Let's learn about Postgres via these 47 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Using a Relational Database to Query Unstructured Data
Using Relational Database to search inside unstructured data
2. Postgres: Idle queries and pg_locks
Getting postgres unstuck when it seems to “hang” or be super slow on queries
3. How to Connect Your Bastion Server to a PostgreSQL Server with an SSH Tunnel
In this article, you'll learn how to connect to an RDS server through a bastion server in Bash using an SSH tunnel.
4. Multi-tenant Postgres In The Real World
Back in the days when MySQL was the undisputed open source database champion, there was a sense that people who took their databases seriously would choose PostgreSQL instead. Everyone else chose MySQL; it was fast and it was easy.
5. How to query JSONB, beginner sheet cheat
Let’s say we have to query a user table with a metadata JSONB column on a PostgreSQL 9.5+ database.
6. SQL Databases Vs. NOSQL Databases
The decision to choose a database for project is not that simple. But when it comes to choosing a database, the biggest decisions is picking a relational (SQL) or non-relational (NoSQL) data structure.
7. Finessing Postgres into an Insane 200x Faster Query Plan
This article will show you a real-life optimization story and how PostgreSQL row count estimation can go very wrong when trying to get a faster query plan
8. Take your Materialized Views to the Next Level by Joining MySQL and Postgres
9. How To Decode Django Sessions in PostgreSQL
When solving a problem that requires you to link a user's session data to their actual user object, Postgres comes in handy.
10. How To Run PostgreSQL as a Build Requirement in TeamCity Build
We use different Continuous Integration tools in our projects. One of them is TeamCity software. A pipeline for TeamCity can be configured easily and has two steps, such as run tests and build a docker image for further deployment. However, I needed to run Postgres before running tests. I made a research, I read the documentation and this article may be useful to close a gap for team city’s documentation.
11. How to Build a Decoupled Microservice Using Materialize
One way to handle data in microservice architectures is to use decoupled microservices architecture. This form of architecture can bring many benefits.
12. PostgreSQL Change Data Capture and Golang Sample Code
PostgreSQL offers Logical Decoding Method to make log-based change data capture possible. Setup and run CDC in several steps.
13. Connecting GraphQL with Java Spring Boot and Postgres or MySQL
GraphQL is revolutionising the way developers build APIs. It lets you query precisely what you want. Nothing more, nothing less! It also gives you the flexibility to query related objects in a single round trip, unlike the REST APIs.
14. Taking a Closer Look into Google's AlloyDB Architecture for PostgreSQL
An exploration of AlloyDB's architecture and design, focussing on its storage engine, with descriptions of how it handles reads and writes
15. Time For Me To Fly… To Render
Heroku has eliminated their free plans, so I’m migrating to Render for my prototype products and services. Let’s see how easy it is to convert to Render PaaS.
16. Changing Database Column in Rails 5
While working on a Rails application, we all have had to change the database column in some way. You can change the column name and the column type, as well as changing the column with the type conversion.
17. Your Guide To Schema-based, Multi-Tenant Systems and PostgreSQL Implementation
There are several architectures that could be followed to achieve multi-tenancy at the database layer.
18. PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB: Evaluating Database Structure, Speed, and More
Choosing a database can be scary as it’s nearly impossible to change once you’ve built on one. So which will you choose? PostgreSQL or MongoDB?
19. Tutorial: Build AdonisJS API to store your Raspberry Pi Temperature
In this tutorial we will use AdonisJS to build a simple API that will collect the data from the sensors and store it in a Postgres database
20. How to Stream Data from MySQL to Postgres
Stream MySQL data to PostgreSQL in real-time. Any changes made to your source immediately applies them to the target database.
21. An In-depth Look Into MySQL Vs. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL and MySQL are both reliable, secure and scalable databases that have been around for years.
22. How to Test Your Postgres Business Logic with Jest Plugin
With great power comes great responsibility and the bigger the project gets the easier it is to break something. Therefore you should test Postgres logic!
23. Debugging with Render: Two Effective Methods
When you use Render to deploy your Node.js application with Postgres database, you can debug easily with integrated tools like Datadog and Log Streams.
24. A Mistake That Could Cost You Millions: What it Is and How to Fix It
This small golang mistake could cost your business a million-dollar problem. You could easily avoid the mistake read the blog
25. Which Database Is Right For You? HarperDB vs. MongoDB vs. PostgreSQL
The purpose of this article is not to determine which database is the best but to help determine which is a fit for your specific project.
