Let's learn about Web Security via these 45 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Top Bug Bounty Programmes You Can Participate in Today
A curated list of bug bounty programs for bug bounty hunters to help them get first bug bounty on vulnerability report.
2. What is Broken Access Control and Why Should You Care?
With broken access control being one of the most prevalent weaknesses for web applications, it’s important to not only understand it, but to prevent it also.
3. How Can VPNs Protect You From Spying?
What programs can safeguard your computer from malware? In today’s article, we will take a look at VPNs and what it can do to protect you from spying.
4. Browser Hijacking Software on CNN Election Site is Reason for Concern
An ad redirecting users to browser hijacking software was recently spotted on CNN's election tracking site. Ahead of election season, it's reason for concern
5. How Nonprofits can Protect Themselves Against Getting Hacked
Hacking is a serious problem for nonprofits. When a hacker attacks, it's not just the nonprofit's information that they want, but donors' information
6. 9 Essential Factors to Consider Before You Install A Security System
In the US, a burglary happens every 23 seconds on average. This number is even higher in developing countries.
7. Common Web Security Vulnerabilities
In the movies, hacking is like fast keyboard typing and hitting the Enter but in the real world, hackers find and exploit vulnerabilities to hack websites.
8. What is Runtime Application Self-Protection
What is Runtime Application Self-Protection? Know how RASP is capable of controlling app execution, detecting & preventing real-time attacks.
9. Organizing Your Business Statistics to Achieve Success
It is not an easy task to keep your business data organized; however, it is an important thing to do. Organizing data includes a lot more than putting all your papers in place and clearing the clutter on your desk. To have your statistics well organized, you have to create a system and procedures for every department available in your company. The following are top ideas o0n how you can get your small business statistics that can help in increasing the productivity of the business.
10. How To Enhance Website Security
Enhancing security for a website can save it from hackers and online attackers. Read this article about website security to learn more.
11. Personal Online Security: How to Stay Safe Online
Every individual or organization must be mindful of securing their online data. Online security is essential for better online data privacy and security.
12. Domain Fronting 101: What is Domain Fronting and How Does it Work?
Domain fronting is one technique that hackers use to bypass internet censorship. This method is used to access restricted sites that would typically be blocked.
13. Feature/Permission Policies Overview
It's already challenging enough to create a website that is blazing fast, adheres to all the latest best practices and offers optimal experience for various network conditions and device types.
As the website and its codebase evolves over time, it can become even harder to maintain the desired user experience over time. To prevent UX deterioration, it’s often a good idea to place guardrails which ensure that crucial website elements, such as images, hold to a certain criteria. In this article, we are going to look at a robust mechanism which helps to steer your website in the right direction - an HTTP header called Feature Policies.
14. Web Application Penetration Testing: A Complete Guide
Your website can be the next ‘target’ if you don’t take the necessary steps to secure it. One of the most appropriate step is to conduct a penetration testing.
15. The Essential Guide to Email Security: Threats, Costs, and Strategies
We all use email on a regular basis, but we aren’t always cognizant of the email security standards we use. If a hacker gains access to your account, or manages to fool you into downloading an attachment with malware via email, it could have devastating consequences for your business.
16. Web Application Security Explained: Why Is It Important and What Does It Include?
Web application security refers to securing sites and online services against different security threats that abuse vulnerabilities in an application’s code.
17. Fraudulent Ads Exploit COVID-19 Fears on Disney's ESPN.Com
Scam advertisements across major media outlets originate from DoubleClick and Xandr/AppNexus
18. Using a Passive Vulnerability Scan To Identify Website Security Risks
A passive vulnerability scan is a type of security scan in which the scanner sends no unusual requests to the server. It is like a visitor browsing the site.
19. Are you using JWTs for user sessions in the correct way?
JSON Web Tokens have become incredibly popular (especially in the Node.js community) and you've likely heard about them. What you may not have heard is that JWTs were originally designed for use in OAuth - which is fundamentally different to user sessions.
20. Security & Agile Development - How to Bridge the Gap in 2022
21. 5 Popular Types of Penetration Testing for SaaS Businesses
If you are running a SaaS business, you know that security is everything. Nowadays, we can see many different cyberattacks and their variants targeting SaaS.
22. Understanding & Recognizing Different Cyber Threats: What to Look Out For
This article will dive into understanding & recognizing some cyber threats. It will not cover every example for each attack or every attack.
23. To All My Friends: Don’t Be An Idiot or Passive With Your Online Privacy
Complacency with privacy invasion has become our 6th sense. Handing over the intimate details of our lives to corporate and government stooges has become a virtue and civic duty. It should come as no surprise that, even for a society dripping with tech-savviness, the average person would rather their government act than to take action themselves. According to Pew Research:
24. Security in the language of crypto exchange: providing traders with peace of mind
Security issues of crypto exchanges and shared my thoughts on how to make trading convenient and safe - Viktor Kochetov, CEO at Kyrrex, a digital wallet and professional cryptocurrency trading.
