Let's learn about Cybersecurity Skills via these 51 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Become a Skilled Cybersecurity Professional with Udacity’s School of Cybersecurity
Training for cyber security can help you gain the practical skills necessary to become a cyber security professional. Learn cyber security today with Udacity.
2. Colonial Pipeline Shutdown Affirms Need for Better OT Cybersecurity Practices
The US government proclaimed a regional emergency, as the largest fuel pipeline system remained shut down for two days due to ransomware.
3. Ethical Hacking and Its Relevance To Cybersecurity
Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or pen testing, is getting legal authorization and access to breaking into computers, applications, etc.
4. An Intro to Multi-Factor Authentication and the Types of MFA
This is an introduction to multi-factor authentication in the field of cybersecurity.
5. 5 Surprising Careers That Can Transition to Cybersecurity
Want a cybersecurity gig but aren't in a tech job? Don't worry! The soft skills you learn from these 5 careers will translate well to cybersecurity.
6. 7 Ways To Protect Your Personal Information on the Internet
In this day and age, it seems like everything takes place online. From your shopping expenditures to most of your communications, the internet has truly become a part of every part of our daily lives. And while there are several benefits to the ease and immediacy of the digital age, there are also several security breaches that can arise when living a life online. Check out these few key "Dos and Don'ts" to ensure your time on the internet is safe and secure.
7. The Complete Guide to Security Operations Centers
Security operation centers (SOC) are oriented in the protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information assets in the network and services of the company.
8. Taking a Risk-Based Approach to Cybersecurity
Using a risk-based approach to cybersecurity means that ensuring your security team is essentially concerned about the reduction of your security vulnerability.
9. My Wireless Router is Better than Yours
In other posts I have covered the step-by-step process on how to uncover a hidden SSID, both by just listening to the network channel, or by causing a de-authentication attack. In those articles I assumed that you already had a wireless USB adapter capable of going into monitor mode and also capable of injecting packets.
10. How To Build a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy
Is your business equipped to take on the escalating security threats of the digital age? If not, then a smart strategy is needed. Recent reports state that half of the businesses in the United States have reported a data breach.
11. Shortage of Cyber Security Professionals Will Create a Staggering 3.5 Million Unfilled Jobs by 2021
Cyber security issues are becoming more prominent every day, so much so that it's questioning the existence of many startups and small-to-mid scale businesses. Recent trends indicate that cyber security attacks have been at an all-time rise.
12. 5 Tips for Breaking Into Cybersecurity with No Experience
If you're looking to break into the cybersecurity field, you may feel like you have your work cut out for you.
13. What are Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)?
IDOR is a simple bug that packs a punch. Discover where they’re most common, explore real-world examples, and learn prevention tips from hackers.
14. Why Cyber Security Should Be Your Company’s Top Priority In 2020
As business is increasingly conducted through online interactions and digital exchanges of data and information, the importance of cyber security for companies grows by the minute. The influence of the advancement of technology has contributed to increased efficiency and productivity alongside a host of new dangers and vulnerabilities that can be taken advantage of by malicious users. In order to address these concerns, security needs to continually evolve to be able to effectively respond to new risks and methods of attack that are developed. To get a better idea of why you should make improving cyber security one of your top priorities moving forward, take a look at the points given below.
15. Do I Need A Degree To Become A Cybersecurity Professional?
Do you need a degree to get started in cybersecurity? And do you need a degree to progress in cybersecurity? The answer is both yes and no.
16. What's Missing from University Cybersecurity Programs?
By David L. Schwed
17. How to Create an Effective Incident Response Plan
When it comes to security incidents, it’s not a question of if, but when they will happen. 80% of organizations say that they have experienced some kind of cybersecurity incident in the last year. With this in mind, it’s essential to have a security incident response plan in place before you need one.
18. What I Learned from Teaching a Cybersecurity Class After Passing CompTIA Security+
This is a reflection of what I learned from teaching a cybersecurity class for beginners after I had passed CompTIA Security+
19. How to Detect Cyber Threats
20. The Ultimate Cyber Security Survival Guide
Every action on the network leaves a digital footprint. For example, photos we post on social networks, statements on forums, likes and dislikes of videos. Moreover, a user activity leaves a digital trace - information about the sites browsed, purchases made, and geographical locations visited. There are many channels through which our personal data is exposed and the effects of abuse are very serious. Therefore, you should always be extremely careful about the use of world wide web and private data management.
21. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures: A Poem
There's still some cases of malware
always-alarmed-and-on, always
large-in-scale in sight and run via
spray pray on-site.
22. How to Protect your Business from Any Type of Criminals: The Complete Guide
Today’s modern world is, undoubtedly, not a safe haven for any business. Make no mistake, even running a small-time operation or setting up a niche venture can become challenging. But surprisingly enough, the major brands like Sony or top cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance aren’t under the greatest threat - criminals and hackers mostly see their prey under a much lower grade. Network security is one of the stumbling stones for businesses of any scale nowadays. Digital age fraudsters rarely engage in assaulting the top corporations - the largest chunk of their bounty comes from the companies that would never make it to the Forbes list.
23. DPA as a Cybersecurity Measure
When working with a software development outsourcing company or through any third parties make sure you explore the possibilities of DPA.
24. Coping with remote security challenges in the long haul
82% of business leaders plan to continue letting employees work from home
25. Top Seven Cyber Security Trends Right Now
As we are rising in technology, Cyber Threats are also increasing. To ensure your safety and privacy, you must understand the latest Cyber threats. That's why we are here.
