Let's learn about Life via these 51 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Stories on biology, philosophy, rationalism, illusions, deceptions, metaphysics, happiness, and other stuff.
1. Before and After the Internet
2. The Simple Life of Humans
The Pursuit of Simplicity Only Serves to Manufacture Our Consent, Not Our Understanding.
3. Mission: Earn 1 BTC and 1 ETH in One year. How I Did It.
This is own life story of how I managed to accumulate a Bitcoin without any financial investment.
4. 5 Things I Wish I Knew When Learning to Code
From dropping out of college at the young age of 20 to co-founding a deep-tech startup, the last 5 years have made for a convoluted and enlightening journey. All this while, coding has been a constant positive in my life.
5. An Evidence-Based Guide to Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancement [Comic]
After years of listening to people preach misinformed rubbish about nootropics and cognitive enhancement, I decided to do the responsible thing and write a comic to preach myself.
6. A Day in the Life of an SEO Consultant
Working in the field of optimizing a website can mean a lot of things, but it’s definitely never boring! Here are some things that SEO Consultants do daily.
7. Today Is My 33rd Birthday: Suprise, It's Life!
I have never been on Hackernoon before, it was just one of those things that my endless cycle of mad clicking, ADD inspired pursuits of I don't know what don't me here moment. It's April 28th and I have finally been able to mildly celebrate my birthday for the first time in 3 years... Yeah, that's right! 3 years. I'll get to that in a sec. But I wanted to let you all know that I have first completed my first semester of college courses. Just 2, no biggie.
8. A Guide to Becoming More Confident in Job Interviews (and in Life)
One of the most common pieces of advice given to jobseekers is to “be more confident.” But what does that really mean? And how can you do it? The truth is, conf
9. Change for Better: The Exponential Art of Kaizen
Kaizen is deceptively simple and utterly brilliant.
10. What is Expressive Capital and Why is it Important?
The most vital currency in today’s age is expression. I found the term “expressive capital” when reading Hugh MacLeods’ book, “Evil Plans”. It represents an attribute that some companies make use of on their products. Basically, the more personality and expressiveness the product has, which resonates with you — the consumer — the more valuable that asset is. Therefore expressive capital is a relevant metric.
11. Our Storytelling Platform Built On ‘Kokorozashi’
Dear reader,
Even though we do not want to believe that you do not know yet about HeadUP, we kind of understand this eventuality and the reason(s) why; and it is all fine, no hurt feelings (not like these guys below)...
12. Don't Have Time for the Things You Love? Here's How to Solve That
The surefire way to ensure you always have time for the things you love doin.
13. 6 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Green Energy
Switching to green energy is easier than the decision may initially seem to you and it offers benefits from saving money to indirectly improving your health.
14. Motivation from Mathematics: Hire for Slope, not Y-Intercept
Forget about the y-intercept; slope is the only thing that matters in the long run.
15. Becoming Consistent
Becoming Consistent
16. Jack Pullen Shares 3 Critical Mistakes Holding You Back in Life
Jack Pullen is a young motocross rider specializing in both 65cc and 85cc categories.
17. The Psychology of a Programmer
Program, what an interesting concept more than a word. It has been used so endlessly in the life of you and I so many times, that is has become uncountable. If we begin to deconstruct it, therefore to understand its core, we can say that it is a specific set of operations of tasks, commanded or ordered for a computer to perform.
18. TikTokking Alone
Two things made me start thinking about the current state of social media.
19. Should I stay in a Toxic Workplace?
A question that many people face in today’s toxic workplaces is — “Should I stay? Even though I know that my workplace is toxic.”
20. Survey Says: Only 7% of Developers Want to Work for FAANG
47% of developers say the community’s biggest problem is bad project managers. But that's only the beginning.
21. Do Goldfish Sleep Like Humans Do? - No Eyelids, No Problem
Yes, goldfish do sleep however they do not have eyelids and sleep from the bottom of the tank about an inch above the gravel. They do sleep but not like us.
22. Life Spoilers: Nobody Knows What They're Doing
In an uncertain and polarised world, some things are worth remembering.
23. The Living Metaverse
A boy feels the misty, ocean breeze against his face as he looks out across the ocean and watches his friend’s boat disappear into the horizon. He will see her again tomorrow.
24. I Never Thought Compassion Would Pay Me Back in Such A Wonderful Way
As soon as the World Health Organization declared Corona Virus to be a global pandemic, there was an immense quick heat fired up around the globe, with people being highly concerned about their survival amidst these hard times. People actually started to stock up for months, according to CNN, grocery stores ran out of the daily use products, and basically, it was all depicting the scenario of the end of times.
25. Natural Selection Vs. Intelligent Design: A Physicist's Perspective
Our ability to come up with random numbers can reveal if we are part of a design in disguise. Are we? The age old question is in the reach of quantum biology.
