load balancing but unless a platform is built from the ground up with the necessary backbones, it becomes a nightmare to manage.
46. Are NoSQL databases relevant for data engineering?
In this article, we’ll investigate use cases for which data engineers may need to interact with NoSQL database, as well as the pros and cons.
47. What is SQL? And Where is it Used?
What is SQL? Databases use it, query APIs use it, even energetic big data dashboards use it! Where did it come from and how are developers, DBAs, and app using.
48. A Comprehensive Guide To Database Architectures And Use Cases
This article will provide an overview on database architectures, including use cases and pros & cons for each of them.
49. Building a MongoDB NoSQL E-Commerce Data Model
MongoDB supports ACID transactions, and its cloud offering is PCI DSS compliant. It's one of the best NoSQL options for e-commerce.
50. How to Create World Leading Databases
Jason Repp is the SVP of HarperDB, a world-leading database and development platform that is leading the charge in terms of performance, flexibility, and ease.
51. Migration Makes My Skin Crawl: From SQL to NoSQL
Is database migration as scary as it sounds? Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, Senior PM Manager at Couchbase, and Curt Gratz, Co-Owner of CKH Consulting.
52. How to Achieve Schema and Validation in NoSQL Using Ottoman and Couchbase
Ottoman is an Object Data Modeler (ODM) for Couchbase's Node.js SDK providing JSON schema and validation for a NoSQL database.
Thank you for checking out the 52 most read stories about Nosql on HackerNoon.
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