26. Penetration Testing Is Essential To Your IT Security Strategy
With the help of penetration testing, you can locate those vulnerabilities. Once discovered, your IT department can set about patching the vulnerable devices.
27. 6 Most Common Job Titles in Cybersecurity
Honestly speaking the word Cyber security professional sounds kind of cool as well. However, if you’re willing to become a Cyber security professional yourself
28. 5 Cybersecurity Certificates Most Respected in the Industry
Cybersecurity is an evolving and popular industry with those in the profession wanting to demonstrate their expertise in the area by receiving certifications.
29. Risk Assessment Vs Vulnerability Assessment: Which Assessment Should You Conduct?
In this blog, we will discuss the different aspects of risk assessment and vulnerability assessment.
30. Blockchain is NOT the Final Word When It Comes to Cybersecurity
Cryptomarket is experiencing a new rise; more people are entering the crypto space via trading on exchanges or storing crypto assets in wallets. However, lots of problems remain unsolved. Just recently, the Japanese crypto exchange Bitpoint has lost $32M. So, at this point, sending money via blockchain may not seem as secure as they were in the beginning. In this article, I’m sharing my view on how to address the existing challenges.
31. 8 Steps to Build Your Technical Staff's People Skills to Avoid Cyberattacks
As an industry, we need to work together more effectively, communicate clearly, and solve problems with less conflict. In short, we need stronger people skills.
32. Inside a Hacker's Backpack: Gadgets, Tips, and Tricks for Hackers
Not ever hack job requires just a laptop and some software to gain privileges into a system. Sometimes, something extra is required to make the job very easy
33. 5 Ways to Make Cybersecurity Training Stick by Reducing Human Error
Organizations have to make cybersecurity training a top priority. Reducing human error is just as important as setting up cybersecurity protocols & systems.
34. Top Seven Cyber Security Trends Right Now
As we are rising in technology, Cyber Threats are also increasing. To ensure your safety and privacy, you must understand the latest Cyber threats. That's why we are here.
35. AWS Credentials, Stored Safer
By default the aws cli stored key id and secret in plaintext in a well known location. What could go wrong?!?
36. Optimizing Cybersecurity Apps in the Remote Working Era
The fact that businesses struggle with cyberattacks daily is no longer news; however, outfalls from a global pandemic and cybersecurity statistics
37. The Lowdown on Udacity's Intro to Cybersecurity Nanodegree
This online Nanodegree program with provide you with a strong foundation in cybersecurity skills and workplace-relevant knowledge.
38. The Basics of Hacking [An Introduction]
Today we will begin our journey into the basics of hacking. Let’s not waste any time.
39. Are Cybersecurity Careers Future Proof?
Are the cybersecurity careers of tomorrow still going to be there in the face of relentless automation?
40. Cloud Computing and the Evolution of SASE Cybersecurity
Often, cloud applications are deployed “as is,” without the proper security controls needed to prevent data leakage, data exfiltration or malware infection.
41. ATT&CK vs. D3FEND - Get Everyone On the Same Page
Recently MITRE Engenuity announced significant innovations helping cybersecurity professionals to work under the same language.
42. How Hackers use Online Job Postings to Infiltrate Organizations
There’s a lot of talk in the cybersecurity industry about the jobs threat, meaning the gap in qualified professionals to fill the number of open positions in the industry. But, have you thought about the other jobs threat to consider – the online job postings themselves?
43. Beginners Guide to Preventing Permission Bloat: Overlooked and Hidden Access
When it comes to your organizational security, there should be no stone left unturned. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to do this, as they aren’t even aware that there are unturned stones. Overlooked access rights are one of the most unnoticed security threats your organization can face—less of a stone and more of a somehow-overlooked, but ever-looming mountain.
44. Is There A Middle Ground Between Privacy and Convenience?
Enjoying the benefits of the myriad online services we use every day is incredibly convenient. In fact, it’s so convenient that we’re ready to accept terms and conditions without thinking about what’s actually in there. Have you read the novel-sized wall of text for every single service you signed up for? I bet you haven’t. Neither have I. Has anyone? Probably not.
45. Cyber Threats: What Are The Dangers?
The beginning of the 21st century has seen a dramatic rise in the adoption of digital technologies. On the flip side, cyber-attacks have also risen dramatically, and they have become more cunning. It’s estimated that cybercrime will cost the world $5.2 trillion annually over the next five years, while cybersecurity spending across enterprises will reach $123B by the end of 2020.
46. 5 Cybersecurity Aspects to Consider for Your Organization for a Safer 2021
Remote work and how it has driven long-overdue reconsiderations of our connectivity, collaboration, and cybersecurity standards and approaches.
47. What Ali Baba Should Have Taught His Brother Before Entering The Secret Cave
Password rules are always the first thing in my awareness training for customers. Let me share it with all of you so that more people know about this.
48. How Security Operations is a Journey, Not a Destination: An Analyst’s Perspective
“No matter how strong a defense, a stronger offense will always shatter it.”— Byakuya Kuchiki
49. 3 Security Mindsets for Engineers, Consultants and Architects
Describing a security mindset generally is impossible to be practical at the same time. To handle that, I would like to put your mind into 3 roles.
50. Cybersecurity Takeaways From the Pandemic and Solutions for 2021
In 2020, Cybersecurity has become more important than ever for businesses all over the world. Here's how to protect your data from cyberattacks going forward.
51. How to Improve Network Security and Visibility in 2020 and 2021
With the number of products available, it can be an uphill task to try to ensure robust network security and visibility. This, however, is a task that must be accomplished if you want to be competitive.
Thank you for checking out the 51 most read stories about Cybersecurity Skills on HackerNoon.
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