25. What is an HTTP Proxy and How Does it Work for Your Goals
What is an HTTP proxy? It is a good way to get information on the Internet while maintaining your privacy. Read my article to get more insights about HTTP proxy
26. Your Guide To AWS Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
Metadata is “data that provides information about other data” (Wikipedia). In other words, Metadata is “data about data”.
27. Your Website Could be Vulnerable Because of These 7 PHP Mistakes
Make these mistakes and hackers will attack your web application using Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Path Traversal, and other attacks to take over your website.
28. Top 7 Techniques For The Ideal Secure Code Review
Considering today's cyber threat landscape, it is undeniable to say that the internet-facing applications are at major risk due to rapid increase in vulnerability exploits and ways to penetrate applications leveraging the hidden weaknesses in them.
29. OAuth Vulnerabilities: How To Implement Secure Authorization in Your Web Application
In this article, we will go through the most common security vulnerabilities encountered in applications that use the OAuth protocol.
30. 5 Effective Strategies To Identify Phishing Sites
How to recognize phishing? Research studies show that users of different levels have a hard time figuring out if a website is real or fake. And how about you?
31. 10 security tips for frontend developers
Web security is a topic that is often overlooked by frontend developers. When we assess the quality of the website, we often look at metrics like performance, SEO-friendliness, and accessibility, while the website’s capacity to withstand malicious attacks often falls under the radar. And even though the sensitive user data is stored server-side and significant measures must be taken by backend developers to protect the servers, in the end, the responsibility for securing that data is shared between both backend and frontend. While sensitive data may be safely locked in a backend warehouse, the frontend holds the keys to its front door, and stealing them is often the easiest way to gain access.
32. Pre-Deployment Checklist: Django Web Security
You already know web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information. So, in this post we are going to check Django security vulnerabilities and how to fix them.
33. Automation Tools Like ACME Help Prevent Disruptions During Uncertain Times
Web certificates are a foundational element of website security, enabling organizations to verify that the web address in question really does belong to them, as well as to keep users secure by encrypting their information. These certificates have become ubiquitous, and most savvy web users now know to look for the telltale indicators of a valid web certificate, which may include a closed padlock or green address bar, depending on the browser used.
34. Where Do Hackers Live: A Deep Dive into My Website's Security Logs
I was casually doing a security audit on my blog recently and decided to look a little deeper into my security logs. With a bit of Linux command line kung fu, some Golang, and Google sheets, I was able to get a pretty good idea of where the attacks are coming from.
35. On Making The Internet A Safer Space: Inti De Ceukelaire, Head Of Hackers At Intigriti
Intigriti co-founder, Inti De Ceukelaire, shares their origin story, what makes him excited about his job, and the technology he is currently excited about.
36. How to Set Up Portable VirtualBox With Kali Linux
This a short tutorial on setting up Portable Virtualbox with Kali Linux.
37. Uncover Some of the Best Practices For Secret Management
Secrets are digital credentials used for authentication and authorization.
38. How to Run Reverse Shell for Hacking in Linux
A reverse shell is a hacking vulnerability that the hacker executes .php codes or an executable file in which he gets access to the shell of the target system.
39. Software Security Primer
As a developer, when you think of security, what comes to mind? Is it clear what are different aspects that need to be handled to make a software secure? And why you need to do that?
40. Automate GraphQL Backed Applications' Security Testing
Working with the latest tech is fun. It’s fresh and exciting. As developers we
feel invigorated by being on the bleeding edge. Consider us thrill
41. SQL Injections: Beginners Guide
The basics of how to test and protect your application
42. How We Pay For Free Websites With Our Privacy
An array of free website-building tools, many offered by ad-tech and ad-funded companies, has led to a dizzying number of trackers loading on users’ browsers.
43. The Story Behind The Most Popular Android Malware Distributor on Dark Web
Now more than ever, we rely on our smartphones to keep in touch with our work, our families and the world around us. There are over 3.5 billion smartphone users
44. Leverage Asterisk Servers for Monetization: An INJ3CTOR3 Operation
Recently, Check Point Research encountered a series of worldwide attacks relevant to VoIP, specifically to Session initiation Protocol (SIP) servers
45. Hunting Exploits by looking for the Author’s fingerprints: Graphology of an Exploit
When analyzing a complicated attack against one of our customers, we noticed a very small 64-bit executable that was executed by the malware.
Thank you for checking out the 45 most read stories about Web Security on HackerNoon.
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