26. PGSync Introduction: Real-time Integration Tool For PostgreSQL And Elasticsearch
PGSync is a change data capture tool for moving data from Postgres to Elasticsearch. It allows you to keep Postgres as your source-of-truth and expose structured denormalized documents in Elasticsearch.
27. How to Efficiently Generate Test Data With SQL
There are a large number of utilities for generating test data. Here are some examples of using SQL queries to generate test data.
28. What is the Significance of Time-Weighted Averages in Data Analysis
Learn how time-weighted averages are calculated, why they’re so powerful for data analysis, and how to use TimescaleDB hyperfunctions to calculate them faster.
29. Unlock the Power of ACID Properties in Databases: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability and each of these have a specific purpose when it comes to databases.
30. Node.js Streams in Action
Ever wondered how streams are working in Node.js? I had. So far I know that using streams will most certainly reduce memory usage on the server when processing large files. Instead of reading whole file into memory we stream it in chunks to whoever requested it and apply transformations to that stream if needed. That's huge benefit as it allows to avoid vertical scaling. Processing files is common task but not as common as interacting with databases and that's going to be my focus now. I'll build simple API with 2 endpoints. Both will be returning large amount of records from Postgres DB. One endpoint will stream data to the client and another will read whole data into memory and return in one chunk.
31. Postgres and MySQL: Performance Comparisson
What workload analysis and running queries can teach us about the performance differences in JSON, indexing, and concurrency.
32. 6 Reasons You Should Transition to PostgreSQL from Oracle
As opposed to proprietary solutions (like Oracle), you won’t get locked in with ever-escalating license fees. Here are 6 reasons you should move to PostgreSQL.
33. How to Use Postgres to Recreate YikYak
YikYak was an anonymous social network that used your location to show you posts 5km around you. Users of the app could create new posts and the people around them could view the posts and vote up or down.
34. Introduction to RDS Proxy: Exploring with Benchmarks in Go
A deep dive into the performance characteristics of RDS Proxy vs RDS
35. PostgreSQL Transaction Isolation Levels with Go Examples
Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.
36. Database Connection Pooling With pgbouncer
Introduction: The Postgres Connection Pool Problem
37. Streamlining Your Django Development Environment with Docker Containers
Learn how to containerize an entire Django project from the ground up, including a Postgres database, Redis cache server, Caddy, and Celery instances.
38. How To Create A User Portal On Airtable With Sync Inc And React
In this tutorial, you’ll see how to build a scalable, secure, and flexible client portal on Airtable using Sync Inc, Cotter, and Next.js.
39. Hunting for Customers With PostgreSQL
Now more than ever, you have to hold onto every customer you can. Customers don’t love your product one minute, then fall out of love with it the next. Normally there’s a declining trend in usage of your product over time.
40. How to Set up a Heroku Postgres Database with Librato
In this article, you will learn how to set up a Heroku Postgres database with Librato for automated monitoring.
41. Percentile Approximation Vs. Averages
Get a primer on percentile approximations and why they're useful for time-series data analysis.
42. Database Monitoring and Alerting with n8n 📡
In the past few months, I have been playing around with different kinds of IoT devices and sensors. I quite enjoy how these can be used to monitor different things like humidity, temperature, pressure among other things in the house. In this tutorial, I want to show you how you can monitor sensor readings in a database and send alerts when it crosses a threshold value using n8n workflows.
43. How To Create and Load Test Data in PostgreSQL
Learn what tools and approaches are available to create and load test data for webapps without an ORM.
44. Log Slow Postgres Query Plans Automatically: An Introduction to auto-explain
Automatically log slow query plans with auto_explain and learn how to fix the problematic PostgreSQL queries that are slowing you down.
45. How to Add Knex to ExpressJS Apps and Connect to a Postgres Database
Express is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building backend APIs and Postgres is a really popular relational database. How do we connect them?
46. SaaS Database Migration To Heroku Postgres
The next step in my fitness application journey is to migrate to Heroku Postgres. Check out how easy this turned out to be too.
47. Top 12 FAQs About PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database management
system (ORDBMS) available for all major platforms including Linux, UNIX,
Windows, and OS X. It allows you to add custom functions developed using different programming languages such as C/C++, Java, etc. It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or Web services with many concurrent users. It is the default database for macOS Server.
Thank you for checking out the 47 most read stories about Postgres on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.