Let's learn about Mining via these 43 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Electroneum’s ETN is the Greenest Crypto after Reducing Energy Consumption to Nearly Zero
Electroneum’s ETN has once again gone to where no other cryptocurrency in the industry has gone to become the eco-friendliest in the crypto space. The company has launched a software update with game-changing features leading to the transformation of the cryptocurrency industry by reducing its carbon footprint drastically.
2. Bitcoin Mining Still Requires Too Much Energy
Bitcoin is far less popular now than it was in its heyday, when the world’s leading cryptocurrency was regularly dominating international headlines and leading newcomers into the burgeoning crypto-marketplace. After it caught on like wildfire amongst non-traditional investors, the Bitcoin hype also generated a slew of headlines and controversies surrounding the immense amount of energy that’s needed to mine - or generate - new tokens. These days, that controversy has largely died down, but many people still wonder if Bitcoin mining still presents a serious new global warming problem.
3. Digging Further Down the Mine: Understanding Bitcoin Difficulty
Bitcoin mining difficulty is currently at an all-time high.
4. Life After ICO: 4 New Ways to Launch a Token
The history and end of the ICO hype are well known: many projects turned out to be unfeasible or fraudulent, and many people lost their money.
5. Ethereum Developers Choose to Move Forward with Controversial ProgPOW
Significant Changes Coming to Ethereum
6. Open Hardware Projects Utilizing Lonero: Kinetic Miner and Lonero ATM
Hello world! Recently, I have been working on some open hardware projects utilizing Lonero. These specific projects are open source and created to push for innovative usecases of Lonero, and the blockchain. The list of projects are below:
7. Lowering The Electricity Costs Of Mining Bitcoin [A How-To Guide]
Bitcoin remains an incredibly tantalizing digital asset, as those who invest wisely in this cryptocurrency can earn huge sums of money for themselves. Bitcoin miners and investors are nevertheless forced to contend with the fact that their market is incredibly volatile, and that technological changes are constantly upsetting industry practices. New and more efficient bitcoin mining processes, for instance, can help lower the energy costs associated with producing the digital tokens.
8. Does Mining Cryptocurrencies Harm the Environment?
The mining process is vital to blockchain networks like Bitcoin, as they validate incoming transactions before storing them forever. This, of course, is done by miners, who provide their computing power to find complex, 64 character hexadecimal numbers to ensure each block is unique.
9. The End Of Crypto Mining Is Just The Beginning Of Crypto
A soundbyte news item recently took the crypto community by storm: 85% of the world’s Bitcoin supply has been mined.
10. The Intricacies of Crypto Mining: An Interview with Vladimir Shutemov
The cluster of block reward halving of three major crypto networks in the second quarter of 2020 has led some to speculate on the prospect of the crypto mining market.
11. Mining Crypto for Profit: It is Time
Full-scale mining requires a large number of computers with powerful GPUs.
12. Will Liquid-Cooled Miners Dominate the 3rd Hashrate Revolution?
Mining hashrate has come to a crossroads. Water-cooled products are being accepted and recognized by mainstream manufacturers, but will they dominate?
13. The Rising Popularity of Crypto Mining
Crypto mining has garnered a lot of popularity in recent months, and it is for both right and wrong reasons.
14. "Without mining, there is no Bitcoin"
This article covers everything you need to know about the process, history, and principles behind Bitcoin mining.
15. How the Breakeven Level of Mining Allows to Determine the Pivot Point of BTC
In recent days, the price of Bitcoin has fallen sharply, which has led to a decrease in network hash rate by 20%. It suggests an outflow of miners due to the losses, which has happened more than once.
16. 10 Common Sense Definitions of the Most Common Crypto Industry Terms
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
17. Volcanos and New Proof Methods are great, but Bitcoin's Energy Problem Falls on the Community
The environmental cost of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies is high, but the answer doesn't only lay with energy production and better proof methods
18. “Star Trek: The Next Generation” Style Location Services Are Finally Here
Supposedly, 300 years in the future, we'll still be using sound to locate people.
19. 💰 Why ASIC Miners Are a Great Investment for Passive Income ? 🚀
ASIC Miners Are a great investment for passive income, be sure to choose it wisely to reach the best mining profitability.
20. Gold-backed Tokens: Hidden Potential, Drawbacks, Prospects
The economic unpredictability has now reached even gold and Bitcoin. But what if they were merged into one single asset? Let's see how the two work together.