26. Mortality, Grief, and Everything In Between
The unedited ramblings of an adolescent's mind as he tries to figure out what the fuck is going on.
27. Clarity is the Best Tool to Amplify Your Outputs
Planning ahead and having clarity about what you want to achieve can save you time and increase your outputs, especially as a leader in a large organisation.
28. Will Digital News be the Death of the Printed Newspaper?
Printed newspapers have been around for a long time, some newspapers appearing as early as the 16th century namely in Germany. However, they quickly gained in popularity outside of Germany in countries like the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden and France.
29. Rediscovering Focus: How I Did It
After years of distractions and poor decision making. I rediscovered the art of focus. I realized that if I did not plant my butt in the chair, I would fall behind in my ambitions. Since October of last year, I have been taking serious action to improve my attention span and my ability to do deep work.
30. Why We Shouldn’t Confuse Narcissism with Self Love
t is important not to confuse narcissism with self-love because they are two very different things. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inf
31. Ikigai: The Japanese Philosophy To Find Purpose
Ikigai (生き甲斐) is a Japanese concept that means your reason for being. ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth.
32. 8 Lessons From My 9 Years in Tech
8 lessons from my last 9 years in tech, lessons which I have learned the hard way and have been instrumental in my journey through the tech industry.
33. A Quantum Bridge Between Subjective And Objective Realities
The objective reality of science consists of subjective quantum realities. What if it is true for all life experiences?
34. Embrace the Wisdom of Japan: 10 Experiential Secrets to Living an Incredible Life in 2023
. By learning and implementing these experiential secrets from Japanese culture, you can take control of your life and make the most of every moment.
35. A True Story About How Stoicism Saved a Prisoner of War: 7 Tips for Your Own Life
Stockdale had no reason to think that the day’s mission was to be anything unique.
36. Finding Nemo? No, it’s finding the real MVP - Neon Tetra!
The neon tetras’ bright colors of blue and red would make it very visible to other neon tetras. This was a great adaptation to help them locate one another.
37. My Experiences with Overcoming Depression
Overcoming depression is a long and challenging process. Here’s what else I have learned.
38. Third World Engineers VIII: Romancing the Visa
Almost everything you need to know to migrate as an engineer.
39. 'If We Don’t Systematically Re/Up-Skill, We're Condemned to Become Irrelevant': Roxana Murariu
It is remarkable how Alvin Toffler predicted in the 1970s this trend of reinventing ourselves periodically through learning, unlearning, and relearning: Roxana.
40. Comfort Zone: There is No Magic Outside It
You must have come across the images of Venn diagrams depicting the intersection of comfort / discomfort as Magic Zone. I don’t quite agree and that’s where the problem begins. This is the area where the specter of Inner Critic lurks around with self-doubt ready to make you question your efforts and belittle everything you have achieved so far.
41. Why Everyone Needs an Avatar in a "Socially Distant" World
Imagine a future where everyone has a virtual character that they use across multiple platforms. Social media, video conferencing, games, and other online spaces.
42. Exploring the Art of Creativity
Creativity is also more art than science, so we need plenty of time to experiment and fine-tune our experiences.
43. Dangers to Avoid for the Sincere Aspirant Towards Life
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter XII: Dangers to Avoid
44. Humans Versus Machines: How Our Relationship With Technology Will Pan Out
March 30, 1853. Vincent van Gogh was born. He is one of the most recognizable and influential painters of all time. But, what’s the link with human and machine, self-awareness and self-isolation? Well, something happened last week that made me question the way I think about our relationship with technology. And this started with Van Gogh.
45. Shoshin: How To Foster This Zen Concept In Companies and Personal Development
Shoshin is a Zen concept that companies, science researchers or regular people can practice for a better mindset.
46. Unpacking (Indie Game Review): A Meditative Stress Buster
Unpacking is a meditative puzzle that allows you to find something exciting and emotional in the familiar.
47. Harnessing the Power of Shutdown Rituals
Do you have a clean break from work at the end of the day? Or does your work life tend to bleed into your personal life, creating a sense of never-ending stress
48. "It's What You're Thinking. It's Not What You Have," — Focus.ceo Founder on Courage & Resilience
What if that one thing we sometimes take for granted is exactly what we need to focus on even more?
49. Mastering the Meta-Skill of Learning
Few adults have been trained in the core skills and mindsets of effective learners. How do we learn to learn then?
50. Life Hacks You Wish You Knew Growing Up
In this thread, our community shared the main lessons they've learned throughout lo life - from exercising to investing in education and seizing the day.
51. Nothing in Life is Humdrum
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter X: Nothing in Life is Humdrum
Thank you for checking out the 51 most read stories about Life on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.