21. Bitcoin Efficient: Introduction to the Concept
This is just a concept, but perhaps can lead to a community-driven and open source project that tackles Bitcoin's Energy Efficiency problem. The project, which I dub "Bitcoin Efficient", might do just that, and much more. Unlike other hard forks from BTC such as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Efficient aims to have dramatic changes in regards to hashing and consensus. The project aims to change the way Bitcoin is being mined.
22. Maximal (Miner)Extractable Value (MEV) Exploits
MEV - When the most incentivize transactions are chosen to be processed first rather than on a first-come-first-serve basis. When a bride is paid to be process
23. Bitcoin Mining and Traditional Banking Energy Consumption: The Truth
Over the years, analysts and environmentalists have constantly called Bitcoin mining an energy-intensive venture. This has brought a continuous spotlight on Bit
24. Understand Bitcoin in just 835 Words
Caption: Chaintimes
25. Is Crypto-Mining Still Profitable?
Is it still viable for the retail investor to mine?
26. What Does a Free Economic Zone Mean For Miners?
In 2019, Russian officials revealed plans to build a major special economic zone to cater to cryptocurrencies on Bolshoi Ussuriysky island.
27. Bitcoin’s Security Budget is Adequate
"In a few decades when the reward gets too small, the transaction fee will become the main compensation for nodes. I'm sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume."-Satoshi Nakamoto in 2010
28. Cash, Card, or Crypto?
We've finally reached a point where the cryptocurrency market is more than just a niche interest.
29. 8 Tips on Keeping Your Bitcoin Mining Gig Profitable in the Long Run
The mining of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is an industry with its ups and downs. Mining profit is always changing. Factors such as network difficulty, fluctuating prices, and Halvings are constantly changing the mining revenue.
30. Bitcoin's Halving and Pricing Through the Prism of Stock to Flow Method
A look at pricing methods of Bitcoin in the context of the Stock to Flow Method and the upcoming halving.
31. #Mythbusting - Blockchain Is Just A Glorified Database
The most common mistake is that blockchain — the database. This error is often even allowed to be used by crypto leaders.
32. Digging Cold Out of the Internet [Interview with Crypto Mining CEO]
Bitcoin is still far away from it's all time high and these days cryptocurrency mining has become more complicated. Large miners built huge arrays to mine, making it harder for smaller miners to compete. As an alternative to traditional mining on your own equipment, which requires solid initial investments, you can use cloud mining, which allows you to mine crypto currency utilizing a remote datacenter with shared processing power, so you don`t have to install your own hardware.
33. Blockchain Security Tokens | SARS Section 12J
34. 51% Attack: Explaining the Network Disruption
The blockchain’s decentralized nature and the cryptographic algorithm is close to impossible for attacks.
35. Bitcoin As Tokenized Oil. The rise of the PetroBitcoin?
(An analysis of bitcoin strategies for oil rich and sanctioned countries)
36. Bitcoin Mining Just Became More Efficient
Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed piece of software that converts electricity and processing power into indisputably accurate records. Thus Bitcoin is allowing its users to utilize the Internet to perform the traditional functions of money like transacting value.
37. Bitcoin Halving: A Technical Deep Dive
Today (11 may 2020) it's a very important day for Bitcoin. Today we will have the halving!
38. Crypto Mining Taxation: The Good and Bad Consequences For the Government
Governments around the world may have turned a blind eye on cryptocurrency taxation some years ago, but the same is not the case today. Countries like the U.S. and Canada, have set laws defining cryptocurrency taxes on the buying, spending, trading, and mining of these
digital assets in a bid to remove ambiguity.
39. The Shortage of AMD and Nvidia GPUs Causes Gamers Grief
Finding a latest-gen GPU for their launch prices is nearly impossible.
40. Blockchain and Decentralization: are Blockchains as Decentralized as They Claim to Be?
Are blockchains decentralized and if yes, to what extent? Blockchains may be not as decentralized as they claim to be which may affect how you view them.
41. MimbleWimble and GRIN Coin: A Return to the Original Vision of Bitcoin?
What is MimbleWimble?
42. Centralisation of mining and some project's approach to that
In order to understand the solutions to the problem of centralisation of decentralised technology (which blockchain and built on it –Bitcoin is), let us first explain some basic concepts.
43. Build a “Smart Blockchain” with Python [DIY]
In this article, we are going to implement a simple and plain “smart blockchain” with Python language and compare it with a blockchain. We hope that by doing this, the main concepts and advantages of this technology will be more clearly specified and welcomed by the developers and the blockchain community.
Thank you for checking out the 43 most read stories about Mining on HackerNoon.
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